Examples of filling out questionnaires for a new passport. Instructions for filling out the application for a passport

The passport application form is a form in which errors and corrections are not allowed. Therefore, when collecting documents for a visit to the FMS, many people ask themselves the question: how to correctly fill out an application for a passport?
The unrest is quite justified - more than half of the applicants are denied acceptance of documents for a passport precisely because of inaccuracies in the questionnaire. And it's not about typos or grammatical errors, although this is also important! The content of each section of the application for the issuance of a foreign passport plays an important role.
There are fifteen such sections (points) in the questionnaire for an adult, which means that there are also many reasons to make a mistake.
We offer you a small instruction on how to correctly fill out the application for a passport:

  • The questionnaire is filled in with capital letters, you can use lowercase letters if all the information does not fit on a line.
  • Next, carefully indicate your passport data.

If the full name has not been changed, write like that - full name. DID NOT CHANGE. When changing the surname chronological order describe these changes: IVANOVA UNTIL 2003, PETROVA UNTIL 2009, NAGATINSKY OZAGS OF MOSCOW

  • Carefully rewrite the authority that issued the passport - word for word, as in the document. If the string allows, enter the division code.
  • In the "address" column, do not forget to also indicate the index and phone number (mobile is better)
  • If access to information of special importance was issued, write: WAS, FORM No. ..., in such and such a year, there (name of organization). Form 3 can be omitted.
  • If there was a criminal record, write: WAS CONDEMNED, article number, by such and such a court, in such and such a year. Do not forget to attach documents about the criminal record, and if any, about its cancellation.
  • When describing labor activity Don't forget to include breaks. Those. if between dismissal and admission to new job you have been idle for several months, then we write: 09.2003 - 01.2004 TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING, in the column "address of the organization" in this case we indicate the address of our registration at that moment. Breaks are recorded for more than one month.
  • Change of positions in one organization - displayed in one column, separated by commas. If everything does not fit, then indicates only the last position at the time of dismissal.
  • If the company changed its name, then we describe it as two different works.
  • If you are currently employed, then when describing your current place of work, in the column "date of dismissal" we write - N / A (i.e. PRESENT).
  • If there is not enough graph, you must fill out a special application form. In it, you continue to describe your work activity.

When working with a questionnaire biometric passport There are also technical aspects to consider. The fact is that according to the regulations, this form must be filled out using Adobe Reader version 6, 8 or 9.

It is important not only to correctly fill out the questionnaire for a passport, but also to print it correctly:

  • In the "PRINT" menu, you need to select "None" for the "Page Scale" parameter
  • Next, using the "Advanced" button, check the box "Print as image"
  • The questionnaire is printed in 2 copies using double-sided printing.

There are still a lot of nuances, we have covered only a small part of the issues that arise when filling out an application. We hope that our instructions will help you to correctly fill out the application for a passport!

Still doubting your abilities - trust the professionals!

Contact us at the Document-Service City Service. Our specialists have vast experience in preparing documents for a passport. And what seems difficult to you is a normal daily work for us. You will receive a correctly completed passport application form within 15-20 minutes!

Before you start filling out the application for a new passport, make sure that you have everything you need to apply for a passport. you can also download from our website.
Below is a textual instruction for filling out the application form. If you have any questions, you can safely search for them in our database, or ask directly.

Printing the application form

The questionnaire is printed on 2 sides on 1 sheet. PDF application format that can be opened with Adobe Reader version 6.0 and above. The form is filled out on a computer (initially, you must save the application file to yourself), or by hand in printed capital letters with black or dark blue ink. To print the questionnaire, you need to go to the Adobe Reader program in the tab "File -> Print". In the window that appears, set the number of copies and your printer.
You also need:
1. In paragraph "Page Scale" select option "No"

1. Go to item "Additionally" and check the box "Print as Image"

Do not forget! You need to print the questionnaire on 1 sheet on both sides!

Correctly filling out the questionnaire for a biometric passport: instructions

The biometric passport application form must be completed in CAPITAL LETTERS only. Let's take each point in order.

1. In the first line we write "IVANOVA" (surname). In the second line "MARIA" (name). In the third "IVANOVNA" (patronymic).

2. Gender, put a cross "X" in the box, male or female.

3. We write the date, month and year of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY (for example, 03/12/1995)

4. In this line, enter the place of birth exactly as it is written in the passport. (for example, KRASNODAR)

5. If the surname, name, patronymic did not change, put a cross in the "No" box. If there were changes, then put "X" in the "Yes" box. Next, we indicate which surname (first name or patronymic) was before, the date of the change, place and body in the appropriate columns.

IMPORTANT! If the full name was changed repeatedly, all the information will not fit. For this, today, there is an application for changing personal data, which must be filled out.

6. We write the address of our permanent residence and the date of registration, in the appropriate lines, regardless of your location. If your passport does not have a registration stamp, leave all lines blank.

7. If you are registered in another region, and apply for a new generation passport, for example, in Moscow, then fill out this item in accordance with the requirements. You have a temporary registration in Moscow, put "X" in the square of the place of residence, and indicate the period of registration. No registration - "X" in the square of the actual location in Moscow.

8. Specify the phone number.

9. Enter your email address (optional).

10. Here you enter your passport data, be sure to indicate the unit code. Pay attention to who issued your internal passport. Rewrite all the data without errors, as you may be denied a passport for submitting deliberately false information.

11. If you have ever been issued an admission form, you must write what form of admission was, in what year and which institution issued the admission form.

12. If you answer "YES", indicate the organization and year. If the answer is "NO" - put a cross in the desired box. If an agreement has been concluded with you, according to which your right to travel is limited due to the fact that you are allowed to access information of particular importance, as well as top secret information (constituting a state secret), then in this case you will not be able to obtain a passport until the expiration of this restriction, which must be specified in the agreement (or in accordance with federal law No. 114-FZ of 15.08.96). It should also be noted that the limitation period may be extended by the Interdepartmental Commission for the Protection of State Secrets.

13. This column contains information about a previously issued passport. If you receive a passport for the first time, then leave these lines blank, if you receive it again, indicate the series and number of the first (valid passport).

14. Here we fill in information about labor activity for the last 10 years (including training and service). If during this ten-year period you served a sentence in places of detention, write the period from which to which you served your sentence, the name of the institution where you served and its address. If you haven’t worked for more than a month, then you need to write the period during which you didn’t work in the second column “TEMPORARILY NOT WORKING (A)” and your registration address at that time. If in the process of working in one organization you had several positions, you need to list them all separated by commas. If you are not working or a pensioner, then the original work book must be attached to the set of documents for a new passport.

IMPORTANT! There is no need to complete the form now.

Video instruction

  • Instructions for filling out an application for a new passport for adults (after 18 years).

  • Instructions for filling out an application for a new passport for children (under 18 years old).

Watch the next generation.