Worried about the belly of a newborn. Preventive measures to prevent abdominal pain. Methods for eliminating colic in babies - photo gallery

After the birth of a baby, his parents add not only joys, but also problems. After all, every mother wants to surround her child with warmth, care and love. And the most important desire of parents is to protect their child from all kinds of problems and diseases. Of course, this dream comes true extremely rarely, and in practice, mothers often have to deal with various ailments in little man. One of the most common problems in the first year of life is abdominal pain in infants. This condition is usually accompanied by a strong prolonged crying of the child, which enhances the feelings of the parents. To cope with pain in the tummy, you first need to deal with the causes that caused them, and then eliminate them.

Why does the tummy hurt in babies?

From the moment the child was born, he gets acquainted with the new world around him. His first food is colostrum and mother's milk. Before this food enters the baby's body, his digestive tract is sterile. However, after birth, various microorganisms enter the baby's body. Some of them are useful and necessary, as they are involved in the digestive processes. So, together with mother's milk, the child receives bifidobacteria, which normally inhabit the intestines of the newborn, forming a natural microflora. Such microorganisms prevent the colonization of the digestive tract by pathogenic bacteria. The tummy of a baby, most often, hurts precisely during the period of colonization of its intestines, that is, during the formation of normal microflora. This period ends at about three months of a child's life.

The severity of abdominal pain in infants can be different: some babies have very strong and prolonged pain, while others have almost none at all. Pediatricians say that this may depend on some factors, such as caring for the baby and full feeding.

Artificial feeding

Manufacturers of mixtures intended for artificial feeding of newborns claim that their product is useful for the baby and is almost completely identical to mother's milk. However, this is not entirely true; breast milk for a small child is a unique and necessary product. At the moment, no technology is able to accurately recreate its composition. Breastfeeding a baby naturally is one factor that significantly reduces the likelihood of tummy pain in a baby. When feeding a newborn, whose age is less than six months, with a mixture, a violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora may occur. This leads to discomfort and pain in the tummy, and even a single use of the mixture can lead to such results. Infant formulas do not contain the necessary spectrum of vitamins and other substances required by the baby. In addition, breastfeeding contributes to the formation of full-fledged immunity.

Wrong care

Complete care for a small child includes a large number of different procedures. It is very important to establish a close relationship with the baby and provide him with psychological and physical comfort. At proper care the baby feels better, and if it is wrong, the pain in the tummy can become stronger. Do constantly crying children this problem is more common.

The baby has a tummy ache, what should I do?

When colic occurs in a child, pediatricians are advised to carry out the following activities:

  1. Tummy massage. It should be done in a clockwise direction. Thus, intestinal motility is activated, which leads to the promotion of gas bubbles, which are the cause of colic, and their removal.
  2. Special exercises. If the baby has a tummy ache, he needs to do gymnastics regularly. It includes bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the stomach. Such exercises should be repeated several times throughout the day if there is a tendency to develop colic.
  3. Taking Espumizan, Sab Simplex and other similar drugs. Most of the medicines recommended for abdominal pain in infants have a carminative effect. Their use is relatively safe, since they are not absorbed, they have only a local effect. Allergic reactions after taking carminative drugs are not observed. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. The course of treatment is usually quite long, until the complete disappearance of all symptoms. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to give the drug to the baby after the main feeding three times a day.
  4. Dill water. It is prepared by steeping a small spoonful of dill seeds in a cup of boiling water for one hour. The resulting infusion is given to the child every day in the morning and evening before meals. Dill has a carminative and antispasmodic effect. A similar effect is provided by the drug Plantex, created on the basis of Chinese dill, or fennel. The action of this drug is the same as that of dill water, but it is much easier to prepare it.

In addition to the above methods for reducing abdominal pain in infants, there are several more care rules that help reduce the likelihood of colic. So, after the child has eaten, he needs to be vilified for some time in his arms in an upright position so that the air swallowed with the food can come out. The baby needs to be laid out more often on a hard surface with his tummy down, this improves peristalsis and helps to remove gas from the body.

Massage and gymnastics for a baby should be done every day, even if his tummy does not hurt. Colic is manifested by bloating, restlessness and strong crying child. If this condition occurs, use one of the following options:

  1. They take the baby in their arms and begin to slowly rock and calm.
  2. The baby is held in his arms, pressing to himself so as to slightly press on his tummy.
  3. A heating pad or a warm diaper placed on the baby's stomach has a good effect.

In the event that none of these methods helped the baby, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Most often, in this case, a gas outlet tube is prescribed. The first time the procedure should be carried out by a qualified medical professional, so as not to harm the baby or cause injury to him.

The tube is first lubricated with vaseline oil. When inserting, do not press hard and make sharp and rough movements, as this can lead to injuries to the intestinal walls. It is possible to resort to this method of dealing with pain in the tummy in infants only in extreme cases.

With constantly recurring colic that persists for a long time, it is worth undergoing an examination. In some cases, special treatment is required to help the baby. However, most often, by the end of the third or fourth month of a child's life, such problems disappear by themselves. By this time, the digestive organs begin to work better, and the natural intestinal microflora is formed. All this leads to the fact that the accumulated gases come out on their own.

In 9 cases out of 10, the cause of crying in a newborn is indigestion. It can be flatulence, diarrhea, discomfort ...

Worth talking about colic in the tummy of the baby, as mothers immediately begin to suspect dysbacteriosis. To some extent, their fears are justified. But only in part, because, according to pediatricians, in the first 2-3 months, the gastrointestinal tract of a new person adapts to new (very hostile) conditions. Most often, mothers experience gastrointestinal problems in a newborn at 2-3 weeks after birth, when the beneficial effect of maternal hormones disappears.

In addition, by the third week of life, the amount of milk eaten by the baby increases markedly, however, due to improper attachment to the breast or insufficient feeding time, the baby often receives a plentiful portion of carbohydrate-rich "forward milk", which provokes gas formation.

Bookmark the child's gastrointestinal tract
Modern research has shown that proper diet nutrition in a woman during pregnancy may reduce the risk of developing baby colic. The fact is that the consumption of a number of products (caviar, nuts, honey, strong broths, smoked meats, canned food and marinades, cocoa and chocolate, citrus fruits and various carbonated drinks) can trigger an allergy in a baby. Do not get carried away with bakery products and dairy products. These restrictions should be followed in the first months of the baby's life.

However, there are other reasons for concern. Such as:
1. lactase deficiency or immaturity of enzymes that break down milk sugar. The newborn feels great between feedings, but it is worth tasting breast milk or substitute mixture, as he begins to act up. Characteristic symptoms are bloating, regurgitation, and loose, frothy, watery stools. If the absorption of fruit sugar - fructose is impaired, the same symptoms may appear after the introduction of fruit complementary foods (at the age of 4-5 months). The only way out is to switch to lactose-free and low-lactose mixtures, and then to rice porridge and decoctions. In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe replacement therapy, that is, drugs containing the necessary enzymes.
2. Food allergy to cow's milk is often found in children who eat artificial mixtures, as well as in babies older than one year and switched to "adult" milk porridges. Allergic edema of the intestinal mucosa, which occurs when an allergen enters it, provokes loose and frequent stools.
3. Changing the diet of both the nursing mother and the baby can also cause intestinal discomfort. In this case, treatment is not required - it is enough to determine the "irritant" and exclude it from the menu.
4. congenital or hereditary malabsorption syndromes also appear in the first year of a child's life. Among the most well-known diseases: celiac disease (cereal intolerance), cystic fibrosis (genetic disease-damage to the pancreas). These diseases are based on a hereditary defect in the enzymes that break down cereals and fats.

Colic at Kolenka
Define colic easy - a sharp cry (up to reddening of the face) against the background of a tense and swollen abdomen, the legs are pulled up to the stomach, the arms are pressed to the body. The main remedy for colic, often prescribed by pediatricians even to newborns, is Espumizan. Sometimes, as an alternative, tea with fennel (dill) and chamomile is offered. However, there are folk methods to pacify a small tummy. It is worth mentioning that any of the described methods is not suitable for every child, because the temperament and character of the crumbs are different. For example, motion sickness on some has a calming effect, on others it is exciting. Moreover, with colic, it is advised to practice vigorous motion sickness. Ideally, if at the same time the child is tightly pressed to the chest. The smell and warmth of mom will give a sense of security, and rhythmic movements will help to cope with minute problems. Another alternative is swaddling. Experienced mothers have noticed that swaddling helps to cope with colic in active and hyperactive children, while calm baby, on the contrary, it is better to leave it naked for 5-10 minutes so that he can twitch his legs. You can combine hardening with massage - take the baby by the calves and press the knees to the tummy (10 times). This improves the waste of gases and develops the muscles of the baby. And, finally, the most famous recipe (alas, also not a panacea), bathing in a warm bath. This method has much more opponents than supporters. Many parents note that a warm bath provokes abdominal colic, extra stools and, accordingly, poor health in the baby. Of course, the frequency and strength of colic in a baby directly depends on the diet of a nursing mother. Try to exclude controversial products from the menu. In the end, you only need to be patient for 4 months. Both parents and pediatricians note that after 4 months the baby's enzymatic system begins to work clearly and the problem of colic gradually disappears. If the child is on artificial feeding then make sure that the hole in the nipple of the bottle is not too big or too small. Turn the bottle upside down - liquid should drip approximately 1 drop per second. If the opening in the nipple is too small, the baby may swallow air.
All the processes taking place in the stomach cannot but disturb the baby, because digestion is one of the most important tasks of the young organism. The reaction of the child to a particular process can be purely psychological: experiencing discomfort, he begins to act up. In this case, you need to distract the baby. Rhythmic sounds, children's songs with frequent repetitions, a musical carousel attached to the crib - choose the option that your baby will like. Among the most unexpected means, sometimes even the sound of a running hair dryer is called.

This malicious enemy is dysbacteriosis!
And, finally, dysbacteriosis or the reaction of the body to the vital activity of various microorganisms inside it (staphylococci, enterococci, hemolytic Escherichia coli, etc.). It is important not only to identify the presence of these microorganisms, their type, but also the titer (number), as well as their resistance to a particular group of antibiotics. To date, dysbacteriosis is treated with antibiotics and drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. It is dysbacteriosis that causes dermatitis and (in most cases) diarrhea. By the way, the frequency and consistency of the stool is not an indicator of dysbacteriosis. With dysbacteriosis, it can be both rare and quite dense. But it always (with the naked eye) can detect impurities in the form of mucus and greenery. In infants, sometimes there is even an increase in body temperature up to 37.4ºС.

Doctors insist that it is important to differentiate the cause of the baby's malaise. So, the symptom of an intestinal infection is akin to the symptoms of dysbacteriosis. Fever, lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite and diarrhea can be signs of escherihosis, salmonellosis, dysentery. For infants, these diseases are deadly. It is necessary to call a doctor and, before his arrival, give the baby (after consulting a doctor) an enterosorbent and a glucose-salt solution "Regidron", which helps to avoid dehydration of the body.

Pediatricians assure that if you do not panic, correctly establish the cause and (without rushing to extremes) try one after another methods of dealing with discomfort, then there will certainly be a panacea!

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A newborn baby throws his head back and arches in his sleep - reasons, useful tips, what to do and whether to see a doctor

Sometimes parents pay attention to the fact that their child throws his head back and arches in his sleep. As a rule, this occurs mainly in infancy and can speak of both a normal habit and serious diseases. In any case, the best way out of this situation is to show the baby to the pediatrician. Only a qualified doctor after examination will confirm or deny the presence of the disease.


And just after the doctor, we began to self-medicate. A nurse came to us, well, we complained to her that the child was hurting so much, crying, etc. We were prescribed Plantex (it has been given to children since two weeks), but not from birth, and said, wait, it will pass. So we ourselves were looking for something that a child could have from the first days, baby drops came across, they were served for 5 days and we were no longer bothered by problems with the tummy. Yes, and after such communication to the doctors, I listen slightly.


Oh, when I had my first child, we arrived home, and literally the next day, wild crying began, screaming, I pressed my legs to my tummy. I immediately called my mother, she reassured me and said that this was normal, and that it was the same with me as a child. Advised a couple of folk remedies. At a scheduled examination, telling our doctor about this, she advised me to drink baby drops, they say they alleviate all the symptoms, and the problem will disappear. Since our doctor is my best friend, of course we bought at the pharmacy. We drank the course, only 4 days, and my baby felt much better. Thank you very much for such good advice!


Yes. This is usually what happens in children. Up to six months, the tummies hurt, and then somehow everything goes away on its own :) we didn’t wait, the period is actually very long, but it’s unbearable for both the child and us to endure all these torments. We took bebinos, I think it's called. Droplets added to water or food. It passed and they didn’t have time to blink an eye :) But it’s still better when the doctor looks. I do not welcome self-treatment.


Up to six months of colic, we had a very rare occurrence and we fought as a rule folk remedies and massage. but apparently they relaxed. When my son was 6 months old, they decided to go to rest by the sea, that’s where it started, apparently the climate change had an effect, and I stupidly allowed myself too much food ((rest would not have happened if my prudent mother I didn’t put a probiotic in the first-aid kit, it seems it was called Bifiform, I don’t remember exactly, because when they arrived there was no need to use it, colic no longer tormented.From my own bitter experience, I advise all mothers: be sure to take a remedy for colic with you on vacation.


Hilak forte is very convenient to give to babies, it is liquid - a sweet thing) and it is very easy to dose and give. And there are no misunderstandings with the application - 2 weeks course and that's it, there are no problems. In general, I believe more in drugs that are prescribed as a course - they are clearly aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. A one-time is only a symptom to eliminate ... Here my child drank hilak and no longer toiled with his stomach.

Andrey N.(Guest)

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I constantly encountered them until I began to use a probiotic, then the problems subsided. It’s called bifiform baby, I bought it because it’s for children, and from the first days, and the rest, although it’s possible for children, it’s inconvenient to give misunderstandings with course use.

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The good health of the newborn is the primary task of all caring parents. However, there are situations when, with all their care and care, they are not able to prevent natural processes associated with the formation of microflora and the normal functioning of the child's gastrointestinal tract.

Very often you have to deal with a situation where the tummy of a newborn hurts. All babies are different, for some it may manifest itself to a greater extent, for someone to a lesser extent, however, excessive gas formation in infants is considered practically the norm, especially in the first 3 months of life. After the baby reaches 3 months of age, the pain subsides, and after 6 months it can disappear without a trace.

Of course, along with the child during this period, his mother also suffers, being nervous and forgetting about night sleep. Such emotional overstrain can affect the process of lactation and the general well-being of a woman. To keep calm, mothers need to know why the baby's tummy hurts, how long these pains can last, how to help the child, and whether professional treatment is required.

Painful sensations in the tummy of a newborn or colic is a fairly common phenomenon in infants under the age of 3 months. The main cause of pain lies in the absence of normal intestinal microflora, which is just beginning to form after the baby is born.

Most of all, parents are frightened by the restless behavior and crying of the crumbs due to the fact that he himself is not able to explain what hurts him and how.

Except intestinal colic, pain can occur when:

  1. swelling;
  2. increased gas formation;

To aggravate these disorders in a newborn, malnutrition of a nursing mother can. You need to know what foods are allowed to be consumed during breastfeeding and how much you can eat. A woman needs to independently determine which foods cause her excessive gas formation and temporarily exclude them from her menu or limit their consumption.

Help identify this group products separate meals, in which it is recommended to consume each dish separately from others for several days.

A fairly common cause of abdominal pain in a newborn is the unstable mental and emotional state of a nursing mother. If a woman gets nervous, then this condition is easily transmitted to the baby. With nervous overstrain, and so in the weak nervous system of the baby, muscle contraction and contraction occurs, which makes it difficult to remove gases.

The increased fat content of mother's breast milk can also lead to pain in the tummy. baby. Thick and fatty milk is a very heavy product for imperfect digestive system baby. The elementary use of some water by the child before feeding can help in this situation.

Signs of abdominal pain in a newborn

To understand that your baby has a tummy ache, it is enough to observe his behavior.

Features of the child's behavior in pain are considered:

  • loud crying and even screaming, which can appear and disappear completely unexpectedly (especially half an hour after feeding);
  • slightly swollen tummy or, conversely, tight;
  • reddening of the face as a result of tension;
  • tightening the legs, active jerking of the legs and arms and bending the back.

Of course, due to the individuality of each child, the symptoms of painful sensations of the tummy can manifest themselves in different ways. Therefore, it is recommended to show the baby to a specialist who can correctly diagnose and exclude serious health problems.

Treatment of abdominal pain in an infant

Only a pediatrician can determine what caused the pain and prescribe the correct treatment.

For colic, the most common drugs that can be prescribed to an infant are:

  • preparations containing probiotics, for example, Bifiform, Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Acepol and others;
  • preparations containing simethicone, for example, Espumizan, Subsimplex, Simethicone, Bobotik, Disflatin and others;
  • preparations containing lipase, amylase, protease enzymes, for example, Creon, Mezim and others;
  • herbal preparations (fennel, anise, cumin, dill seeds, chamomile), for example, Plantex, Bebinos, BabyCalm and others.

Many parents, not understanding how long the pain in the tummy of the baby will last, try to use different drugs at once. It is NOT recommended to do this, because during the natural formation of the baby's gastrointestinal tract, you can only alleviate these pains and alleviate the discomfort a little. In addition, excessive use of pharmacological drugs, even natural ones, can harm the child.

You can also alleviate the condition of the newborn with the help of proven folk methods:

  • take the baby in your arms more often, cuddle it, talk to him so that the child feels warmth and care;
  • the tummy during pain can be slightly warmed with a warm compress from a diaper or with your own warm palm;
  • a light massage of the tummy helps well, which is carried out with smooth movements of the hand in the form of stroking clockwise;
  • you can do an exercise with legs, the so-called bicycle, raising the legs one by one to the tummy;
  • an excellent remedy for colic is, which is sold in pharmacies ready-made or cooked at home on your own;
  • you can effectively lower the accumulated gaziki with the help of;
  • alleviate the condition of the newborn with constipation;
  • it is necessary to lay the baby on the tummy more often.

In order for the baby to be less likely to be disturbed by colic, and also to endure the natural adaptation of the gastrointestinal tract to new conditions, nursing mothers should carefully choose products for themselves.

It is necessary to exclude: black bread, legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, carbonated drinks, beets, etc. All of these foods are classified as gas-forming and can cause tummy pain. The diet should be especially strict in the first 3 months of a baby's life.

For babies who are bottle-fed, it is necessary to carefully select adapted mixtures. Also, do not rush with the introduction of complementary foods and try to select products that are most suitable for the children's gastrointestinal tract.

Useful video on the topic

Abdominal pain is a fairly common problem in infants. But a child cannot tell you that he is not feeling well. His loud cry, abdominal tension and rumbling in the intestines should be a signal that something needs to be done.

Why do tummy problems occur? The fact is that until the age of one month, the gastrointestinal tract of the child remains not yet fully formed. A small organism has not yet "learned" to digest and assimilate food. It may also react acutely to changes in the mother's diet if she is breastfeeding.

Some say that the only thing you can do when a newborn tummy hurts is to wait it out. Actually it is not! The child is suffering and needs help. To do this, follow a few simple tips.

Each situation has its own method of treatment. Therefore, parents must first establish why the tummy hurts.

    1. Sit your baby on your hips in a semi-sitting position. It should be located sideways to you and rest against the inside of one thigh.
    2. Support your baby's head and shoulders with one hand.
    3. Place your other hand on the baby's stomach. Press gently with your palm for a few seconds. Then slowly move your fingers towards you.
    4. Without removing your hands from the child, change your movement - move your fingers away from you.
    5. Repeat these movements many times - sometimes slower, sometimes faster or deeper. The pressure should not be too strong.
    6. Throughout the procedure, observe the reaction of your little one. If he doesn't like the massage, stop it.
    7. After that, put the baby on its back and begin to bend / unbend its legs, bringing your knees closer to your stomach. This will help to release gases from the intestines.

    Folk remedies

    If the baby has colic, you need to make him tea with fennel. To do this, boil a teaspoon of dry seeds in a glass of water, strain and cool to the desired temperature. Let's literally take half a teaspoon of tea every few hours.

    Chamomile tea also helps. It is prepared in the same way as fennel (a teaspoon of flowers in a glass of water). Remember that in no case should you sweeten drinks - this will only increase fermentation in the intestines.


    Another reason why children suffer from abdominal pain is constipation. The poor diet of the mother or the feeding of the child with too thick a mixture are to blame for this. It should be remembered that milk mixtures must be prepared strictly according to the recipe on the package. The baby will feel full longer if you make the mixture thicker.

    How to recognize constipation in a baby? The frequency of bowel movements suddenly decreases, the baby is very tense during bowel movements (cries loudly, worries, bends, the child's face turns red), the stool becomes more dense.
    When a baby has constipation, it is accompanied by bloating and pain in the abdomen. If you notice these symptoms, you need to act immediately.

    What to do?

    Try to breastfeed your baby more often (if you are breastfeeding) or give him herbal tea. For these purposes, suitable infusion of chamomile, the recipe of which we gave above.

    You can also perform abdominal massage - circular movements from right to left. When massage does not help, use castor oil or glycerin (if the baby is already 6 months old).

    Folk remedies

    In addition to the already mentioned chamomile tea linden blossom tea will work well on the baby's body. To prepare it, combine a teaspoon of crushed raw materials and a glass of water, bring to a boil, cool.

    It will be easier for your baby to defecate if you give him a warm, relaxing bath. This method, by the way, will help with colic. If you don’t want to bathe your baby entirely, gently pour warm water on his tummy, for example, from a shower. Just remember that the water should not be too hot, and the water pressure should not be too strong. This water massage relaxes the whole body.


    The tummy hurts in a newborn and with diarrhea. AT early age this problem is usually associated with a food intolerance or infection. If your baby's stool is thinner than normal, has a bad smell, or is stooling more than usual, you may suspect diarrhea.

    What to do?

    If your toddler has diarrhea, relieve it with a warm compress. Heat the diaper with an iron and attach it to the tummy - this procedure will have an antispasmodic effect. If the abdominal pain is not caused by an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, the diarrhea will clear up on its own soon. In the case of a bacterial or viral infection, the symptoms will worsen, so the baby will need to be hospitalized.

    Sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea are caused by stress (for example, a change of residence, the arrival of a stranger in the house, etc.). In this case, the problem will pass after the baby adapts to the new living conditions.

    Folk remedies

    To eliminate diarrhea in a child will help unsweetened tea with mint. Additionally, it will calm nervous system. To prepare a drink, brew a few leaves of the plant in a glass of boiling water. The medicine will be ready in 20 minutes - strain it and give it to the baby (portions depend on his age).

    Dill tea helps a lot. It is prepared from the seeds of the plant (a teaspoon per glass of water, boil for 5 minutes). Remember to let your child drink as often as possible when diarrhea occurs to prevent dehydration (ideally every 15 minutes).

    In order to make the stool more dense, cook rice porridge with water or carrot puree for your baby.

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    Quite often, after the birth of a child, parents are faced with such a problem as pain in the tummy of a newborn. Moreover, the pain can occur at any time of the day or night. Naturally, a baby who does not yet know how to speak cannot tell his parents exactly where his stomach hurts.

    Don't panic. First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. In this situation, the main task of any parent is to help their baby. Why does a baby's tummy hurt and how to fix this problem?


    Causes pain:

    In order to determine the occurrence of pain, mom or dad needs to observe the behavior of the baby. Abdominal pain can occur due to:

    • Colic in the intestines;
    • Bloating
    • Constipation.

    If the child is tormented by colic, then he will constantly move his legs and try to bring them closer to his stomach. When the baby has constipation or bloating, the stomach will feel tight to the touch.

    What to do?

    If a child has a tummy ache, of course, the first thing to do with this problem is to consult a doctor. At the same time, it is necessary to tell the specialist about the child's behavior, his diet and appetite, as well as about the stool. Thus, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the pain and prescribe the correct treatment.

    To ease the pain, each parent can do the following:

    • Of course, when a child cries, any mother tries to calm him down. At the same time, they take the baby in their arms and try to caress. Thus, the baby does not feel lonely, the warmth of the mother and her heartbeat are very important for him. The child needs to understand that they really love him, and no one will leave him;
    • It is best to warm the baby's tummy. For these purposes, a diaper heated with an iron or a mother’s hand is suitable;
    • Experienced grandmothers will say that in order to reduce pain in the tummy, you need to take a ball of thread and roll it clockwise around the child's stomach. Now you can get by with a regular massage. Movements should still be carried out clockwise. Thus, gaziki gradually leave the baby's tummy;
    • Also, such an exercise as a “bicycle” will not hurt. For this child, it is necessary to put on the back and, in turn, press one or the other leg to the tummy;
    • In addition to all of the above, dill water helps in the fight against abdominal pain. Currently, it is sold ready-made in pharmacies. Also, this infusion can be prepared at home. dill water give children throughout the day in small portions;
    • Not bad for pain in the abdomen cope with special teas with a calming effect. But before giving a drink to a child, consult a doctor about this;
    • If the baby is tormented by bloating, then his suffering can be alleviated through a tube for removing gases. Only here it is worth saying that this method cannot be used too often. The child must learn to fart on his own;
    • If the child suffers from constipation, then you can give him an enema. But these are, of course, extreme measures in the event that nothing else helps;
    • At the moment, in pharmacies you can find a huge number of drugs that contribute to the destruction of gases in the intestines of a child. But here again, you must first consult with a specialist.

    To no longer hurt.

    How to prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain in a child?

    1. If the baby is on breastfeeding Mom needs to follow a special diet. After all, those products that she eats are transmitted to the child through milk. You should not include in the diet foods such as beets, tomatoes, black bread, etc.;
    2. If the child is bottle-fed, then abdominal pain may occur due to an improperly selected mixture. Therefore, if parents notice that after eating the baby has a stomach ache, it is necessary to reconsider the option of the mixture offered to him;
    3. Before starting to feed the baby, it must be laid out on the tummy. By the way, many children from the first days of life are very fond of these procedures.


    What other means are there in the fight against abdominal pain in a newborn?

    • Relaxing bath. In the process of bathing, you need to add a couple of drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil to the bath. It is this bath that will help relax the muscles and get rid of accumulated gases. As well as an option, you can fill the bag with these herbs and put it in the bath;
    • Massage is an excellent remedy for relieving abdominal pain in a child. For these purposes, you will need to make a mixture of almond oil and chamomile oil. Both need one teaspoon each. With an oil mixture, you need to massage the child's stomach in a clockwise direction;
    • In the fight against pain and bloating, ginger will certainly help parents. First you need to make a decoction of ginger. After that, it must be cooled to a warm state. Next, you need to dip the cotton fabric into the decoction made and attach it to the baby's tummy. In order for the compress to retain heat, you need to put a bottle of warm water on top of the fabric;
    • In the case when the child suffers from constipation, he needs to be given, or more drink is possible, as well as prunes. In addition, parents should think about the situation prevailing in the family. Indeed, quite often the cause of constipation in children is their emotional state;
    • If the child, on the contrary, suffers from diarrhea, then it is imperative that he be given as much as possible. more water. This is necessary so that the baby does not get dehydrated. The same excellent remedy in the fight against diarrhea is banana puree. If a child suffers from diarrhea on an ongoing basis, then most likely he has an allergy to some foods or mother's milk. In order to defeat diarrhea, you can brew raspberry leaves. You can give this decoction in a whole pipette until the diarrhea stops completely. If diarrhea is accompanied by spasms, then a decoction of rosemary will help the baby. This option will help you get rid of pain very quickly. To do this, you need one teaspoon of this herb. Pour boiling water over it and heat for about 15 minutes over low heat. After that, pass the broth through a fine sieve and cool it. If the case is serious enough, then about every 15 minutes the baby should be given a decoction in a full pipette. As soon as parents see an improvement, the dose is reduced to 60 ml every three hours. It is necessary to give a decoction to the child until the diarrhea is completely over.

    Now it has become clear why the baby has a tummy ache and how this unpleasant phenomenon for the baby can be prevented.