Search snls by last name. How to find out the Snils number by last name

The SNILS number is indicated on the pension certificate, which is often called the "green" card. Despite its name, this document is issued not only to people of retirement age, but also to working citizens, as well as children.

The SNILS number may be required in many cases, for example, you wanted to get a job - your future employer, among other things, will want to know the specified information. To apply for some benefits, benefits, compensations, you will also need to indicate your SNILS.

The easiest way to find out your SNILS is to find pension certificate and look into it. At the very top is the required number, which consists of 11 digits.

How to find out your SNILS by passport?

If you could not find a "green" card, then you can come to the territorial FIU. Contact the responsible employee who will tell you the SNILS number. To do this, you will need to present your passport.

It is possible that you are too busy at work and there is no time to go to the Pension Fund, but you need to find out your SNILS urgently. In this situation, a personnel employee of your enterprise can help you out. He must have the necessary information. Ask him to give you the required information.

How to find out your SNILS via the Internet?

Through the Internet, it is not so easy to find out your SNILS. This opportunity is available only to users of the State Services website. Unfortunately, there is no special service for providing information about the SNILS number on the specified site.

But you can make a request to receive information about the status of your individual personal account (in the Retirement Savings section). When you receive a document containing the specified information, you will be able to find out not only your SNILS, but also data on your pension.

The abbreviation SNILS introduced into use is not always and not everyone understands. Everyone knows about pension insurance (as this document is commonly called), but they are used to treating it as something not really needed. Meanwhile, situations often arise when an individual account number is simply necessary. And then the question arises before a person: how can you find out SNILS?

What is a SNILS number?

SNILS - the insurance number of an individual personal account - a document that personifies a citizen in the system of pension and social insurance. It is currently one of the main required documents a citizen of the Russian Federation, along with a passport, policy and TIN. Without it, it is impossible to get a job, get a pension, and even receive medical services in public clinics. In the future, it is even planned that SNILS will replace both the insurance policy and the TIN. In addition, the SNILS number may be needed when registering for a public service. It's pretty convenient portal to pay utility bills, to order foreign passport and TIN, obtaining information about the necessary services and much more. At the same time, registration on the portal requires the introduction of an individual account number. Seeing an incomprehensible and not yet quite familiar concept, people often begin to panic, believing that these are yet another state bureaucratic "troubles", the purpose of which is to once again confuse citizens. Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to recognize SNILS. It is contained on the obligatory pension insurance - this is the same green plastic card, 11 by 8 cm in size, which for the majority gathers dust as it is unnecessary in documents. Its front reverse contains personal information and the notorious number, which looks like the following sample: No. 181-174-261 11, where the first digits divided into triples are the account number itself, and the last two are the control number.

Find out your own SNILS number

Now it becomes clear that in order to find out your SNILS, you just need to find a pension insurance. Of course, if this document was previously received. Since 2011, SNILS has been issued to children from birth, or rather, a month after receipt. For children born before the specified year, you can get SNILS by contacting the Department pension fund with original birth certificate.

Adults can apply for SNILS on their own, also at the Pension Fund, where they must first fill out a special questionnaire. In one or two weeks the certificate will be ready. When applying to the fund, do not forget your passport. In addition, SNILS can also be obtained at the place of work: the terms may be delayed, but you will not need to go anywhere: you will fill out the questionnaire directly in the personnel department.

However, there are cases when SNILS has already been received, but is either lost, or handed over for re-registration (when personal data is changed), or is needed, as they say, here and now, but is not at hand. How to find out SNILS in this case?

Let's make a reservation right away that, fortunately or unfortunately, it is impossible to look up the number in some database via the Internet. Because this information is personal and cannot be made public - this would be tantamount to publishing a person's passport data online. And yet there are several ways to get the desired number:

  1. SNILS is contained in letters from the pension fund. Everyone gets one at the end of the year with a retirement savings report.
  2. If you work, you can find out the number of the pension certificate from the employer, since SNILS is a mandatory document when applying for a job.
  3. If you worked earlier and are now fired, and the work book is in your hands, check its cover - the personnel departments often write out SNILS and TIN numbers there.
  4. If it so happened that you lost SNILS, you can find it out (and order a duplicate) at the Pension Fund. You can also do the same if the insurance certificate is being reissued (for example, when changing your last name) or out of reach (for example, if you study or work in another city and do not carry documents with you).

How to find out someone else's SNILS number?

The accounting department and the personnel department need an insurance account number to submit various reports. If the employee has already received a certificate, but has not yet had time to provide it to the employer, and the number does not appear on the back of the work book, it will be possible to find out SNILS upon an official request to the Pension Fund. You can do it by mail by sending a letter registered in correspondence (preferably registered), indicating the position of the employee, the terms of his work, passport data and TIN. If you are in good relations with a pension fund inspector, you can try to find out the number by phone or in person, but officially this method is prohibited, since it involves access to the employee's personal information.

In all other cases, it is impossible to find out someone else's pension insurance number.

Thus, it will not work to find out SNILS in some unified database of insurance numbers. You need to look for either a pension certificate, or your number, preserved in various documents (labor, a letter from a pension), or make a request directly to the pension fund.

SNILS - a document (account number) assigned to each citizen of the country, opened in the Pension Fund. This account accumulates insurance contributions, which are included in the total amount of your pension accruals. We receive a rectangular laminated green card in our hands - an insurance certificate. It contains - your account number in the PF, as well as the SNILS number itself (11 digits). This certificate also contains personal information about the citizen: full name, date of birth, gender.

SNILS is a supporting document. You cannot use it as an identity card, but it is required when applying to almost any area of ​​human life: when applying for medical help, employment, when checking pension account replenishment, providing social services, etc. If you make a small summary - an extremely necessary and important document, without which nowhere.

You can check SNIL yourself in several ways:

1. Apply to the Pension Fund at the place of residence with an identity document.
2. Contact the personnel department of the enterprise where you are officially employed.
3. Go to the website of the State Services and check the necessary data.
4. Check the insurance certificate by looking at your pension certificate.

But there are situations when it is necessary to check the SNILS of another person, for example, an employee or counterparty. What to do in such cases, because the above methods cannot be done.

You can check SNILS online by the number on our website. We are a company registered in accordance with the established procedure, the operator of personal data. With our help, you can not only check SNILS in the database, but any other information about a citizen. Use any of our services: basic query or advanced query, and soon you will all receive a complete package of data about the requested person. Since our company successfully solves personnel issues for organizations, you can be sure that the candidates proposed by us are professionals in their field with a clean life and work reputation.

We work with the most non-standard and specific requests. Therefore, if your situation is beyond the scope of a regular check, feel free to contact us in any convenient way. We will provide you with the necessary information within the agreed time frame.

SNILS - pension insurance certificate - is one of the binding documents for every citizen Russian Federation. Now you can apply for this card regardless of age, employment and other factors. The only requirement is to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Therefore, most parents strive to issue SNILS to their children as early as possible.

Like any other document, the SNILS card can always be lost. Anything happens - most citizens keep their pension insurance certificate in the pocket of their passport case, and they may well lose the card along with this document. Of course, you can restore the card - this is not particularly difficult.

However, what if the card disappeared at the most inopportune time? If you urgently need to submit your SNILS number to any government bodies? Nobody canceled the law of meanness, as a rule, such unpleasant incidents with documents happen exactly when they are really needed.

What to do in this case? Suppose that you have absolutely no time to issue a new card. After all, it takes time not only to submit an application, but also to produce a new certificate. How to find out SNILS?

In our article today, we will look at several ways in which you can find out the number of an insurance pension certificate without having it on hand.

Is it possible to find out the insurance certificate number via the Internet

Formally, the Pension Fund of Russia does not provide citizens with such an opportunity. It is generally accepted that a personal code is confidential information that cannot be provided via the Internet. Therefore, officially an Internet resource that would allow you to find out your SNILS number by simply entering your last name or other passport data. The State Fund does not provide citizens with such information, and all personal codes of insurance pension certificates of citizens are stored on the basis of the fund. However, in fact, there is a loophole through which you can find out the number of your lost card via the Internet.

This loophole will work if you were registered on the public services portal. (If the reader turned to this article not out of necessity and SNILS is in his this moment on hand, we strongly recommend him to register on the portal "Gosuslugi"). The essence of this trick is that during registration the system asked you to indicate your personal insurance certificate code. If so, then it should be saved in your personal data. However, access to them is not as open as it seems.

To determine the number indicated on your lost card, go to your Personal Account, and then click on "Retirement Savings". The button “Notification of the status of an individual account” will appear in the window (it is possible that the name will be somewhat different - the State Services portal is constantly changing and improving). Click on this button and you will receive complete information about your pension account, including its number - these are the numbers indicated on your card.


Apply to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund with a passport or any other identity document (birth certificate, temporary identity card, etc.) to fill out the questionnaire of the insured person. The address of the PFR branch can be found on the main page of the organization in the "Contacts" section Territorial offices can be found there by clicking on the map shown in the right corner of the page. The questionnaire for obtaining a pension insurance certificate can be filled out in advance by printing out a standard form from the website (the download link is located at the bottom of the page).

If you have already received a pension certificate before, but cannot find it, contact the personnel department at your place of work, housing and communal services or any other organization in which you indicated number cards. Perhaps the employees of these organizations will be able to name it for you. Find the old employment contracts that were drawn up when applying for a job, among your data should be indicated (insurance number personal account) in the form XXX XXX XXX XX.

If you lose your pension certificate, contact the Pension Fund for a duplicate. You can download the application form with a request for its issuance on the Internet at To fill in all the fields of the document, you will also need an identity document.

If you do not need a duplicate, and you did not manage to find out SNILS using the above methods, submit documents to the Pension Fund to obtain a green card, i.e. fill out the form for obtaining an insurance pension certificate. If you have any questions, tell the fund staff that you have not received the document before. After some time, you will receive an answer that the person who has the data indicated in the questionnaire has already been issued certificate No. XXX XXX XXX XX. Specified number and will be desired.

Advice 2: How to find out the number of the insurance pension certificate

The easiest way number your pension insurance evidence- look at the front side of this document. But in some cases it may not be at hand, but number may be urgently needed. To get it, you can contact the accounting department for any of the places of work, present or former, or directly to the PRF department for which you are listed.


More often number pension insurance evidence required when you apply for a new job and the original is lost. You must restore this document through the employer. A number it will be required already at the conclusion of an employment contract or a civil law contract. At the same time, you can contact the accounting department of any of the previous jobs, preferably the one from which you recently quit. They cannot know him.

If you are not in an employment relationship, but have lost your PFR certificate, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence yourself. However, you can ask number his evidence(for example, if it is needed to conclude a civil law contract). You will be called immediately.
The new same document will have the same number, which is the same as the previous one.

It also happens when number evidence Employer needs PFR. This information is confidential, but there is one way to get it. To do this, you need to fill out documents for him, as if you are issuing a certificate for him for the first time, and take it to the department of the fund, where you are registered as an insurer.
In design evidence they will refuse you, but they will inform you number what he has. Many branches of the PFR conduct such a check directly when insurers contact them and immediately issue the necessary information.

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IN modern society, if health permits, it is customary to continue working after retirement age. In this case, the person receives both a pension and wages. pension certificate is a document with the help of which not only the possibility of receiving a pension appears, but also travel tickets, receive preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and benefits for paying utility bills. But no one is safe from theft in public transport or on the street. Or from the accidental loss of a pension certificate.

You will need

  • Passport
  • Photos
  • Power of attorney


If you are retired and not working, then you need to drive up to the pension fund at the place of your registration. You need to have a passport and 4 photos 3 * 4 cm with you. There you will be given a sample application, and according to passport data, they will find the certificate number, all information on it and issue a duplicate.

A document such as an insurance certificate of state pension insurance is directly related to our future pension. An individual personal account is opened for each citizen with the assignment of a unique numbers, where insurance premiums are transferred during the entire length of service. This is the funded part of the pension. Any of us may be faced with the loss of a document or simply the need insurance certificate number.

You will need

  • - passport
  • - TIN
  • - address of the nearest territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation


If you need a new pension insurance certificate, get it through your employer. To do this, within a month from the date of discovery of the loss of the document, write an application for the issuance of its duplicate. The personnel department will send your request to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and in about a week you will receive a new pension certificate at your place of work.

If at the moment you are an unemployed insured person and do not have a permanent place of work, submit an application for restoration of the certificate yourself to the nearest division of the Pension Fund at the place of stay. You must take a passport or other identification documents. You will receive a new insurance certificate in the same department within a month from the date of application.

If you just need to know insurance certificate number, also contact the territorial Pension Fund at the place of registration. By providing the inspector with your personal data: full name, full date of birth, TIN, address of residence, you will promptly receive the necessary information.

Make a written request by mail to your Pension Fund for information on the insurance number. The letter must be written in the name of the head of the department, indicating your passport data and TIN. If this request is sent by registered mail with notification, the likelihood of it being lost, and, as a result, being left unanswered, is minimal.

Do not try to get information on the insurance number via the Internet or by phone, as such information, as stated the federal law"On individual (personalized) accounting in the system of state pension insurance" is strictly confidential and employees of the Pension Fund do not have the right to disclose it illegally.

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The insurance number is required not only when making the first entry in the work book, but also with each change of job throughout the entire professional activity. Under any circumstances, the received personal account number remains unchanged.

The need to determine the contract number may arise in various situations. In particular, the number is required to find the document in the database or to be indicated in other documents.


Only one of its parties or special authorized state bodies can find out the contract number on the basis of a relevant request. Although there is no secret in this, especially when the contract is public.
A distinction should be made between the serial number of the contract, when the numbering is maintained by the contracting entity, and registration number contracts.
The easiest way is the contract number - the contract itself or a copy of it. Copies of the agreement must be kept by all parties to the agreement.

If you have lost the contract or you didn’t have a copy of it initially, which, of course, is your omission, then you can find out the contract number in three ways:
- contact the other party to the contract (parties) and ask to tell you its number (sometimes it is enough just to call);
- look at the contract number in other documents, where it may appear, for example, the contract number can be indicated on payment receipts, on payment orders, the contract number may even match the number of your personal account, which serves to pay for services under the contract, etc. .d.;
- contact the organizations through which the contract passed, or where you provided copies of it;
- if you entered into an agreement on the Internet, through any site, then the number of the agreement and your other details should be in your personal account(for example, everyone who has ever used the Sberbank-online service knows that all the details are available in their personal account);
- if the contract was registered, then all its details, including the number, remain in the database of the registering authority, so you can find out the number by requesting information from this authority (in most cases, you will have to pay a state duty).

If you were not a party to the contract, but you need to know its number, you can use the same methods, but no one will give you a guarantee that you will be provided with such a number. In most cases, you will have to make a written request and indicate good reasons.

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Tip 6: How to find out the pension insurance certificate number

insurance certificate compulsory pension insurance is a document that is issued to the insured person and confirms his registration in the system of state pension insurance of the Russian Federation. It indicates the number of the personal account that is open to this person and is indicated on the certificate itself. There are situations when you need to know this number. This can be done in several ways.


If at the time of employment you do not yet have a certificate of state pension insurance, then you can apply for it through the employer. You will only need to fill out a questionnaire and give it to the representative of the company, who, together with a copy of your passport, will take it to the office. In two weeks you will be issued a certificate, on which its number will be indicated.

If you have lost SNILS, you can restore it through your employer. But this will take time. And if you need the certificate number immediately for the conclusion employment contract or a civil law contract, contact the financial service at your previous place of work, where you will be given your state pension insurance certificate number.

If you have lost your certificate and you need the number for other reasons, not for employment, contact the pension fund department personally to restore it. The certificate number will be told to you immediately, because after the restoration it will remain the same.