What is teaching activity? The concept of pedagogical activity and its structure

If pedagogy is the science of teaching and educating the younger generations, the theoretical basis for the formation and development of a person's personality and his preparation for life, then the implementation of these tasks is carried out in the process of pedagogical activity. The central figure of this activity is the teacher - educator and teacher. A teacher is not only a profession, the task of which is to give students a certain amount of knowledge. This is a lofty mission, the purpose of which is the creation of personality, the affirmation of man in man. The teaching profession stands out from a number of others in a special way thoughts and feelings of its representatives, an increased sense of duty and responsibility.

It is known that all varieties various professions, depending on their direction and nature of interactions, can be divided into three large groups. The first of these groups are professions of the "Man-Nature" type, the second - the professions of the "Man-Technology" type, and the third - the professions of the "Man-Man" type. In addition, depending on the predominant content of certain functions in the overall structure professional activity, professions can be divided into two classes - transformative and managerial. At the same time, the main difference between pedagogy and other professions of the “Man-Man” type is that it belongs both to the class of transformative and to the class of managing professions at the same time.

In this regard, the pedagogical profession requires from its representatives double training - human science and special. The peculiarity of the pedagogical profession lies in the fact that, by its very nature and purpose, it is humanistic, collective and creative nature. Due to all these circumstances, special, professionally determined requirements are imposed on the teacher's personality. Their totality is defined as professional readiness, suitability to teaching activities. In accordance with the classification proposed by I.A. Winter, there are three plans for the correspondence of the psychological characteristics of a person to the requirements of the professional activity of a teacher.

First plan this correspondence determines predisposition in a fairly broad non-specific sense. Suitability is determined by a number of biological, anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics and characteristics of a person. Suitability for pedagogical activity, or a predisposition to it, implies that the teacher has no contraindications for activities of the “Man-Man” type. Examples of such contraindications can be speech defects, its inexpressiveness, isolation of character and self-absorption, sometimes, sadly, pronounced physical disabilities, as well as indifference to people and the inability to understand their feelings and experiences.

Suitability for pedagogical activity presupposes, first of all, a certain norm of a person’s intellectual development, his empathy, a general positive emotional tone (that is, the stenicity of emotions), as well as a normal level of development of his communicative and cognitive activity.

Second plan the teacher's compliance with the requirements of his profession determines his personal readiness for pedagogical activity. Such readiness presupposes that he has a reflexive psychological focus on professional activity in the “Man-Man” system, a person’s worldview maturity, broad and systemic professional and subject competence, consisting in the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activity, as well as a didactic need and need for affiliation.

Third Plan human compliance with requirements teaching activities consists of high communication skills. It implies his free involvement in the process of interaction with other people, in pedagogical communication, the ease and adequacy of establishing contact with the interlocutor, the ability to monitor his reaction, to respond adequately to it himself, to enjoy communication.

Only the complete coincidence of these three plans for the correspondence of individual-personal psychological qualities and characteristics of a person to the requirements of pedagogical activity (that is, a combination of professional suitability, readiness for this activity and high inclusion in interpersonal communication) ensures the possibility of achieving its greatest effectiveness.

The psychological portrait of a teacher includes the following stable structural components:

1) the individual qualities of a person, that is, his characteristics as an individual - temperament, character, inclinations, etc.;

2) his personal qualities, that is, his features as a personality - social entity a person in the totality of his social relations;

3) communicative (interactive) qualities;

4) status-positional, i.e. features of his social position, role, relationships in the team;

5) activity (professional-subject);

6) external behavioral indicators.

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which is called pedagogical.

Pedagogical activity is a complex organized system of a number of activities. It consists of a whole set of subsystems embedded one into another or interconnected by various types of links. The system of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced to any of its subsystems, no matter how large and independent they are. Pedagogical activity has its own structure (structure) - the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of selected elements (components), as well as links between them. IN this case all structural components of the pedagogical system have a direct and inverse relationship with each other.

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the entire wealth of knowledge accumulated by mankind, material and spiritual culture and experience, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing for the implementation of certain social roles in society.

To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity as a system, it is necessary to analyze its general structure and the main structural elements in their interconnection and interdependence. Such elements are the subjects and objects of this activity, its goals and objectives, functions, types.

Subjects pedagogical activity are not only teachers, but also parents, society - the social environment (state, nation, religious denominations, public organizations and political parties), in which pedagogical influence is exercised on people, as well as heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups. In the case when the subject of pedagogical activity is a teacher, it acquires a professional character, in other cases pedagogical activity is a general pedagogical one, which, voluntarily or involuntarily, is carried out by each person both in relation to himself and in relation to other people. Each person in his life will visit many times both in the role of a student and in the role of a teacher (mentor). Therefore, the teaching profession is one of the oldest in the world. Nowadays, it is customary to call teachers people who have the appropriate training and are professionally engaged in pedagogical activities. Almost all people are engaged in this activity unprofessionally.

Professional pedagogical activity is usually carried out in educational institutions specially organized by society. It includes preschools, comprehensive schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, vocational schools and colleges, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional, including postgraduate education, as well as educational institutions of the system of advanced training and retraining.

Objects pedagogical activities are pupils and students, that is, people whose training, upbringing and personal development is directed by the educational process, and their groups with their individual and socio-psychological characteristics. A characteristic feature of pedagogical activity is that its objects act simultaneously as its subjects.

Aim pedagogical activity as one of its backbone characteristics is development of the human personality in harmony with itself, with nature and society. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.

The purpose of pedagogical activity in a narrower sense, primarily in relation to high school, is the preparation of a highly qualified specialist, his intellectual development, acquisition of professional knowledge and development of his abilities, creative thinking, ability to learn.

The goals of pedagogical activity are a dynamic phenomenon and have a complex hierarchical structure. A general idea of ​​the hierarchy of goals can be given by the diagram shown in fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Hierarchical system of goals

pedagogical activity

It is characteristic at the same time that, arising as a reflection of objective trends in social development and bringing the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity in line with the needs of society and the individual himself, they add up to a detailed program of gradual movement towards a higher, strategic goal.

The concept of the goals of pedagogical activity, the process and means of achieving them are closely related to the concept of the functions of this activity. Really, functions pedagogical activity are the main mechanisms for its direct implementation. These include the following features.

1. Management, consisting in the planning, organization and practical implementation of pedagogical activities and its control. The management cycle begins with setting goals and defining tasks. In accordance with them, adequate methods, forms and means of training and education are selected that ensure the possibility of effectively achieving the goals set. In the process of carrying out pedagogical activity, its intermediate results are periodically monitored with the aim of the necessary correction of the methods and means used. The management cycle ends with the solution of the tasks set and the achievement of the intended goal.

2. Education, which consists in the formation of a system of stable views on the surrounding reality and life in society among students or pupils. It should include a holistic view of the world, clear worldview positions, life goals moral values ​​and ideals. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems is positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in their emotional reactions, actions, behavior and activities.

3. Training, consisting in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge and their development, in the formation of skills and abilities, taking into account the requirements modern life and activities. The criterion for the effectiveness of the cognitive activity of pupils or students in the learning process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving cognitive and practical problems, the intensity of advancement in personal development. The results of the students' activities are easily identified and can be recorded using a certain set of qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The processes of training and education are closely interconnected by their very nature, goals and objectives. Figuratively speaking, a holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which, according to A. Diesterweg, “educational education” and educational education are merged into one.

4. Development, which is a set of processes of functional improvement of mental, spiritual and physical activity of trainees in accordance with public demands to the content and nature of their future professional activities and living conditions in this particular society. Success in pedagogical activity is achieved, first of all, by those teachers who have mastered the laws of this activity, are well versed in the pedagogical ability to develop and maintain the cognitive interests of students, and create an atmosphere of creativity in the classroom.

5. Psychological preparation consists in the formation of students' desire, need and internal readiness for learning, attitudes towards mastering knowledge, in the formation of value orientations, moral principles, spirituality, independence and creativity, the desire to overcome difficulties and the ability to overcome them.

The relationship between the goals of pedagogical activity, its functions and types can be clearly shown using Fig. 4.

Rice. 4. The relationship of goals, functions
and types of pedagogical activity

An analysis of this scheme allows us to assert that, indeed, its functions are closely related to the functions of pedagogical activity. kinds , on the basis of which and during the execution of which the implementation of these functions takes place. The main types of pedagogical activity are:

1. Practical activities of teachers in the implementation of training and education of a person and his personal development.

2. Methodological activity of specialists in presenting the materials of pedagogical science to pedagogical workers of various institutions (associated with the methodology of teaching various academic disciplines or with the methodology of conducting educational work in an educational institution).

3. Management activities of heads of educational institutions, their departments and the educational system as a whole.

4. Scientific and pedagogical activity, consisting in conducting scientific and pedagogical research and experiments, development, testing and application of innovative effective pedagogical technologies.

Each type of pedagogical activity has its own structure, and the components of each type of activity are its object and subject, goal, means to achieve the goal, result (Fig. 5).

According to this general provision subject first, the main type of pedagogical activity is teaching, teacher. object However, this type of activity (we emphasize that at the same time its subject, since the teacher not only has the appropriate impact on students, but also, in turn, experiences certain impacts on their part) are students, a group or an educational team.

Rice. 5 General structure of all kinds

pedagogical activity

The subject-subject nature of the interaction and relationships between the teacher and his pupils in the process of pedagogical activity was noticed in ancient times. This, in particular, is convincingly evidenced by a quotation from the Talmud, holy book Jewish religion: “I have learned much from my teachers, more from my fellows, but most of all from my students.”

Aim considered the first type of pedagogical activity is the transfer of life and cultural experience from the older generation to the younger, and means to achieve the goal are methods, techniques and technologies of training or education, visual and technical means.

Subjectsecond type of pedagogical activity is a teacher-methodologist who studies and summarizes the achievements of pedagogical science and the results of scientific and pedagogical research, transforming them into practical advice. object This type of activity is also performed by practicing teachers who carry out their functions provided for by the previous type of their activity, on the basis of the recommendations received. The purpose of this type of pedagogical activity is the communication of scientific discoveries, the transfer of advanced pedagogical experience and innovation of the general pedagogical community; means scientific and methodological seminars, conferences, publications in scientific, pedagogical and methodical publications, distribution of specialized literature, as well as the introduction of advanced achievements of science and practice, and the exchange of experience serve to achieve this goal.

As subjectthird The type of pedagogical activity is the administration of an educational institution or its divisions (in higher education - the management of departments and faculties), the management of territorial educational authorities, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. object management as the third type of pedagogical activity are teachers and university professors, schoolchildren and students, as well as a team of teachers and a team of students, the educational process as a whole. Target This type of activity consists in purposeful management of the work of teachers-practitioners in accordance with the principles of the educational policy of the state. means to achieve this goal are the methods, techniques and technologies of team management, collective cooperation, individual work with teachers and students.

Subjectfourth the type of pedagogical activity is a scientist-teacher; object - the whole sphere of pedagogical activity as a whole; purpose - search and development of new pedagogical knowledge; means goal achievement - methods scientific knowledge- observation, experiment, modeling, development of theories and concepts, new pedagogical technologies.

result The pedagogical activity of all its types is the actualization and development of mental neoplasms in trainees and teachers, as well as the improvement of the methods of their activity. Ultimately, this result is manifested in the preparation of the younger generations for life and work in the conditions of a given society.

Consequently, pedagogical activity is a complexly organized system of a certain set of activities, among which the most important is the activity of a teacher who directly teaches and educates students.

For the effective performance of pedagogical activity, it is important for a modern teacher, in addition to these components, to be aware of the general structure of pedagogical activity and its patterns, the main stages, pedagogical actions and professionally important skills, as well as the psychological qualities necessary for its successful implementation.

There are various approaches to the definition structures pedagogical activity and the allocation of its main components, or components, with the help of which this activity, in fact, is carried out. For example, N.V. Kuzmina identifies the following main components of pedagogical activity: gnostic, constructive, design, organizational and communicative. In turn, V.V. Yagupov distinguishes diagnostic, orienting-prognostic and communicative-stimulating, analytical-evaluative and research-creative components of pedagogical activity.

Gnostic component(from Greek. gnosis - knowledge) is the sphere of knowledge of the teacher, and not only in his professional field, but also knowledge of the basics of pedagogy, methods of pedagogical communication, psychological characteristics students. This component also includes self-knowledge (that is, the teacher's knowledge of his own personality and activities). This implies the ability to build and test hypotheses, be sensitive to contradictions, and critically evaluate the results obtained. The teacher's knowledge system should include, on the one hand, worldview and general cultural levels, and, on the other hand, the level of special knowledge (knowledge in pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods). A university teacher must also have knowledge in the field of related disciplines, practical knowledge of the specifics of the production where the graduate will work.

structural component pedagogical activity implies the ability of a teacher to ensure the successful implementation of tactical goals: structuring the material of an academic discipline, selecting specific content for its individual sections, choosing rational methods and forms of conducting classes, etc.

The constructive component is manifested in educational, research, educational activities in the form of design or actually constructive skills.

Design Component pedagogical activity includes ideas about promising tasks training and education, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them.

These are the intellectual skills of the teacher, necessary for the mental modeling of scientific research or the educational process. In scientific research, it is the ability to clearly formulate a goal, problem, hypothesis, research objectives, to find the most effective methods study of phenomena and analysis of the data obtained, select information material for scientific research, anticipate and preliminary evaluate the results of the study.

Organizational activity involves the implementation of a system of actions aimed at including students in different kinds activities, on the teacher's organization of his own activities, his behavior in real conditions, as well as the organization of students' activities, monitoring the results of pedagogical influences and adjustments, students' activity, organizing joint activities. The main function of organizational activity is the integration of the efforts of all students, which is carried out under the influence of the teacher.

Communicative activity is aimed at establishing pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and students, correct interpersonal relations in the student group, anticipation and elimination of conflicts.

Diagnostic activity consists in studying the individual psychological characteristics and abilities of students, their level of education and common culture, the nature and degree of assimilation of knowledge by them, their upbringing and spirituality. Based on the results of this activity, the teacher gets the opportunity to consciously and purposefully design and implement the educational process, timely adjust their actions in order to ensure optimal ways to achieve their goals. This component is important condition success of pedagogical activity. After all, as K.D. Ushinsky, "in order to educate a person in all respects, it is necessary, first of all, to know him in all respects."

Estimated-prognostic activity is to some extent connected with the design and diagnostic activities. It consists in the teacher's ability to set specific goals and objectives, determine the content, forms and methods of teaching and educational activities and anticipate its results based on knowledge. individual abilities students, their readiness to accept and understand new educational material. It is on the basis of the results of this activity that pedagogical design is carried out.

Communication-stimulating The activity of the teacher is determined by the personal factor and consists in his ability to communicate effectively with students, contributing to the formation and development of their desire and motivation for active educational and cognitive activity. This implies his kindness, respect for the personality of each of his students, the ability to perceive him as he is. To do this, the teacher must be an optimist, an interesting creative person and have the ability to empathize.

Analytical-evaluative activity consists in analyzing both one's own actions and the actions of one's pupils or students, in identifying their positive aspects and shortcomings, in comparison of the obtained results with the expected ones. The role of analytical and evaluation activities is that in the process of its implementation, Feedback, allowing to evaluate specific results and timely make the necessary adjustments to the forms, methods and technologies of the educational process in order to ensure the desired compliance of its results with the chosen goals and objectives.

Research and creative the component occupies a special place in the overall structure of pedagogical activity, since it must permeate all its other components and types, analyzing them from the standpoint of the principles and recommendations of pedagogical science and adjusting them in accordance with its new achievements. The teacher's creative approach to his activity is the source of his constant personal development, humanistic thinking, striving for continuous improvement of methods and means of implementing the educational process.

Thus, the general structure of pedagogical activity is quite complex and includes various interconnected components, which makes it possible to visualize it in the form of Fig. 6

The presented components of pedagogical activity are not only interconnected, but sometimes overlap quite strongly. It is obvious, for example, that the implementation of organizational activity is impossible without communicative, gnostic without organizational, and constructive and design - without diagnostic and prognostic, etc. In their totality, these components represent a set of processes that make it possible to single out a number of successive stages from them.

Rice. 6 The structure of pedagogical activity

The stages of pedagogical activity are:

1. Preparatory stage - the formation of pedagogical goals.

2. Implementation pedagogical process: a) establishment of working discipline, working environment in the classroom; b) stimulation of students' activity.

3. Diagnosis of the characteristics and level of students' learning: a) analysis of learning outcomes; b) identification of deviations of the results from the set goals, analysis of their causes. A characteristic feature of pedagogical activity is that this activity is not individual, but joint. It acts jointly due to the fact that in the pedagogical process there are necessarily two active parties: the teacher and the student. In addition, this activity is “ensemble”, since the student in the learning process simultaneously interacts not with one teacher, but with a whole group of them. And when the activity of all (or at least the majority) teachers is of a joint, coordinated, “ensemble” character, it turns out to be effective and contributes to the development of the student's personality.

Pedagogical activity is creative. This is due to the fact that the variety of pedagogical situations, their ambiguity require variable approaches to the analysis and solution of the problems arising from them. And most importantly, since the main and end result pedagogical activity is the student himself, who is objectively unique as a person, so effective pedagogical activity must necessarily be creative.

Pedagogical creativity is the process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Creativity is an activity that generates something new that did not exist before, based on the reorganization of existing experience and the formation of new combinations of knowledge, skills, products.

The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of pedagogical activity and covers all its aspects: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic. However, for the implementation of creativity in pedagogical activity, a number of conditions are necessary:

Temporal compaction of creativity, when there are no long periods of time between tasks and methods for their resolution;

The conjugation of the teacher's creativity with the creativity of students and other teachers;

Delayed results and the need to predict them;

The need for constant correlation of standard pedagogical techniques and atypical situations.

The experience of creative pedagogical activity - the emergence of an idea, its elaboration and transformation into an idea (hypothesis), the discovery of a way to implement an idea and an idea - is acquired under the condition of systematic exercises in solving specially selected tasks that reflect pedagogical reality, and organizing both educational and real professionally oriented activities of future specialists.

In ancient times (the period BC), humanity has accumulated a wealth of experience in teaching, educating the younger generation. The greatest thinkers of antiquity, philosophers Democritus (470 or 460 BC), Socrates (469-399 BC), Plato (427-348 BC), Aristotle (384-322 BC) and others, reflecting on the nature of man, the ways of his improvement, lamenting the decline of morality in contemporary society, formulated the first pedagogical ideas , regulations, recommendations on the upbringing and education of children and young men. The sayings of the ancient philosophers that history has preserved for us, their works that have come down to our days, cannot yet be called pedagogical theories, attributed to the field of science. Philosophers themselves looked at pedagogy as the art of leading a child through life. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the first pedagogical views originated in the depths of philosophy and were the forerunners of pedagogy as a science.

Pedagogical activity is a purposeful, motivated influence of the teacher, focused on the comprehensive development of the child's personality and preparing him for life in modern sociocultural conditions.

Pedagogical activity is based on the laws of upbringing practice. Pedagogical activity is implemented in educational institutions and is carried out by specially trained and trained people - teachers.

The nature and content of pedagogical activity is determined by its subject, motives, purpose, means and result.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is to create conditions for the implementation of the prospects for the development of the child as an object and subject of education. The implementation of this goal is the result of pedagogical activity, which is diagnosed by comparing the qualities of the child's personality at the beginning pedagogical impact and upon its completion.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the organization of interaction with pupils, aimed at mastering sociocultural experience as the basis and condition for development.

In pedagogical activity, both external and internal motives are distinguished. External motives include personal and professional growth, to internal - dominance, humanistic and pro-social orientation.

The means of pedagogical activity are: theoretical and practical knowledge, on the basis of which the education and upbringing of children is carried out; educational and methodical literature; visibility.

Ways of transferring the experience of social behavior and interaction in pedagogical activity are explanation, demonstration, observation, game, joint work.

B.T. Likhachev identifies the following structural components of pedagogical activity:

  • - the teacher's knowledge of the needs, trends in social development, the basic requirements for a person;
  • - scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, the basis of the experience accumulated by mankind in the field of production, culture, public relations, which in a generalized form are transmitted to the younger generations;
  • - pedagogical knowledge, educational experience, skill, intuition;
  • - the highest moral, aesthetic culture of its bearer.

Pedagogical activity aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality will be more effective if it is built in accordance with the nature, culture of the child and the teacher.

In the course of pedagogical activity, a special communication arises between the teacher and the child, in which the participants feel for their own view of the world. The task of pedagogical activity in the context of the dialogue of cultures between the teacher and the child is twofold: on the one hand, to strengthen and develop the child's ways of thinking, position, worldview; on the other hand, organize interaction with a different culture (an adult).

In pedagogical science, two types of interaction between a teacher and a child are distinguished: subject-object and subject-subject.

Subject-object relations. In pedagogical activity, the role of the subject is the teacher, and the role of the object is the pupil (child).

The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity is characterized by goal-setting, activity, pedagogical self-awareness, the adequacy of self-esteem and the level of claims, etc. In this situation, the child acts as a performer of the requirements and tasks set by the teacher. With a reasonable subject-object interaction, the positive qualities of children are formed and consolidated: diligence, discipline, responsibility; the child accumulates the experience of acquiring knowledge, masters the system, the orderliness of actions. However, as long as the child is the object of the pedagogical process, i.e. the motivation for activity will constantly come from the teacher, the cognitive development of the child will not be effective. The situation when the manifestation of initiative is not required, the restriction of independence often forms the negative aspects of the personality. The educator "sees" his pupils in a very one-sided way, mainly from the point of view of compliance or non-compliance with the norms of behavior and the rules of organized activities.

Subject-subject relations contribute to the development in children of the ability to cooperate, initiative, creativity ability to constructively resolve conflicts. The most complex work of thought processes, imagination is activated, knowledge is activated, the necessary methods are selected, various skills are tested. All activity acquires personal significance for the child, valuable manifestations of activity and independence are formed, which, with a steady strengthening of the subject position, can become his personal qualities. The teacher in the subject-subject interaction understands his pupils more personally, such interaction is called personality-oriented. A personality-oriented teacher maximally contributes to the development of the child's ability to realize his "I" in relations with other people and the world in its diversity, comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, both for others and for himself. Pedagogical activity in this kind of interaction is dialogic in nature.

The nature of the interaction between the teacher and the child determines the style of pedagogical activity. A.K. Markov differentiate democratic, authoritarian and liberal styles of pedagogical activity and describes them as follows.

With a democratic style of pedagogical activity, the child is regarded as an equal partner in communication and cognitive activity. The teacher involves children in decision-making, takes into account their opinions, encourages independence of judgment, takes into account not only academic performance, but also personal qualities. Methods of influence are motivation for action, advice, request. For teachers democratic style Interactions are characterized by greater professional stability, satisfaction with their profession. With an authoritarian style, the child is seen as an object of pedagogical influence, and not an equal partner. The teacher alone makes decisions, establishes strict control over the fulfillment of the requirements presented to them, uses his rights without taking into account the situation and the opinion of the child, does not justify his actions to him. As a result, children lose activity or carry it out only with the leading role of the educator, they show low self-esteem, aggressiveness. The main methods of influence of this style are the order, teaching. The teacher is characterized by low satisfaction with the profession and professional instability.

With a liberal style, the teacher avoids decision-making, transferring the initiative to children and colleagues. The organization and control of children's activities is carried out without a system, shows indecision, hesitation.

Introduction ………...……………………………………………………….….…….3

1. Section "Introduction to pedagogical activity" ...……...…….……..5

1.1 The essence of pedagogical activity………………………..…………..5

1.2 Main types of pedagogical activity………………..………..…...6

1.3 The structure of pedagogical activity………………………….……..….8

2. Section "General foundations of pedagogy", "Theory of learning"……….…..…..9

3. List of used literature………………………………………...12


The teacher is the person

to pass on to the next generation

all the valuable accumulations of centuries

and not convey prejudices, vices and diseases.

A. V. Lunacharsky

Pedagogical activity- this is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions of additional education, etc.).

One of the most important characteristics of pedagogical activity is its joint nature: it necessarily involves a teacher and the one whom he teaches, educates, and develops. This activity cannot be an activity only “for oneself”. Its essence lies in the transition of activity “for oneself” into activity “for another”, “for others”. This activity combines the self-realization of the teacher and his purposeful participation in changing the student (the level of his training, upbringing, development, education).

Professional activity requires special education, i.e. mastering the system of special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform the functions associated with this profession. You will acquire these knowledge and skills by studying theoretical and practical pedagogy, engaging in self-education and self-improvement in order to achieve high performance results and reach a high level of professionalism. A person who is engaged in professional pedagogical activity can be called differently: educator, teacher, lecturer, teacher. Often it depends on the institution in which he works: the educator - in kindergarten, a teacher - at school, a teacher - at a technical school, college, university.

The teacher is rather a generic concept in relation to everyone else. The second chapter of the manual will talk about the types of pedagogical professions and specialties. With all the differences in pedagogical professions, they have a common goal inherent in pedagogical activity - familiarizing a person with the values ​​of culture. It is in the goal that the specificity of this activity is manifested. This goal is defined as a special mission, "the purpose of which is the creation and self-determination of personality in culture, the assertion of man in man." What, in your opinion, is the scope of pedagogical activity? Think about how wide it is, how many people go through this activity ... They teach and educate at home (parents, grandparents, nannies, governesses, tutors, home teachers), teach and educate in kindergarten (educators, leaders of circles), teach and educate at school (teachers, class teachers, after-school teachers, teachers of additional education). Thus, already in childhood, a growing person becomes the object of the pedagogical activity of many people. But then the person became an adult: he entered a technical school, college, higher educational institution, courses, etc. And here he again falls into the sphere of pedagogical activity, which is carried out by specially trained teachers and educators. Having received a profession, a modern person during his life will have to replenish his knowledge more than once, improve his qualifications, change his profile of activity, and perhaps, for various reasons, change the profession itself.

1. Section "Introduction to pedagogical activity"

  1. The essence of pedagogical activity

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which is called pedagogical. It is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring the culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.
Obviously, this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, the mass media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second - general pedagogical, which, voluntarily or involuntarily, each person carries out in relation to himself, being engaged in self-education and self-education.

Pedagogical activity as a professional activity takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.
The goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the realization of the goal of education, which even today is considered by many as the universal ideal of a harmoniously developed personality coming from the depths of centuries. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.

As the main objects of the goal of pedagogical activity, the educational environment, the activities of the pupils, the educational team and the individual characteristics of the pupils are distinguished. The realization of the goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, and the development of an individual's individuality.

The main functional unit, through which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is pedagogical action as a unity of goals and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursion, individual conversation, etc.), but is not limited to any of them. At the same time, pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual.

  1. Main types of pedagogical activity

Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activities carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work.

Educational work - this is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various types of activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of the harmonious development of the individual. A teaching - This is a type of educational activity that is aimed at managing primarily cognitive activity schoolchildren. By and large, pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. Such an understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing.
Education, the disclosure of the essence and content of which is devoted to many studies, only conditionally, for convenience and deeper knowledge of it, is considered in isolation from education. Without the unity of teaching and educational work, it is not possible to implement these elements of education. Figuratively speaking, a holistic pedagogical process in its content aspect is a process in which "educational education" and "educational education" are merged (A. Diesterweg).

Compare in in general terms teaching activity, which takes place both in the learning process and outside school hours, and educational work, which is carried out in a holistic pedagogical process.
Teaching, carried out within the framework of any organizational form, and not just a lesson, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the learning goal.

Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, because it is unattainable within the time limits of the organizational form. In educational work, one can only provide for the consistent solution of specific tasks oriented towards a goal. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems is positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities.

The content of training, and, consequently, the logic of teaching, can be hard-coded, which is not allowed by the content of educational work. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms: attitude to society, to work, to people, to science (teaching), to nature, to things, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, to oneself.

If in the learning process almost everything can be proved or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to cause and consolidate certain relationships of a person, since freedom of choice plays a decisive role here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formed cognitive interest and attitude to learning activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.

The identification of the specifics of the main types of pedagogical activity shows that teaching and educational work in their dialectical unity take place in the activities of a teacher of any specialty.

1.3. The structure of pedagogical activity

In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multilevel system, the components of which are the goal, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, the approach of identifying its components as relatively independent functional activities of the teacher prevails.

constructive activity, in turn, it is divided into constructive-content (selection and composition of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process), constructive-operational (planning one's actions and students' actions) and constructive-material (designing the educational and material base of the pedagogical process).

Organizational activityinvolves the implementation of a system of actions aimed at including students in various activities, creating a team and organizing joint activities.

Communicative activityis aimed at establishing pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and pupils, other teachers of the school, members of the public, and parents.
However, these components, on the one hand, can equally be attributed not only to pedagogical, but also to almost any other activity, and on the other hand, they do not reveal all aspects and areas of pedagogical activity with sufficient completeness.

2. Section "General foundations of pedagogy", "Theory of learning"





Development - it is an objective process of internal, consistent quantitative and qualitative changes in the physical and spiritual forces of a person. Can be distinguished physical development mental, social, spiritual. Personal development is carried out under the influence of external and internal, social and natural, controlled and uncontrolled factors.

Category "education" one of the most important in pedagogy. Allocate education in a broad social sense, as a social phenomenon, understood as a social impact on the individual.

Education as a social phenomenonis the transfer of cultural and historical experience to the younger generation in order to prepare it for independent public life and production work.

In doing so, the educator:

  1. transfers to the pupil the experience accumulated by mankind; introduces him to universal human values;
  2. introduces students to the world of culture; forms a worldview; attitudes (to oneself, the world around, work, etc.);
  3. stimulates self-education;
  4. forms ways of behavior, communication skills aimed at productive communication, conflict resolution and difficult life situations.

On the other hand, the student:

  1. mastering the experience human relations and fundamentals of culture;
  2. works on himself (is engaged in self-education and self-education);
  3. learning how to communicate and behave.

The following areas of education can be distinguished: mental, moral, physical, labor, aesthetic, etc.

Pedagogy explores the essence of education, its patterns, trends and development prospects, develops theories and technologies of education, determines its principles, content, forms and methods.

Another category of pedagogy is teaching - is understood as a specially organized process of purposeful interaction between the teacher and students, as a result of which the assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of thinking and activity is ensured, which ensures the development of the student.

In doing so, the teacher:

  1. teaches - purposefully transfers knowledge, life experience, methods of activity, the foundations of culture and scientific knowledge;
  2. manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities; experience of creative activity;
  3. creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking, etc.).

On the other hand, the student:

  1. learns - masters the information offered and performs study tasks(with the help of a teacher, in a group or independently);
  2. carries out independent observations and performs mental operations (comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, etc.);
  3. shows initiative in the search for new knowledge, additional sources of information (reference book, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Thus, the dialectical relation "education - education" is aimed primarily at the development of the activity and personal characteristics of a person based on his interests, acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

But a person is not a vessel where the experience of mankind is placed, he himself is capable of acquiring this experience and creating something new. Therefore, the main factors of human development are self-education, self-education, self-training, self-improvement.

  1. the value of a developing person and society, a means of developing the individual, social consciousness and society as a whole;
  2. a single process of training and education of a person;
  3. as a result of the learning process;
  4. like a system.

Education as a system is a specially organized set ofeducational and educational, cultural and educational institutions, institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel. It carries out the educational process in accordance with the goals, standards, curricula and programs with the help of specially trained teachers. All educational institutions in the state are united in single system education.

At the present stage of development of pedagogical science, the relationship between education, training and upbringing is reflected in the Law "On Education".


  1. Ananiev BG Man as a subject of knowledge. L., 1969.
  2. Introduction to Scientific research in pedagogy: Tutorial for students. M.: Pedagogy. 1988.
  3. Zhuravlev V. I. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. - M.: Enlightenment. 1990.
  4. Nikitin A.R. Pedagogy of human rights. A guide for teachers. - M., 1993.
  5. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for high schools. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Peter", 2000.
  6. Selivanov V.S. Fundamentals of general pedagogy: Theory and methods of education. Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. – M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2000.
  7. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, systems, technologies: Proc. for stud. higher and avg. textbook institutions / S.A. Smirnov, I.B. Kotov and others - M .: Ed. Center "Academy", 1999.
  8. Pedagogy. / Ed. P.I. piddly. - M., 1998.
  9. Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. - Mn., 1998.

With the advent of the teaching profession, however, it did not disappear from public life anywhere. family education, public education, spontaneous and casual education of children and youth.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in a kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; pedagogical function realizes art; doctors, journalists, directors become teachers-educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of universal culture.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical activity is to form relationships between people in various fields.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relationships- a person is brought up primarily in the family, under the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he has an impact on the people around him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as a person, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then continue for most people throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in the collectives of enterprises. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young, leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interpersonal relations - the establishment of relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, an agreement in the field of international, interpersonal relations.

We have identified areas in which general pedagogical activity is manifested. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activity, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of pedagogical activity.

According to the psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of the teacher, aimed at solving the problems of development and education of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, p.15..

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children of different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutions, institutions of additional education, etc.) Introduction to pedagogical activity. M., Academy. 2000, p.6..

Features of pedagogical activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living developing personality. characteristic feature object of pedagogical activity is that he acts simultaneously as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of pedagogical activity, not only interest in it, enthusiasm for it, responsibility for it is important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves to the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one of them is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and cognizing the essence of the phenomenon under study, a tool for communication and organizing the activities of schoolchildren. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental image of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and habits, in the features of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious, they can be distant in time. In the process of development of the child's personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and there may be directly opposite ones. In some cases, there are difficulties in assessing the results of pedagogical activity from the current positions of society. For example, a teacher brings up moral values, guidelines, which, from the standpoint of today's specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let's consider one more feature of pedagogical activity that is very relevant today. Modern market relations suggest considering pedagogical activity as a sphere for the provision of educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights are: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are ensured by the action of educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice of educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantor of the quality of educational services. In this sense, educational services are those that can provide government agencies people, institutions and organizations. Thus, educational services are provided to society through educational activities in educational institutions.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently constructed, organized pedagogical activity. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activity. The question arises - can a mass profession be based on a single talent, vocation? Or can anyone do this?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, forms of professional training. Such contraindications may be psychological plan. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or categorically unacceptable for certain health disorders, diseases, character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession that A.V. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors don't think it will get better, and you agree with them, then it's better to take a quieter job than teaching.

If you, despite long and hard work on yourself, have poor diction, then you better not go to the teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to connect with people, then do not rush to enter a teacher training institution.

If people, younger or older, cause you persistent dislike or constantly annoy, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the path of a teacher.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before you become a teacher.

If you are captured by any idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to give it up and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct the mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after checking yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Pedagogical work is characterized by a very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to seize them with their pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as the People's Commissar of Health I.A. Semashko noted, exceptionally high neuropsychological stress. The work of the teacher is excessively large in volume, is associated with handicapped recreation and outdoor activities.

Contraindications to the choice of professions of this type (including teaching) are weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, lack of sociability, pronounced physical disabilities (sadly), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people "stupidity", lack of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student of pedagogical educational institution? No need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book contains various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of the teacher's personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. S.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one's own Self.

see also

Marx K., Engels F. Op. - T. 23., p. 50, 188-189.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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