TV programs popular in the 90s. Children of perestroika: what programs did we watch

This transfer was almost the only reason why it ceased to be unbearable.

In the intellectual game, six teams fought, consisting of a schoolboy and his relative. In the first and third rounds, it was necessary to raise the plates with the correct answers. In the second - cubes with letters fell from the pipe, then it was necessary to make a word out of them.

In the final, the two best players met. Their task was to make as many small words as possible from one long one. And in the end, the winner received incredible gifts for a child of the 90s: a music center, a VCR or other equipment that one could only dream of.

The presenter Sergei Suponev added points to the Starry Hour.

2. "Dolls"

The satirical program was not at all childish, despite the title. For the show, dolls were made caricatured like politicians and famous people that time.

The program talked about current events, often weaving them into classic stories like Lermontov's Hero of Our Time.

3. "Under 16 and over"

During its existence, the program has transformed from a TV magazine into a talk show. Here, almost for the first time on television, they began to raise the problems of young people in a language they understand.

Modern programs "Up to 16 and older" clearly loses, television has moved far ahead. But in order to revise some issues, for example, a series with the participation of Viktor Tsoi.

4. Call of the Jungle

“Wednesday evening after dinner…” or “Saturday morning I can't sleep” - it doesn't matter what time this call sign sounds. We know for sure that you need to be strong and courageous, dexterous, skillful, and then the jungle will call you. The screensaver of the program is edited from an advertisement for fruit syrup, the manufacturer of which was the sponsor of the program. And it was from Call of the Jungle that many learned about the existence of the panda and koala.

5. "MuzOboz"

"Musical Review" was conducted by Ivan Demidov, invariably appearing before the audience in black glasses. The program talked about fashion, and it was a program that had no analogues - a kind of MTV, locked in the half-hour frame of MuzOboz.

6. "Lego-go!"

As the name implies, the roots of the program are advertising, but was it really interesting for young viewers in the 90s. The program was similar to Call of the Jungle, only all the competitions were associated with Lego figures, both small and huge. And the main prize looked like a miracle at all, the winner was given a trip to the Legoland amusement park.

7. "Call Kuza"

An interactive program from the 90s, in which the viewer could call the host and play one of the games with the participation of the troll Kuzi live on the air. True, for the majority, the program initially existed in the let's play genre: it is not easy to get through and switch the phone to tone mode, when only a disk device is available, and even that is with the neighbors.

8. "New Reality"

Another sponsored show filled with children's unfulfilled hopes. Presenter Sergey Suponev talked about games for Dendy, GameBoy, Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive.

9. "Pun"

The long fall of the Broiler-747 aircraft, the village of fools, the secret tank of the First World War and other cross-cutting plots were remembered immediately because of simple jokes, reaching to clowning, and vivid images of heroes.

10. "Town"

This program appeared in 1993 and lasted until 2012. It was closed after the death of Ilya Oleinikov, one of the actors comedy show. Together with Yuri Stoyanov, he filmed sketches on different topics. A special section was reserved for pranks with a hidden camera.

11. "Love at first sight"

The TV game, which instantly went to the people and was repeated, probably, at all school lights and evenings. Three guys and three girls first met in the studio of the program. After the first round in which they met, they had to choose one of the three opposite. Couples whose choice coincided continued to fight for victory.

By the way, then the braces were more flexible, because a new pair could immediately win for two.

12. "Fights of Gladiators"

The international show International Gladiators 1 in Russia came out with comments by Nikolai Fomenko. In it, ordinary people competed for victory. But in most trials, they fought not with each other, but with physically prepared gladiators.

From Russia, four contestants and four gladiators participated in the show. Among the latter are Vladimir Turchinsky and Sergey Ruban.

13. "Lucky chance"

There was little entertainment in this intellectual family quiz, but in the 90s this was not required. Two teams answered questions one after another and scored points. Particularly anticipated was the "Dark Horse" round, which featured a guest star.

14. "Caution, modern"

In our hearts, Dmitry Nagiyev and Sergey Rost will forever remain strong family from at least four people, and in the glamorous TV presenter we will see ensign Zadov.

15. "Gold Rush"

This game does not immediately pop up in your head when you start thinking about the show of the 90s, but the memory is well refreshed by the main prize - 1 kg.

The host Leonid Yarmolnik moved around inside the huge cage while the players were answering questions. It is noteworthy that the program was closed due to the financial crisis.

16. Empire of Passion

The strip game was led by Nikolai Fomenko. Participants - a man and a woman - completed the tasks, and if they did not cope, they had to remove a piece of clothing from themselves. The loser usually ended up wearing only shorts by the end of the broadcast.

17. "Through the mouth of a baby"

A program in which children explain a word or concept, and two teams of adults try to understand them. The program is still going on, but we are reviewing the recordings from the 90s, for example, with Mark Amodeo.

18. "My own director"

The broadcast, filled with amateur video, was at its peak, when most viewers could only dream of a camera. The program is being released even now, however, if it is available, it is not at all based on rollers.

This is a kind of club, already more homely atmosphere: there are several million viewers who watch this program - they are, they are not becoming more or less. These are people who get up on Sunday at half past seven in the morning, turn on the TV and watch the program.

Alexey Lysenkov, presenter

19. "From the screw"

The program changed the channel several times, but the audience followed it, because the program opened the door to the world of computer games.

20. Dog show "Me and my dog"

The owners and their dogs competed in several competitions. The person had to answer questions, and his pet had to successfully cope with the tasks. However, the rules did not prohibit the owner from passing the obstacle course instead. Usually the fabric tunnel became the main obstacle for the tetrapods.

The scores were set by the jury, and the most intelligent dogs did not always win. Sometimes it was enough for the dog to be touchingly stupid and the owner to be charming.

And what programs from the 90s do you remember?

10 cult shows on the topic of the day

Television of the 90s was an oasis of amazing freedom, a vibrant carnival, where it was possible to do what is now being accused of extremism and closing channels. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it was a serious socio-political program or a youth talk show. Public administrator " Orbit-4 » Alexander Pavlov compiled a selection of key programs of that time. In the first issue - vivid examples of "public television".

New Year broadcast

New Year's Eve on TV in the post-perestroika era was somewhat different from today's standards. If now it is customary to scold channels for a complete lack of connection with reality (even the fact that Putin rewrites his holiday address and mentions terrorist attacks is already considered an achievement), then reality, on the contrary, climbed out of all the cracks - so much so that it was just right to hide. The upcoming 93rd in this sense has become an unconditional peak, which overshadowed even the performance of the humorist Zadornov in place of the head of state a year before: the media characters in their speeches were as one darker than the clouds. Listyev urged to take care of children, because it would be harder for them than their parents, the Estonian interview master Urmass Ott wished that TV sets would not break (because you can’t buy new ones), Garry Kasparov spoke about the difference between life and survival, the announcer Kirillov was unusually sad and laconic , and not to make such sour faces was most called upon, oddly enough, by news anchor Tatyana Rostislavovna Mitkova. However, not everything was so permeated with decadence: there were also outstanding musical numbers with approximately the same set of heroes, for example, the choral performance of the song "Smile" (from which the only conclusion follows - Konstantin Ernst was and remains very cool, but he sings absolutely monstrously).

"Wild Field"

After the closure of the legendary program “600 Seconds”, which had already become at that time (as you know, was built according to the acute social schemes “corpse-popik-philharmonic society” and “bastards-prostitutes-radiation”), Alexander Nevzorov finally consolidated his all-Russian fame as the most radical (if not say frostbitten) TV journalist. In fact, everything remained the same - slums, garbage dumps, courtyards, the most terrible stories from hot spots (the First Chechen war had just begun) and branded dramatic intonations, but only on the first button instead of Leningrad TV. Nevzorov’s “Wild Field”, which aired in prime time on ORT, is, without exaggeration, a real symphony, entirely consisting of insane texture and an endless emphasis on shock content (as Alexander Glebovich himself scoffed, “it’s not enough for a corpse to hang in the frame - Let's shake it up a little more." His fascinating interview with the cannibal Ilshat Kuzikov stands apart: jokes in the spirit of “two drank - one ate”, close-ups of a three-liter can of human soup and a punchline uttered in a sepulchral voice “Do not turn away - this is St. Petersburg”. There were other successes - for example, a story about a women's zone called "Perky"; in general, it is still not possible to surpass this.

The heroes of Sergei Dorenko's reports hated him from the very beginning of the 90s, from the time of the program "Versions", followed by the chair of the host of "Vremya", and, finally, the famous author's program - a real nail bomb of the air that exploded at the end of the decade. “What does he allow himself”, “yes, put him in the ass”, “you are some kind of square - you have already been removed from the screen, but you still don’t fit in any box, leave the country”, - for his career I had to listen to everyone, and mostly, of course, on business. If we exclude all the political upheavals (who, whom, for how much and why killed each other on TV with the help of Sergei Leonidovich, and what eventually came of it), one thing can be said: Dorenko’s talent is not just to throw shit on the fan, but to adjust entire echelons to fan towns ("Primakov's legs will be cut off!", "What if Luzhkov is dressed as a woman?", "Let's give Chubais a photocopier box!") should be subjected to careful study more than once. However, he was also cute - for example, Zemfira, at the dawn of her career, left the famous gray studio alive and unharmed.


The main mouthpiece of change at the end of Soviet times (glasnost, criticism of the regime, vivid, if sometimes naive, reports about shootings in the fraternal republics, prisons, prostitution, neo-Nazis and rock music) with the advent of new realities became less sharp and more and more sad: sentimental stories about orphans and the general message “What happened to us?”.

Nevertheless, the nightly broadcasts of Vzglyad continued to love and watch according to old memory - largely thanks to the flair of the editors, which can be appreciated only now. Even before the all-Russian fame of the film "Brother", Sergei Bodrov, as a host, interviewed Alexei Balabanov (which is especially important, he did not look like a complete misanthrope at all), in 1999 Evgeny Roizman sat in the studio with his "City Without Drugs" ( long before any LiveJournal and political ambitions), in the end, even with the Annihilator Cannon group, which later became an Internet meme, Vzglyad talked to God knows when.


In fact, the same “Vzglyad”, only for the little ones - the teenage program, which seemed to be not very original, firstly, quickly (sometimes even too much) reacted to the agenda, and secondly, thanks to the rising star Sergei Suponev, it amazed, no matter how trite it sounds, absolutely amazing warmth and sincerity. Loved by the children of the 90s, "Hour of the Stars" and "Dandy - a New Reality" came directly from "Marathon-15" and were famous for just that: intonationally the conversation was carried out on an equal footing, as with adults, except perhaps without mentioning the horrors of perestroika. “Marathon” itself was noticeably overdoing it with horrors - the innocent construction of a snowy town in the frame could suddenly, quite unexpectedly, taxi to destroyed churches, empty counters, tank tracks and Kalashnikov assault rifles.

"Program A"

The most shameless TV show in terms of the selection of musical material, which basically avoided demonstrative attempts to play postmodernism, but at the same time, was not afraid to take risks from time to time - which often helped it gather a fairly decent audience from the screens. So, in 1992, in “Program A”, with a completely deafening effect, they showed a live of the group “Automatic Satisfiers” (where the soloist Andrey Panov, drunk on a trolley, lay a lot and interestingly on stage), and in 1994, Yegor Letov was given a session of direct communication with country.

“Egor, I don’t understand your tricks, why do you consider communists and fascists to be forces of light? “Because their ideas unite people, these are ideas that fight loneliness, and whoever doesn’t understand this is either scum or a bastard,” against the background of the fact that it happened six months after the October events, such statements looked at least cool at least (plus it’s even scary to imagine what an outraged public would do with the channel these days). But, as they say, not only scandals - sometimes you could turn on "Program A" and stumble upon a pleasant surprise like a concert of post-rock pioneers Bark Psychosis.

"Glasnost Booth"

Resonant telehit new Russia, which grew out of a simple idea to set up a small room with a camera on Red Square, film everyone and compile a collective portrait of the country from the resulting material. As a result, as of November 7, 1991, only one thing could be understood - extensive social upheavals seriously undermined the already shaky mental health average citizen. In addition to shy provincials in cockerel hats and children reporting that “it’s normal in Ukraine, there is no shortage,” there were also storytellers about the apocalypse, and religious fanatics, and angry townspeople with an unpleasant gleam in their eyes - however, the characters are difficult to describe: a completely different speech , completely different faces, a completely different texture. Despite the irregularity of the output, the "Budka" firmly settled in popular consciousness- it was not only parodied (as, for example, the program "Dolls" or Yevgeny Petrosyan), but in all seriousness they made clone programs of the same name on regional channels.


Vlad Listyev's benefit performance and the first full-fledged talk show with issues that everyone has long wanted to discuss normally on the air - both seriously (privatization, a referendum on confidence in the president, the death penalty, the legalization of firearms, bankers, rampant crime), and not very (nudists, biofield, big Foot). A classic example is the issue about the phenomenon of business children, in which the studio asks the boy Dima and other nameless entrepreneurs with translucent ears how they make a living - in the process it is impossible to get rid of the feeling that you are watching the heroes of Sergei Solovyov’s film “Tender Age” .

"My family"

The program, which actually gave rise to the entire domestic “television for housewives” and in all its splendor demonstrated the unconditional commercial genius of Valery Komissarov - the owner of the appearance of a comic lawyer-rogue, and later a State Duma deputy and author of the concepts "House-2" and "Windows". The conflict-free and cozy “My Family” tried not to make a complex facial expression and especially not to get into global issues - only everyday life, only internal affairs, only ordinary stories of ordinary people (those who had sharper stories were hiding under the famous “Mask of Revelation”) . At the beginning of the 2000s, everything turned a little yellow (about which the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper was sometimes indignant - they say that the ears of the screenwriters stick out quite openly in the plots, how come it is) and lost its natural charm, but golden times when you come to speculate about the "new Russians" did not disdain, for example, Eduard Limonov (and setting them as an example not just anyone, but the drug lord Pablo Escobar) will already remain in eternity.

"Field of Dreams"

The cornerstone of domestic entertainment television for more than 20 years of existence has finally lost the remnants of social significance and common sense, being buried under gift heaps of dried fish and pickled mushrooms. Now it’s hard to imagine that it used to be different: the country was seriously indignant at the replacement of the intelligent Listyev (who, during the game, asked teenagers how the situation with the Lubers was, subtly joked about the right bias and said hello to the then mayor of Moscow, Gavriil Popov) with “ this wino" Yakubovich or unanimously looked at the insane collaboration of the "Field of Miracles" with NTV's "Dolls" in support of Yeltsin in the elections. However, the 100th broadcast of the program in 1993 can be considered the real quintessence of what was happening - there, among other things, cosmonauts from the Mir station won video recorders while directly in near-Earth orbit, and a rustic mustachioed man who lost an almost conquered car due to a tip from a drunk viewer, overnight became an object of pity and sympathy on a national scale (many sincerely believed that justice would prevail, and the Vremya program would now report that they had given him a car, but, of course, alas).

Quite a characteristic modern detail: in inter-program breaks children's TV channel Yakubovich’s “carousel” is already called nothing more than “grandfather Lenya” (and even Pozner is still “uncle Vova”, for nothing that he is 11 years older) - and this does not add optimism either to Leonid Arkadievich himself or to you and me.

Even 25 years ago, we did not have so many cinemas and entertainment centers for every taste and budget, so most people preferred to spend their leisure time in front of the TV, which offered us a lot of entertainment programs. Television quizzes, competitions and competitions were very popular. In them, one could not only test one's erudition, but also cheer for the participant they liked. Some programs were so loved by the audience that they are still being broadcast. We invite you to remember the most favorite TV shows of the past years with us!

"Through the mouth of a baby"

Married couples took part in this funny game show. They were divided into teams and in a limited time they tried to guess as much as possible. more puzzles. The whole relish was that the riddles were given to them by the children, who made the program cute and exciting. By the way, my favorite member was a little Mark Amadeo. Show " From the mouth of a baby» aired from 1992 on year 2000, the transmission was once tried to be revived in 2013, led her (43), but she did not have her former success.

"King of the Hill"

In the show king of the hill was the obstacle course that every kid in the 90s dreamed of. The participants were given nicknames, real names were not used there, so the words “Dwarf overcomes the wall” did not cause bewilderment in anyone. Children had to overcome numerous trials in a short time and as a result received valuable prizes. The host of the program was incendiary Alexey Veselkin(54). The transfer was closed 2003 in connection with care Veselkina with Channel One.

"Fort Boyard"

On Russian television, the game " Fort Boyard» migrated from France in 1992. The transfer was not only exciting, but also very beautiful, because all the tests took place in the fort early XIX century in the middle Bay of Biscay. Spectators with bated breath followed the trials that fell to the lot of the participants. Sometimes they had to simply break themselves in order to ride a cable upside down over the ocean or stick their hand into a chest infested with scorpions. And all this only for the sake of victory and gold, which the winning team took right from under the noses of the lions!

"Star Hour"

This exciting program was one of my favorites. It existed on television for 10 years and was held in the format intellectual games. Her host was wonderful Sergey Suponev who, like no one else, could find a common language with children. I'm sure many of us in the finale frantically tried to make as many words as possible from one long one. Unfortunately, after the tragic death Sergei the program has closed. The producers could not find a worthy replacement for him.

"Call of the Jungle"

This show had everything that the kids loved so much. To the cheerful music among the bright scenery, the children enthusiastically ran, jumped and climbed, and our beloved commanded all this. Sergey Suponev. The transmission reminded Fun starts with the participation of two teams of schoolchildren. No one left empty-handed, because there were enough gifts for everyone! Children of the 90s followed the program for nine whole years, until it suffered the same sad fate as " finest hour».

"Love at first sight"

In this show, three guys sat on the revolving catwalks, and in front of them were three girls. All of them answered tricky questions, thanks to which a general impression of a person was created. The questions were followed by voting: each guy chose the girl he liked, and vice versa. If the matched couple answered six questions correctly, they won the romantic trip. The show lasted eight years and was so popular that other channels repeatedly tried to revive it, but no one could repeat the success of the original.

"Field of Dreams"

Few people know that the legendary show " Field of Dreams'came to us from America. Thanks to the charm of his permanent leader Leonid Yakubovich(70) it gained far more popularity than the overseas original. Truth, Leonid Arkadievich did not stand at the origins of the program. Those who are older remember that before 1991 leading " Fields of Wonders" was Vladislav Listyev. Rare show can boast of such national love. Participants solve words, win prizes and communicate with Yakubovich for 25 years already!

"Hundred to One"

Show " one hundred to one"is an analogue of the American game Family Feud. The first series of the Russian version came out in the distant 1995, and to this day its leader remains unchanged Alexander Gurevich(51). The goal of the game participants is to guess the most common answers of people to the proposed questions.

"Guess the melody"

For the first time this program appeared on the screens in 1995 with the same Valdis Pelsh(48) at the helm. Valdis checked the musical literacy of the participants, and each guessed melody made the wallet of the lucky one full. Of the three players, only one was destined to participate in the super game and guess seven melodies in 30 seconds. A special pride of the show was a live orchestra that played in the studio. The program was repeatedly closed, but the Russian audience is so passionate about music that attempts are still being made to revive it.

"Dog show. Me and my dog"

All dog lovers gathered at the TV when the screensaver “ Dog show. me and my dog". And even annoying advertisements for dog food did not irritate the audience, because in the program the four-legged friends showed miracles of ingenuity. The show first aired in 1995. The participants were not only pets, but also their owners, who had to correctly answer the host's questions. The main motto of the show is: “If a dog cannot do something, the owner can do it for him!” Indeed, if the beloved four-legged did something wrong or was simply capricious, then the owners went to the obstacle course. The program ceased to exist in 2005 in connection with the change in the concept of broadcasting Channel One.

"My own director"

« director himself"was the analogue of the American show" Most funny video ". For the first time Russian version appeared on the screens 1992 and immediately won a huge audience of loyal viewers. The program aired amateur footage with funny voice acting. The heroes of these videos gathered in the studio of the show and participated in the drawing of prizes for the funniest video. You will be surprised, but director himself"are still being filmed and even broadcast on the channel" Russia 1", and the leader remains the same Alexey Lysenkov (51).

This quiz was attended by seven players who had to answer questions from the host. The game was played over three rounds and the winner was awarded valuable prizes. The players rose higher and higher, and with each correct answer they approached the final. There was also a scary mummy who threw out prizes if the participant answered incorrectly. Each game had its own theme, so that the children at the screen could game form improve your knowledge of geography, music, zoology and many other subjects. At first, the program was led Evgeny Dvorzhetsky, after his death, the post of host was taken Yuri Vasiliev(61). Under the leadership of Vasiliev the program lasted until 2002. Unfortunately, this exciting game is destined to remain only in our memory, not a single episode of the TV show has been preserved in the archives of the channel.

The children of perestroika had only 2 channels on the TV - First and Second. And they were called not channels, but programs. And there was no remote control - you had to get up and flip a tight switch in a circle. Television of those times was terribly boring for Soviet children, so they marked interesting programs in advance with a pen in the newspaper program. Usually these were Goodnight, kids", m / f and children's k / f-t / f during the holidays. As the children of perestroika grew up, more interesting programs appeared for them, and there were more channels in the 90s.

Let's try to remember all those programs that riveted our attention to black and white screens. Judging by the videos, they were in color, but I thought... :)

There are about 30 videos under the cut that can cause an unprecedented surge of nostalgia for Soviet television and childhood.

The program guide could be found not only in the newspaper - every day this aunt read it on TV.

The broadcast network was so sparse that TV people could afford such a killing of airtime.

Of course, the number one program for the Soviet child was "Good night, kids", with her unforgettable aunt Tanya.

Somewhere in the late 80s, another screensaver appeared:

The day was terrible if instead of "goodnight" they turned on some kind of hockey or football. It was the end - after all, tomorrow might not come ("..tomorrow will be a day again")!
Remember how you sat and waited for this rainy football to end, but it didn’t end and didn’t end ... And then my mother said “Go to sleep” ... Tears, snot, etc., etc.

The same thing happened with the endless program "International Panorama", after which at 19-15 there was always supposed to be a cartoon. But "Panorama" was constantly extended by 5-10 minutes, putting the Soviet child out of patience.

The second most expected was the program "Visiting a Fairy Tale", which was hosted by everyone's beloved Aunt Valya, my countrywoman. The broadcast was on Saturday evenings. By this time, parents were in a hurry to bathe their children so that they would calmly, before going to bed, watch their fairy tale and pass out.

Do you remember Valya's co-host's aunts - Noki?

It was not only the harsh cry of the mother from the window or the father's belt that could drive the Soviet child out of the street - it was enough to shout "Yeralash begins!", and the yard was instantly empty.

With nothing to do, you could also watch "In the Animal World", which replaced a trip to the zoo. Good health to Nikolai Drozdov. These people are like a bridge to our past.

It was possible to see distant countries in the program "Club of Travelers". How would we know then about Thor Heyerdahl and his "Kon-Tiki"? Of course, from the beloved Yuri Senkevich. They also showed a film about Shaolin monks.

Another program with the great presenter Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa - "Obvious-incredible". I liked the intro for this show the most and I didn’t watch the rest.

Children's educational program "ABVGDEyka", with funny clowns. For some reason I don't remember watching it. And you?

Somewhere in 1991, a real drug for children appeared on television - "Walt Disney Presents". Weaning from watching a weekly portion of foreign cartoons was a very severe punishment for a child.

"Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers", "DuckTales", "Miracles on the Turns", "Team Goofy", "Black Cape", "Crazy" - it is impossible to imagine our childhood without these heroes. Their images were everywhere - on knapsacks, on chewing gum inserts, on badges, erasers, pencil cases and translators.

This program was also loved - "Marathon-15", with Zhora Galustyan and young Suponev:

Suponev was born for children's programs. We will forever remember him on the programs "Star Hour" ...

..."Call of the Jungle"

At first, the program was released on Wednesdays, so the intro sang "Wednesday evening, after dinner, a dream for tired, grown-up people ...". And then they moved it to Saturday - "It's reluctant to sleep on Saturday morning ...". :)

He also prepared stories for "Up to 16 and older."

The transmission was great. There they often talked about rockers and played their music.

The most "fatal" program was still "Jam":

From 1995 to 1998 I didn't miss a single release.

Fascinating competitions from the world acting skills - "Magic world, or Cinema":

And the whole program "Lego-Go!" was devoted to the designer "LEGO":

Equally adored by both men and women "Rhythmic Gymnastics" ("Aerobics"). Who repeated the movements after them? :)

Transfer for moviegoers - "Kinopanorama":

For football fans - "Football Review":

There were as many as two programs for the wise men - "What? Where? When?"...

I always thought that all connoisseurs are fabulously rich people :)

And Brain Ring.

We are watching the beginning of the program - they always gave the floor to Dovgan :)

And who remembers "Fifty, fifty, fifty-fifty ..."? :)

Every Sunday morning everyone watched the show" morning Star". How many performers who later became "stars" passed through the stage of this program.

Another one " early bird Weekend - "Morning Mail":

The funniest program of pre-comedy club times - "Around Laughter":

"Music ring":


"Fort Bayard" was watched by both adults and children. I also loved this show from the early 90s.

Well, how can you not remember the leader from interesting name, surname and gestures - Valdis Pelsh and his show "Guess the melody"? :)

I am sure that I forgot about at least 10 more programs that you will try to remember. You can add links to videos or embed videos in comments.

25 years ago we didn't have as many cinemas and entertainment centers as we do now, so TV shows were a favorite way to have fun.

We especially liked TV quizzes, competitions and contests. You could not only watch them, but also cheer for the participants you liked. Some programs are loved by the people so much that they are still being shown.

Love at first sight

Three guys and three girls answer tricky questions from the TV hosts, but only one couple wins the grand prize at the end. This romantic show existed on the RTR channel for 8 years and was so popular that a few years later other TV channels repeatedly tried to revive it. But they failed to repeat the success of the original transmission.

Brain ring

Once Vladimir Voroshilov had an idea: what if we come up with a program similar to his own “What? Where? When?” but with two teams? After some time, he realized his plan, and the people fell in love with the game so much that they began to release it regularly. Intellectual battles of teams, where the time for answering questions was limited, literally riveted all honest people to the screens.

finest hour

This fascinating program existed on television for 10 years and took place in the format of an intellectual game, and its host was Sergey Suponev, who, like no one else, knew how to find a common language with children. Unfortunately, after the tragic death of Sergei, the program was closed. The producers could not find a worthy replacement for him.

Lucky case

This TV quiz was a great success with family people, because it was possible to take part in it with the whole family. The program was shown for a very long time, and was closed for an absurd reason. The company that owned the rights to the transfer decided to release a board game based on it. But the print quality turned out to be so low that the rating of the entire program began to fall.

From the mouth of a baby

Married couples took part in this funny game. They were divided into teams and tried to solve as many riddles as possible in a limited period of time. And little kids asked them riddles, which was very cute and exciting.

Guess the melody

The host checks the musical literacy of the participants and evaluates it at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia. This game was repeatedly closed, but our viewers are so passionate about music that the program is constantly being revived. A notable feature of the program is that a live orchestra plays in the studio.

call of the jungle

To the merry music among the bright scenery, the children enthusiastically ran, jumped, climbed, and our beloved Sergey Suponev commanded this parade. The game was similar to "Merry Starts" with bright prizes, in which two teams of schoolchildren participated. The children were fond of her for 9 years, until she suffered the same sad fate as the program "Fine Hour".

L club

The transmission was invented by Leonid Yarmolnik and named after him. Leonid recalls that he conceived it as an educational and entertaining one, he was going to show the audience the whole world. But in the end, I got carried away with another project and abandoned it. But we remembered for a long time how the logo of the TV company BID at the end of the program turned into the face of Yarmolnik and showed his tongue.

Two pianos

In this musical program, two teams competed with each other, each of which necessarily included a pianist. Who guessed more songs - he won. The program was not broadcast for a very long time, but won a certain number of fans. Unfortunately, it is no longer shown at the moment.

Field of Dreams

This legendary show came to us from America, but thanks to the wonderful and charming manner of communication of Leonid Yakubovich, it gained popularity much more than the original in its time. Rarely what program can boast of such popular love. After all, participants have been guessing words, winning prizes and exchanging various amazing gifts with Yakubovich for 25 years.