Figure 1 snow. How to draw snow in a winter landscape

The topic “what color is snow” is another kindergarten, to my mind. At least, I remember that I conducted such a lesson for the kids. And they confidently answered me that the color of snow is NOT white.

However, in the works of adults, I now and then come across extremely unpicturesque solutions using pure white and gray monochrome colors from a mixture of white and black.

So how to draw snow in a landscape? What color is snow if not white?

Let's leave aside the jokes about yellow snow and the sadness of ecologists about black snow, let's turn to elementary knowledge of physics and optics. And let's see how this problem, the selection of the color of snow for the picture, is solved by the artists.

But first, I'll give you a disclaimer -


If we talk about painting, that is. drawing with opaque paints and materials: oil, gouache, acrylic, pastel, and if we mean realistic painting (not decorative, where pure white is acceptable), then pure white color from a tube should be used with extreme caution.

In paints, the tonal range is much smaller than in nature. That's why taken for pure white or bright glare or, if we take the teachings of Krymov, a white wall illuminated by the bright sun.

Snow in its structure is somewhat different from the wall (I will talk about this below), so you should not draw it with pure white. At the very least, such areas in the picture should be justified by something.

A. Savrasov “Village in winter”, 1880-1890

And that's where let's say pure white, so it's in watercolor.

Rather, we are not talking here about the use of white ink, but about areas of uninked paper, which takes on the role of pure white.

AT this case watercolor acts as a graphic material, and in graphics it is quite acceptable.

Having made this reservation, let us return to painting.


Let's look at the pictures famous artists to understand what colors they used to write white snow.

For clarity, I measured the necessary sections in Photoshop and rendered them separately:

A. Savrasov “Winter Road”

In this painting by Savrasov, we see that the snow is written in different shades of gray. They are almost achromatic, i.e. contain a minimum of pure spectral color, more white and black.

However pure color in the mixture of these shades is still necessarily present, without it, gray would seem foreign, dead.

So, in this picture, gray has impurities of pink, orange, ocher, purple. (I can't tell you what colors Savrasov mixed, technically different options can be used here, I'm talking about the presence of a color tone).

How do you know what pure spectral color is used in a grayscale?

Warm shades in the color of snow, as in this painting by Savrasov, are found in “old” snow, i.e. compressed, dense.

If the snow is fresh, then even in the bright sun it will be rather bluish.

Paul Gauguin "Breton village in the snow"

Why blueish?

After all, we know that bright sunlight is warm, and shadows are cold. And white objects in the sun will have a warm tint.

However, snow is a slightly different matter. It is a set of crystals of frozen water. And the crystal, as we know, has facets that reflect light.

A. Kuindzhi “Winter”

So, a ray of light, falling on the edges of these crystals, is reflected many times. And the fresher the snow, the more loose and airy it is, the stronger the light wave is lost in the depths of this snow cover and returns reflected, having lost some of the color waves.

That is why fresh snow differs in color from more mature, packed snow, which will approach ordinary surfaces in its properties.

I. Levitan “March”

If we talk about the color of the shadows in the snow, then they will acquire an even more powerful cold sound.

On a bright sunny day, even a person with poorly developed color perception sees that the shadows have a blue tint.

B. Kustodiev “Skiers”

At the same time, the artist, within the framework of his style, can increase or decrease color brightness. Those. how to twist the "saturation" lever and show the viewer all the colors more sonorous, open.

This is very typical for the work of Igor Grabar, for example:

I. Grabar “Winter morning”

By the example of this picture, by the way, we see that snow at dawn or dusk can acquire not only bluish, but also clearly pinkish, yellowish, greenish hues.

This is because at this time of day the sunlight itself is not white, but pink or orange.

N. Krymov "Winter Evening"

When drawing snow in a landscape, you should remember and general rules color changes in space.

So let's sum it up:


1. It is impractical to draw snow with pure white from a tube.

2. The shade of the color for snow should not be achromatic, it has a pure color.

3. In cloudy weather, the shades of snow are less saturated, closer to gray, and may have a warm sound.

4. In sunny weather, shades of snow, especially fresh, tend to blue.

5. The color of the snow also depends on the color of the lighting and the distance of the objects.

I hope this article was useful to you and you will share it on social networks:

Check out other articles on the topic of color matching in painting:

A snowball outside the window is an excellent occasion to take a brush in your hands and depict all the charm of winter-winter. Show the kids several ways to draw snowdrifts, "crystal" trees, "horned" snowflakes, fluffy animals, and let the winter "painting" bring the joy of creativity and decorate your home.

Music to create masterpieces

So, let's turn on some nice background music and… draw winter with the kids!

Draw "snow"

You can imitate snow in the picture in different ways.

Option number 1. Draw with PVA glue and semolina. Squeeze out the right amount of glue directly from the tube, if necessary, you can smear it with a brush (if you plan to cover large surfaces). Sprinkle the image with semolina. After drying, shake off the excess cereal.

Option number 2. Draw with salt and flour. Mix 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup of salt and the same amount of flour. We stir the “snow” well and draw winter!

Option number 3. Draw with toothpaste. Toothpaste perfectly fulfills the role of "snow" in the drawings. It can be tinted with watercolor or gouache if you want to get a color image.

Drawings with white paste on dark paper look beautiful. And they SMELL delicious!

The most popular toothpaste won, perhaps, for the fact that it is easily washed off, so you can draw with paste on glass. Feel free to take tubes in your hands and let's go decorate mirrors, windows and other glass surfaces in the house!

Option number 4. Draw with shaving foam. If you mix PVA glue with shaving foam (in equal proportions), you get an excellent "snow" paint.

Option number 5. Painting with salt. If you pour salt on a drawing circled with PVA glue, you get a sparkling snowball.

Drawing on crumpled paper

An unusual effect will be obtained if you draw on previously crumpled paper. The paint will remain in creases and form something like crackle.

Drawing with stencils

Stencils make the process of drawing easier for those who "don't know how" (as it seems to him). If you use several stencils at the same time, you can get an unexpected effect.

Leaving the part of the image covered by the stencil unpainted, you can pay more attention to the background: sprinkle salt on the still wet surface, apply strokes with a hard brush in different sides etc. Experiment!

Several sequentially superimposed stencils and splashes. It is convenient to use an old toothbrush or a hard bristle brush for this purpose.

A knitted snowflake will help create real lace on paper. Any thick paint will do: gouache, acrylic. You can use a can (spray from a short distance strictly vertically).

We draw with wax

Wax drawings look unusual. Using an ordinary (not colored) candle, draw a winter landscape, and then cover the sheet with dark paint. The image "appears" right in front of your eyes!

Who are you? Seal?

The effect of fluffy wool will help to create a simple technique: dip a flat brush into thick paint (gouache) and apply strokes with a “poke”. Drawings with white paint always look better on a dark contrasting background. All shades of blue are perfect for winter motifs.

How to draw winter trees

The crowns of these trees are made using a plastic bag. Dip in paint and dab in the right places - that's the whole secret of "snow caps" for trees.

Suitable for kids finger painting. We dip the index finger in thick gouache and generously sprinkle snow on the branches!

Unusually beautiful snow-covered trees are obtained using cabbage leaf. Cover a sheet of Beijing cabbage with white gouache - and voila! On a colored background, such a painting looks especially impressive.

No cabbage - no problem. Any leaves with pronounced veins will do. You can even donate your favorite ficus. The only BUT, remember that the juice of many plants is poisonous! Make sure that the child does not taste his new “brush”.

The trunk is a handprint. Everything else is a matter of minutes.

A favorite technique for many is blowing paint through a tube. We create “snowiness” using the fingerprints of a small artist.

Not everyone will guess how this charming Birch Grove. A resourceful artist used masking tape! Cut strips of the desired width and glue on White list. Paint over the background and remove the paint. Draw characteristic "lines" so that the birches become recognizable. The moon is made in the same way. Suitable for these purposes thick paper, the adhesive tape should not be too sticky, so as not to damage the top layer of the pattern.

Draw with bubble wrap

Apply on bubble wrap white paint and apply to the finished drawing. Here comes the snow!

The same technique can be applied in applications.

The snowman has melted. It's a pity…

This idea is suitable for the most young artists, and for those who want to make a gift "with humor". Cut out “spare parts” for the snowman from colored paper in advance: nose, eyes, hat, twig hands, etc. Draw a melted puddle, wait for the paint to dry and glue what is left of the poor snowman. Such a drawing could be great gift relatives on behalf of the baby. More ideas in our article.

Draw with palms

An easy way to create a wonderfully touching Christmas card is to tell a story about funny snowmen. A whole family will turn out if, on the basis of a palm print, draw carrot noses, coal eyes, bright scarves, buttons, twig hands, and hats to your fingers.

What is there outside the window?

What does the window look like from the street? Unusual! Invite the child to look at the window through the eyes of Santa Claus or another character who may be outside in the most severe cold.

Dear readers! Surely you have your own "winter" drawing techniques. Tell us about them in the comments.

First snow. Drawing step by step.

Drawing on the topic: the image of animals in grades 1 - 3, for extracurricular activities and activities with parents
Drawing a hare with gouache. Master class with step by step photos.

Lukashenko Olga Valerievna, teacher visual arts MAOU "Pedagogical Lyceum" Velikiye Luki
Target: mastering the techniques and techniques of gouache painting, familiarity with the basics of color science.
- learning to draw a hare, the technique of gouache painting, familiarity with the concept of "colors";
- develop creative thinking, imagination and visual memory, the ability to work with gouache paints, the ability to select and combine colors;
- cultivate courage and accuracy at work, the ability to analyze your drawing.

Tools and materials:

paper format A-3, pencil, gum, gouache, palette (white plate), round brushes No. 3.6, flat brushes No. 5, napkins, water.

This spring, little bunnies were born at the Zaichiha. At first, she fed them, raised them, taught them how to live independently in the forest. The rabbits were very smart and funny. They learned a lot over the summer. Autumn came, the hares grew up and became completely independent, they could take care of themselves and help each other. The weather was getting colder and, surprisingly, the fur coats of the rabbits began to change. The fur has become denser, longer, but ... white! The bunnies were happy that they were so smart! But the mother hare said that it was dangerous. Such bright bunnies on the autumn grass are clearly visible and you need to hide until it will snow. Bunnies learned a new word - snow! And they began to wait for him. One morning, when it became especially cool, a large cloud flew in and soft fluffy snowflakes flew out of it. It was the first snow of this winter and the first snow in the life of the rabbits.

Step by step drawing process

1. With a pencil, we outline the figure of a hare: an oval is the head, a larger oval is the body, large ears, small front and large hind legs.

2. We carefully draw the figure of the animal with a pencil - the eye, nose, mouth, tail, toes.

3. Draw - "scatter" leaves on the format. We select the color scheme of withered autumn grass - ocher, green, brown, yellow.

4. With bold strokes we create the background of the composition - autumn grass.

5. We select the color for the hare coat on the palette - white, blue, black. dark color note shadows.

6. With small strokes, we begin to lay the fluffiness of the skin. We transfer the volume of the figure - from dark to light. Add pink to the ears.

7. We color bright small leaves ...

8. ... we denote large leaves with accents.

9. We write veins, twigs on the leaves.

10. We complete the "dry" bunny: write a brilliant eye, leave a highlight; emphasize the shadows, and the whiteness of the fur coat.

11. We complete the composition with swirling small and large snowflakes.

The history of bunnies is quite within the power of first graders.

This lesson will come in handy for you more than once in your life, and not only for art lessons. Infa cell. I'll show you how to draw snow with just one simple pencil. The difficulty is that when trying to depict falling snow, beginners depict snowflakes flying down. The result is, or invasion, but not snow. Below I will show you what the secret is here. Let's paint this landscape.

How to draw snow with a pencil step by step

Step one. I draw a horizon line. On the foreground there is nothing, everything is covered with snow. In the middle plan, you need to show the tops of the house and trees. And in the back.
Step two. You should always start drawing from those objects that are closer to the observer. I will sketch the trees and add.
Step three. Now I draw a wooden house in detail and add a window to the second house. Or is it a shed, I don't know, it's not very important. I draw mountains.
Step four. This is the most important point. Add shadows to the trees, the house, and the mountains where there is no snow. This is the whole secret: to draw snow with a pencil, you need to draw those places where there is no snow, and leave the rest of the space untouched. Look:
I have made many more lessons about winter for you, here are the best ones.

Look what fabulous snow pictures give us! From them and breathes magic, beauty, magnificence. Thanks to winter, everything around becomes so clean, bright and incredibly delightful. Before a snowfall, nature seems to freeze, waiting for a miracle. And with falling snowflakes, it breaks into our lives, changing everything around.

With the first snow, the photos are transformed, they become festive. City streets turn white on them, immediately turning into wide and spacious, trees put on rich fur coats, looking exactly like fairy-tale creatures.

Snow is like an artist painting his incredible landscapes. We want to look and look at them, every minute to find more and more unusual in the background. interesting patterns.

Therefore, with the advent of a magnificent time of the year, all people are trying to set themselves pictures on their desktops with the image of snow. Beautifully falling into the palms, white sparkling in a snowdrift under a street lamp, whirling in a round dance of snowflakes - it is beautiful in any manifestation.

Pictures with snow have an incredible variety of plots. With them, gray villages and gloomy cities become sweet. Iridescent hats on the roofs of houses, untrodden paths, tree crowns hanging over the alleys, like a column of crystal chandeliers playing in the sunlight. And how wonderfully snowflakes are decorated with photos of the forest, mighty firs and pines, wild animals.

Who doesn’t like to go quietly home from work in the evening, watching how the snow slowly falls, how incredibly beautiful it shines with its modulations, reflected in the illuminated shop windows. From this it becomes so light and joyful in the soul. And the snowflakes downloaded to your desktop allow you to save this happy state, sitting in an armchair under a blanket with a cup of coffee.

People are so busy with their daily affairs, constantly hurrying somewhere, they do not have time to notice how it snows, falls, covers everything around, how beautiful snowflakes dance and the splendor that winter brings us. Any image, photograph and pictures with the first snow for them is an opportunity to stop time and get in touch with the beautiful.

it is not only the luxury of nature, but also the cheerful laughter of children, their shining faces, enthusiastically admiring their favorite season. They run, fall into huge snowdrifts, plunging into them with their heads, catching falling snowflakes, making snowmen.

Snow pictures with laughing children will be the key to a great mood, tenderness and peace. They will be able to give warmth, even if bad weather broke out outside the window.

Pictures of the first snow - an unusual, fascinating, amazing phenomenon. It is like snow-white fluff so easily and naturally covers everything with its carpet. It becomes quiet and light, every rustle and creak is heard.

I would like to congratulate my loved ones on the arrival of winter. Send them images with a caption, magical snowflake pictures or first snow pictures. Let them become a little happier with you. And if at the same time you want to cheer them up, raising winter mood, use cool pictures on the theme of the first snow.

The most amazing beautiful pictures, which you can study for hours is a selection of pictures with snowflakes. You never cease to be amazed at their beautiful patterns, as if someone from above specially cuts or sculpts each one. Small ice crystals that unite into large families and give snow-white outfits to everyone. But at the same time, they are so fragile that they melt with a simple warm touch.

Winter pictures are beautiful and magical, they will help to warm up in the cold, will not let you freeze in the cold. Incredibly soothing and relaxing desktop screensaver snow, where it whirls, slowly flies and beautifully covers the gray bare ground. May everyone at this wonderful time find themselves in winter fairy tale and find a piece of happiness for yourself!