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Withdrawal game real money is a game project that allows you to get even small payments without any investment on my part. Such gaming resources are a rarity, since more than 90% of all such sites limit the possibility of receiving payments, at least minimally, but by investing their own funds. Sometimes the amounts are in the hundreds of rubles.

And there are no guarantees at the same time, as evidenced by Terms of use. Most players do not read it at all, and then they are suddenly surprised by some restrictions.

For a month of not very active participation (I did not enter the game every day and daily bonuses received only a few times) I was able to withdraw a little more than 3.5 rubles. The amount, of course, is not large, but there is no risk either. If tomorrow the project closes, I won't lose anything.

Unlike most game resources, here payments can be ordered not only on Payeer, but also on WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex Money and Perfect Money. Each system has its own minimum amount. It is least of all on Payeer - only 50 coins.

The statistics of the project pleases: the site has been operating for 54 days, more than 8,000 participants and more than 200 thousand rubles in reserve. This information is available on the site and published by its creators.

Video review

Chickens-Farm ( Real reviews about the project) How to earn and withdraw money from the chic project

Fraud site:

When you go to the site of Business Farm scammers, you immediately find yourself in a cartoon situation where you are told that you are collecting eggs here and you can make money on this business. To believe that by playing a toy you can earn money, either children or people who are not particularly healthy in their heads can. You can be promised anything on such a scam site, but it is stupid to believe in it.

I took a few minutes to make sure that all this
ordinary divorce. The calculation of scammers is that a person experiences
excitement and begins to invest in non-existent chickens and eggs. AT
at the very end, you will be left without your chicken farm and without the money that scammers lured from you.

The Business Farm scammers describe their game as something easy and
simple, where you need to buy hens that will lay eggs. These eggs you can
sell and earn real money. But do you really think that scammers
made a site just so that you can play, and even money
earn? Who will buy eggs from you, which are really just pixels on
your screen? It's like selling air, such painted eggs
no one needs and to believe that you can earn money on this - it is necessary
be completely naive or a child.

In order to attract as many interested people to your site as possible
people, the scammers of the Business Farm website give a stunning
statistics. They write that 1.3 million people play chicken farm, and
1317 people became new players per day. Money invested in Chickens Farm 52
million rubles, and the players were paid 34 million. If it were
really so, then the entire Internet would be sitting on this scam site and
collected eggs. And so - scammers have to lure newcomers, since everyone else has already realized that this is a common scam, calculated on the fact that you
You will buy chickens and eggs with your own money.

The Business Farm website is an ordinary scam, get out of there, nothing there
cannot be earned.