Concise presentation. Preparation for the GIA (С1) Concise presentation

write a concise summary of 70 words TEXT No. 2 "Tree" It has long been especially perceived separately in the popular mind standing tree. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed to be the body, the roots - the legs, the crown - the head, the branches - the arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it - just the same. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It possessed such virtues as strength, strength, firmness. A special perception of the tree can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. By the tree here we mean faith, and by its fruits are the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose in his life both the path of good and the path of evil. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees the image of a tree on icons. Long-lived trees, handsome trees were especially noted. Russian artists and poets left us many pictorial and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to peer into the paintings of I. Shishkin "Ship Grove", "Rye", "Pine". In lyrical songs, people share their innermost feelings with the tree. It becomes, as it were, a sensitive interlocutor, a friend. (According to A. Kamkin) 198 words

Since ancient times, a stand-alone tree has been especially perceived in the popular mind. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed to be the body, the roots - the legs, the crown - the head, the branches - the arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it - just the same. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It possessed such virtues as strength, strength, firmness.

A special perception of the tree can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. By the tree here we mean faith, and by its fruits are the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose in his life both the path of good and the path of evil. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees the image of a tree on icons.

Long-lived trees, handsome trees were especially noted. Russian artists and poets left us many pictorial and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to peer into the paintings of I. Shishkin "Ship Grove", "Rye", "Pine". In lyrical songs, people share their innermost feelings with the tree. It becomes, as it were, a sensitive interlocutor, a friend.
(According to A. Kamkin) 198 words

To our ancestors, the tree resembled a man with arms, legs, and a head. It grew, bore fruit, grew old, and died. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it. It could hurt, moan, it had strength, a fortress.
Two trees are mentioned on the pages of the Bible: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first bring immortality, the second - faith. A person chooses between good and evil.
Trees and 3 are depicted in the paintings of many artists. In songs, people share their feelings with them, consider them friends.

Text 1: “I was betrayed by a dear person…”

“I was betrayed by a dear person, I was betrayed best friend". Unfortunately, we hear such statements quite often. Most often betray those in whom we have invested our soul. The pattern here is this: the more beneficence, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, one recalls Hugo's statement: "I am indifferent to the knife blows of the enemy, but the pin prick of my friend is painful to me." / 53 /

Many suffer mockery of themselves, hoping that the traitor's conscience will wake up. But what is not there cannot wake up. Conscience is a function of the soul, and the traitor does not have it. The traitor usually explains his act by the interests of the cause, but in order to justify the first betrayal, he commits the second, third, and so on ad infinitum./47/

Betrayal completely destroys the dignity of a person. As a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends his behavior, trying to justify his deed, someone falls into a feeling of guilt and fear of impending retribution, and someone just tries to forget everything, without burdening himself with either emotions or thoughts. In any case, the life of a traitor becomes empty, worthless and meaningless. / 51 / M. Litvak

Total 151 words

concise statement

Quite often we hear statements that someone has betrayed close person. Most often betray those in whom we have invested our soul. And the greater the beneficence, the stronger the betrayal. Hugo said that he was indifferent to the knife blows of the enemy, but suffered from the pinprick of a friend. /43/

Many endure bullying in the hope that the traitor's conscience will wake up. But the traitor doesn't. He explains his act by the interests of the cause, but in order to justify the first betrayal, he commits new ones. /28/

A traitor completely destroys the dignity of a person. Traitors behave differently. Someone tries to justify himself, someone falls into fear of retribution, someone tries to forget everything. In any case, the life of a traitor becomes empty and meaningless./31/ Total 99 words.

TEXT 2 "Forests"

Chekhov, through the mouth of Dr. Astrov, expressed one of his absolutely amazing in accuracy thoughts that forests teach a person to understand beauty. In the forests, the majestic beauty and power of nature, enhanced by a certain haze of mystery, appear before us with the greatest expressiveness. This gives them a special charm. And I cannot keep silent about the fact that in the depths of our forests, genuine pearls of our poetry were created.

Forests are the greatest source of inspiration and health. These are gigantic laboratories. They produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust. Each of you, of course, remembers the air after a thunderstorm. It is fragrant, fresh, full of ozone. So, in the forests, as it were, an invisible and inaudible eternal thunderstorm rages and scatters streams of ozonized air over the earth.

In the forests you breathe air that is two hundred times cleaner and healthier than the air in cities. It is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical, and sometimes difficult for us, process of breathing into pleasure. Whoever has experienced it for himself, who knows how one breathes in the pine forests warmed by the sun, will remember, of course, the amazing state of seemingly unconscious joy and strength that engulfs us as soon as we get into the forests from stuffy city houses.

(According to K. Paustovsky) 187 words

A concise presentation of the "Forest" (according to Paustovsky) / 76 words out of 187 /

Anton Chekhov expressed the apt idea that forests teach a person to understand beauty. Her beauty, power and mystery appear in the forests. In the depths of our forests, the pearls of our poetry were created. /28 lines/

Forests are a source of inspiration and health. These are gigantic laboratories that produce fresh fragrant oxygen and capture poisonous gases and dust. / 21 w./

The air in the forests is two hundred times healthier than the air in cities. It is healing, lengthens life, pleases, brings pleasure when we get into the forests from stuffy cities. /25 lines/

Text 3"When I was ten years old..."

When I was about ten years old, someone's caring hand put a volume of Animal Heroes on me. (21) I consider it my "alarm clock". From other people I know that for them the “alarm clock” of the feeling of nature was a month spent in the summer in the village, a walk in the forest with a man who “opened his eyes to everything”, the first trip with a backpack, spending the night in the forest ... / 54 /

There is no need to enumerate everything that can awaken in human childhood an interest and a reverent attitude towards the great mystery of life. Of course, textbooks are also needed. Growing up, a person should comprehend with his mind how complex everything in the living world is intertwined, interconnected, how this world is strong and at the same time vulnerable, how everything in our life depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of wildlife. This school must be. /62/

And yet at the beginning of everything is love. Awakened in time, she makes the knowledge of the world interesting and exciting. With it, a person also acquires a certain point of support, an important starting point for all the values ​​of life. Love for everything that turns green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with colors - and there is love that brings a person closer to happiness. / 51 /

/167 words/

concise statement

The "alarm clock" of the feeling of nature for me was the volume "Animals-Heroes", presented to me at the age of ten. For others, walks in the forest, life in the village, traveling with a backpack, spending the night in the forest became this “alarm clock” ... /31/

Growing up, a person must comprehend with his mind how everything in the living world is intertwined, how everything in our life depends on the wealth of the earth, on the health of wildlife. This school must be./29/

And yet, at the beginning of everything, there is love awakened in time for all living things. With it, a person acquires a certain point of support for counting all the values ​​of life./24/ /Total 86 words/

Text 4 There are values

There are values ​​that change, get lost, disappear, becoming the dust of time. But no matter how society changes, all the same, over the course of millennia, eternal values ​​remain that have great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values, of course, is friendship./39/

People very often use this word in their language, they call certain people their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who a true friend what it should be. All definitions of friendship are similar in one thing: friendship is a relationship based on the mutual openness of people, complete trust and constant readiness to help each other at any time./59/

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines, then they will be able to be friends, even if their attitude to certain phenomena of life is different. And then on true friendship not affected by time and distance. People can talk to each other only occasionally, be apart for years, and still be very close friends. Such constancy distinguishing feature true friendship./61/

(From the Internet) 163 words

Micro topics source code

1. One of the eternal values ​​that are of great importance for people of all generations and cultures is friendship.

2. Friendship is a relationship based on openness, trust and willingness to help each other.

3. Friends have the same life values, spiritual guidelines. Persistence is the hallmark of true friendship.

concise statement

There are values ​​that disappear with time. But for all time there are eternal values ​​that matter to all generations and cultures. One of them is friendship./28/

People often use the word "friendship" in speech, consider many people to be friends, but they cannot always say what friendship is, what a true friend should be. However, all definitions are the same. Friendship is mutual openness, complete trust and readiness to always help./41/

The main thing is that friends have the same life values ​​and goals. And then their friendship is not affected by time, distance, or disagreement. Such constancy is the hallmark of true friendship./28/ Total 94 words.

Text 5 "Children of War"

The war was a cruel and harsh school for children. They were not sitting at desks, but in frozen trenches, and in front of them were not notebooks, but armor-piercing shells and machine-gun belts. They did not yet have life experience and therefore did not understand true value simple things that you do not attach importance to in everyday peaceful life. The war filled their spiritual experience to the limit. They could cry not from grief, but from hatred, they could childishly rejoice at the spring crane wedge, as they never rejoiced either before the war or after the war, with tenderness to keep in their souls the warmth of bygone youth. / 91 words /

Those who survived returned from the war, having managed to preserve in themselves a pure, radiant world, faith and hope, becoming more irreconcilable to injustice, kinder to good. /25 words/

Although the war has already become history, the memory of it must live on, because the main participants in history are People and Time. Not to forget Time means not to forget people. Not to forget people means not to forget Time. / 36 words/ /Total - 152 words/

/ according to Yu.V. Bondarev/

Text microthemes:

1 The war has become a cruel and rude school for children.

2 After going through the war, young people gained a huge spiritual experience and were able to preserve their humanity

3. The main participants in history are People and Time, the memory of which should not fade away.

concise statement

The war was a cruel school for children. They did not sit at their desks, and in front of them were not notebooks, but ammunition. They did not yet have life experience and did not understand the true value of things in a peaceful life. The war filled their souls to the limit. They could cry not from grief, but from hatred, rejoiced at the crane wedge, as never before and after the war, tenderly kept the warmth of youth in their souls. / 65 sl. /

Those who survived managed to keep a clean world, faith in goodness, hatred of injustice. / 18 sl. /

Although the war has become history, the memory of it must live on. We must not forget people and their time./15/ Total 88 words

Text 6

The word "mom" - a special word. It accompanies us all our lives, sounds with love and tenderness in the languages ​​of all peoples.

Mother's place in our life is exceptional. We carry her both joy and pain in difficult circumstances, we call our mother and believe that she is in a hurry to help, her love inspires. The word "mother" is equivalent to the word "life".

How many artists, composers, poets created wonderful works about mom! Unfortunately, we realize late that we forgot to say good words their mother and did not give her joy every day. But grateful children are the best gift for mothers.

Text 7

Is it possible to define what art is with one exhaustive formula? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, it is the revelation of the funny and the tragic, it is morality and immorality, it is the knowledge of the world and man. In art, a person creates his image as something separate, capable of existing outside of himself and remaining after him as his trace in history.

The moment a person turns to creativity, perhaps, is greatest discovery unparalleled in history. Indeed, through art, each individual person and nation as a whole comprehends his own characteristics, his life, his place in the world. Art allows you to get in touch with individuals, peoples and civilizations that are distant from us in time and space. And not just to get in touch, but to recognize and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is it that enables humanity to feel itself as a single whole.

That is why, since ancient times, an attitude to art has been formed not as entertainment or fun, but as a powerful force capable of not only capturing the image of time and man, but also passing it on to descendants. (According to Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev)

concise statement

It is impossible to define in one formula what art is. Art is witchcraft, revealing the funny and the tragic, morality and immorality, knowledge of the world and man. In art, a person creates his own image, capable of existing outside of him and remaining in history./35/

The moment when a person turns to creativity is the greatest discovery, because through it a person and a people comprehend their life. Your place in the world. Art allows you to get in touch with personalities, civilizations, peoples through time and space./32/

That is why, from ancient times, an attitude towards art was formed not as entertainment, but as a powerful force capable of leaving the image of time and man to posterity. / 25 / Total 82 ff.

Text 8. "Recipe for choosing the path"

There is simply no and cannot be a universal recipe for how to choose the right, the only true, only path in life intended for you. And the final choice always remains with the individual.

We make this choice already in childhood, when we choose friends, learn to build relationships with peers, and play. But most of the most important decisions that determine life path, we still accept in youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most crucial period. It is at this time that a person, as a rule, chooses the most important thing for the rest of his life: his closest friend, the circle of his main interests, his profession.

It is clear that such a choice is a responsible matter. It cannot be brushed aside, it cannot be postponed until later. You should not hope that the mistake can be corrected later: it will be in time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, can be corrected, changed, but not everything. And wrong decisions will not remain without consequences. After all, success comes to those who know what they want, decisively make a choice, believe in themselves and stubbornly achieve their goals.

(According to Andrei Nikolaevich Moskvin)

concise statement

There is simply no universal recipe for choosing the right path in life. The final choice always remains with the person./16/

We make this choice already in childhood, but we still make most of the most important decisions in our youth. After all, youth is the most crucial period when a person chooses the main thing for life: a friend, interests, profession. / 33 /

Such a choice is a responsible matter. It can not be postponed until later Do not hope that after you can fix everything. You fix something, but the consequences will remain. And success comes to those who decisively make a choice, believe in themselves and stubbornly move towards the goal./38/ Total 87 pp.

Text 9

"Tests await friendship always"

Trials await friendship always. The main one today is

a changed way of life, a change in the way and routine of life. With acceleration

the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize oneself, an understanding came

the significance of time. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example,

so that the hosts are burdened by the guests. Now that time is the price of achievement

its purpose, rest and hospitality ceased to be significant. Frequent

meetings and leisurely conversations are no longer indispensable companions

friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meeting friends

become rare.

But here's the paradox: before the circle of communication was limited, today

a person is oppressed by the redundancy of forced communication. Especially this

noticeable in cities with high population density. We are trying

stand apart, choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in reading room


It would seem that such redundancy of obligatory communication and the desire

to isolation should reduce the need for friendship to a minimum, make

its forever irrelevant. But it's not. Relationships with friends remain

first place. Their existence warms the soul with the certainty that we

at the most difficult moment. (According to Nikolai Prokhorovich Kryshchuk)

Concise summary "Tests await friendship always ..." /concise/

Tests are always waiting for friendship. The main thing today is a change in lifestyle, lack of time. Previously, the owners were not burdened by guests, but now rest with friends and hospitality have ceased to be important. Leisurely conversations and meetings have become rare because people live in different rhythms. /38/

But here's the paradox. Previously, the circle of communication was narrow, but today we are oppressed by forced communication. People in big cities tend to retire. /twenty/

Text 10

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has a bright and tender memory associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memory from the childhood of every person.

per century computer technology real toys no longer attract as much attention as virtual ones. But despite all the novelties that appear, such as telephones and computer equipment, the toy still remains unique and indispensable in its kind, because nothing teaches and develops the child like a toy with which he can communicate, play and even acquire vitality. an experience.

The toy is the key to consciousness little man. To develop and strengthen in it positive traits, to make him mentally healthy, to instill love for others, to form a correct understanding of good and evil, it is necessary to carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will bring to his world not only its own image, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a system of values ​​and worldview. Impossible to bring up complete person with negative toys.

Concise presentation. "Favorite toys" /77 words out of 158 /

Each of us once had favorite toys with which the most vivid, tender and bright childhood memories are associated. /eighteen /

In the age of computer technology, real toys no longer attract the same attention as virtual ones. But a children's toy remains indispensable, because nothing teaches and develops a child like that. /29/

The toy is the key to the consciousness of the little man. To develop positive qualities in him, to make him mentally healthy, you need to choose the right toy. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of toys of a negative orientation. /thirty /

Text 11: “We often talk about the difficulties of education…”

We often talk about the difficulties associated with raising a person starting life. And the most a big problem- this is a weakening of family ties, a decrease in the importance of the family in raising a child. And if in early years in a person, the family did not lay anything lasting in moral sense, then society will have a lot of trouble with this citizen. / 51 /

The other extreme is the overprotection of the child by the parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening family start. Parents did not give their child spiritual warmth and, feeling this guilt, they strive in the future to pay their inner spiritual debt with belated petty care and material benefits. / 36 /

The world is changing, becoming different. But if the parents could not establish internal contact with the child, shifting the main worries to grandparents or public organizations, then one should not be surprised that some child so early acquires cynicism and disbelief in disinterestedness, that his life becomes impoverished, becomes flat and dry. / 48 /

(According to Yuri Markovich Nagibin)

/136 words/

concise statement

We often talk about the difficulties of raising a child in a family. The most important problem is the weakening of family ties. And if in the early years the family did not instill strong morality in the child, then society will have trouble with this citizen. / 35 /

Another problem is the overprotection of the child by the parents. Parents did not give the child warmth and replace it with belated petty care and material benefits. / 21 /

The world is changing. And if the parents did not establish contact with the child, shifted the care of him to grandparents and school, then you should not be surprised that some children acquire cynicism early, their life becomes impoverished, becomes uninteresting. / 34 / / 90 words /

TEXT 12 Tree

Since ancient times, a stand-alone tree has been especially perceived in the popular mind. To our distant ancestors, the tree resembled a person. Its trunk seemed to be the body, the roots - the legs, the crown - the head, the branches - the arms. Like a person, it grew and matured, grew old and died. The tree bore fruit. There was a movement of life-giving juices in it - just the same. How blood moves in a person. It could hurt, moan, creak. It possessed such virtues as strength, strength, firmness.

A special perception of the tree can be found in the Bible. On its very first pages, two trees of the Garden of Eden are mentioned, designed to play an important role in the history of mankind: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of the first give immortality. By the tree here we mean faith, and by its fruits - the gifts of faith: love, spiritual purity, immortality. The second tree is called to test this faith. It reminds us that a person can choose in his life both the path of good and the path of evil. This is what a believer thinks about when he sees the image of a tree on icons.

Long-lived trees, handsome trees were especially noted. Russian artists and poets left us many pictorial and verbal images of such trees. It is enough, for example, to peer into the paintings of I. Shishkin "Ship Grove", "Rye", "Pine". In lyrical songs, people share their innermost feelings with the tree. It becomes, as it were, a sensitive interlocutor, a friend. (According to A. Kamkin) 198 words

From time immemorial, the people have especially perceived the tree.It resembled a man: the trunk is the body. The roots are the legs, the crown is the head, the branches are the arms, the juices are the blood. Like a person, it grew. Getting old, getting sick, dying, getting old. Could be hard and strong. /32 sl. /

A special perception of the tree can be found in the Bible. The two trees of the Garden of Eden are the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. One gives the fruits of immortality, and the other tests a person, he chooses evil or good. The believer thinks about this when he sees trees on the icon. /40 sl./

Long-lived trees were especially noted, trees - handsome Russian artists and poets. And in songs, people share their innermost feelings with a tree, as with a friend. /22 lines/ - 94

Text13 "Music"

Music is perhaps the most marvelous creation of man, his eternal mystery and delight. No one has come into contact with the human subconsciousness as closely as a musician, - that very unguessed matter and eternal mystery that lives in us, disturbs and excites. People cry when listening to music, cry from contact with something beautiful, seemingly silent, forever lost, cry, pitying themselves and that pure, marvelous creation in themselves that was conceived by nature, but in the struggle for existence, man was destroyed. .

Music returns to a person all the best that is in him and will remain on earth. I think that a person may have heard music before he learned to speak. A seditious thought arises that in the beginning there was the sound of the wind, the lapping of waves, the singing of birds, the rustling of grass and the sound of falling leaves. And only by adopting a sound from nature, a person put together a word from it.

Music and nature are the most faithful, holy and unchanging things that remain with a person and do not allow him to completely run wild. I mean real music, and not that demonism, not that deafening orgy that swirled a person in a thoughtless wild dance, plunged him into some kind of instinctive imitation of a howling and roaring beast, which the time has come to remind where we came from, and whose image and likeness we have lost.

concise statement

Music is the most marvelous creation of man and an eternal mystery. No one has come into contact with the subconscious of a person closer than a musician. People cry when listening to music from contact with the beautiful and pure, which was conceived by nature, but ruined by man. /33 words/

Music returns to a person all the best in him and on earth. I think that people heard music before they learned to speak. This music was different sounds nature, then the word was formed. /29 words/

Music and nature are the most sacred things that keep a person from running wild. I mean real music, and not that wild demonism, howling and wild dances that now swirled a person. /30sl./


In a society where the idea of ​​individualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance. And society just formed and continues to exist with the help of a common cause, common interests, thanks to the fact that each of us complements each other like a mosaic. And how can we now support another different point of view, which says that there are no other interests than our own? And the point here is not even that it sounds very selfish, the point is that only in this issue are personal and public tastes connected.
Do you understand how much more interesting and tempting it is than it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and therefore worsens us. Only mutual support can preserve and strengthen society.
And what is most suitable for our interests - mutual assistance or choosing in favor of ourselves (selfishness)? There will obviously be more opinions here. We must help each other if we want to live well together and not depend on anyone. And helping people difficult situation, you don’t have to wait for gratitude, you just need to help, not looking for benefits for yourself, and they will definitely help you in return.

concise statement

In a society where the idea of ​​individualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Human society formed and exists thanks to a common cause, thanks to the fact that each of us complements each other.

The assertion that there are only our own interests sounds selfish. In this matter, personal and public interests are intertwined. Individualism destroys and weakens society. Only mutual support can preserve and strengthen people.

We must help each other if we want to live well together and not depend on anyone. We need to help, not looking for benefits for ourselves. Then they will definitely help you. (90 w.)

Text 15

The beauty of the world around: the flower and the flight of the swallow, the misty lake and the star, rising sun and a honeycomb, a dense tree and female face- all the beauty of the surrounding world gradually accumulated in the soul of a person, then the return inevitably began. The image of a flower or a deer appeared on the handle of a battle axe. The image of the sun or a bird adorned a birch bark bucket or a primitive clay plate. After all, until now folk art is clearly applied. Any decorated product is, first of all, a product, whether it be a salt shaker, an arc, a spoon, a ruffle, a sled, a towel, a baby's cradle...

Then the art took off. The drawing on the rock has no applied character. It's just a joyful or sorrowful cry of the soul. From a worthless drawing on a rock to a drawing by Rembrandt, Wagner's opera, Rodin's sculpture, Dostoyevsky's novel, Blok's poem, Galina Ulanova's pirouette.

concise statement

Text 16

Rudeness in language, as well as rudeness in manners, slovenliness in clothes, is a very common phenomenon, and it testifies to the insecurity of a person, to his weakness, and not at all to strength. I'm not talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear unnecessarily. After all, it has long been known that each of our actions, each of our words is reflected in those around us and is hostile to the most precious thing in the world, - human life. And a strong person, understanding all this, is just strong in his nobility and generosity.

To learn good, calm, intelligent speech is necessary for a long time and carefully - listening, memorizing, reading. But although it is difficult - it is necessary, really necessary! Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it is “dragging”.

concise statement

1) Rudeness in the language is a common phenomenon, indicating the weakness and insecurity of a person. It is a sign of bad manners, and sometimes cruelty.

2) A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear. Every action we take and every word we say has an impact on those around us. A strong person understands this. He is strong just for his nobility and generosity.

3) You need to learn calm and intelligent speech for a long time and carefully. This is really necessary, because speech is the most important part of the personality and the ability not to succumb to the influence of the environment, if it is "addictive".

Text 17

Time changes people. But, besides time, there is another category that affects you, maybe even stronger than time. This is a way of life, an attitude towards it, compassion for others. There is an argument that compassion is brought up by one's own misfortune. I don't like this idea. I believe that compassion is a special talent, and without it it is difficult to remain human.

A person of serene fate knows, of course, about troubles, that there are unfortunate people, and among them children. Yes, misfortunes and troubles are inevitable. But life is arranged in such a way that misfortune seems to the happy most often far away, sometimes even unreal. If everything is fine with you, trouble seems to be scattered around the world with small grains of sand, misfortune seems atypical, and happiness seems typical. Happiness will not be happiness if every moment it begins to think about trouble and grief.

Own troubles leave scars in the soul and teach a person important truths. But if a person remembers only such lessons, he has an underestimated sensitivity. It's easy to cry in your own pain. It's harder to cry from someone else's pain. A famous thinker of the past said: "Prosperity reveals our vices, and disasters our virtues."

Text 18

We often say to each other: I wish you all the best. This is not just an expression of politeness. In these words we express our human nature. One must have great fortitude in order to be able to wish good to others. The ability to feel, the ability to see the people around you kindly is not only an indicator of culture, but also the result of a huge inner work of the spirit.

Turning to each other with a request, we say: please. Request is an impulse of the soul. Refusing to help a person means losing one's own human dignity. Indifference to those in need of help is a spiritual deformity. In order to protect oneself from indifference, one must develop in one's soul complicity, compassion, and at the same time the ability to distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices that cripple the soul.

To increase goodness in the world around us - this is the greatest goal of life. Good is made up of many things, and every time life sets a task for a person that must be able to solve. Love and friendship, growing and spreading to many things, gain new strength, become higher and higher, and the person, their center, is wiser.

concise statement

1) In wishing good to people, we express our human nature, because this requires great fortitude. The ability to see others in a kind way is the result of a huge inner work.

2) To refuse help is to lose dignity. To protect yourself from indifference to those in need of help, you must develop complicity and compassion, as well as the ability to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

3) To increase goodness in the world around us is the biggest goal of life. Love and friendship gain new strength, becoming higher, and the person, their center, wiser.

Text 19

Modern life with its ever-increasing pace, makes people communicate with more people. Surprisingly, the more such "fleeting" acquaintances we meet, the more difficult it is to find true friends among them. However, one thing is clear: we all feel a strong need for companionship, close friendships are still necessary for us, just like food and water.
What should a true friend be like? A true friend will always be able to help you in a difficult time, but he will never use you as a means to achieve his goals. A true friend will sincerely rejoice at your success, but he will not pretend to be glad, and at the same time envy you in his soul. A friend will always find the right word of support, which people so often lack. You can always rely on a friend because he is honest with you.
Do not think that a friend should be an ideal person, devoid of any flaws. No. A friend is also a person, and there are no ideal people. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

concise statement

1) Modern life forces people to communicate with a large number of "fleeting" acquaintances, among whom it is increasingly difficult to find true friends. But we all feel a strong need for close companionship.

2) What should a true friend be like? He will be able to help in difficult times and will never take advantage of you. He will be sincerely happy with your success and will not envy you. He will find a word of encouragement. You can rely on him.

3) A friend is not a perfect person. He has flaws. The main thing is to treat him with kindness and attention.

Text 20

I remembered hundreds of boys' answers to the question: what kind of person do you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... And no one said - kind. Why is kindness not put on a par with such virtues as courage and bravery? But without kindness, genuine warmth of the heart, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity.
Today, when there is already enough evil in the world, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind towards each other, towards the surrounding living world and do the most bold deeds in the name of good. Following the path of goodness is the most acceptable and the only path for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful both to a person alone and to society as a whole.
Learning to feel and sympathize is the most difficult thing in education. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, you will never bring them up, because they are assimilated simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main of which is the value of life, someone else's, one's own, the life of the animal world and plants. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school, a school of nurturing good feelings.

concise statement

1) Why is kindness not put on a par with valor and courage? After all, without kindness, the spiritual beauty of a person is impossible. Together with emotional culture, it is the focus of humanity.

2) Today we should be more kind to each other, to the animal world and do bold deeds in the name of goodness. The path of goodness is the only true one for man. He is tested, faithful, useful both to man and to society.

3) If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they will never be brought up. They are assimilated along with the main truth - the value of the life of all living things. In childhood, a person must go through the school of good feelings.