Professional pedagogical activity, its types and structure. Essence and structure of pedagogical activity

With the advent of the teaching profession, however, nowhere from public life family education, social education, spontaneous and accidental education of children and youth have not disappeared.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in a kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; the pedagogical function is realized by art; doctors, journalists, directors become teachers-educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of universal culture.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical activity is to form relationships between people in various fields.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relations - a person is brought up primarily in the family, under the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he has an impact on the people around him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as a person, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then continue for most people throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in the collectives of enterprises. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young, leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interpersonal relations - the establishment of relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, an agreement in the field of international, interpersonal relations.

We have identified areas in which the general pedagogical activity. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activity, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of pedagogical activity.

According to the psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of the teacher, aimed at solving the problems of development and education of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, p.15..

Pedagogical activity is a kind professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions of additional education, etc.) Introduction to pedagogical activity. M., Academy. 2000, p.6..

Features of pedagogical activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living developing personality. characteristic feature object of pedagogical activity is that he acts simultaneously as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of pedagogical activity, not only interest in it, enthusiasm for it, responsibility for it is important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves to the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one of them is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and cognizing the essence of the phenomenon under study, a tool for communication and organizing the activities of schoolchildren. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental image of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and habits, in the features of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious, they can be distant in time. In the process of development of the child's personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and there may be directly opposite ones. In some cases, there are difficulties in assessing the results of pedagogical activity from the current positions of society. For example, a teacher brings up moral values, guidelines, which, from the standpoint of today's specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let's consider one more feature of pedagogical activity that is very relevant today. Modern market relations suggest considering pedagogical activity as a sphere for the provision of educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights are: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are ensured by the action of educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice of educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantor of the quality of educational services. In this sense, educational services are those that can provide government agencies people, institutions and organizations. Thus, educational services are provided to society through educational activities in educational institutions.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently constructed, organized pedagogical activity. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activity. The question arises - can a mass profession be based on a single talent, vocation? Or can anyone do this?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, forms of professional training. Such contraindications may be psychological plan. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or categorically unacceptable for certain health disorders, diseases, character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession that A.V. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors don't think it will get better, and you agree with them, then it's better to take a quieter job than teaching.

If you, despite long and hard work on yourself, have poor diction, then you better not go to the teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to connect with people, then do not rush to enter a teacher training institution.

If people, younger or older, cause you persistent dislike or constantly annoy, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the path of a teacher.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before you become a teacher.

If you are captured by any idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to give it up and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct the mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after checking yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Pedagogical work is characterized by a very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to seize them with their pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as I.A. Semashko, the People's Commissar of Health, to have exceptionally high neuropsychological stress. The teacher's work is excessively large in volume, associated with limited opportunities for recreation and outdoor activities.

Contraindications to the choice of professions of this type (including teaching) are weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, lack of sociability, pronounced physical disabilities (sadly), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people "stupidity", lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student of a pedagogical educational institution? No need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book contains various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of the teacher's personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. S.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one's own Self.

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Pedagogical activity


1. The essence of pedagogical activity

2. Origin of pedagogical activity

3. Non-professional pedagogical activity

4. Pedagogical activity as a profession

5. Who can engage in professional teaching activities

6. Pedagogical foundations of various types of professional activities

7. Value characteristics of pedagogical activity


Pedagogical excellence - a set of knowledge, certain qualities of a person and ways of mental and practical activity of a teacher, which determine the high level of his professionalism, the ability to optimally solve pedagogical problems.

Profession - a typical, historically established form of socially necessary activity, for the performance of which the employee must have certain knowledge, skills, and also have the appropriate abilities and personality traits.

Professional Competence - the result of vocational education, which includes both the content of vocational training and the system of non-professional knowledge necessary for a specialist.

Professionalism of the teacher - the totality of education and competence of the teacher.

Professiogram - a set of the most important features, features, professionally significant knowledge, skills, and abilities from the point of view of the profession.

Vocation - this is the conscious aspiration of the individual to a certain activity, as if devoting oneself to it; the abilities, knowledge and skills necessary to carry it out, the conviction that this work is most suitable for her, will become the work of a lifetime.

Requirements for work in class

1. Neatly, competently keep notes, highlight the topic, definitions of concepts, important and interesting thoughts, positions, conclusions with underlining, a different color of paste.

2. Respect the margins.

3. Outline all work in the same notebook; use a notebook for subjects of the pedagogical cycle for a number of years.

4. Certification by discipline; the results of the attestation will affect the admission to the session.

5. The result of studying the course is a semester credit.

Conditions for automatic offset

1. Accurate, competent conduct of lectures, abstracts of primary sources.

2. Timely completion and submission for verification of quality assignments.

3. Creative nature completed tasks (their non-standard, non-template).

4. High-quality and creative performance of tests.

5. Timely delivery of "n" (material of missed classes).

6. Activity during lectures, practical, seminars, colloquia.

7. Writing an abstract (10 pages of handwritten text).

I want to believe that you are serious about studying the course Theoretical knowledge should become a means of shaping your pedagogical thinking.

pedagogical professional non-professional

1. The essence of pedagogical activity

The title of the subject you are about to study is “Introduction to Teaching. General foundations of pedagogy. Theory, technology and methods of education.

The purpose of the lecture: to answer the question of what pedagogical activity is, what is its origin, essence, content, how this activity differs from other types of activity, whether any person can professionally engage in it.

In the ordinary sense, the word "activity" has synonyms: work, business, occupation. In science, activity is considered and connected with human existence and is studied by many areas of knowledge: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy, etc. In activity, one of the essential properties of a person is manifested - to be active. This is precisely what is emphasized in the philosophical definition of activity as "a specifically human form of an active relationship to the surrounding world." As the psychologist B. F. Lomov noted, “activity is multidimensional”, therefore there are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on its various features, reflecting the various aspects of this phenomenon. They distinguish spiritual and practical, reproductive (performing) and creative, individual and collective, etc. There are also various types of professional activity.

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, education, education, development students (children of different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, additional education institutions, etc.).

Pedagogical activity - a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by mankind.

One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its joint character: it necessarily implies a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, develops. This activity cannot be an activity only “for oneself”. Its essence is in the transition of activity "for oneself" into activity "for another", "for others". This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, upbringing, development, education).

Professional activity requires special education, i.e. mastering the system of special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the functions associated with this profession. You will master these knowledge and skills by studying theoretical and practical pedagogy, engaging in self-education and self-improvement in order to achieve high performance results and reach a high level of professionalism.

A person who is engaged in professional pedagogical activity can be called differently: educator, teacher, lecturer, teacher. Often it depends on the institution in which he works: a teacher in a kindergarten, a teacher in a school, a teacher in a technical school, college, university. The teacher is rather a generic concept in relation to all the others.

With all the differences in teaching professions, they have common goal, characteristic of pedagogical activity, is the familiarization of a person with the values ​​of culture. It is in the goal that the specificity of this activity is manifested. This goal is defined as a special mission, "the purpose of which is the creation and self-determination of personality in culture, the affirmation of man in man."

They teach and educate at home (parents, grandparents, nannies, governesses, tutors, home teachers), teach and educate in kindergarten (educators, leaders of circles), teach and educate at school (teachers, class teachers, teachers of after-school groups, additional education teachers).

Thus, already in childhood, a growing person becomes the object of the pedagogical activity of many people. But now the person has become an adult: he entered a technical school, college, higher educational institution, courses, etc. And here he again falls into the sphere of pedagogical activity, which is carried out by specially trained teachers and educators.

Having received a profession, a modern person during his life will have to replenish his knowledge more than once, improve his qualifications, change his profile of activity, and perhaps, for various reasons, change the profession itself. He will have to study at various courses, at institutes for advanced training, receive new or additional education. And again he falls into the sphere of pedagogical activity.

Thus, it turns out that not a single person can live without becoming the object of pedagogical activity. This is an activity that is extremely necessary in any society, in demand by the entire course of the socio-cultural, civilizational development of mankind, and has an enduring value.

2. Origin of pedagogical activity

How long ago did this activity come about? Is it possible to answer this question? The answer may suggest an appeal to the history of words pedagogy, pedagogical, clarification of their etymology (etymology - the origin of the word). So, what is the origin of these words?

The history of these words goes back to ancient Greece(VI-IV centuries BC), when the first schools arose in the city-states and education began to be considered the dignity of a free citizen. Before entering school, the children of free citizens received home education. They were looked after by a special slave -- teacher ( literally - guide). Hence the literal meaning of the word Pedagogy - child guidance. Thus, in the word teacher there is a direct meaning associated with a special case - to lead, accompany the child. Gradually, this meaning expanded and became both special and metaphorical. The special meaning of the word was due to the allocation of a special type of activity that ensures the introduction of the child into adulthood, for which he must be specially trained and educated. The metaphorical meaning is due to the fact that any person needs a “guide” from time to time, and every person in life has a need for a teacher-teacher, a teacher-mentor, a spiritual teacher, a person who sends his work, his skills to another. in this matter, skill, teaches him this skill.

But does this mean that the origins of pedagogical activity are in a not too distant history - the history of Ancient Greece? This question must be answered in the negative. The history of the concept-term turns out to be younger than the history of the phenomenon it denotes.

Scientists believe that upbringing and education belong to the oldest types of socio-cultural human activity. Indeed, a human cub at birth is the most helpless of all living beings. For a long time he needs the help of adults, their support, care, and then special training and education, without which he cannot adapt to life and become independent.

It was the help of an adult, the transfer to an adult child of the necessary knowledge about the world around him, the training of the skills necessary for later life that was the prototype of pedagogical activity, which later became the work of specially trained people.

Thus, the roots of pedagogical activity go back to ancient times. The need of mankind in this type of activity was due to the need to preserve the genus, because, as D. B. Elkonin wrote, a society without children's populations is a dying society.

In 1928, the book "Growing Up in Samoa" by the American researcher M. Mead was published, in which many pages are devoted to teaching girls and boys in a primitive society and the real process of life through mastering practically significant knowledge and skills.

The researcher talks about Samoan teenagers being brought up in the process of life itself: “he is responsible for taking care of the younger one”, “she is studying art”, “now they have to learn a lot”, “she is sent to the ocean along with adults to fish”, etc. e. Describing Samoan pedagogy and contrasting it with the civilized pedagogy of the 20th century, M. Mead emphasizes the unprofessional, non-specialized nature of the former.

Thus, even in a primitive society, the child is taught and educated. However, we do not see here a special person who does this. Activities for the education and upbringing of children are still collective and largely anonymous, impersonal. Many adults do it.

But even in a primitive society there is a need for specialized training and education. There are people who know their business better than others - masters of their craft, who know its secrets, secrets, foundations. Their knowledge and skills in their field surpass the knowledge and skills of other people. That is why the phenomenon teaching, apprenticeship, roles emerge teacher and student special relationships arise, thanks to which the experience, knowledge, wisdom of the teacher, as it were, “flow” into the student.

This spiritual connection between a teacher (teacher) and a student, outside of which the training and education of one generation by another cannot truly take place, is beautifully conveyed in the novel by G. Hesse "The Glass Bead Game": “The great wealth of traditions and experience, all the knowledge of the then man about nature had to be not only possessed and used, they had to be passed on. Knecht had to learn more by feeling. More feet and hands, eyes, touch, ears and smell than reason, and Turu taught much more by example and show than by words and instructions.

Knecht's teaching differed little from the training that takes place in good master a young hunter or fisherman, and it gave him great joy, for he learned only what was already in him. He learned to lie in wait, to listen, to creep, to guard, to be on the alert, not to sleep, to sniff out, to follow the trail; but the prey that he and his teacher lay in wait were not only the fox and the badger, the viper and the toad, the bird and the fish, but the spirit, everything in general, meaning, interconnection.

In this fragment of the novel, we are talking about a human teacher who possessed the art of weather spells. “In addition to taking care of the weather, the teacher also had a kind of private practice as a spirit caster, a maker of amulets and magic tools, and in other cases, when this right was not reserved for the ancestor, and a doctor.”

The more a person learned about the world around him, the more master teachers appeared who were able to transfer their knowledge and experience to students. Holistic Phenomenon teacher-student became more and more diverse, penetrating into various spheres of spiritual and practical life. It was a centuries-old prehistory of pedagogical activity, the meaning of which is in the deep foundations of human existence, in the relationship of human generations, in the developing attitude of people to knowledge and experience (skills and skills in various matters) as the greatest value that must be preserved and passed on to others, because without this value, the very existence of man is impossible.

The formation of pedagogical activity as a professional one, requiring the possession of special knowledge and skills, is associated with the emergence of writing. In place of oral tradition, as well as a simple scheme of education based on observing the actions of a master, a skilled person, in place of imitation of his actions, comes a written form of consolidating knowledge. That is why a special caste group of people stood out, owning writing and able to pass on to students this universal means of preservation. cultural property. Along with the teacher-master, who conveys the secrets of his craft, work, experience by observing his activities, repeating his actions, direct participation in the work, a figure of a teacher appeared who was able to give a kind of "key" to many secrets of practical work and spiritual experience, already imprinted in the word.

The change in the way of transferring the accumulated cultural experience from one generation to another, from the “knowing” to the “ignorant” led to the emergence of people of mental labor, whose life purpose was pedagogical activity. The person involved in this activity has become a special figure in society. A lot depended on him. Anonymity and the collective nature of learning began to disappear. Education, previously inseparable from domestic, labor and other relations, gradually became an independent type of relationship and activity.

The emergence and development of writing, the complex technique of writing (cuneiform, hieroglyphs) also required special knowledge and training from the teacher. He had to be ready for hard everyday work, because it was this perseverance, zeal, diligence that he had to convey to his students: “Love writing and hate dancing. Write with your fingers all day and read at night."

Instructing the student, demanding from him asceticism, renunciation of earthly joys, the teacher had to prepare him to repeat his own path: “Stand in your place! The books are already in front of your comrades. Read the book diligently. Do not spend the day idly, otherwise woe to your body. Write with your hand. Read with your mouth. Ask for advice from someone who knows more than you." It is no coincidence that in some ancient civilizations the teacher-mentor was a very revered person, and his activity was considered honorable - for example, in ancient China, in ancient india, in ancient Egypt.

In the historical story by M. Mathieu “The Day of the Egyptian Boy”, it is described as follows: “The room into which Seti ran is large and bright. Here, not one, but four columns support the ceiling. The floor is covered with mats; and students sit on them, cross-legged, during classes. What is the teacher of this school like? “This is a short man of about forty-five, with an indifferent face and a cold look in gray eyes that seem to immediately see everything that happens in the room. On the head of the teacher there is a magnificent curled wig, in one hand he holds a long staff, on which he leans when walking, in the other hand - a whip. Behind him, the slave carries a writing instrument and two boxes of manuscripts.

Pedagogical activity, teacher and school in the eyes of people of ancient cultures, distant times acquired special meaning. Read an excerpt from the papyrus "Instruction of Akhtoy" that has come down to us: "And he said to him:

Turn your heart to books... Look, there is nothing higher than books! if I could show you their beauties!”

Akhtoy, teaching his son, speaks of many professions: coppersmith, stonemason, barber, farmer, weaver, dyer, sandaler, laundryman, fisherman. All of them, in his opinion, are difficult, dangerous, ungrateful, do not provide a means of life. And there is one position, according to the ancient Egyptian, which relieves poverty and inspires the respect of other people - this is the position of a scribe: “This is better than all other positions. When a scribe is still a child, he is already welcomed. That is why it is necessary to go to school, learn to write and read, “to know books”: “If someone knows books, then he is told: “This is good for you!” Not so with the classes that I showed you ... They don’t say to the scribe: “Work for this person! ..” A day at school is useful for you, the work in it is eternal, like mountains.” The position of a scribe was so respected because it was the scribes who became the first teachers: they themselves rewrote texts, taught students to write, rewrite manuscripts, do mathematics, read poems, hymns, fairy tales, speak beautifully.

These passages, as you can see, show that in addition to the secrets of literacy, the teacher passed on to the students a special type of relationship between the teacher and the student (fear, horror of punishment and the attitude to learning as hard, joyless work or, on the contrary, a sense of joy from learning new, interesting , beautiful). One must think that already in those distant times there were different types of teachers: teachers whose main means were fear and punishment, and teachers who sought to interest the student, opened up a fascinating path of knowledge for him.

Reflecting on the development of pedagogical activity in historical terms, one should pay attention to the personality of those people who embodied it. The object of their activity was primarily children - students, the most sensitive part of society to any external influences. Probably primarily related to children became a “watershed” between the types of people involved in pedagogical activities, the criterion of an “evil” and “good” teacher, a teacher for whom the main goal is education and upbringing at any cost, and a teacher for whom the main result of his activity is the child himself, his interested craving for knowledge, his spiritual transformation.

The historical development of pedagogical activity results in a rethinking of the relationship between teacher and student in our time. Gradually, the limitations of subject-object relations in the process of training and education, in which the student is only an object of pedagogical influences, became more and more realized. The system of subject-subject relations, in which the teacher and the student interact, influence each other, strive for mutual understanding, become capable of empathy, has become more valued.

marginal notes

Alexander the Great was asked:

--Why do you respect your teacher more than your own father?

--Father gave me a mortal life, - answered Alexander,-- and the teacher-- eternal.

Ayai Khusri

--The strictness of a teacher is better than the kindness of a father.

Persian proverb

3. Unprofessional pedagogicalactivity

Profession - kind labor activity requiring special training and being a source of livelihood. Based on this, it is possible to distinguish pedagogical activity, both professional and non-professional.

Pedagogical activity is an extremely broad phenomenon, covering many areas. human life. It has already been said earlier that its content is the training, upbringing and development of a person, that each person falls into the orbit of such activities many times during his life. On the life path Every person meets people who both teach and educate him.

Do professionals always teach and educate? Who does this at the beginning of our life path?

Philosopher M. S. Kagan believed that mankind has two of the greatest inventions. These are inventions of cultural significance. It's about about family and school. It is thanks to them that a person becomes cultural being.

Can parents be called the first teachers of a child? Can. This is evidenced by folk wisdom, this opinion was shared by many prominent people: “ Education and instruction begin from the very first years of existence and continue until the end of life ”(Plato);“The upbringing of a person begins with his birth; before he speaks, before he hears, he is already learning. Experience precedes lessons” (J. J. Rousseau); " At first, the most important thing is maternal education.(Hegel); “To educate does not mean only to feed and nurse, but to give direction to the heart and mind - and for this, doesn’t the mother need character, science, development, access to all human interests?” (V. G. Belinsky).

Is family education teaching activities? Yes, it is, if parents play the role of teachers, mentors, smart "guides" in relation to children, if they strive to nurture the human in them, to give direction to the heart and mind, to give them an initial education. But the activity of parents in the upbringing and education of children is not professional. Reading even the most famous "novels of education", "family novels", we do not see that parental education is carried out according to a clearly drawn up and written down program in the form of a document, so that parents specially prepare for conducting any classes or lessons with their children ... Most parents do not rely on scientific pedagogical theories, do not strictly adhere to certain pedagogical systems in raising their children. We agree that this is probably a good thing. It would be sad if, from early childhood, the family for the child became like an official educational institution, with which pedagogical activity is connected - a school. The strength of family education, the effectiveness of the pedagogical activity of parents - in the naturalness, unintentionality of education and training, in its fusion with everyday life families, in implicit pedagogy of actions, deeds, relations of parents with children, in their special relations, the basis of which are blood closeness, special attachment to each other.

Even if parents are professionally engaged in pedagogical activities, in most cases we cannot say that they strictly follow certain canons in the home education of their children.

Turning to the life stories of specific people, to their biographies, memoirs, we see how great the pedagogical influence of parents, father or mother, on many aspects of the personality of a growing child.

In family education there are no special lessons, pre-planned conversations about morality, nature, beauty. All family life with its daily events, worries, relationships, joys and dramas - a constant series of lessons that adults give to children. And these lessons, as a rule, remain with a person for life, forming his own pedagogical views on the upbringing of the next generation of children.

No family is alike. There are rich families and there are poor families, parents occupy different social positions, have different levels education, they different professions and different interests.

P.A. Sorokin, a world-famous sociologist, was left without a mother for five years. His childhood memories are connected primarily with his father. The father, according to his son, became a "bitter drunkard" after the death of his wife. What did you teach such the father of your children? It turns out that too much. The memory of the future scientist imprinted such traits of his father as responsiveness, caring, friendliness, the fact that he was "hard-working and honest in work, teaching us the craft, moral standards and literacy." Parents are forgiven what is unlikely to be forgiven professional teacher. And their lessons are important for children even if the parents do not meet generally accepted standards.

The disclosure of pedagogical talent in parents is inseparable from the integral formation of their personality, from their culture, from their attitude to future fatherhood and motherhood, to future offspring. This is one of the most intimate aspects of the human personality, which cannot be penetrated by an outsider's eye. But it is in this sphere that a person discovers his morality, readiness to fulfill pedagogical functions of the family as a whole and his own.

Psychologist B. G. Ananiev wrote about the difficulty of people gaining a new status for them - to be a father or ... mother: “Mother - educator and spiritual mentor of children, she is love personified for a child. The functions of a mother - educators are mastered with unequal success, since there is a huge range of maternal gifts and talents. Moreover, all this applies to the social functions of society and the development by a young male spouse of a new role for him as a father.

| Under a favorable set of circumstances, with a conscious desire of parents to educate a child in a person corresponding to their pedagogical ideal, the acquisition of educational functions can become fruitful. It can become... However, the implementation of this opportunity is influenced by a number of factors: social, family, personal. Among them there is one with whom all parents meet. A growing child poses more and more problems for parents. Every father and every mother faces a choice: to find a ready-made pedagogical solution or to endure their own. This was very accurately said by a Polish doctor and teacher. Janusz Korczak: “I want you to understand: no book, no doctor can replace your own keen thought and careful observation ... To order someone to give you ready-made thoughts is to instruct another woman to give birth to your child. There are thoughts that you yourself have to give birth in pain, and they are the most valuable. It is they who decide whether you will give, mother, breast or udder, bring up as a man or as a female, become a leader or drag you on a belt of coercion. Janusz Korczak talks about how important it is to be disinterested in the matter of education: “Do you give your child what you took from your parents, or do you just borrow to get it back, and carefully record and calculate the percentages?”

A lot of things influence the formation of the pedagogical abilities of parents, their readiness for pedagogical activity in the family: weak or healthy child, beautiful or ugly, "comfortable" or whimsical, active or passive, and much more. “A child is a hundred masks, a hundred roles of a capable actor. One with his mother, another with his father, with a grandmother, with a grandfather, another with a strict and affectionate teacher, another in the kitchen and among peers, another with the rich and the poor, another in everyday and festive clothes. And the point here is not the conscious hypocrisy of the child; he is active, he tests adults; he plays; he masters a new situation for him; he tries on various life roles.

Becoming a parent teacher is very difficult. And some scholars believed that parents should receive pedagogical knowledge that would help them to raise a child in the family without mistakes. In a number of books, they set out their views on the pedagogical activity of parents, revealed the theory and practice of raising and educating children in the family.

The history of education and pedagogy is inconceivable without these books: "The Mother's School" by Ya. A. Comenius, "Thoughts on Education" by D. Locke, "Family Education of the Child and Its Significance" by P. F. Lesgaft, "Parental Pedagogy" by V. A. Sukhomlinsky, "A Book for Parents" by A. S. Makarenko...

The history of culture knows many instructive and tragic stories about how parents tried to consciously become teachers for their children and at the same time their aspiration ended in failure. Why?

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. F. Chesterfield's book "Letters to a Son", which was not intended by the author for publication and was published after the author's death, was very popular.

F. Chesterfield was statesman, philosopher, historian, orator, publicist. From a casual relationship with a governess girl, a child was born, named Philip after his father. Chesterfield's biographers believe that his paternal feeling was extremely strong, even passionate. The rules of that time did not allow the boy to be raised in his father's family. Philip spent most of his life abroad, away from his father and mother. For many years, the father wrote to his son daily. In letters, he created a whole pedagogical system for the education of Philip. The father wrote letters in three languages ​​so that, while reading them, the son would practice translations. The letters were filled with educational material on geography, history, mythology. The older the son became, the more the letters acquired a moral and educational character: these are advice, instructions, teachings, instructions, rules that must be observed.

However, the carefully designed pedagogical experiment did not justify itself. The son turned out to be a completely ordinary and distant person to his father. He did not advance in the diplomatic field, for which his father so prepared him. He hid his marriage from his father. He did not even dare to write to his father about his serious illness. The secret of birth constantly dominated Philip Jr., did not allow him to be sincere. “They led a completely separate existence; their interests did not coincide: it was as if the father wrote into an empty space, creating for himself an artificial imaginary image of his son, little resembling the actual addressee of the letters.

Thus, we see that both consciously set pedagogical goals and conscious activity to achieve them are no guarantee of successful upbringing of a child. Knowledge, understanding of the child, trusting relationships, mutual affection, spiritual closeness are necessary conditions for the pedagogical activity of parents.

marginal note

A society without child populations is a dying society. One of the signs of society is the reproduction of oneself in new generations.

D. B. Elkonin

There are dozens, hundreds of professions, specialties, jobs: one builds a railway, another builds a dwelling, a third grows bread, a fourth heals people, a fifth sews clothes. But there is the most universal - the most complex and most noble work, the same for all and at the same time peculiar and unique in every family - this is the creation of man.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Don't think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You bring him up at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home.

A. S. Makarenko

4. Pedagogical activity as a profession

In the previous paragraph, we showed that pedagogical activity can be professional and non-professional. Unprofessional is the activity of parents in raising children in the family. However, even in the family, the upbringing and education of children can be handled by teachers specially invited for this. Their pedagogical activity is their main occupation, type of labor activity, profession.

Reading classic literature, you probably paid attention to the fact that in most noble families, special teachers were invited to children. Remember Vralman in "Undergrowth", the "wretched Frenchman", Onegin's teacher, who

So that the child would not be exhausted, He taught him everything jokingly, He did not bother with strict morality, Slightly scolded for pranks And in Summer garden drove for a walk.

Among home teachers in the past there were different people: educated and ignorant, losers, expelled or retired from universities. Some of them did not possess pedagogical abilities at all and the desire to truly fulfill their duties. Others earned their bread by teaching, in order to get further education. Some eminent people owe a lot to their home teachers.

The home teacher is described in the novel I. A. Bunina "The Life of Arseniev":

“As an educator and teacher in the usual sense of these words, he was good for nothing. He very quickly taught me how to write and read from the Russian translation of Don Quixote, which happened to be in our house among other random books, but he didn’t know exactly what to do next, and he wasn’t interested in knowing. With his mother, with whom, by the way, he always behaved respectfully and subtly, he most often spoke French. His mother advised him to teach me to read in that language as well. He did this quickly and with great willingness, but he didn’t go any further: he ordered to buy some textbooks in the city, which I had to pass in order to get into the first grade of the gymnasium, and simply began to plant me to learn them by heart. However, the teacher had one hobby - he painted with watercolors. He captivated the student with "a passionate dream of becoming a painter", and he "forever imbued with the deepest sense of the truly divine meaning and significance of earthly and heavenly colors."

What is the teacher remembered for? Let's recall the pages of the biography of A. S. Pushkin ... The favorite teacher of the lyceum students was Alexander Petrovich Kunitsyn. At the Lyceum Kunitsyn taught natural law. Pushkin dedicated the lines to him

Kunitsyn tribute of heart and wine!

He created us, he raised our fire,

They set the cornerstone

They lit a clean lamp...

The lessons of a real teacher are not just lessons in a certain area of ​​science, knowledge. These are lessons of a special kind - lessons aimed at upbringing, education the whole person.

What are the main features of professional pedagogical activity?

It is intentional. Unlike family education and upbringing, which are organically connected with the life of the family, professional pedagogical activity is separated from the daily life of the child:

- it is handled by a special person with the necessary knowledge and skills;

- there are certain forms for its implementation: a lesson and classes, “classes”;

- this activity has a specific goal: to teach a child something, to transfer to him a system of certain knowledge, to form certain skills and abilities, to overcome gaps in knowledge; educate him; nurture a man in him; to develop his abilities, interests, thinking, memory, imagination, etc.;

- the goal largely determines the content of training, upbringing, education;

- the child usually also understands the "special", serious nature of this activity - he is included in special relationship with a teacher (these relations are business, official, regulated);

- the results of pedagogical activity, especially in its teaching part, can be verified; its result is the knowledge and skills of the child who was taught by the teacher; the results of upbringing may turn out to be less obvious - due to the fact that the child "educates everything", as well as the fact that the talent of upbringing is a rare and difficult talent, and the results of upbringing are largely "delayed" in time;

- a real teacher is not limited to strictly regulated activities - he uses the most diverse possibilities of his influence on the student: informal conversations, confidential conversations, discussion of problems that concern the student, advice, support, help.

5. Who can engage in professional teaching activities

So, a large circle of people is engaged in non-professional pedagogical activity: parents, grandmothers, nannies, a variety of adults who enter into relationships with children

All these people may not have special pedagogical knowledge at all - they rely on life experience, common sense, intuition, on previously acquired knowledge in any field and learned norms of behavior.

Today we will talk about those people who have chosen pedagogical activity as their profession made her main occupation own life. In the reference dictionary of V. M. Polonsky (M., 1995), some of them are called pedagogical workers.

Who are these people? Let's list them:

- educator kindergarten;

- school teacher;

– educational psychologist;

- social teacher;

- educator of the extended day group;

– teacher of additional education;

- counselor in the camp of work and rest;

- home teacher

- tutor;

- teacher of a lyceum, college, technical school, school:

- master of industrial training;

- University professor;

- teachers of various courses, advanced training institutes, retraining courses for specialists of various profiles, etc.

What requirements should people meet in order to master such complex view professional activity, as pedagogical, or already engaged in it?

Researchers who have studied the characteristics of the teacher's work, the characteristics of pedagogical activity, take different positions. In science, the studies of the teacher N.V. Kuzmina are widely known, who identified five components in the structure of pedagogical activity: gnostic, design, constructive, organizational and communicative.

In the process of independent work with literature, you will be able to get acquainted with the positions of various scientists in order to imagine the full breadth of requirements that a person who has chosen pedagogical activity as the business of his life must meet.

Of particular note is the point of view regarding problems of pedagogical abilities.

The first question you must answer is the question of willingness to work with people. Readiness implies awareness of the difficulties that may be encountered in the process of professional activity.

This is what should make you think about whether you are ready to work with different children and different adults ... Do you have a special kind of ability for this? These abilities are called communicative. Why do we put these abilities in the first place?

According to modern scientists E. I. Isaev, V. I. Slobodchikov, activity and communication are two sides of a person’s social existence, his way of life. Without communication with other people, it is impossible to acquire knowledge, master spiritual and practical experience, moral and aesthetic values. Any form of interaction, joint activity is impossible without communication. Communication is included in any activity - and, of course, in pedagogical activity, in which two or more people always interact.

Must be present in communication perceptual side. It is connected with the perception of each other as partners in communication, on the basis of which understanding. Therefore, communication skills in pedagogical activity should be aimed at establishing mutual understanding and a favorable atmosphere for joint activities. Poor development of communication skills or their absence leads a person engaged in pedagogical activity to serious mistakes, to conflicts that are difficult to overcome, to professional defeats and insolvency.

Preparing himself for this activity, a person should be attentive to the development of communication skills, mutual understanding, empathy (empathy), without which it is impossible to become a teacher.

The history of education, both secondary and higher, has preserved many instructive stories about how much knowledge a teacher must have in order to gain recognition from students.

Thus, academic ability and knowledge as a consequence and result of education, it is an obligatory component and condition of pedagogical activity. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Ya. A. Comenius: "He who knows little can teach little."

We have considered with you two types of abilities, without which it is impossible to professionally carry out pedagogical activity - communicative andacademic.

marginal notes

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to teach yourself.

M. Montaigne

To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those you teach.

V. O. Klyuchevsky

The main thing in teaching children is not only what they are told, but also how they are told what they are learning.

II . I. Pirogov

There are no difficult sciences, there are only difficult expositions, that is, indigestible ones.

A. I. Herzen

And one of these difficulties is the ability to choose a way of communicating new knowledge, to overcome the difficulty of presentation. All this reveals the importance and necessity of having a person engaged in pedagogical activity, didactic abilities (from lat. didasko - I teach). Didactic abilities on the basis of which they develop didactic skills, one of the necessary conditions of pedagogical activity. The inability to explain is the cause of many pedagogical failures: students' misunderstanding of the educational material, lack of interest in the subject, knowledge formalism (students memorize what the teacher said without understanding the essence). One can be an encyclopedically educated teacher and fail in the pedagogical field. In the teacher's explanation, incomprehensible words and expressions can be found in abundance, which makes it difficult to perceive his speech. It may be that the teacher poorly structures the educational material. There is a huge amount of factual material in his story, in which the leading ideas and key concepts “sink”. Telling new educational material, the teacher does not connect it with previously studied. Carried away by the story, the teacher does not at all care about awakening the thoughts of his listeners, arousing in them a desire to express their opinion, attitude, offer their solution, put forward their hypothesis. All this comes from the fact that the teacher does not have didactic skills. The outcome is usually depressing. They don't like teachers, they don't like the subject!

Inextricably linked with didactic abilities speech abilities and skills of the teacher. Please remember those lessons or lectures in which you seemed to forget about everything, falling under the inexplicable power of the teacher's speech.

The teacher's speech can be quiet and loud, emotionally expressive, or, at first glance, smooth and calm. But it can never be indifferent, unaddressed, when it seems that the teacher does not care who and what to tell. Such a speech kills interest in the bud, generates indifference, and evokes melancholy. Pupils who have finished school long ago and have forgotten the content of specific lessons remember the voice, intonations of their beloved teacher, his favorite expressions, "words", turns - the living originality of his speech.

If you are going to engage in pedagogical activities, listen to the speech of teachers, notice how they hold attention, interest in a word, how they manage to evoke a variety of feelings in the audience when explaining: surprise, arouse admiration, arouse doubt, make you smile or laugh - in other words, don't be indifferent.

marginal notes

(We took these statements from D.S. Likhachev’s book “Without Evidence”.)

Even more than clothes, language testifies about the taste of a person, about his attitude to the world around him, to himself.

The main advantage of the scientific language-- clarity.

Avoid in the language only those repetitions that appear to you from the poverty of the language.

There is no thought outside of its expression in language, and the search for a word is, in essence, the search for thought.

To learn good, calm, intelligent speech is necessary for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, our mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it is “dragging”.

In order for your lecture to be interesting to the audience, it must first of all be interesting to you yourself.

So, we examined a number of abilities, without which it is difficult to carry out pedagogical activity: communicative, academic, didactic, speech .

And yet, are these abilities and skills enough to professionally carry out pedagogical activities?

In the seventeenth century, Ya. A. Comenius in his "Great Didactics" titled Chapter XXVI "On School Discipline." He wrote: “Just as a mill immediately stops if water is taken away from it, so, of necessity, everything falls apart towards the school if discipline is taken away from it.”

But a person starting pedagogical activity should know in advance what needs to be developed in himself. organizational skills and abilities as a prerequisite for the establishment of order and discipline. How do they show up in the classroom?

In the special composure of the teacher, which the students intuitively feel ... In a clear, energetic beginning of the lesson and its conduct ... In the organization of the class to engage in important and serious business: “Let's start the lesson!”, “We prepared notebooks!”, “Let's do the first in this year's record! May be unexpected question, addressed to the class ... Maybe a tough remark, an ironic remark.

Laughter and humor... Does this apply to the organization of the learning process, to discipline and order? Yes, it does. It is they who often help to organize a lesson, a lesson without the teacher's internal anguish, without mutual humiliation, without screams and threats, without the students' domineering anarchy and the teacher's helplessness.

Laughter and humor encourage the student to accept norms and regulations, outside of which it is difficult to organize the learning process.

Let's make two digressions on this.

First. The use of humor for pedagogical purposes, for the organization of normal work and order in the lesson, must be very subtle, impeccable, must comply with the principle “Do no harm!” We must be sure that the student will correctly understand humor, ridicule. They should not be humiliating, should not cause hatred for the teaching and the teacher, arouse an even more acute desire to interfere with the teacher.

Second. In order to use extraordinary pedagogical means so subtly, the teacher must have intuition the ability to instantly find and make the right decisions. “Intuition develops in the process of human activity, acting as some kind of “compressed experience”. It combines figurative and conceptual thinking in a peculiar way... A visual image, as it were, absorbs the entire amount of knowledge that is obtained through discursive conceptual thinking. Logic and image manipulation act in an inseparable unity.

Intuition- a property usually characteristic of people with a creative mindset, with creative abilities. Creative skills and skills extremely important for the teacher. Their necessity is due to the creative nature of pedagogical activity, the constant variability of the conditions for its flow, the audience, the class with which one has to work, and the sociocultural situation. In his professional life, the teacher deals with several generations of students. Each of them bears the stamp of time, historical originality, due to historical, social, cultural events, changes in educational goals, values, ideals, changes in the prestige of professions, etc. Because of this, pedagogical activity cannot be essentially routine, and the teacher, to avoid this routine, must strive for creativity.

Creativity protects the teacher from routine, monotony of activity, from verbal clichés, from repeating the same methods and techniques of work.

Scientists substantiate the need for a teacher of a number of other abilities - for different authors their “set” is different.

Allocate constructive abilities, on the basis of which the ability to design (create) a lesson, lesson, lecture, seminar is formed, to design educational material in a special way.

Thus, abilities are necessary for successful pedagogical activity. However, they are only a prerequisite for success. A person who has chosen the teaching profession must have extensive professional knowledge , in the first place - psychological and pedagogical. On the basis of knowledge, the necessary professional skills. A teacher must combine a person who knows and a person who can.

In addition, the teacher should have a well-developed motivation to engage in this particular type of activity. It requires a motive associated with the desire to teach and educate others.

Thus, stopping the choice on pedagogical activity, it is necessary to consider a wide range of questions:

- the motives that prompt the choice of this particular activity;

– willingness to engage in this very difficult activity;

– understanding its multi-purpose nature;

- the complexity of the structure and content of pedagogical activity, which requires many abilities, knowledge and skills;

- the need for constant self-education and self-improvement;

- constant communication, interaction with students - "to be near and a little ahead."

6. Pedagogical foundations of various types of professional activities

However, pedagogical activity is truly "pervasive character».

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In ancient times (the period BC), humanity has accumulated a wealth of experience in teaching, educating the younger generation. The greatest thinkers of antiquity, the philosophers Democritus (470 or 460 BC), Socrates (469-399 BC), Plato (427-348 BC), Aristotle (384-322 BC) ) and others, reflecting on the nature of man, the ways of his improvement, lamenting the decline in morality in contemporary society, formulated the first pedagogical ideas, provisions, recommendations on the upbringing and education of children and young men. The sayings of the ancient philosophers that history has preserved for us, their works that have come down to our days, cannot yet be called pedagogical theories, attributed to the field of science. Philosophers themselves looked at pedagogy as the art of leading a child through life. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the first pedagogical views originated in the depths of philosophy and were the forerunners of pedagogy as a science.

Pedagogical activity is a purposeful, motivated impact of the teacher, focused on the comprehensive development of the child's personality and preparing him for life in modern sociocultural conditions.

Pedagogical activity is based on the laws of upbringing practice. Pedagogical activity is carried out in educational institutions and is carried out by specially trained and trained people - teachers.

The nature and content of pedagogical activity is determined by its subject, motives, purpose, means and result.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is to create conditions for the implementation of the prospects for the development of the child as an object and subject of education. The implementation of this goal is the result of pedagogical activity, which is diagnosed by comparing the qualities of the child's personality at the beginning of the pedagogical impact and at its completion.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the organization of interaction with pupils, aimed at mastering sociocultural experience as the basis and condition for development.

In pedagogical activity, both external and internal motives are distinguished. External motives include personal and professional growth, to internal - dominance, humanistic and pro-social orientation.

The means of pedagogical activity are: theoretical and practical knowledge, on the basis of which the education and upbringing of children is carried out; educational and methodical literature; visibility.

Ways of transferring the experience of social behavior and interaction in pedagogical activity are explanation, demonstration, observation, game, joint work.

B.T. Likhachev identifies the following structural components of pedagogical activity:

  • - the teacher's knowledge of the needs, trends in social development, the basic requirements for a person;
  • - scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, the basis of the experience accumulated by mankind in the field of production, culture, social relations, which in a generalized form are transmitted to the younger generations;
  • - pedagogical knowledge, educational experience, skill, intuition;
  • - the highest moral, aesthetic culture of its bearer.

Pedagogical activity aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality will be more effective if it is built in accordance with the nature, culture of the child and the teacher.

In the course of pedagogical activity, a special communication arises between the teacher and the child, in which the participants feel for their own view of the world. The task of pedagogical activity in the context of the dialogue of cultures between the teacher and the child is twofold: on the one hand, to strengthen and develop the child's ways of thinking, position, worldview; on the other hand, organize interaction with a different culture (an adult).

In pedagogical science, two types of interaction between a teacher and a child are distinguished: subject-object and subject-subject.

Subject-object relations. In pedagogical activity, the role of the subject is the teacher, and the role of the object is the pupil (child).

The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity is characterized by goal-setting, activity, pedagogical self-awareness, the adequacy of self-esteem and the level of claims, etc. In this situation, the child acts as a performer of the requirements and tasks set by the teacher. With reasonable subject-object interaction, they form and consolidate positive traits children: diligence, discipline, responsibility; the child accumulates the experience of acquiring knowledge, masters the system, the orderliness of actions. However, as long as the child is an object pedagogical process, i.e. the motivation for activity will constantly come from the teacher, the cognitive development of the child will not be effective. The situation when the manifestation of initiative is not required, the restriction of independence often forms the negative aspects of the personality. The educator "sees" his pupils in a very one-sided way, mainly from the point of view of compliance or non-compliance with the norms of behavior and the rules of organized activities.

Subject-subject relations contribute to the development in children of the ability to cooperate, initiative, creativity ability to constructively resolve conflicts. The most complex work of thought processes, imagination is activated, knowledge is activated, the necessary methods are selected, various skills are tested. All activity acquires personal significance for the child, valuable manifestations of activity and independence are formed, which, with a steady strengthening of the subject position, can become his personal qualities. The teacher in the subject-subject interaction understands his pupils more personally, such interaction is called personality-oriented. A personality-oriented teacher maximally contributes to the development of the child's ability to realize his "I" in relations with other people and the world in its diversity, comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, both for others and for himself. Pedagogical activity in this kind of interaction is dialogic in nature.

The nature of the interaction between the teacher and the child determines the style of pedagogical activity. A.K. Markov differentiate democratic, authoritarian and liberal styles of pedagogical activity and describes them as follows.

With a democratic style of pedagogical activity, the child is regarded as an equal partner in communication and cognitive activity. The teacher involves children in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independence of judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also personal qualities. Methods of influence are motivation for action, advice, request. Teachers of the democratic style of interaction are characterized by greater professional stability and satisfaction with their profession. With an authoritarian style, the child is seen as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements presented to them, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and the opinion of the child, does not justify his actions to him. As a result, children lose activity or carry it out only with the leading role of the educator, they show low self-esteem, aggressiveness. The main methods of influence of this style are the order, teaching. The teacher is characterized by low satisfaction with the profession and professional instability.

With a liberal style, the teacher avoids decision-making, transferring the initiative to children and colleagues. The organization and control of children's activities is carried out without a system, shows indecision, hesitation.

Pedagogical activity- this is a special type of social (professional) activity, which is aimed at realizing the goals of education.

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are training and education. Training carried out within the framework of any organizational form usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of training is the achievement of the learning goal. Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, since it is unattainable within the time limits of the organizational form. In educational work, one can only provide for the consistent solution of specific tasks oriented towards a goal. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems is positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities. It is also difficult to single out the result of the activity of the teacher-educator in a developing personality.

The identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and education in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty. The goals of training and education are an external component in relation to the system of training and education: they are set by society, which determines the effectiveness of the functioning of this system.

The structure of pedagogical activity.

For the effective performance of pedagogical functions, it is important for a modern teacher to be aware of the structure of pedagogical activity, the relationship of its main components, with the help of which it is carried out, pedagogical actions, professionally important skills and psychological qualities (PSP and C) necessary for its implementation. In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multi-level system, the components of which are the goal, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, the approach of identifying its components as relatively independent functional activities of the teacher prevails. Let's consider both approaches.

1. In the structure of pedagogical activity, the following components are distinguished (with the corresponding abilities that are manifested in skills):

- constructive activity - constructive and meaningful (selection and composition of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process), constructive and operational (planning one's own actions and the actions of students) and constructive and material (designing the educational and material base of the pedagogical process);

- organizational activity - the implementation of a system of actions aimed at the active inclusion of students in various activities, the organization of joint activities, self-organization of the teacher's own activities at the university;

- communicative activity - the establishment of pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and pupils, other teachers, parents, members of the public;

- gnostic component - a system of knowledge and skills of the teacher, as well as certain properties of cognitive activity that affect its effectiveness;

- control and evaluation (reflexive) component.

see also

Marx K., Engels F. Op. - T. 23., p. 50, 188-189.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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