How to draw a heart correctly. How to draw a heart step by step with a pencil

How to draw a heart in stages with a pencil, we will now teach all novice artists. This lesson is very simple on the one hand, since many people can draw a heart, but on the other hand, it is difficult because it is necessary to draw lines correctly, evenly and proportionally. Since childhood, people have known how to draw a heart, but I will tell you and show you a couple of subtleties with which you can draw everything correctly.

First we will depict half of the drawing, then as a mirror image of the second half. And the drawing is ready, but in order to create a magnificent heart, you need to correctly depict the lines that will be auxiliary.

Let's make a cross of thin lines, the horizontal one is longer than the vertical one, and the upper part of the vertical line is shorter than the lower one.

In the upper left part, we begin to create a part of the heart. We draw an arc that will be the beginning of the heart, on the right the arc should be similar and mirrored.

We continue to lengthen the drawn arc along the lower left part. to the bottom, it will be sharpened in the future with the right side. The lines should be smooth and without scars.

On the right, draw a similar line for the heart, an arc that starts from the top sector and goes down creating an acute angle.

At the very end, we erase the intersecting lines and leave one drawn heart.

The heart means a lot to a person. A real heart is the basis of our body, and valentines or simple drawn hearts help express our feelings. This is a manifestation of warmth, love and tender feelings for a person. Below we give a few simple tips how to draw a heart. There are several drawing options, you can use them or come up with your own.

Simplified version

Before you draw a heart with a pencil (more precisely, start), prepare all the tools (paper, eraser, pencils). Place a sheet of paper in front of you. First you need to think over the details if you want to add something to the heart. See that all parts of the picture fit on the sheet. It is better to schematically (squares, circles) draw all the main elements. Now take a pencil and start. There are three options for how to draw a valentine heart

First way

Put a dot in the center of the sheet, it will be the base of the heart. Lead a semicircular line, directing it first up to the right, and then down. The end point of the arc must be below the base point. You should end up with something that looks like a question mark. Repeat the steps on the left half of the sheet. The lines must converge at one point.

Second way

Draw an inverted isosceles triangle (the base should be at the top). Draw a bisector from the bottom vertex. Then “write” in each of the resulting triangles half a heart. Use the eraser to remove unwanted lines.

Third way

Draw two intersecting circles (you can use stencils) and draw a heart based on them. If it turns out to be asymmetrical for you, then fold a sheet of paper in half and draw one half at the fold line, then cut it out. Now you know how to draw a beautiful heart in its simplified version. When you have the base ready, you can use your imagination: pierce the heart with arrows, thorns, draw roses or wings around. You can color it or circle it with a marker, leaving it in black and white. Do not overload the drawing with a lot of unnecessary details.

How to draw a human heart

You will also need tools, prepare yourself space. It is better to use a vertically oriented sheet. In this case, you need to study the anatomy of the human heart well. You can draw from a textbook or medical reference book.

Brief description of the process:

You need to draw an oval that tapers down. It should be slightly tilted. Then draw the right atrium. An important part of the heart is the aorta, don't forget about it. This is a large "tube" that will be located at the top of the picture, three more vessels come out of it. Add veins, don't forget the left atrium. Also circle the drawing and color as desired. Don't forget to erase extra lines.


Now you know several ways to draw a heart. If you can't draw, don't give up. When everything starts to work out for you, you can please your loved one with a beautiful valentine made by yourself.

If you don't know how to draw a heart pencil, then you are not in vain on this page: this lesson will help to learn how to do it even for novice artists and children. In order to draw a beautiful heart, you need to take: a blank sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser. When all the tools are ready, you can begin to carry out our phased tasks.


First, we should make the base lines of our heart. To do this, draw an oval of the size you would like your heart to be. Make a crosshair inside the oval and move on to the next step.


Now let's start drawing the left side of the heart. Notice how the side is drawn relative to the base oval.


In order to complete the heart, you need to draw right side, as shown in the figure.

From this a simple lesson you learned how to draw a heart step by step using a pencil. If you really like to draw, then you can take advantage of other activities posted in the drawing section. We wish you creative success!

Probably each of us at least once in his life drew a heart. This element is quite simple to perform, but can be done by the most different ways. When drawing a heart, you can use paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and other materials. The main task is to make the picture beautiful and neat, so that the two halves are even and similar to each other. This is achieved by using a template or geometric shapes to build a heart. Drawing him is a pleasure.

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Materials used to draw a heart

To draw beautiful picture, stock up on materials from the list below:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • a round object (for example, a bottle cap);
  • markers;
  • colour pencils;
  • paints and brush;
  • white corrector to create highlights.

These materials can be combined, as well as using various decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, lace, etc.) to make the drawing more voluminous and interesting.

How to draw a heart using geometric shapes

First way

The figure that we are going to draw consists of geometric shapes: a triangle and circles. A triangle can be drawn with a ruler and simple pencil, and for a circle you need a round object of a suitable size. A bottle cap is perfect for this purpose.

Following step by step instructions , you can draw an even and neat heart:

  1. Circle the bottle cap twice on the sheet. You need to circle the cover once, and the second time put it on the previous figure and circle it again. The circles should be superimposed on each other (crossed at two points).
  2. Find and mark two points of intersection of the circles. Draw a straight line through them with a simple pencil. This will be the median of the future triangle.
  3. Using a simple pencil and a ruler from below, draw two rays from the end of the straight line that will touch the circles.
  4. Erase extra lines with an eraser.
  5. Color the drawing in red or pink felt-tip pen, pencil or paints. To make the heart look voluminous, draw a highlight in the right or left upper corner hearts. Darken the opposite side a little.

Second way

There is another simple way to draw a heart using geometric shapes. This method involves the use of two circles and an isosceles triangle. The picture is quite lush and juicy. This original method can be tried out by following a simple step by step instructions:

  1. On a piece of paper, circle the bottle cap in the same way as in the previous method. The circles must intersect at two points.
  2. Draw a horizontal line through the circles. It should run exactly in the middle of the two circles. In other words, it is necessary to connect the diameters of the circles.
  3. The connected diameters are the base of the triangle. It remains to draw the sides with a ruler and a simple pencil.
  4. It is necessary to merge all free points. The heart will turn out to be voluminous and juicy if all the edges are specially rounded and less sudden movements are made.
  5. Erase unwanted lines with an eraser.
  6. Paint over the drawing with any materials, not forgetting to add shadows and highlights.

Such a heart can be decorated with an arrow, roses or sparkles. If you play a little with decor elements and arrange a drawing, you can place it on thick paper and turn it into an interesting postcard.

Oval heart

You can draw a heart using oval. For this you need to follow step by step instructions:

This method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the drawing is beautiful and neat. You can add wings, an arrow to the heart, or draw a cute angel next to it. The choice of design is limited only by the imagination of the artist.

How to draw a picture with a heart

1. sequins.

To make the heart shine and shine, you can add sparkles to the pattern. It can be rhinestones or shiny glue. Rhinestones can overlay the outline of the picture so that it looks original and unusual. Glitter can fill both the entire drawing and the outline of highlights. A heart with sequins will look more festive. Such a pattern is sure to decorate any postcard or valentine.

2. Lace.

Lace looks great on the heart pattern. You can color the heart with a pink felt-tip pen, pencil or paints, and then apply a small piece of white lace on top. It should cover the middle of the heart. Unnecessary parts of the lace must be cut off with scissors. A heart with lace looks especially tender and romantic.

3. Rose petals.

After you, you can not just paint it with classic materials, but use rose petals glued to each other. To do this, lay them out on a sheet of paper in layers, keeping the shape of a heart. This method is perfect for creating a unique postcard for a loved one.

Anyone can draw a heart. You just need to turn on your imagination and enjoy the process of creating a masterpiece.

Every year on February 14, Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, is celebrated. On this holiday, it is customary to give loved ones and loved ones cute postcards, drawings, soft toys and flowers to once again remind you how dear they are to you. I suggest you learn how to draw a beautiful, graceful heart with wings - you can decorate a postcard with this pattern or just give it to someone.

By the way, drawing is not the only gift idea for Valentine's Day - for example, exactly the same heart can be sewn from delicate silk fabric, and with the help of a filler turn it into soft toy. For decoration, I recommend buying satin ribbons at, you can also use bright bows, beads and other decorative elements.

So let's start drawing. beautiful heart with wings from the main element - a small, neat heart. Try to make the figure cute with smooth lines.

Starting from the top, draw the feathers of the wings - you should be able to do this if you like. You can detail each pen if you have the time and desire, or you can leave it like this.

Draw the next layer of wings. In this area, the feathers are already longer, with lines in the middle.

The lower part of the wings should be larger than the previous two in size, which means that it will take a little more time to draw it. Take your time, because if you are not careful enough, the drawing will not turn out neat and pretty.

Erase the base lines. Try not to touch the lines that you drew in the last three steps. If something is accidentally erased, draw the missing element again.

Color the resulting drawing with colored pencils, watercolor paints or gouache, felt-tip pens. The heart is a classic red or delicate pink shade, and the wings are white, yellow, bluish. You can simply apply shadows with pencil strokes, decorate a postcard and add an inscription with a warm wish or recognition.