Government Decree 349. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

» Draft Bank of Russia Ordinance “On Amendments to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 493-P dated October 1, 2015 “Industry Standard for Accounting by Non-Bank Financial Institutions of Operations for the Issuance (Placement) of Funds under Loan Agreements”

Draft Directive of the Bank of Russia “On Amendments to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 493-P dated October 1, 2015 “Industry Standard for Accounting by Non-Bank Financial Institutions of Operations for the Issuance (Placement) of Funds under Loan Agreements”

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On amendments to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 493-P dated October 1, 2015 “Industry Standard for Accounting by Non-Bank Financial Institutions of Operations for the Issuance (Placement) of Funds under Loan Agreements and Bank Deposit Agreements”

1. In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia dated _________________ 2016 No ____) to introduce into the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated October 1, 2015 No 493-P "Industry standard for accounting by non-credit financial institutions of operations for issuing ( placement) of funds under loan agreements and bank deposit agreements”, registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation October 15, 2015 No. 39330, December 20, 2016 No. 44834 (“Bulletin of the Bank of Russia” dated November 9, 2015 No. 99–100, official website of the Bank of Russia (, December 29, 2016) (hereinafter - Bank of Russia Regulation No 493-P), following changes.

    1.1. In paragraph 1.7, the word "provisions" shall be replaced by the word "Provisions".

    1.2. Clause 1.8 shall be stated as follows:

“The ESP method may not be applied:

Loan agreements and bank deposit agreements at fair value through profit or loss;

To loan agreements and bank deposit agreements, if the difference between the amortized cost calculated using the ESP method on the date of initial recognition and the amortized cost calculated using the straight-line interest income method is not material.

Materiality criteria are approved in the accounting policy of the non-bank financial institution.

If, as of the date of initial recognition of a loan agreement or a bank deposit agreement, its validity period was less than one year, and then, after the extension of the term of the loan agreement or bank deposit agreement, the maturity (repayment) period of the loan or bank deposit became more than one year, then non-credit financial organizations can independently decide on the application of the ESP method based on an assessment of the materiality level established in the accounting policy.

1.3. Paragraph 1.12 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“The amount of other expenses (transaction costs) under a loan agreement or a bank deposit agreement, estimated at fair value through profit or loss, is not included in the calculation of the ESP and is recognized as an expense from operations on loans issued or from operations with placed deposits at a time as of the date their occurrence in accordance with the terms of the contract.

1.4. Clause 1.19 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“If the difference between the fair value of the issued (placed) loan or bank deposit at initial recognition and the price under the contract is immaterial, the non-bank financial institution may not reflect this difference in accounting records.”.

1.5. Paragraph 1.20 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs:

“Non-bank financial institution may not include in the calculation of ESP and not amortize other income and other expenses (transaction costs) that are not material. In this case:

Other income is recognized as an increase interest income at a time on the date of their occurrence in accordance with the terms of the contract;

Other expenses (transaction costs) are recognized as commission expenses on a lump sum basis on the date of their occurrence in accordance with the terms of the contract.».

1.6. Supplement paragraph 2.21 with the following content:

“2.21. Under a loan agreement or under a bank deposit agreement, estimated at fair value through profit or loss, other expenses (transaction costs) are reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit of account No. 71502 “Expenses on operations with placed deposits, loans issued and other funds provided” (according to the corresponding OFR symbol of the subsections “On placed deposits”, “On other funds, including other acquired rights of claim granted”, “On operations with other funds provided”, “On loans issued” of the section “Expenses on transactions with placed deposits, loans issued and other funds provided”)

Credit of account No. 47422 "Obligations on other financial transactions", account No. 47423 "Requirements on other financial transactions".

The transfer of funds by a non-bank financial institution to pay for other expenses (transaction costs) under a loan agreement or under a bank deposit agreement, estimated at fair value through profit or loss, is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit of account No. 47422 "Obligations on other financial transactions", account No. 47423 "Requirements on other financial transactions" Credit of the account for cash accounting.".

1.7. Clause 2.9 after the words “Accrual of other income under the contract

Loan” shall be supplemented with the words “is made evenly during the term of the agreement and”.

1.8. Clause 2.9 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“A non-credit financial institution may approve a different procedure in its accounting policy, in which the accrued other income on loans (microloans) is not reflected separately in the accounting accounts. Depreciation of other income in accordance with paragraph 1.20 of this Regulation is reflected in the adjustment to amortized cost in the accounting entry provided for in paragraph 2.15 of this Regulation.”.

1.9. Clause 2.10 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs:

“If a non-bank financial institution has approved in its accounting policy a procedure in which the accrued other income on loans (microloans) is not separately reflected in the accounting accounts, the write-off of the paid (received from the borrower) amount of other income relating to the current month is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit of the account for accounting for settlements on other income on loans (microloans)

Account credit for accounting for adjustments that increase the cost of placed funds.».

1.10. The first paragraph of clause 2.11 shall be stated as follows:

“The accrual of other expenses (transaction costs) under a loan agreement or a bank deposit agreement that is not assessed at fair value through profit or loss is made evenly over the term of the agreement. Other expenses (transaction costs) of a non-credit financial institution for the issuance (placement) of funds related to the current month are reflected in the accounting entry:.

1.11. Clause 2.11 shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

“A non-bank financial institution may approve a different procedure in its accounting policy, in which the accrued other expenses (transaction costs) for the issuance (placement) of funds are not separately reflected in the accounting accounts. Depreciation of other expenses (transaction costs) in accordance with paragraph 1.20 of these Regulations is reflected in the adjustment to amortized cost in the accounting entry provided for in paragraph 2.15 of these Regulations.”.

1.12. Paragraph 2.12 shall be supplemented with the following paragraphs:

“If a non-credit financial institution has approved in its accounting policy a procedure in which the accrued other expenses (transaction costs) for the issuance (placement) of funds are not separately reflected in the accounting accounts, the write-off of the amount of other expenses (transaction costs) relating to the current month , is reflected in the accounting entry:

Debit account for accounting for adjustments that reduce the cost of placed funds

Credit of the account for accounting for settlements of expenses related to the placement of funds.».

2. This Instruction is subject to official publication and comes into force on January 1, 2018.

Central Bank
Russian Federation E.S. Nabiullina



The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are made to the Regulation on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Objects cultural heritage(monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, approved "On licensing activities for the preservation of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2012, N 17, article 2018; 2014, N 34, article 4664).

2. Licenses granted before the date of entry into force of this resolution for works constituting activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the names of which have been changed or are not included in the list of works constituting activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Appendix to the Regulation on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2012 N 349 "On Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", are subject to re-issuance within one year from the date of entry into force of this resolution.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated October 17, 2017 N 1262


1. Paragraph 4 shall be stated in the following wording:

"4. Licensing requirements for a license applicant (licensee) to carry out activities for the conservation of objects are:

a) to perform the work specified in paragraphs 1, 3 - 10 of the list given in the appendix to this Regulation:

for a legal entity - the presence in the state of the license applicant (licensee) of at least 3 employees holding managerial positions ( CEO(director), his deputies, chief engineer, chief architect, foreman, head of department) responsible for the implementation of the licensed activity, certified in the field of conservation of objects in the manner established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and having work experience in the field of conservation of objects, necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years in the last 10 years;

for an individual entrepreneur - passing certification in the field of conservation of objects in the manner established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as the presence of work experience in the field of conservation of objects necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years or employees who have concluded contracts with an individual entrepreneur employment contracts and corresponding to the licensing requirements for a license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur;

b) to perform the work specified in paragraphs 2 and 11 of the list given in the appendix to this Regulation:

for a legal entity - the presence in the state of the license applicant (licensee) of at least 3 employees holding the positions of managers (general director (director), his deputies, chief engineer, chief architect, foreman) responsible for the implementation of the licensed activity, having a professional education, having the appropriate qualifications and having work experience in the field of conservation of objects, necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years;

for an individual entrepreneur - availability vocational education, relevant qualifications and work experience in the field of conservation of objects necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years or employees who have concluded employment contracts with an individual entrepreneur and meet the licensing requirements for a license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur;

c) carrying out by the licensee of work on the conservation of objects in the manner prescribed by Article 45 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".".

2. Paragraph 6 shall be stated in the following wording:

"6. To obtain a license, the license applicant (licensee) sends or submits to the licensing authority an application and documents (copies of documents) specified in Part 1 and Clause 4 of Part 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", as well as:

a) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - legal entity has the employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations, as well as that such employees have the relevant length of service;

b) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has the necessary work experience in the field of conservation of objects or the presence in the staff of an individual entrepreneur of the employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of this Regulations, as well as the availability of relevant work experience for such employees;

c) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - a legal entity in the state of employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations, as well as the availability of appropriate professional education for such employees , qualifications and work experience;

d) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has professional education, qualifications, relevant work experience or the presence of employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations , as well as the availability of appropriate professional education, qualifications and work experience for such employees;

e) copies of orders on the appointment of employees from among the persons holding the positions specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "a" and the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of this Regulation.".

3. The appendix to the said Regulation shall be stated as follows:

to the Licensing Regulations
conservation activities
cultural heritage (monuments
history and culture) of peoples
Russian Federation
(as amended by the decision
Government of the Russian Federation
dated October 17, 2017 N 1262)


1. Development of project documentation for the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. Development of project documentation for the repair and adaptation of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

3. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of bases, foundations, masonry, enclosing structures and spacer systems.

4. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of metal structures and parts.

5. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of wooden structures and details.

6. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of decorative and artistic painting, plastering and architectural stucco decoration.

7. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of structures and details from natural and artificial stones.

8. Restoration, conservation and recreation of works of sculpture and arts and crafts.

9. Restoration, conservation and recreation of painting (monumental, easel).

10. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of the historical landscape and works of garden and park art.

11. Repair and adaptation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.".


In order to implement the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the attached Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.
2. Introduce the following amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 N 590 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 31, Art. 4758):
a) subparagraph 5.4.4 shall be stated as follows:
"5.4.4. Licensing of activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation";
b) subparagraph shall be declared invalid.
3. Recognize as invalid the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to the appendix.
4. The implementation of the powers provided for by this resolution is carried out within the limits of the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Ministry in the federal budget for leadership and management in the field of established functions.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation V.Putin

Regulations on the Licensing of Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 349 dated April 19, 2012

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for licensing activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - objects), carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
2. Licensing of activities for the conservation of objects is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the licensing authority).
3. Activities for the conservation of objects are works according to the list according to the appendix.
4. Licensing requirements for the implementation of activities for the conservation of objects are:
a) the presence in the state of the license applicant (licensee) - a legal entity of employees who have concluded employment contracts with him to carry out activities to preserve objects ex officio in accordance with the staffing table, who have professional education in accordance with the requirements established by the relevant qualification characteristics, and work experience at least 3 years in the specialty;
b) the applicant for a license (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has professional education in accordance with the requirements established by the qualification characteristics for the positions of employees engaged in the conservation of objects, and at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty;
c) carrying out by the licensee of work on the preservation of objects in the manner prescribed by Article 45 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".
5. Gross violations of licensing requirements include a violation of the requirement provided for by subparagraph "c" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations, which entailed the consequences established by Part 11 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".
6. To obtain a license, the license applicant submits to the licensing authority an application and documents (copies of documents) specified in Part 1 and Clauses 1, 3 and 4 of Part 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", as well as:
a) copies of documents confirming that the license applicant - a legal entity, has employees specified in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations, that they have higher professional or secondary professional education in the relevant specialties, as well as their work experience in the relevant specialty;
b) copies of documents confirming that the applicant for a license - an individual entrepreneur has a higher professional or secondary professional education in the relevant specialty, as well as his work experience in the relevant specialty.
7. Submission by the license applicant of an application and documents necessary for obtaining a license, their acceptance by the licensing authority, adoption by the licensing authority of a decision on granting a license (on refusal to grant a license), reissuing, suspending, renewing its validity, providing a duplicate and a copy of the license, as well as maintenance of the information resource and register of licenses, provision of information contained in the information resource and register of licenses are carried out in the manner prescribed by federal law"On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".
8. If the licensee intends to carry out the licensed type of activity at the address of the place of its implementation that is not specified in the license, and (or) to perform new works constituting the licensed type of activity, this address and (or) information about the works that are the licensee intends to perform, and
also information confirming the compliance of the licensee with the licensing requirements specified in paragraph 4 of these Regulations.
9. Information related to the implementation of the licensed type of activity, provided for in parts 1 and 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", is posted in the official electronic or printed media of the licensing authority and (or) on information stands in the premises of the licensing authority within 10 days from the date:
a) official publication of regulatory legal acts establishing mandatory requirements for a licensed type of activity;
b) adoption by the licensing authority of a decision to grant or reissue a license, suspend, renew or terminate its validity;
c) receiving information from the Federal Tax Service about the liquidation of a legal entity or the termination of its activities as a result of reorganization, the termination individual activities as an individual entrepreneur;
d) the entry into force of the court decision on the annulment of the license.
10. Licensing control is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", subject to the specifics established by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".
11. When checking the information contained in the application submitted by the license applicant (licensee) and the documents attached to it, the compliance of the license applicant (licensee) with licensing requirements, the licensing authority requests the information necessary for the provision of public services in the field of licensing, which is at the disposal of the bodies providing state services, bodies providing municipal services, other state bodies, local governments or subordinate government bodies or local self-government bodies of organizations, in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."
12. For granting a license, reissuing a license, issuing a duplicate of a license, government duty in the amounts and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

Appendix to the Regulation on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation

List of works that make up the activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation

1. Development of project documentation for the conservation, repair, restoration, adaptation and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
2. Development of project documentation for the engineering strengthening of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
3. Restoration and reconstruction of external and internal decorative and artistic painting.
4. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of the plaster finish.
5. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of architectural stucco decoration.
6. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of the surface of artificial marble.
7. Repair, restoration and reconstruction of roofs.
8. Repair, restoration and reconstruction of metal structures.
9. Repair, restoration and reconstruction of window and door appliances.
10. Repair, restoration, conservation and reconstruction of wooden structures and parts.
11. Restoration and reconstruction of wood carvings.
12. Restoration and reconstruction of parquet floors.
13. Repair, restoration and conservation of enclosing structures and spacer systems.
14. Repair, restoration, conservation and reconstruction of bases and foundations.
15. Repair, restoration, conservation and reconstruction of masonry, structures.
16. Restoration, conservation and recreation of furniture.
17. Restoration, conservation and recreation of woodcarving.
18. Restoration, reconstruction and conservation of fabrics, tapestries and carpets.
19. Restoration and reconstruction of lighting fixtures.
20. Restoration and reconstruction of parts made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
21. Restoration and reconstruction of gilding.
22. Restoration and reconstruction of ceramic decor.
23. Restoration and reconstruction of the mosaic.
24. Restoration and reconstruction of the amber set.
25. Restoration and reconstruction of graphics.
26. Restoration, conservation and recreation monumental painting.
27. Restoration, conservation and recreation easel painting.
28. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of sculpture.
29. Restoration and reconstruction of the historical landscape and works of garden and park art.
30. Adaptation of engineering systems and equipment.
31. Adaptation of power supply systems

Appendix to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 349 dated April 19, 2012
List of acts of the Russian Federation recognized as invalid.

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2007 N 117 "On Licensing Activities for the Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments)" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, N 9, Art. 1099).
2. Paragraph 8 of the changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of activity Federal Service on supervision in the field mass communications, communication and protection of cultural heritage, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 N 634 (Collected Legislation of the Russian
Federation, 2007, N 41, art. 4902).
3. Clause 4 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the licensing of certain types of activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 50 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 5, Art. 622).
4. Clause 35 of the amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of state control (supervision) approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2010 N 268 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, N 19, Art. 2316).
5. Paragraph 37 of the amendments that are made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian
Federation on the issues of state duty, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2010 N 749 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, N 40, Art. 5076).
6. Paragraph 6 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2011 N 399 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 22, Art. 3173).

"On Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation"

(as amended from October 27, 2017,
with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation: dated August 14, 2014 No. 804
dated October 17, 2017 No. 1262)

In order to implement the Federal Law "" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. Introduce the following amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 No. 590 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, No. 31, Art. 4758):

a) subparagraph 5.4.4 shall be stated as follows:

"5.4.4. Licensing of activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;";

b) subparagraph shall be declared invalid.

3. Recognize as invalid the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list in accordance with.

4. The implementation of the powers provided for by this resolution is carried out within the limits of the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Ministry in the federal budget for leadership and management in the field of established functions.

Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for licensing activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - objects), carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2. Licensing of activities for the conservation of objects is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the licensing authority).

3. Activities for the conservation of objects are works according to the list according to the appendix.

5. Gross violations of licensing requirements include violations of the requirements provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "c" of paragraph of this Regulation, which entailed the consequences established by Part 11 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

6. To obtain a license, the license applicant (licensee) sends or submits to the licensing authority an application and documents (copies of documents) specified in Part 1 and Clause 4 of Part 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "", as well as:

a) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - legal entity has the employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph of these Regulations, as well as that such employees have the relevant length of service;

b) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has the necessary work experience in the field of conservation of objects or the presence in the staff of an individual entrepreneur of the employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "a" of paragraph of these Regulations , as well as the availability of relevant work experience for such employees;

c) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - a legal entity in the state of employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "b" of paragraph of this Regulation, as well as the availability of appropriate professional education for such employees, qualifications and work experience;

d) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has professional education, qualifications, relevant length of service or the presence of employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "b" of paragraph of these Regulations, as well as the availability of appropriate professional education, qualifications and work experience for such employees;

e) copies of orders on the appointment of employees from among the persons holding the positions specified in the second paragraph of subparagraph "a" and the second paragraph of subparagraph "b" of paragraph of these Regulations.

7. Submission by the license applicant of an application and documents necessary for obtaining a license, their acceptance by the licensing authority, adoption by the licensing authority of a decision on granting a license (on refusal to grant a license), reissuing, suspending, renewing its validity, providing a duplicate and a copy of the license, as well as the maintenance of the information resource and the register of licenses, the provision of information contained in the information resource and the register of licenses are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

8. If the licensee intends to carry out the licensed type of activity at the address of the place of its implementation that is not specified in the license, and (or) to perform new works constituting the licensed type of activity, this address and (or) information about the works that are the licensee intends to comply, as well as information confirming the compliance of the licensee with the licensing requirements specified in paragraph of this Regulation.

9. Information related to the implementation of the licensed type of activity, provided for in parts 1 and 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", is posted in the official electronic or printed media of the licensing authority and (or) on information stands in the premises of the licensing authority within 10 days from the date:

b) adoption by the licensing authority of a decision to grant or reissue a license, suspend, renew or terminate its validity;

c) receiving information from the Federal Tax Service on the liquidation of a legal entity or the termination of its activities as a result of reorganization, on the termination of an individual's activities as an individual entrepreneur;

d) the entry into force of the court decision on the annulment of the license.

10. Licensing control is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", subject to the specifics established by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

11. When checking the information contained in the application submitted by the license applicant (licensee) and the documents attached to it, the compliance of the license applicant (licensee) with licensing requirements, the licensing authority requests the information necessary for the provision of public services in the field of licensing, which is at the disposal of the bodies providing state services, bodies providing municipal services, other state bodies, bodies of local self-government or organizations subordinate to state bodies or bodies of local self-government, in the manner established by the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

12. For granting a license, reissuing a license, issuing a duplicate of a license, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.


to the Regulations on Licensing Activities
for the preservation of cultural heritage
(monuments of history and culture) of peoples
Russian Federation

List of works constituting activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation

1. Development of project documentation for the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. Development of project documentation for the repair and adaptation of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

3. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of bases, foundations, masonry, enclosing structures and spacer systems.

4. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of metal structures and parts.

5. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of wooden structures and details.

6. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of decorative and artistic painting, plastering and architectural stucco decoration.

7. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of structures and details from natural and artificial stones.

8. Restoration, conservation and recreation of works of sculpture and arts and crafts.

9. Restoration, conservation and recreation of painting (monumental, easel).

10. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of the historical landscape and works of garden and park art.

11. Repair and adaptation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.


List of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation recognized as invalid

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2007 No. "On Licensing Activities for the Restoration of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture)" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2007, No. 9, Art. 1099).

2. Paragraph 8 of the amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the activities of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communications, Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2007 No. 634 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 41, item 4902).

3. Paragraph 4 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the licensing of certain types of activities, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 No. 50 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2009, No. 5, Art. 622).

4. Paragraph 35 of the amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on issues of state control (supervision), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 21, 2010 No. 268 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, No. 19, Art. 2316).

5. Paragraph 37 of the amendments to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the issues of the state duty, approved by the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2010 No. 749 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, No. 40, Art. 5076).

6. Paragraph 6 of the amendments to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2011 No. 399 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3173).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2012 N 349
"On Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation"

In order to implement the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Regulations on Licensing Activities for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. Introduce the following amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 N 590 (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2011, N 31, Art. 4758):

a) subparagraph 5.4.4 shall be stated as follows:

"5.4.4. Licensing of activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;";

4. The implementation of the powers provided for by this resolution is carried out within the limits of the maximum number of employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Ministry in the federal budget for leadership and management in the field of established functions.

on licensing activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2012 N 349)

With changes and additions from:

1. This Regulation determines the procedure for licensing activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - objects), carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

2. Licensing of activities for the conservation of objects is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the licensing authority).

4. Licensing requirements for a license applicant (licensee) to carry out activities for the conservation of objects are:

a) to perform the work specified in paragraphs 1, 3 - 10 of the list given in the appendix to this Regulation:

for a legal entity - the presence in the state of the license applicant (licensee) of at least 3 employees holding the positions of managers (general director (director), his deputies, chief engineer, chief architect, foreman, head of department), responsible for the implementation of the licensed activity, who have passed certification in the field of conservation of objects in the manner established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, and having work experience in the field of conservation of objects necessary to perform the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years;

for an individual entrepreneur - passing certification in the field of conservation of objects in the manner established by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as well as the presence of work experience in the field of conservation of objects necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years or employees who have concluded contracts with an individual entrepreneur employment contracts and relevant licensing requirements for a license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur;

b) to perform the work specified in paragraphs 2 and the list given in the appendix to this Regulation:

for a legal entity - the presence in the state of the license applicant (licensee) of at least 3 employees holding the positions of managers (general director (director), his deputies, chief engineer, chief architect, foreman) responsible for the implementation of the licensed activity, having a professional education, having the appropriate qualifications and having work experience in the field of conservation of objects, necessary for the performance of the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years;

for an individual entrepreneur - the presence of professional education, relevant qualifications and work experience in the field of conservation of objects necessary to perform the declared work, at least 3 years over the past 10 years or employees who have concluded employment contracts with an individual entrepreneur and meet the licensing requirements for a license applicant (to the licensee) - to an individual entrepreneur;

c) carrying out by the licensee of work on the preservation of objects in the manner prescribed by Article 45 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".

5. Gross violations of license requirements include violations of the requirements provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "c" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations, which entailed the consequences established by part 11 of article 19 of the Federal Law

6. To obtain a license, the license applicant (licensee) sends or submits to the licensing authority an application and documents (copies of documents) specified in Part 1 and Clause 4 of Part 3 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", as well as:

a) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - legal entity has the employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4

b) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has the necessary work experience in the field of conservation of objects or the presence in the staff of an individual entrepreneur of the employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 of this Regulations, as well as the availability of relevant work experience for such employees;

c) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) has a legal entity in the staff of employees specified in paragraph two of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4

d) copies of documents or duly certified extracts from documents confirming that the license applicant (licensee) - an individual entrepreneur has professional education, qualifications, relevant work experience or the presence of employees specified in paragraph three of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations , as well as the availability of appropriate professional education, qualifications and work experience for such employees;

7. Submission by the license applicant of an application and documents necessary for obtaining a license, their acceptance by the licensing authority, adoption by the licensing authority of a decision on granting a license (on refusal to grant a license), reissuing, suspending, renewing its validity, providing a duplicate and a copy of the license, as well as the maintenance of the information resource and the register of licenses, the provision of information contained in the information resource and the register of licenses are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

8. If the licensee intends to carry out the licensed type of activity at the address of the place of its implementation that is not specified in the license, and (or) to perform new works constituting the licensed type of activity, this address and (or) information about the works that are the licensee intends to comply, as well as information confirming the compliance of the licensee with the licensing requirements specified in paragraph 4 of these Regulations.

9. Information related to the implementation of the licensed type of activity, provided for in parts 1 and 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", is posted in the official electronic or printed media of the licensing authority and (or) on information stands in the premises of the licensing authority within 10 days from the date:

b) adoption by the licensing authority of a decision to grant or reissue a license, suspend, renew or terminate its validity;

c) receiving information from the Federal Tax Service on the liquidation of a legal entity or the termination of its activities as a result of reorganization, on the termination of an individual's activities as an individual entrepreneur;

d) the entry into force of the court decision on the annulment of the license.

10. Licensing control is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Exercise of State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control", subject to the specifics established by the Federal Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities".

11. When checking the information contained in the application submitted by the license applicant (licensee) and the documents attached to it, the compliance of the license applicant (licensee) with licensing requirements, the licensing authority requests the information necessary for the provision of public services in the field of licensing, which is at the disposal of the bodies providing state services, bodies providing municipal services, other state bodies, bodies of local self-government or organizations subordinate to state bodies or bodies of local self-government, in the manner established by the Federal Law "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services".

12. For granting a license, reissuing a license, issuing a duplicate of a license, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

to the Licensing Regulations
conservation activities
cultural heritage (monuments
history and culture) of peoples
Russian Federation

works constituting activities for the preservation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation

With changes and additions from:

1. Development of project documentation for the conservation, restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

2. Development of project documentation for the repair and adaptation of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

3. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of bases, foundations, masonry, enclosing structures and spacer systems.

4. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of metal structures and parts.

5. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of wooden structures and details.

6. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of decorative and artistic painting, plastering and architectural stucco decoration.

7. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of structures and details from natural and artificial stones.

8. Restoration, conservation and recreation of works of sculpture and arts and crafts.

9. Restoration, conservation and recreation of painting (monumental, easel).

10. Restoration, conservation and reconstruction of the historical landscape and works of garden and park art.

11. Repair and adaptation of cultural heritage objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.