Pictures are easier to draw. Drawing Lessons for Beginners: DIY Paintings

It is believed that painting a picture with your own hands means not only getting a stylish addition in the form of an unusual decor element, but also reflecting the individuality of the interior and your own vision of space. If you have always had an excellent score in drawing, or if you even have art school, creating a canvas is not difficult. Things will get up for small things, you just need to grab inspiration by the tail. But if you are from the category of beginners in fine arts then our advice will come in handy. This publication will discuss how to draw a picture without professional skills.

Landscape creation

The style of painting that we offer at the very beginning is more suitable for expressive natures. Arm yourself with canvas, paints and buckets. You don't need brushes. It is better if you begin to create your masterpiece in an open space so as not to stain the walls and floor with paint.

Throw out your emotions and desires on the canvas, take as many shades as you see fit, and give preference to bright colors. You can even layer applications one on top of the other. As you can see, there are not only paintings drawn in pencil and watercolor. In our case, this is one continuous expressionism, which is able to give the amateur artist both a unique experience and a stunning canvas of its kind.


Since the 20th century, among recognized masters painting in the forefront invariably present abstractionists. Looking at their masterpieces, which are now estimated at fabulous sums, an ordinary person can exclaim: “My little daughter draws just as well!”. And all because there are no principles. Therefore, if you do not know how to draw a picture, apply a genre called abstract art to create a canvas. What should be guided by when creating a masterpiece?

First of all, stock up on acrylics in your favorite color scheme. If there is a color in nature that you can admire endlessly, be sure to take it into service. Then complement the color spectrum with softer and darker shades. Now it remains to stock up on canvas, brushes of different thicknesses, a watercolor palette and water. Let's take into account that water in our process will play by no means the last role.

stroke technique

First, mentally break the canvas into several parts. Start applying strokes from left to right, first using the darkest shade presented in the palette. It turns out amazing in its beauty color stretching. remember, that acrylic paints- the most fertile material for an inexperienced painter.

You always have the opportunity to correct not quite successful pieces of the picture on canvas using a higher paint consistency or dilution with water. Plus, acrylic paint dries easily, so you don't have to rush. On average, it may take no more than an hour to create a masterpiece. Now you know what picture to draw, it remains to complete the design of the canvas with a beautiful frame.

Canvas frames

By the way, if you see that your canvas is self-sufficient, you can place it in a place of honor on the wall even without a frame. Now any manifestations of non-standard approaches to design are relevant. Let's give one such example. But what if you put a frame on the wall separately without a picture? It turns out that you decorate the interior with a picture that does not exist!

Decorate the frame with flowers, bows, any materials at hand. What will be the decoration of the frame, the more spectacular it will look on the wall. Don't know how to draw a picture? You won't need it. Using this technique, you can decorate an entire wall, you just have to pick up a dozen frames of different sizes and shapes.

geometric patterns

For this technique, in addition to paints and canvas, you will need a regular masking tape, a pencil and a foam rubber sponge. First, create in your imagination some geometric composition, for example, a herringbone pattern adopted from a parquet board. Now arm yourself with a pencil and sketch out the places on the canvas that should remain white when finished. Cover these areas with masking tape. In this way, you will get perfectly even edges of the patterns, and you will not need to waste time outlining with a ruler. Apply the foundation of the tone to the unglued places with paint.

Now your task is to complement your masterpiece with spectacular stains. Take a sponge and dip it in any paint you want to see on the canvas. Work with a still wet base on canvas to make the streak marks look as natural as possible. Once completely dry, remove the masking tape. That's all, now you know what picture to draw, even if you are not good at painting.

Photo printing

If you want concise, strict and correct silhouettes in your own picture, you can turn to professionals for help. Printing workshops provide their services to the public and depict a high-quality print on any surface. Photo retouching technology will create the illusion of a picture applied with black paint. Choose any image you like and transfer it to your wall in the form of an original painting.

Just do not get carried away with images of strangers staring at you from the canvas, otherwise it will turn out like in the famous story "Bill painted this picture." According to rumors, the boy depicted in the picture made all the owners of the canvas experience many terrible moments, so much so that they had to get rid of the mysterious canvas. So the picture wandered from owner to owner all the time. Based on this legend, more than one horror film has been created.

Therefore, the best images for a canvas with photo printing can be animals, plants, natural phenomena, as well as the most famous world attractions.


If you have a burning desire to create a unique and stylish decor in your interior with the help of exclusive paintings, draw them yourself. So you will more fully reflect your own idea of ​​the world, acquire a new hobby, show your imagination and gain invaluable experience. Be sure that in no other house you will find such masterpieces anymore, because you created them with your own hands.

Today, more and more people are wondering how to transform their own home, making it more comfortable and at the same time elegant. You can buy some particularly spectacular interior detail. But why spend your hard-earned money if almost each of us can create a masterpiece on our own?


To decorate your home with a beautiful painting, you don't even have to take painting lessons. tell you how easy and fast learn to draw! And for this, in addition to paints, you will need ...

masking tape

With a wide brush, paint the canvas as you please. When the acrylic paint dries, arrange the same pieces of masking tape on the picture - checkerboard diagonally. Alternately apply two layers of white paint to the canvas. After the second layer has dried, remove the tape. The picture is ready!


Openwork napkin

No we won't draw a picture on a napkin - we only use it as a stencil. Place the napkin on a white cardboard sheet. Mixing watercolor paint with a little water, paint over the pattern on a napkin. Release the cardboard from the dried stencil. It turned out a wonderful picture, right?!


Cardboard sheet

And this one drawing lesson quite simple. We take acrylic paint, create “waves” on the canvas, to which we apply cardboard and draw several times along the colorful lines. Voila! A simple but very effective "marina" is ready to decorate your home!


Art spatula

The spatula is also artistic to help beginners in the fine arts. “Scatter” acrylic paint balls on the canvas, blend them with a spatula, creating blots and washes. A little imagination and sleight of hand - and who said that it is impossible to create masterpieces of abstraction yourself?

It is interesting: If desired, in some places you can add foil, along the edges of which the paint should also be shaded.


Foil and cardboard

These two things will help add sparkle and color to your work. Just grease the canvas with glue and sprinkle crumbs of foil on it. Then apply a second layer of glue. To paint a picture, take a piece of cardboard, apply acrylic paint on it and blend it onto the canvas. Crack-pax-fax - and a truly brilliant picture is ready!



How to draw a picture soap bubbles? - you ask. Very simple: 2 tablespoons of gouache + 2 tablespoons of soap + half a cup of water. Mix in a shallow bowl, insert a straw and blow into it to make the mixture bubble. If you lean white paper against them, bizarre and, most importantly, unique patterns will appear on the sheet, which will definitely become a worthy decoration of your interior!

It is believed that painting a picture with your own hands means not only getting a stylish addition in the form of an unusual decor element, but also reflecting the individuality of the interior and your own vision of space. If you have always had an excellent score in drawing, or if you have an art school behind you, creating a canvas will not be difficult. Things will get up for small things, you just need to grab inspiration by the tail. But if you are from the category of beginners in the visual arts, then our advice will come in handy. This publication will discuss how to draw a picture without professional skills.

Landscape creation

The style of painting that we offer at the very beginning is more suitable for expressive natures. Arm yourself with canvas, paints and buckets. You don't need brushes. It is better if you begin to create your masterpiece in an open space so as not to stain the walls and floor with paint.

Throw out your emotions and desires on the canvas, take as many shades as you see fit, and give preference to bright colors. You can even layer applications one on top of the other. As you can see, there are not only paintings drawn in pencil and watercolor. In our case, this is one continuous expressionism, which is able to give the amateur artist both a unique experience and a stunning canvas of its kind.


Since the 20th century, among the recognized masters of painting, abstractionists have always been in the forefront. Looking at their masterpieces, which are now estimated at fabulous sums, an ordinary person can exclaim: “My little daughter draws just as well!”. And all because there are no principles. Therefore, if you do not know how to draw a picture, apply a genre called abstract art to create a canvas. What should be guided by when creating a masterpiece?

First of all, stock up on acrylics in your favorite color scheme. If there is a color in nature that you can admire endlessly, be sure to take it into service. Then complement the color spectrum with softer and darker shades. Now it remains to stock up on canvas, brushes of different thicknesses, a watercolor palette and water. Let's take into account that water in our process will play by no means the last role.

stroke technique

First, mentally break the canvas into several parts. Start applying strokes from left to right, first using the darkest shade presented in the palette. It turns out amazing in its beauty color stretching. Remember that acrylic paints are the most fertile material for an inexperienced painter.

You always have the opportunity to correct not quite successful pieces of the picture on canvas using a higher paint consistency or dilution with water. Plus, acrylic paint dries easily, so you don't have to rush. On average, it may take no more than an hour to create a masterpiece. Now you know what picture to draw, it remains to complete the design of the canvas with a beautiful frame.

Canvas frames

By the way, if you see that your canvas is self-sufficient, you can place it in a place of honor on the wall even without a frame. Now any manifestations of non-standard approaches to design are relevant. Let's give one such example. But what if you put a frame on the wall separately without a picture? It turns out that you decorate the interior with a picture that does not exist!

Decorate the frame with flowers, bows, any materials at hand. What will be the decoration of the frame, the more spectacular it will look on the wall. Don't know how to draw a picture? You won't need it. Using this technique, you can decorate an entire wall, you just have to pick up a dozen frames of different sizes and shapes.

geometric patterns

For this technique, in addition to paints and canvas, you will need a regular masking tape, a pencil and a foam rubber sponge. First, create in your imagination some kind of geometric composition, for example, a herringbone pattern taken from a parquet board. Now arm yourself with a pencil and sketch out the places on the canvas that should remain white when finished. Cover these areas with masking tape. In this way, you will get perfectly even edges of the patterns, and you will not need to waste time outlining with a ruler. Apply the foundation of the tone to the unglued places with paint.

Now your task is to complement your masterpiece with spectacular stains. Take a sponge and dip it in any paint you want to see on the canvas. Work with a still wet base on canvas to make the streak marks look as natural as possible. Once completely dry, remove the masking tape. That's all, now you know what picture to draw, even if you are not good at painting.

Photo printing

If you want concise, strict and correct silhouettes in your own picture, you can turn to professionals for help. Printing workshops provide their services to the public and depict a high-quality print on any surface. Photo retouching technology will create the illusion of a picture applied with black paint. Choose any image you like and transfer it to your wall in the form of an original painting.

Just do not get carried away with images of strangers staring at you from the canvas, otherwise it will turn out like in the famous story "Bill painted this picture." According to rumors, the boy depicted in the picture made all the owners of the canvas experience many terrible moments, so much so that they had to get rid of the mysterious canvas. So the picture wandered from owner to owner all the time. Based on this legend, more than one horror film has been created.

Therefore, the best images for a canvas with photo printing can be animals, plants, natural phenomena, as well as the most famous world attractions.


If you have a burning desire to create a unique and stylish decor in your interior with the help of exclusive paintings, draw them yourself. So you will more fully reflect your own idea of ​​the world, acquire a new hobby, show your imagination and gain invaluable experience. Be sure that in no other house you will find such masterpieces anymore, because you created them with your own hands.

For those who do not know how to draw, but want to quickly learn it, they came up with a very exciting and simple technique.

In fact, painting by numbers does not differ from real painting, both in terms of the process and the result. The only difference is that such a landscape or still life should not be drawn, but painted, filling the fragments with colors indicated by numbers. This hobby draws you in literally from the first strokes of the brush and stimulates you to new heights - more complex work.

What is painting by numbers

Remember the children's coloring pages, in which it was necessary to "breathe life" into contour drawings? We can say that coloring pictures by numbers appeared on the basis of coloring books, but now these are not just drawings, but real masterpieces that are not ashamed to be hung on the wall in the living room.

Drawing by numbers cannot be called a new kind of creativity - for the first time such paintings appeared in 1951. Today they are a canvas with numbered sections that need to be painted in the specified color. The kits include paints with numbering of colors. The task of the artist is to carefully fill the fragment with the paint, the number of which is indicated in the desired area.

Of course, beautiful pictures drawing by numbers is much easier than painting a portrait on a blank canvas, but even here you can’t do without some qualities and talents. This hobby is suitable for:

  • those who have always dreamed of drawing, but do not have the opportunity to learn real painting;
  • neat and diligent people;
  • those who want to unusually decorate the interior at low cost;
  • discovering new talents;
  • looking for new hobbies.

Types of kits for drawing pictures by numbers

Art kits vary in base types, paint types, and canvas sizes. The basis can be cardboard (smooth or textured) or canvas. Cardboard is cheaper and easier to draw on, but only on canvas can you get a real painting.

Canvas kits include:

  • primed canvas with a marked plot of the picture, usually 40 * 50 or 30 * 40 cm in size;
  • paints in tubes or jars - oil or acrylic. In some sets, to obtain the desired shades of paint, you should mix it yourself, but more often everything is ready for creativity;
  • brushes;
  • instructions and checklist with numbers;
  • optional - wall mounting.

Canvas can be rolled or stretched on a stretcher. As a rule, Chinese online stores offer frameless canvases without a base - it's easier and cheaper to deliver the goods. More expensive sets have wooden frames.

Thin brushes are for small areas, while thicker ones are for larger areas. If there are not enough brushes, you can always buy them additionally, focusing on the types and purposes.

Sets for drawing pictures by numbers are of varying complexity. For beginners, they offer landscapes and still lifes with simple contour filling. For those who already confidently hold a brush in their hands, there are options in which you need to use various painting techniques.

More common acrylic paints- They dry faster and are easy to use. acrylic paintings it is not necessary to varnish, they have a light gloss and are easy to clean. However, in some cases, the lacquer coating helps to extend the life by protecting the paint from external influences (sun, temperature changes, humidity). You can varnish only after a week.

Only a few manufacturers produce oil paintings with numbers. They need to be varnished.

How to learn to paint pictures for a beginner

It is better for a novice artist to choose drawings with large fragments and with a small number of colors. Buy the simplest medium-sized numbered paintings and get creative, following the advice of seasoned ones.

Tips for beginners:

  • In addition to the kit, prepare a glass of water for work, napkins or pieces of cloth, toothpicks for stirring paints.
  • For drawing, use an easel - on the table there is always a risk of smearing the work that has not had time to dry with your hand or sleeve.
  • Seal paints, especially acrylics, tightly immediately after use. desired color. If the pigment is in several jars, finish one first, then open the next.
  • Make a few strokes on the largest fragments to feel how the paint falls on the canvas.
  • Hold the brush like a pen. The contours need to be painted over with a thin brush, and the space should be filled with flat ones.
  • For large fragments, use flat brushes, round brushes are suitable for drawing details and contours.
  • Rinse your brushes, so as not to mix colors, and do not let them dry dirty.
  • In order not to smudge or spoil the picture, start coloring from the upper left corner, smoothly moving from left to right to the lower right. Lefties should start from the top right corner.
  • While drawing, be guided by the control sheet and a sample of the finished painting.
  • To get a nice border between light and dark shades, you must first paint over the contours of the light areas, and then fill the fragment with dark ones. So it is easier to correct the light contours that have gone beyond the boundaries.
  • When you're done, make sure the numbers are securely painted over and don't show through. If the numbers are visible, apply another layer over the entire area, not reaching the edges. Most often, re-coloring is required light colors, this is normal.

Coloring methods and technologies

More experienced artists can use one of two technologies for painting pictures with paints by marked numbers:

  • Line by line- the picture is painted from top to bottom, smoothly filling all the fragments with color.
  • From back to front- a more professional method in which the background objects are painted first, and then the foreground.

In general, there are no strict rules and techniques in such drawing. Some people like to first paint over all the areas marked with one number, then move on to other pigments. Others first paint over all the light areas, then fill in the dark ones. Someone prefers to circle all the contours with a thin brush, and then paint over all the voids.

It is advisable not to delay painting the picture by numbers with acrylic paints on canvas for several weeks - the contents of small jars dry out quickly. If you have to take a long break, the jars need to be tightly closed and wrap in a damp towel. If acrylic paints have thickened, they can be revived by adding a few drops of water.

Where to buy a painting for coloring

The cheapest way is to buy a painting by numbers in online stores in China, but long delivery times and postal force majeure do not always live up to expectations. It is better to buy the first future masterpiece in a store in your city in order to evaluate the quality and completeness of the set, check everything on the spot.

You can also order an art set in stores with fast delivery, where you can check and see the goods before receiving and paying. If not, order where there are a lot of good reviews.

Popular brands:

  • Hobbart is a Chinese manufacturer with not the cheapest price tag, but with high quality and a huge selection of subjects of paintings.
  • Menglei - Chinese trademark, many plots and sizes. Inexpensive and high quality.
  • "Snow White" - production in China especially for the Russian brand. The markup is made both in the standard version - black on white, and with colored lines, which make it easier to find the right pigment and stroke the contour. Attractive prices.
  • Russian Painting is a Russian manufacturer. The manufacturer constantly adds new subjects, there are large colorings on canvas 40 * 50 cm in size, prices are lower than those of other brands.

Pay attention to the variety of subjects. These are still lifes, landscapes, nature, urban sketches, copies of famous paintings, icons. Children's paintings are in a separate group - they differ not only in plots, but also in larger fragments.

No less interesting and in demand today is such a hobby as drawing pictures by numbers. It differs from coloring by the scale of work. As a rule, these are large paintings, real canvases that can be hung on the wall or presented as a gift. Who will be interested in this activity? Everyone - from children to adults, housewives and businesswomen who want to somehow prove themselves, reveal their talents, so much so that they like it! Color by number pictures will not let you get bored and will help diversify your day. You will be happy to watch how a magnificent picture is born under your brush.

Coloring pictures by numbers is very interesting. it The best way be alone with your thoughts. What else are good pictures of coloring by numbers? Because you get fast results. You can decorate your home with a painted picture and proudly tell and show to guests. Every time you look at your masterpiece, you will experience joy and delight. You don’t need to give half your kingdom for such a hobby, coloring by numbers pictures are affordable. Check out our selection of paintings we have planned to paint.

1. Cherry blossoms.

You can look at this picture endlessly. Decorate your bedroom or living room.

2. Lush bouquet.

Flowers and fruits look like real ones, it is best to decorate the dining area.

3. Lioness with a baby.

Animal lovers will love this job.

4. Marine theme.

You can draw and give to a friend an avid traveler.

5. Golden autumn.

While working on this picture, it seems to us, you can forget about all the problems. Works better than medicine.

6. Thoughtful fish.

This fish only looks simple and unsophisticated. Work on it as much as you need to.

7. Yellow sunflowers.

Taking this set in your hands, you can compete with Van Gogh himself. In any case, do not worse.

8. Somewhere by the sea.

This picture will make it possible to mentally be a thousand kilometers away.