Wafer rolls kcal. Wafer rolls

Today, waffles occupy a strong niche in the confectionery practice. In any cookbook in the confectionery section, you can always find a chapter about them. Wafers, the calorie content of which is not inferior to other confectionery products, is one of the many varieties of cookies that have the shape of a thin plate with an imprint of a cellular structure. Typically, waffles are made from batter in specially designed baking molds.

Waffles can be baked not only as a separate dessert, but to make more complex confectionery masterpieces, for example, rosettes with filling, tubules, waffle cakes, etc. For lovers of a slender figure, I would not recommend abusing them or even completely abandoning such a product as waffles: its calorie content is quite high (from 300 calories per 100 g).

Dry and crispy leaves, called waffles, are baked in special waffle irons according to a very simple recipe. The composition of the classic version is as follows: water, eggs, flour, powdered sugar. Baked products are cut into smaller pieces. The filling is very different, most often fat or berry-fruit. Wafers in chocolate are especially popular, they have the highest calorie content (more than 500 calories per 100 g of product). The product can have a variety of shapes, be fully or partially glazed with chocolate or other icing.

Manufacturers usually produce wafers with fruit filling in 5 layers, based on fat - 9 layers. Of course, fat-filled products are very tender and pleasantly melt in the mouth, but they are not useful. I would say harmful. On the shelves of supermarkets there is a large selection of waffles based on fat fillings. Such fillings are nothing but trans fats. Many manufacturers do not maintain technological standards, and such fats in the product go off scale. I think it is not necessary to explain much that due to such a low-quality product, excess cholesterol accumulates in the human body. Flavorings that do not bring benefits to the body can be added to such a filling. Wafers, the calorie content of which is high, except for harm, excess weight, cholesterol, diseases, will not bring anything good, except perhaps two minutes of taste pleasure while you are refreshed by them.

Among the negative factors that adversely affect the body when eating a large amount of wafer products, some scientists include breast cancer, the risk of developing diabetes. Immunity decreases from them, excess weight is observed.

But if you think that this is all, then I would like to emphasize that, despite all the airiness, apparent lightness, waffles are very high in calories. Fat wafers, the calorie content of which per 100 g is 300 kcal, adversely affect our health. What can we say about when we eat chocolate wafers, the calorie content of which reaches 516 cal.

The technology for manufacturing wafer rolls, both in industrial and at home conditions, is quite simple: still hot wafers are rolled up into a tube with a cavity. The composition of waffles can be very diverse, but the main components - flour, water and some kind of fat must be present. Stores usually sell sweet tubes, most often stuffed with condensed milk, curd mass or whipped cream.

Wafer rolls will turn out more roasted and golden with a high sugar content. Cow butter or margarine will give them crunchy properties - the more, the crunchier, but, accordingly, fatter.

At home, you can diversify both the composition of the dough and the type of filling. From salt dough, you can cook snack tubes stuffed with meat or vegetable salad, caviar, fish, sausages - everything that the hostess's fantasy is capable of. For sweet homemade wafer rolls, the choice of fillers is also quite wide. The main thing is not to forget that waffles can get soggy from excess liquid, so it is better to use oil fillings with a low content of liquid ingredients.

The benefits of wafer rolls

Wafer rolls are useful for those who want to gain weight, or are engaged in hard work or active sports. They will quickly replenish energy thanks to easily digestible carbohydrates. You can increase the usefulness of the tubes with the help of natural fillings containing vitamins and trace elements.

Wafer rolls with filling(see photo) - one of the most beloved treats of childhood, although many still love this dessert. Thanks to its crispy crust and excellent tasting cream, this product leaves behind an unforgettable impression, after which you want to buy or make it again and again.

Previously, tubes were filled with cream alone, but progress does not stand still, and now you can find many products with any kind of filling (with cream, condensed milk, fruit, chocolate, fish or meat dressing).

According to the current quality standard, wafer rolls must meet the following technological requirements:

The calorie content of this product is very high, so you should not use it in large quantities, so as not to gain extra pounds.

Wafer rolls do not carry any particular benefit or harm to health. Due to the high digestibility of the carbohydrates contained in the dessert, athletes or people who have heavy physical work can eat a few of these waffles to resume active life for the whole day.

The only contraindication is that you can’t eat them very often and eat a lot, since this is a flour product that can lead to unwanted weight gain.

Types of fillings

There are a lot of types of fillings for wafer rolls. They are divided into sweet and savory. Sweet fillings include: cream (custard, cottage cheese), condensed milk, chocolate, fruit. And unsweetened include fillings from fish or meat products. But such tubes will not go as a dessert for tea, but will be served on the table as a cold snack.

You can fill the tubes either with a special syringe for a set of cream, or put the filling in an ordinary bag, tie it well, make a slit at one end of the bag and gently squeeze out the contents.

Cooking method

regular cream

To prepare such a cream, no particularly complex ingredients are required. It is necessary to drive two proteins into a deep bowl and add about three hundred grams of sugar. We beat everything with a mixer for about two minutes, after which we make a water bath, put a bowl of whipped mass on top and continue to stir with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and continue beating for about 2 more minutes. We let the finished cream cool, and then you can fill it with wafer rolls.


This cream is very quick to prepare. You need to take two eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Then we put the yolks in a deep bowl, pour about two hundred grams of sugar there and beat with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved. In a separate bowl, mix about one tablespoon of flour and about ten grams of vanilla sugar. Next, gradually pour the flour into the egg mixture, without stopping whisking. Then pour out a glass of milk. Stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is formed. Pour the prepared mixture into a saucepan and put on a slow fire. Stir until the cream becomes thick. After that, beat again, let the cream cool down - and you can fill the tubes.

curd cream

For this recipe, it is necessary to melt about two hundred grams of butter in a small bowl and beat it with a mixer until it turns white. Then add one teaspoon of boiled condensed milk, half a glass of sugar there and continue to beat until the mass becomes homogeneous. At the end, put about five hundred grams of cottage cheese and beat again. Next, we fill the wafer rolls.

With boiled condensed milk

This type of filling will also turn out to be very appetizing. It is necessary to take about two hundred grams of butter and let it stand in the sun so that it becomes soft. Then pour one jar of condensed milk into a deep bowl and cook over low heat. Then put the butter there and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous white mass is formed. After that, it will be possible to fill the tubes with ready-made cream.

chocolate cream

To prepare this cream, you need to beat three egg yolks, about half a glass of sugar and a small bag of vanilla in a small bowl with a whisk. Next, on a steam bath, bring the mass to a density, add about one hundred grams of melted chocolate and about fifty grams of softened butter. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed. Next, let the cream cool, and then it will be possible to fill the tubes with it.

Fruit filling

To implement such a very original recipe, you need the presence of fruits such as banana, kiwi and raspberries. We put two hundred grams of raspberries in a small bowl and cover it with about one hundred grams of sugar. Set aside for thirty minutes. Next, we take five hundred grams of bananas and one hundred and fifty grams of kiwi. We peel the fruits and grind with a blender, then add raspberries there and grind again. After that, it will be possible to fill the tubes.

Fish stuffing

For this recipe, you will need one jar of sardines in oil and boiled rice. We put the fish in a small bowl and crush it until a slurry is formed, then add about two hundred grams of boiled rice and mix everything thoroughly. We fill the wafer rolls with the resulting filling, then moisten them with a beaten egg and fry in a pan until cooked. Allow the dish to cool slightly, and then try what happened.

How to make wafer rolls at home?

To make wafer rolls at home, you will need the following: In a small bowl, using a mixer, beat three egg yolks and about half a glass of sugar until the sugar dissolves. Next, put about a hundred grams of melted margarine there and continue to beat until a fluffy mass is formed. Then, in a separate bowl, mix about a glass of flour and a bag of vanillin so that the latter is evenly distributed over the dough. Add the flour to the mixture and beat thoroughly until there are no lumps in the dough.

Then we prepare the waffle iron by lubricating it on both sides with oil so that the cakes do not burn. We put about one tablespoon of dough in the device and bake until cooked. After the cakes are ready, carefully fold them into tubes and fill them with the filling that we have prepared. Enjoy your meal!

Wafer rolls with filling are truly one of the most delicious dishes among all confectionery products. They are quite a multifunctional dish: they can serve as a sweet for tea and as a cold appetizer for a festive table, if you fill them with fish or meat delicacies. Such a treat will remain popular at all times, because it is adored not only by children, but also by adults.