Child weight 7400 what size diapers. How to choose diapers for newborns. What is the difference between large and small hygiene products.

modern woman cannot imagine caring for a small child without disposable diapers. One of the most important nuances when using them is the right size, which is determined based on the weight of the crumbs in kilograms. If the diaper is small or too large, the baby will experience discomfort, irritation and redness of the skin are possible. How not to get confused in the proposed variety of goods from well-known manufacturers?

Find a good place to change your diaper

Look for a restroom for a changing station. If that's not an option yet, ask someone in your area where a diaper change would be the right place. You always need a layer between the surface with which you change the child and your little one. Most diaper bags come with portable replacement pads in the bag.

Keep your diaper bag full

it a good idea Invest in a diaper bag you love, like this Minnie Mouse diaper bag, because you will be using it every day the baby comes.

What are the size ranges of diapers of different brands based on?

Four is the most popular size (number) of children's disposable diapers.

The stores offer a huge selection of baby disposable diapers from different manufacturers.

It should also be noted that the sizes seem to overlap each other. For example, if the two is designed for 3–6 kg, then the three does not start with seven, but is indicated by 5–9 kg. This is done because children with the same weight can differ in their complexion. Some babies are skinny, while others are fatter. And if in the first version a second size is still suitable for a toddler weighing 6 kg, then in the second case, parents should buy larger diapers, because a small diaper can rub the skin and cause inconvenience to the child.

Wipes can be used for many other things besides drying your baby, and can even help you clean your hands after you've finished changing a diaper. Keep an extra set of clothes in your diaper bag for those unexpected moments. I also have a rash diaper handy for when my kids are a little irritated at their bottom. When you have a child and there are so many unexpected things around you that can happen. This is a great waterproof protection that will keep anything that gets wet or dirty from everything else you have.

The most popular brands of diapers today:

  • affordable Libero and Bella Happy;
  • more expensive and, according to numerous tests and reviews of parents, high-quality Huggies Elite Soft and Pampers Premium Care;
  • the most expensive and highest quality brands (according to numerous reviews) presented in Russia are Merries and Goo.n.

When deciding which brand to give preference to, parents are guided by many criteria, in particular the reaction of their baby's skin. If the child is comfortable and there is no allergy, then the choice was made correctly.

The diapers that helped us get the best night sleep. This is the diaper my daughter loves to wear to sleep! My kids have always been sensitive sleepers. Something seemed to be happening, disturbing their nights. At least three and a half years.

Our 3 year old has mostly developed sleep problems, although we sometimes find him trying to sneak into our bed in the middle of the night. Our girl, however, continues to test us. For a while, she kept waking up in the middle of the night with wet sheets. We had to change diapers, pajamas and sheets every night. The poor man was not a happy camper.

How to choose diapers for newborns

The first size of diapers intended for newborns is the same for all brands: they are designed for weights up to five kilograms.

Experience shows that it is not worth buying a lot of the smallest diapers. Newborn babies grow very fast, and in 1-2 weeks they will need diapers bigger size.

When we started using them, Isabella's sleep began to improve because she no longer woke up in a puddle. It's a messy situation, but someone has to do it. We know it's not the most enjoyable aspect of parenting, but it's necessary, so why not use it?

The secret to changing diapers quickly and neatly is to have all your supplies close at hand. Then think about how great it is to spend time with your child! They can move and get air in these places while in a diaper. On the other hand, their small legs and carcasses are so cute.

Diapers for newborns of Japanese and European manufacturers - photo gallery

Disposable diapers for newborns Huggies Elite Soft Merries Disposable Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers for newborns Goo.n Disposable diapers for newborns Bella Happy Disposable diapers for newborns Libero Newborn Disposable diapers for newborns Pampers Premium Care

Disposable diapers for newborns Pampers New Baby-Dry

My son always says to my granddaughter: Wait till grandma sees those bullets. "Some of them are ticklish and it's fun to chew on them and watch them laugh," she says, explaining why she's always volunteered. Parents say diapers change the fun. Hang something interesting to look at at least 12 inches above the changing table: a mobile phone, a photo, or a poster that you can talk about with your child. Count the ducks in the picture or sing along with your mobile music.

Keep some toys just for changing diapers and switch them often to keep the baby busy while you do your work. Just like clothing, cloth diaper sizes vary by manufacturer, so it's helpful to know your baby's measurements—in particular, height, waist, and legs—so you can choose the right size diaper and cap for your baby. A loose diaper or cap can cause leaks!

Overview of diapers for newborns - video

Which diaper is suitable for premature babies

In some situations, the first size may be large for the child. This happens when the baby is born. ahead of schedule. That's why Libero, Pampers Premium Care and Goo.n make "0"-marked diapers specifically for these babies.

What is the difference between diapers for boys and girls?

Lift with diaper on baby, measure from 1 inch below the navel, down through the crotch area and up the top of the butt where the top of the diaper stops at the back of the waist. Wrap a tape measure around your stomach to make full circle. If you new parent you might be a little shocked at how often your newborn's diaper is changed. Whether you use cloth or disposables, you will change over a thousand of them in the first year alone.

How many baby diapers do you need?

For parents in need, this is a simple guide to diapers and nappies. We asked moms, dads, and pediatricians, and their estimates were pretty much the same: expect to use 10 to 12 diapers daily for the first month of life. Of course, every child is different. Some feed and urinate; others, not so often. Normal is what is normal for your child.

Small diapers for premature babies - photo gallery

Diapers for premature babies weighing 1.8-3 kg Goo.n

Diapers for premature babies weighing up to 2.5 kg Pampers Premium Care Diapers for premature babies weighing up to 2.5 kg Libero Newborn

Cloth diapers are usually one size. Disposable diaper sizes are usually based on the weight of the baby, but the weight ranges overlap. So if your baby weighs 24 lbs, should you buy a size 3 diaper that fits a 16 to 28 lb baby? Or is size 4 for babies weighing 22 to 37 pounds a better fit?

Diaper: Prevention and Treatment

In general, keep this in mind. Make sure the diaper fits your baby's foot well - snug but not too tight. If she has a lot of leaks, it might be time to go up or roll up a diaper size. Allergic reactions, leaving a dirty diaper on for too long, and changes in a baby's diet when she switches to solid foods can lead to diaper rash.

How different are the sizes of baby diapers from different brands?

Although the sizes of all brands of disposable diapers have approximately the same weight category, there are slight differences. Because of this, the products of one company of hygiene products may be just right for your baby, while another brand will turn out to be small or large. Therefore, you need to carefully look at how many kilograms the diapers you purchase are designed for.

Let her air dry during her shift and, if you can, leave the diaper on for a while. Use a non-sensitive, mild soap and a warm washcloth during diaper changes. If you use baby wipes, choose ones that are free of perfume, alcohol, and chemicals. When you wash cloth diapers, avoid using fabric softeners, antistatic products, and scented detergent. They can also cause a rash. Avoid any foods that seem to make her rash worse. A diaper from a bacterial infection looks bright red and in some cases may blister.

  • Change her diaper as soon as possible after it gets dirty.
  • Perfumes and deodorant soaps can be harsh on her skin.
  • An over-the-counter zinc oxide cream can help the diaper.
  • For irritation, a mild zinc oxide cream or petroleum jelly may help.
  • Call pediatricians for treatment.
For diaper yeast infections, your child's doctor may recommend an over-the-counter antifungal cream.

Differences in the sizes of the most popular diapers - table

diaper brand Size in kg
0 1 2 3 4 4+ 5 6 7
0–2,5 2–5 3–6 5–9 8–14 - 11–25 - -
Pampers Premium Care Pants - - - 6–11 9–14 - 12–18 - -
Pampers New/Active Baby-Dry - 2–5 3–6 4–9 7–14 9–16 11–18 over 15 -
Pampers Pants - - - 6–11 9–14 - 12–18 over 16 -
Pampers Sleep & Play - - 3–6 4–9 7–14 - 11–18 - -
Huggies Classic - - 3–6 4–9 7–16 - 11–25 - -
Huggies - - - 5–9 8–14 10–16 12–22 - -
- up to 5 4–7 5–9 8–14 - 12–22 - -
Huggies panties - - - 7–11 9–14 - 13–17 16–22 -
Libero Newborn/Comfort 0–2,5 2–5 3–6 4–9 7–14 - 10–16 12–22 15–30
Libero Up&Go - - - - 7–11 - 10–14 13–20 16–26
- 2–5 3–6 5–9 8–18 - 9–20 12–25 from 16
goo.n 1,8–3 up to 5 4–8 6–11 9–14 - 12–20 15–35 -
- up to 5 4–8 6–11 9–14 - 12–22 15–28 -

Disposable diapers of different brands - photo gallery

Diapers for newborns up to 5 kg Libero, Pampers, Huggies

How to choose the right size of disposable diapers, depending on the weight in kilograms and the age of the child

The comfort of the baby depends on how correctly parents choose diapers. There are several rules that will help determine the size.

Prevent contact sticks with cloth diapers

Baby diapers can leak for a variety of reasons - size, brand, or the way you put them on. Some common causes of leaks and how to prevent them. If your baby is 2 weeks old or younger, he probably still has a piece of the umbilical cord, which diapers don't lie smoothly. Try to close it. A baby's diaper sometimes leaks if their penis points up inward. Try pointing your penis down when you put on his diaper. If your child is between sizes, the decision is time. Wait a few weeks and then try next size.

  • Be sure that when you put on the diaper, it fits snugly under the stump.
  • The diaper may be too big or too small.
  • Try going up a size - or down if the diaper is too loose.
  • The diaper may be the right size, but it fits too loosely.
Do you want to use cloth diapers but are worried about contacts?

  1. Be guided by the weight of the child indicated on the package.
  2. If the baby's weight is closer to the upper limit indicated on the diaper packaging, it is better to take a larger size, especially for boys, so that they are comfortable.
  3. Putting the diaper on the baby and straightening all the rubber bands, pay attention to how well he fits. If the toiletry item is loose on the skin in one or more places, then you have chosen the wrong size and it will leak.
  4. If, in terms of kilograms, the size of the diaper matches the weight of the child, and when you try to put it on, the sides do not converge or fasten with difficulty, then it is already small. It is recommended to replace it with a larger one.
  5. Some diapers don't have stretchy sides or elastic at the back, so they're slightly wider at the waist and not as snug against the skin.
  6. Is it worth using diapers one size larger than necessary?

    Some parents, in order to save money, in order not to change diapers longer, buy them one size larger than the baby needs. They naively believe that in this case, the diaper will absorb more liquid, and the time of its use can be increased by several hours. Experts do not recommend doing this:

    Buy stainless steel diaper pins and secure plastic guards so they don't open when your baby moves around. Keep your hand between her skin and the pin during diapering so you won't hold her. You can also try Velcro lined diapers or cloth diapers with snaps or other fasteners for babies. Look into buying disposable diaper tape for cloth diapers. . As babies get older and more active, some squirm, wiggle, or even kick and scream when you change your diapers.

  • first of all, the child will be uncomfortable, because he will hardly be able to reduce his legs, and the extra material will easily rub delicate skin;
  • no matter how good the absorbency of the toilet item, if the rubber bands do not fit snugly against the body of the child, the liquid simply will not have time to get on the material, but will flow out.

Size is an important factor when choosing diapers for your baby. Each child is unique, he has a special structure and growth. Therefore, like any other clothing, diapers sit on all babies in different ways. In our research, we measure thousands of children's legs, buttocks and waistlines to develop well-fitting diapers.

Coil roaming while diaper

First, understand that this is probably just a phase your baby is going through and she will grow out of it. Until then, multiple parent pointers. Keep your temper even and make it seem like you don't have to squirm. Distract her. Some parents sing to the child, endure Cell phones by changing zones or giving her a new object of interest during the time change to get her attention. Never leave a child unattended on a replacement table. This applies to any child, Wiggle or not. If you approach the stock with one hand, keep your other hand on it.

  • For some children, wiggleling is a power game.
  • For others, it becomes a game.
  • In both cases, your reaction is key.
  • If you laugh, you have given your child a powerful reward: your attention!
Babies are interested in everything, and the change of time is no different.

Pampers diaper sizes are categorized by weight, and since no two babies are the same, you may notice some discrepancies in the size you select. In most cases, the child's weight should be within the size you are using. But remember that the same diaper will fit differently on different babies of the same weight, so don't worry if your baby's weight is outside the standard range, but the diaper fits well. Trust your assessment.

But what can you do to keep your baby's hands in the diaper area during the change? First, remember that this is a normal study and that babies are interested in all parts of their body, especially those parts they don't get access to very often. But that doesn't help when there's a diaper full of poop or you're in a hurry to get out the door.

Advantages and disadvantages of places where the purchase is made

It won't work and he might send messages of shame about something perfectly normal. Offer distractions such as singing, mobile phones, or a rare toy, preferably one that takes up both hands. Don't scold your child for her curiosity. . Have there been diapers that we haven't considered? Lay head down with family, friends and your child's pediatrician. They know you and your child best - and most likely, they are good, they were where you are now.

Make sure the diaper fits well

Ideally, the diaper should sit straight and match your baby's proportions. Check the following:

  • The waist fits snugly, the diaper reaches exactly to the navel.
  • Leak-proof cuffs fit snugly around your baby's legs. When you put on the diaper, run your finger along the edges to make sure the cuffs are on the outside. If they are bent inward, it may cause leakage.
  • The fasteners must be fastened symmetrically on the colored zone of the waistband, then the stretchy sides of Pampers diapers perfectly adapt to the individual structure of the child and his movements.

Why do diapers leak?

Diapers can leak if they are too small for your baby because there is not enough absorbent material to absorb all of the urine. When your little one reaches the upper limit for the size they currently wear, it's probably time to move on to the next one. We recommend switching to a new size when the baby's weight reaches its lower weight limit, that is, to the 4th size (8-14 kg) when it reaches 8 kg. You can also tell if a diaper is too small for your baby if:

What size diaper should I use for babies?

Doctor. Choice correct diaper for your child can be confusing. Because babies grow at different rates and have different builds, diapers are sized by weight, not age. For most diaper sizes, the scales overlap. If your child's weight is in between sizes, how do you determine which size is best? If your baby weighs 12 pounds, what size diaper should you use?

If you're not sure, try diaper size to make sure the diaper fits snugly around your baby's foot. No matter how fast the diaper absorbs, if there is a gap where liquid can escape, it will happen. If you have a lot of leaks, you may need to increase or decrease the diaper size. Red marks may indicate a diaper size that has overgrown, while spaces indicate a diaper size that is still too large. The wrong size is the most common cause of leaks and leaks.

  • The diaper does not completely cover his ass
  • You begin to notice red marks around your waist or hips and signs of chafing
  • After the baby goes to the toilet, the diaper becomes completely wet.

Larger diapers are able to hold more urine and feces because they contain more absorbent material. But remember that moving to the next size can also cause leakage. Make sure the diaper fits snugly around the waist and hips by running your fingers under the hem: the finger should easily pass through, but there should be no gaps, otherwise the diapers may leak.

How to avoid the terrible "fountain"

It's every mother's nightmare when the contents of a diaper suddenly end up all over the baby's body, clothes, hair, and, most likely, you. Such “troubles” occur in the back of the diaper, where it can be more difficult to securely fasten it. When this happens, it's most likely the diaper. Most often this happens if you chose the wrong size or put on a diaper in a hurry, and the baby was spinning a lot. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens, so always carry an extra set of clothes with you.