Sincwine based on the story of the adventures of electronics. Literature lesson on the topic: E

Literary reading grade 3

Subject: Evgeny Serafimovich Veltistov "Electronics - a boy from


"Suitcase with four handles"

Purpose: to acquaint students with the work of E.S. Veltistov "Suitcase with four handles", replenish vocabulary students, to teach correct expressive reading, the ability to analyze the text, the development of speech, memory, thinking, to instill interest in the subject.

Planned results: to know the name of the author, the title of his works, to give the concept of "cybernetics", to be able to read consciously, correctly, to represent the images and characters of the characters, divide the text into parts and title; show independence and help each other.

Equipment: presentation of the biography and creativity of E. Veltistov, books, cards, a musical moment.

During the classes

    The emotional state of students.

FROM Good morning. The day has begun

First of all, we drive laziness.

Don't yawn in class

2. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

3. Actualization of students' knowledge.

Guess the word by letter. F_nt_st_k_.

What is "fantasy"?

What do you know about fiction?

What fantastic works do you know?

Have you ever seen robots?

How do they look? (slide - robots)

In E. Veltistov's story, the robot-boy does not look like a typical cyborg in a metallic form. He is completely unique and mysterious.

4. Assimilation of new knowledge.

Presentation on the biography and work of E. Veltistov.(slides)

E. S. Veltistov (1934-1989) - writer, journalist. Born in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow state university. He began to print in the late 1950s. Fame Evgeny Veltistov as children's writer brought a cycle of stories about Electronics, a robot boy created by Professor Gromov.

Amazing fantastic adventures happened to the main characters Seryozha Syroezhkin and a double - a robot.

Fantastic stories will help you think about choosing a profession. Perhaps you, like Professor Gromov, will someday create your own robot - an assistant to a person.

In which movie did the boy meet his doppelgänger, the robot boy, and befriend him?

What is a story? (student answers)

How many stories about Electronics have been written by the author?

1. "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase"

2. "Rassy is an elusive friend"

3. "Winner of the Impossible"

4. "New Adventures of Electronics"

Who invented the electronic boy? (Professor Gromov and his friends, students, students helped him. They worked for five years. The puppeteer Smekhov was instructed to turn a piece of a solid body - a head, a torso into a living doll. He took a photograph from a magazine (it was Seryozha Syroezhkin) pulled the skin over the car - this is how the real one appeared boy.)

vocabulary work

Find in explanatory dictionary the meaning of the word "cybernetics".

Cybernetics is the science of the general laws governing machines.

Reading the text by a trained student.

What is the secret hidden in the suitcase?

Who are the main characters of the work?

5. Musical minute.

6. Initial check of understanding

Reading by students.

We ask each other questions.

When did Professor Gromov bring Electronics to the Dubki Hotel?

Who helped Gromov bring in the suitcase?

Describe the suitcase.

Prove that Gromov loves nature?

What was the cybernetic boy like? (describe), etc.

Reading the professor's dialogue with the Electronics.

What about Electronic?

Where did his adventures begin?

Dividing the text into parts. Title parts. (work in pairs)

Mutual verification.

What is the idea of ​​the piece?

7. Reflection

What artwork are these illustrations from? (slides)

Choose the heroes of the work.

Finish the sentence - I really liked it ....

8. The result of the lesson. Let's make "Sinkwine" Electronic.


Thank you for the lesson!

Probably, few of the generation of forty-thirty-year-olds did not watch in their childhood a fascinating film about the adventures of the robot boy Electronics. It was at a time when at best four channels were broadcasting in most settlements that all the children of the former USSR were looking forward to the next series. famous movie. And it was a real feat for the then baby - to wait for the next show. All three episodes of the famous musical science fiction film based on the work written by Veltistov - "The Adventures of Electronics" ( summary many of us remember), they look, as they say, in one breath.

All heroes are good

Heroes dear to the heart, even negative ones, still sometimes excite the imagination of former pioneers. How did Veltistov manage to achieve this? "The Adventures of Electronics", the main characters of which are not only the sloven Seryozha Syroezhkin and the robot El, but also the gloomy strong man Makar Gusev, and the sneak Zoya Kukushkina, and the wise men Maxim Korolkov and Vitya Smirnov, convey all the purity and naivety, but at the same time kindness and sincerity of teenagers. We must pay tribute to the creators of the film - all these images were written out by the scriptwriters and directors of amazing quality.

Feature films are not made on a whim. As a rule, each of them is based on a book plot. A film about a robot boy is no exception. It is based on Veltistov's fantastic story "The Adventures of Electronics". Back in 1964 Soviet writer created for teenagers his first work from the trilogy "The Boy from the Suitcase". What is this novel about?

First self-learning robot

So, a certain professor Gromov makes a serious discovery. He invents, speaking modern language, a self-learning android robot. All his preliminary calculations turn out to be correct, and as a result of scientific research, it is possible to produce the first prototype of such an android. He was made very similar to a real Soviet schoolboy - Sergei Syroezhkin, whose portrait the professor saw on the cover of a children's magazine. The robot was so well done that the professor, without thinking twice, called him an almost human name - El (short for Electronics).

E. Veltistov (The Adventures of Electronics - this is a science fiction story) approached the issue of creating and training a robot very seriously. He described in detail the work going on in the laboratory. Gromov and his assistant Masha tested intellectual ability android. The results were impressive. The brain of the biorobot worked at an amazing speed.

Escape Electronics

However, Gromov did not stop experimenting. After some time, it becomes clear that the resources of the laboratory are exhausted. Robot Electronics felt cramped in the narrow information space that the professor and his assistant could provide.

What did Veltistov come up with? The adventures of Electronics, the summary of which cannot be conveyed in three words, continue in the wild, because the thirst for the accumulation of knowledge and the desire to escape from the confined space of the laboratory prompted the robot to run. Once in a huge, hitherto unexplored world, he at first does not know what to do. However, a completely human feeling - curiosity - pushes Electronics to study everything that happens around him.

Double meeting

The appearance of the robot did not distinguish it from other people in any way (it was on this feature of the android that Evgeny Veltistov built Elektronika's adventures). Therefore, Professor Gromov, who, of course, missed the loss, immediately lost him out of sight. The frustrated scientist could not understand why his offspring decided to leave the laboratory. However, after a while, he decided that Electronics just got bored. He wanted new knowledge and impressions.

How could he do without meeting the prototype and the Veltist robot? "The Adventures of Electronics", a brief summary of which can be expressed in the words "communication of an ordinary seventh grader Sergei Syroezhkin with a robot", was written precisely for the sake of this meeting. And all adventures just begin with a collision of live and electronic boys. We already know why outwardly they are very similar to each other. Sergey is just happy to have another friend, and for a robot such a meeting is an opportunity to quickly adapt to a new world for him.

Electronics reveals himself to Syroezhkin, telling him that he is a robot. Syroezhkin is shocked, but not surprised for long. He has read a lot of fantasy stories and knows about the concept of robotics. Testing the knowledge and strength of Electronics, Sergey is once again convinced that he is dealing with a real android.


E. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics" wrote about ordinary teenagers. In the process of communication between the boys, it turns out that Sergei is not all right with his studies. This creates real problems for him both at school and at home. Syroezhkin comes up with a cunning plan: to replace himself with a robot. Fortunately, they are practically the same person.

Under the pretext of developing communication skills, he suggests that Electronics go to school instead of him. So he expects to solve several problems at once. First, significantly improve their affairs in terms of school performance. Secondly, to improve relations with parents who were shaken as a result of poor studies. And, thirdly, to gain, finally, personal freedom. Just the latter, according to Syroezhkin, he clearly lacks.

The electronics engineer, created to help people, agrees without hesitation. Serezha's request just fits into his concept of understanding society.

From trio to excellent students

This is how the adventures of Electronics began (the content of his adventures occupies almost all three stories). Dressed as Syroezhkin, he goes to school. There, Al quickly adapts due to the sociable status of Sergey himself. A kind and sympathetic slob is quite popular in the school environment.

However, classmates soon saw the dramatic changes that had taken place with the three-year-old Syroezhkin. In a mathematics lesson, he brilliantly wrote a test, which shocked the teacher. He showed deep knowledge of literature, and at the drawing lesson he did almost artistic portrait the teacher he liked. Well, the new Syroezhkin completely conquered both his classmates and the teacher with his crazy strength, which he demonstrated in a physical education lesson.

Electronics engineer and Syroezhkin's parents

The whole school never ceased to be surprised at such a transformation of yesterday's slob and truant into an exemplary schoolboy. At the same time, his closest friends began to notice some strange behavior in him. Relations between the pseudo-Syroyezhkin and his mother are also getting better. Mom never ceases to rejoice at her son, who finally took up his mind and began to study diligently.

But the relationship with his father began to take shape strange and unpredictable. Apparently, the image of the real Syroezhkin was more to the liking of a not very harsh parent. The guy who spends all his time behind books to the detriment of communication with his father began to alert him. This is how the need for human communication of the Veltists shows.

"The Adventures of Electronics", a brief summary of which interests us today, tells how the real Sergei Syroezhkin enjoyed freedom. He spent whole days in the old garage, riding a moped and taking a break from school.

Wrong freedom

Over time, when the first enthusiasm passed, Seryozha began to feel restless. He watched from afar as the robot communicated with his schoolmates. I noticed how tenderly and lovingly his mother looks at Electronics. Gradually, the guy came to the conclusion that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsubstitution was not very successful.

How does the plot of the Veltists reveal? "The Adventures of Electronics", the main characters of which are confused in their emotions, continue with a rather frank conversation for a children's book. Yearning, Sergei expresses his pain to Electronics at the next meeting. He, too, quite seriously got used to the role. The robot likes to communicate in the school team and with Syroezhkin's parents. The self-learning program makes him more and more human. He is already almost emotional, and his desire to become a man intensifies every day.

Man - that sounds proud

An internal conflict leads to the fact that the robot runs away from people again, and Syroezhkin has to literally win back his name. All the guys help him in his studies, and independently earned excellent marks once again confirm that the main thing is desire and willpower. Perhaps this is what Veltistov wanted to emphasize.

"The Adventures of Electronics", reviews of which are only enthusiastic, also tell that even a robot, once in difficult situation, managed not to follow the lead of a gang of thieves, but acted "like a human being", preventing the impending crime.

The most interesting thing is that books about Electronics make you think. A lot of questions arise - from the feasibility of creating robots like El, to the possibility of a complete replacement of a person by a machine. And if so, what should people do? E. Veltistov, "New Adventures of Electronics" - a book written 20 years later. She continues to develop this topic. And, perhaps, the most important conclusion that everyone should come to is that human emotions and actions should serve only good and honest deeds.

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Total in the topic 33 presentations