Should I plant? Should I be imprisoned for gambling

Gardener's cheat sheet or what, when and how to sow and plant

First, some general information.“Sowing on the full moon - food for worms” - this is what the wise ancestors said, and this is how the lunar calendar now claims. Everything that grows up is planted with a growing moon, and down - with a waning one. Plants with round fruits are best planted closer to the full moon.

At noon from 12 to 14 o'clock it is better not to plant or sow anything. Until 12, it is best to plant and sow onions on feathers, beets, sorrel, parsley, lettuce, dill, cucumbers, zucchini, sunflowers, corn, melons, watermelons. On a sunny day, spread the soaked onion sets on the garden bed for planting turnip onions. From 2 pm it is better to plant carrots, potatoes, turnips, cabbage, seedlings of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, strawberries, garlic.

First of all, parsley, lettuce, dill, sorrel, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cilantro are planted.

Secondly, after the frosts have passed, they plant radishes, peas, beets, potatoes, and corn.

Last but not least - cucumbers, pumpkin, beans, eggplant, basil, zucchini, squash, peppers, tomatoes.

Name of the vegetable

When to plant

How to plant

When to Harvest

Sorrel Late April - early May Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, row spacing - 25 cm. To speed up the appearance of sunrises, the seeds must be kept in a damp cloth for 2-3 days before sowing. 2 months later
Spinach March to May Sowing is carried out with individual seeds in grooves to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, row spacing 30 cm. After 8-10 weeks, late varieties after 12.
Garlic Garlic is planted before winter and early spring. Most often propagated by teeth. When planting in winter, they are planted to a depth of 5-8 cm. In spring, to a depth of 3-4 cm with two-three-line ribbons. The distance between the lines is 12-15 cm, between the ribbons - 50, between the plants - 5-8 cm. In July - August, when the leaves dry up and dry membranous leaves of the wrapper form on the bulb.
Beans May June Seeds are soaked overnight before planting. It is sown in two-line ribbons: between lines 20-30 cm, between ribbons 50 cm, in a row after 7.5-10 cm or in single-line rows after 45-60 cm. The seeding depth is 2 cm on dense soils, 5 cm on loose soils. 8-12 weeks after germination.
Dill April To obtain early shoots, the seeds are soaked in water for 2-3 days (the water is changed 3 times a day) with their subsequent drying. Dill is sown on a flat surface, to a depth of 1.5 cm, with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. 30-40 days after sowing.
Pumpkin In March-April for seedlings. Into the ground in May. The seeds must be germinated. First, seedlings are planted, which are then planted in open ground. Early ripening varieties after 90-100 days from germination, late-ripening varieties after 110-130 days.
Tomato Usually sits through seedlings. 50-60-day-old seedlings are planted in open ground. Tomatoes are planted on ridges, ridges or a flat surface. The roots are covered with earth to the cotyledon leaves. Strongly elongated plants are placed obliquely, with their apex to the south, immersed in the ground at 1/4 or 1/3 of its height, leaving a part of the stem with leaves 20-25 cm high above the surface. The lower inflorescence should remain above the soil surface. 90-125 days after germination.
Beet May To speed up germination, seeds are soaked in warm water 2-3 days before sowing. Seeds are placed in grooves made at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. In September - early October, before the onset of severe frosts.
Radish Early April Sow in furrows, with a distance in rows of 8-10 cm, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Early-ripening varieties after 18-21 days from full shoots, late-ripening varieties after 40-45.
Parsley Late April, late June - early July, late October, early November During spring sowing, parsley seeds are sown to a depth of 2-2.5 cm. Summer sowing is carried out with soaked seeds on well-moistened soil. After 60-70 days from germination.
Pepper For seedlings in February - early March. In the ground in late May - early June. Seeds are soaked for 2 days. After planted for seedlings. 60-day-old seedlings are transplanted into open ground. The fruits are plucked selectively, not simultaneously. Some varieties of sweet ripen in August.
Cucumber May Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours. Seeds are sown in rows, to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, in a row a distance of 8-10 cm, between rows 50-70 cm. After 45-50 days from sunrise.
Carrot In the second half of April To get early shoots, the seeds are soaked for 1-2 days, then kept wet for a week until they hatch. On ridges 1 m wide, four rows of carrots are placed with row spacing of 28-30 cm. Early varieties ripen in 60-80 days, late ones in 80-115 days.
Corn End of April - May Sow seeds in rows with a distance between them of 70 cm and 25-30 cm between plants, sowing depth - 6-8 cm Early varieties ripen in 60-70 days, late - 102-105 days.
Potato May Propagated by germinated tubers. The optimal planting depth on light soils is 10-12 cm, on medium loamy and heavy soils - 8-10 cm, the distance between tubers is 25 - 30 cm. Row spacing is 60-70 cm. Early ripe varieties ripen in mid-July. Mid-season and late varieties - in August-September or in the first half of October.
Cauliflower From March 15 to March 30, then with an interval of two weeks until the end of May - sowing seeds.
From April 25 to May 10, then at intervals of two weeks until June 10 - landing in open ground.
It is preferable to plant through seedlings. Seedlings are planted in open ground 6-7 weeks after germination, at several times. Seedlings are planted on a bed in 2 rows, the distance in a row is 30-40 cm, between rows is 50-55 cm. Planting depth is on the first true leaf.
Seedless method - sown 3-5 seeds per hole, extra seedlings are pulled or planted.
Early-ripening varieties in 85-90 days from germination, late-ripening varieties in 120-130 days.
Chinese cabbage Under the film - the beginning of April, in open ground - the end of April-beginning of May. Planted either through seedlings, or by sowing seeds in the ground. When sowing seeds in open ground, they are placed on ridges in 3 rows with row spacing of 35-40 cm. They are sown in nests every 35-40 cm. 4-5 seeds are planted in each nest. After germination, thin out, leaving two, and then one of the most developed plants. Cabbage planted under the film can be harvested as early as June.
Brussels sprouts For seedlings in March-April. In the ground in May-June. Planted through seedlings. Cabbage should be planted at a distance of 90 cm from each other, so that its lower leaves are above the soil level. After the plants are transplanted, they need to be well watered. September October
White cabbage End of April - May. Planted through seedlings. After 50-60 days, the seedlings are transplanted into open ground. Ripens in 100-170 days (depending on the variety).
vegetable marrow For seedlings at the end of April. In the ground in late May-early June. It is grown in seedling and seedless way. Seedlings are planted in the ground after 20-25 days. Seeds are soaked for 3 days before sowing. The depth of sowing seeds on light soils is 5-6 cm, and on heavy soils 3-4 cm. After 60-70 days.
Peas The end of April, then with an interval of two weeks until the beginning of July. Seeds can be soaked or planted dry. A furrow 15-25 cm wide is made with a flat chopper along the beds. Scatter the peas at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furrow. Next, sprinkle them with earth from the sides so that the peas are at a depth of no more than 5 cm and be sure to compact the earth from above with the back of the rake. After 7-14 weeks (depending on the variety).
Celery root For seedlings in early March. In the ground at the end of May. Sits through seedlings. Seeds are soaked before planting. The peculiarity of celery seeds is that they cannot be heavily sprinkled with earth, they must be on the surface, in bright light. After 60 days, the seedlings are planted in open ground. Most often, celery is planted in beds with a distance between rows of 65 cm, between plants in a row of 20 cm. Mid-season varieties of celery are planted according to the scheme 50-60x20-30 cm. After 170-180 days.

Have a good harvest!


The city administration believes that the organizers of gambling should be brought to criminal responsibility, and the participants in such games - to administrative responsibility. Now gambling practically they are not subjected to criminal prosecution, because there is no such article in the criminal code. There is an article on illegal business. But in order for the activity to become illegal business, it is necessary that the damage to the state amount to 1.5 million rubles, - regrets Olga Golubeva, executive secretary of the interdepartmental commission of the Moscow government on the gambling business. She added that not a single underground gambling establishment keeps these 1.5 million rubles, and the organizers of illegal business can only be fined 5 thousand rubles.

Meanwhile on federal TV channels shows are regularly broadcast, the content of which is gambling for money with the audience. It turns out that the state, as the main shareholder of the main TV channels of the country, simply monopolized the organization of gambling for money and now intends to toughen the punishment for violating this monopoly.

Mikhail Barshchevsky, Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Russian Federation in the Constitutional, Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts:
- Rake running, apparently, is the favorite national sport in Russia, there is no other way to explain the initiative to put people in jail for gambling. Bans and toughening will never achieve anything, this is a meaningless exercise. Since the ban on the gambling business in Russia, its volume has not decreased at all, it has simply gone underground. In order to deal with gambling in a civilized manner, it is necessary to allow casinos in Moscow, and it is the casino, and not slot machines on every street corner, and raise taxes on them so that entry there already costs a lot of money, and greatly reduce their number. But, of course, no one can be imprisoned.

Dmitry Dibrov, TV presenter:
- It is ridiculous and pointless to propose any tough measures to the gambling business. Try to fight cockroaches and rats - it's impossible. It will turn out the same as with the casinos, which were once driven underground. It was a harmful populist idea, which, however, fulfilled its political and PR tasks, but did not bring any benefit to Russian culture. From the very beginning it was clear that there would be a network of underground casinos, there would be lists of who plays where, that the prosecutors would cover up their owners, and they would be underground only until someone was interfered with, and then they would definitely be told on TV. What we had before, before the creation of gaming zones, is an ideal scheme. The state received such taxes from official casinos that fully justified their existence. Another thing is that taxes did not always reach the treasury. Of course, there was a criminal element there, but at least it could be controlled somehow. And I personally had the honor to work in such a casino, which was conceived by Arkady Novikov and his comrades as a copy of the elite English club, where Pushkin and Tolstoy used to sit.

Since the age of 17, my poems and articles have been published in various media, plus, I have been publishing a literary almanac for the sixth year already, and I work on the editorial board. Therefore, I have been familiar with such things as plagiarism, copyright, the printed word, and so on for quite some time. Moreover, when I began to regularly blog on LiveJournal and periodically post non-author's material, experience in this direction has strengthened. My attitude to this case is sharply negative, now work with plagiarism has intensified very much and this is important. As a result of the activity - high-profile exposure in the West and in our country. Basically, this happens among politicians who bought their doctoral dissertations instead of wasting their time on them.

Here is another remarkable case told by blogger LJ iz_za_pechki , this story is remarkable as a living example of the new fashion. Of course, today you can find plagiarism more and more often, even in the most interesting books there are whole pieces of text that can be attributed to non-author's. In general, should you go to jail for plagiarism? I don’t know, in my opinion, if a person commits a crime consciously, that is, he gives an account that he is doing badly, outside the law, then he deserves prison.

As an example, we used Olga and Pavel Syutkina's cookbook "An Uninvented History of Russian Cuisine", which contains many phrases, paragraphs and even entire pages that literally coincide with the texts of other authors. More about everything under CAT.

Original taken from iz_za_pechki in the Syutkins vs. Pokhlyobkin: a true story of the writer's kitchen

This fashion has not bypassed a narrow circle of culinary writers, among whom the prominent connoisseurs of Russian cuisine - Olga and Pavel Syutkins. In two of his books, LJ-blog, on the culinary site of Elena Chekalova, in numerous interviews with newspapers, magazines, radio and television, they blame William Vasilyevich with enviable constancy Pokhlebkin for his .

And although the Syutkins themselves do not use the term “plagiarism” in their, as they themselves write, “investigations”, preferring to use the word “borrowing”, which is similar in meaning, nevertheless, taking into account that the “Literary Encyclopedia” believes, we are talking about in this, if not in the legal, then at least in the ethical sense of the word, which is clearly seen in the rhetorical question with which the Syutkins repeatedly address the readership: “ Why these "investigations"? We are by no means going to accuse William Vasilyevich of some kind of compilation. Even if the citations show a fairly exact match, it can be assumed that both researchers "went along parallel paths." But, these are just the rules of “good manners”, couldn’t they tell Pokhlebkin that decency requires pointing out similar and previous works of his colleague? ”.

Put in an open form, this question encourages readers to enter into a public discussion about Pokhlebkin's compliance with the rules of scientific ethics in terms of appropriating other people's thoughts and words. Which, in my opinion, in itself can turn out to be a very good deed, because such a discussion allows not only the whole world to deal with the actual presence or absence of repeated borrowings ” in the recognized classic of the history of Russian cuisine, but also in the books of other culinary writers, as well as to wonder whether any coincidence of thoughts and words has signs of plagiarism.

Therefore, being, though biased, but a regular reader of the Syutkins, I decided to accept their invitation to participate in the discussion they started. Well, as an example, in order not to go far, I took their own book " Uninvented history of Russian cuisine", where quite a few phrases, paragraphs and even whole pages are found that literally coincide with the texts of other authors. But there can be no plagiarism among plagiarism fighters, right? Accordingly, the numerous coincidences I found should have some other explanation, and not just shameful cheating.

These other explanations will be my story, which I decided, following the example of the same Syutkins, to put in the form of "questions to the audience", so that the reader can draw conclusions himself, and at the same time help the Syutkins figure out which cases " the rules of good manners and decency require you to refer to similar and previous works of colleagues "and which ones don't.

* * *

For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged;
and with what measure you use, it will be measured to you again.
And why are you looking at the speck in your brother's eye,
can't you feel the beam in your eye?

Matt., ch.7:2-3


________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________________________

O. and P. Syutkina "Uninvented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.236

"History and archeology" // site "Torzhok.Info"

________________________________________ ________________________________________ __________

O. and P. Syutkina "Uninvented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.23-24

Andrey Yurganov “Lectures on history. Lecture 2: The language of the era of Ivan the Terrible "// Internet edition of lectures, published on 02/07/2010.
________________________________________ ________________________________________

O. and P. Syutkina "Uninvented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.26-27

Sergey Perevezentsev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, "Confessor" // Internet newspaper "Century", posted on 02/08/2007 .

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____

O. and P. Syutkina "Invented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.412-413

"Taverns"//website "Yandex-encyclopedia"

________________________________________ __________________________________

O. and P. Syutkina "Uninvented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.261

V.Abarinov "The Cook of Kings and the King of Cooks" // site of the monthly "Sovershenno sekretno", published on May 1, 2006

________________________________________ ________________________________________
O. and P. Syutkina "Invented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, c.252-253

O. and P. Syutkina "Invented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, p.258
O. Bulanova "Cook's clothes" // site "Azerbaijanis in Russia:", August 06, 2010.
O. and P. Syutkina "Uninvented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, c.260
O. Bulanova "Cook's clothes" // site "Azerbaijanis in Russia:", August 06, 2010.
O. and P. Syutkina "Invented history of Russian cuisine" // M., 2011, c.261-262

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _______________

It should be noted that the impudence of these either hackers, or "unafraid crooks", or "typing monkeys" should only be marveled at. Okay, they cheated without the consent of the Syutkins in their book of unquoted quotes from some Internet, but they were not ashamed to do the same with the books of the Russian classic P. Melnikov-Pechersky, pre-revolutionary historians A. Kizevetter and P. Yurchenko, the patriarch of Soviet historiography, academician M. Tikhomirova, not to mention the currently living member of the Commission for Particularly Valuable Cultural Objects under the President of the Russian Federation, Academician V. Yanin, member of the Academic Council of the State historical museum, Professor L. Khoroshkevich and French historian Dominica Michel.

________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________

On the other hand, the version of "printing monkeys" is supported by the fact that funny fact that in an extensive unquoted quote from the work of Melnikov-Pechersky (written in 1854), these "monkeys" did not even bother to replace demonstrative pronoun "this" on the " Togo". As a result, the phrase Melnikov-Pechersky " This November marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of the reign of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich ", being supposedly written in 2009, sounds very funny. It is understandable, because for the eternally" typing monkeys "time does not matter.

On the third hand, only representatives of the fraudulent human race can be so ignorantly naive in their idiotic faith that no one reads the books from which the quotes were borrowed, due to their bibliographic rarity, which means that no one will ever know about the committed indecency with a book by the Syutkins.

I really hope that the Syutkins will still find these stupid scoundrels and they will get what they deserve. It is a pity, of course, that in the tedious chores of distributing numerous interviews and holding culinary master classes, Olga and Pavel Syutkins could not do this earlier, immediately after their book was published four years ago. After all, for all four years, readers who paid a lot of money for the Syutkins' book did not even suspect that many thoughts and words in this book, including erroneous ones, belong not to the Syutkins at all, but to other authors.

For example, the ridiculous statement that " Russian serving did not take root in France"It turns out that it was not done by the Syutkins, but inserted by the attackers into their book from the website of the Sovershenno Sekretno newspaper (see above). Or, surprising for any cook, arguments about the taste superiority of European yeast wheat dough over Russian rye sour, which actually does not belong to our connoisseurs of Russian cuisine Syutkin, but jumped to the pages in their book from the site " Azerbaijanis in Russia" (see above).

Today, when, as I said at the very beginning, for just a couple of "borrowed technical reasons even the rector of Moscow State University apologizes, it would not be right to leave such a large-scale abuse of his book by Syutkin without a reaction. Therefore, I have no doubt that, in addition to catching "unafraid crooks", "typing monkeys" and a computer virus, the Syutkin couple, together with their publishing house "AST" and the site of Elena Chekalova "Taste and Color", which is actively printing chapters of their book, in the coming days will also fix the "technical" typos with quotation marks and links, at the same time publicly assuring the affected authors and perplexed readers of the unintentionality of these oversights. demand" rules of good manners and decency", about which the Syutkins themselves are so persistently baked. Why are we so proud of them!

Well, for now, we can only sympathize with the writers of the Syutkin couple, and guess about the perpetrators of the misfortune that befell them. With that in mind, I have a final question for the readers:

What do you think are the reasons for the appearance in the book of the Syutkins of numerous verbatim coincidences with the texts of other authors?

1. "Printing monkey theorem".
2. Computer virus.
3. Some "not frightened swindlers".

4. "Repeated borrowings" in the sense as they are interpreted by the Syutkins themselves, speaking of Pokhlebkin.

It would be interesting to know how your LiveJournal friends would answer this question. Not only for the sake of objectivity, but also in order to show Olga and Pavel Syutkin our common support in their good undertaking in the fight against plagiarism. Otherwise, we will live in the "country of unafraid swindlers." Maybe it's time to make these crooks scared?

P.S. All of the above judgments and assessments refer purely to the texts, and not to the people who wrote them. When mentioning certain surnames in this article, including comments on it, it is understood that we are not talking about a person as a person, a private person or a specific human being, but only about the author as a performer social role writer public texts, who voluntarily submitted his compositions to the attention of readers, who are free to express any opinion on their content, style or origin. This also applies to the author of this text. Suddenly, malicious "borrowings" will be found here as well.