Pictures of bulls draw look. Beautiful landscapes from the artist Viktor Bykov

The phrase “There is nothing left until the New Year ... nothing has been done, not cooked, not bought !!!” every day becomes more and more relevant. And the closer to the holiday, the faster time flies. We bring to your attention a selection interesting photos, the New Year's interior on which can serve as one of the best ideas on how to quickly decorate a house for the upcoming celebrations so that the high spirits and feeling of the New Year do not leave you, your cozy home and guests visiting it for as long as possible.

Most of us New Year is associated primarily with a lush Christmas tree, sparkling lights, silvery rain and Christmas decorations. Festive attributes are also candles, the aroma of tangerines and the feeling of a fairy tale. Let's take a look at the photos presented on this topic together: a New Year's interior cannot be created without a general design idea. Perhaps it will be in modern style, and someone will prefer retro, or maybe you will be the person who wants to create a themed interior for a favorite holiday in every family.

Known to each of us since childhood, the aphorism that how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it today has taken on a new meaning. Anticipating this amazing holiday, it is not enough to make delicious menu think over gifts for relatives and friends! Meeting the New Year requires the most careful preparation and your home.

The tradition of decorating the house for the New Year and Christmas holidays has deep roots. historical roots. Decorating the Christmas tree, the ancient Germanic tribes were sure that omnipotent spirits live in the shaggy branches of an evergreen tree, for the propitiation of which rich offerings were made. Later, Christians introduced their canonical rules into this rite: the New Year tree was crowned with the “Star of Bethlehem”, balls that personify the Forbidden fruit, and figured pastries resembling unleavened communion bread.

Time has simplified everything: multi-colored jewelry, lanterns, toys came to Europe from the Asian hinterland. Then came the fashion Christmas decorations from porcelain, papier-mâché, embossed cardboard, garlands of glass beads and beads, transparent and frosted glass balls.


Today, there is hardly a more touching activity than the creation of Christmas tree jewelry in a close family circle from grandparents to its smallest members - everyone's boundless imagination can create real miracles!

New Year's decor and interior (see photo): what is fashionable now?
Returning to the conversation about toys for the green beauty, the modern New Year's fashion prefers everything extraordinary. It can even be glass balls coated with a thin layer of precious metal sputtering, or simple hand-made glass icicles, stars and snowflakes with an “icy coating”. Christmas decorations can be the most traditional, but that's the beauty of them. fashion trend is a Christmas tree decoration in one color scheme. The design invention did not bypass the “culprit” itself new year holidays. The traditional green beauty was replaced by Christmas trees, cut in relief, painted from graffiti spray guns in the most unimaginable colors, Christmas trees in the guise of one of fairy tale characters or high-tech Christmas trees hung with CDs and intricately woven wires. But before buying such an exotic, think about whether it will be appropriate in your interior. At the same time, an overly avant-garde Christmas tree can be “balanced” with an ordinary one, which will decorate another room. But it is by no means necessary to be limited to one New Year's tree: metal, crystal or made of flowers and leaves, they will look great in every room of your home.

The Western "Christmas" potted plant poinsettia, otherwise known as the "Christmas flower", is gaining more and more popularity in our country. In America and Europe, it is bought into the house or given as a gift for the New Year. This plant is a small bushy tree with green-red-white foliage, sustained in the colors of the traditional catholic christmas.


However, the creation of a festive outfit for the Christmas tree is only one of the stages of preparation for the upcoming reincarnation of your home. A kind of "standard package" consists of numerous garlands, snowflakes, wreaths, fireplace decorations. As for the colors of the New Year's interior, the dominants here are traditionally winter colors: green, gold and silver, but recently they are increasingly being “diluted” not with the usual red and blue, but with newfangled black and white.

New Year's interiors (photo below) in country style (or their elements in the form of separate compositions and decorations) do not lose their relevance: natural needles, cinnamon sticks, dried fruits, feathers, fir cones. They will help to create a New Year's interior with their own hands in the best possible way, because the original festive atmosphere of individual design is another important component of a successful New Year's Eve. Simple items can serve as home decorations, which can easily turn into New Year's accents with the help of your skillful hands. For example, put New Year's balls of different sizes and different colors on a large flat dish and tie beautiful ribbons to them. Add oranges here too - so warm juicy shades of orange and red plus sunny fruits will skillfully drive away the blues of winter cold and create a pleasant feeling of a holiday.

Decorate your home with fresh flowers! Yes Yes! Bulbous - in pots, hyacinths and hippeastrums - in baskets, decorated with ribbons with the addition of cones and moss. For almost a whole month of the New Year holidays, they will bloom and pleasantly please the eye. And do not be afraid of quantity - there should be a lot of flowers in all corners of the apartment.

Do not be too lazy to decorate for the holiday and the kitchen, dining room. As an option (see photo) - New Year's interior and table setting in strawberry red and white. For extra sparkle, you can add some silver and crystal, hang large paper snowflakes and stars above the table. Serving holiday table also has its own subtleties and rules. Thanks to the soft glow of silver, the brilliance of crystal facets and the nobility and subtlety of porcelain, they are able to turn any house into a real old family castle for at least one “magic” night.

Having decorated the windows in the house with snowflakes, and hanging garlands around its perimeter, you will understand the mood not only for yourself and all your family members, but also for your neighbors, and even for random passers-by. Known fact: New Year's lights return each of us to childhood and make us happy at least for a moment.

But in the New Year's interior, the main thing is not to overdo it! Find one style for yourself and follow it, whether it's decorating a Christmas tree, setting a table, or decorating an apartment. And do not forget to take more photos during the holidays: the New Year's interior in the pictures can be an amazing idea that your friends and family can use next year, and you will look like a real designer in their eyes! And let unlimited fantasy and fiction be your constant companions in the coming New Year!

Everyone loves the New Year holiday because of the fun, tasty food, weekends, communication, dances, songs, competitions... And it all starts with the creation of a festive atmosphere that will give joyful emotions and impressions. In this article we will tell you how to decorate your home for the New Year in an original, creative and enchanting way.

The most common decoration of the house for the New Year is a garland. Consider a few ideas and master classes for its manufacture.

You will need: colored paper, scissors, simple pencil.

Master Class

Garland "Santa's Socks"

You will need: bright large socks, red rope or satin ribbon, clothespins or eyelets.

Master Class

  1. Attach the string to the desired location.
  2. Hang the socks on the rope following the thematic color scheme.
  3. Pin each sock.

Garland "Circles of felt"

You will need: pieces of felt of bright colors, scissors, glue, thread.

Master Class

  1. Cut out circles from felt. Circles should be about 50 pieces. The more circles, the longer the garland.
  2. Glue the circles to the thread.
  3. Attach a garland.

You will need: skin from an orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon (you can choose one option, or you can make an assortment), scissors, a needle and thread.

Master Class

Such a creative garland will not only decorate your home and surprise your guests, but also give a wonderful citrus aroma filled with vitamin C, which is so necessary in the winter.

Garland "Natural composition"

You will need: cinnamon sticks, dried tangerine slices, cones, Christmas balls, thick thread and a needle.

Master Class

  1. String a cinnamon stick, a dried tangerine slice, a cone on a thread with a needle.
  2. Repeat the first step until desired size fairy lights.
  3. Decorate with Christmas balls.
  4. Attach a garland.

Decorate the house with a wreath for the New Year - very original idea! It can be hung on the wall or door. A festive Christmas wreath can be made from clothespins, buttons, twigs, and even wine corks. Consider master classes and learn how to make wreaths for the New Year.

You will need: aluminum hanger or wire (for the frame), clothespins, beads and ribbon (for decoration)

Master Class

  1. Unroll the hanger and make a round frame, or create a wire frame.
  2. String a clothespin and a bead.
  3. Repeat step #2 until the wreath is full.
  4. Hang the wreath on a wall or door.

You will need: cardboard, scissors, glue, ribbon and bright buttons.

Master Class

  1. Cut out the frame of the wreath from round cardboard.
  2. Glue the buttons to the frame.
  3. Make a ribbon bow at the top.

You will need: base for the frame, many wine corks, beads for decoration, satin ribbon, glue gun.

Master Class

If you have a question, where do you get so many corks? - the answer is simple. Wine corks can be ordered from an online store at an affordable price, or purchased at a specialized store with interior goods in your city. From wine corks, you can make not only a wreath, but also a huge number of different crafts about which it is written in this article: “Crafts from corks from wine bottles with your own hands.”

You will need: sprigs of pine needles or a fir broom, threads, beads and a ribbon for decoration.

Master Class

Window decorations, glass and mirrors for the New Year

You will need: snowflake Pattern, toothpaste and a brush, a glass half filled with water.

Master Class

You will need: pieces of felt, scissors, glue, sequins, thread.

Master Class

  1. Cut out snowflakes or stars from felt.
  2. Glue sequins to the center of each snowflake.
  3. Glue all the snowflakes to the thread.
  4. Decorate cornices and baseboards.

Decoration of the walls of the house for the New Year

Such bright snowflakes on the walls look very creative. Making them is easy enough, you only need to have at least 24 identical wooden popsicle sticks. You can collect them or order them in the online store at a very affordable price.

You will need: ice cream sticks, red gouache, newspaper, glue and ribbon.

Master Class

You will need: dense threads, an inflatable ball or a ball, PVA glue, scissors, a needle, a candle in a tin box, a glass.

Master Class

Now we will look at the enchanting ideas for decorating the ceiling. Helium balloons will look very festive, which themselves fly to the ceiling, decorating it. The more of them, the better, brighter and more beautiful!

Snowflakes on strings attached to the ceiling fill the whole room with snow and it doesn't get cold from such snow! Get together in a big company, cut out a huge number of snowflakes and turn an ordinary room into a whole masterpiece!

In December, the New Year fuss begins, associated with buying gifts, compiling a menu and decorating everything around.

There is something mysterious and fabulous in this expectation of the holiday, familiar from childhood: when you are waiting for a fluffy Christmas tree to appear at home to decorate it with balls and garlands.

Create a festive mood and save it for everything new year holidays the appropriate design of an apartment or a private house will help. Look at the decoration for the New Year as an exciting journey full of discoveries and experiments. Maybe it's time to do something new, add a modern New Year's decor to surprise guests and please loved ones?

And so we are faced with the task of decorating the apartment for the New Year's party. It would seem, what could be easier? The brighter, the merrier. However, everything is not so simple. If you decorate with everything that comes to mind without taking into account the style and color scheme of the interior, then it will turn out to be colorful and tasteless. It is important not to break Christmas decorations harmony and comfort. It is advisable to stop at one New Year's color combination (dark green with red, silver with blue, red with white, gold with red, shades of purple).

Now it is very popular to use the gifts of nature for decoration: cones, coniferous twigs, nuts, oranges and tangerines (you can even dry crusts). Such blanks bring to the interior not only a special aura of warmth, but also aroma.

In the transfer of the festive atmosphere important role plays not only visual perception, but also the sense of smell. New Year's smells are the aroma of needles, citrus fruits, cinnamon and chocolate. The lack of natural sources can be compensated with essential oils, and thematic aroma lamps will become an additional element of decor.

Glitter, the mirror surface of accessories and subtle patterns will add brightness to the interior. Original jewelry can be made by hand. All you need is a desire and some free time.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

According to established traditions, spruce or pine are the main symbol of the New Year. An artificial or live Christmas tree must be in the festive interior. Depending on the chosen design style, it can be not only green, but also white. Reduced models are suitable for a small living room.

The general rule for decorating a Christmas tree: the location of larger and brighter toys at the very bottom, and small and light ones at the top. It is believed that the tree should shine and shimmer with all the bright colors, but now single-plane and plain decorations and toys have come into fashion. For example, a small Christmas tree can only be decorated with bright balls of different or the same size.

Christmas tree decoration for the New Year can be made with your own hands. So it will be easier to maintain one style when designing other zones, using similar techniques.

Christmas tree toys can be made from old light bulbs, any shape and size will do. The glass is covered with white acrylic paint, on which the author's drawing or bright sparkles are subsequently applied. A thread, ribbon or knitted cord is tied to the cartridge for hanging.

For those who know how and love to knit, a variant with miniature knitted mittens, socks and scarves is possible. A Christmas tree decorated with knitted toys is safe for small children and creates a special warmth and comfort.

Naturally and at the same time, toys made of fir cones look original. The lucky ones who managed to stock up on this material will be able to create a unique atmosphere.

There are a lot of ideas for making Christmas decorations with your own hands. Depending on the complexity of execution, you can choose the most suitable option or find a completely new solution. The outfit of the Christmas tree must be supplemented with multi-colored decorative boxes with gifts.

Share the mood - decorate the windows

Walking in the residential area on the eve of the New Year, it is pleasant to admire the windows decorated with white lacy snowflakes. Gluing paper snowflakes to glass has already become a tradition. This method of decoration is good only if the family has masters in carving fancy patterns. It is not at all necessary to look for some kind of snowflake patterns - it is more interesting to improvise. To add zest to the design of windows to snowflakes, you can add figures of snowmen, deer, Christmas trees.

Another easy way to decorate is with toothpaste or stained glass paint using a stencil. To create a stencil, a thematic drawing is selected, printed, cut out along the contour and, for ease of use, transferred to more thick paper. You can beautifully write "Happy New Year!", Cut out this phrase and get a simple stencil.

Crocheted snowflakes hanging on strings inside the window opening look original and stylish. It is convenient to use this design if there is a wide window sill.

If there is no desire to be creative, then you can purchase colored volumetric stickers in the store.

Angels, bells and cones hanging in the air will look very cute. Balls hanging on ribbons look bright and solemn.

A large window can be decorated with a wreath of coniferous twigs and cones.

Any composition will be complemented by garlands, which are already a traditional companion of the New Year's carnival.

The window sill can be decorated with decorative gifts, rag dolls, coniferous twigs and cotton wool. To keep the festive mood in the evening, rain or small tinsel can be fixed on the curtains.

Feeling New Year's fairy tale strengthen candles or lamps from wine bottles with garlands inside. Their soft light carries something mysterious.

When designing a window, it is necessary to take into account not only the future interior of the room, but also how the scenery will look from the street.

Living Room Interior Design Ideas

Especially carefully you need to think about how to decorate the house for the New Year. The main decor is usually located in the living room. There are a lot of design ideas, but one-stop solution no, just as no two interiors are the same. To create a holiday in your home, you need to use fantasy. Below we consider several examples of creating New Year's decor with our own hands for decorating various areas of the living room and hallway.

Let's start right at the front door. For its registration in European style use wreaths of spruce branches. With dark in green pine needles go well with golden balls, red ribbons or silvery cones. In a private house, a beautifully decorated wreath can be hung from the street.

It is very convenient to use garlands to decorate walls and stairs. They can be from LED bulbs, paper rings or snowflakes, large or small cones, miniature soft toys or knitted socks, sweets and oranges, etc.

In a festive interior, a composition of candles, fir branches and balls will look very appropriate. The color scheme of the composition should be selected taking into account the chosen general design style. Alternatively, you can use decorative candlesticks.

You can hang balls, angels, short rain, snowflakes or any other Christmas decorations from the chandelier.

If there is a fireplace or an additional decoration zone is created. The mantelpiece can be overlaid with spruce branches and a garland with flickering light bulbs. You can make it with figurines of Santa Claus and a Snowman, create a “pillow” for laying out tangerines from needles, decorate it with a composition with candles or decorative gifts.

On the bookshelf or a coffee table, you can put a miniature Christmas tree made of cones: simple and original.

A snow-white and soft Christmas tree can be made from cotton pads. Which are glued to a paper cone.

From felt, you can sew cute figures that are suitable for making a garland, and as independent elements.

To decorate a room in an original way for the New Year with your own hands, you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can use any materials, but it is important to observe the measure and maintain color balance.

Decor for the New Year's table

Because the dining table new year's eve turns into the central zone of the celebration, then its design will need to be thought out as carefully as the festive menu. If the serving is planned in a bright color, then it is better to choose a light plain tablecloth. Conversely, with a discreet decor, a tablecloth with a gold pattern is suitable. It is important to maintain the style and color scheme.

On a large table, you can place a bright composition, and if there is not enough space, it is enough to confine yourself to a small decoration of candles.

Beautiful wine glasses or jars will help save space, in which you can place a spruce twig, rowan brush or bright beads. If you turn the glass over, you get a very interesting candlestick. A few of these wine glasses are sure to add a festive mood.

It is also worth considering serving accessories that are more interesting to make with your own hands. These can be cutlery bags, original napkins, napkin holders and more.

If you start preparing in advance, then there will be time for sewing original covers for high backs of chairs. As a chair decor, you can also use sewn toys suspended from the back, and large bows from a wide ribbon.

If there is a set of bright holiday dishes, then it does not need to be additionally decorated, but transparent glass goblets can be decorated with a ribbon to match the main color of the serving or do something more complicated.

Small crafts made from cones and pine twigs, or figures bought in a store will help diversify the meal. Just do not overdo it so that there is free space for a comfortable dinner.

Private house: decorate the porch, facade and courtyard

Having at your disposal a house with a garden, you can not fail to take the opportunity to create a real winter fairy tale. After midnight, guests will not refuse to go out into the fresh air to launch fireworks, so it is worth taking care of street decorations so as not to disappoint them.

The facade of the house is often decorated with LED garlands. You can simply hang them up or depict any figure (Christmas tree, snowman, star). If desired, garlands can decorate trees and shrubs in front of the house.

A small live spruce in a tub will look good on the porch. Ribbons, felt toys and fruits are suitable for decorating it.

You can also put the sled and "load" them with large gift boxes. If you lay out large pine branches around the sled, you get a realistic composition.

The door can be decorated with a wreath and spruce branches. The wreath is created from any material, it all depends on the imagination.

Recently, luminous animal silhouettes have become popular, which are easy to make with your own hands. First, a frame is made of steel wire or rods, then the frame is wrapped with a garland. A small flock of deer in the garden will delight both children and adults.

For the garden, you can make a large wooden star from dry shoots of medium thickness. In addition to simple garlands, this decor will make New Year's Eve magical.

How to please the owner of 2017 - the Fire Rooster

Being engaged in the festive decoration of your home, you should not forget about the symbolism of the coming year. The Fire Rooster loves everything bright and sparkling. This year, more than ever, flickering lights and candles are relevant in the interior. Fill the room with light and sparkles. Of the colors, preference should be given to bright yellow, orange, carrot and red. The background can be green or white.

The decor should not be monotonous and overly restrained. Even in small things it is necessary to maintain diversity. For example, if you are making a composition of balloons, then use balloons of different sizes.

The rooster loves home comfort, so the use of decorative pillows, fabric napkins, chair covers, knitted ornaments is welcome.

For decoration, it is better to use natural materials. Wooden crafts, wicker baskets, a bouquet of dried flowers will be appropriate here. Homemade decor items are of particular value.

Among the decorations, the presence of the symbol of the new year is mandatory. You can sew cockerels from felt and hang them in the form of a garland, you can buy a beautiful figurine, you can embroider a colorful cockerel on a decorative pillow or create a picture in a frame.

Decorating an apartment or house for the New Year, of course, is creative work, and any creativity brings joy not only to others, but also to the performer himself. Even if the work routine and home life do not leave strength for a flight of fancy, take care of New Year's decoration and the festive mood will disperse all negative emotions. Even better, if you can involve all family members in the process.

New Year is always a magical holiday. Regardless of how old you are, someone is still waiting for a miracle, and someone creates it with their own hands for loved ones. All this fabulous atmosphere is simply impossible to imagine without a decorated and elegant apartment. Of course, you can come up with decor ideas yourself, but if you don’t have enough time or imagination for this, then a great option is to use ready-made ones!

The symbol of the upcoming 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig. Therefore, when choosing some New Year's elements to decorate an apartment or house, you need not only to fit them into the interior, but also to please this animal. And then luck will certainly be with you and those who are dear to you for the next 365 days.

Everything starts with an idea!

Any project, whether it's decorating an apartment or some kind of super business task, begins with an idea and a plan for its implementation! The first thing to do when organizing New Year's decor is to estimate the size of the room. If your room is large and uncluttered with furniture, then you can come up with something big. If there is not so much space, then it is best to lean towards the “minimalism” style.

By the way, the latter does not mean at all that the New Year's decor will turn out bad. It is not so much space that is important here, but the soul invested in this difficult, but pleasant business.

After the main direction is chosen, you can start looking for ideas! Surely both you and your family members, if they are involved in the process, there will be many options. But don't be fooled. In practice, it is not always possible to implement everything that is planned. Yes, and it often turns out much worse than in the imagination, and already at the last moment it seems that something is missing. After all, in order for the idea and the result to coincide, you need at least a design education.

Not everyone has it, therefore, planning new year decoration apartments, some resort to the help of specialists. If this option is not feasible from a financial point of view, then you can see finished projects, magazines and choose something suitable for you.

New Year's decor is not just an element. It will help create a festive mood for the whole family. If you do something with your own hands, then the “warm” details will remind you of the positive moments of preparation all the holidays. It is better to start it in advance, in late November - early December. Indeed, in this case there will be enough time to redo, correct or complete something.

The color scheme is everything

After the plan is drawn up and all the ideas are written down, you can choose the color scheme in which the New Year's decoration will be implemented. Here, of course, it is worth considering not only your preferences, but also the taste of the Yellow Earth Pig. And she most of all loves yellow, brown and their shades, as well as black, pale red and gold. The latter should be “handled” as carefully as possible, otherwise even great idea runs the risk of turning into a complete bad taste.

These colors are usually used to decorate the background. But in order to dilute them, you can take some other, unusual, contrasting and spectacular ones. The main thing is not to overdo it.

The above palette is, of course, desirable, but not required at all. Rules are there to be broken. If you manage to fit other colors skillfully and tastefully into the interior of your apartment, then the pig will not be offended at all. Moreover, designers are out of step with him and call him the most fashionable - purple and lilac.

In order to please the Pig, you can choose not only a color that is pleasant for her, but also more wooden elements. Cones, clothespins, figurines and other little things will add warmth and comfort to your New Year's interior, which is never superfluous.

Little things rule the interior

It doesn't matter how big your apartment is. New Year's little things in any case will add to her comfort, warmth and create a festive mood. Of course, making them is not an easy task, but the game is worth the candle.

Many people think that the most important thing is to arrange cute little things in the right places. In fact, this is not so important - you can simply “scatter” them around the apartment in random order. It is much more important that they harmoniously combine with each other in terms of color and create a single picture.

See more:

What can be used as New Year's trifles? Small boxes decorated with stickers and bows, candies in colorful wrappers, cones, candlesticks and even tangerines. Special attention should be given to window sills. They can be substituted with themed bouquets, collected from balls, Christmas tree branches and other New Year's attributes, or simply create a fruit and gingerbread composition, the perfect addition to which will be cinnamon sticks.

And, of course, you can not forget about the ceiling. Snowflakes, Christmas decorations and even candies, as well as traditional garlands, will be a great addition to any New Year's interior. By the way, if you don't have it yet, we know where to buy it in Minsk.

See more:

What can be done with your own hands

Many details of the New Year's interior can be made by hand. For example, traditional and very attractive gift socks. Patterns and step by step descriptions You can find . But let everyone decide for themselves how to decorate their “gift bag”. The main thing is not to forget to write the names so that Santa Claus does not confuse which surprise is intended for whom.

As a rule, socks are hung on the fireplace, because this tradition came to us from the West, where the vast majority of people live in private homes. Fireplaces in our apartments somehow did not take root: the areas are not the same, and there is no need, central heating does an excellent job of cold winter days. But if you really want to hang socks for gifts on the fireplace, then you can do it yourself! Everyone in the family, especially children, should definitely be involved in this activity!

Another traditional New Year's element that you can easily make with your own hands is a wreath. Of course, there are quite a lot of them sold in stores. But still, hand-made is always warmer and more pleasant. The decor of the wreath depends solely on your imagination. You can use for it cones, tinsel, small toys, sweets and so on.

How to decorate a Christmas tree

The pig loves Christmas trees. She is picky about decorating a fluffy beauty - you can use a standard set, supplemented with sweets, tangerines and even cookies.

See more:

If you are planning to update toys on the eve of 2019, then it would be ideal to choose them in colors that are pleasant for a yellow earthen pig: yellow, orange, gold. In any case, the main thing is to approach the matter with imagination and taste.

Room lighting

Soft and warm light is a necessary element of comfort that the Yellow Earth Pig loves so much. In addition to standard garlands, you can use candles. Their placement is not an easy task, on which a lot will depend. You should not limit yourself to the table - compositions of pleasant little things, complemented by candles, will look especially impressive.

By the way, we have an excellent selection of master classes on creating New Year's wreaths with our own hands:

If you live in a private house, then decorating it is not only possible, but also necessary! Put at the entrance fairytale heroes, build snowmen, hang garlands. In general, a complete flight of fancy, the result of which will be the delight of children and good mood adults.

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