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When it will snow? Dina Rubina

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Title: When will it snow?

About "When Will It Snow?" Dina Rubina

The book When Will It Snow? - this is a short prose about the family, about life and death, about love and irony. You probably think that it is boring and banal? On the contrary, Dina Rubina touches on simple but very deep topics. Yes, there is irony here, but it does not depress, but gives an opportunity to think.

Dina Rubina, a famous Russian writer, a talented author of prose literature, once again pleases her readers with an unusual work. Despite the fact that the book "When will it snow?" was written in 1980, the topics are very relevant in our time.

The protagonist of the prose is a fifteen-year-old girl Nina, who lives with her father and older brother Maxim. Her mother died, and her father devoted his life to children, but as we know, life sometimes brings surprises ... A man met a woman who he immediately liked. Since he is only 45 years old, he decides that it is not too late to start a new relationship. Maxim was sympathetic to the choice of his father, but Nina did not want to accept this. She believed that with his choice he betrayed the memory of her mother. How often are children selfish in relation to their parents and think only of themselves? What will happen next you can read in the book "When will it snow?".

Ironically, Nina was seriously ill and had to undergo a major operation. The girl is very sorry, because she still has her whole life ahead of her. Yes, she is wayward and capricious in her attitude, but her father and Maxim love her very much and do not want to lose her, so they are trying in every possible way to protect her from unnecessary stress and mental trauma. How will they act in this situation? Will they be able to convince the girl that her father just needs to remarry?

Nina unexpectedly met her first love Boris, but a test awaited her ahead: a difficult operation ... Boris played a very important role in the life of the heroine, thanks to him she was able to understand a lot and draw certain conclusions. How will she react to the choice of her father now, when she herself has sincere feelings for Boris? Will Nina now be able to understand her father and approve of his choice? How will this story end, you can read in the book "When will it snow?".

Dina Rubina touches on life themes that take place in reality. This is the relationship between loved ones, understanding and support, true love, which so unexpectedly comes into our lives. This story is about life, which can be funny and sad, so it is so real that it touches the thin threads of the soul.

Reading such stories, you begin to understand that life cannot constantly revolve around one person. Dina Rubina embellished the ironic story with light and vital humor. The book When Will It Snow? it is easy to read and makes you think about the simple but very important things that we have to deal with in our lives. Each person has his own choice, which can bring joy or sorrow to his family, and this choice is ours.

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Dina Rubina - When will it snow?..

Type: audiobook
Genre: Prose
Dina Rubina
Artist: Dina Rubina
Publisher: Soyuz
Release year: 2004
Audio: wma
Total time sounds: 1 hour 20 minutes


The story “When will it snow?..”, published in Yunost, the most popular magazine of the 70s, which sold in thousands of copies, declared: a great writer has come to Russian literature. Watercolor transparency of writing, humanity, sadness, light, special "ruby" humor - even through tears and grief, but we will be able to smile! - everything was revealed to readers in this early story by Dina Rubina. The March book of the magazine of 1977, where there was a publication, was read to the holes, a performance was on the radio, theaters throughout the union staged a play based on the story, and a teleplay created from it was shown on central TV.

"Publishing House Soyuz" brings to your attention a unique recording of the gentle and wise story "When will it snow?.." - the author, Dina Rubina, reads it for you.


Syndicate (Rubina Dina), Rubina Dina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 61kbps
Author: Rubina Dina
Release year: 2018
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: VIMBO
Artist: Rubina Dina
Duration: 21:41:10
Description: At the beginning of the 21st century, which I still consider mine, after ten years of absence, I ended up in Moscow. The sensations were strange, phantasmagoric: it turned out that over these ten years my vestibular system and coordinate system, the sense of distances and the perception of reality have completely changed. For some reason, a lot of things seemed wild and funny (the sense of humor, as it turned out, also underwent radical changes). T...


Babi wind (Rubina Dina), Rubina Dina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Rubina Dina
Release year: 2017
Genre: Modern prose
Publisher: VIMBO
Artist: Rubina Dina
Duration: 11:07:54
Description: At the center of the narrative of this sometimes shocking, sharp and painful book is a Woman. The heroine, a skydiver and balloon pilot in her youth, having experienced a personal tragedy, is forced to do a completely different thing in another country, one might say, through the looking glass: she is a beautician, lives and works in New York. A whole string of strange characters passes before her eyes, because, by the nature of her current profession, the heroine encounters fan ...

but I

Dina Rubina Collection of works

Format: FB2, PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Dina Rubina
Year of release: 2000-2016
Genre: Contemporary fiction, essay, fairy tale
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 36 books
Description: Dina Ilyinichna Rubina is a well-known Soviet and Israeli writer, screenwriter, essayist and teacher-musician. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, the international PEN club and the Union of Russian-speaking writers of Israel. Laureate of many Soviet, Russian and Israeli literary prizes. She was born on September 19, 1953, in the city of Tashkent, Uzbek SSR, USSR, in an intelligent Jewish family of an artist and teacher...


On the Upper Maslovka (Dina Rubina), Dina Rubina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps
Author: Dina Rubina
Release year: 2016
Genre: Contemporary fiction, short story
Publisher: VIMBO
Artist: Dina Rubina
Duration: 06:14:43
Description: The artist is the hero of this book. Anxious, suspicious, absurd, tragic - a person, as a rule, not charming ... and yet, damn attractive to people! What the layman calls "creativity" and implies the bohemian ease of life, idleness, disregard for decency, then for the artist turns into a heavy yoke of talent, eternal rebellion and that endless battle for Life, which he wages with Death...


When the Snow Falls (Ruby Dina)

Author: Rubina Dina
Release year: 2011
Genre: Author's collection. stories
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vorobyova Irina
Duration: 07:12:17
Description: Dina Rubina can rightly be classified as one of the most widely read prose writers writing in Russian today. This book includes short stories and novels from the 70s and 80s.
Contents: I am ofenya (Instead of a preface) Preface 00:30:10 On Saturdays 00:29:49 This wonderful Altukhov 00:38:43 Blackthorn 00:53:19 Cleaning day 00:43:05 Dog 01:00:01 Home behind the green gate 00:24:56 Astral flight of the soul at a physics lesson 00:19:40 K...


Dark Elf 6. Curse of the Ruby (Salvatore Robert)

Author: Salvatore Robert
Release year: 2015
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Mila Rad
Duration: 15:19:29
Description: ... A magical mask now hides the face of the noble prince Drizzt Do "Urden. But his loyalty to his friends remains unchanged. Upon learning of the kidnapping of the halfling Regis, the Dark Elf rushes to his aid. Heroes from Icewind Valley will have to fight pirates near the Sword Coast, perilous wanderings in the desert of Calimshan, battles with monsters from other levels of existence and a solution to the ruby's sinister curse...


Cycle of Dean (Line Koberbøl)

Author: Line Koberboel
Year of issue: 2005-2008
Genre: Children's fantasy
Publisher: Azbuka-klassika
Russian language
Number of books: 4 books
Description: Line Koberbøl - ​​Famous Danish children's writer, teacher, publisher and editor, winner of numerous Danish literary awards. She was born in 1960 in Copenhagen, Denmark. She studied at the Aarhus Gymnasium, and in 1985, graduated from the Aarhus University with a degree in English language and dramaturgy. At the Disney World Art Convention for five novels for the W.I.T. ...


THE WORLD OF DEAN KUNTZ (collection of short stories)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Dean Koontz
Release year: 2017
Genre fiction
Publisher: Creative Group"SamIzdat"
Artist: Elderly Xenomorph
Duration: 05:30:26
Description: The collection includes fantastic stories by Dean Koontz of different years. 001. Bruno 002. Down in the dark 003. Robber 004. Killing eyes 005. Kittens 006. Three of us 007. Mouse behind the wall scratching all night 008. Ollie's hands 009. Twilight of dawn 010. Black pumpkin
Add. information:


Dina. A wonderful gift (Koberböl Line)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Koberböl Line
Release year: 2013
Genre: Story-tale
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Afanasyeva Evgenia
Duration: 06:46:24
Description: The mysterious fates of the heroes of the book will take you to a fairy-tale land, where people and monsters, nobility and betrayal are waging their difficult dispute. Who will win? Everyone in the village thinks Melussina is a witch and bypasses her house. In fact, she is clairvoyant and can expose the criminal with just a glance. One day, when a murder takes place in the castle, the owner of the castle, Prince Drakan, comes for the sorceress to point out...


Collected works of Dean Koontz (Dean Ray Koontz)

Publisher: AST, Ermak
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: They wandered through interstellar space in search of planets with intelligent life. They were looking for allies in the endless, ruthless War - the war for the high Goal of their race. They knew - it can be useful in this war - it must be! - everyone who has entered (voluntarily or involuntarily) into their universal battle. The next "reluctant warrior" is an earthling. But - what do aliens know about earthlings? What do they know about the human will to survive and win? Looks like a desperate p...


Alan Dean Foster's Wanderings of the Law teacher series

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Year of issue: 2001-2003
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: AST
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: And a strange vision appeared to a simple shepherd from a lost tribe. A vision whose order was NOT to be disobeyed. And he went, he went - he himself did not yet know where and why. And he had - just something: a sword, a spear and even a bag that was presented by the women of his village. And his path lay from earth to earth, from the Great Water to the Great Goal. He asked questions, and animals, trees and such creatures answered him, for which it is impossible to pick up a name. And the hardest thing was...


Alan Dean Foster's Guitar Wizard Series

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Year of release: 2000-2005
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Eksmo-Press
Russian language
Number of books: 8
Description: Jonathan Thomas Meriwether - a simple American student - accidentally falls into magical land, where he finds himself in a rather strange company, along with an absurd otter named Madge and an overly emancipated girl, Talea. The love of rock music unexpectedly helps the protagonist to extricate himself from difficult situations, although, as practice shows, singing to the guitar sometimes leads to rather strange results. List of books Series "Charo...


AKA Grace (Margaret Atwood)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Margaret Atwood
Release year: 2012
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Erisanova Irina
Duration: 17:49:35
Description: On July 23, 1843, a nightmarish crime took place in Canada, which still haunts psychologists and forensic scientists. The maid Grace Marks was accused of the extremely brutal murder of her master and his pregnant housekeeper mistress. Grace was unusually beautiful and very young - she was not yet 16 years old. The matter was complicated by the fact that she offered three various versions murders, while her accomplice - only two. But he from...

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