Kiselev Oleg Nikolaevich urologist. Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary

The appearance of white plaque on the labia is a frequent phenomenon, but whether it means that a woman has any disease or is a variant of the norm, you need to figure it out. Throughout the menstrual cycle, the color, texture, smell and structure of vaginal discharge in the fair sex changes.

They may become more profuse, slimy, or creamy. The main thing is that the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor and does not cause discomfort in the form of burning and itching. The slightly sour smell of secretions from the genital tract may be the result of the work of conditional bacteria that normally live in an intimate place.

If, in addition to white plaque on the labia, you are worried about pain in the lower abdomen, redness of the mucosa, cramps after urination, as well as itching of the genitals and a bad smell of discharge, immediately visit a gynecologist for examination and treatment.

Causes of white plaque on the labia

  • vaginal dysbacteriosis (violation of microflora);
  • (thrush);
  • hormonal changes associated with puberty in girls;
  • insufficient intimate hygiene (on how to properly wash a woman,);
  • unsuitable for intimate hygiene(it is better to use intimate hygiene products with a neutral Ph, such as,);
  • wearing tight or synthetic underwear;
  • malnutrition and malnutrition

Treatment of white plaque on the labia

If the white on the labia is not a symptom of any disease, you should not try to get rid of plaque, because it prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterus and only represents a healthy microflora of the genital tract.

If white plaque gives you aesthetic discomfort, you can carefully remove it with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, or with a shower jet. You can also use a decoction of herbs. Do not remove plaque using soap and gel, this can disrupt the healthy balance of microflora and cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

It is recommended for a woman to wash herself with special means for intimate hygiene. If, along with white plaque on the labia, a woman also notes severe burning, itching, pain in the vaginal area, you need to consult a gynecologist and take smears, because such symptoms are characteristic of a urogenital infection or a violation of the vaginal microflora.

You should also not ignore the appearance of white pimples or sores on the labia, as they can be a sign of such an unpleasant sexually transmitted disease as. Without a doctor's examination, taking special tests (a smear for flora, bakposev, PCR for STIs), it is rather problematic to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment, so the sooner you visit a gynecologist, the sooner you get rid of the problem.

In the presence of alarming symptoms, it is not recommended to take any medications on their own. You can not only blur the picture of the disease, but also harm your body by self-medication. You need to act on the results of the survey. If plaque is a variant of the norm, you can not touch it.

If white discharge, according to the analysis, turns out to be a manifestation of candidiasis (thrush), it will be necessary to be treated together with a partner. To do this, you can take a Flucostat capsule and put down a woman, or. White plaque in the vagina may also indicate bacvaginosis, in which case the doctor may prescribe you Metronidazole and suppositories or Neo-penotran.

At the time of treatment from sexual contact should refrain. After the use of antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to restore the vaginal microflora, populating it with useful lactobacilli. Vagilak will do just fine with this.

To consolidate the result, you should also pay attention to your diet. Eliminate flour, sweet, too fried or salty, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, cook for a couple. You can drink vitamin complex to boost immunity.

White plaque on the labia may appear suddenly and be a normal variant or an alarming symptom of a fungal or bacterial infection. Most often, the cause lies in diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The main reasons for such manifestations are discussed below.

Cause Basic moments
accumulation of smegma This phenomenon occurs even in little girls and should not cause concern.

Sexual (small) lips contain many sebaceous glands. The secret produced by them accumulates between the folds of the genital organs (it mixes with moisture and dead epithelial cells).

Smegma is a white coating on the labia, which sometimes has an unpleasant sour smell (with insufficient hygiene that has disturbed the microflora of the vagina). It is not recommended to remove it, since the film serves as a protective barrier between the vaginal mucosa and the external environment.

Hormonal changes in the body 1. Changes associated with puberty girls. They occur before the start of the menstrual cycle at 11-14 years. During this period, the appearance of a kind of white coating on the labia minora is characteristic. This is normal and should not worry either the child or the parents.
2. Changes associated with the onset of sexual activity. This is a reaction to the restructuring of the microflora of the external genital organs upon contact with a "foreign" microflora. In this case, white plaque on the labia will stop appearing over time.
Chronic thrush The situation when a woman suffered from this disease and did not cure it to the end. The disease periodically makes itself felt in the form of the appearance of cheesy white secretions that accumulate in the folds of the genital organs. Accompanied by itching, burning and. It can also often be observed.
Genital herpes Damage to the genital mucosa of a viral nature. Accompanied by ailment:

the appearance of accumulations of vesicles on the skin, which degenerate into erosion and sores;


swelling in the affected areas;

burning sensation;

Enlargement of lymph nodes in the groin;

bacterial infections, manifested by the appearance of characteristic discharge (white plaque in the vagina);

damage to the central nervous system;

development of cervical cancer (after several recurrences of herpes).

Malnutrition (avitaminosis) Lack of products containing vitamin A, E, PP and other useful elements.
Poor hygiene or the use of inappropriate products that cause a negative reaction
Vulvovaginitis, vaginitis Inflammation of the lower genital organs caused by gonococci, chlamydia, ureaplasmas, trichomonads, mycoplasmas, candida, staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, etc.


burning sensation;

(white, yellow, curdled, bloody, purulent);

· redness;

Pain in the lower abdomen


Frequent urge to urinate.


Therapy is chosen depending on the identified disease. It involves the use of external and internal use(vaginal tablets, ointments, creams, suppositories). The most popular medicines:

White plaque on the labia, not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (itching, burning, vaginal discharge), is not a sign dangerous disease. In other cases, you should immediately contact a gynecologist and pass the necessary tests to identify the disease and subsequent therapy.

Urogenital candidiasis is in a chain of diseases that appear due to the action of fungi. Candidiasis can affect the mucous membrane and adjacent tissue of organs that are located nearby. In women, the lesion occurs on the clitoris and labia. With a more advanced form of pathology, the groin area and the upper part of the buttocks are affected. In many cases, white plaque on the labia appears in parallel with other diseases, such as cystitis.

According to medical statistics, it is stated that women get candidiasis much more often than men. In most cases, almost 70% of the fairer sex at least once, but met with such problems. In many, this disease gave complications or relapse.

Basically, almost all infections occur due to unprotected sexual intercourse. Compared to men, women are 50% more likely than men. Sometimes a white coating on the genitals occurs in girls who have never had sex before (virgins), especially during adolescence.

Disease classification

The urogenital type of candidiasis can manifest itself in three forms:

  • The first form is manifested in carriers of candidiasis. It is able to proceed asymptomatically, but under certain conditions, the transition of the disease to another form is provoked - acute.
  • The second form is acute candidiasis, it manifests itself more clearly and painfully. The process takes about two months.
  • The third form is chronic. In other words, it is recurrent candidiasis. The course is long, its cause is the poor-quality treatment that was previously.

When the primary symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist and a dermatologist.

Causes of the disease

In medical practice, many reasons are considered for which a white coating appears on the labia.

  • The action of yeast-like fungi that can cause allergies or the spread of infectious processes to the inside of the body.
  • The microflora of the vagina is disturbed, which is provoked by hormonal failure, mental disorders, stress as a result of improper treatment using antibiotic drugs.
  • Changes in the hormonal background of the body, especially in adolescence.
  • During the manifestation of vaginitis or vulvovaginitis.

  • The disease occurs after a primary infectious disease, as a complication.
  • After herpes and during its passage.
  • Improper nutrition and lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • Incorrect wearing of pads during menstruation.
  • Incorrectly selected hygiene products: soap or gels. Such products, if used incorrectly, can cause allergies and irritations. In the future, this can cause more complex diseases, including candidiasis.

When the appearance of white plaque on the labia occurred suddenly, and there is no connection with some other disease, then you should not worry too much - these are the protective actions of the body. The raid can pass on its own.

If, when a white coating occurs on the labia, there is severe itching, burning, redness or pain in the affected area, then a visit to the hospital will not hurt. This disease is dealt with by a gynecologist. Such manifestations may indicate the presence of other infections of the urogenital nature. It is not recommended to be frivolous about such symptoms, especially when plaque appears on the genitals in the form of white balls and pimples (the first manifestation of syphilis).

White plaque on the labia in medicine is called smegma. The discharges in question appear due to the sebaceous glands. Plaque is removed with a simple swab, slightly moistened in plain water with the addition of soda and vegetable oil. Also used special means with an extract of plants such as calendula or chamomile. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to treat white plaque?

At the very beginning, it is required to determine the causes of plaque, since this may not be a disease. If the symptoms of candidiasis are confirmed and the diagnosis is made, then in modern medicine there are many treatment options. It is worth noting that candidiasis is currently being treated.

Today, various drugs are offered:

  • anti-inflammatory herbs (yarrow, chamomile, calendula);

  • oral and vaginal tablets or suppositories (Difluzol, Fluconazole, Mikogal);

  • ointments (Miconazole, Clotrimazole);

  • creams or gels (Lactocide, Tsiteal).

Upon receipt of the correct analyzes, a diagnosis is made and a treatment system is determined in the future.

It is important to remember that in order not to become infected with candidiasis, it is worth using condoms during sexual intercourse.

The appearance of white plaque in the folds of the genital organs is a frequent phenomenon, and it is not always the result of an inflammatory process. White plaque on the labia is explained by the fact that a woman changes in the smell, consistency and structure of the secretions throughout the cycle. Just like plaque, discharges of this color do not have a strong odor if the woman’s health is all right. The presence of a slight sour smell depends on the microflora of the vagina and is considered the norm.

anxiety symptoms

White plaque on the labia in itself is not a reason to panic. Particular attention should be paid to the occurrence of concomitant manifestations: burning sensation in the genital area and discomfort in the lower abdomen, the presence of an unpleasant odor, plaque and discharge. Sometimes these manifestations are accompanied by fever. In this case, to identify the causes that caused such changes, it is worth visiting a gynecologist.

Other in intimate places plaque appears

A white spot on the labia may occur due to poor-quality treatment of thrush. The process of infection can occur constantly from a sexual partner. In the case of thrush, the formation of plaque is accompanied by severe itching. The appearance of secretions and plaque white color on the mucosa reproductive organs can occur not only in a mature woman, but also in a teenage girl who is not sexually active. Usually they appear in girls at the age of eleven or thirteen and signal that menstruation may soon begin. The reason is the hormonal changes taking place in the body.

Consequences of hormonal changes

At the beginning of sexual activity, when the vaginal microflora changes, plaque on the labia is explained by a reaction to the partner's foreign flora. In the future, these changes cease to disturb the woman. However, in the case of a prolonged manifestation of this condition, you should consult a specialist. Without an examination and consultation with a gynecologist, it is almost impossible to say whether a white coating on the labia that has appeared is evidence of a serious illness, or hormonal changes occur in the body associated with the onset of sexual activity. Don't try to remove plaque as soon as possible. In the absence of diseases, it protects the body, preventing the penetration of pathogenic microbes. Thanks to this, the microflora of the vagina remains healthy.

Hygiene rules

During personal hygiene procedures, white plaque on the labia is recommended to be removed with a cotton swab moistened with vegetable oil or water. In this case, it is better not to use ordinary shower gels or soaps, as they can only increase irritation. Much more efficient in this case there will be the use of special gels for intimate hygiene. They are based on extracts of calendula and chamomile, which in the traditional folk medicine used to relieve inflammation and irritation of intimate areas.

The appearance of white pimples in the intimate area

Pimples and white balls on the mucous membrane of the genitals should not be taken too lightly. Their appearance in this area often indicates infection with syphilis. Syphilis, being a common infection of the body, is transmitted mainly through sexual contact or during childbirth to a child from a sick mother.

Any woman even notices minor changes their intimate health, especially with regard to the menstrual cycle, the nature of the discharge from. Therefore, with changes occurring in the body, as a rule, panic begins. For example, a white coating on the labia. This phenomenon is quite common. Where does it come from? - many people ask. And one more important question, is white plaque on the labia a sign of any inflammatory process or is it normal?

First you need to calm down and take into account that the structure, consistency and smell of secretions change in a woman during the cycle. If a woman is healthy, then the discharge does not have a pronounced odor, just like a white coating on the labia. Sometimes the discharge has a slightly sour smell, which is also a variant of the norm and depends on the microflora of the vagina. And here it is important to take into account not so much the white plaque itself on the labia as the accompanying signs. Let's list the main ones. It can be a burning sensation, a feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen, and the plaque itself, and sometimes a general increase in temperature.

In this case, there is a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist in order to identify the cause of such changes in the body.

Untreated thrush can cause a profuse white coating on the labia, and infection can occur regularly from a sexual partner. Traditionally, but unfortunately erroneously, it is believed that neither infections nor unusual discharge are characteristic of very young girls who are not sexually active and who have not even started menstruating yet. But it's not. According to gynecologists, anxious parents often turn to them with the fact that the child complains or is afraid of strange changes in the body. But the fact is that plaque on the labia in such cases overwhelmingly means that the girl has hormonal changes in her body and very soon she will begin her period. As a rule, such a plaque appears at the age of 11-13, that is, at the very time when the beginning of the first menstruation is expected very soon.

And another common case. Often at the very beginning, a woman notices such changes. And, of course, fears and doubts appear again. The fact is that even if the girl and her partner are healthy (that is, we exclude the STD option), then the vaginal microflora still changes. In other words, this is a kind of reaction to the partner's alien microflora. As a rule, the change passes with time and no longer bothers the woman.

It is almost impossible to say in absentia whether a white spot on the labia means the presence of a disease, say, vulvovaginitis, or is it a common restructuring of the body associated with hormonal changes or the onset of sexual activity.
And the last. Do not try to get rid of plaque as quickly as possible. If this is not a consequence of the disease, then it performs a protective function for the body. Plaque prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes and creates a healthy microflora of the vagina.

In the implementation, which, of course, is needed in any case, it is recommended to remove this plaque with a cotton swab moistened with water or vegetable oil. Just don't use soaps or gels, they can cause irritation. True, special gels for intimate hygiene are currently being sold, they are based on plant extracts traditionally used in folk medicine to relieve inflammation and irritation of the most intimate and sensitive areas. These gels contain calendula and chamomile extracts and are therefore suitable for daily use.