Map of visa-free countries for Ukrainians. How to save money on vacation abroad? Features of the Schengen zone

Today, you can relax in the states of near or far abroad relatively inexpensively, but each of them has its own separate requirements and conditions for crossing the border. Difficulties are associated with paperwork, waiting for a response from the embassy, ​​finding work for legal departure. There are also visa-free countries, the list of which has recently been expanded for Ukrainians.

Thanks to the visa-free policy of some states, you can get to Europe in 2017 with a passport. In addition to it, they may require:

  • travel agency voucher;
  • return tickets;
  • a written invitation from relatives or friends;
  • confirmation of solvency: passive income, turnover accounting;
  • the presence of a certain amount on the card;
  • tourist card;
  • a special form filled out in English;
  • customs declaration;
  • medical policy;
  • several photos in 3 by 4 format;
  • hotel reservation.

The list of required papers should be clarified before leaving at embassies, travel agencies, and airlines.

European countries for visa-free travel

Europe attracts tourists with a highly developed culture, long history, architectural sights, sea coasts and an acceptable climate, extreme sports, a high level of service, unlimited opportunities in terms of entertainment and shopping.

For visiting Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a limit of 30 days is set.

To travel to Belarus for the same period, it is enough to have a civil passport.

Stay in Turkey should not exceed 2, and in Montenegro - 3 months.

You can come to Moldova for 100 days.

Do Ukrainians need a visa to Russia? Staying here without such paper is allowed no more than 90 days.

The EU operates visa regime for citizens of Ukraine. These are the states of the Schengen agreement, which can be visited only with a special document.

These include Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Hungary, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Denmark, Malta, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and others.

Perhaps, in a few years, Ukrainian citizens will also travel freely in Europe. This is currently not available as Ukraine is not part of the EU. But we are discussing this issue in the European political arena.


List visa-free countries for Ukraine in Asia rather big, which gives many opportunities for travel.

You can stay in Hong Kong for 2 weeks. Visa-free entry to Malaysia and the Maldives is possible for 1 month. Length of stay in Brunei - 60 days.

You can stay in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Israel, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, South Ossetia for 3 months. If the passport has a stamp of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, you cannot visit Georgia. Citizens will be held administratively or criminally liable for this, so it's better not to risk it.

The limit for staying in Armenia, Abkhazia is 100 days.

In many states, permits can be obtained immediately at the airport. Most often, a special questionnaire will be required, photos sized 3 by 4, tickets to reverse side, may be asked to present an invitation from relatives or proof of solvency. You should also pay a visa fee, it will cost about 25-100 dollars.

Permission to enter Bahrain, Vietnam is issued for 2 weeks, to Syria, Thailand, Bangladesh, Laos - for 15 days, to Jordan, Cambodia, Lebanon, Macau - for 30. For a period of 3 months, it is issued upon arrival in East Timor.

Recently, resorts in Asia are in great demand. The interest of Europeans is caused by the desire to get acquainted with an alternative and in many respects the opposite cultural atmosphere. It is also associated with an increase in the level of service.

Here you can discover yourself in a new way, to know your inner world.

African countries without a visa for Ukrainians

There are not so many African republics that are ready to accept the Ukrainian population.

For visiting Swaziland, Seychelles, Ethiopia, a limit of 30 days is set. In Mauritius, you are allowed to stay twice as long. The borders of Tanzania, Togo, Uganda will be open for 90 days.

Permission to Benin, Djibouti, Cape Verde, Zambia, Egypt is issued upon arrival. In Tunisia, visa documentation is issued for 14 days, in Comoros - for 45 days. Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Eritrea welcome travelers for 90 days.

In Africa, tourists are most often interested in the natural environment: flora and fauna unusual for European latitudes, world reserves and parks, exotic landscapes.

American and Australian visa-free countries for Ukrainians

America and Australia are promising for today, but not such popular destinations for emigration. These are continents with their own climatic, natural and cultural features.

Which countries do Ukrainians not need a visa for? You can travel around Antigua, Barbuda, Bolivia, the Grenadines, St. Vincent, Jamaica for 30 days, only 21 days are allowed to stay in the Dominican Republic.

No more than 90 days can be spent in Argentina, Brazil, Haiti, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru, Panama. 90 days is the traveler's limit for Honduras and Guatemala.

Niue, Tuvalu happily welcomes tourists for 1 month. 31 days - duration of stay on Cook Island.

You can visit Tonga for 30 days by issuing a permit for this at the airport, in Western Samoa it is valid for 60 days.

Special entry conditions

In some territories, special conditions for obtaining a permit have been established, which provide for a simplified scheme for obtaining visas or, conversely, additional difficulties in emigration.

It must be remembered: you can travel only when there are 2 blank pages in the passport, for Brunei - 4. In addition, the document must be valid for at least three months. You need to clarify the information in the embassies.

Details can also be found on the Timatic website. This is a database that contains detailed information about emigration, about the rules of entry and stay in different territories. It is actively used by airlines and travel agencies to advise customers, collect the necessary paperwork and book tickets. You can contact them directly and find out everything you need.

Information that can be learned from Timatic:

  • requirements for international passports and permits;
  • advice on the health of passengers;
  • visa fees;
  • customs rules on the import and export of goods and pets;
  • currency transfer technique.

Trips to states that can be visited without a visa for the Ukrainian population are very attractive. Thanks to this, all conditions have been created for the active tourist life of foreigners on different continents. Modern geopolitics, aimed at expanding borders and free contacts between states, testifies to international trust and interaction. I hope this article will be useful and interesting for residents of Ukraine who are planning to travel in the near future. I wish you all success, good luck and inspiration!

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Celebrations on the occasion of the signing of the decision on a visa-free procedure for crossing the border of the European Union naturally gave way to practical steps taken by Ukrainian citizens to issue a new passport, find out the conditions for crossing the border and the list of necessary documents. Considering that the volume of incoming questions is only increasing, we have collected in this article the most relevant and frequently asked questions.

In this article, you will learn which countries are allowed to enter without issuing visas, what you need to have with you when traveling to EU countries, how to apply for a biometric passport to travel abroad. Here you will find a list of the most common causes, which may result in a refusal to cross the border, as well as information that will be of interest to residents of the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions on visa-free issues.

Basic rules of the visa-free regime with the EU countries

In short, the visa-free regime involves the abolition of the procedure for issuing visas to the EU, subject to certain conditions by those entering. The list of countries that have opened their borders for Ukrainians includes: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

In addition to those listed, the right to visa-free entry provided by the states: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican.

Today Ukraine has a visa-free regime with 119 countries. This significantly increased the value of the Ukrainian passport: it ranks 30th in the ranking, ahead of all post-Soviet states, except for the Baltic countries.

The introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU countries automatically liberalized the rules for entry into almost 30 more countries included in the Schengen white list. According to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we can expect in the near future a visa-free regime with all member countries of the white Schengen list.

Length of stay in EU countries

The rules of visa-free travel to the EU countries determine the possibility of Ukrainian citizens crossing the border and staying there for up to 90 days. Staying in the EU countries does not imply employment, even if it is temporary or seasonal. In addition to the duration of stay in the EU, Ukrainians are limited to the period of using a visa-free regime of 180 days. In other words, 90 days within a 180 day period.

If you want to clarify information about the time of stay in the EU, you can use the "Schengen calculator" by clicking on the link . Using the calculator is quite simple: you need to enter your passport details to get the exact number of days allowed to stay in the Schengen area.

Visa-free regime does not apply to those citizens who travel abroad to find a job. For these purposes, you should apply for a “working” visa, as it was before. At the same time, the time spent in the EU on a national visa does not count towards the visa-free stay limit. This means that upon expiration of the visa, as well as in the presence of a new passport (biometric), you can use the visa-free rule 180/90.

Many incoming questions are related to employment and visa-free travel. It should be firmly known that visa-free travel is not allowed for employment abroad. However, there is a peculiarity: the visa-free regime prohibits employment with payment in cash. If a citizen of Ukraine crosses the EU border to work as a volunteer (that is, without pay), such activity is allowed. Payment also does not include the provision of food and housing.

Citizens who cross the EU border as part of a business trip (business trip) do not belong to the category of persons involved in labor activity in the countries of the European Union. These persons can use visa-free rules without the risk of violating the law.

And, in order to complete the information block on the duration of stay in the EU countries, it should be noted the importance of compliance with migration rules, since this is fraught with deportation and a subsequent ban on entry into the EU countries.

What documents are needed to enter the EU countries?

So, what you need to have when traveling to the countries of the European Union:

  • Passport (biometric) or passport for traveling abroad of the old sample + national visa.
  • Confirmation of the purpose of the stay (this may be an invitation or a ticket to a concert, festival, etc.).
  • A sufficient amount of money for living for the entire period (cash or non-cash).
  • A return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase a return ticket, as a rule. Return ticket requirements are not imposed on participants in business trips, since such trips are not always regulated by any specific period.
  • Motorists when crossing the EU border must provide a policy "Green Card" (Green card), which involves insurance of civil liability of the car owner abroad.

Medical travel insurance (may or may not be required, but it does not hurt to have such insurance). Its cost is not so high, but you can avoid possible misunderstandings with border guards and have insurance coverage in case of illness or accident.

You can prove the availability of the required amount of money on a bank card by simply showing it to the border guard, or by printing a check at an ATM about the balance on this bank card. In practice, the verification of solvency is rather conditional. The entrant will not be required to have a pile of bank statements and information about the turnover for any period, as required when applying for a visa.

The rules for crossing the border of the European Union are spelled out in the Schengen Borders Code. In particular, it states that border crossing should be carried out only at checkpoints, if there are travel document and visas (if required).

When crossing the EU border, a mark is put in the passport by the border services. Practice shows that the more such marks in the passport, the more loyal the border guards become to the entrant. Conversely, a clean passport causes more attention from border control.

It is also important to know that crossing the border with the EU countries is possible not only from Ukraine, but also from any other country. That is, a Ukrainian who is abroad can use the visa-free regime if he visits the EU countries, choosing the point of entry at his own discretion.

Biometric passport, old-style passport and ID-card

Before we talk about getting biometric passport, it is necessary to define the terms:

  • A biometric passport for traveling abroad is a document that allows you to take advantage of the visa-free regime with the EU. This document contains a chip with information about the holder of such a passport. The chip may not contain fingerprint data (for various reasons), which is not a reason for denial of entry into the EU.
  • The old-style passport for traveling abroad does not contain a chip and is used when traveling abroad simultaneously with a national visa. It will not be possible to obtain a visa by presenting a passport with a chip (biometric). A passport without a chip (if you have a passport with a chip) can be used at your discretion until its expiration date. For example, traveling abroad on a valid visa.
  • An ID-card is an internal document that is an analogue of an internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine and has the same features and properties.

How to apply for a passport with a chip (biometric)?

You can issue a biometric passport (with a chip) at the regional offices of the State Migration Service of Ukraine or at specialized service centers. When applying for a passport for the first time (meaning that the applicant did not have such a document before), one should apply at the place of regional registration. The list of branches with addresses and phone numbers is posted on the HMS website in the section "Territorial authorities". If the applicant lives abroad, then you can apply for (renew your passport) by contacting a diplomatic mission.

For registration you will need:

  • Fill out an application form
  • Present your passport
  • Birth certificate for those under the age of 14
  • Service payment receipts
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for persons who issue a passport for the first time
  • When applying for a passport with a chip, you must undergo a fingerprint scanning procedure. This procedure applies to persons over 12 years of age.

    Due to many issues, you should be aware that for a number of reasons (moral, religious beliefs or physical defects), fingerprints may not be scanned. The absence of a fingerprint scan will not affect the quality of the passport when crossing the EU border. Moreover, information about fingerprints is inaccessible information for employees of the border services, experts and people familiar with the situation say so.

    The cost of the service today is 557 UAH 32 kopecks. (UAH 253 for the administrative service and UAH 304.32 for the passport form). Processing time - 20 working days. In case of urgent registration, you will have to pay UAH 801.32 for the production time of 7 working days.

    Passport for children

    Children under the age of 12 do not need to scan their fingerprints when applying for a passport. Registration is based on the data of the birth certificate.

    For children over the age of 14, they must undergo a fingerprint scan and receive an ID card. The validity period of such "children's" passports is 4 years. For persons over the age of 16, a passport is issued for a period of 10 years.

    And another note on the topic of children traveling abroad: children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by both parents or one parent with a notarized permission from the other parent. This rule applies when leaving Ukraine. This will not be required for entry into the European Union, but entry will not work without exit. Therefore, you should take care of documentary support in advance.

    How to get an ID-card?

    The ID-card is an analogue of the internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine. Citizens of Ukraine who have reached the age of 14, as well as persons who are replacing a passport due to a change in personal data, loss, and also in case of unsuitability for its further use, have the right to receive it.

    ID-cards can be obtained by persons who have reached the age of 25 and 45, who, according to the regulations, must paste photos into a valid passport. In some departments of the State migration service(GMS) in order to intensify the replacement of old-style passports with ID-cards, they insist on replacement, but this rule is not yet mandatory. The ID-card, like the passport of the 1994 model, is an equal identity card.

    To get an ID-card you need:

    • Passport (internal) of a citizen of Ukraine
    • Documents on the conclusion / dissolution of marriage, on the birth of children
    • Service payment receipt
    • Photo 10x15 (1 pc)

    A more complete list of documents is available on the official website of the State Migration Service in the relevant section.

    Information for residents of Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions

    For residents of the Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the same rules apply in issuing passports, as in the entire territory of Ukraine. The main condition is the presence of an internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine and the absence of citizenship of another state. However, the representative of the state enterprise "Document", commenting on the situation, noted the need for a special check and additional confirmation of the applicant's identity. According to him, if a passport of a citizen of Ukraine, TIN, an old-style international passport is presented, then residents of Donbass or Crimea will still be asked to provide some additional document: driver's license, birth certificate or any other document by which it will be possible to identify the person.

    Based on these documents, a biometric passport will be issued, giving the right to visa-free border crossing. Earlier, the media reported on the initiative of the President of Ukraine to issue international passports of the old sample to residents of the temporarily occupied territories. But this proposal was ambiguously perceived in the European Union, since such a measure runs counter to the principles of equality and the development of humanitarian ties for all Ukrainians without exception.

    Required amount of funds to visit EU countries

    The table provides information on the minimum amount of funds that you need to have with you when crossing the border of some countries of the European Union.

    Country Minimum amount per day
    Austria There is no fixed amount, it is determined on an individual basis
    Belgium 45 euros for those staying with private individuals and 95 euros for hotel stays
    Hungary 3.2 euros
    Germany 45 euro
    Greece 50 euros for adults, 25 euros for minors. min 300 euros for a stay up to 5 days
    Denmark 47 euro
    Spain 71 euros, min 637 euros regardless of the length of stay
    Italy 269.60 euros for 1 person for up to 5 days, for groups of tourists less
    Latvia 14 euro
    Lithuania €40, €82 for minors, €167 for those applying for a Residence Permit
    Luxembourg determined individually
    Malta 48 euro
    Netherlands 34 euro
    Norway 54 euro
    Poland 27 euros more than 3 days, 71 euros up to 3 days
    Portugal 40 euros, carry min 75 euros
    Slovakia 56 euro
    Slovenia €70, €35 for minors accompanied by parents
    Finland 30 euros, or on an individual basis
    France €32.50 with proof of accommodation, €65 hotel, €120 without proof of accommodation
    Czech 42 euros for up to 30 days
    Switzerland 91 euros, for students 27 euros
    Sweden 47 euro
    Estonia 94 euro

    Reasons for refusal to cross the border with the EU

    It was mentioned above what could be the reason for refusing to cross the border with the EU countries. It is obvious that a visa-free border crossing will be refused in the absence of the required list of documents. For example, in a few days of the visa-free regime, several such cases became known. The reason, however strange it may seem, was the lack of a biometric passport. That is, people tried to cross the border without a visa with their old passports.

    Another reason for the refusal is the inclusion in the sanctions lists of persons who have previously been subjected to deportation (expulsion) for violating migration rules or other rules of stay in the EU.

    During the first day of the visa-free regime, about 2,000 Ukrainians crossed the state border with the EU countries without presenting visas. 78% of this number crossed the border in cars, the remaining 22% - at air traffic checkpoints. Of this number, only a few were unable to leave the country for the EU due to violations of migration rules and the lack of a biometric passport.

    Europe has hospitably opened its doors for Ukrainians, allowing them to join the European culture, everyday life, to learn something, to adopt something for yourself. The visa-free regime with the European Union provides excellent opportunities for tourism and cultural recreation for Ukrainians. Let's deserve it!

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has even more ambitious goals - he expects to expand to more than 100 states.

    Most of these countries are in Europe. It is in this part of the world that 38 countries are located that Ukrainians will soon be able to visit without visas - with the exception of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as Ireland. To get to these 2 countries, you will have to visit diplomatic institutions and obtain visas.

    Visa-free countries for Ukrainian 2017: European countries

    A number of Asian countries also let Ukrainians in without visas - in particular, these are all post-Soviet countries in this region, except for Turkmenistan, as well as Israel, Turkey (this country can be visited even with internal ID cards), Mongolia, Malaysia and Indonesia. In addition, in 12 countries visa can be obtained on arrival, avoiding the long procedure of visiting embassies and consulates, and another 4 countries require visas, but they can be done via the Internet (Bahrain, India, Myanmar and the United United Arab Emirates). In addition, recently the authorities

    There are enough countries in Asia where you can get a visa on the spot

    One of the most problematic continents for Ukrainians in terms of travel availability is Africa. Only three countries you can visit without any visa difficulties are exotic Namibia, Senegal and Swaziland. In another 17 countries, a visa can be done on arrival, and a visa to Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire and Sao Tome and Principe can be ordered online.

    Only three African countries do not require visas from Ukrainians

    We leave for the Western Hemisphere: things are much better here than with Africa. In particular, in North America, without a visa, a Ukrainian can get to Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, El Salvador, Jamaica, as well as to dwarf Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint - Vicento and the Grenadines. A visa to Mexico can be done via the Internet, but if you want to visit the USA, Canada, Cuba, Belize or Trinidad and Tobago, go to the embassies of these countries.

    13 countries in North America opened their doors to Ukrainians

    South America is not far behind - you can get to half of the countries of the continent without visas (Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Chile). Bolivian visas can be done on arrival, while Colombian visas can be ordered online.

    Half South America open not only to the world, but also to Ukraine

    And finally - Australia and Oceania. Here, as with Africa, things are not very good - you can get an Australian visa via the Internet, but to get a visa in New Zealand, you will have to visit the embassy of that country. True, there are "visa-free" countries here, which, however, most apparently have not heard of - Fiji, Micronesia and Vanuatu.

    If you want to visit Oceania, get ready for trips to embassies and visa centers.

    Which countries can you travel to without a visa?

    The decision of the European Parliament applies to all EU member states (with the exception of the UK and Ireland), as well as an additional four countries that are associated members of the Schengen Agreement: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

    List of European countries to which Ukrainians can travel without visas:

    • Austria
    • Belgium
    • Bulgaria
    • Greece
    • Germany
    • Denmark
    • Iceland
    • Spain
    • Italy
    • Republic of Cyprus
    • Latvia
    • Lithuania
    • Liechtenstein
    • Luxembourg
    • Malta
    • Netherlands
    • Norway
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Romania
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Hungary
    • Finland
    • France
    • Croatia
    • Czech
    • Switzerland
    • Sweden

    What is needed for this?

    First of all, you need a biometric passport. If you have an old-style passport without an electronic fingerprint chip, you will need a visa. With any passport for traveling abroad, at the border you need to be ready to explain where you are going to stay, show enough money for travel, confirm your intention to return to Ukraine. To justify the trip, the border services may request the contacts of the host and documents: return tickets, confirmation of hotel reservations, medical insurance. If you cross the border by car, you will need to have owner liability insurance. All these documents may not be required from the traveler, but they must be with you.

    Who can use the visa-free regime?

    A visa-free regime is provided for tourists and short-term trips to relatives or on business. It will be possible to stay in the listed countries no longer than 90 days in total within six months. If you need to stay for a longer period, you will have to get a visa.

    For study, work and obtaining a residence permit, it is also necessary to apply to embassies and consulates in order to obtain a special visa for each of these cases.

    When will it start working?

    Ukraine has passed almost all instances on the way to visa-free travel. In December 2015, the European Commission recognized that . In the autumn of 2016, a project on granting the right to visa-free travel to Europe for citizens of Ukraine was approved by the committees of the European Parliament. In November, it was approved by the EU Council.

    9 March 2017 European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

    Today, for this decision, it remains to wait for its approval by the Council of the European Union at the level of ambassadors and ministers. After that, the document must be signed by the President of the European Parliament and the representative of Malta presiding in the EU Council. Then the decision is officially promulgated and comes into force on the 20th day after publication. EU Representative in Ukraine.

    Cancellation of the visa regime from European Union expanded the already not small list of visa-free countries for Ukrainians, replenishing it with another three dozen states. Thanks to this, the Ukrainian international passport took 29th position in the ranking of world passports, thus overtaking the post-Soviet countries (with the exception of the Baltic states).

    Now Ukrainians can travel without visas to 119 countries. The leading place in the ranking of passports belongs to Germany and Singapore, they can visit 159 countries without visas. In second place are Sweden and South Korea- 158 states. Residents of the UK, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Norway, USA, Finland, France and Japan are eligible for visa-free entry to 157 countries.

    The key point of any trip abroad is the preparation of documents, first of all -. The rules for crossing the borders of most foreign countries require Ukrainians to have a foreign passport with a validity period of at least 3 months at the end of the trip, and in some cases - six months. The document must have at least 1 blank page.

    The next important aspect of planning a tourist trip (vacation), which in most cases is a fundamental factor in choosing a particular state for travel, is the visa issue. The map of visa regimes of the world can be divided into countries with:

    • visa-free regime
    • electronic authorization
    • issuance of a visa upon arrival in the country
    • early visa processing

    Visa-free countries for citizens of Ukraine in 2017

    The list of states to which Ukrainians can travel without visas is growing every year. Vacationing abroad is becoming easier, but there are still certain restrictions for tourists. In particular, there are a number of countries for entry into which, in addition to biometric passport, may be asked to provide return tickets or documents confirming solvency. To a greater extent, this is characteristic of the EU.

    Read about the rules for visa-free entry and stay in Europe -.

    Visa-free entry countries with the right to stay no more than 30 days:
    • Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados (28 days), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei, Vanuatu
    • Hong Kong (14 days), Dominica (21 days), Indonesia, Malaysia, Micronesia,
    • Swaziland, Seychelles, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia, Fiji, Jamaica
    Visa-free states with a period of stay of no more than 90 days:
    • Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil
    • Hungary, Vatican, Haiti, Guatemala, Germany, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Iceland
    • Dominican Republic, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Costa Rica, Latvia
    • Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Russia
    • Namibia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Czech Republic
    • Romania, El Salvador, Samoa (60 days), San Marino, Senegal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Slovakia
    • Portugal, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Finland, France
    • Croatia, Montenegro, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Ecuador, Estonia
    Countries that do not require a visa (stay over 90 days):
    • Armenia (180 days), Georgia (365 days), Peru (up to 183 days)

    Important! Citizens of Ukraine for trips to Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus is not required to have a passport. A general passport can be used to cross the border.

    From June 1, 2017, Ukrainians are allowed to enter Turkey by internal passport in the shape of ID cards. When traveling by car, you should have Required documents: rights (it is desirable to have their Apostilled translation into Turkish), registration certificate and car insurance. It should be taken into account that in Turkey there are several toll highways, for which you need to purchase HGS card(sold at the entrance to the toll highway).

    List of countries whose visas are received upon arrival

    There are a number of states that formally have a visa regime with Ukraine, however, in practice, the procedure for entering these countries has a simplified procedure and takes a little time. To visit this category of states, Ukrainians do not need to open a visa in advance to visit embassies. Visa on arrival (VOA) is issued at the airport and at the border. Some of them are paid, which is worth considering in advance.

    • Aomyn (Macau) - for 30 days, Bolivia, Burundi, Guinea-Bissau, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan
    • Cape Verde, Comoros, Laos, Lebanon, Mali, Maldives, Nepal, East Timor
    • Mozambique (visa is issued at international checkpoints for up to 30 days)
    • Tanzania, Mauritius (Sivusagur Ramgoolam International Airport)
    • Togo, Palau, Madagascar (Antananarivo International Airport), Tonga, Tuvalu
    • Mauritania (Nouakchott International Airport), Thailand (tourist visa up to 15 days)
    • Tunisia (a visa for a tourist purpose can be issued at one of the international airports of this country, designated for the reception of tourist charter flights)

    Countries with the possibility of obtaining an electronic visa (e-Visa)

    To visit some states, it is possible to obtain a visa through the Internet service or by mail without visiting the embassy. The list of countries providing this service is given below:

    • Australia– to apply for a visa, you must fill out a visa application form and send it by e-mail to the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Based on the results of consideration of the visa application, the applicant receives an electronic message about the issuance of a visa, which is presented to the air carrier upon departure from Ukraine
    • Butane– citizens of Ukraine can receive tourist visa Bhutan at the airport upon arrival. Prior consent of the competent authorities of the country (Tourist Board or Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to open a visa is mandatory. The visa is valid for 15 days
    • Vietnam, Kuwait, Rwanda, Suriname, Sao Tome and Principe– opening a visa at the border with the written consent of the immigration service (can be obtained through a travel agency)
    • Ghana– A visa permit can be obtained by e-mail by contacting the Ghana Migration Department. The stamp in the passport is affixed at the border
    • Grenada– to apply for a visa at the airport, citizens of Ukraine need to obtain a preliminary permit from the Office of Immigration and Passports of the country for entry (Pre-Clearence-Letter) at the diplomatic institution of Grenada. Documents are recommended to be submitted at least 4 weeks before the planned trip
    • Zambia and Zimbabwe– visa can be issued at checkpoints or online
    • India– short-term visas for tourist and business purposes, as well as for the purpose of treatment with a stay of up to 60 calendar days, are issued via the Internet (e-Visa)
    • Iran- To enter the country, citizens of Ukraine must obtain a visa at the Embassy of Iran or at international airports in the country. Given the heightened security measures and the resulting visa denials at airports, it is recommended that you apply for visas in advance at the embassy
    • Ivory Coast– citizens of Ukraine must obtain a visa for a trip to Côte d’Ivoire at the Embassy of this country in the Russian Federation or order it using the website
    • United Arab Emirates– visas for entry into the UAE are issued through the Embassy (a mark is made in the passport) or travel companies organizing tours to the Emirates (an electronic printout of the entry visa is issued)
    • Cambodia– an electronic visa is issued with the consent of the immigration service
    • Mexico– the “Electronic Permit System” action, which allows Ukrainians, with a positive response from the SIR, to travel to Mexico without the need to obtain a Mexican visa. The permit must be printed and presented on the day of departure to airline employees, as well as to Mexican border guards
    • Saint Lucia- for the purpose of issuing a visa, it is filled visa application, which, in scanned form with a pasted photograph, along with a list of required documents, is sent to the email address of the Immigration Department of the Ministry of the Interior of Saint Lucia. Based on the results of the consideration of the visa application, the applicant receives an entry permit number, on the basis of which a visa is issued at the airport upon arrival
    • Sri Lanka– citizens of Ukraine wishing to visit Sri Lanka for tourism purposes can apply for a tourist visa valid for up to 1 month in international airport Colombo and border checkpoints. Travelers need to obtain an "Electronic Travel Authorization" (ETA) in advance at or through a tour operator

    Budget travel around the world

    Most Ukrainians believe that foreign holidays are never cheap, and in most cases they are right. However, you can always find an opportunity to save on vacation. The same travel companies often offer last-minute tours at a very low price.

    How to save money on vacation abroad?

    First of all, most effective way save your own money is travel planning. You should start preparing in advance (at least 1.5-2 months in advance), especially if you go on a trip on your own and for the first time. During this time, you can just find and book budget accommodation, buy cheap tickets, prepare the necessary documents and apply for a visa if you need it.

    How to fly cheap?

    It is quite possible to save on air travel, for this you can use low-cost airlines. The most famous are Ryanair, Wizz Air, Pegasus, Vueling, FlyDubai, AirArabia. These companies offer quite affordable prices for flights, and during the promotion period you can buy tickets for very low prices.

    Recently, even the Ukrainian air carrier UIA has begun offering tickets at low-cost prices. So don't forget to check the airlines' websites for promotions, this can significantly reduce your travel costs. The main thing to remember is that the earlier you buy tickets, the cheaper they will cost.

    To select and book cheap flights, you can use search aggregators, for example, Skyscanner, Aviasales, Momondo, Buruki. They can help you find low cost flights as well as information on the cheapest hotels, car rentals and holiday deals.

    How to travel cheaply by bus in Europe?

    In general, the situation with low-cost bus carriers is no different from airlines. The principle of operation is the same - buy tickets in advance or on sale. In the EU, low-cost carriers are quite common, so you can always pick up budget bus flights. For example, Ecolines covers 18 European countries.

    What you need to know when traveling with low-cost airlines?

    As a rule, low-cost airline tickets do not include any additional services in the price of air tickets, and you can carry luggage only in hand luggage for free. Checked baggage, flight check-in, ticket printing, meals, seat selection and more - for an additional fee. Therefore, after buying a ticket, carefully study the dimensions of the allowed luggage and check whether you need to do an online check-in yourself, print out a ticket and go through a visa check already at the airport (mandatory in WizzAir and Ryanair).