Lonely old woman, I live alone in the forest. forest hermit

Naming the months, the European powers showed amazing solidarity. You can verify this by comparing the names adopted in different countries. For example:




















Isn't it true that they are all like a blueprint? This is convenient, because when determining the time of year, you can easily navigate in any country. Learning the names of the months is considered one of the easiest foreign language lessons.

But what explains this similarity?

Everything is very simple: the basis of all names is the ancient Roman calendar. The ancient Romans, in turn, named the months after their gods, rulers, important events and religious holidays.

However, there is one feature: the entire calendar year, depending on the origin of the names of the months, can be divided into two parts. One is dedicated to the holidays and the gods, and the second for some reason was called simply by count. But first things first.

To understand in more detail, you need to remember the "calendar" history.


In ancient times, the chronology was carried out according to a 10-month calendar (there were 304 days in a year), and the names of the months coincided with their serial number: first, second, sixth, tenth (or unus, duo , tres, quattuor, quinque, sex, septem, octo, novem, decem - in Latin). In the 7th century BC e. It was decided to reform the calendar - to bring it into line with the solar-lunar cycle. So there were 2 more months - January and February, and the year increased to 365 days.

  • Studies show that in the VIII century BC. e. The Romans decided to name the months. The first was March, named after the god Mars. The ancient Romans considered him their progenitor (the father of Romulus, the founder of Rome), and therefore honored him with such honor.
  • The next month (then - the second in a row) was Aperire, which in Latin means "to open", - in honor of the onset of spring and the appearance of the first shoots.
  • The Roman goddess of fertility Maya was given the third month - Maius. At this time, it was customary to make sacrifices in order to achieve the favor of the deity and get a good harvest.
  • The month of June (the fourth in the old account) got its name in honor of Jupiter's wife Juno, the goddess of motherhood (lat. Junius).
  • July (Julius) is perhaps the most famous month. Even many schoolchildren know that the Romans dedicated it to the greatest ruler - Emperor Julius Caesar.
  • The next month (the sixth, or sextus, according to the old account) was named after Caesar's successor, Octavian Augustus. In order to equalize the two great emperors, days were even added to August (Augustus) (in the sixth month at that time there were 30 days, and in the fifth, dedicated to Caesar, - 31). One day in honor of Emperor Augustus was "taken away" from the new month - February. That is why it is the shortest of the year.

From the seventh to the tenth months, they retained their usual names: the seventh ( September/September), eighth ( octo/October), ninth ( novem/November) and tenth ( decem/December). Apparently, the Romans could not come up with something more interesting.

As already mentioned, January and February came later. Their names are directly related to religion. January (Januarius) began to be called so in honor of the god Janus. He, as the ancient Romans believed, had two faces. One was turned into the future, the second - into the past (which is symbolic for the first month of the year, isn't it?). February ( Februum) was named after the eponymous rite of purification from sins.

In 45 BC, Julius Caesar decided to celebrate the beginning of the new year on January 1st. So we got the Julian calendar and everyone's favorite holiday.


If we talk about the Slavic names of months, then in a number of Slavic languages ​​names of Slavic origin are still used, and not international Latin ones. Unlike the ancient Romans, our distant ancestors called the calendar months in accordance with natural manifestations.

"Authentic" Slavic names

  • January - cut (the time when they cut or cut the forest, prepare wood for new buildings);
  • February - fierce (the month when frosts are fierce);
  • March - birch (the time when the buds on the birch begin to swell);
  • April - pollen, bloom (the time of the beginning of flowering);
  • May - grass (grass begins to grow);
  • June is a worm. There are 2 versions of the appearance of this name. The first - by the red color of the blooming flowers, the second - by the appearance at that time of the larvae of the cochemil insect, from which the red dye was made;
  • July - lime (in honor of the flowering of linden);
  • August - sickle (the time for the work of the reapers, when harvesting with a sickle is in progress);
  • september - spring. According to one version, the month got its name in honor of the flowering of heather, according to another - in honor of the threshing of grain, which our ancestors called "vreschi";
  • October - Zhovten (the leaves on the trees are yellow at this time);
  • November - leaf fall (time when trees drop their foliage);
  • December - snow, chest (at this time snow falls, the earth turns into frozen breasts).

Now you know how the names of 12 months appeared. Which version do you like more - Latin or Slavic?

Around midnight, the phone rang in my apartment. The voice of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Colonel Anatoly Ivanovich Kirillov, was heard in the receiver:

Viktor Alekseevich, an UAZ is about to drive up to your house. You will be taken to the headquarters training area. Urgently prepare a material in the room about a woman living alone in the forest, isolated from settlements. The fact, you understand, is unusual, similar to the fate of the Altai hermits. Well, everything. Good luck getting there.

The path was not close. From Riga to the southern region of Latvia, where the exercises took place, the UAZ driver arrived with me only in the morning. I was helped to meet eyewitnesses of the event. Opening a notebook, he began to write. . .

After the march, the column of military vehicles, having overcome the clearing littered with loose March snow, stopped in a wide clearing.

This is the most suitable place for a command post, - said the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel N. Gorban.

Yes, the place is comfortable. Earlier, before the war, there was the village of Yudovka on this high-rise, - answered Major A. Sirugis. - Albert Yazovich pointed to a hillock, where, buried in a birch forest, a log hut nestled with a bluish smoke smoking above the chimney. - And now there lives a lonely widow of a Russian soldier who died in the war.

What are you talking about? An old woman... alone in a dense forest, far from cities and towns? Amazing…

Exactly. I didn't invent anything. You can verify this. Follow me, - Major A. Sirugis deftly jumped off the car and walked up the hill. The others followed him.

Getting into the hut was not so easy. First, we had to remove the snow blockage at the entrance. While they were working, raking snowdrifts with shovels, the barking of a dog was heard as if from under the ground. But then, finally, the door opened - and a smiling, red-cheeked old woman appeared on the threshold. Nearby stood her faithful guard - a tall, red dog.

Welcome, my dear sons, Elena Nikolaevna Agafonova said warmly as a mother. At that moment she could not hide her tears of joy. She babbled incessantly kind words and straightened her handkerchief with shy gestures.

Then, in March 1987, as soon as I was in the area of ​​the exercises, reasonable questions arose before me. Why does a lonely elderly woman live in the forest for decades after the Great Patriotic War, cut off from the civilized world? What prevents her from settling in a village or a city?

Thinking about this, I excitedly crossed the threshold of my grandmother's dwelling, built of pine logs. Passing through the passage, I found myself in a low, tidy and cozy room with a Russian stove in the corner. The old woman greeted me very cordially, invited me to the table, served treats. She sat down herself. We talked...

The fate of Elena Nikolaevna Agafonova, a 75-year-old widow, is in many ways similar to the fate of those women who bore the harsh burden of war on their shoulders. They endured, suffered the torments of fascist captivity, the bitterness of the loss of relatives and friends. And after the war, they remained alone in the world.

A bit of history. After the Soviet power entered the Latvian land in 1940, Elena lived happily with her loved ones - her husband Athanasius and son Misha. The family, shortly before the war, celebrated a housewarming party in a new log house, which was built with the help of numerous then neighbors. After all, there was a fairly large village of Yudovka. There was ... But after the war she was gone. Some of the houses were destroyed by the Nazis. The rest were burned by the unfinished bourgeois nationalists, who in the late 40s were in charge of the forests.

For a long time the enemies crept up to my house, - says Elena Nikolaevna. “Sometimes they would knock on the window and frighten me, saying, get out of the way, Bolshevik, or we’ll finish it off.” I'm not a shy ten. I’ll take an ax in my hands, and how I’ll scream: “Dare, you brat, come in, I’ll kill you! I don’t know why they were afraid of me, they just didn’t want to mess with me, but still they didn’t climb.

Once at dawn, Agafonova woke up, choking on acrid smoke. She ran out into the street with her son in her arms and gasped: the roof of the hut was on fire. She called loudly, that there is a spirit, for help. Neighbors ran over. The daredevils tried to enter inside the hut in order to save things. However, they were overtaken by the lead burst of a machine gun, scribbling from the edge of the forest ...

So everything that Elena Nikolaevna had inherited from her husband, who died in the victorious 45th, burned down. Since then, she settled with her ten-year-old son Misha in this abandoned hut. And she lived quietly for a while. She worked as much as she could on the nearest collective farm. I got up early to be in time for work in the field.

Trouble does not go alone. The so-called "forest brothers" did not calm down, they did not rest on the fact that they left the widow of the deceased front-line soldier homeless. And they created a new problem. Returning one evening from the field, Elena Nikolaevna did not find her son at home. He did not appear in the following days either.

So my dear Mishenka disappeared, disappeared without a trace, - the old woman sighed heavily, wiping her tears with the edge of her apron. - What a grief!

She managed to endure and suffer this irreparable loss. She continues to live, to work... She still lives in the old hut, on the same holy piece of land for her, on which she was born...

Loneliness, like the hopelessness of fate, gradually became familiar. Troubles hardened grandmother Elena. He argues like this: “There is some kind of roof over your head, and your health, thank God, allows you to dig in the ground.” She gets good harvests of potatoes, all kinds of vegetables. She grows various medicinal herbs (she gave me a whole set), prepares decoctions and tinctures from them, and drinks instead of tea.

It cannot be said that the authorities forgot Agafonov. People from the district center, located more than 50 kilometers away, periodically come to her, bring her pension and the products she ordered. Mostly bread, salt, sugar. So you can not call her a hermit or a recluse. As she herself admits, she lacks only communication. That is why the old woman was so glad to see military personnel in her house.

When I was about to leave Elena Nikolaevna and went out with her into the yard, I saw a huge stack of firewood, sawn and stacked by soldiers during the time we were talking. You should have seen how truly motherly she thanked and warmly hugged the soldiers. And at that moment I looked at the smiling Elena Nikolaevna, her face covered with a network of wrinkles, her hands intertwined with veins - the hands of a toiler - and, as a human being, tremblingly regretted old woman. I still remember and admire her.

IN THE PICTURE: a lonely old woman Elena Nikolaevna Agafonova. The photograph and essay were published in the newspaper "FOR RODINU" of the Baltic Military District. Riga, 1987 Photo of the author.

autumn holiday senior group No. 2 "Geese-swans"
Children to the music enter the hall with leaflets in their hands.
Host: Dear guests! Dear Guys! Today we have an autumn holiday!
What a beautiful autumn
What a golden carpet!
And visit today guys
The autumn holiday has come to us!
Child 1: Dancing autumn outside the window
In a painted sundress,
Waving cheerfully with a handkerchief,
Hiding mushrooms in the forest.
Child 2: Quickly rustling leaves,
In a hurry to play with the wind
Runs through the puddles,
With a maple, a round dance will spin.
Child 3: Paint aspens red,
Clusters of ripe rowan,
Beauty has birches
Tie the braids with a yellow ribbon.
Child 4: Decompose the leaves to dry.
The wind will put them in a basket.
And then they become guys
They fly like confetti.
Ay, yes, Autumn is mischievous
How can you be angry with her?
Presenter: We are waiting for a guest on the autumn holiday
Let's invite Autumn to our garden!
Children: Come visit us, Autumn,
We are asking you very much!
Autumn enters the hall to the music
Autumn: Did you call me? Here I am.
Hello autumn friends!
Presenter: Now we will sing for Autumn,
And let's start our round dance.
round dance
The children sit down.
Autumn: I am Golden Autumn,
I came to you for a holiday
And an autumn fairy tale for you
Brought as a gift...
In some kingdom
In some state
In a little hut
Once upon a time there was Masha and Vanyushka.
And in what fairy tale did they live?
You probably knew?
Children's answers: "Geese-swans"
Autumn goes behind the screen for the duration of the fairy tale.
Fairy tale "Geese-swans"
Presenter: So the parents went to the market,
To buy a different item
And Mashenka was punished:
"You look after Vanya,
Do not go anywhere!"
And what happened next?
Children's answers. (Vanya sits down at Baba Yaga's hut)
Vanyusha was taken away by fabulous geese
And they brought it to the hut to Grandmother Yagusa.
Baba Yaga comes out, sits on the stove, sings.
Song of Baba Yaga "Lonely old woman"
Lonely old woman, I live in a deaf forest.
And my hut is worth only the Christmas trees under the window.
Who are the neighbors? Three bears, a wolf with a fox, two wild boars.
And no one comes to me, no one needs me.
That's why I'm an evil grandmother. In my mortar with a broom I fly.
I tamed swan geese. Vanya asked me to bring.
Addresses the audience.
Baba Yaga: Well, why are you sitting,
Do not tremble, do not squeak?
Or they didn’t read fairy tales,
Have you heard about me?
Know me, I'm glad!
Need to tell sooner
What's up for grandma today
Vanya was brought geese.
Before refreshing,
I want to have fun!
Goblin! Come here, show your prowess!
The goblin enters slowly.
Goblin 1: We protect chicken legs,
We don't let anyone down!
Goblin 2: They compose everything about goblin!
After all, we are naughty from boredom.
And no one understands
We want to play too.
Presenter: So let's our guys play with you, we know a fun game.
The game
Children sit on chairs, goblin remain standing.
Goblin 1: Grandma! We barely stand on our feet
We want to eat for a long time!
Baba Yaga: Have you fired up the stove?
Did you apply water?
Goblin 2: Reluctance to work, granny.
Baba Yaga: Where are my swans-geese?
Geese-swans fly out, sing:
My grandmother lived with fairy geese.
The geese were evil, evil, they did not like children.
Geese ate grass, drank from the groove.
And the geese served faithfully to a very angry grandmother.
Baba Yaga: (addressing the geese)
You follow Vanya here.
Baba Yaga: (addressing the devils)
And we go for firewood.
Baba Yaga and goblin leave. The geese sit next to Vanya.
Presenter: Only Grandmother Yaga left - the Fairy of Sleep approaches the hut!
(the Dream Fairy in a cloak with stars enters)
Dream Fairy: If I wave my cloak,
You will fall into a deep sleep.
The dream fairy sings a lullaby, the geese fall asleep, the fairy leaves. Masha comes out and looks around.
Masha: here is the hut, I see my brother.
Vanya dear, how glad I am.
Vanya: Let's run away soon, Masha,
To our home, to our village.
Masha and Vanya run a circle.
Presenter: Masha and Vanya ran
And they saw a hedgehog.
The hedgehog runs out.
Masha: Hedgehog, cute, wait
How would we get home?
Hedgehog: Run along that path,
Pick forest apples,
Take milk in the river
And at the pie oven.
Apple tree, river and stove
Protect you from enemies.
Vanya: We will complete all the tasks,
Let's go, goodbye!
Vanya and Masha sit on chairs.
Presenter: Masha and Vanya ran along the edge,
And Baba Yaga returned to the hut.
Baba Yaga appears.
Baba Yaga: Where is my delicious Vanyushka?
Apparently, he fell asleep in the hut.
Baba Yaga looks into the hut, sees geese on the mound.
Baba Yaga: Oh, rascals, overslept,
Dinner was stolen from me.
Get on the road quickly.
And give me back the boy!
The geese fly away, Masha and Vanya appear.
Presenter: The children are tired of walking through the forest,
Here they met an Apple tree on the way.
An apple tree comes out.
Song of the apple tree.
In the clearing at the edge of the forest, girlfriends gathered in a circle.
And birches, and aspens and curly mountain ash.
And on the branches there are leaves, like green handkerchiefs.
Shu-shu-shu .. I'm standing all alone, that's why I'm sad.
And no one in the forest is happy to see my bright outfit.
And on the branches tuk-tuk-tuk .. Apple tree: Masha, Vanya, help
Pick my apples
Release the branches.
Children pick apples. Geese appear.
Apple tree: Hide, children, hurry up,
Among apple branches.
The apple tree shelters the children, the geese fly by.
Masha: The geese didn't notice us.
Vanya: let them fly to their grandmother.
Apple tree. Take apples on the road
They will still help you.
Masha and Vanya leave.
Presenter: It is difficult for the guys to go through the forest,
Here they met a river on the way.
A river comes out and girls with white scarves.
Song and dance of the river.
River, river, river, where are you going?
Tell us, little river, what are you singing about?
“My fast waves run over the pebbles,
They bring fragrant milk to children.
River, river, river, jelly berezhok,
We want to play with you, my friend.
“Stand next to the white wave.
I'll lead all the pebbles after you.
River: Spilled milk
Ran away.
Masha, Vanya, help,
Return the streams to me.
Children return scarves to the river. Geese appear.
Masha: Hide us river as soon as possible
From the pursuit of evil geese.
River: hide you here now.
The geese won't notice you.
The river covers the children with scarves, geese fly by.
Masha: The geese didn't notice us.
Vanya: Let them fly to their grandmother.
River: I'll give you a little milk
On a happy path.
Masha and Vanya leave.
Presenter: The children go further along the forest path,
And the geese returned to the hut home.
Baba Yaga and geese come out.
Baba Yaga:
Didn't they catch up?
Have you lost?
Geese: We circled, we flew,
We looked into our eyes.
Someone help the kids
And hides them from us.
Baba Yaga: I will punish you geese,
I will tie everyone with ropes!
I'll put it right in the oven
I'll just lay some wood.
Binds geese, goes for firewood. Leave the Leshy.
Goblin 1: Today for dinner at Grandma Geese.
And tomorrow Grandma will get to us.
Goblin 2: I don't want to get into the oven with her.
Let's find some new friends.
Together: Come on!
Leshy leave. Autumn appears.
Autumn: I heard that Baba Yaga tied the geese.
Save them quickly!
We won't let you die
We will free you now!
Autumn unleashes the geese.
Geese: Ha-ha-ha, let's fly from here.
Here we are bad, here we are bad.
The geese are flying away.
Autumn: Everyone ran away from Baba Yaga.
"Goodbye" was not said to her.
Baba Yaga comes out
Baba Yaga: My servants fled,
There is no friend or girlfriend.
I'm completely hungry.
Well, who am I going to eat now? Thinking.
I'll fly after
Maybe I'll find the boy!
Baba Yaga flies away. Masha and Vanya appear.
Presenter: And the children are farther and farther away from the terrible hut.
Look, the stove is standing on a green edge.
She bakes pies and cheesecakes herself.
Take out the oven with pies.
Furnace Song:
They didn't call me the hot word "furnace" for nothing.
Cheesecakes, buns, gingerbread can bake for you.
Let's knead the dough together, but what do you need for the test?
Children: Salt, sugar, flour, milk, butter, yeast, egg, everything!
Cooker: Everything? And sour cream, and jam, and patience and skill?
You forgot the mood, and, of course, inspiration!
Now that's all!
Masha and Vanya come out.
Masha and Vanya: Geese are flying towards us, it seems ...
All children: Don't be afraid - we will help!
Geese: Forgive us guys,
Were evil, we once were.
Tired of being evil
We do not want to serve Yaga.
We want to be friends with you.
Leshy appear.
Goblin 1: And we are tired, exhausted,
And they got really hungry.
Accept us, friends.
We beg you, forgive me.
Goblin 2: We are mischievous guys,
But at heart they are not evil at all.
Autumn: Come in, we invite you,
Pies, we treat everyone.
The pies turned out amazing.
Their filling is healing.
Bite them fast
You will immediately become better.
Shows a tray of pies.
Baba Yaga appears.
Baba Yaga: Here again they forgot me,
They didn't serve a pie.
That's why I was evil.
That I live alone in the forest.
Have pity on the old me.
I won't harm you anymore.
And I won't be angry anymore.
Can I make friends with you?
All: We forgive you, Yaga,
Come and invite us.
Presenter: Thank you, dear Autumn, for such a wonderful fairy tale. Guys, let's sing a funny song to Autumn.
Autumn: I had fun with you
Eat pies.
Well, it's time to say goodbye
We take everyone home.
We promise to meet
With you in a fairy tale, but in another.
Well, I say goodbye to you
I'm going on the road.
Presenter: Goodbye, Autumn,
In a year, we look forward to seeing you again.
Compiled by the teacher Bukharova T.V. and music director Grishanova G.I.

The Studenka farm died 60 years ago when its heart stopped - a resin factory that provided work for the whole town. The local residents have disappeared as if they never existed, says Dmitry Melekhovets, photo by Maksim Tarnalitsky, Onliner.by.

Over time, the houses were razed to the ground, in the place where children once grew up, mushrooms and butterflies now grow, an uncontrolled spring flooded a whole swamp in the place of a meadow, and the forest hid a lonely old house, sticking out at the edge of tens of kilometers from cities. Although the latter was optional: there is almost no one here anyway. Only a lonely old woman is the mistress of the house.

For the past 45 years, she has been living in the middle of a dense forest full of wild animals. A strong Belarusian woman is used to coping without electricity, gas, telephone and running water. She doesn't know about the devaluation, the new iPhone and veganism, but she raised two good children. She is not too happy with how everything turned out, but still does not give up, and in her advanced years she understands the common truth better than many young people: you cannot change the past, but somehow you need to live on.

West of Belarus, a high guarded fence, explaining where one nation ends and another begins. We drive along a sandy road for a long time, we run into a closed barrier. The major gets out of the car and opens the border with the key. Around only the forest and the endless boundary. We pass an overgrown swamp and accidentally notice the facade of a wooden house behind it. it last house in the country. Or extreme.

Stanislav Ivanovna Melyut lives there. Tomorrow she will be 82 years old. The old woman slowly leaves the house, while hungry swamp mosquitoes are eating guests, and spreads her arms:

Mother Boss! I have guests, right? Don't stand in the doorway, come in! - not having time to find out who came to such a distance, a woman calls to the house.

The little house is already very worn out, but the woman tries to maintain order and meets unexpected guests in a tidy room with a neatly smoothed napkin on the pillows, which in the world of any grandmother is considered a rather sophisticated interior solution. In a tiny room the size of a construction trailer, dusty old portraits hang, fresh flowers stand on a colorful napkin. "Grandma's room," as the old woman's granddaughter calls it, is hung with a starched curtain, and a few more are laid out on the sofa.

Guests rarely come here: only border guards and the children of an old woman come here.

57 years ago, young Stanislava moved here after her husband. The village had a tar mill, work, even dormitories for employees. Then there was no work, people left for their native villages, someone rushed to Poland, the old people soon died. Only one family remained to live here.

“How do I live? Yes, like all people: all alone, in the wilderness, in the middle of the forest, ”the old woman ironically.

We also wanted to move, like everyone else, but it doesn’t always work out the way you want, - a woman who thinks surprisingly bright for her age thinks. - They wanted to move the house to another village, but I was quickly left alone: ​​my husband died suddenly, and we did not have time to live together for ten years. My son was 5 at the time, my daughter was 9. We had nowhere to wait for help, we had to get out on our own.

It was difficult to raise children alone. Every morning I took them to the village school, I had to get up very early. But what to do, it is necessary.

I couldn't get through alone. Day after day - and old age came.

Stanislav Ivanovna has not been in the city for 30 years, in neighboring Kaleti - 20 or so: after 60, her legs became bad.

The last time I was in Grodno was before they started building the border. Previously, I could just take it and go to the children in the city, spend the night there, go to the store, go to the church. Now it doesn’t work anymore, - the old woman is upset for a second and smiles again.

The children try to help her with the housework, but they have their own lives, and getting here without a car is quite problematic.

After the eighth grade, my daughter entered Grodno College, then went to work as a seamstress at a spinning factory. My son studied as a welder and also stayed in Grodno. There is nothing for them to do here. Do not sit with me. Work in the city, life in the city. And only old people can live here. Even when they were children, they had no occupation here. They came home - and that's it, just the two of us. Then, however, they began to go to the village to dance, to chat with friends. There is nothing wrong with this. In my youth, we also had fun.

Now they come as much as possible, but they have a lot of things to do. It happens that every week someone will come, and it happens that for three weeks here alone. But if they weren't...

The border guards help a lot. I ask them, sometimes, to bring water from the river or buy bread in the city - they never refuse. And recently a fire detector was installed for me just in case. Only I want to talk, but they are all in business. They jump in for a minute - and run away immediately. I understand that it is necessary to carry out the service, but sometimes I get so bored, even though the howl of a wolf ... But I'm used to it. Close you in the swamps, you will get used to it too.

The old woman's house never had running water, gas, electricity or telephone. From entertainment - only books and radio on batteries. Because of the small windows, even at noon on a cloudy day, the light here is rather dim, out of habit, after half an hour, the eyes begin to hurt.

Recently, the border guards installed a "turntable" in the house of Stanislav Ivanovna - a device that allows you to contact the outpost. In case of urgent need, the grandmother simply picks up the phone and waits for the military to get in touch.

Here it does not interfere with anyone, on the contrary, it can help in case of penetration of outsiders into the border strip. Such grandmothers work no worse than the latest equipment, - our guide smiles. - We even allocate a small budget to encourage the active population: once a quarter, villagers can receive a small bonus for their activity. We are happy and they are happy.

I don't bother them for nothing. I have not yet lost my mind, I understand that they have more important things to do than entertain me. True, I wanted to ask them to find me some kind of dog at the outpost, otherwise it would be completely depressing without my Bell. I miss him as a person.

I had a small dog, so affectionate, smart, but, you see, the wolves dragged me. She was two years old. I sit down - and she is nearby, and when there is no strength to play, I tell her so - she understands, lies down on the bed and just rests. She and I are so accustomed to each other ... And how not to get used to when we are together here? There is no one else! - the pensioner is ironic again. - And so she ran, ran along the street, and then looking - she was gone. And does not come. And there are no traces. Animals come here often. Last year, wild boars dug up potatoes - they ate them all to the last. And before that, the deer broke the apple tree with its antlers.

Wolves used to come often, but in Last year did not see. At first it was scary, but then I got used to it, I don’t even pay attention. Major, can you find me a dog at the outpost? You have a lot there. Maybe there will be some unfortunate one.

We'll find it, grandma, no problem. Not at the outpost, so we will find it on the forum. I'll bring it next week.

But not dachshund! I don't like them.

Grandma needs a dog not for protection - for communication. She says she has nothing to be afraid of.

When the border appeared here, I also stopped being afraid of bandits: here extra person will not pass, only checked. True, postmen don't get here either, and I don't participate in elections... It turns out that I have never elected a president. Only a priest comes to me once a year, at Christmas, when he travels to all the villages.

Before, the old woman knitted and embroidered well. She keeps knitted sweaters, embroidered scarves, tablecloths in her closet... Once upon a time, people from neighboring villages willingly bought the fruits of her creativity, but now her eyes do not allow her to work. You have to be content with just books and radio.

What they bring, then I read, everything is interesting to me. I also listen to everything on the radio. You might think that the old woman has gone crazy, but I still love music. I listen to plays and books read by actors… I also listen to the news so as not to go crazy, but I don’t take it seriously: it’s all temporary, and I don’t understand politics and economics very well…

I am a post-war man, I studied at a rural school. Well, what kind of school was there ... They sat on the floor in the same hut, the priest sat next to him - and learned to read. When the cows had to be pastured, no one went to school, and in the autumn everyone left for potatoes. When the school became normal, I had to go to earn money. I went to the collective farm, where for three days of work they gave me a loaf of bread. Then she worked in the forest: cleaning, planting ... And so all her life: where there is work, she worked there. There were few literate people in the village then: my parents taught me to read and count - and that was all.

At 82, the woman leads her life independently, heats the stove with firewood, which her son prepares. She also cooks food on a wood stove, tries to grow vegetables, recently planted a flower bed. But Stanislav Ivanovna hasn’t been keeping a farm for many years: she doesn’t have a fence, there’s nowhere to keep chickens, and there’s no need to. Whether her pension of 220 rubles is enough for life, she does not know: everything is bought by children.

I don't even know how much it costs now. I give my pension to my children, and they bring me groceries. Who can tell me the truth how much they really spend? They add it quietly and take it.

The old woman no longer wants to change something in her life: at this age it is difficult to rebuild. A woman has not gone beyond her conditional, unenclosed area for a long time, and the most big Adventure, which she can afford is to pick a couple of mushrooms ten meters from the porch.

I have been living without a husband for 47 years, a little less without children - anyone would get used to it. Of course, it's difficult for me, but what can I do? If you only think about it, there will be no life at all. We need to set ourselves up differently and live the way it turns out. That's how it happened - what am I now, cry?

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