How to choose diapers: landmarks in a sea of ​​brands. How to choose disposable diapers.

Almost no modern mother can imagine caring for a child without disposable diapers. However, there are still those who try to do without them because of various stereotypes and myths. Are diapers bad for newborns? Is it better to use disposable or reusable? Which brands should be preferred?

Myths about diapers

1. The skin of the child "does not breathe" when using disposable diapers

This is the most common myth about "pampers". In fact, this assertion has absolutely no basis. Modern high-quality diapers are made from special breathable materials. The skin of the child is constantly provided with access to oxygen. But air baths, when the child is completely naked for some time, are still a necessary element of daily care.

2. Ordinary cotton diapers are more useful than modern diapers

This is fundamentally wrong. When wet, the diaper stays wet and the moisture comes into contact with the skin, causing diaper rash. If the mother hesitated and did not swaddle the baby in time, then the baby's skin will probably turn red and will need additional manipulations in the form of lubrication with ointment or cream. It is necessary to change diapers once an hour or more often, while the diaper, thanks to the absorbent layer, remains completely dry for up to 4-5 hours.

3. Disposable diapers are bad for boys

Many mothers are afraid that if their son wears diapers too often, then the “greenhouse effect” that they create can cause overheating of the genitals, fraught with infertility. It is not true! Many studies have been conducted on this topic and it has been absolutely proved that diapers do not cause any “greenhouse effect” and boys are not threatened with infertility.

4. A diaper can make legs crooked.

This is the most ridiculous and baseless myth of all! The curvature of the baby's legs is exclusively hereditary factor, and nothing else can affect this, except for serious diseases associated with the curvature of the hip joints or with a pathological deficiency of certain trace elements in the body.

5. Using a disposable diaper can cause urinary infections.

This kind of disease can only be caused by improper child care, irregular and poor hygiene. Timely change of diapers and their correct choice, accuracy in care, regular washing of the child completely excludes the possibility of genitourinary infections.

6. A child who grew up in diapers is difficult to potty train.

This claim is also unsubstantiated. It is not difficult to teach any child to the pot, if at the same time you show patience, perseverance and act gently. Of course, some parents find it easier to change diapers than to take care of the baby and teach him new skills. It is not necessary to blame innocent diapers for anything, you just need to devote due time to raising your child.

Types of diapers

Apart from design, all modern diapers fall into three categories:

  • disposable classic;
  • disposable panty diapers;
  • reusable.

First of all, when choosing diapers, you need to decide which ones you need. Finding any option in a children's store is not difficult, but caring for a baby when using disposable or reusable diapers will be different.

Disposable classic diapers are suitable for babies from the first day of life up to 2 years, if necessary, older. They are made in the form of panties made of non-woven material, which have two Velcro fasteners on the sides.

Pros and cons of disposable diapers


  • A godsend for mom - they free up a lot of time, as they do not require washing, drying and ironing.
  • No need to worry that the baby will be wet on a walk or in the clinic.
  • With a timely change, the occurrence of diaper rash and genitourinary infections is excluded.
  • The child is always dry and does not feel discomfort, which ensures sound sleep.
  • When properly put on, the possibility of leakage is excluded.
  • They provide "free swaddling", that is, the child's legs are always free, which is favorable for physical development.


  • Regular use of disposable diapers is very costly. For two years of use, you will have to spend about $ 1,500 on these hygiene products.
  • If the parents of the baby are people concerned about the environment, then this option is clearly not for them. In the manufacture of modern disposable diapers, cellulose is actively used, obtained by cutting down trees and processing wood.
  • Also, long-term decomposition of diapers causes harm to the environment - it takes 250-500 years.
  • Substances that are part of some brands can cause allergies in a child.
  • If there is dermatitis or eczema, then it is better to use reusable diapers or diapers.

Disposable panty diapers differ from the previous version only in that they do not have fasteners, they need to be worn through the legs, like ordinary children's underwear. They are more convenient to use from the age when the baby began to actively move - crawl and walk.

Pros and cons of reusable diapers


  • The possibility of an allergy is excluded.
  • In the long run, they are much cheaper than disposable counterparts.
  • They are completely safe for the environment.
  • They have no contraindications.
  • very different long term operation. Can be used for multiple children.
  • Provide "free swaddling".
  • No need to constantly worry about running out of a pack of diapers.


  • At untimely replacement leaking can cause rashes.
  • The need for constant monitoring of dryness day and night.
  • Requires frequent washing.
  • When wet, they can cause discomfort to the baby.
  • Not very convenient to use on a walk (especially in the cold season) and in the clinic.

Reusable diapers are made of waterproof fabric on the outside and a soft fleece lining on the inside. The design includes a pocket for a replaceable absorbent insert. The inserts and the diaper itself can and should be washed. Suitable for children from birth

How to choose diapers

When buying a pack of disposable diapers, you need to pay attention to a few nuances.

Gender of the child

If we are talking about disposable diapers, then today manufacturers produce them in several versions:

  • universal;
  • for boys (the absorbent layer is reinforced at the front);
  • for girls (the absorbent layer is reinforced in the middle).

Information for whom exactly the sex is intended for products is always indicated on the packaging.

Baby weight

Also, the choice depends on the weight of the child. This is the most important setting. Before you go to the store for the next package, you must definitely find out the exact weight of the baby. All diapers are marked with special numbers on the packaging. The higher the number on the pack, the older child for which these diapers are made. Under the figure is the weight of the baby for whom these diapers will fit. These values ​​may differ for each brand, so you need to look carefully.

For newborns, a separate category of diapers is sold, it is called "New born". It is better to buy such diapers in the maternity hospital. It is not worth buying a lot, as children grow up quickly. A week later, you may need a product marked "2".

When buying reusable diapers, you also need to pay attention to the labels. The size of this version of diapers is indicated in letter values ​​- A, B, C. Each letter also corresponds to the weight of the child in kilograms. The values ​​are different for different brands, you need to look carefully. As a rule, A is diapers that are bought for newborns, and C is the size for grown-up babies from 1.5 years and older.

Also on sale you can find universal options that, having bought once, can be used from birth to 2 years.

The height and body of the child

Sometimes the weight of the baby fits the category of diapers, but they are too small or too big. This can happen because the baby is too tall for his age or, conversely, has a petite build. You should definitely pay attention to this and buy baby diapers one size larger or smaller. Unfortunately, for the first time this can only be determined empirically, focusing primarily on the weight of the baby.

How to properly wear a diaper

Putting a diaper on your baby correctly is very important! This will eliminate many troubles, namely, the baby’s urine will not leak and will not stain clothes or sheets in the crib, the baby will not be able to accidentally “lose” the diaper while moving, the baby’s tummy will not be transferred by the belt, and so on.

When putting on a diaper, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • The size of the diaper should correspond to the weight and age of the child.
  • If the newborn has not yet healed the navel, then it is necessary to provide oxygen to the wound. The diaper should be fastened under the navel. Today on sale you can find special models that have recesses or anatomical pads for the navel.
  • The clasp is not too tight, so that the baby's tummy is comfortable.
  • If necessary, the child's skin under the diaper is treated with special cosmetics - powder, baby cream, oil. With diaper rash, pharmacological healing ointments or creams will be needed.
  • Be sure to check the rubber bands around the legs and straighten them out if they are wrapped. Then the urine will not leak.

What brand of diapers do you prefer?

When it comes to reusable diapers, here you can completely rely on intuition and choose any option you like. The quality of such diapers for different brands is about the same. The comfort of the child depends entirely on their timely replacement. The most high-quality and popular brands today are Haute Pockets, Blueberry, Coolababy.

Rating of the best brands of disposable diapers

Choosing good disposable diapers is quite difficult. The rating below is based on experts' assessments, as well as the popularity of the brand among consumers.

1st place - Merries (Meries)

These are the most popular Japanese diapers today. Among the representatives of Japanese products on the shelves you can also find the brands Goon (Goon) and Moony (Moon), but it was Merries that won the first place in terms of quality. They are characterized by instant moisture absorption and long-term dryness. The surface of the diaper is very soft, delicate in relation to the delicate skin of the baby.

Among the shortcomings of the Merries brand, one can only note the fact that only large packs are on sale. This is not always convenient, for example, on the road.

2nd place - Pampers (Pampers)

The very first disposable diapers that appeared in our country, and rightfully one of the best. The line has several series. The most high-quality and suitable for newborn babies is Pampers Premium Care. Diapers of this series have a soft inner surface, perfectly absorb moisture and remain completely dry for a long time.

Unfortunately, inexpensive diapers of this brand (Sleep & Play series) cannot boast of impeccable quality, and impregnation with chamomile extract can cause allergies. Therefore, it is better to turn to the more reliable Pampers Premium Care and Pampers Active baby-dry series, the quality of which is impeccable.

3rd place - Haggies (Haggis)

The brand is distinguished by a wide variety of series, the highest quality of which is Haggies Elite Soft. Diapers of this series are ideal for both newborn babies and older children. The surprisingly soft surface of the diaper will keep your baby comfortable, and the instant absorption will prevent diaper rash.

Also among Haggis diapers you can choose specialized options for girls and boys, the most comfortable and safe diapers for sleeping (DryNites series) and panty diapers for children who move a lot.

4th place - Goon (Gong)

The Japanese brand has won the love of many Russians, thanks to its good quality. They can not be called cheap, but the price in this case justified. Absolute dryness within a few hours and safe eco-friendly materials, special impregnation with vitamin E - this is what every mom wants to find in diapers. For newborns, there is a special Goon Premium series, the quality of which has been given even more attention. It is very convenient that they have a special indicator of fullness, which allows you to change the diaper in time.

5th place - Libero (Libero)

Another popular brand of diapers, which has a huge variety of series and designs. Among the products you can find a variety of options in the form of classic diapers, panty diapers, special options for newborns, models for bathing.

Products of this brand will be a reliable assistant in the care of the baby. With them, you should not be afraid that the baby will be wet ahead of time or urine will leak onto the sheets.

The highest quality line of this brand is Libero Comfort. This is classic version for kids of any age. However, for mobile babies, it is better to purchase a special series of Libero Up & Go disposable panties, which, in addition to good quality, differs in amusing interesting drawings.

When using any diapers, you need to remember that they are needed primarily by parents, and not by the child, so you can’t save on quality, making life easier for yourself, but causing discomfort to the baby. It is worth choosing only high-quality brands and taking care of the child responsibly.

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine caring for a baby without the use of disposable diapers. It is they who greatly facilitate the life of a young mother, saving her from endless washing. The modern market provides a huge selection of these hygiene items: a large number of types, sizes and brands, for every taste and budget. In our article, let's talk about the brand, whose name has become synonymous with the concept of "disposable diaper" - about Pampers diapers.

Pampers or?

Pampers entered our everyday life not so long ago, but they confidently won the hearts of many mothers. But, despite all the conveniences, there are many “horror stories” that scare that the use of disposable diapers can harm the baby and even lead to infertility in boys. Is it so? We hasten to reassure, there is no scientifically confirmed evidence of such harm. Of course, if you do not change the baby's diaper for a long time, irritation and diaper rash form under it. Therefore, it is very important to change diapers every three hours, regardless of the fullness, giving the baby the opportunity to "sip" for 15-20 minutes. In summer, in the heat, the periods of air baths should be even longer. They also say that it is very difficult for a child “spoiled” by disposable diapers. In fact, this is not at all the case, the timing of potty training depends only on the individual characteristics of the child and the perseverance of his parents. Therefore, you should absolutely not be afraid to use disposable diapers, you just need to choose the right ones for your child.

Diapers Pampers: types

Currently, the Pampers product range is represented by the following types of diapers:

  1. Diapers Pampers premium kea (Pampers Premium Care). They have a delicate soft inner surface, a breathable outer layer and strips impregnated with a special balm that help protect your baby's skin from irritation. They fit well to the baby's body due to special rubber bands, have a fullness indicator - a special strip that changes color as the diaper is filled. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost. Available in five sizes (1-5).
  2. Diapers Pampers active baby (Pampers Active Baby). They have up to 12 hours of absorbency, comfortable elastic bands for a better fit on the back and legs, and a breathable outer layer. Available in five sizes (3-6).
  3. Diapers Pampers slip and play (Pampers Sleep&Play). The most budgetary version of diapers, but, despite this, they fully cope with their task - they take care of the dryness of the child's skin. Available in four sizes (2-5).
  4. Diapers panties Pampers (Pampers Active Boy, Pampers Active Girl). Indispensable for active babies who are so difficult to keep in place during a diaper change. Indispensable during the period of accustoming the child to the pot. They have special elastic inserts on the sides, thanks to which the diaper can be changed without distracting the baby - just break these inserts. Available in 4 sizes (3-6).
  5. Diapers Pampers for newborns. For babies who have just been born, diapers diapers size 1 newborn (newborn) are suitable. They are produced in two types - premium kea and new baby.

Pampers diaper sizes

In order for the diaper not to leak, and the baby to feel comfortable and comfortable in it, it is very important to correctly determine the required size. To do this, you need to know the weight of the child. The dimensional grid of the entire range of Pampers products can be seen in the table. When choosing the type of diaper, you should also take into account the age and activity of the baby, as well as price preferences.

Modern women cannot imagine their motherhood without such a convenient little thing as a disposable diaper. Their choice in the children's goods market is striking in its diversity, but certain difficulties arise when buying diapers. What is the best size for a child based on how many kilograms he weighs?

What causes the difference in the size of disposable diapers

Today the market is filled with diapers from numerous manufacturers and different lines of the same brand:

  • Haggis;
  • Bella;
  • Libero;
  • Pampers;
  • Yes Yes;
  • Mooney;
  • Merries.

It is very easy to get confused in such a variety, especially if you have never encountered the need to use diapers before.

The first brand of disposable diapers that appeared on the Russian market is Pampers (Pampers). The name is sonorous, the product is necessary and completely new, as a result, the word "diapers" has become firmly established in use. Later, products from other global manufacturers appeared in stores, but out of habit, all of them are popularly called diapers, which is fundamentally wrong.

Diapers of different sizes differ in the degree of absorption and parameters

What is the difference between large and small hygiene products

There are two differences between large and small diapers.

  1. degree of absorption. The amount of urine excreted by the child is proportional to the weight of his body, as well as the amount of liquid consumed (including milk), which is interconnected. Therefore, in terms of the degree of absorption, one should focus on the weight of the crumbs.
  2. Diaper size in centimeters. This aspect is also directly related to body weight, based on which it is easy to determine the average waist and the required length of a disposable diaper.

Therefore, it is logical that the main indicator for determining the size of an item of children's toilet is the body weight of the child. The only exceptions are diapers intended for younger students and teenagers. They are based on age, not weight.

The first disposable diapers used sawdust as an absorbent layer. To date, they are made from cellulose, which is much more convenient for those who directly use them.

Differences in size are based primarily on the weight of the child

On many packages of disposable diapers, you will also see the age for which the given size is supposedly intended. But this indicator is often insignificant, since the mass of even newborn children can vary greatly, and the process of development and growth proceeds differently, as a result of which the weight of the crumbs does not always meet the norms and standards.

The norms of weight and height of the child, corresponding to a certain age

What other diapers are there based on their purpose and method of use

If we talk in more detail about the size ranges of disposable baby diapers from different manufacturers, then it should also be mentioned that there is another classification that determines their type:

  • hygiene products, where Velcro is used as a fastener;
  • briefs designed to teach a child to use the toilet. At their core, these are the same diapers, but instead of fasteners, they have an elastic band;
  • underpants with the so-called wet effect, in which the absorption of moisture occurs slowly. Thus, the child feels discomfort and the need to fight it, but if the baby does not have time to get rid of the soiled diaper for some time, urine is completely absorbed, which will not allow irritation to appear on the skin;
  • underpants intended for use during the night;
  • absorbent swimwear.

Comparative characteristics of the most popular diapers from different manufacturers by weight of the child in kilograms, age and size

Depending on the type of disposable diaper, the size range of the same manufacturer may have different indicators. Special attention you should pay attention to products for newborns, since they can differ significantly for each brand. So, some companies produce two versions of toilet items for babies that have just been born:

  • intended for full-term babies with normal weight;
  • suitable for premature babies even with very small body weight.

Diaper sizes for newborns - table

Manufacturer name of diaper line Weight parameters, kg
Pampers Premium Care Micro (0) up to 2.5
Pampers Premium kea newborn 2 - 5
Haggis (HUGGIES) Elite soft newborn (1) 2 - 5
Mooney New born 2 - 5
Merries (Merries) New Born 2 - 5
Libero New Bourne (1) 2 - 5
Goon (Goo.N) For newborns 1,8 - 3
Bella Happy Befo newborn (0) up to 2
Bella Happy Newborn (1) 2 - 5

Parameters of goods sold under the trade name Pampers, Libero, Bella Happy and Haggis - table

Series name Size 0 (kg) Size 1 (kg) Size 2 (kg) Size 3 (kg) Size 4 (kg) Size 4+ (kg) Size 5 (kg) Size 6 (kg) Size 7 (kg) Type of diaper purpose
by gender
Premium kea - 2 - 5 3 - 6 4 - 9 7 - 14 - 11 - 25 - - -
Active Baby - 2 - 5 3 - 6 4 - 9 7 - 14 9 - 16 11 - 18 from 15 - -
Slip and play - - 3 - 6 4 - 9 7 - 14 - 11 - 18 - - -
Pants - - - 6 - 11 9 - 14 - 12 - 18 from 16 - Panty diapers M - F
Diapers Haggis
Elite Soft - 0 - 5 4 - 7 5 - 9 8 - 14 - 12 - 22 - - Disposable diaper with Velcro -
Ultra Comfort - - - 5 - 9 8 - 14 10 - 16 12 - 22 - - M - F
Classic - - 3 - 6 4 - 9 7 - 18 - 11 - 25 - - -
Panties - - - 7 - 9 9 - 14 - 13 - 17 16 - 22 - Panty diapers M - F
newborn 0 - 2,5 2 - 5 3 - 6 - - - - - - Disposable diaper with Velcro -
Comfort - - - 4 - 9 7 - 14 - 10 - 16 12 - 22 15 - 30 -
Eurydeus - - 3 - 6 4 - 9 7 - 18 - 11 - 25 - - -
Comfort Zu Collection - - - 4 - 9 7 - 14 - 10 - 16 12 - 22 - Panty diapers -
Up and Go Zu - - - - 7 - 11 - 10 - 14 13 - 20 16 - 26 -
Up and Go - - - - 7 - 11 - 10 - 14 13 - 20 16 - 26 -
Drypants - - - - 7 - 11 - 10 - 14 13 - 20 16 - 26 -
Bella Happy
Size 0
before newborn
Size 1 Newborn (kg) Size 2 Mini (kg) Size 3 Midi (kg) Size 4 Maxi (kg) Maxi Plus 4+ size (kg) Size 5 Junior (kg) Size 6
Junior Extra (kg)
Size 7 (kg) Type of diaper purpose
by gender
Happy 0 - 2 2 - 5 3 - 6 5 - 9 8 - 18 9 - 20 12 - 25 16+ - Disposable diaper with Velcro -

Parameters of disposable diapers for children over three years old from the Haggim trademark - table

Parameters of Japanese disposable diapers Muni, Gun and Merries - table

Type of diaper Size N (kg) Size NB (kg) Size S (kg) Size M (kg) Size L (kg) BIG size (kg) BIG BIG size
by gender
Disposable diaper with Velcro - 0 - 5 4 - 8 6 - 11 9 - 14 - - -
Panty diapers - - - - 9 - 14 12 - 17 13 - 25 M - F
- - - - 9 - 14 13 - 25 - M - F
Disposable diaper with Velcro 1,8 - 3 2,5 - 5 4 - 8 6 - 11 9 - 14 12 - 20 - -
Flavored panty diapers - - - 7 - 12 9 - 14 12 - 20 - -
Panty diapers - - 5 - 9 7 - 12 9 - 14 12 - 20 13 - 25 M - F
Panty diapers with high absorbency for night sleep - - - - - - 15 - 35 -
Bath diapers - - - 7 - 12 9 - 14 12 - 20 - M - F
Size N (kg) Size NB (kg) Size S (kg) Libero diapers will provide comfort to babies and help parents cope with caring for children in various situations. Bella Happy diapers differ from others in a more affordable price. Mooney diapers are made in Japan and have many positive reviews from Russian mothers. Pampers diapers were the first to appear on the Russian market. differ in a wide variety of patterns on the belt Diapers Merries - another option for children's hygiene products from Japan Haggis diapers are distinguished by an optimal price / quality ratio

How to choose the right diapers for your baby

Even if we list only the most famous brands disposable diapers, the variety is very large, and it can be difficult to determine what is right for you. Therefore, in order not to get confused in a wide variety, you need to focus on a few nuances.

  1. The first parameter to consider when choosing a diaper is the baby's body weight. Larger products are more absorbent and their cm values ​​are also larger. Even if your baby was born ahead of time and its weight is quite small, you can find the right size for it.

    You should not use diapers designed for a baby that is heavier than yours, as the baby will feel uncomfortable in them and there is a high chance of leakage due to the lack of a snug fit.

  2. The activity of the baby is another indicator that will help you make a choice in favor of a certain type of diaper. Children develop in different ways. Many begin to sit only at six months, which is completely normal. But these terms often deviate both up and down. The same goes for the ability to stand and walk. Therefore, some babies may need panty diapers sooner than others.
  3. Pay attention to possible additives. Many manufacturers soak disposable diapers with various emollient lotions. But the skin of babies is very sensitive and, at times, it is fragrances that can cause allergies. If the crumbs have a tendency to allergic reactions, it is better to opt for hygiene products without impregnation.
  4. Estimated duration of diaper use. Some manufacturers, such as Gong and Mooney, have released a series of hygiene products with increased absorbency. They can be used for 10 hours, which allows you not to change the toilet item at night or will be useful in case of a long trip, when it will not be possible to change it on the road.

Differences between the subject of children's hygiene of the same size, but different manufacturers

In practice, it may turn out that diapers of the same size, but produced by different manufacturers, may differ in width and height. This is due to the presence or absence of elastic inserts and elastic bands on the belt.

The larger the area of ​​the disposable diaper belt is occupied by an elastic band, the more securely it adheres to the baby's body, excluding the possibility of leaks.

Depending on the brand, diapers of the same size may vary slightly in width and height.

Overview of diapers for newborns - video

Disposable diapers will make life easier for parents and give the baby a feeling of comfort if you can choose the right size for your child. By following the above tips, making the right choice will become easier.

Disposable baby diapers have made baby care much easier. Now mothers do not need to spend a huge amount of time on washing and ironing, they can walk with the baby as much as they want, sleep peacefully at night and not be afraid of irritation and diaper rash. But all these benefits are guaranteed only if you choose the right diaper for your baby.

How to choose the right size

In order for the diaper to perform its functions properly, it is very important to choose the right size for your child. It is not difficult to do this, because the weight of the baby is indicated on the packaging of diapers of any brand, for which these products are designed.

Most small size disposable diapers are designed for newborn babies weighing from 2 to 5 kg, then in the dimensional grids of all brands there are products designed for babies weighing 3-6 kg, 6-10 or 6-11 kg and further to diapers for children weighing 25 kg .

If your baby is chubby, with a voluminous tummy, then it is better to buy larger diapers. For example, a chubby newborn would be better off buying a pack of diapers labeled 3-8kg rather than 2-5kg. And for a baby weighing 7 kg, it is better to take, for example, libero 4 diapers, and libero 4 diapers. As they say with a margin. A correctly sized diaper should not squeeze the baby's skin, but it should not puff up either.

Panty diapers should be sized in the same way as classic diapers. The only difference is that the size grid for panties does not start from 2 kg, but from 6-7 kg, since the panties are designed for babies who have already begun to crawl.

Diaper Size Charts

Which brand to choose

Today stores offer so wide selection baby diapers that make your eyes run wide. How not to make a mistake with the choice and buy diapers that are comfortable for the baby and easy to use?

There are several consumer characteristics by which it is customary to evaluate the quality of children's disposable diapers. These are moisture absorption index, moisture absorption time, breathability and safety. Important points are also the thickness and softness of the product, and the quality of the Velcro that fixes the diaper.

Studies by Russian experts have shown that diapers of all well-known brands presented in stores comply with safety requirements, however, the diapers of the Japanese brands Moony and Goo.N, as well as diapers of the Bella Baby Happy brand, were recognized as the best in this indicator. Bella Baby Happy had the highest absorbency and breathability, but Japanese products were in last place in terms of these indicators, which means that the child will have to change these diapers more often. Libero diapers have received good ratings for safety and absorbency. Pampers and Haggies brand diapers have a specific smell, and fragrances can cause irritation in babies prone to allergies.

As a result, according to the sum of all indicators, according to experts, diapers from the Bella Baby Happy brand became the leader in terms of consumer properties. But a popular survey showed that mothers prefer Japanese Merries and Goo.N diapers, even though they have to be changed more often and they are the most expensive. But these diapers are thin, soft, have elastic bands and comfortable Velcro.

Now you know how diapers differ from different brands and you can choose the ones that suit your preferences and the characteristics of your child.

Modern parents are deprived of some of the problems that haunted moms and dads only 20-30 years ago. It's about about diapers or pampers, as the people call this irreplaceable and now necessary item of an infant toilet. Once upon a time, apartments and houses where newborns appeared were an unfortunate sight due to the abundance of diapers hanging on all ropes, backs of chairs and hangers, drying out after another wash. Now diapers are often used as an element of the baby's wardrobe, and he goes to the toilet exclusively in diapers. Newborn diapers are the best gift that the modern industry has given to new parents. What diapers are best for newborns? What is the difference between diapers for boys and girls? How to choose the best and most adequate diapers for the price? Let's try to understand our article.

A modern mom does not need to bother with washing clothes all the time - diapers are now used only for decorative purposes and as a bedspread

Varieties of diapers

Diapers help keep clothes clean, they increase the duration of walks, stays at a party and in the hospital, they allow you to do less laundry and spend more time communicating with your baby and the rest of the family. Modern manufacturers offer two types:

  1. Disposable . They are thrown out a couple of times after the baby urinates, immediately after the act of defecation. Expensive, but the most convenient option.
  2. . They differ in that they consist of several layers. The first is a breathable base that is waterproof and does not change for a long time. The middle layer is a liner that absorbs moisture. The top layer is liquid permeable. The liner and base are simply erased or periodically changed. Reusable models cost parents less than disposable models because only the inserts are purchased.

The first and second types are equipped with functional fasteners or Velcro, elastic around the waist and legs. Which diapers are better - the first or second type - each parent decides for himself, it is difficult to give advice. If you are not financially constrained, then give preference to disposable products and change them more often so that the baby’s skin does not rot.

What is the difference between "pampers" and "diapers"?

Features of different types:

  1. Name . "Pampers" in the people began to be called any item of an infant toilet that absorbs feces and urine, which is fundamentally wrong. This is the company that first launched disposable panties on the market. A diaper is a linen made of polyethylene, gauze, cotton or paper that collects the urine and feces of the baby, preventing the priests, legs and clothes from getting wet.
  2. Durability of use. The main difference between diapers and diapers is that the former can be reusable, the latter are used only once, then thrown away.
  3. Quality . Disposable models are made of high quality modern absorbent materials. Diapers are often made from gauze.
  4. Design and flavors. Some models are available with fragrances to neutralize the unpleasant smell of feces and urine. To avoid allergies, choose unscented models. Diapers are available in the form of panties that are worn through the legs. Pampers are easier to put on, they are simply fastened with the help of side Velcro.
  5. Product cost. They come from different companies, the pricing policy of which also varies. Reusable products are actually cheaper, disposable products are more expensive.
  6. Pampers and diapers differ in size depending on the age and weight of the baby. Older kids are better off buying products in the form of panties, big size, which are produced with different pictures and sit comfortably during long walks and active movements of the little one.

Choose products, focusing on how convenient and comfortable your baby is in it. Panties should not cause allergies, leak and slide off the buttocks.

Some models are available with a fullness sensor or medicinal plant additives in the inner layer, for example, with chamomile or aloe vera.

What is the difference between diapers for boys and girls?

For children older than six months, hygiene products are produced separately for boys and girls. It has been proven that ordinary diapers have a negative effect on the childbearing function of boys, so for them you need to purchase only special models that take into account the physiological features of the body structure. Differences between products based on the gender of babies:

  • the location of the layer that absorbs liquid (for boys - in front, for girls - in the center and behind);
  • boy's models of a looser cut in front, so as not to squeeze the genitals;
  • the design is determined by gender (boys have cars on a blue background, girls have cartoon characters and bows on a pink background);
  • Velcro fasteners in boys are higher than in girls.

Manufacturers can vary products in style and shape. For little princesses, models are produced with the image of animals and flowers, on a green or yellow background. On boy models, robots or cars can be depicted. Simpler firms do not make distinctions in design and are limited to the features of the cut and the location of the absorbent layer.

Diapers for little gentlemen are usually made in blue or light blue, and can be decorated with typical "boy" prints.

Help with sizing

The most important sign by which mothers choose the size of a diaper or diaper for their baby is the age and weight of the child. We list what sizes exist:

The sizeCharacteristic
«0» suitable for babies who were born prematurely, weight does not exceed 2 kg
"one"for newborns with a standard weight, up to 5 kg, up to 6 months old
"2"suitable for babies up to 8 months old, whose weight ranges from 3-6 kg
"3"age from 5 to 10 months, weight from 4 to 9 kg
"4"8-18 months, weight within 7-18 kg
"5"suitable for children from 10 months, weight ranges from 11-25 kg
"6"from 15 months, weight up to 20 kg
"7"panties for children 2 years old, weighing from 20 kg

The main criterion for choosing sizes, as the table shows, is the weight of the child, and not his age, as Dr. Komarovsky also believes. Babies develop individually, and it happens that your baby weighs at 11 months, like a two-year-old child, or vice versa. Kids now have a tendency to be overweight, which is not right. Do not forget also that you should not get carried away with children's hygiene products after reaching the age of one, so that later there will be no problems in the garden - it is better when the child becomes more independent and does not depend on the presence of safety net in his wardrobe.

Do not buy hygiene products for future use in large quantities, as different periods From infancy, babies gain weight at different rates. It is best to have 1-2 packs in reserve.

If you skipped the size and you still have unused packs, do not get upset and do not rush to throw them away. Familiar mothers will gladly accept diapers that are not useful to you as a gift. You can also sell or trade an unwanted pack on the new parent forums.

Premium and economy class - what's the difference?

A newborn needs up to 7-8 shifts a day. If you buy disposable diapers, then the amount is impressive. Often, young parents cannot afford to constantly buy a premium class and replace it with reusable models, purchasing only liners and erasing the base. This is a good alternative, the main thing is that the child does not have irritation and diaper rash.

In the world market of children's goods already long years The leading sales positions are occupied by Pampers and Haggis. What is the difference between economy class and premium:

  • the budget option is often made from the same high-quality materials, just the design is more modest and without drawings;
  • economy models are distinguished by a lower quality Velcro fastener, which can be securely stuck only once;
  • budget models are not equipped with fullness sensors and are not flavored;
  • economy options can leak and leak on the sides, so they need to be changed more often;
  • in expensive options there is a cutout for the navel, which is very important if you just brought the baby from the hospital and his umbilical wound has not yet healed;
  • budget models are sold in large packs.

We can conclude that the smallest, only recently born babies, it is better to buy expensive diapers that can be fastened more than once. Such models provide for the features of a small fragile body and delicate skin, they are easier to change. They are more comfortable and won't hurt. umbilical wound.

Higher-quality premium diapers are easier to remove and change, they do not injure the delicate skin of the baby

Rating of the best

With a modern rich selection of diapers, young parents can get confused. Our proposed rating is based on consumer assessments and expert opinions. It is clear that the higher the brand ranks, the more expensive the product. Truly high-quality and reliable diapers are quite expensive, but the health of the baby is also worth it. His clean bottom without redness and diaper rash, good mood, reliable sleep and freedom of movement will convince you of the correctness of financial expenses for baby hygiene items.

Leading couple: TOP 1 and 2

1st place in the ranking is occupied by Merries. The famous Japanese brand launched the production of diapers relatively recently - since the mid-80s. For thirty years, the products have become the undisputed leader around the world. It is in Meries that children rarely experience irritation, redness and diaper rash. They are soft like silk and comfortable like cotton underwear, but their cost is several times higher than that of products from other companies.

Features of Meries products:

  • a clear separation by gender (reinforced absorbent in front - for boys, in the back - for girls);
  • they do not stray, do not slip off the priests;
  • high-quality hypoallergenic breathable materials of all layers of the diaper;
  • equipped with a fullness indicator;
  • the composition of the inner layer includes witch hazel extract - an excellent antiseptic;
  • Elastic and wide Lycra elastic band around the legs and waist provides maximum comfort, freedom of movement and minimum pressure.

2nd place - Japanese company Goon. The Japanese care more about the health of their babies than other nations. Dry buttocks without redness and freedom of movement are the key to the health and good mood of the baby and his parents. Gong is a trademark of Daio Paper Company, which has specialized in paper products for more than half a century.

Gong Features:

  • the absorbent layer consists of cellulose and a gelling agent;
  • natural breathable hypoallergenic materials of all layers of the diaper;
  • elastic waistband and closure;
  • vitamin E in the inner layer.

Goon diapers are considered one of the best for baby skin health.

Third place

3rd place - Japanese diapers Moony. This company with half a century of history has developed breathable material Air Silky, which actively absorbs liquid, leaving the buttocks dry. Mooney Features:

  • an absorbent layer of special activity, with a gelling agent (similar materials are used by Mooney for the manufacture of feminine hygiene pads);
  • constant air exchange thanks to high-quality innovative materials of the company;
  • the presence of a high-quality reusable Velcro fastener;
  • the presence of a filling indicator;
  • the tape on the belt comes unfastened with minimal noise, it is very soft, which allows you to change the diaper even for a sleeping child;
  • the area that is adjacent to the back of the baby is made of a soft mesh, due to which the likelihood of prickly heat is leveled, the child is comfortable and soft;
  • on several sides there are folds that absorb liquid stool newborn;
  • models for those who have just recently been discharged from the hospital are equipped with a cutout for an unhealed navel.

Moony even developed their innovative breathable diaper material.

All models listed above in the review belong to the premium class. They are quite expensive. They are rarely found on the shelves of supermarkets in the post-Soviet countries, more often they are ordered in pharmacies or through online stores. If you can afford such options from a financial point of view, then be sure to opt for Japanese brands, as a nation of centenarians knows that healthy conditions must be provided to a person from the first days of his life.

Middle class products

4th place - "Pampers". It was the Pampers models that were the first disposable diapers in the post-Soviet space, therefore, among the people, all such models, even of other brands, began to be called "pampers". The line includes several types - from diapers for newborns to panties (we recommend reading:). They are easy to use, the Velcro fastener can be refastened several times. They almost do not leak, irritation and diaper rash in children occur infrequently, especially if you use baby powder. Pampers Premium Care is the line that is most in demand for newborns. Models remain dry for a long time and are gentle on baby skin. The Sleep & Play series is less popular, many mothers say that they cause prickly heat, and chamomile extract in the inner layer can cause irritation.

5th place - the company Huggies. The highest quality series is Haggies Elite Soft, suitable for both week-old babies and babies after six months. They stay dry for a long time and rarely cause irritation. Haggis is popular because of the wide variety of series. There are lines that provide for gender, there are panties for older children, there are reliable diapers for a night's sleep.

6th place - Libero. Quality models of this Swedish company - Libero Comfort. They are the most reliable and comfortable. Libero pleases parents with a variety of lines. There is Libero Babysoft for newborns, Libero Up & Go for babies after six months, Libero Potty Training for children who are taught to the potty by parents (they have a layer that becomes wet after the baby has peed, which encourages him to go to the toilet on the potty, and not in a diaper). There is even a "fashion series" with spectacular designs for those who want their child to be the most beautiful even in underwear.

Navel cut diapers

Today they produced diapers for newborns, they “complete” parmpers with a special recess for the navel, a short one protects the umbilical wound from excessive contact with fabric and elastic. However, not all lines have such diapers, so if you purchase the regular version, you will have to tuck the diaper under the navel yourself for the first couple of weeks. So, let's evaluate the proposals of manufacturers:

  • Moony Newborn, which we wrote about above. Distinctive features - a breathable absorbent layer, soft rubber bands on the sides and on the back, and the same hole for the navel.
  • Merries Newborn and XS. They are characterized by soft elastic bands and the presence of reusable Velcro.
  • Libero Newborn. Budget option with a slot for the navel. There are small sizes for children up to 2.5 kg - marked 0, as well as "classic" - from 3 to 6 kg - marked 2.
  • Helen Harper new born. Another inexpensive model with a cutout, distinctive feature is the absence of any fragrances.
  • Bella Baby Happy Newborn. Also a very budget friendly option. In addition to the recess under the umbilical wound, parents will be pleased with special absorbent microfunnels that reliably hold urine and stool.

Diapers Bella Baby Happy Newborn

Test purchase

Many consumers are results driven popular show"Control Purchase". Diapers are no exception. The Test Buy program tested one-off models twice. In 2011, products for babies weighing 7-18 kg were tested. Disposable diapers from Pampers, Muumi, Libero, Bella Happy, Merries and Huggies companies participated. The first place was taken by Muumi with the best absorbent layer, evenly distributed throughout the inner layer of the diaper.

A year later, the brands Pampers, Huggies, Bella Baby Happy, Merries, Libero, Muumi were tested for the same weight category of babies. "Pampers", "Huggies" and "Libero" were chosen by the people's jury as the top three winners, Pampers was in the lead. The professional jury recognized the superiority of the Muumi company, whose products remained dry for the longest time.

What could be better than a restful sleep for your son or daughter? For the whole day, a young mother winds kilometers around the apartment, earns a migraine from the crying of a baby and the advice of grandmothers, gets tired of feeding and housework. It is very important that the baby's sleep is not interrupted by the fact that he has become wet. An equally serious issue is going out and visiting guests, grandmothers, hospitals and shops. Mommy does not always have someone to leave the baby, so she must be sure that after the toilet she will not have to run home and change diapers. Modern baby products make it easier for a mother to raise her child. Use modern amenities and your baby's childhood will pass not in constant troubles, but in joyful moments.