The baby has a low temperature after illness. How dangerous is low body temperature in children

When faced with a fever in a child, mothers, as a rule, know what needs to be done about it, and perceive this situation with less bewilderment than a decrease in body temperature. How to find out why a child has a low temperature, and what to do in this case? Let's take a closer look below.

How to recognize a drop in temperature

In order to assert that your child has a reduced body temperature, you must first familiarize yourself with the criteria for normal and abnormal. The fact that a child should normally have a body temperature of 36.6, and everything that is lower is already a pathology, is an absolute lie. The formation of normal body temperature is influenced by many factors: the age and gender of the child, the degree of his physical activity, the nature and amount of fluid and food consumed per day. Also, the time of day at which the measurement was taken affects the temperature indicators. Be that as it may, but all doctors are inclined to the same opinion that the child's body temperature should not be below 36.0 degrees.

If during the next measurement, the figure of 36 degrees stubbornly holds on the thermometer scale, then we can safely talk about a low temperature.

Such a sharp decrease in temperature indicators may be the result of hypothermia of the child, and it is not advisable to talk about a more serious pathology in this case. But if this condition becomes permanent, then in this case, the appeal to the doctor should be immediate.

What are the reasons for the drop in temperature?

If your baby has low body temperature for several days, then it is important to understand that such a condition could not arise on its own, and most likely some kind of failure occurred in the child’s body.

To make sure that the child is experiencing a certain malaise, you should observe his behavior, appetite and mood throughout the day. about why it might be low temperature in a child, we will discuss in detail below.

One of the causes of this condition may be congenital hypothermia, although it is quite rare. Such a syndrome can be considered both a norm and a pathology. If a decrease in body temperature to 35.8-35.9 degrees does not have a negative effect on the well-being and general condition of the child, then this is rather a variant of the norm.

Taking antipyretic drugs can serve as an impetus for a sharp decrease in temperature. If the baby’s body, weakened by a viral infection, is affected by antipyretic drugs, then the effect can be quite unexpected. Sound the alarm in this case does not follow at all, since the children's body will be able to independently restore normal body temperature within a couple of days.

Perhaps the temperature was taken immediately after the morning awakening of the child or during sleep. This can significantly affect the indicators in the direction of decline. It is necessary to measure the temperature while the baby is awake.

Beware of drops! If a child has symptoms of nasal congestion, and in connection with this, special vasoconstrictor drops are used, then this can be one of the reasons for the “strange” body temperature. These are not at all harmless drops that can cause serious consequences, up to loss of consciousness. Before using such remedies, it is important to get a detailed consultation with a doctor, and get acquainted with all possible side effects these drugs.

Another culprit of the low temperature can be a banal virus. Oddly enough, but a preliminary increase in temperature in this case is not observed. With viral infection, low body temperature is maintained at the same level for 4-5 days, and is accompanied by increased drowsiness, apathy, lethargy and loss of appetite.
If the baby took antibiotics on the eve of the temperature drop, it is important to inform the doctor about this in a timely manner for further replacement or complete withdrawal of the drug.

Or maybe the problem is inside? If the child is on the eve of puberty, or takes the first steps in this direction, then a decrease in temperature may indicate the presence of some kind of internal pathology. In this situation, consultation of an endocrinologist and a therapist is mandatory. A sharp decrease in temperature can develop under the means of a malfunction of the thyroid gland, or due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus).

The kid is tired. In preschool children and especially school age, often, the so-called overwork is formed, associated with an unusual psychological and mental load for them. Adaptation to new conditions, peer group and school curriculum- is bearing fruit.

As a separate concept, transient hypothermia can be distinguished, which occurs immediately after birth, or in the first hours. This condition is not a pathology, as it is due to the banal adaptation of the baby to the conditions environment. After a short-term decrease, the temperature indicators return to normal without any outside intervention.

The best thing a mother can do at such moments is to put the baby to her breast. This procedure ensures the formation of close contact between the mother and the child, and the warmth of the mother's body will allow the baby to cope with the reduced temperature. Feeding such children should be on demand, as this is the key to the formation of heat production and heat transfer processes.

If we talk about children under the age of 3 years, then the reason for the decrease in body temperature can be the so-called hereditary factor, because it is far from a secret that the features of thermoregulation can be inherited.

The body's immune system may also play a role. Children with reduced immunity often have poor appetite and get tired quickly even from sedentary games. For parents, this is a signal to start activities aimed at strengthening the defenses of the child's body.

How can you strengthen your baby's immunity? Of course, the best option at all times there was hardening. The approach to this event should be purely individual. It can be douches, walking barefoot in summer time year, rubdowns, trips to the pool, as well as outdoor games. Before starting hardening, it is necessary to examine the child in order to exclude any pathology, because hardening is an additional burden on the body.

In addition to hardening, a sufficient amount of vital vitamins and trace elements should be present in the child's diet. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as natural fruit juices and fruit drinks can serve as a source of all the necessary substances.

When going for a walk, dress the child only according to the weather. Too much wrapping will lead to overheating, and not enough clothing threatens hypothermia. So that the child does not overheat and does not catch a cold, he should have one layer more clothes than an adult.

Watch your child. How long does he sit at the TV screen or computer? Is he getting enough sleep? Chronic overwork and lack of sleep cannot pass without a trace for the child's body. The first alarm signal may be precisely a decrease in body temperature.

Be that as it may, a decrease in body temperature in a child should not be ignored. In most cases, the body is able to cope with this condition on its own, but there are situations when medical assistance is urgently needed. If during the temperature increase the algorithm of the parents' action is clear, then when the temperature drops, it is better not to let the situation take its course.

How to help a child?

If from birth the child is prone to a low temperature, and at the same time does not experience any discomfort, then he does not need additional help from parents and doctors. But if such a condition is accompanied by a number of other symptoms ( headache, increased drowsiness), then parents can and even need to take a number of measures aimed at alleviating the condition of the child until the doctor visits. In order for the child to endure the low temperature with the least discomfort, parents should:

  • Calm down, first of all, yourself and not to panic.
  • Measure the temperature again, and preferably with a different thermometer. Sometimes, the thermometer can show a false result.
  • It is necessary to dress the child in warmer clothes.
  • The room in which the baby is located should be without drafts, and the temperature in the room should not fall below +20 degrees.
  • The bed linen on which the child lies should always be dry.
  • Older children can be wrapped in a blanket or blanket and put a warm heating pad on their feet.
  • The child can be given warm tea.
  • The sleep of the child should last at least 9 hours a day.
  • The daily diet should contain maximum amount vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • The time spent by the child at the computer or near the TV should be limited to a minimum.

Low body temperature in newborns is a separate topic, since the fight against it has many nuances. Let us consider in more detail what parents can do in this case, and what it is better to refrain from. So, what is possible and even necessary:

  • It is necessary to have constant skin + skin contact between mother and child. At the same time, both mother and child should be covered with a blanket or blanket.
  • Need to support optimum temperature in the room where the newborn is. For full-term babies, it is +23, for premature babies - +29 degrees.
  • You can use a special thermomattress that will maintain the temperature necessary for the child.
  • If the baby is premature, then it is better to place it in a specially equipped incubator.

And what can not be done:

  • It is strictly forbidden to wipe the baby's body immediately after birth. Any rubdown eliminates the original lubricant, which is one of the links in the immune defense.
  • Do not use all kinds of heaters and heating pads to raise the temperature, because this can lead to burns.

It is important to remember that body temperature in infants is measured exclusively with an electronic thermometer. If the temperature indicators are in the range between 33 and 36 degrees, then we can talk about the presence of hypothermia. In this case, it is necessary to attach the baby to the mother's body or use a special thermomattress. It is necessary to warm the child until the body temperature returns to normal. Subsequent measurements should be taken every half hour.

The best prevention of hypothermia in newborns is breast-feeding and constant contact with the mother's body.

And most importantly, you should carefully monitor the further condition of the child. Of particular danger is excessive sweating skin on the background of low temperature. In this case, you should pay attention to how your child breathes. If breathing becomes heavy and intermittent, you should immediately call an ambulance. Do not delay visiting a doctor if the child is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Constant weakness.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Decreased or complete lack of appetite.
  • Indifference to games and everything around.
  • If the child has become too capricious.

Of course, first of all, parents need to help their child on their own, but only if they receive further advice from a pediatrician. Attempts to increase the body temperature of a child at home in the presence of one or more of the above symptoms can lead to negative and even irreversible consequences.

Remember that only an attentive attitude to the health of your child is the key to wellness the baby and the peace of mind of his parents.

The body of a young child is a cause of concern for many parents. I am one of them. Moms and dads begin to stuff their child with antipyretic drugs, syrups and pills, call the doctor and much more. However, the thermometer can show a completely different value. What to do if a child has a low temperature, not every parent knows. Should I call my pediatrician, or is it best to do nothing? Let's see what it means for children.

In most cases, if a child has a low temperature, there is no need to talk about the presence of any infection in his body. However, you don't have to let it all go by itself. Of course, in many babies, low temperature is considered the norm or a feature of their organisms. In other cases, this may be a serious illness that threatens the health of the child. That is why it is recommended, first of all, to determine the exact

Weakening of the immune system, disruption of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, some oncological diseases are not all the reasons that a child has a low temperature. Parents should take into account recent colds. In addition to all of the above, often the reason that a child has a low temperature can be banal hypothermia. Apathy, depression and other psychological changes are also often accompanied by a decrease in the baby's body temperature.

In order to find out exactly what low temperature means in a particular case, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will order an examination. Based on the results obtained, a verdict will be issued. If, for example, it’s all about a weakened immune system, then it’s enough to start taking vitamins, change the child’s lifestyle and rebuild his diet. There are other situations when the baby has a low temperature. The reasons in this case are much more serious. Sometimes an additional examination of the entire body of a small patient is required. Parents should remember that you should not refuse the recommendations of a specialist. After all, it is a complete and detailed examination that can as a result reveal a disease that is rapidly progressing without the necessary and correct treatment.

The body temperature of a child is, first of all, an indicator of the state of his body. Even small changes in this parameter lead to disruption of the work of all internal organs and systems. At thirty degrees, a person loses consciousness in 90 percent of cases. As already mentioned, it is this indicator that indicates the presence or absence of problems in the body. In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that a low temperature in babies and adults can be observed after surgery if the body is depleted, there are not enough nutrients and vitamins. Intoxication, too low level hemoglobin in the blood, shock, AIDS, intoxication, brain diseases - all this can be accompanied by a decrease in body temperature.

The very first signs of a decrease in temperature in babies are irritability, drowsiness and weakness, some lethargy.

According to statistics, only two percent of children (including premature babies) have a low body temperature that is normal for their bodies. In all other cases, close attention should be paid to this aspect. Low temperature in a child in most situations is accompanied by headache, apathy, lethargy and bad mood. Do not rub a sick baby, wrap him up. According to doctors, all such actions are more likely to cause harm.

Pediatricians of various states recommend tempering babies with early childhood. Thanks to such procedures, it soon returns to normal and becomes much more resistant to viruses and infections. Daily wiping with water, dousing and sports are the main helpers in this matter. It is worth noting that the activity of your child will increase markedly if you work with him. All of these tips apply to healthy babies. After all, for each type of procedure there are contraindications.

Vitamins. We must not forget that the child's body constantly needs them, especially in the cold season. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly buy fruits, seafood and the like for your baby, you should think about purchasing complex vitamins in the form of drugs. Choose the most suitable vitamin complex your pediatrician will help you. You may need to take some tests for this, because only in this way you can determine what exactly in your child’s body is not enough for normal growth and development.

As already mentioned, low temperatures can be caused by hypothermia. It is easy to avoid such a situation. Try to dress your child according to the weather. There is no need to wrap up the child or, conversely, dress in light clothing when it is cold outside.

In conclusion, let me remind you once again that there are a huge number of reasons for low temperature in children. If your baby has it often enough, be sure to show it to your doctor.

Everyone knows that the normal body temperature in humans ranges from 36.6 degrees. Therefore, any deviation from this norm leads us into confusion. We call the doctor, reach for medicines, frantically flip through the pages of the medical manual in the hope of finding a solution to the problem. Most often, of course, we do this when the temperature rises, especially when it rises above 38 degrees in children. But what if suddenly your thermometer shows, on the contrary, too low a temperature, for example, 35 degrees? How to raise it? What medicine to give the baby? And is there anything to give at all?

Before answering these questions, you must first determine why the child's temperature has dropped. Maybe he's just cold. In this case, you need to give him hot (but not scalding!) tea to drink and dress him warmer and cover him with a blanket. For a faster effect, you can put a heating pad under the blanket. After a while the temperature will creep up.

The cause of a low temperature of 35 in a child may be a consequence of an injury received during childbirth or the prematurity of the baby. In this case, it needs careful care and regular examination by specialists.

It often happens that a bad mood, apathy, depression can also cause a sharp drop in body temperature in a child. If you have the opportunity to visit a good psychologist, then it is advisable to do this, since prolonged depression can develop into something more serious than a drop in temperature. In addition, you yourself can influence the course of the disease by giving your child even more attention and love.

A temperature of 35 in a child is often found after an illness, in particular, SARS. Usually, after a while, it itself begins to rise, as soon as the body returns to normal after an illness. Although in this case, the observation of a doctor is still desirable, especially if the child's temperature does not change for a long time.

With a weakened immune system, body temperature is almost always reduced. And in order to increase it, you need to normalize the functioning of the immune system. This requires changing the child's lifestyle - eating right, exercising, hardening, taking multivitamins. Only in this case it is possible to hope for a positive effect.

In areas where there is a shortage of iodine, people often suffer from thyroid diseases, which can also provoke a decrease in body temperature. Therefore, for a child living in such an area, taking iodine-containing drugs is essential. For this, for example, the drug "Iodomarin" is suitable, which is suitable for both adults and children.

Sometimes a temperature of 35 in a child can occur due to serious diseases, for example, cancer, in which, apart from a low body temperature, no symptoms are observed. Therefore, in order to prevent a disastrous outcome, it is extremely important to regularly examine the baby.

But in most cases, a low body temperature occurs in a child due to its constitutional features of the body. They do no harm, and if the temperature of 35 in a child does not cause him any discomfort, then nothing should be done, otherwise you can only make it worse.

But even in this case, as with all others, regular consultation with a specialist is necessary. After all, prevention is better than cure.

AT different ages children often have a fever. But sometimes a low temperature in a child causes no less unrest in mothers, since this condition sometimes goes away without other symptoms. Hypothermia can be a wake-up call of a severe illness, or it can be a temporary minor characteristic.

So that the baby does not experience a deterioration in health, it is better to try to determine the causes of the low temperature immediately.

  • Virus. The temperature can drop as a result of infection in the body and last up to 4 days. At the same time, the baby is drowsy and lethargic, cold sweat periodically appears on his body.
  • Weakened immunity. If the child has recently had a cold or has been vaccinated, then a drop in temperature after that is normal. When you give your baby drugs for high fever, this also weakens the immune system.
  • Lack of thermoregulation. If a low temperature is noted in a newborn, then there is no cause for concern, since transient hypothermia lasts only a few hours.
  • Poisoning. In some cases, intoxication leads to an unusual reaction of the body, including cooling of the body, chills and trembling.
  • Medicines for colds. An overdose of drops that constrict blood vessels can bring the child not only to hypothermia, but also to fainting.
  • Chronic diseases. A decrease in temperature for a long time for no apparent reason can indicate problems with the respiratory tract, diseases of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, and also signal a low level of hemoglobin. In this case, the condition is accompanied by additional symptoms, such as sweat and cooling of the extremities.
  • Hypothermia. If a child spent a long time on the street without a hat in cold weather or was simply dressed inappropriately for the weather, then the body will react by lowering the temperature. The same thing happens when the baby gets wet or has been in cool water for more than an hour in the summer.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of biologically active substances in the body leads to a prolonged decrease in temperature. Most often, teenagers who are on a diet suffer from this.
  • congenital pathology. Chronic hypothermia does not occur often, but sometimes in babies from birth, the temperature remains in the region of 35.5 degrees. In this case, the child feels good. In premature babies, violation of thermoregulation is completely the norm.
  • Psychological factors. Stress and anxiety have a serious impact on the physiological system, so they can also cause a drop in temperature.

How to determine

Low body temperature in a child makes itself felt through the general condition of the baby. Watch it to make sure the thermometer reading is correct.

  • Lowering the temperature often leads to a bad mood in children.
  • Hypothermia is also associated with lethargy and lethargy.
  • Appetite in this state is very low or absent altogether.
  • The child may have a headache.
  • The baby can also be overly irritable.
  • Finally, children with low temperatures are often sleepy.

Just in case, it is worth buying two thermometers at once in order to eliminate errors in the readings of the device and avoid unnecessary worries.


Recovery normal temperature the child does not have any specific medicines. Nevertheless, there are a number of tips, following which you can alleviate the condition of the baby. So what should be done?

  • keep your baby warm. Lie down next to him, let him sleep with you until his condition stabilizes. This method is most effective in the case of hypothermia in infants;
  • if the baby is supercooled on the street, it is necessary to change him into dry clothes, wrap him in a blanket and give more warm liquid;
  • when hypothermia is caused psychological state, you need to monitor the normalization of the child's sleep and restrictions in mental and physical stress;
  • if the low temperature in the child is caused by a recession blood pressure, let your baby have some dark chocolate with strong tea;
  • protection from the cooling of the body lies in the fact that you need to put on things for the season and keep your feet warm. It is also not necessary to delay winter walks;
  • hardening and physical activity strengthen the body and reduce the likelihood of temperature fluctuations;
  • to strengthen immunity and fight infection, it is worth including more fruits and vitamins in the diet, nutrition should be balanced and saturated with essential trace elements.

Summing up

  • When determining the causes of low temperature in children, pay attention to their psycho-emotional state and external signs.
  • Hypothermia is not dangerous and even normal for a baby or an older baby, if he does not have other symptoms or an exacerbation of some chronic disease.
  • Any drugs should be given to the child according to the instructions and after consultation with a specialist. Fever is a common side effect of many strong drugs.
  • Most often, the temperature becomes low in babies, either due to an infection and weak immunity, or in case of hypothermia.
  • The easiest way to normalize the condition of children with a low temperature is to warm them. Mom's warmth or a thick blanket combined with plenty of fluids will suffice.
  • In order for your baby to always have excellent thermoregulation, you should pay attention not only to restoring health, but also to prevention. Sports and proper nutrition- the best helpers in maintaining a stable temperature of 36.6 degrees.
  • Do not check your child's temperature when he is sleeping or has just woken up. Such thermometer readings cannot be considered objective.
  • Symptoms such as cold sweat, lack of appetite, pain, vomiting and nausea should alert any mother. In this case, you should immediately visit a doctor or call him at home.
  • No need to do a lot of rubbing to a small child hoping to cure him. Excessive "physical" methods of influencing the body, according to experts, can do more harm than good.
  • If you dress your child in warm clothes, you do not need to wrap him up additionally. Do not keep the child in a blanket for a long time when the condition has already improved. It will be much more effective to return the child to his usual play activity.
Recommended reading: .

What fever the body of the baby is known to every parent. When a child has an unhealthy sparkle in his eyes, and his whole body is blazing with heat, it is not difficult to predict the algorithm of actions. To eliminate this problem, there are a lot of antipyretic drugs. But what if the situation is reversed, and the child's temperature is below normal? And in general, is it worth taking any measures?

Causes of low temperature

To begin with, let us clarify that the concepts of normal body temperature for both babies and adults are different. If for an adult this indicator varies between 36.4-36.8 degrees, then for young children the norm can be 36.1 and 36.9 degrees. And on a winter night baby low temperatures are common. This is due to the fact that the thermoregulation of the body is still imperfect. The closeness of mom and a warm blanket is the easiest solution to the problem.

It is worth noting that the causes of low temperature in a child can be very diverse. In most cases, parental anxiety is unfounded. For example, in a situation where the baby is prescribed antibiotics. Taking these drugs sometimes provokes a decrease in body temperature, which is an absolutely normal reaction of the child's body. If during antibiotic treatment the child's body temperature is very low (below the norm by 0.3-0.6 degrees), then the attending physician should be notified. The specialist will choose another medicine, which does not cause such a reaction.

Low temperature can also be observed during the recovery period after an illness. The child's body is weakened after an illness, defensive forces Immunity is also depleted and in need of "rest", and in the blood there is often a low level of hemoglobin. After a few days, the temperature returns to normal and without third-party intervention.

The second reason is quite natural, and the parents are the culprits of why the child has a low body temperature. It's about about banal hypothermia, when the baby walks without a hat in the cold season, in damp clothes, and in the summer it stays in the water for a long time. To correct the situation, which is fraught with colds and inflammation, it is necessary to warm the baby. Get him drunk warm tea or compote, organize a hot bath, if possible. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it, since a sharp temperature drop can harm the health of the crumbs more harm than hypothermia itself!

If you are firmly convinced that the baby has not been supercooled and has not been sick recently, then a low temperature (hypothermia) may also indicate a serious illness. This symptom accompanies thyroid disease, vitamin deficiency, severe intoxication, anemia, and even cancer.

Hypothermia in babies is accompanied by lethargy, lethargy, bad mood, lack of appetite, headaches. Don't take risks! If the thermometer stays below 36 degrees for several days, then you should call a doctor or visit a clinic.

Prevention of hypothermia

It's no secret that physical activity raises body temperature. Ordinary baby massage or active play with one year old babygood way raise the temperature. It is equally important to pay attention to strengthening the immune system. AT childhood The main factor is a complete, vitamin-rich, balanced diet.

A huge role in the prevention of hypothermia is given to hardening. In the first days of life, you can accustom your baby to low temperatures while bathing. In just a few months, you can reduce the temperature of the water in the bath from the usual 37 to 27-28 degrees.

Over time, the baby's body will get stronger, thermoregulation will improve, and hypothermia will become a thing of the past!