Why do girls have small busts. Why do girls not grow breasts to the desired size

Women's charms have always attracted the attention of the opposite sex with their forms and splendor. Even in the era of thin-voiced models, if you ask any man about what should attract attention in a girl, the answer will be - beautiful breasts. Beautiful, of course, does not mean big. But the indisputable advantage of a woman is a magnificent one. But, unfortunately, not all ladies are endowed with a generous hand by nature. Why don't breasts grow?

Almost the first answer to this question, many will consider the magic word "genetics". Of course, it is difficult to expect from the daughter of a girl with the first breast size that she will reach size D. But still, everything is not so simple. There are a number of other reasons why

The lack of female sex hormones can cause a slowdown in the growth of the mammary glands in

Excessive thinness also does not contribute to breast enlargement, since most of it is occupied and there will be nowhere for it to come from if the thinness is too strong.

- A lack of vitamins can provoke a stop in the growth of the muscles of the breast. But, fortunately, this process is quite reversible.

Another reason why breasts do not grow is stress during the period of active growth of the body. If a girl during early puberty was exposed too often to stress factors, the growth of the mammary glands could slow down.

Professional sports also do not contribute to breast growth. Features of the development of an athletic figure include the almost complete absence of adipose tissue on the chest.

The last reason why breasts do not grow may be poor ecological situation and an unbalanced diet.

All these factors together or separately during the development of a girl affect the size of her breasts in the future. Usually, the breast begins to form from 9-10 years old, when preparation for puberty begins, and it develops until 21 years old, when it acquires final form and size.

But what can you do to make your breasts grow? Folk remedies the girl was ordered to eat more cabbage - it was believed that this vegetable promotes breast growth. Of course, this advice will not be superfluous. But besides him, there are other ways to adjust the size of the breast in a big way.

In order for the chest to grow, you should eat well, avoid starvation, so that a small supply of fat can arise, which is responsible for In addition, the complex will help to enlarge the chest well. special exercises for pumping the pectoral muscles. They will be able to make the chest high and elastic, which even with a small size attracts male attention. Well, another way is to use special creams and lotions for breast enlargement. But they should be used with caution, since many of these products contain hormones.

The most radical way to solve the problem is plastic surgery. It should be resorted to only in the case when all means have been tried, and the chest is objectively small. And remember about the risks - low-quality implants can provoke inflammation of the mammary glands and lead to the development of malignant tumors. Therefore, it is better to try to get by with natural methods or, as a last resort, choose corrective underwear if you really want to look like a busty beauty.

The female breast is made up of mammary glands and muscles. The formation of the mammary glands in girls coincides with the onset of puberty at the age of 10 years. It is then that in a young body there is an intensive production of the hormone estrogen. The penultimate stage of breast growth in girls ends at the age of 16-17, when the ovaries stop producing this hormone. With the onset of pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is another powerful surge in estrogen production. During these important periods of life, the breasts of a young woman, as a rule, increase noticeably. But, in most cases, with the completion of lactation and breastfeeding, both the size and shape of the woman's bust again take on their original appearance.

Geneticists claim that many features of a person's appearance, including size and shape female breast, are determined even before birth and highlight the factors that affect the size of the breast:

  • genetic inheritance. Analyze the characteristics of the mammary glands of all women in your family, especially on the maternal side. If your close relatives do not differ in large breast sizes, then most likely you should not expect magnificent forms at home. For such girls, the answer to the question “Why don’t breasts grow? It immediately becomes clear that genetics is “to blame” for everything. But do not rush to blame her and get upset. Most likely, it is this genetic feature of the body structure that is most optimal for you. Nature is extremely wise, trust her and do not ask unnecessary questions.
  • The hormonal background of the body. Breast size largely depends on the presence of the female hormone estrogen in the girl's body, and, of course, on its amount. It is this hormone that is necessary for the growth and development of the mammary glands in the fair sex. Various changes in the hormonal background in the body of a girl and a girl can be a serious reason that the breasts do not grow. Several factors can provoke changes in the hormonal background:
  1. ecology
  2. various injuries;
  3. food quality;
  4. lack of vitamins;
  5. stress;
  6. overwork (physical and psycho-emotional);
  7. professional practice in certain sports.

So what to do if the breast does not grow?

  • First of all, do not fall into despair, stop hating yourself and see a doctor. Modern medicine has in its arsenal enough effective methods treatment. But it needs to be done in a timely manner. The optimal age is 16 - 18 years, no later than 21 years. More late dates complicate the procedure for influencing the female body in order to increase the size of the mammary glands.
  • If the small size of the breast is due to the genetic characteristics of the organism, in this case their size is predetermined, since it is impossible to enlarge the mammary glands themselves without surgical intervention. However, for help plastic surgery not every girl wants to resort. There are many contraindications to this method of breast augmentation.
  • You can tighten and increase the muscles of the chest. It is quite difficult to do this, but it is possible through regular intense exercise, special physical exercises, which are performed both under the guidance of a trainer - instructor, and on your own. In this case, you increase not the mammary glands themselves, but the pectoral muscles, which will positively affect appearance bust.
  • You can enlarge your breasts by taking hormonal drugs. This method is ambiguous. In the process of taking such drugs, the breast really begins to grow. But, firstly, hormones should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Secondly, long-term use of hormonal drugs is unsafe for the body. And finally, you need to understand that the action of hormones is very short-lived. Remember that immediately after you stop taking hormonal drugs, your breasts will return to their previous size.

Big beautiful breasts are an undeniable feminine dignity. Who among us does not dream of attracting the views of men, like, for example, Pamela Anderson or Anechka Semenovich? Or in his youth did not lean on white cabbage, in the hope of increasing the size of the mammary gland, or spent hours looking at himself in the mirror, worrying that his breasts were not growing?

According to statistics, almost 90% of women are unhappy with their breasts. Some people don't like the shape, some don't like the size. This problem is especially acute among adolescent girls. They are very interested in why the breast grows so slowly and how to speed up this process. Very often, girls have complexes, and in equal measure both from an overdeveloped bust and from the fact that their breasts are noticeably smaller than those of their peers.

So why don't girls get breasts anyway?

Puberty in girls begins at the age of 10 years, from the same age the mammary glands are formed. They reach the penultimate stage of their growth by the age of 16-17. The ovaries then stop producing estrogen. The next time they will start to produce during pregnancy and lactation. That is why during these periods of a woman's life, her breasts can noticeably increase. But, unfortunately, after the end of lactation, the shape and size of the breast, as a rule, returns to its original form.

The size of our breasts is determined for each of us even before birth. From this we can conclude that 2 factors affect the size of the breast:

  1. Heredity. Look at the fair sex in your maternal lineage. If all of them have breasts that do not stand out in special sizes, then, most likely, you should not expect magnificent forms either. For you, the answer to the question: “Why is the breast not growing?” obvious - this is a genetically inherent feature of the structure of the body. Of course, the chest can be enlarged with the help of special physical exercises, but it should be understood that you are not increasing the mammary glands, but the pectoral muscles.
  2. The second factor is hormonal. That is, breast size directly depends on the presence of the hormone estrogen in your body, it is necessary for the growth and development of the mammary gland in women. The reason that the breast does not grow may be a change in the hormonal background in the body, which can be provoked by several factors. For example:
  • lack of vitamins;
  • ecology;
  • food quality;
  • physical and psycho-emotional overwork;
  • various injuries;
  • some professional views sports.

What to do if the breast does not grow?

Why the breast does not grow, we have already figured out. But no less burning question is: "What to do if the breast does not grow?" If the breast does not grow at all, it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a series of tests and examinations, and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Optimal him at the age of 16-18 years, but not later than 21 years. Further, every year it is more and more difficult to do something for breast growth.

The chest is made up of mammary glands and muscles. It is impossible to enlarge the glands themselves, their size is predetermined. But it is difficult to tighten and increase muscles, of course, but it is possible with the help of physical exercises.

Many girls and women are interested in whether it is possible to increase breasts by taking hormonal drugs. It's like that. Breasts will really start to grow if you start drinking hormones. But, firstly, you need to know which hormones you need to take for this, and secondly, their action is very short-lived. Immediately after you stop drinking hormonal drugs, the breasts will return to their size, and long-term use is very unsafe for the body.

Love yourself, be confident in yourself and the attitude of others around you will be the same.

Adolescence is a very difficult period of life. Teenagers invent a lot of non-existent problems and try to deal with them. One of these problems is a very critical attitude towards one's body and its development. The main problem is that, comparing themselves with their peers, many teenagers believe that they are developing incorrectly and begin to sound the alarm.

A very common problem for girls is why breasts do not grow? It worries almost every teenage girl. Very often, the forms of more developed classmates are perceived as a standard, as a desired goal. Then the girls begin to look for a way out of this situation. Well, if the matter is limited to folk methods of breast augmentation. However, there are frequent cases of illiterate use of medical means - taking hormonal drugs, which can lead to undesirable and irreparable results.

Problems of fourteen-year-olds

First of all, you should still figure out why a girl does not grow breasts, for example, at the age of fourteen. I mean, it doesn't grow at all. There may be several reasons for this. The first of these is that breast growth is an individual process, it cannot be squeezed into any framework. There are approximate terms - breast growth on average begins at 14-15 years old, but this can happen both earlier and later. Therefore, if the breast does not grow, it has already turned 14 years old, then, most likely, the deadline has not yet come.

Influence of food

Also, among the problems with breast growth, scientists have recently singled out malnutrition of a teenager - a meal that contains various chemical additives, as well as the desire of most teenage girls not to eat anything in order to be thin and comply with some unspoken rules. modern beauty. Missing breasts can also occur in girls who are diligent in certain sports or in those who have received physical injuries to the chest.


The reason that the breast does not grow at 16 years old (this is the age when the breast should already grow) may be the genetic characteristics of the body, hereditary factor. For example, the mother of this girl had similar deviations. Also, the problem may be not yet fully formed hormonal background, as well as the absence or insufficient amount of the hormone estrogen in the girl's body, which is responsible for breast growth.

There are many reasons why breasts do not grow. In any case, if something is bothering you, it is best to seek help from a specialist and take certain tests (most likely for hormones). You should not self-medicate or try to enlarge your breasts on your own, as this can lead to negative and undesirable consequences.

Many girls and girls, looking at their peers, are sadly wondering why their breasts are not growing. Perhaps there is some kind of pathology? Or do you need to take measures to accelerate the growth and development of the bust? In this article, we will answer these questions in detail, analyze when and how the mammary glands begin to grow, and whether something can be done to speed up the process.

The beginning of the course of puberty in girls falls on unequal periods of time. At what specific age secondary sexual characteristics begin to appear depends not only on distinguishing features body of a particular girl, but also on the climate in which she lives. According to statistics, residents of hot countries become girls earlier than their peers in cool regions.

The development of the mammary glands conditionally consists of five stages:

  1. In girls younger than 9-10 years old, the breasts do not yet grow. Usually, the formation of the mammary glands is gaining momentum a year before the onset of menarche. This circumstance is recognized as the starting point of puberty.
  2. When a girl is 10-12 years old, her mammary glands gradually become larger. Moreover, the skin around the nipples becomes more dark shade, and they themselves swell slightly.
  3. The next year - the girl reaches the age of 12-13 years - is marked by an increase in breast volume. The areolas of the nipples gradually appear. Breasts change shape to a cone.
  4. In 13-15 year old girls, the breast increases most intensively. The glands become rounded (the outline of the cone disappears). At this age, experts recommend starting to wear a bra, and its size should exactly match the parameters of the growing breast.
  5. In girls between the ages of 15 and 18, the mammary glands may continue to grow, but most often they do not change much. Although, it is worth noting cases when the mammary glands grew in girls under 25 years old.

Factors that affect breast size

Many girls who are 12 years old are wondering why their mammary glands are not growing, although "it's time already." Many factors influence this process. In any case, the exact cause of delayed breast development can only be indicated by a qualified mammologist after a thorough examination of the body.

What factors affect the growth of the mammary glands:

  1. Heredity. If the vast majority of the girl's relatives cannot boast of a magnificent bust, she will most likely also have small breasts.
  2. Insufficient amount of vitamins. In the body of a teenager who does not receive the required amount of vitamins and other useful substances, all processes occur extremely slowly. This unfortunate fact also concerns the growth of the mammary glands. This phenomenon is common in countries with low level a life where people simply cannot afford quality products.
  3. Estrogen. This hormone is responsible for a large number of processes in the body of a girl. Including for the development of the mammary glands. If there is not much of it, this will be the answer to the question why the breast grows slowly and does not increase to a magnificent size. If estrogen is absent for some reason, puberty will not begin at all. In this case, a comprehensive examination of the body is required, and especially the thyroid gland, appendages and adrenal glands.
  4. Sports and related injuries. If a young athlete has developed muscles around a growing breast, the mammary glands will not big size. That is why girls should think about what is more important for them: sports awards or the absence of a question why breasts do not grow at 14 years old - and choose the types of loads more deliberately. For example, the chest of most swimmers is flat, but the chest of volleyball players is high and elastic. By the way, it is important to protect the chest from any injuries that in the future may adversely affect the development of the mammary glands.
  5. Ecological situation. The degree of pollution of the environment surrounding a growing girl (soil, water, air) directly affects all processes in her body and can cause various pathologies. Among these deviations, there is also a slowdown in the maturation of the mammary glands during adolescence.

How to "help" breasts grow in adolescence?

The first thing to do for a girl whose breasts have not yet begun to grow at the age of 13-14 is to seek medical help and examine the body.

When the doctor identifies the cause of the pathology, draws conclusions and prescribes the necessary treatment procedures, a number of additional measures can be taken:

  • optimize nutrition;
  • perform chest strengthening exercises every day;
  • start wearing exclusively high-quality and appropriate-sized underwear.

The daily diet of a teenager should be saturated with vitamins and other useful substances. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day (especially pay attention to cabbage, apricots and carrots). In addition, it is necessary to take a decoction of sage and rosemary daily (half a glass twice a day).

Sports and exercise

The best option is to work out for some time with a professional fitness trainer who will select the most best moves and exercise. If this does not work out, you can include the “Ball” exercise in the morning exercises complex (squeeze a children's ball with your palms, holding it at chest level) and push-ups from an inclined surface.


Exactly suitable underwear for the size and shape of the breast is necessary for both teenagers and adult women. The bra should gently fit the mammary glands, support them, but in no case squeeze. At the same time, it is very desirable to choose bras made from natural fabrics.

When a visit to the doctor is necessary

Often, young owners of a small bust are complex because of its size, wondering what to do if their breasts do not grow. Girls compare themselves to their “luckier” friends, and may even begin to consider their body ugly, unattractive. Such girls should remember that the mammary glands can grow slowly, and in their small size often "heredity is to blame."

A visit to the doctor is necessary only in cases where a 15-16 year old girl has not yet shown secondary sexual characteristics, there has not been a single menstruation. You should visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist and conduct a comprehensive examination of the body. In any other cases, it is enough to review the eating habits and include the above exercises in the morning exercises. And worry less about the question “why my breasts are not growing”, because stress can also negatively affect breast growth.

When visiting a doctor, the first thing a girl needs is a thorough examination. The doctor will determine if there are signs of breast underdevelopment, and if they are, prescribe tests (ultrasound of the uterus, breasts and ovaries, a blood test for hormones). If the tests show a lack of some hormone, the girl will be prescribed hormone therapy. Quite often, doctors prescribe birth control pills (this form of drugs contains a small dose of the necessary hormones). The effect of taking them is temporary: after the end of therapy, the breasts may decrease again. If you take thyroid hormones, this will not happen - the effect will last forever.

Why you can not take hormones without a doctor's prescription

Quite often, girls with small breasts, wondering why their breasts do not grow at the age of 15, resort to hormone therapy without first consulting a doctor. They believe that small breasts are due to a simple lack of hormones. You can’t argue with this statement, but only a doctor should prescribe hormone therapy.

Uncontrolled intake of hormones may not give the desired effect, and, in addition, provoke serious pathologies in the body of a woman. Also, hormonal drugs have a huge list of contraindications. And their excessive use can cause neoplasms and precancerous pathologies of the breast.

How to enlarge breasts in adulthood

Alas, not all the ladies of the world can boast of an impressive bust volume. However, this is not a reason for complexes. Girls with small breasts should understand that they are just as beautiful as their curvaceous friends; and if desired, the mammary glands can be enlarged in adulthood.

How to do it:

  1. Wear push-up underwear.
  2. Start following healthy eating habits.
  3. Do special physical exercises daily.
  4. Use specialized cosmetics.
  5. Experience the power of a vacuum breast massager.
  6. Get the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

Well, in the most extreme case, you can use the possibilities of plastic surgery.


In our video you will find a set of exercises for a beautiful bust.