New Year's decoration with your own hands. DIY Christmas decor

A new river near a child's cage is a special podia. Babies still believe in the background of Dida Frost and fairy tale characters, check for gifts and miracles. To embellish the childish garden before the New Rock - on the right is a flower and the reception is one hour. Basically, the ambition lies on the vihovateli, but the father’s help, that їhnіh children can appear even more authentic, allow you to zanuritisya in the enchanting atmosphere of the past to the present day is holy. Roboty rich - you need to decorate the group, the hall, the gatherings, the music hall, the street territory. The decorations are due to buti savvy, barvistimi, but not to allow children to occupy and to support all visits with safety.

How to embellish a group to New Rock?

Vihovateli in the children's garden - the people of wine, the group before the New Rock, as a rule, embellish with powerful forces, without going to the expensive services of designers. Let me help you - a sprinkling of ideas. Someone who knows is new for himself, and someone who guesses well is forgotten old.

The theater starts with hangers, and the kindergarten group starts with entrance doors and a wardrobe for clothes. Doors can be embellished with a wreath, the basis for which is a solid frame and green paper or tinsel. To add to the new composition of purchased or self-made short cuts of kazkovy figurines, decorative zukerkas, small bags with gifts. With such objects you can decorate the doors of the cloak, attaching to the animal, so that the children would not have peace of mind.

You can put a small yalinka at the group, for the mind, that you won’t have the honor to take that igor, and we won’t risk turning it over. It’s better to do without garlands and glass toys. Children of the cicava. Such embellishments can represent a nuisance for them, and glimmering lights will not give a complete reassurance for an hour of daytime sleep.

You can paint a yalinka on a drawing paper and stick it on the wall. The original embellishment for this beauty will be photographs of children or toys, made by them on their own. Another option is a competition among the fathers for the best miniature yalinka. It is not victory that matters, but fate. The parade of the most manipulative yalinkas to break up a group of ostentatiously innovative.

Before decorating walls and steles, you can also get the fathers. A fairy tale is easily created for the help of handymen. Walls can be painted with special farbs and gouache, embellished with fabrics, paper, and foil. Light paper figurines abo cool - move up to the stele.

There are garlands and snowflakes hanging there, like children, out of satisfaction, make themselves. Let them stink actively to embellish (vitinanki here and take part in the improvement of their group.

New renovation of the music hall

Actovy or the music hall is the place where the early morning will be held and there will be a zustrich with Father Frost and Snіguronka. There, gifts are minted, miracles, it’s a little secret to cry for the door. Axis and it is necessary to show special diligence in decorating, so as not to disappoint the little mriyniks in their holy love - Novy Rik.

In every city, the yalinka and the windows can be opened with the most intriguing fires and garlands, obviously, with improved fire safety. The lower tiers of forest (piece) beauty are better to embellish with unbreakable toys, and the glass is higher.

Gifts can be folded far ahead of the yalinka, or at the introductions for them kut. Near each city there may be a kazkova hut, a merry snowman, small “copies” of Father Frost and Snow Maiden, be new characters. Drapery or lightening will add mystery and mystery to the composition.

It is necessary to drape one of the walls, so that you can see the stage for the performance of great and small artists. For this future, be it a streaming, gleaming fabric, but a better choice will be a unique material - polysilk. With the help of yoga, you can create a subtle Christmas effect and vikoristovuvat navitat street decorations, splendor and moisture.

To embellish the assembly hall, it’s not enough for children to “create”. Let them grow up more quickly to see new figures from paper and other handy materials. You can decorate with bought cuts, foil extensions or various curly sacks with paper, which is also easy to buy.

Decorate with your own hands vikna, go down, subvert "I

To embellish a children's garden on Novy Rik means not to miss a little bit. Descents from the side of the railings are more likely to be left in the calm, and new little ones and compositions are placed on the walls of the vzdovzh descents.

Mirrors and windows can be decorated with additional stencils and stained glass or another non-moving farby. The technique is simple. From the paper behind the template or the traced contour, the figures are visible and, after the help of the splendid guide, they are glued to the mirror. Zayva vologa climbs on the surface of the farb lightly "sharovaetsya". Then the stencil is removed - the picture is ready.

In the yard, obviously, there can be a beautiful yalinka. Її the role of a viconate can be a growing tree. No matter what, without needles, you can create for the help of green light.

With special garlands and light lines, you can decorate the fence, the facade of the building, the altanka for igor, trees, chagarniki. Do not work independently. It’s better to trust such a robot to fakhivtsy, for the sake of safety.

And yet there is one more part of the work, which means not the skills of special training, the skills of fantasy, the passion and the fun. Snow figures - be a new river to turn into a fairy tale. Fathers, especially active dads, will help here. Vinyatok is a vapadok, if there is no sound in the snow.

Newly holy to come to us early. Ale skin once the children check yoga with impatience and reverie diva. Try not to repeat yourself. Let the skin of the river be and new embellishments, and new joy, and new dreams.

We create a New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead of 2018, which should be met especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - a lot of great ideas are easy to implement with your own hands!

If in normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then in the pre-New Year period, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done together with the children by the whole family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window Design Ideas

Meet the New Year 2018 behind the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature is above zero outside. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become an exquisite decoration of your home. Paper snowflakes look very nice on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with handy scissors, be sure to think over the workplace and start creating decorations for the window. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. By using stained glass paint, which is washed off with water, and minimal artistic skills you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside, give warmth and comfort. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!”. Give the younger members of the family space to be creative as well. Don't forget to take pictures of the kids with their work in the background!

new year door

Here it is recommended to use Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for good luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options for sale in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any craft is good ideas for a present or his New Year's supplement.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating a house for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and fold over the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of soaring handmade jewelry.

Photo for memory

A framed photo is in the house of every person. Refresh them, give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or thick twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and hand-made drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photo on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls are everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, glitter, industrial decorations to decorate the room.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, from different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix windows in the opening in the kitchen and in the living room.

How to embellish the class to New Rock with your own hands?

New river - mabut, the most unforgettable holy. I want skin, I want to win clear, not abiyak. One of the ways to create a vіdpovіdny mood and embellishment is the most manipulative way. It dawned on me that the school assembly hall would be decorated with splendid susillas, but it’s acceptable, if your class is decorated in a Christmas fashion. How to embellish the class before the New Rock with your own hands, so that this hour will be remembered for a long time and switched on in a positive way? Let's look at the actual aspects.

Change of statistics

  • Decorate walls and windows
  • We decorate the stele

Zagalni respect for embellishment of the inter"єru

I realized that I was recognized as a class - to spend in a new primary occupation. Its decorative potential is not so great, however, if it is bajan (especially if you turn on your imagination to the maximum), you can still, without making significant changes to the interior, from the harsh placement of the house, the Svyatkov room.

For the cob it is significant: why is it necessary to decorate the class - for the Christmas Eve, or just to be shaky in the days before Christmas, while it’s busy in the new? At the first turn, you can destroy the parties in one direction, or put them in such a rank, so that the stench wins the function of the burning table. Wait a minute, the diagram of the duct-intestinal tract, otherwise similar images with embellishments will look no more than Christmas.

In another mood, everything can be robbed like є, and not more romantic and crying to disguise with tinsel or a "plank". A small piece of yalinka is entirely acceptable, so put it in a kutka someday, so that she doesn’t particularly care to move around the class. For her, toys are better than plastic ones: they stink, better, cheaper than glassy ones, and in a different way, they are less traumatic. Wanting to know at once glassy yalinkovі embellish is not so easy, at that hour like plastic sell literally on the skin rose.


Decorate walls and windows

How to decorate the walls? The widest and cheapest way is with garlands of colored paper. If you spend time and effort and develop exclusive embellishments - you will look individually and sing-songly "remember" for a long time. be of any variety and be of any style - at the same time there is no way.

The embellishment of the windows before the New Rock is, perhaps, the very winning moment: the openwork figures on the transparent aphids look simply miraculous. And again, you are still afraid of the choice: come to the store or work on your own? You can and so and so - skrіz є your pluses and your minuses. Just don’t forget, visibly snizhinki, that the stench is only six times less, nature can’t hurt others! And the axis of the Chinese mills can be mothers and big changes - it is so technologically easier to make; if you are like a false sovereign - you can buy it.

Crimson snizhinok, it is permissible to stick other figures on the veins: Santa Claus z Snіguronka; sledges, on which stench they came from Veliky Ustyug (if you don’t know, there is their “official residence”); like bunnies, a squirrel, a fox, and so on. Elektrogirlandi on the vіknі (more shortly along the yogo perimeter) will also look miraculous. Especially in the dark hour, if the light bulbs become visible in the glasses. And vzimku dark hour comes quickly.


We decorate the stele

Embellish the bed more folded, lower the walls and windows. The drabin is needed, especially in the class of high steles (it is often used in schools of the old sporud). The main problem here will be like this: where to decorate it? Zvichayno, first for everything on the lighting fittings. At the same time, in the class of a hanging stele of the "Armstrong" type, it can be credited for an aluminum frame, but a similar stele is far from creaking.

Garlands and other embellishments, yakі vy vyrishite hang on the stele, owe it to the lungs. Fortified lighting fittings and hanging stele and so carry a lot of vanity, and their supply of minerality is not without borders. Well, marvel at the fact that the garlands, hanging, did not bother to overdress according to the class. On what, perhaps, you can complete the task of how to decorate the class on New River with your own hands. And don’t forget that it’s holy to pass, and the children in this occupancy can still read, and therefore, embellish everything to blame without any problems, without cluttering up the traces.


Until the New Rock, one wants so much to build one's beautiful houses of a yakomoga. Embellish everything on the spot, so that the spirit of the fairy tale and the coming miracle is everywhere. Today we look at the variations of the wall Christmas decor.

Decorate the room with invisible garlands
There is nothing simple to buy ready-made garlands. But do not allow your own individuality - spend all your evenings in order to create something unique and original with your own hands.

For the help of the best knives or a special curly stapler, cut out from the colored cardboard a lot of figurines of the same shape - you can have cuts, swags, bags, bows, ensigns - that's all that's good.

Let's see with adhesive tape to fasten them on a straight line, one or one on a cotton thread or a lace.

Now you have become the lover of an exclusive innovative garland, as you can boldly hang over the fireplace, brace the walls, on the kitchen facades, or a chandelier or in another handy place. Golovna, that the garland did not stretch too much and fell off, creating a look of lightness.

Well, you fanatically love electric garlands and do not show New Rock without these charming lights, in which case you can also show your imagination.

Stash the garland so that it creates with itself like a little baby or an image. Tse mozhut buti chotiri figures of the coming fate, outline the yalinka, the rіzdvyany staff or other new symbols.

Everything can be framed with an unobtrusive frame, in order to clearly substantiate what you yourself wanted to depict, shards of electric garland dositnevagom, and light bulbs snuggle one to one lightly.

Weave a wreath
Tse can be round wreaths, hearts or stars. Selected from the needles, yalinkovyh igrashok, stinky threads, balls and other elements, the stench looks even more cute and original decor for the walls.

In order to make a similar wreath, you will need to make a stone frame from the same thread, on which you will describe decorative elements.

If the frame is ready, proceed to the design. Lay the elements behind the year’s arrow, starting from the center of the beast (even if it’s better there, better for everything, a bow will appear or else it’s fixed, to hang a wreath on the wall) - to give you the opportunity to carefully capture all the imperfections in the cinema.

For the hour of new saints, you can take pictures of landscapes and replace them with similar decor, hanging them on neat seams.

Paste Christmas prints on the walls

Dressing up the interior until the New Year, do not forget about the stickers, which can be safely pasted on the wall for an hour.

Decorate that wall, as it is in the most famous place in the city - even if you place decor here, it’s not too late, you don’t have to be afraid of bright colors and farb - it’s holy to fly through the air quickly and you can’t catch the stickers on you. You can buy similar stickers on numerical resources on the Internet.

When choosing colors, remember that it’s better to be surrounded by one, maximum two colors, so that the innovative interior will look more concise and thoughtful, so you can see yoga in a singing color scheme.

Don't mess around with the kitchen - I think they forget about the decor of the room. The most innovative thematic stickers can become the most important here - stench and Christmas spirits create, and do not take up space on the working surface.

Create your new calendar
If it seems to be holy already in the middle of you, and there are still many days before the New Rock, so it is acceptable to create a real calendar, sob bachiti, as the whole day is approaching the skin day. Especially similar advice is good to evaluate children. You can write secret notes, work badges, a smart calendar, put up a slate for worship. Golovnya - utrimati tse beautifully, it seems like the best saint in the rotation.

Take 2 identical sheets of chipboard or solid cardboard. Cover both sides of the slate farboy with a spray can, and let it dry.

Now take care of the fastenings - it’s good to see that if you want to decorate the calendar, you need to fasten, stitch, or support it for photo frames. The fastening on both sheets needs to be roztashovuvat identically, so the stench will hang on the same height.

You can vikoristovuvat tsyu the basis for writing in vіdpovіdnoї date kreydoy, as it will be easy to erase on the coming day. If you want, so that the numbers look neat, on the printer you can design and make a stencil, which will help you create a correct and accurate picture.

The calendar can also be made from miniature gifts. Buy a lot of other souvenirs, pack them in a box and wrap them in Christmas packaging. One of the elements of such a decor can be a tag, on which the number of the past month is stashed, and that name is “possessed”.

In this manner, you create a special excitement and confuse the roaring people with impatience for a new day, to bring one present!

Build your own yalinka 2d

Possibly, you were lucky to put a right yalinka in a booth - I live, I’m full and smelly. But Tim, who appreciates the joy of deprivation, is angry at not warto, even more smut - mood. For this reason, you can create your own unique Christmas yalinka right on the wall. Moreover, the yalinka is in 2d format.

Think about why the frame itself will be crushed, the basis of the yalinka - you can attach small wooden blocks to the wall, form cardboard, string, twigs, motuzok. Then, if the cob is laid, and you can outline your yalinka, start embellishing it. You can embellish them exactly the same as for the perfect yalinka, you just need them much less.

In addition, it’s important to remember that all the decor on Yalintsya is to harmonize with the wild style and not deviate from the wild concept of embellishing the booth until New Rock.

Model yalink toys
A new decor cannot do without yalink toys. See yourself as a designer and model a piece of author's toys. It is possible to build them with any kind of handy materials.

As an example, take into a cat for a needlework a sprig of threads after a color of balls with threads and attach a line to them. For embellishment, you can cut the ball with a bright braid, a thread with beads or other material. The toy is ready! In the same cat, find claptices of thin tissue, and make small figurines of yalinok from them.

In the same way, close the tasma and hang ready-made toys on the Christmas tree. For a couple of years, you can successfully steal a yalinka with handy crushed toys. And before this process, you should still be able to get other members of this family, you will sing a miraculous hour all at once, decorating the houses in the New Rock.