There may be red discharge during pregnancy. What Causes Bleeding During Pregnancy?

When a woman expects the birth of a child, she is prone to anxiety and worries, so the presence of bloody discharge during pregnancy is immediately alarming and provokes a negative attitude. But instead of unpleasant emotions, it is necessary to carefully study the nature of the secretion.

The fact is that blood discharge during pregnancy can have both natural and pathological causes. Therefore, red discharge during pregnancy does not yet portend a threat to the expectant mother and her fetus. But here you need to know in which week such a secretion is considered normal, and for how long an immediate visit to the hospital is required. We will understand this issue by analyzing some comments of pregnant women on the Internet.

secretion at an early age

In the first trimester, a pregnant woman may notice several options for vaginal secretion. The most common cause that causes minor spotting during pregnancy is the attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. And secretion in this case can be of the following character:

  • with bloody streaks;
  • slight traces on the daily with splashes of blood;
  • smearing dark brown secretion.

It is important to note that after attaching gestational sac the presence of spotting is allowed with a period of not longer than 2-3 days. If the discharge with blood during pregnancy is repeated, then there is already a high probability of pathology.

Possible implantation discharge during pregnancy photo:

In addition, blood marks on the pad can be caused by hormonal changes, a "vanishing twin" or due to the fact that the blood vessels of the genital organs are actively replenished. For more information on what spotting in early pregnancy means, you can find out at the link.

Pathological spotting in the first trimester

Doctors often hear questions from their patients about whether bleeding during pregnancy could indicate a health problem or threaten pregnancy. Yes, prolonged secretion, especially with pain and other characteristic symptoms, may be the result of pathology. On the early dates may occur:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • hydatidiform mole
  • hormonal problems
  • exfoliation of the chorion
  • miscarriage

Unfortunately, in these cases, the characteristic bleeding during pregnancy may not occur immediately, which is why it is so difficult to establish secretion problems. Doctors advise when the slightest unpleasant symptoms appear, whether it is the fourth, tenth or thirteenth week, immediately go to the hospital, and not hope that blood from the vagina indicates natural processes in the body.

After all, spotting at the 13th week of pregnancy and earlier can help to establish the pathological process in the early stages, as well as take all necessary measures to maintain pregnancy.

Discharge with blood in the second trimester

Allocations in the second trimester of pregnancy (fourteen to twenty-six weeks), especially with blood clots, can no longer be considered normal. It is worth noting that the second and third trimesters are connected by almost the same reasons.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix

A scarlet discharge occurs, which may be slight and watery. At this time, the scarlet color is no longer indicative of a lack of progesterone.

In the second trimester, the secretion of a scarlet color or the presence of pink marks on the daily can be a signal of isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix, which can cause miscarriage.

It is important that the secretion at the initial opening of the canal may resemble mucus, and even if the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, the whites become more watery. Small blood clots, pink, scarlet and dark coffee leucorrhea are allowed here.

What to do in such a situation, the doctor will decide. Bloody discharge at the 14th week of pregnancy requires diagnosis - transvaginal ultrasound. If the cervix is ​​less than three centimeters long during the examination, stitches will be needed to prevent further shortening of the cervix and dilatation.

Placental abruption

Here it is important to immediately go to the hospital to save the fetus. Here is what women write about this on the forums:

Victoria, 31 years old: “I personally experienced what placental abruption is. First, there was a slight discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy with blood streaks, and then everything turned into serious bleeding. Diagnosis - detachment by 2/3. Spent three months in the hospital, strict bed rest. But still she was able to carry a child and give birth.

Note that placental abruption is dangerous not only for the child, but also for the mother. At risk are:

  • smokers;
  • patients with high blood pressure;
  • women with scars after abortions and operations;
  • a fetus with a too short umbilical cord.

If dark bloody discharge occurs during the second / third trimester of pregnancy, then there is a possibility that the flaking process has begun.

The main danger is that in this state the fetus does not receive enough oxygen, and the woman may experience severe bleeding.

Detachment of the placenta cannot be cured, but doctors are trying their best to postpone a caesarean section until 30-36 weeks.

placenta previa

Such a diagnosis indicates a condition when the uterine pharynx is completely or partially blocked by the placenta:

Olga, 26 years old: “I dreamed of pregnancy in a dream and in reality. I managed to conceive only at 29. After I took the test, I took care of myself, but suddenly there was a scarlet discharge at the 36th week of pregnancy. I immediately went to the hospital and a day later I had a caesarean section to avoid oxygen starvation for the fetus.

Blood discharge during pregnancy with placenta previa is characterized by the following features:

  • external bleeding;
  • comes unexpectedly;
  • has a scarlet hue;
  • most often occurs at night;
  • there is no emerging pain syndrome;
  • no apparent external cause;
  • stops suddenly, but always repeats.

If in the second trimester a woman understands that this state of affairs indicates a problem, then scarlet discharge during late pregnancy can be easily confused with the onset of labor activity.

Recurring spotting at 39 weeks of gestation requires special attention, because if the diagnosis is confirmed, then naturally will not be able to give birth. But in this way, doctors are simply trying to prepare a woman without causing dangerous experiences in her, which will only aggravate the situation.

Bleeding in the third trimester

We have already noted that a doctor can make diagnoses such as abruption or placenta previa in the second and third trimesters. But at the end of pregnancy, bloody secretion may already indicate the natural onset of labor activity, so do not worry too much if you notice slight brown discharge at 39 weeks of gestation.

Just note that this can happen both earlier and later.
It is possible that spotting at 40 weeks of gestation indicates the passage of a mucous plug, and it is not long before labor is active. In this case, there are the following signs:

  • little bloody secretion;
  • belly dropped;
  • lumps in the secretion are allowed.

In addition, it is important not to confuse the discharge of the mucous plug with water.

Drainage of amniotic fluid

If in the first case, a few more days may remain before the birth, then the waters indicate the imminent birth of the baby. It is worth paying special attention if there is a scarlet abundant vaginal secretion, but without unnecessary worries:

Elena, 22 years old: “I noticed brown discharge in the morning at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Before that, I discussed with the doctor the discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy, and they did not find any cause for concern. I immediately went to the maternity hospital in tears and panic, but they calmed me down there, and I gave birth when I was 41 weeks pregnant. That's such a story."

How to recognize placental abruption?

Detachment can occur unexpectedly, so spotting in late pregnancy is not always a harbinger of childbirth. The diagnosis can be confirmed only with the help of ultrasound, and a woman needs to pay attention to the following signs:

  • scarlet secretion;
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • in the abdomen there are pulling pains;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • buzzing in the ears;
  • possible dizziness;
  • general weakness is noted;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • the skin is very white.

If a complete detachment occurs, then the fetus quickly dies, and with partial detachment, it is possible to save the life of the child, but only with timely seeking help.

Rupture of the uterus

It is considered a serious complication that can be caused by:

  • obstacles to the passage of the fetus;
  • discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the fetus;
  • too narrow a pelvis for the baby's head;
  • large fetal weight (more than 4 kg);
  • enlarged fetal head;
  • the location of the child perpendicular to the axis of the cervix;
  • the presence of a scar and inflammation in the uterus.

Marina, 23 years old: “I noticed spotting at night at 38 weeks of pregnancy, and I thought I was giving birth. I went to the hospital, and on the way, cramping pain began to appear. Now I remember with horror the moment when the doctor said that there was a uterine rupture. The result - a caesarean section and a long recovery period "

When the uterus ruptures, not only characteristic secretion can occur, but even urine with blood. It is important for all patients with the threat of uterine rupture to be constantly monitored by a doctor, and already in the later stages to lie in the hospital.

Rupture of the marginal sinus of the placenta

Occurs with marginal placenta previa, when it is located at the same level with the internal pharynx. It is noted in the third trimester, especially for a period of twenty-eight to thirty-second weeks. There are also cases when the rupture of the marginal sinus of the placenta occurred during childbirth.

Here, spotting during pregnancy appears suddenly and may not be accompanied by characteristic painful sensations. As for the duration and strength of bleeding, when the marginal sinus of the placenta ruptures, it is especially plentiful with a repetitive character. And the main danger lies in the fact that the fetus during childbirth can squeeze the placenta, blocking its access to oxygen. In this case, obstetricians will perform a caesarean section.

Abnormal secretion regardless of gestational age

There are reasons that can cause bloody secretion, both at the beginning of gestation and at 38 weeks of gestation and beyond:

  • the presence of infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • after a gynecological examination;
  • ectopia of the cervix;
  • injury.

It often happens that a woman notes spotting at 41 weeks of pregnancy and rejoices that she will give birth soon, because the period already allows. But in fact, during the next examination, the doctor damaged an insignificant capillary, and there is nothing terrible in this. Read what to do if brown discharge appears after an examination by a gynecologist. Seriously, you need to be afraid of infectious diseases that can be transmitted to the child during childbirth. That is why women in the position undergo all kinds of tests and examinations.

Who is at risk?

If the 40th week of pregnancy suggests spotting as one of the harbingers of childbirth, then in many other situations, blood on the pad may indicate a pathology. Doctors have been researching this issue for a long time, and they came to the conclusion that women who:

  • suffered spontaneous or abortions by their own decision;
  • underwent surgical operations on the genitals;
  • with complications suffered a previous birth;
  • have pathological development of the uterus;
  • conceived after 30 years;
  • have bad habits.

Of course, even an absolutely healthy woman is not immune from unexpected bleeding, which, unfortunately, often accompanies the process of bearing. But if the doctor knows in advance some features of the patient's health, he will be able to properly examine her and pay attention to vulnerability factors.

Vaginal secretion is a kind of mirror of a woman's health. It becomes especially important during gestation, because in this position, timely diagnosis of secretion can help identify a negative process in the body and quickly take appropriate measures to save the life and health of the mother and child.

Tracking the nature and duration of spotting in early pregnancy is very important. Although such secretion is considered normal in the first weeks of gestation, it can also be a signal of various diseases and problems with the fetus.

It should be noted that bleeding in early pregnancy occurs in 75% of cases and most often indicates natural processes in a woman's body that occur after conception. But situations are also possible, the outcome of which will largely depend on a timely visit to the doctor. Therefore, you need to find out which discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy is considered the norm, and which indicate problems.

The main causes of bleeding

Blood discharge during pregnancy does not always indicate pathological processes. If we take a period from 2 weeks to 10, then such a secretion should not cause strong feelings. Provided that spotting during pregnancy has the following characteristics:

  • homogeneous consistency;
  • a small amount (smearing red discharge);
  • complete absence of a characteristic odor;
  • short duration (end on the second or third day);
  • absence discomfort(minor pulling pains in the abdomen are allowed, although this is already a reason to visit a gynecologist).

Natural discharge with blood can appear for the following reasons:

  • attachment of the fetal egg (implantation bleeding);
  • hormonal changes;
  • active replenishment of the blood vessels of the genital organs.

Among the causes of bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy that require attention, we can distinguish:

  • minor damage due to the vaginal probe or speculum;
  • unsuccessful douching;
  • discharge after sexual contact;
  • vanishing twin.

In these cases, brown or slight red leucorrhoea may appear in the twelfth week. There is no need to worry, but it will not hurt to consult a doctor once again.

The result of spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy can also be:

  • lack of progesterone;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with the fetus;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • placenta previa;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • exfoliation of the chorion;
  • cystic skid;
  • cervical erosion;
  • papillomas.

In this case, the secretion may have a smell, does not stop for a very long time and is accompanied by severe pain. Doctors advise paying attention to additional symptoms of pathology.

Variety of secretion by color

Bloody discharge at the 4th week of pregnancy and until the end of the first trimester can normally have the following options:

  • transparent with a few drops of blood;
  • brown discharge of a smearing nature;
  • Pink colour;
  • scarlet color.

If in the first trimester of pregnancy such secretion is observed once and does not cause discomfort, then there is no reason to worry.

Let's consider the causes of red discharge during pregnancy in more detail, analyzing some of the questions and comments of women on the forums.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy without pathology

During pregnancy (especially in the first month of pregnancy) secretion with blood may be the result of natural or relatively harmless processes, each of which has its own specific symptoms.

implantation bleeding

Olya, 27 years old: “Hello! I assume that I have a pregnancy of 2 or 3 weeks, pink discharge appeared. Tell me, does this happen or is it the menstruation that has been delayed for 2 weeks begins?

Very often, women take the presence of spotting at the 3rd week of pregnancy for the next menstruation. It is worth noting that the implantation of the fetal egg can occur both earlier and later, so slight bloody streaks can also indicate a successful conception.

During this period, brown or red marks on the linen appear due to the introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa. It turns out that it is minor damage to blood vessels that causes spotting in the first trimester of pregnancy. It can be:

  • mucous whites with bloody streaks;
  • small drops of blood on the panty liner;
  • brown marks.

Therefore, in the third week and earlier, such secretion without additional symptoms is considered the norm. But still, bloody streaks in the whites should not be ignored for any suspicion.

After visiting the gynecologist

On the Internet, questions regarding discharge after examination by a gynecologist are quite popular:

Anna, 30 years old: “Pregnancy for 6 weeks was not disturbed by bloody discharge, but after yesterday's examination at the gynecologist, I noticed a couple of red drops on the pad. What to do? Is this a miscarriage?

Blood discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy can sometimes occur as a result of microtrauma. Naturally, in such a case women begin to worry, as it is too late for implantation bleeding. During pregnancy at week 6, spotting may appear due to damage to blood vessels and capillaries by a vaginal probe or speculum. They will not be systematic, so they will immediately disappear almost on the same day. If you observe a similar secret for more than a couple of hours or their intensity increases, then the phenomenon is most likely not associated with a doctor's examination. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help.

After sexual intercourse

Bloody discharge in early pregnancy after sex is not considered a pathology, but in this case it is better to refuse sexual contact and consult a doctor, because you need to accurately determine the cause of their appearance, and whether there is a threat to the fetus. But in most cases, such secretion is the result of careless intercourse, so it makes sense to reconsider postures and stick to a more relaxed rhythm. The full answer to the question: " What does the discharge during pregnancy after sex mean?", You will find in one of our articles.

"The Disappearing Twin"

Doctors found that almost every eighth person had a twin in the womb, the development of which stopped at some point. Note that this process is very typical for artificial insemination. Here is what women write on the forums about this:

Zinaida, 36 years old: “I went through the IVF procedure because I had already lost faith in becoming a mother. Everything was fine, but soon there was spotting at the 12th week of pregnancy. I went for an ultrasound - they found the fading of one of the twins. I hope that everything will be fine with the second child, and the appearance of such a secretion will not harm gestation.

  • in the lower abdomen there are spastic pains;
  • convulsions may occur.

Only a doctor can confirm or refute such a condition with the help of ultrasound. As for the timing of the secretion, spotting at 10 weeks of gestation, but not before, may indicate a "vanishing twin".

A similar phenomenon most often passes without consequences for the health of the woman and the unborn child.

Possible pathologies with bleeding in the early stages

Unfortunately, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy can be dangerous not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. That is why doctors advise in case of any doubts and ailments to go to the hospital. The first trimester of pregnancy allows in most cases to correct the situation, but only with timely diagnosis.

Lack of progesterone

In some patients, doctors note a lack of progesterone, which calls into question the normal bearing of the fetus to term.

Victoria, 22 years old: “Pregnancy 5 weeks, spotting began to smear. I went to the hospital, where the doctor prescribed Duphaston. After taking the drug, everything stopped, but it's still scary. ”

Valentina, 31 years old: “At the 7th week of pregnancy, a daub began. Will I be able to keep the baby with progesterone shots alone?”

Spotting at 5-12 weeks may well be caused by a lack of progesterone, but you can’t take drugs without permission, because the wrong dose may be useless or even aggravate the situation.

If the discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy began to disturb, and there are traces of blood on the daily basis, then you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe drugs such as: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, and also select their optimal dosage. Additional treatment may be prescribed. In this case, it is better not to self-medicate, but if you do not pay attention to this problem, then the situation may end in spontaneous abortion.

Detachment of the placenta

Larisa, 35 years old: “8 weeks of pregnancy and spotting arose unexpectedly, and they are more scarlet. She did an ultrasound at the hospital. Diagnosis - minor placental abruption. My stomach used to hurt, but now it's gone. Of the drugs pricked only papaverine. I'm worried and don't know what's going to happen next."

Bloody discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy, especially having a scarlet tint, may indicate placental abruption.

This negative process is caused by stress, trauma, allergies, high blood pressure, as well as bad habits.

As for the intensity of secretion, everything will depend on the area and place of detachment.

It is worth noting that the 7th week of pregnancy is an early period at which timely medical care can correct the situation and save the baby.

Various injuries

Olga, 26 years old: “I was 7 weeks pregnant and I fell. I didn't go to the hospital because there was no pain or bleeding. How stupid I was, because then I had to lie on conservation for almost the entire period.

This situation can occur at any period of bearing a baby, because during pregnancy a minor bruise or blow can cause damage to blood vessels. In this case, it does not hurt to consult a doctor who examines the fetus and gives recommendations.

placenta previa

Svetlana, 34 years old: “I am only in my ninth week, but the gynecologist diagnosed me with placenta previa. Has the placenta already formed by this time?

Many women think that placenta previa can only occur on late term. In fact, spotting at the 9th week of pregnancy, and at any time, can be caused precisely by placenta previa. The main difference is systematic bleeding, which at first may be painless. In the first trimester, bleeding is mild, but it is at this time that actions must be taken to eliminate the threat to the life of both the mother and the child.

Spontaneous abortion

Rejection of the fetus can be caused by stress, infections, injuries, etc. Also, spontaneous abortion can occur if the body considers the fetus to be incompetent, especially if there are genetic abnormalities.

Blood may appear in small quantities without additional sensations, and sometimes severe bleeding may open. If you turn to the doctor at the first spotting secretion, then the probability of saving the fetus is very high. At a late stage of this process, there is practically nothing that can be done.

Chorion exfoliation

It is from the chorion that the placenta is formed during the second trimester. The chorion provides a link between the mother and her child, so its detachment threatens the fetus. This process may be accompanied by a small amount of brown secretion.

"Bubble Skid"

A very rare pathology, which is accompanied by the growth of placental tissue. A woman may not feel anything until the development of the fetus stops.
Soon there is a copious secretion of red color. In this case, the fetus cannot be saved. It is believed that this deviation is genetic in nature. As a rule, it manifests itself from the 11th week of pregnancy.

Cervical erosion and polyps

Increased blood flow to the uterus can cause vascular damage. As a result, there is a slight bleeding, which can appear for no reason or after sex. If this process quickly and spontaneously stopped, then it may be erosion of the cervix, which is exacerbated precisely during the gestation of the fetus.

All about this pathology and discharge during erosion during pregnancy, read by clicking on the link.

Another cause may be polyps of the cervical canal and decidual polyps. These growths most often disappear on their own, but if removal is prescribed, the doctor also prescribes concomitant treatment.

If you are planning a pregnancy or are already in a position, it does not hurt to get acquainted with all the causes of red secretion. It is very difficult for a woman herself to associate discharge during early pregnancy with a certain violation, therefore, keeping calm, it is necessary to go to the hospital at the first ailments. Remember that self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Vaginal discharge plays an important role in the work of the female reproductive system during pregnancy. The secret, which is produced by the glands located in the vagina, cleanses the genital tract from dead cells and pathological microorganisms, helping the body defend itself against various infections.

The shade of a natural vaginal secretion in a pregnant woman can vary from white to transparent. Such secretions should not become a cause for excitement and deliver expectant mother discomfort. However, if the color of whiter is noticeably different from the natural one, and their appearance is accompanied by burning, unpleasant odor and itching, then there is every reason to believe that serious disorders occur in the patient's body.

Discharge in early pregnancy

Allocations in the early stages of pregnancy are most often a variant of the norm. First, under the action of progesterone, the natural secretion of the vaginal glands is activated. Secondly, immediately after conception and attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall, the glands of the reproductive tract begin to produce mucus that forms a mucous plug. Part of the mucous mass may be discharged from the vagina, so a clear, egg-like discharge is also considered normal.

The occurrence of pathologies may be indicated by brown, green, yellow, bloody and other leucorrhoea, which have an unusual color, texture and smell. Having found such discharge, it is worth contacting a gynecologist for an examination, establishing the cause of the development of the pathological process and prescribing treatment.

brown discharge during pregnancy

Most often, the appearance of brown whites during pregnancy is the first clinical sign of the development of a pathological process. In particular, such discharge can become a symptom of pregnancy fading, ectopic development of a fertilized egg, placental abruption, or threatened miscarriage.

Meanwhile, pregnant women do not always indicate the development of abnormalities that threaten the life and health of the mother and baby. So, for example, whites of this type are often observed with a slight injury to the vaginal mucosa or on days familiar to menstruation.

Heavy yellow discharge during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, abundant can be considered a variant of the norm. It is during this period that the so-called mucous plug is formed in the cervix, designed to protect the uterine cavity from the penetration of pathogenic agents. Some of the yellowish mucus produced by the body may come out of the genital tract. As a rule, such whites do not cause significant discomfort to expectant mothers and disappear on their own in the 3rd or 4th month of pregnancy.

At the same time, a yellowish secret with a sharp unpleasant odor may indicate the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. In particular, whites of this type can be a symptom of:

  • damage to the reproductive system by staphylococcal infection;
  • various STDs;
  • inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

Less common causes of heavy yellow vaginal discharge in pregnant women are the use of inappropriate hygiene products, washing powder, and wearing synthetic underwear. In this case, in order to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is enough just to limit contact with the irritant.

Light pink discharge during pregnancy

Pink color in all cases indicates the presence of blood in the vaginal discharge. In some situations, this may be due to the high sensitivity of the epithelial tissues of the vagina, damage to them by a vaginal probe during an ultrasound scan or a gynecological speculum during a routine examination. As a rule, such discharge does not cause a woman significant discomfort and disappear on her own in a few hours.

In some cases, light pink vaginal discharge appears in pregnant women on the days when they had menstruation before pregnancy. During this period, the body at the usual pace adjusts to menstruation, so the weak mucous membrane of the uterus may bleed slightly due to micro-ruptures. The causes of pink discharge in expectant mothers can also be:

  • minor placental abruption;
  • ectopia of the epithelial tissues of the cervix;
  • implantation of the fetal egg into the superficial tissues of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy;
  • the exit of the mucous plug covering the cervical canal;
  • leakage of fetal water released due to premature rupture of the fetal membrane.

With the appearance of alarming discharge, especially those accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should consult a gynecologist.

White discharge during pregnancy

In some cases, the appearance of white discharge with a slight odor becomes the first and only sign of pregnancy. The secretion of mucus is activated as the term increases - this is how the genital tract and uterus are cleansed of pathogens and dead cells.

A cause for alarm may be pathological white discharge, which has an unusual consistency or a sharp unpleasant odor. In particular, cheesy leucorrhoea, the appearance of which is accompanied by burning, redness and itching in the vulva, are considered the first specific sign of the development of vaginal candidiasis. Translucent white discharge with a pronounced fishy odor indicates a violation of the natural biocenosis of the vagina and the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Such conditions require immediate medical attention.

In the final stages of pregnancy, a woman can observe the exit from the genital tract of a lump of dense whitish mucus with blood streaks - a mucous plug that protects the uterus from the penetration of infectious agents. Similar symptoms indicate the onset of labor.

The appearance in a pregnant woman of any vaginal discharge that has an unusual texture, shade and smell is sufficient reason to seek advice from a doctor leading the pregnancy. Only an experienced physician will be able to establish the root cause of the pathology in the shortest possible time and prescribe an effective and safe treatment.

You can also watch a video consultation from a professional gynecologist about vaginal discharge.