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Hurry up to take part in the competition of people's initiatives

« People's budget - 2018» !


The district administration of the city of Yakutsk began collecting applications from citizens for co-financing projects aimed at improving the capital, holding cultural, social, sports and charity events and building socially significant facilities.

From individuals and legal entities, associations and public organizations accepted socially significant projects in four directions:

- construction, reconstruction, repair of public facilities;

- improvement of the territories of the city district and places of mass recreation;

- carrying out charitable, social, volunteer actions;

- holding educational, cultural and sports events.

Under the terms of the competition, initiators invest at least 20% of the total cost of the project. The rest is financed from the local budget. The projects that received support must be implemented during 2018 in the form in which they were declared when submitting to the competition.

For the information of the contestants, amendments were made to the regulation on the project "People's Budget", which affected the composition of the expert working groups and the competition commission. Now mandatory participation in the consideration of applications is accepted by representatives of the public and Public Chamber the city of Yakutsk, innovations also affected relations related to the rights and obligations of the project initiator and the municipality. In addition, changes have been made to limit the allocation of subsidies from the city budget.

The position is clearly defined prohibition of subsidies on the:

Objects of private commercial activity;

Repair, construction, improvement of objects of worship and religious purposes;

Projects that serve the interests of individual ethnic groups and create the risk of inter-ethnic conflicts;

Projects that may have a negative impact on environment;

Repair or construction of administrative buildings, structures that are private property;

Purchase of equipment or vehicles for the needs of administrations of municipalities of the city district "Yakutsk city", public organizations;

Repair, construction, improvement of facilities located on the territory of state, republican property.

Applications for participation in the competition "People's Budget - 2018" are accepted until November 1 in the public relations department of the District Administration of Yakutsk at the address: Lenin Ave., 15, room. 307, tel.: 40-80-36, or via internet portal One click Yakutskin the People's Budget section. advantage electronic registration participants will receive additional points that they will receive based on the results of approvals (likes) from portal users. You can also apply at the county and suburban administrations.

30.05.2018 10:57:00

The government of the Tula region discussed the implementation of the People's Budget project.
Governor Aleksey Dyumin stressed that this year the project will be launched in the region for the eighth time. During this time, more than 4 thousand problematic issues that have accumulated over the years have been resolved. Successful practice has been repeatedly noted at the federal level.
Minister domestic policy and development of local self-government in the region, Anton Ageev reported that a large proportion of facilities improved in 2017 (and this is 481 applications and 514 types of work) fell on the repair of roads, municipal institutions education, objects of housing and communal infrastructure, roofs of apartment buildings, improvement of adjacent territories.
In the Shchekino district, 22 objects took part in the "People's Budget-2017". Among them are the improvement of recreation areas, the repair of educational institutions, the asphalting of roads and the installation of playgrounds. All planned work to date has been completed in full.
Anton Ageev also said that 1,410 applications were submitted for participation in the competitive selection of the People's Budget-2018 project. The winners were 539 for a total of 792 million rubles.
This year, 15 objects located in various municipalities of the Shchekinsky district participate in the "People's Budget". The improvement of the "Old Park" and "Forest Glade" in the city of Shchekino will continue. Playgrounds will be installed in the city of Sovetsk and the village of Shakhty No. 20.
Roads in Sovetsk and between the village of Alimkina and the village of Proskurino will be asphalted, as well as the adjacent territory near house No. 9 along Yasenkovsky Proezd in Shchekino. Will replace window blocks in schools No. 20, 10 and 24, kindergarten № 6.
They will overhaul the roof at the Pervomaiskaya School of Arts and the facade at Lyceum No. 1. They will make a concrete pavement for the building of the Mir city youth center.
The total cost of implementing the People's Budget project in the Shchekino region this year will be more than 22.3 million rubles. Of these, co-financing from the population and sponsors - 4.5 million, the budget of the municipality - 3.6 million, the budget of the region - 13.8 million.
12 out of 15 projects have already been evaluated by experts, the documentation is being approved by regional specialists. Then the auction procedure and the selection of contractors will begin.
“I ask all heads of municipalities to intensify work on conducting competitive procedures to determine a contractor and conclude municipal contracts for the implementation of work under the People’s Budget 2018 project,” said Alexei Dyumin.