Little girl with big boobs. Stars about their small breasts

A vivid example of the fact that small breasts do not prevent you from becoming a sex symbol and ascending to Hollywood Olympus is actress Keira Knightley. And the star's breast size is not just small, but generally zero. Nevertheless, Keira Knightley she loves to appear at evening events in outfits with a bold neckline and does not refuse candid photo shoots. Interestingly, on some advertising posters, the actress's breasts look much more magnificent. Kira always comments without hesitation that she is not at all ashamed of her small volumes, and enlarged breasts are the result of photomontage.

Famous Colombian The singer and dancer Shakira is also not at all shy about her small breasts. The incendiary Latina not only achieved impressive professional success, but also topped the Los Angeles Weekly tabloid ranking of the sexiest singers of all time in 2012. And her Facebook page is the most popular.

The very non-standard appearance of Renee Zellweger did not become an obstacle for her in achieving world fame. The actress has not only small breasts, but also rather curvaceous hips, a round face and small eyes. Despite this, Rene Zellweger became popular even before the role of Bridget Jones. The actress is not embarrassed by her originality and is not afraid to experiment with her appearance. Identity has become a recipe for success Rene Zellweger.

world famous Carla Bruni became in 2008 when she married Nicolas Sarkozy, then French President. However, long before the high-profile marriage, the Italian beauty managed to succeed very well in Europe, as a model and singer. In spite of small bust, Carla Bruni willingly photographed naked. Moreover, Carla Bruni considers her breasts beautiful precisely because they are small.

The star of the super popular movie saga "Twilight" Kristen Stewart does not have the subtle fragility of Keira Knightley and Vanessa Paradis. However, the bust of Kristen Stewart is very modest in size. Which, in general, did not prevent the actress from becoming one of the highest paid Hollywood stars.

Actress Kate Hudson, who has many successful film roles behind her, once publicly admitted at the dawn of her career that she envies women with a large bust. However, later the actress always claimed that she was completely satisfied with her figure, including small breasts. Sexy beauty has driven a lot of men crazy, and one of her ex-boyfriends is famous American actor Owen Wilson, after breaking up with Keith Hudson even tried to commit suicide. In 2010, there were rumors that the actress inserted small implants. Pictured chest Keith Hudson and the truth looks a little more magnificent than usual. Although a slight increase in the bust may be the result of the birth of a second child, and not at all evidence of plastic surgery.

American Oscar winner actress Gwyneth Paltrow has never had big breasts. For a long time, the star was quite happy with her bust, but after the birth of two children Gwyneth Paltrow She said she was considering a breast lift. The actress does not want to insert silicone: she just plans to return the bust to its previous shape.

Actress Olivia Wilde became famous thanks to her roles in popular TV shows (including House M.D.). Olivia does not consider her small bust a disadvantage, therefore not afraid to wear revealing outfits that emphasize the chest. In 2009, Maxim magazine put Olivia Wilde at the top of the ranking of the most desirable women in the world. So stars with small breasts can be not only very popular, but also the most attractive for men.

Many young girls are terribly worried about the small size of their breasts. Many of them experience a lot of complexes about this, which simply prevent them from living and enjoying every minute of their unique youth. Therefore, let's try to figure it out together - how scary is it - to have small breasts at 10-20 years old?

Why have I been talking about age since I was 10? Yes, because it is already at this young age that future beauties begin to wind themselves up about the too small size of their Persians!

I'll start with a story about myself - I never had amazing top data, like, for example, Angelina Jolie or Pamela Anderson. That is why I perfectly understand the confusion of those girls who, at the age of 12-18, observe busty classmates around them who are much more in demand than they are.

I remember how, at the age of 14, I compared my flat chest with powerful-breasted actresses from Mexican TV shows and was terribly worried about the fact that I was born so “underdeveloped”.

At the same time, I was unaware that these stately ladies with outstanding female attractions far ahead had already exchanged their 30s and were confidently approaching their forties, that they had already given birth at least once, and that they had wide bones (and not narrow ones, like me), and yes, they have different genetics.

I also compared myself with actresses from Beverly Hills, MelRose Place District and other serials that were fashionable in my youth. At the same time, I preferred not to think that I was only 16 years old, and they were already 26-30 years old, and that I was still a virgin at 16, and they had long and successfully led a rich business. sexual life that their body had already formed by the age of 25, and mine had just begun ...

I remember there was one very funny and, perhaps, instructive moment ... I once rode a tram and prayed to God to give me big breasts:) You can find out if the Lord fulfilled my request at the end of this article...

In short, at almost 19 years old I had the most modest first size, a lot of complexes and virginity to boot. When chastity was over and a fairly active sex life, my chest added in size, but just a little bit - it became from the first to the second.

Those. sex as such did not particularly affect the development of my mammary glands. So do not think, girls, that if I lead an active sex life, then your milkings will grow to the chin - this is all very individual, a lot depends on heredity.

Closer to the age of 25, when the body had already finished growing, my bust reached the long-awaited, confident, second size. And so, now I am about 30 years old, I am pregnant, and my breasts reach the third, or even the fourth size. What will happen then - I don’t know, but it seems that the Lord heard that prayer of mine :)

Which, by the way, I’m not very happy about: it was easier to live with a smaller volume of breasts - they didn’t interfere with my movement, I sweated less, attracted the attention of anxious males without brains, which I can’t stand.

After all, it is only because of her youth that it is important for a woman to constantly catch the glances of lustful old farts and sexually horny teenagers. With age, over the years, when you have a permanent relationship with your loved one, this extra attention only irritates. Although - everyone is different.

But back to the original topic. So here I am in adolescence I thought that I went to my mother, who had very small breasts all her life, even despite the fact that she had already given birth to three children. This was my first mistake - with genetics, I completely and completely went to my grandmother, who always had everything on top with her bust parameters. So I worried for nothing.

My second misconception was due to the fact that I thought, since I have small breasts, since I do not meet modern standards female beauty, then I will not be in demand among the guys, no one will love me.

What is there! Bullshit. Big tits are only for brainless men who, I suspect, the size of their women's tits replaces the lack of their own gray matter. And there are more smart men, believe me - they just skillfully disguise themselves :)

Well, even bigger breasts are needed for those males who simply have huge problems with their own self-esteem, or rather, its absence. So they assert themselves in front of other men by the fact that their heifer is more steep-chested. I'm sorry to put it this way, but that's life.

If you are at least something, as a person, as a person, if you are interesting, are fond of something (photo, want to make a career, be useful to people), then you will definitely find like-minded people, and among them - a loved one. And most likely - and not one, if you have such a goal.

In addition, in young girls, both adult men and young guys value their youth first of all - believe me, girls, this is such a rare commodity, especially in its unspoiled form (well, so that the girl does not drink, does not smoke, does not use drugs and does not swear ), which is now worth its weight in gold. The main thing is to know the places where to shine with it.

Again, the lack of upper parameters can always be compensated by an emphasis on the beauty of the ass, on beautiful hair and well-groomed nails, a sweet expression on the face, long legs, fashionable, tasteful clothes, etc. etc.

…Again, the sexual instinct for members of the opposite sex is very important, but he is not the only helmsman. I already know for sure from my own experience that out of 10 men, 7 will choose a girl with a smaller breast size, but with brains in her head and hands on her shoulders, i.e. - not a fool and at the same time economic.

So worrying about the insufficient size of your perseus or just squeezing lemonade out of what nature has given is up to you.

But personally, I don’t envy those young ladies who, in the first 30 years of their lives, successfully laid their breasts - easily and confidently, and who in the next 30 years of their lives suddenly became useless to anyone ... After all, beauty and youth are a disadvantage that VERY quickly and passes unnoticed, and relying on them and only on them is madness.

As they say, not the flower that bloomed in a flower garden, where there are all conditions for this, is beautiful, but the one that managed to bloom in a garbage dump ...

Add extra value to your personality. Do not chase machos who will only appreciate big breasts and your appearance, wrapping. Respect yourself as a person. Don't settle for less than you deserve. And then you will be happy no matter what breast size you have.

Wish you happiness!

Not everyone is ashamed of their small breasts. Or?

At Keith Hudson always had very small breasts. At best, one. However, the star is not shy about her figure and even expressed dissatisfaction when her breasts noticeably increased during pregnancy. Is it sincere? Who knows. But here are her words:

“I hate my breasts. I usually have an A cup, and now I'm getting closer to a D. Big breasts are cool for one and not at all cool for another. In addition, I love fashion, and impressive breasts do not fit into all images. It's more useful when you're not wearing any clothes at all."

"At I have really small breasts. It’s nice to be able to wear a deep neckline and still be elegant.”

"I love my chest. I like that it's small. There's something sexy about it for me."

FROM Now, after the birth of two children (in 2003 and 2011), Kate's breasts have become noticeably larger. And we will not undertake to argue that this is the result of feeding and hormonal changes. How can we not undertake to argue the opposite.

2015: Kate Hudson after plastic surgery?

Keira Knightley- the most famous fighter for the right to have small breasts and not be ashamed of it.

Keira Knightley chest

"M Her body was photoshopped many times for a variety of reasons: both paparazzi and movie posters. As for this shot, I said, “OK, I’ll take a topless photo if you don’t enlarge or retouch the breasts.” Because it was important for me to state that it doesn’t matter what forms you have. I think that female body is a kind of war arena, and the art of photography is partly to blame for this.

"ABOUT They don't always draw my chest. As for the poster for King Arthur, I was pissed off that they added this weird hanging chest. Since you are drawing, then draw at least a protruding chest.

Keira Knightley before and after...

H Kira has no misconceptions about which breasts are considered sexier: “When it comes to sex scenes in films, I’m very strict about which part of the body will be naked. Definitely not the bottom one. But I don't mind exposing my breasts, because I have them very small and don't particularly interest people."

W ato Mila Kunis overjoyed at the changes that occurred during pregnancy: “I have amazing breasts! Now it is three times bigger. Previously, my size was 34A, now - 36C. I am so excited! I tell everyone I know: "Come on, touch them."

During pregnancy:

And now:

At lybka Emma Roberts reminiscent of her aunt Julia's smile, but the American Horror Story star's breasts are smaller than those of her famous relative. This did not seem to interfere with his career, but as for the complexes ....

"TO When I was younger, sexy was always equated with big breasts, and I didn't have any at all. So I always felt that being sexy was out of my reach. Then I constantly wanted to be a girl with magnificent breasts, but I sort of accepted that this does not apply to me.

Cameron Diaz also the owner of a small chest, coupled with a rather big athletic body. Does she like this state of affairs? Rather no than yes, although sometimes she states the opposite: “I must admit that I like my firm and perky breasts. Mom constantly said that the perfect breast should fit in a champagne glass. I thought it was cool and was happy that my breasts remained small.”

H about: “Once upon a time I wanted huge breasts, like my grandmother. Many women think that breasts should be big, but I - living proof the fact that you can go far with a little one.

H There were repeated rumors that Cameron had a breast augmentation. Her take on the opportunity: “So far, I've been happy with what I have. The chest is small, but I have some spectacular push-ups. However, never say never. Maybe one day, if I don't like her anymore...

H in fact, Diaz's chest is not so small:

H oh, she might look like this in a bad bathing suit. And/or during the drying period:

It is believed that modern world money and big breasts rule. Because of the prevailing stereotypes about sexy chicks, girls with small breasts often have complexes about their less magnificent forms and simply put a taboo on this uncomfortable question. But, as they say, all felt-tip pens are different in taste and color. Many men still like fragile pretty girls with small breasts.

Even the first Hollywood beauties favor natural forms and don't seem to be shy about showing off their size zero on the covers of the most fashionable magazines. Take Keira Knightley, for example. The star, in general, does not worry about small size his chest and does not get tired of participating in candid photo shoots. When one day the masters of Photoshop finished painting the actress with magnificent breasts, the girl kindly asked to return back what Mother Nature had given her and continue not to do such frauds with her pictures.

What am I talking about... The fact that every girl is charming in her own way. And girls with small breasts are no exception. These are 19 big advantages of girls with small breasts.

1. When talking to you, people hear what you are talking about and look into your eyes.

2. Wear a seat belt? Spit once!

3. It is easier for girls with small breasts to choose a bra, because bras with both push-up and without foam are suitable for them.

4. You probably never had problems with being overweight.

5. Breasts don't stop you from exercising.

6. You don't know what it's like when food during an important meeting at a restaurant ends up right there for you.

7. You are not afraid to wear blouses with a large neckline.

8. Whatever you wear, everything looks stylish and neat.

9. Family vacation on the beach does not cause any inconvenience. You are unlikely to be accused of seducing someone's husband with your frank appearance.

10. You, in general, fit any model of a swimsuit.

11. You look like graceful Hollywood beauties and runway models.

12. You are not bothered by back pain due to large breasts.

13. You have no problem sleeping on your stomach.

14. Even if you wear an open short dress with a large neckline to work, it will not look defiant.

15. Girls in locker rooms don't come up to you with a stupid question: "Are they real?"

16. Most likely, other women do not call you a prostitute or a bitch.

17. You can be sure that your boyfriend loves you not only for your appearance.

18. His mother will definitely like you.

19. You don't have to be afraid to wrap yourself in a towel after a bath. You don't even have to hold it with your hands.

From all this, we can draw a simple conclusion: it doesn’t matter if your chest is large or small, the main thing is how comfortable and natural you feel in your body. Confidence usually gives a woman charm. Share this humble post with your friends.

Option 1. Breast augmentation

There are quite a few articles about breast augmentation by various methods:

  • with the help of surgery: a very expensive operation, usually highly effective, but has disadvantages: artificial breasts cannot be fed to children, stitches can be visible, complications are possible, and the breast will not be as soft to the touch as natural;
  • folk methods: described in detail in the article:
  • with the help of creams, massage: you can read more in the article: "
  • by strengthening the muscles of the chest: video exercises + description in the article:

Option 2. Create the illusion of a large chest

At the same time, the concept of "big breasts" is different for everyone: if you have the 1st size, then the 2nd one is already large for you. Now push-up bras are very popular, which visually increase the chest by 1-2 sizes. The bra makes the breasts lifted, and accordingly, more sexy.

Also, you can play in contrast: emphasize the chest with the help of clothes: horizontal lines, a two-tone top (light tones in the chest area, dark tones at the waist and below) visually enlarge the chest. Avoid very deep cuts. You can also use a corset: the harmonious difference between the waist and chest is 20-30 cm. If you make the waist even a couple of centimeters thinner (using a corset or corrective underwear), then against its background the chest will look larger.

Option 3. The most effective

And if these options do not suit you, and you still say to yourself: "I have small breasts, what should I do?" My advice is this: love yourself for who you are! After all, most likely, you not only have small breasts, but you are all miniature, slender. But many men love such girls.

Here are a couple of patterns identified by psychologists that you can remember when you are wondering what to do if you have small breasts:

  1. The ideal chest that serious men like is the one that fits in their hands;
  2. Men are more likely to choose girls with large breasts for fleeting romances, and with small ones for serious relationships;
  3. Many men first evaluate the legs in a girl, and only then the breasts (and they also choose well-groomed and self-confident girls)

And why does everyone want big breasts? Have you ever thought that small breasts have undeniable advantages:

  • Small breasts look very neat. It is unlikely that it will quickly sag, which often happens with large breasts;
  • There are no problems with the spine: but women with large breasts often suffer from back pain, because the chest is also kilograms to body weight;
  • There are no problems with the choice of underwear: an insane amount of various, beautiful models, as a rule, with A, B, C cups. It is very difficult to find beautiful and comfortable underwear in sizes D, E and more;
  • A slender girl with small breasts looks more beautiful than a large girl with large breasts. A miniature body with large breasts does not look proportional, and not beautiful.

Also, so that you understand that having small breasts is not at all bad, let me remind you of the famous beauties who do not complex, and do not wonder what to do with small breasts: Keira Knightley, Mila Jovovich, Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, and even a socialite Ksenia Sobchak. None of them is shy to appear in glossy magazines. And despite their small breasts, they have a ton of fans!

So all you need is to love yourself, take care of your breasts (so that they are elastic and beautifully shaped), and then they will love you!