What is dill water for? Instructions for use. Instructions for preparing dill water

Dill water is familiar to many mothers: it is natural remedy helps to cope with colic and flatulence in newborns. However, folk healers recommend using the product in the treatment of other diseases in adults. With what ailments will a time-tested remedy help, how to properly prepare and use dill water?

Traditionally, the basis for the manufacture of dill water are fennel seeds, popularly called pharmacy dill. As part of the raw material, essential oil has a special value.

Fennel seeds contain an essential oil with valuable pharmacological properties.

In medical practice, this substance is valued for its ability to:

  • relieve bloating;
  • prevent gas formation;
  • relax the smooth muscles of the intestine;
  • have a calming effect;
  • smooth pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • provide antibacterial action;
  • show a diuretic effect;
  • block inflammatory processes;
  • dilate blood vessels;
  • activate internal secretion;
  • facilitate the removal of sputum when coughing;
  • improve appetite;
  • stimulate lactation.

It is known that the use of legumes in food can provoke flatulence. To neutralize this effect, experienced chefs recommend seasoning dishes from such products with fennel seeds.

Bean dishes are recommended to be seasoned with fennel seeds

The healing properties of dill water are appreciated by pediatricians: doctors advise using the product in the treatment of spasms, colic and flatulence in babies. With the same ailments, the remedy can also be used in the treatment of adults.

In addition, traditional healers advise using some water for:

  • cardiac pathology;
  • increased pressure;
  • diseases accompanied by cough (including bronchitis);
  • reduced lactation;
  • menstrual irregularities, etc.


The use of this remedy for healing purposes should be agreed with the doctor. Therapy of most ailments requires an integrated approach and the use of the drug should be considered solely as an auxiliary method.

Ready dill water can be purchased or made at home.

Cooking dill water

For the manufacture of the product, you need to use only filtered water. All utensils that will be used must first be doused with boiling water.

Traditional recipe (with seeds)

  1. Grind fennel seeds using a coffee grinder, blender or mortar.
  2. Brew a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Filter after 45 minutes.

It is very convenient to grind fennel seeds in a mortar

The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before use, the water must be kept warm for some time so that it warms up to room temperature.

essential oil recipe

Mix 0.5 mg of fennel essential oil in a liter of warm water.

The medicine is stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.

The oil must be High Quality, while the packaging must be labeled confirming the possibility of eating the product. Finding a quality product is quite problematic, so it is recommended to prepare some water using fennel seeds.

Is it possible to prepare a remedy from dill seeds?

In extreme cases, when it is not possible to purchase seeds or essential oil of fennel seeds, dill seeds can be used to make water. The effect of using the product is similar, although less pronounced.

Means recipe.

Brew a teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Filter after an hour.

Dill is the closest "relative" of fennel, the seeds of the plant can also be used to make some water, however, the effect will be less pronounced.

Table: features of use for various ailments in adults

Disease Application features
Flatulence. Drink 50 ml three times a day.
Constipation. Take 120 ml a quarter of an hour before meals.
Bloating. The water should be more concentrated (40 g of seeds per 0.5 l of boiling water, infuse in a thermos).
Before each meal, drink 80 ml of the product.
Nausea and vomiting. Instead of insisting, it is recommended to keep some water on a steam bath for 2-3 minutes. Drink 0.5 cup before meals.
Cough (with tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.). Combine with the use of herbal infusion (0.5 teaspoon of mallow and mullein pour a glass of boiling water, strain after a quarter of an hour).
Three times a day, drink 50 ml of dill water and infusion.
It is important to consider the contraindications of mullein and mallow.
Cystitis. The method of preparation of the product is somewhat different from the traditional one: pour 230 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of seed, keep on low heat for 2 minutes.
Drink during the day, dividing the prepared remedy into 5 doses.
Pancreatitis (only in the remission phase, not recommended for exacerbation of the disease). Drink warm 100 ml half an hour before meals.
Decreased visual acuity, eye fatigue. Moisten with cotton pads or pieces of gauze. Put on closed eyes for 15–20 minutes.
Insomnia. Take a tablespoon several times a day.

There is no exact data on the duration of the use of the drug. Most sources recommend drinking some water until the condition is cured or relieved.

Video: why dill water is good for adults

Features of use for pregnant and lactating women

The healing properties of dill water can be used during pregnancy. However, before using the remedy, it is important to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy, the use of dill water requires special care: it is important to consult a doctor

Dill seeds (and fennel) stimulate uterine contractions, so if there is a threat of miscarriage, premature birth, the use of water should be abandoned. For the same reason, it is necessary to limit the use of the drug in the second half of pregnancy. But just before the birth, an easy-to-prepare medicine can be useful.

With preeclampsia and edema during pregnancy, supporters unconventional ways treatment is advised to add ground dill seed to salads, pastries and other dishes instead of salt.

To enhance lactation and improve the composition of breast milk, mom is recommended to drink 100 ml of dill water 30 minutes before feeding. This measure will also prevent the appearance of colic in the baby.

Dill water for newborns and older babies

When preparing a product for children, its concentration decreases: you need to take a teaspoon of seeds in a glass of boiling water.

Give the baby some water before feeding, one teaspoon three times a day. If the child's body reacts normally, you can gradually increase the number of medications up to 6 times a day.

When treating children whose age is from 2 weeks to a month, it is recommended to drip 15 drops of the drug on the tongue. Babies who are less than a month old can only be given freshly prepared water..

Dill water after consultation with a pediatrician can be given even to infants

If, in addition to colic, other symptoms of indigestion appear, dill water will not help.

Video: how to cook and give it to your baby

Will it help you lose weight

Just by drinking dill water, you will not be able to lose weight. To be effective, the process must be proper nutrition, pay attention to rationally organized physical activity and treat existing diseases. However, as an auxiliary method, the use of dill water will speed up the process of getting rid of unnecessary kilograms, since this remedy:

  • saturates the body with nutrients, reducing the feeling of hunger;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system.

According to some sources, the use of the drug stimulates appetite, which, on the contrary, does not contribute to weight loss.

Contraindications and precautions

The use of the drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the product.

With caution, the drug is prescribed with a tendency to allergic reactions, reduced blood pressure and stones in the bile ducts.

In some cases, the use of the product may cause side effects, among which:

  • hives;
  • irritation and itching;
  • lowering blood pressure.

If you experience these or any other undesirable manifestations, you should consult a doctor.

The fact that dill water is good for lactation was known even to our grandmothers - an affordable and effective remedy that will help increase milk production. Modern mothers very often forget about such simple ones, resort to the use of some expensive and often ineffective means.

The benefits of dill water

limited, especially a strict diet for a nursing woman should be observed in the first days after the birth of a child. At the same time, the mother must receive enough nutrients so that the milk produced is enough for the baby. There are a lot of prohibitions during lactation, but vegetables and herbs will help out, it will be especially useful for a nursing woman. This plant can be consumed fresh and in unlimited quantities, but the use of specially prepared dill water will be much more effective.

Dill water is called a decoction of seeds or dill, since these products are similar to each other in terms of quality characteristics, and the taste of drinks will be exactly the same. Dill is found everywhere, but in fennel, the concentration of nutrients is much higher.

The composition of dill / fennel is quite diverse - and, phosphorus and iron, and nicotinic acid. Dill water has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, relieves and,. In addition, dill water has an antispasmodic effect, and this is also important, since during the period of breastfeeding a woman is forbidden to use most medications.

Note:dill water prevents the baby from appearing, so a nursing mother needs to take this decoction regularly. Moreover, the regularity in this matter is very important - only a small part of the nutrients from dill decoction enters the mother's breast milk, so you need to take care of their accumulation.

Like dill water for lactation

Dill water not only helps to save the baby from intestinal colic, but also for a nursing mother. In order for dill water to really have a positive effect on lactation, you need to remember some important points:

  1. A decoction of dill or fennel seeds is best consumed warm.
  2. During the day, a nursing woman should take 3-5 sips of the broth in question every one and a half to two hours.
  3. It is not worth increasing the concentration of dill water, you just need to take this remedy regularly.

Dill water at home: cooking instructions

This remedy can be purchased at a pharmacy, and pharmacists independently prepare it from fennel seeds. Under absolutely sterile conditions, the seeds of this plant are processed, and an essential oil is obtained, which is mixed with distilled water.

Often, after the birth of a child, parents are faced with digestive problems crumbs, bloating, colic and stool disorders. In the course are numerous funds from the pharmacy, drops, drugs and ethnoscience. But, the simplest and most effective of them is dill water for newborns, which was used by our great-grandmothers.

Is this remedy useful, will it harm the child and to whom can dill water be given, only to small children, or can it be used for similar problems for adults?

Dill water for babies

Newborns are born with sterile intestines and skin, and from the moment of birth, the body is actively populated with useful and conditionally pathogenic microbes.

At breastfeeding the baby receives the first beneficial microbes from the skin of the mother's nipple, and colostrum and breast milk help in the settlement of the intestines and in the work of enzymes.

It is more difficult for artificial people in this regard, they do not have support from the immune components of breast milk, and intestinal enzymes do not work so actively for them.

In the first about three months, while the flora is being settled and digestion is adapting to new working conditions, while the intestinal tissues are maturing and enzymes are being activated, digestive problems are possible:

  • bloating,
  • rumbling belly,
  • frothy, loose stools,
  • stools of different colors from bright yellow to greenish,
  • colic, abdominal pain,
  • constipation, diarrhea.

This period is quite difficult for parents, as the baby is naughty, cries, can hardly be applied to the chest, twists with knives and sleeps badly.

The reason for this is the immaturity of the intestines and the still incomplete digestion of the incoming food, as well as the periodic "uprisings" of the microbial flora.

Of course, everyone goes through this period, and often you just need to wait out the difficulties, but you always want to help the child and relieve colic. One of the popular remedies for them is dill water for colic.

It is used as for kids on artificial feeding, and breastfeeding.

Dill water while breastfeeding

If for artificial people, the introduction of additional liquid is always justified, whether it be ordinary water or dill water, then with babies, not everything is so simple.

According to the WHO, a breastfed baby does not need to be given any additional fluids or nutrition other than breast milk for up to six months. This can be fully attributed to dill water, which is recommended for colic in the first months.

The introduction of additional liquid can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother's breasts, the liquid itself can provoke colic, since it is also far from sterile, even if it is dill water.

Usually, dill water is given from a bottle, which leads to nipple confusion and can provoke breast rejection. Therefore, it is far from always worth using this recipe.

The best would be proper attachment to the chest, which reduces colic, and dill water for nursing mothers, in order to prevent their digestive disorders that affect the digestion of the baby.

Dill water will be useful for a nursing mother and as an additional liquid, as a drink between feedings.

Dill water: composition and properties

The main component of dill water, which you prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies or stores, will be an extract from the plant.

It can be garden dill or its noble counterpart - fennel. Their main properties are:

  • aid in the removal of waste products of metabolism in the intestines
  • help in the reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora (prebiotic properties)
  • reduction of smooth muscle spasms, relief of intestinal pain
  • activation of blood circulation in the walls of the intestine
  • carminative property, which facilitates the discharge of gases
  • slight diuretic effect
  • sedative and antispasmodic
  • choleretic effect
  • slight relaxing effect

According to parents, taking dill water helps many babies much faster and more efficiently than many other expensive and modern drugs.

Dill water: instructions for use

Pharmaceutical preparations of dill water can be sold in various forms:

  • dill or fennel grass in placers, bags, briquettes for making decoctions
  • filter bags for brewing as tea (manufactured by Krasnogorskleksredstva, Altai, Marislavna)
  • granulated sachets for dissolving in water (Plantex)
  • ready-made solutions (happy-baby, baby-calm).

Pharmacy solutions are prepared under sterile conditions using special solutions, which allows them to be stored for up to a month in a refrigerator.

This water is prepared according to a doctor's prescription in advance, and therefore it must be ordered at a pharmacy, but its composition will be as accurate as possible for use.

Such water is shown to children during colic with spasms and pains in the abdomen, as a carminative, antispasmodic.

Dill water is contraindicated for children with allergies or individual intolerance to fennel or ordinary dill.

You can buy dill water or raw materials for its preparation in all pharmacies both in Moscow and in any other city, as well as in children's goods and food stores.

How to prepare dill water for newborns?

It is far from always possible to order and quickly receive dill water from a pharmacy, and colic usually begins on the night when pharmacies may already be closed.

It is quite possible to prepare such a decoction at home. But it is worth remembering that this decoction cannot be stored for a long time, its shelf life is no more than a day, and every day you will need to prepare a fresh portion.

How to make dill water for a newborn? For its preparation, dill seeds or fennel grass are taken.

A completely affordable recipe for dill water is the following:

  • 1 teaspoon of seeds or herbs per cup of boiling water. Infuse the product for at least 45 minutes under the lid. The solution must be filtered.

How to brew dill water for a newborn in filter bags? It's even easier, one sachet is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 40-60 minutes.

How to give dill water to a newborn?

The prepared decoction of dill water should be taken in a teaspoon up to six times a day.

When using filter bags of dill water, the cooled broth is given like a tea during the day from a bottle or glass, if the child does not drink it well, you can add it to the mixture or mix it with breast milk.

The preparation of a solution from granules is carried out according to the instructions, but one of its drawbacks will be the presence of sugar or additives in it to enhance the taste, as well as a large volume of the solution - 50 ml.

After such a solution, the baby may be capricious, since such additives themselves can provoke colic.

The use of ready-made solutions in the form of drops is the simplest - they are given with a spoonful of milk or a mixture, or dripped directly into the crumbs' mouth.

The effect of the use of dill water occurs after about 10-15 minutes from the moment it is taken. Usually the baby calms down, their stool and gas pass, and they calmly fall asleep.

The effect with regular use will be quite persistent and will help fight even severe colic in children.

Dill water for older children and adults

Such water is also indicated for older children, as well as adults, including pregnant women.

Indications for its use will be bloating and discomfort during digestion, carminative action, relieving cramps and pain in the abdomen with functional digestive disorders, an appetite stimulant.

Dill water is prepared for older children, adults and pregnant women at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. The tool can simply be brewed or insisted in a water bath, in a thermos. Take it in a tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

How much dill water to give a newborn?

The dose of dill water for babies is selected individually, usually starting with a teaspoon of dill water before or during feeding.

In the first days of admission, such water is given from one to three times a day, gradually, as the body adapts and monitors reactions and tolerance, you can increase the dose to 2 teaspoons up to six times a day.

Dill water for newborns at home should only be prepared in a sterile container, and dill seeds should only be purchased at a pharmacy.

It is forbidden to use seeds from nearby markets or from a neighbor's grandmother, they may contain hazardous substances.

Seeds are poured with boiling water, and the child can only be given water that has cooled down, with a temperature of about 36 degrees.

Keep the water only in the refrigerator and each time before use it is heated to a warm state.

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Dill water for newborns is a salvation for problems with the intestines in a child. From birth, infants experience immaturity of the digestive organs, getting used to new conditions. The work of the gastrointestinal tract in infants is accompanied by pain, colic, constipation is observed. To get rid of the baby from torment, mothers are quite justifiably in no hurry to stuff the growing body with medicines, preferring other methods of treatment.

10 health benefits of dill water

There is no such body that would not feel the positive impact of this tincture. Dill water for newborns from colic has become especially popular. We emphasize right away that the water is not made from dill at all, but from fennel seeds.

  1. Rids the body of toxins.
  2. Eliminates spasms and relaxes smooth muscles.
  3. Improves blood circulation throughout the body.
  4. Reduces the pressure of gases on the walls of the intestines.
  5. Normalizes the functioning of the urinary system.
  6. Relieves inflammation.
  7. Normalizes work.
  8. Promotes rapid disposal of sputum when coughing.
  9. Choleretic agent.
  10. Helps with constipation.

Possessing a carminative effect, it frees the intestines from gases, relieves pain and contributes to its normal functioning.

The solution has 3 main actions:

  1. Carminative.
  2. Antispasmodic.
  3. Anti-inflammatory.

Wherein the drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. Side effects occur when the dosage is incorrect: rash, urticaria, diarrhea.

Green savior from the pharmacy

You can buy dill water for a newborn at the pharmacy where prescriptions are made to order. Its production takes place under sterile conditions. Wherein not fennel seeds are used, but an extract from them. Fennel is a type of plant that is grown for medicinal purposes. Differs in rough leaves and has a sweetish-pungent smell.

The pharmacy version of the liquid is stored for up to 30 days. The price of dill water for newborns averages 150-180 rubles.

The solution is prepared in a pharmacy according to the following recipe: they take oil, fill it with water, mix it and pour it into glass vials. The volume of the bottle is usually 100 ml.

It is not always possible to buy dill water for newborns. It can be successfully replaced with other pharmacy medicines that will save the baby from colic.

The most effective analogues:

  • Fennel oil solution and tea from it.
  • Medications: Plantex, Happy Baby, Babykalm.
  • Preparations based on synthetic simethicone (carminative action): Espumizan, Simethicone.

The infusion does not cure the disease. He can only remove the symptom. It is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the causes of violations.

Cooking with our own hands

Dill water for newborns at home is made from fennel fruits, not oil.

So, how to make dill water for a newborn to benefit and not harm? Here are some tips.

  • The product is drunk fresh - it is not subject to storage.
  • There must be sterile conditions. A thermos in which dill water is infused for a newborn should be washed well.
  • Fennel can be grown in your garden. Dry the umbrellas of the plant, pre-cleaning from the husk.
  • If you can't find the seeds, you can make a dill tea. To do this, the grass is infused for 1 hour. Tea has less carminative effect.

5 steps to prepare dill water for a newborn

The recipe for dill water for newborns is simple and quick. It will not be difficult to do it every day.

  1. Prepare a container, pour a glass of water (250-300 ml) and place on fire.
  2. After boiling, add a heaping teaspoon of fennel seeds and close the lid.
  3. Let it boil for another minute.
  4. Remove the container from the heat and let the solution brew for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain the mixture.

Knowing the features of how to brew dill water for a newborn, you can save useful substances and not harm the health of the baby.

Rules for using the medicine

Many mothers are concerned about the question of how to give dill water to a newborn?

First of all, you need to know what it can be given from the second week of life.

Its taste is unpleasant for many babies, so they often refuse such a remedy.

In that you can use this trick how to dilute dill water for a newborn by adding it to the mixture or milk.

The medication is combined with a massage of the abdomen. The use of dill water for newborns occurs 1 teaspoon after feeding 3 times a day, in pure form, or added to formula or breast milk.

If no adverse reactions are found on the part of the child's body, it is allowed to give up to 6 times a day.

The agent begins to act after 15 minutes. Moms note that in addition to getting rid of colic, it helps to eliminate.

When using the product, you need to consult a specialist. It will help determine the exact dosage and duration of treatment.


Any drug is given when it is known true reason anxiety and pain in the chest. Parents will have to be patient to wait out the period of formation of the digestive organs. And dill water for newborns can help with this. Following a simple instruction, you can cook it yourself.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky is always worth listening to, although sometimes his point of view does not always coincide with the usual stereotypes.

In contact with

Probably, there is not a single mother who has not heard about the problem of intestinal colic in babies. According to statistics, every third person is faced with this phenomenon. It is impossible to calmly watch how the baby blushes, pushes, tightens his legs, starts crying - and all this for several hours, sometimes every day.

Parents turn to doctors and the experience of older generations and often hear that they need dill water for a newborn. Let's see what it is and whether it is worth spoiling a child's fragile stomach with the use of this remedy.

Instructions for the drug

Dill water - a remedy for colic for newborns; The instructions for the medicine give explanations on the use of this drug:

  • The fruits of garden or pharmacy dill (fennel) can be used to treat colicky pain in the intestines, flatulence, constipation. Dill water has an antispasmodic, carminative and choleretic effect and can be used to treat babies from birth.

Dill water is prepared from dried fennel fruits:

  1. a tablespoon of seeds is poured into 200 ml of boiled water (about a glass), covered with a lid;
  2. put in a water bath and boil for a quarter of an hour;
  3. then they are cooled and filtered through gauze into a glass, the maximum juice is squeezed out of the raw material there;
  4. then add boiling water so that you get a whole glass;
  5. babies under the age of three are given this infusion up to 6 times a day, half a teaspoon of fennel water.

What is infantile colic?

Colic is a phenomenon that is not fully understood.

  • The most popular explanation is digestive system the crumbs are not yet ready to switch to breast milk or formula, food is poorly absorbed, causing gas. Gases stretch the intestines, which is why the baby experiences excruciating pain.
  • There are other theories. For example, Mark Weissbluth, founder and director of the Center for Child Sleep Disorders, believes that “colic” is most often nothing more than the result of a child being overexcited from lack of sleep.

In his opinion, only one-fifth of the babies who regularly cry for unknown reasons suffer from gas in the intestines. To determine that the baby really has colic, the “rule of three” will help you: the baby cries for at least three hours daily, three days a week (or more), and this period lasts for at least three weeks.

With colic, babies do not lose their appetite, gain weight well and do not have any other symptoms, except for regularly repeated prolonged crying. However, it is almost impossible to determine for what reason the newborn suffers.

Doctors speak standard phrases, and give the same type of recommendations to reduce symptoms. What to do if the doctor has diagnosed the newborn " intestinal colic"? Most often, pediatricians prescribe a lot of drugs for babies. Why mass? But because none of the "drugs for colic" has proven effectiveness.

On a note! There has not been a single study showing that something like this really reduces the painful manifestations of intestinal immaturity in newborns.

Parents are invited to empirically choose a medicine for their baby that seems to be the most effective (or maybe just by that time the problem itself will disappear). And here, moms and dads have a choice: randomly stuff their child with medications that have both contraindications and side effects, or turn to proven methods that really help parents ease the pain of their babies.

Is it possible to prepare medicine at home?

It is very good if you grow fennel in your own garden, so you can be sure that the medicine you prepare yourself will not harm the baby. Before you brew dill water for a newborn, you need to collect the seeds, peel them and dry them.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow fennel, purchase ready-made seeds from a pharmacy.

How to make dill water, useful for a newborn? Take a tablespoon of fennel fruits, chop them. Pour the resulting raw material with 250 ml of boiling water and place in a dark place for one hour. Strain into a container with a lid. Dill water for newborns, prepared at home, is stored in the refrigerator for a day.

An hour before the time of taking the medicine, pour a little into a clean dish, cover with a napkin and leave it on the table so that the fennel water warms up to room temperature. Babies under the age of one month should prepare fresh dill water each time.

How to give a child medicine?

It doesn’t matter how the medicine was prepared, the scheme for taking dill water is always the same. Before giving dill water to a newborn, you need to check if it will cause an allergic reaction:

  • Give your child half a teaspoon of fennel water, best in the morning, before feeding;
  • Then, during the day, watch the baby for a reaction;
  • If everything went well, the next day give the child water in the morning, afternoon and evening, one teaspoon each.

For both infants and formula-fed babies, it is easiest to give fennel water from a spoon.

  1. If the baby refuses to drink it, you can mix the medicine with breast milk or formula in a 1: 1 ratio and try to give it to the child;
  2. If nothing works out anyway, then the fennel water is mixed directly into the bottle with food for artificial people.

You will have to tinker with the baby;

  • Purchase a 5 ml syringe at the pharmacy or take a Nurofen medicine syringe;
  • Take 5 ml of water from fennel and try to give it to the baby like a pacifier, slowly pouring the contents into the mouth;
  • Most often, children begin to suck on the tip of the syringe and do not protest against this method of obtaining the drug;
  • If the baby rebels against water, then there is no need to increase his stress, you need to try other ways to help with colic. What, read in the article >>>

Important! The pediatrician should determine the exact dosage that your baby needs.

Contraindications for admission

Like any other medicine, dill water has a number of contraindications. Fennel reduces blood pressure, so preparations based on it should not be used by hypotensive patients. Sometimes dill water can cause an allergy in a baby, so it is especially important to start giving it gradually, carefully monitoring the child's condition.

A fennel-based preparation can increase gas formation. In this case, you will have to stop taking it.

There is no absolute guarantee that dill water will help the baby. In families in which dill water for newborns is used for infant colic, reviews on this medicine can be heard differently. Some kids, according to parents, this tool helped, others did not notice the difference.

My opinion is that it's the placebo effect.

  1. You give the drug, internally calm down and relax;
  2. You begin to take the baby in your arms more often, talk to him affectionately;
  3. The child relaxes, feeling your calmness;
  4. In a calm state, it is easier for him to bleed, or to survive a slight tension inside the tummy.

Be healthy and know that sooner or later any colic will pass and you and your baby will be able to spend days and nights completely calm!