Message on the theme of the world of artistic culture of enlightenment. Basic principles of European enlightenment

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THE WORLD OF ARTISTIC CULTURE OF EDUCATION Municipal budgetary educational institution Elninskaya secondary school№1 named after M.I. Glinka Presentation for the lesson on GENERAL HISTORY for grade 7, history teacher Orlova M.V. Yelnya, 2016 World artistic culture Enlightenment. Lesson type: combined. Lesson objectives: educational. 1. Students learn that the 18th century is a bright page in history world culture. Outstanding creators sought to enlighten people, dreamed of correcting human morals with the help of art, with the help of their works they asserted the power of the Mind, faith in the ability of a person to withstand any trials, overcome all difficulties and hardships. 2. To introduce students to great personalities and their work. 3. Show the development of the ideas of humanism on the examples of literature, painting, music. Developing goal of the lesson To develop motivation for analyzing other people's actions and motivation for introspection To develop a humanistic worldview. 3. Development of aesthetic feelings. The educational goal of the lesson is to CONTINUE to form the foundations of a culture of educational work in students. Use the potential of art as a means of spiritual and moral development of the individual. Equipment and literature. 1. Internet.2. interactive board or projector 3. Cell phone.4.Tutorial. A. Ya. Yudovskaya, P. A. Baranov, L. M. Vanyushkina THE GENERAL HISTORY OF THE NEW TIME 1500-1800, Grade 7, Moscow "Enlightenment" 2014 DURING THE CLASSES. I. STAGE. Checking homework. Frontally (try to answer as many times and as fully as possible, work for points and vice versa, if the answer is not correct, then the point is taken away), additions to the answers of students are welcome. 1. Give the concept of "ENLIGHTENMENT", what ideas distinguished this era from the medieval worldview? 2. What unites ENLIGHTENERS AND HUMANISTS of the Renaissance? 3. What place do they assign to man on earth? 4. Name the Enlighteners of the 18th century. Individual task. 1. What did the thinkers of the Enlightenment see as the cause of all troubles and misfortunes? 2. And they saw the way to overcome them in………….. ………… …….. , inviolability………, non-interference……… secular life, ……… Answer class question.Score. Checking the home table: "Great Enlighteners of Europe" Evaluate the answer according to the memo for evaluating the answer (add, correct, additional question) Submit Reports and Abstracts for verification (optional) Go to new topic: Thinkers of the 18th century were distinguished by their belief in the inexhaustible possibilities of man. Today in the lesson we will be able to solve what problems do you think? PROPOSED PROBLEM TASKS FORMULATED BY STUDENTS: 1) what were the names of the new figures, in what country did they live, and how did they express their ideas of the new time? 2) how did musicians, painters and writers teach people to believe in their own strength, become responsible, achieve their goals? II STAGE. WRITERS. Daniel Defoe (1660-1731), England. Do you recognize the hero on a deserted island? Task: p. 195. What qualities did the author Daniel Defoe give to his hero, thanks to which Robinson became very famous? DEFO ENDOWED HIS HERO WITH EFFICIENCY, HARD WORK, FAITH IN OWN POWER. Jonathan Swift (1667-1747). Ireland. Assignment: p.196 Why did Jonathan Swift decide to write a parody? Swift was critical of many ideals of the Enlightenment, he saw that their noble ideas did not change people for the better, did not eradicate vices. Swift decided to write a parody and ridicule the vices of that society. The country of Lilliput is a caricature of modern England by Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais (1732-1799). France. “You need to destroy the Bastille to let this go on stage” That’s how much Louis X\// hated “The Marriage of Figaro”, because the author put sharp words into the hero’s mouth, “joked fools, was not shy in front of the evil, laughed at his poverty”, but never did not betray human dignity. The sharp words of the hero ridiculed the aristocrats and the Parisian theater audience carried them around the city. A few years later, the walls of the hated Bastille prison collapsed. Monument to F. Schiller and I.V. Goethe. Dissatisfaction with what has been achieved in fragmented Germany, the struggle for ideals 1. What unites them? On from 198 we will find the answer. Painting. Let's go on an excursion to art gallery. W. Hogarth J. David J. Chardin F. Boucher A. Watteau Francois Boucher (1703-1707). France. "Landscape in the vicinity of Beauvais" Assignment: p. 199. What was the name of the king for whom he painted these light landscapes? They were far from real life, but not bad decorated the interior with gilded furniture. This is the time of Francois Boucher, "the first painter of the king", who reflected the tastes and moods of the aristocratic society of the era of Louis XI Antoine Watteau (1684 -1721). France. "An embarrassing proposal." Between the lady and her gentleman there was a quarrel and the beauty is about to leave. A young man in the aside - laughs at them. The painting was acquired by Catherine // William Hogarth (1697-1764). England. "Self-portrait" without any embellishment, in a dressing gown. The conclusion of the marriage contract. About the mores of that society, a picture about marriage. Criticism of a marriage of convenience between the impoverished nobility and the merchants is Hogarth's main idea. Although on the walls of the room expensive paintings, as an inheritance to the son, only debts. Marriage of convenience became very fashionable in England: between representatives of the impoverished or ruined nobility and the merchant class, some received wealth, others became intermarried with an aristocratic family. Only the young will not be asked what their opinion is, the main thing is to quickly concoct a contract. Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin (1699-1779). France. "Return from the market". Painting about life. Still life with attributes of the arts. Commissioned by Catherine II. Created for the Petersburg Academy of Arts. ASSIGNMENT: P.201-202 What is depicted on the artist's table? Mercury, a medal, drawings, a palette, brushes - everything has a meaning, but what? Jacques Louis David (1748-1825) France. Task: p.202. What is the name of the painting? Historical plot? Musical crossroads of Europe. Test. We listen to music that was specially played before the start of the lesson. P.203 for help. Set match. one. " Moonlight Sonata about unhappy love. 1. Mozart.2. "Passion according to Matthew" on the plot of last days Jesus. Matthew the apostle, evangelist. 2.Beethoven.3. The "Requiem" about life and death is performed in the church in memory of the deceased. The author did not wait for its first performance. 3. Bach. 1-2 2-3 3-1 Homework. Let's read the last sentence-conclusion, pay attention to the questions on p. 204 and write down the task: paragraph 21, questions, and abstracts, reports - at will. STAGE III. REFLEXION. PROPOSED PROBLEM TASKS FORMULATED BY STUDENTS BEFORE STUDYING A NEW TOPIC: 1) what were the names of the new figures, in what country did they live and how did they express their ideas of the new time? 2) how did musicians, painters and writers teach people to believe in their own strength, to become responsible , achieve your goals? 3) HOW USEFUL WAS THE LESSON FOR EACH OF YOU?

Attached files

Sections: History and social studies

Planned results of the study of the material:

Students will learn that the 18th century is a page in the history of world culture. Outstanding writers of literature visual arts, music strove for the enlightenment of man, dreamed of correcting human morals with the help of art. Their works instilled in a person confidence in their own abilities, asserted the power of the mind, the ability to withstand any trials, overcome all difficulties and hardships. The ideal hero of the enlighteners.

Development of student skills:

Acquaintance with artistic culture will allow students to enrich the previously acquired skills and abilities in the development of historical and cultural material, to realize the successive links between the cultures of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.
Immersion in the world of art contributes to the formation of skills necessary for a competent viewer, reader, listener

Teaching methods: illustrative-reproductive, partial-search methods

Forms of organization learning activities : explanations, story, conversation, creation of pedagogical situations for solving cognitive tasks, exchange of impressions.

Type of lesson: combined

During the classes

1. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson (Slide 1-3)

2. Checking homework is carried out by talking with students

Questions for conversation (slide 4)

  • Think about whether there is continuity in the views on man and society among the humanists of the 15th-16th centuries and the enlighteners of the 18th century. If yes, please indicate which ones?
  • Think about what was new in the views of the French Enlightenment compared to the humanists?
  • Rousseau wrote: If you want to give strength to the state, then bring the extreme steps as close as possible; do not allow either the rich or the poor" Do you share Rousseau's point of view? Is it possible to solve this problem in practice?

3. Preparation for the perception of the new.

Today we have an unusual lesson. This is a lesson virtual tour in the 18th century, which is often called gallant. At different points in his life, a person can turn to works of art from other eras, trying to find in them answers to questions that are important to him today. And then the creators of art become his contemporaries.

Which of the Enlightenment artists would you call your contemporary?

And experts in the field of literature, painting and music will help us get acquainted with outstanding representatives of art.

4. The main content of the lesson

During the tour, you must fill out the table (slide 5)
Lesson plan - (slide 6)

  1. Humanists and educators
  2. The Extraordinary Adventures of Robinson and Gulliver
  3. School and Department of Education
  4. Marquises, laundresses and antique heroes
  5. Opera-like works by Cantor Bach
  6. Your name is Mozart
  7. Rebellious Composer

So, I present to you the first guide - a teacher of the Russian language and literature - Gaberman S.V. (the teacher presents the material in the volume of the textbook, relies on the material already studied by students, at the end offers questions to test primary assimilation) (slides 7-12)

Quiz questions:

  1. What novel was written for adults, and in our time has become children's literature? (" The life and amazing adventures of Robinson Crusoe.)
  2. Which novel was a parody of the English constitutional monarchy? (" Gulliver's Travels.)
  3. What work of Goethe creates 60 years? " (Faust)
  4. About what work did Louis 16th say “The Bastille must be destroyed in order to allow this on the stage!” ("The Marriage of Figaro.")
  5. Name the work of F. Schiller, where young lovers “defend their love at the cost of death "? ("Cunning and Love")

A gallant age cannot be imagined without magnificent paintings. Teacher of fine arts Bochanova T.M. will introduce you to them. (slide 13-19)

The material for the teacher's story is in the volume of the textbook.

Three great composers defined musical style 18th century. Nelmaer L.E., a history teacher, will introduce you to them. (slide 20-23)
(Excursion in the volume of the textbook, accompanied by short musical inserts)

J.S. Bach - Matthew Passion
W. A. ​​Mozart - Symphony No. 40
L.V. Beethoven - Sonata No. 14 "Moonlight" or others

Checking the execution of the table (if the table is not completed in full - finish at home)

5. Fixing

We turn to the problematic question posed at the beginning of the lesson.
Which of the Enlightenment artists could you call your contemporary and why? (Student answers).
To summarize. (slide 24)

  • The 18th century is a bright page in the history of world culture,
  • Outstanding creators of literature, fine arts, and music strove for the enlightenment of man, dreamed of correcting human morals with the help of art.
  • Their works instilled in a person confidence in their own abilities, asserted the power of the mind, the ability to withstand any trials, overcome all difficulties and hardships.
  • The ideal hero of the enlighteners is a person capable of a feat, self-sacrifice.

6. Homework p.20 complete the table.

Other tasks to choose from (slide 25-26)

  1. There is a dialogue in Beaumarchais's comedy The Barber of Seville:
    Rosina: Forever you scold our poor age.
    Bartolo: I beg your pardon for my insolence, but what did he give us that we could praise him for?
    What would you say to the character of the comedy that the Age of Enlightenment left as a legacy to mankind?
  2. Solve the crossword
  3. Make a quiz on the topic “The Age of Enlightenment. - striving for the realm of the mind"

7. Summing up the lesson.