Examination of gambling equipment. Why are these studies being done?

Currently in high demand. This is primarily due to the legal ban on holding gambling using slot machines. There are only a few special zones left where such activities are allowed. And in all other regions it is banned.

However, some entrepreneurs began to use some gaps in the laws regarding incentive lotteries, carrying out their activities in the same way. Examination of gaming equipment just designed to determine the legality or illegality of the actions of people conducting non-drawing lotteries.

Lottery clubs or slot machines?

Taking advantage of the obvious gaps in the legislation, many entrepreneurs give out machines for lotteries without circulation, and when faced with checks, they find a way out of this for themselves.

There is also the opposite situation, when, due to inaccuracies in legislative definitions, the owners of non-circulation lotteries are subject to prohibitive actions.

To determine the type of institution and the measures that need to be taken against it, an examination of the machines is needed, which will answer many questions.

Essence of expertise

Examination of equipment for gambling establishments is a complex event that aims to detect algorithms in slot machines, as well as hidden data arrays, mechanisms and other components that are inaccessible from the outside.

Very often, slot machines and lotteries are used to maximize earnings by installing in them such an algorithm for obtaining a win that makes the percentage of wins significantly lower than the average value.

If according to the standard algorithm, which is guided by the theory of probability, there is a certain value of the percentage of cases in which there is a win, then when the algorithm is changed, this percentage is greatly reduced. As a result, the institution receives super profits, and customers lose more than they should.

For example, the One-Armed Bandit has a winning percentage of 75. And considering that all machines are programmed electronically, the owners of the establishment can deliberately underestimate this percentage.

Inspection of lottery equipment

Since only lottery equipment may be legal in many regions of the country, then experts most often encounter it in their work. They must find out if the equipment is authorized.

This may be needed in two cases:

  • Entrepreneurs to prove their case and innocence.
  • Law enforcement and other services to identify violators.

In each case, expertise solves the tasks assigned to certain interested parties. Our experts will help identify violations or prove their absence. We always conduct independent research that is objective.

Considering that tickets are not needed for lotteries today, and technical means are developing significantly, many people today can participate in the lottery using an electronic device.

There are lottery terminals that allow a participant to register for a lottery. Such draws are usually instant, and the amount is calculated after the person has paid the participation fee. After that, the terminal prompts you to select a field with a color, where there is a combination of numbers.

Depending on whether the combination turns out to be winning, the client either receives a win or is left with nothing.

The essence of the devices lies in the fact that they are programmed in a certain way for some algorithms, which determine the frequency and degree of the client's winnings.

When examining this type of equipment, examination of gaming equipment determines the correctness and admissibility of such algorithms. To answer whether the lottery is legal, or with its help, the owners of the institution receive super profits, actually deceiving their customers, providing them with conditions in which it is impossible to win.

In addition to the percentage of winnings and its compliance with the statistical algorithm, experts also check the randomness of the distribution of winnings. This is important to know in order to answer the question of whether the lottery is fair. Or she can be rigged to win right person.

Play Equipment Inspection

Considering that casinos are allowed in some regions, and even where they are prohibited, law enforcement officers periodically find underground organizations, our experts are from time to time tasked with investigating slot machines.

Modern machines are controlled by software algorithms, which makes it possible and tempting for their owners to independently influence the percentage of winnings of visitors. Even where casinos are allowed, such interventions remain illegal, and the examination is designed to determine if there are any technical and software violations that allow you to get super profits by deceiving customers.

Often, dissatisfied customers sue the casino, losing a large sum. This means that the company must prove:

  • That the loss of a person is not associated with a change in algorithms.
  • That in the machines there was no artificial underestimation of the percentage of winnings.

To do this, the most the right way― order our expertise, which is often the only way to maintain your reputation and avoid a major lawsuit.

Having received an expert opinion in court, the client will lose any leverage on your enterprise, since the conclusion will indicate which algorithms you used: standard or modified ones.

Play equipment subject to inspections

All equipment must be checked, in relation to which the owners or technical workers can apply changes to the software or electronic code responsible for the winning algorithms.

In fact, absolutely all slot machines are subject to checks, in which the number of winnings can be set using the program. So, the following types of equipment fall under the checks:

  • Roulette wheels.
  • Wheels of Fortune.
  • Programs for poker and other card games.
  • All kinds of gambling machines.

When do you use the services of an expert?

The services of an expert are required in the event of any dispute or conflict of interest. Also, if problems with gambling equipment are found or suspected, then it makes sense to conduct examinations.

Most often, cases in which you need to resort to expert help come down to:

  • Instructions from authorized government agencies who control lottery or gambling equipment.
  • The emergence of the need to establish whether the equipment has control elements that allow you to change the winning algorithms.
  • The need to establish compliance with the general strategy of the lottery and the program that is embedded in the device.
  • The need to determine the compliance of machines and devices with certificates and technical documentation that the company has.
  • Identification of elements of schemes and programs that allow you to randomize the results of the game.

How is the examination carried out?

In all cases where an examination is required, a general scheme is applied, which is the same for absolutely each individual case of verification. The scheme consists of three main stages:

  • Documentation research.
  • Analysis of equipment, each individual sample.
  • Preparation of expert opinion on the results of the audit.

The first stage requires the study of technical documents that are attached to machines and other equipment. These include descriptions, manuals and instructions, as well as recommendations for special cases.

checks today technical condition equipment of gambling establishments and its compliance with various standards. Until recently, there was a huge number of legal and underground gambling establishments on the territory of the Russian Federation. Recently, an active struggle has been launched against them, and their number has sharply decreased.

However, there are many gambling establishments that use a wide variety of gaming equipment. All this equipment and all these institutions need this kind of preventive and specially initiated engineering checks.

It is included in the general list of types of engineering and technical expertise, and in the NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" it is the engineering and technical department that deals with it. Its experienced specialists know enough about gambling equipment and the laws of Russia to offer citizens and legal entities a detailed (more or less, depending on the customer's wishes) study of gambling machines and other objects of any nature with full responsibility.

In NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" expertise gambling equipment is carried out in strict accordance with the regulations established by Russian legislation. It's about about independent expertise, which can give you the most adequate results regarding the condition, defects, operation and safety of gambling equipment.

These rules are specified in the Federal Laws On the State Regulation of the Organization and Conduct of Gambling and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation, About lotteries, About amendments to the federal law About lotteries. In addition, the procedure for conducting examinations is regulated by such a document as the Methods and procedure for conducting an examination. game programs in order to detect undeclared capabilities in them.

The last point in many cases is especially important, since for many situations main question- this is the cleanliness of the operation of the equipment and the entire institution as a whole. A common case is when the complaints of visitors to gambling houses are connected precisely with suspicions of incorrect or undeclared operation of gambling equipment of one type or another. The hardware could potentially be set up to prevent players from receiving the winnings that they could.

An independent one is held in order to confirm or refute the suspicions of the visitors of the gambling house in such a setting of the gambling equipment. In other cases, we can talk about the defectiveness of gaming equipment. This may also be the reason why people cannot receive their winnings in the amount in which they would receive them when working with serviceable equipment. It may not even be about winnings - but in general about incorrect work, which deprives users of the pleasure of the game they ordered.

To investigate such, as well as other situations, breakdowns, accidents, to study the features, safety of gambling equipment, such an examination is carried out. The most popular expert organization in Russia, due to its preparedness and the size of the information and technical base, is now NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" in Novorossiysk.

The central representation and offices of various departments of this expert institute are located in Novorossiysk. Customers of any type are served here, any expert research is carried out by our own laboratories and experts in all districts of the Russian Federation.

According to the regulations examination of gambling equipment initiated and carried out in the following series of cases:

  • an order for various reasons to conduct an examination coming from state bodies that control the gambling business;
  • the need to carry out the above actions at the request of users who have suspicions regarding the correct operation of various gambling equipment;
  • checking the status and quality of the operation of gambling machines - and their correct display of the results of the game of users;
  • the serviceability of gambling machines and equipment and the absence of special settings in them that are not provided by the manufacturers;
  • need to check slot machines, gambling or lottery equipment for the presence of hidden elements in it;
  • in the case of lotteries - determination of the technical component of the equipment used;
  • exact determination of those technical components and nodes on which the assignment of the results of a draw or game depends;
  • the need to check how much the hardware of the equipment corresponds to its own certification and technical documentation;
  • the need to check how and to what extent the software part of the lottery equipment corresponds to its lottery part;
  • checking the technical safety of gambling equipment and its technical serviceability.

When conducting an examination of gambling equipment, specialists of the engineering and technical department of NP "Federation of Forensic Experts" comply with all the rules for conducting examinations, issue legally significant expert opinions, consider, at the request of customers or initiators of the examination, all the nuances that may be of interest to them. The study can be carried out in relation to the software part of the equipment for the game or lotteries, hardware, that is, the technical part, security and other aspects.

The effectiveness of conducting various studies of this kind is also determined by the connection of the specialists of this organization with government agencies. In particular, with the Committee for Economic Policy and Entrepreneurship and the Committee for the Regulation of Entrepreneurship. The examination of such a technique is carried out as a comprehensive study that can study the hidden algorithms of the program code, hidden nodes of a hardware nature.

The examination of gambling equipment, which you can order from NP "Federation of Forensic Experts", determines those hidden parts and features of gambling and lottery equipment that cannot be determined by ordinary control services, equipment adjusters, personnel or consumers.

If there are any doubts about the operation of such equipment, any individual or legal entity can initiate such an examination in the supervisory authorities, or directly contact this organization from the pages of its central website.

Ludomania is an irresistible craving for the game, this is a serious mental illness, which brings income to unscrupulous owners of the gaming business. For a long time, scientists have found out that the win of most slot machines is obviously lower than the loss, and if unscrupulous owners had a hand in the matter, then it is completely close to zero probability.

And until the summer of 2009, many different casinos flourished in the country, from the visitors of which millions of rubles were literally “pumped out”. Now, judging by the documents, there are four territorial zones in the Russian Federation where you can legally test your luck. it Krasnodar region, Altai, Primorye, as well as the Rostov region.

In fact, the owners of "one-armed bandits" are in no hurry to settle in the vast expanses of the Russian hinterland. They believe that it is much more profitable to pay off and run an illegal business than to invest millions in the construction of legal gaming complexes. In addition, illegal points "save" from paying taxes.

The result - thousands of "successfully" operating illegal gambling establishments across the country.

To minimize their own losses, the owners of gaming establishments took advantage of existing gaps in the legislation and began to resort to various tricks. So the points operate under the "brand" of bills or game centers, although in reality they are standard game centers. The only thing is that the money is not lowered into the machine, but simply transferred to the administrator-manager or in electronic form.

In order to dot all i's and effectively fight corruption schemes, specialists of the Consultant expert center conduct an examination of lottery equipment.

The research process is a series of instrumental checks and analytical study of equipment. They are conducted to discover hidden algorithms and arrays in the equipment, hidden from external control and used to generate higher income from visitors. In addition, slot machines and various machines are often used to increase the owners' income by changing the winning algorithm through reprogramming.

The research is associated with the complexity of the organization and the complexity of the manipulations. In the process of examination, automatic weapons and cars are seized, while maintaining their safety until the end of the examination.

In the 21st century, the examination of gaming equipment carried out by various expert bureaus has become widespread. This study helps in establishing important circumstances and facts that often decide the verdict of the court or in resolving controversial issues and issues.

Specialists of an accredited independent expert company ANO Center Technical Expertise, which has licensed documents, often conduct such a type of research as an examination of gaming equipment. The company's professionals conduct verification studies, both in court and in pre-trial disputes.

The purpose of the examination of gaming equipment

Install, play equipment or a lottery submitted to the study of an expert of the company ANO Center for Technical Expertise. This type of research concerns checks of both computer equipment and its components.

The objects of the expert complex for verification actions are:

  • Game, lottery fee.
  • Game machines.
  • Lottery machines.
  • Hall game or lottery equipment submitted for research.
  • Terminals.
  • Hard drives, flash cards, etc. etc.
  • Are the objects in question in good or bad condition?
  • What kind of software are supplied with these researched and tested objects?
  • What is it: gaming, lottery or entertainment?
  • Which element contains software?
  • What is the purpose of the studied electronic (computer) copy? And many other similar questions.