Walking as a child temperature Komarovsky. Is it possible to walk with a child on the street with symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection: with a runny nose, cough and fever in the baby?

Even the most experienced parents sometimes find themselves in situations where there is not enough information. One of FAQ, asked to the pediatrician, is associated with the mode of walking with a sick child. Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold? There is no single answer, rather everything will depend on the individual situation, in which we will try to figure it out in the next article.

To make sure that the main rule: do no harm, will be observed in full, it is first necessary to sort out the moments when the real harm from being in the fresh air exceeds the benefit.

  • High temperature of a small patient.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions.
  • The cause of the disease is a street allergen (flower pollen, poplar fluff, etc.).

The traditional walk in this case, for obvious reasons, should be replaced by regular airing.

Access to fresh air is essential for a speedy recovery. Nature itself provides for optimal breathing in outdoor conditions, and not indoors. The ideal conditions for a walk with children of any age will be a slightly lower temperature and green spaces nearby. You should not combine a walk with a trip to the market or to the supermarket, devote this time exclusively to staying with your child.

Features of walking with a newborn

To be precise, the infant age lasts exactly 28 days for the crumbs, after which it is automatically considered not a newborn. At this time, the mother's immune defense is still present in the child's body and therefore the child will not be able to get sick. But this, as they say, is ideal, but in fact, colds in newborns are not so rare. There is no need to panic in this case, a timely visit to the doctor will help to correctly diagnose the cause of the common cold and the treatment plan.

After all possible measures have been taken and the temperature of the baby (with possible increases) has returned to normal, the child is quite ready for walks. Previously, pediatricians advised to start exploring the street after about a week for several minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to the standard two hours. Now the approach is more loyal, long walks with the baby right from birth are not prohibited, subject to sufficiently comfortable weather conditions.

If a newborn has a runny nose, walks are even recommended, since it is in outdoor conditions that it is easier to maintain the natural background of the sinuses. In a dry or dusty room, a runny nose will last longer, so regular airing and moisturizing will be useful. To do this, you can buy a special device that controls the level of comfortable air humidity, or you can use “grandmother's” means by hanging wet towels on radiators or installing water containers. You can read from the link. Perhaps you are also concerned about the question,.

Walking with a baby

For children up to a year old, walking not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also contributes to its psychomotor development. A grown-up kid willingly masters the world, so a walk is an ideal opportunity to direct his energy in the right direction. If the weather is comfortable outside and the child does not have a high temperature of 37.5º C or more, walking will only benefit. In case of a contagious disease, you can temporarily limit contact with other children, so it is better to take a typewriter, a stroller, crayons, a ball and other outdoor toys with you.

Often, at the first signs of the disease, children's activity drops sharply, the child complains of weakness. In this case, you should not forcibly drag the baby to "breathe fresh air." It is better to ensure the flow of oxygen into the room, and after the condition improves, the baby will drag you outside.

Walking with a sick child: Komarovsky's opinion

Known for his radical views on the upbringing and treatment of children, Yevgeny Komarovsky also convinces of the usefulness of being outdoors even with a sick child. According to him, fresh air will help to overcome the disease faster, and providing the possibility of motor activity will strengthen the child's immune system.

The video tells whether it is possible to walk with a child with a cold:

A walk along Komarovsky is, first of all, providing motor activity baby. You can’t wrap a child up to his ears in warm clothes and demand that he just sit on a bench. An ideal walk when the child is actively moving in comfortable clothes. It should be chosen on the basis of: one layer less than that of mom. The child will not have time to freeze in such a short time, and clothes that do not constrain movement will help to get the most out of such a pastime.

For babies and toddlers who are still not particularly moving, however, a walk is also very important. Ideally, this should be a quiet place, away from industrial areas and busy roads. If you have a park or square nearby, you are very lucky. In the absence of such places, you can sit with your baby in the yard or even just go out onto the balcony.

Depending on the cause of a runny nose, which may be a manifestation of an allergy, it is necessary to direct efforts to eliminate the factors that cause such a reaction in the body. The child needs help in creating conditions suitable for recovery, in which a walk is an important activity.

Is it possible / worth it to walk with a cold with a child? Of course! With sufficiently comfortable weather conditions and the absence of high temperature and weakness, a walk in the fresh air will help to quickly defeat the disease and contribute to the normal functioning of the whole organism as a whole and the respiratory system in particular.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky is also convinced of the expediency of walking, especially with a sick baby. Breast and infancy is also not a hindrance, the main thing is to choose the right weather. Regular walks with children of any age will help strengthen the immune system and cope with any diseases faster. You can read how to rinse your nose with salt.

With the onset of cold weather, most parents, especially inexperienced ones, have many questions regarding walking. How to dress so as not to freeze and not sweat? Can I walk with a runny nose, cough or fever? Is it worth it to leave the house in the cold? We deal with the pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences and popular TV presenter Yevgeny Komarovsky.

How to dress a child? This is the first thing parents think about when they study the weather forecast every morning. After all, the main thing is to choose clothes so that the baby does not freeze, but also does not overheat.

As for babies, who mostly lie in a stroller and sleep, it is almost impossible to overheat them: the baby will still spend extra heat on heating the cold air inhaled, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. - So you can safely dress him the way you think is right. It is clear that for the first time you will most likely wrap him up too warmly, simply because the fear of the cold is in the minds of most mothers and grandmothers. If you returned from a walk, undressed the baby and saw that he was red and sweaty, put less clothes on him next time.

Choose quality clothes

Another thing is a child who walks actively: runs, jumps, rides down a hill and rolls in the snow.

In children, the metabolism is faster than in adults, and where the mother is cool, the child is normal, and where the adult is normal, the baby is warm, - emphasizes Dr. Komarovsky. - Therefore, put on him one less layer of clothing than on yourself. Moreover, now on sale you can find the perfect winter sets for children - both warm and not constraining movements. By the way, a high-quality cream that protects hands and face from wind and frost will not be superfluous either.

Can a balcony replace a street?

Definitely - yes, Evgeny Komarovsky is sure. Dress the baby in street style, put it in the cradle from the stroller and take it out to the balcony. The sooner you accustom the baby to such “walks”, the more likely it is that he will take them calmly.

A balcony is convenient, - says Evgeny Olegovich. - While the baby is sleeping, you can sleep yourself, cook dinner, read or tidy up the apartment. Although, of course, it is worth remembering the safety of the child - close the windows so that there is no wind, and the neighbor's cigarette butt does not fly onto the balcony.

Generally, when we are talking about newborns, you can walk with them in winter from the 10th day of life, and just the balcony is best suited for this.

For the first time, sit with your child on the balcony for 15-20 minutes, the next day - twice for half an hour, and then gradually increase the frequency and duration of "festivities," explains Dr. Komarovsky. - By the age of one month, it is quite possible to make sure that the child spends the whole day on the balcony between feedings and communication with parents. If he is properly dressed and protected from the wind, healthy baby It does well in sub-zero temperatures as well.

What if the child is sick?

It all depends on the condition and well-being of the baby, as well as on what exactly the child is sick with:

  • If his temperature is above 37.5 ° C, it is better not to go outside, especially when the temperature is below zero outside the window. The reason is that cold air causes spasm of skin vessels, reduces heat loss and increases the temperature of internal organs.
  • If the doctor has prescribed strict bed rest (for example, with diphtheria), you can’t walk either.
  • If the disease is contagious (say, the flu or another acute respiratory viral infection), and the child's condition is normal, you can walk, but in such a way as not to transmit the virus to other children.
  • If a child has a cold that occurs against the background of hypothermia, when the microbes living in the body begin to actively multiply due to the weakening of the body, walks can and should be resumed immediately after the temperature drops. This will be a strength test for the developed antibodies and one of the hardening options.
  • If the baby is recovering from a respiratory disease (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis), walking is a must.

Important! Did the child cough? This means that the sputum in the bronchi has become moist and now it needs to be coughed up. Don't go home right away - wait for all the slime to come out.

The vast majority of parents want to hear from pediatrician specific instructions for walking. But there can be no universal recommendations. The main factor is not the weather, not health, but the system of education adopted from infancy.

Evgeny Komarovsky:

Elementary example. If socks and hats are a prerequisite for a child's lifestyle, then exposure to cold on the legs and head will quickly lead to a cold. But if with early age a child runs barefoot - at least around the apartment - and at the age of 3 climbs into a November puddle, then there is nothing dangerous to health in this. But the same puddle can pose a real threat if, again from an early age, a crowd of child-loving relatives ran after the baby with socks and slippers in their hands.


We play all day long

If the child is healthy and well dressed, there are no restrictions on the time of walks in winter. Ideally, you can go outside after breakfast, come in for lunch, and go out again before dinner.

Scarf won't help!

Tying a baby's mouth and nose with a scarf in the cold is absolutely pointless, Yevgeny Komarovsky is sure. Not a single scarf can be compared with the mucous membranes and sinuses of the nose in terms of the ability to heat the inhaled air.

Learn more about how to walk with a child in the cold season, find out on the official website of Yevgeny Komarovskiy komarovskiy.net in the sections "Books" (text

How dangerous can walks be? The biggest troubles are overheating or hypothermia of the body during a walk. In infants, thermoregulation is still poorly developed, and the energy reserves of the body are depleted quite quickly, because of this, children (more often than adults) experience failures leading to overheating or hypothermia. What to look for to prevent similar cases? Of course, for a child. Any change has a basis that does not arise abruptly. For example, if you suspect possible overheating, and the child does not ask for water, then there is most likely no reason for concern.

As a rule, the disease does not occur suddenly. Mom should just pay attention to the well-being of the child at home and on the street, note the changes, if necessary, take preventive measures

Walking with cough and runny nose is possible?

The question that worries most dads and moms sounds like this: is it possible to walk with a child with a cold, especially in winter time? The answer is unequivocal: yes, you can. The inflamed nasal mucosa needs a comfortable environment for successful work - fresh air. Humidity should be high and temperatures moderately low. It is problematic to create such conditions at home, but on the street there is no shortage of them in cool summers, and in spring, and in autumn.

Cool air has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and promotes the separation of sputum, this is especially noticeable with a dry type of cough. The wet type of cough is also relieved in the open air: the bronchial lumen expands, breathing becomes freer and sputum excretion accelerates.

After illness baby should be taken outside every day. It is the humid air of the street that will contribute to the rapid restoration of the body's protective resources. Doctors say that if you sit at home with the child all the time, then the snot will torment the baby for a week, and with the festivities they will pass in 3 days.

A newborn, suffering from a runny nose and even a cough, must walk. Humid fresh air is necessary for a sick child even more than his healthy comrades. However, there are some cases in which the presence of a cold and walking are incompatible.

Is temperature a reason to stay at home?

Walking is contraindicated if a runny nose and cough in a child are associated with the development of ARVI in the acute stage (we recommend reading:). In this case, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  1. temperature above 38 °C;
  2. severe malaise;
  3. poor appetite;
  4. chills, fever;
  5. headaches.

The causative agent of SARS is a virus group. Viral rhinitis in the acute stage is better to wait at home and only after this acute period to go outside.

Similar symptoms in a baby will not allow any parent to take their child out of the house. How much time should you spend at home when you are sick? A serious condition usually disappears after 2-3 days, then the child notices a drop in temperature, he has an appetite and his health improves significantly. A child can cough and suffer from snot for another 5 days or even more, but walks during this period are no longer canceled (we recommend reading:).

It is a completely different matter if the child is allergic to flowers and pollen, and the street is in full bloom. In this case, walking will only aggravate the child's condition, increase sneezing and exacerbate allergic rhinitis. Children are exposed to ARVI much more often than allergic rhinitis. Having revealed that the child is allergic to plants and trees, you can walk, providing the baby with a cotton-gauze bandage.

As a rule, allergies to pollen and flowering are noted in older children, but babies can also be susceptible to it. In this case, outdoor trips without respiratory protection should be temporarily canceled.

The above can be safely attributed to adults. Walking is contraindicated for the adult population only during the exacerbation of SARS. An aggravated allergic rhinitis should not prevent you from going for a walk - you should arm yourself with a gauze bandage or Nazaval spray.

Conclusion: if the thermometer shows normal temperature, but the baby coughs and snot flows - it is allowed to walk. The presence of an elevated temperature says a firm "no" to walking.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

We will explain why you should not walk at a temperature and during acute periods of a cold. Cold air can cause spasm of skin vessels, which will reduce heat loss and increase body temperature. A temperature above 37.5 ° C is indicative to refuse walks - this will be the answer to the question of whether it is possible to walk with a child at a temperature. It takes a lot of energy to defeat the virus, and being outside the body will spend considerable energy on maintaining body temperature, wasting valuable resources on excessive this case motor activity.

There is only a small list of diseases that categorically prohibit walking:

  • infectious diseases in the acute phase with characteristic symptoms: high fever, headaches, weakness;
  • a disease requiring strict bed rest, such as diphtheria.

Fresh air is the way to health

Fresh air is a faithful assistant on the road to recovery. This is especially true for diseases associated with the respiratory tract (tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). Undoubtedly, parents should take into account other facts. Take, for example, a child with pneumonia: the stage of exacerbation has passed, the temperature has subsided and the state of health has improved significantly. In this case, walking is recommended, but without excessive activity, i.e. the child only needs fresh air instead of a dusty apartment. Dr. Komarovsky advises to dress warmly and not to run, to do without active movements. The activity of the kids can not always be contained, so in such cases, take the baby to the balcony for a “walk”.

Attention! Cool and even cold air enhances blood saturation of the bronchial mucosa, moisturizes sputum, secretory glands begin to work more actively. If, with a dry cough, the child has the first urge to cough up, this is an excellent sign that indicates that the baby begins to cough up the accumulated sputum in the lungs.

Parents or grandmothers sometimes understand this in a completely different way. They associate coughing on the street with an even greater development of the disease and the child is immediately sent home (see also:). You should not do this, because the mucus moistened as a result of the walk has increased in size and it will become harder for the child to breathe. Difficulty breathing after a walk will make parents "believe" that the walk has gone to the detriment. Do not make mistakes - continue therapeutic walks until complete recovery.

October 4, 2013, 23:46


No matter how wonderful the children's room is, the baby still needs fresh air, and the more the better, because it is completely natural for him.

You should always strive to ensure that the child is allocated (found) a place where he will walk. In principle, a balcony is ideal if you live in the city, or a certain place in the yard if you have your own house. The most difficult situation is when there is neither one nor the other: any walk requires the constant presence of adults near the child who have other things to do (laundry, cleaning, sleeping, cooking, etc.).

To begin with, let's consider the most standard, and therefore the most common situation.

So, the child lives with his parents in an ordinary apartment of a multi-storey residential building. Even before coming from the maternity hospital, the balcony should be prepared for a walk - cleared of rubbish, not bad if it is glazed, but this is not at all necessary. We will put a stroller on the balcony, the child will sleep in it.

The situation is not rational at all when, in the presence of a balcony, heroic efforts are made to pull the stroller out into the street, and then drag it back.

Mom's walks, which consist in rolling the stroller from one street to another, are not needed by the child. I understand perfectly well that you really want to show your neighbors and girlfriends a newfangled house on wheels, but a baby cannot understand this. Mom always has a bunch of things to do, and it will not be anything good for you to work up a lot, and dad who comes home from work will scour the kitchen in search of food. In addition, it is not at all necessary for passers-by to sneeze at the child and dirt to fly from under the wheels.

Any riding on the streets should be driven by necessity: there are no assistants, but you need to visit a store or a dairy kitchen, it's time to visit the clinic, in the evening you want to take a walk with your husband and take a break from the bustle of home, there is no balcony, in the end.

The sooner you start teaching your child to be outdoors, the better. Already on the tenth day of life, you can sit with him on the balcony for 15-20 minutes. The next day - twice for half an hour and, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of the festivities, by the age of one month, make sure that the child spends the whole day on the balcony.

Woke up, fed - walk. Brought, fed - for a walk, and so on. On the balcony, the child always sleeps better and eats after that with great appetite. And it is completely incomprehensible why you need to walk once or twice a day.

Another issue is weather conditions. With normal clothes and protection of the child from the wind, a healthy baby feels quite well even at sub-zero temperatures. Here is a rule that is easy to remember: for each month of life - minus 5 ° C, but not lower than 15 ° C. I translate: at the age of 1–2 months the temperature should not be below minus 5 °C, at 2–3 months - below minus 10 °C, etc.

All the given figures and terms are very, very conditional. With adequate clothing, the temperature range is extremely wide, and time is simply unlimited.

By and large, the cold creates noticeably fewer problems with walking, compared to the heat (remember, back in the Pregnancy chapter, we advocated that the baby be born in the fall). In the summer, in the heat, especially if the balcony is on the sunny side, it is generally impossible to walk and you should look for the coolest place in the house or in the yard.

Parents are always worried about how to dress a baby going for a walk. This question can only be answered after you return. If the child is sweaty and red, be sure to reduce the amount of clothing next time. Each child reacts differently to walking, and it is almost impossible to give universal recommendations. It will be quite understandable if for the first time you overdo it with clothes. The main thing is that then you draw the right conclusions. Usually, if the child is hot, he is naughty, and he quickly has to be brought into the house. Cold is extremely rare - adults are so intimidated by the cold that they never allow it. I, at least, have never encountered a frozen child. But I saw children, surprisingly resembling boiled crayfish, many times.

On the balcony, the child, as a rule, sleeps on his side. At the same time, it is important to position the stroller in such a way that you can see his face through the window glass without jumping out onto the balcony.

In the described mode of walking, not only the child is interested, but also his parents. Never again will you have such a “golden” time. For the first 3-4 months of life, the baby sleeps peacefully on the balcony for most of the day, allowing the mother to have a normal rest and put the baby's things, the apartment and herself in order.

It goes without saying that as the child grows, walking will become an increasing problem, requiring time and attention.

But the main principles of walking will remain for life:

compliance with clothing and temperature;

It is easier for a child to keep warm by moving, rather than dressing!

if he says it's hot, believe me and help.

Many mothers are often interested in this question: “Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?”. The excitement of young mothers is understandable, because they are worried about their children. In their opinion, weakened children's immunity is not able to fully cope with the numerous viruses and infections that await the baby on the street. But do not forget that street walks are extremely important for a child and you should not put him under “house arrest”. Let's take a closer look at all the "pros" and "cons" of children's outdoor trips!

The benefits of walking for babies in the first year of life

Many experienced specialists in the field of pediatrics unanimously argue that air baths will only benefit the baby. Should I walk with a child with a runny nose or rhinitis? Of course yes! Fresh air in itself has an extremely beneficial effect on the child's body. A double effect can be achieved when walks take place on the territory of a park area, forest belts, etc. Air baths have a hardening effect on the baby's body, teaches how to deal with changes in ambient temperature, wind or cold. All this forms and strengthens the immune system of the child.

In addition, under the influence of fresh air, blood circulation improves significantly, all microbes accumulated in the body and toxic substances in the nasal passage are killed. The feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx disappears, as all the airways are perfectly moistened by the action of fresh air. Sometimes only on the street does the baby have the opportunity to fully cough up. Such an effect of air baths on the respiratory system has a positive effect on blood circulation, which in turn leads to an increase in the efficiency of all organs of the baby and improves his well-being.

Fresh air is absolutely free medicine, so it is necessary to regularly ventilate the whole house, and especially the children's bedroom. By killing germs and toxins, fresh air will help the patient recover and strengthen the immune system of a healthy child. Make it a rule to ventilate the room while you and your baby are walking outside.

Basic rules for walking

Despite the obvious benefits of walking in the fresh air, parents should know and follow certain rules:

  • Don't wrap your child too much. The increased activity of children on a walk begins from a very young age. Many mothers go out in winter with their babies wrapped in countless robes. With this option, the baby has a huge risk of sweating and catching a cold from a gust of wind in seconds.
  • No need to walk in windy and rainy weather. The destructive combination of cold wind and wet things with shoes will not contribute to the recovery of the crumbs, but will only aggravate his well-being.
  • Before a walk, be sure to let the child blow his nose or clean his nasal passages yourself. Proper breathing through the nose is the basic rule of walking. Even with rhinitis, the baby must definitely breathe through the nose to avoid a sore throat.
  • Be sure to observe the time of your walk with the child. In warm weather, you can walk for 40-60 minutes, and in windy weather this time is reduced to 20 minutes. This time will be enough to allow the baby to get enough fresh air and avoid aggravating his condition.

In what cases it is worth refusing to walk with a child with a cold

There are a number of prescriptions according to which the baby's stay on the street will not bring any benefit. Parents need to carefully monitor their children and be sensitive to any changes in their well-being. Should I walk with a child with a runny nose or cough? It's up to you to decide! Parents know the state of the baby in this moment, better than leading experts. If you observe only a slight runny nose in the crumbs, then feel free to hit the road.

But at the following signs better to stay at home

  • General weakness of the child. As a result of the fight against the disease, the baby has a breakdown, lethargy and reduced energy.
  • High body temperature crumbs. At temperatures above 37.5 ° C, you should postpone the walk.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions. No need to drag the child outside in severe frost, rain or wind. Wait for the weather, which is more conducive to walking.
  • The presence of allergic reactions to certain irritants that you can meet with your baby on the street. For example, it may be an allergy to the pollen of flowering plants. In this case, during a walk, the baby will also have an allergic one added to the usual runny nose. Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose, if he is prone to such an allergy? Can! One has only to put on a cotton-gauze bandage, reduce the walking time and try to avoid the presence of a large amount of irritant nearby.

Try not to take a child with a runny nose to playgrounds. This poses a two-way hazard to your toddler and children on the playground. It is better to take a walk in the park, away from busy highways.

Here is what this well-known children's specialist answers the question: "Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold?" Dr. Komarovsky is convinced that a child of any age needs a walk, regardless of the presence of a runny nose or cough. He also focuses the attention of parents on creating favorable conditions at home that will contribute to the quick recovery of the baby. In order for the nasal mucosa not to dry out, it is necessary to maintain the desired temperature and humidity in the room where the child is located.

“Children simply need fresh outdoor air!” says Dr. Komarovsky. He also says that doubly clean air is useful for babies who have problems with the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Naturally, it is necessary to wait out the acute period of illness at home, but be sure to provide the child with the necessary humidity and temperature in the room. When the baby begins to get better, you can safely go for a walk!

Is it possible to walk with a child with a runny nose or cough in severe frost? Under extreme weather conditions, Komarovsky asks parents not to commit heroic deeds. Do not turn walks with children into polar expeditions! In such short-term seasons of severe frosts, it is better to stay at home. Even a week of constant stay of the baby at home will cause him less harm than walking at a temperature of -30 ° C. In addition, the child definitely needs healthy parents!

Another fundamentally main rule of walking, the doctor calls obligatory nasal breathing. Before entering fresh clean air, it is necessary to ensure the patency of the nasal respiratory tract, which can warm the cold outdoor air to the required temperature. Breathing through the mouth is fundamentally wrong for walking and will lead to illness in the child.


Should I walk with a child with a runny nose or cough? We hope that after reading this article, you will now be able to answer this question yourself. Follow certain rules, and the walk will bring you and your baby the maximum benefit!