Checking for a passport. How to find out if the passport is ready

The FMS of Russia is a federal migration service whose main activity is public policy in the field of migration. With the help of federal migration, law enforcement actions are carried out, or rather, full control, supervision, as well as various public services that affect the areas of migration. Learn more about the activities migration service Russian Federation You can on the official website of the Here, on the main page, you will see a small number of active tabs with which you can freely navigate the site.
Using the active tabs located on the first page of the official website of, you can use online services that allow you to perform the following actions for free:
1. Check readiness foreign passport;
2. Check the status of readiness for citizenship of the Russian Federation;
3. Check the percentage of readiness of the residence permit;
4. Check the readiness of the temporary residence permit;
5. Get receipts for paying the state fee;
6. Make an online appointment;
7. Use the useful services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
8. Check an invalid international passport of the old sample for a period of 5 years.

Online services of the site

Each Internet service is responsible for the performance of a specific service and allows you to perform certain functions online. checking the readiness of the passport is carried out directly on the official website. To do this, you will need to initially log in to the official website of On the initial page of the official site, several buttons will be presented in front of you. You will need to click on the button called "Checking the readiness of a foreign passport."
After that, you will be redirected to a new page of the site, where you can check the readiness status of your foreign passport online. On the official website of the, checking the readiness of a passport is available not only for new-style passports, but also for old ones.
To check the readiness of a foreign passport of a modern sample, you will need to indicate the following personal information: series and number of a civil passport.

Checking the readiness of a new passport

If you need to check the readiness of an outdated foreign passport, then you will need to indicate the region, date of birth and document number. The document number is indicated only in numbers and of the document that was presented to the Russian migration service for issuing a foreign passport.

Checking the readiness of an old-style passport

I would like to focus your attention on the fact that this online service provides only information and it has no legal force. You should also know that the information received on the official website is updated every day, which means that it is absolutely reliable.
You can get information about the checking the readiness of a passport not only using the Internet, but also directly at the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To get an appointment at the migration service, you will need to make an appointment in advance. An appointment at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia can be made via the Internet or by calling.
In order to make an appointment at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia via the Internet, you will need to perform a few simple steps. To get started, go to the main page of the site Here, among the many active buttons, you will find a button called "Online Appointment Appointment". By clicking on this button, you will be redirected to a new page of the website.

Choose a territorial office for online appointment booking

On the new page that opens, you will need to specify the territorial authority.
After specifying the territorial authority, a new line will be added where you need to select the type of service.

Choose the type of service for online appointment booking

When you specify the type of the required service, one more line will be added where you will need to specify the type of operation.

Choose the type of operation for online appointment booking

After specifying the type of operation being performed, you will see a list of organizations where you can get all the necessary information. The information received concerns the readiness of the foreign passport.
I would like to immediately warn you about how the service "Online appointment at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" works. This service makes it possible to make an appointment for a certain time at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You can make an appointment only according to the working schedule of the selected department, and only for vacant reception hours. When registering online, it must also be taken into account that it is possible to register one client with one package of documents for one period of time for registration. It is also useful to know that having one package of documents, you can sign up for various services, but only at different reception hours.
There are cases when the migration service officer cannot receive you at the appointed time, but you should know that he is obliged to receive you in the next 30 minutes. You also need to take into account the fact that if you are late for more than 10 minutes, then you lose the right to priority service and will be served on a first-come, first-served basis.
In addition to the fact that the official website provides an opportunity to obtain information about the readiness of a foreign passport and make an online appointment, here you can also access other Internet services. On the official website of the, it is possible to check the citizenship of the Russian Federation, a residence permit, a temporary residence permit, and issue a receipt for payment of the state fee.
To check the readiness of a residence permit, you need to go to the main page of the official website, where you need to click on the button called “Checking the readiness of a residence permit”. After that, a new page will open in front of you, where you will need to indicate your region, date of birth and the number of the document that you presented to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for issuing a residence permit.

Checking the readiness of the residence permit

If you need to issue a receipt for payment of the state duty, then on the main page of the website, you need to click on the button "Receipts for payment of the state duty". On the new page that opens, you need to specify your region.

Making a receipt for payment of state duty

After specifying the region, a few more additional lines will appear that need to be filled out. In additional lines, you will need to indicate the district, settlement, type of state duty.

Additional information for issuing a receipt

Sender data

A little lower, you must enter the last name, first name and patronymic in full, TIN and postal address.
As you can see, the official website of the allows not only remotely obtaining information about the readiness of a foreign passport, but also provides access to other services. Using this service is very convenient, as it allows all its customers to significantly save their free time.
In case of questions related to the incorrect operation of the site, you can call the support service. This service will give you a qualified answer to any of your questions as soon as possible.

As practice shows, Russians regularly face all sorts of difficulties and problems when processing documents. Long preparatory work, visiting various state structures and endless queues do not guarantee success. Even in those cases when it is possible to submit documents for the production of a passport on the first attempt, a citizen has to wait for a long time to receive it.

In accordance with current legislation, the standard period required for the issuance of a passport is 30 days. In some situations, the waiting time may exceed the specified period several times. In particular, we are talking about cases where a citizen submits documents to the FMS, located at the place of actual residence, which differs from the place of registration. Considering the fact that the period for producing the document will be 3-4 months, a person does not want to languish in ignorance, but is looking for ways to find out about the readiness of the passport.

The ability to check the readiness of the document is of no small importance for every citizen. This is due to the fact that the deadlines for issuing passports are not always respected and applicants have every right to control the situation. It is important to remember that the law establishes a certain period during which the service is to be provided. If it turns out that there has been a violation of the fixed time limit, the applicant can file a complaint and defend his rights.

Many Russians are wondering how to find out whether their passport is ready or not. Of course, daily visits to the migration office are not a solution. Rather, on the contrary, in addition to wasting time and effort, it will unnerve FMS employees and other visitors. Fortunately, the development of information systems and innovative technologies allowed us to take a different look at many problems.

Today, you can find out about the readiness of a passport, as well as perform many other operations, without leaving your home. The remote method of obtaining information is available to any resident of the Russian Federation. The only condition that guarantees the correctness and relevance of the data is the correct choice of the Internet resource and care when sending electronic requests.

Another nuance that cannot be ignored when it comes to checking the readiness of a passport is the type of this document. Today, Russians can apply for an old or new passport. Each of them has individual characteristics, and also implies certain ways to check readiness. It is for this reason that it is necessary to understand this issue in advance.

In cases where documents have been submitted for the production of a new passport (biometric), information on the readiness of the state service can be found on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The portal pages have a special electronic form, the correct filling of which will allow you to find out if your passport is ready, spending just a few minutes.

The electronic request form includes 3 items:

  • Country of Residence;
  • City;
  • Application registration number.

It is important to remember that the correctness of filling has a direct impact on the correctness of the results. Even the slightest inaccuracy in the application number can lead to the system not being able to find information related to the request, and, therefore, it will not work to find out if the passport is ready.

For those citizens of the Russian Federation who have decided to issue an old-style international passport, the website of the migration service will help to check the readiness of the document. A visit to this portal will allow you to instantly find out all the information. The resource has an intuitive interface, thanks to which filling out and sending a request will not cause difficulties even for novice PC users.

It should also be noted that remote verification of the readiness of a passport has a number of undeniable advantages. In particular, we are talking about saving time, speed of obtaining data, the absence of queues and the simplicity of the procedure. An alternative to the FMS portal can be the official websites of cities and regions that support the function of checking the readiness of public services.

As for all kinds of third-party resources, they should be treated with caution, since in this case the risk of fraud and attempts to illegally use users' personal data is too high.

To check the readiness of the document using the website of the city of Moscow, the visitor will need to pick up his internal passport in advance, and then enter the required information in the appropriate request form.

When using the request form to obtain information about readiness biometric passport, the user must enter the series and number internal passport RF in special columns. Particular attention should be paid to the correctness of filling out the form. If there are errors or inaccuracies, the system will not be able to process the request, and the result will be null.

Passport of the old sample

If a form is used to check the readiness of an old international passport, then the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can also become a document that can be used to fill out the form. After entering the series and number, just press the "Check" button. The result of the request, as a rule, is not long in coming.

However, there is a second option. If an internal identity document is not at hand, an alternative may be a birth certificate, or other individual document, with a number consisting of a Roman alphanumeric combination. The correctness of data entry should also be given special attention. It is recommended to double-check the correctness of the input before sending the request for processing.

In general, remote verification of the readiness of a passport is a fairly simple procedure that does not require special skills and knowledge. To complete it, you need to have access to the resources of the World Wide Web and correctly fill out the form on one of the listed sites.

Checking the readiness of the passport on your own

As a vacation or business trip approaches, travelers begin to experience tension: will they have time to get a foreign identity card in time? It is not surprising that in this situation, checking the readiness of the passport is of particular interest: the information will allow you to avoid stress and calmly prepare for the trip.

A few years ago, everyone who wanted to get a document had to wait patiently and, after the specified period, regularly visit the passport service. The lack of information about the stage of production of a passport is in itself capable of depriving you of peace. But those who have to deal with issues related to the trip, such as buying tickets or the duration of the vacation, are especially worried.

Fortunately, technological progress has also affected the work of the migration service, so now each applicant can choose the most convenient way to track the readiness of a passport from the following options:

  • on the FMS website;
  • when visiting the migration service;
  • through SMS notification;
  • through a single portal of public services;
  • through a telephone call to the department.

Those for whom the service of checking the readiness of a passport is too difficult a task, can use the traditional methods of getting an answer to their question.

Migration Service website service

In order to check the readiness of an old-style international passport, for example, in Moscow, you can use the special function posted on the FMS website. By clicking on the “old-style passport” option, you will see three windows in which you need to specify basic information and enter the code from the picture.

Your data will be checked against the database of ready-made documents, which is updated daily, and you will receive an answer to the request: “data are not available” or “passport is ready”.

Checking the readiness of a new passport is carried out by entering the series and number of your civil identity card into the appropriate boxes.

Similar services operate in most cities. In addition, some FMS websites have an SMS alert function. To use it, you should clarify whether this site provides this service and how you can request it.

And if the listed services are not yet provided at the place of residence, how can they be on the Internet? You can try another way to get the necessary information.

Checking through the State Services portal

To save time, many of our compatriots resort to the State Services website. They also include the possibility of obtaining a passport. How to check the readiness of a passport for public services? First of all, you need to go through the registration procedure. It gives the right to use a certain number of services, which depends on the amount of specified personal information.

Registration is carried out after the introduction of the full name, number mobile phone and email addresses. Having received a personal code via SMS or on a mailbox, enter it in the appropriate box, fill out the form and a more complete questionnaire. After checking your data in the FMS and pension fund you will be asked to verify your account and will be given access to all the services provided by the site.

Thanks to these simple actions, you can monitor the status of processing your request. Moreover, the system itself will inform you free of charge about the stages of obtaining a passport via SMS or e-mail. The preferred option can be selected upon registration at personal account.

Despite the fact that for many residents of our country trips abroad have become commonplace, they are still waiting for such trips and preparing for them. There is always the possibility that the trip may be disrupted for reasons beyond your control. Documents have been collected, an application has been submitted to the bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but whether a passport will be ready for traveling abroad by the right time - this question worries almost everyone. Naturally, you always want to check the process of preparing a document. In this material, we will tell you how the readiness of a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be checked.

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines only the deadlines for processing papers for traveling abroad. These deadlines vary depending on where you applied for the document.

If the appeal took place at the place of permanent residence, the period for issuing a foreign passport is one month. In case of applying at the place of temporary registration, the bodies of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can draw up papers for up to four months.

The important point is that the lower terms are not limited by anything.

Therefore, most people would like to be able to receive up-to-date information about the process of making their foreign passport quickly and without much effort. Indeed, it is a pity to have time to personally visit the migration authorities, often stand in a huge queue there and hear that the passport is not yet ready. Of course, the option personal visit Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check the readiness of the passport is neither the fastest nor the most convenient.

There are more modern and simpler solutions. In the same division of the General Directorate for Migration, for example, you can call by phone. However, the territorial divisions of this organization are not the place where it is easiest to find out if a passport is ready over the phone.

The massive computerization of the country suggests that such information should be sought through the Internet. There are many sites on the web that offer similar services. Some of them charge a fee for their services. Usually you are asked to enter a small set of data and get an answer to your question. You can, for example, check the readiness of the passport by last name. However, the reliability of information from unofficial sources is questionable.

Note that Russian citizens receiving foreign document abroad, use the services of the consular service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For them, through this institution, it is possible to check the readiness of the passport by reference number. We will focus on the story of how to find out the readiness of a foreign passport in Russia.

How to check the readiness of documents through the website of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The process of receiving documents, checking applicants, preparing and issuing foreign documents in the Russian Federation is handled by the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Naturally, it is this department that has the most reliable information on the issue of issuing foreign passports. This state organization keeps pace with the times and has its own website, which is very convenient to use when solving migration issues. Checking the readiness of the passport on the website of the GUMVD is also available.

In order to get the information you are interested in, you need to follow the link: https://guvm.mvd.rf/services/passport. Then you need to act by choosing from the proposed buttons and entering the information required from you. The choice is clear on an intuitive level and will not present any difficulties for you.

Currently, two types of passports can be obtained in the Russian Federation for foreign trips. A new document contains the biometric parameters of its owner, is issued for 10 years and is subject to tax state duty in the amount of 3500 rubles. But you can choose an old type document, which is a familiar booklet, issued for 5 years and subject to a fee of 2000 rubles. Children can be entered in such a document, and then they will not need separate passports. To check the readiness of the passport through the website of the GUMVD, for different types foreign passports require different information.

If you have chosen a new biometric document, then you will need to enter the series and number of your internal passport of a citizen of Russia into the request window. All such documents are produced exclusively at the Goznak factory in Moscow and information about them is centralized.

Passports of the old type are filled in directly at the departments of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the page with personal data is also laminated there. Therefore, you will be asked to report:

  • the region in which you applied for the document;
  • your date of birth;
  • the number of the document on the basis of which you applied for a foreign passport. Usually this is an internal passport or birth certificate.

After that, you need to enter a captcha - a set of characters confirming that the request is sent by a person, not a machine, and you will instantly receive an answer.

Please note: the site warns that the information is preliminary and not legally binding.

After checking whether the passport is ready through the official website, and having received a positive response, double-check the information at the GUVM department. There, lists of those whose passports are ready are posted daily on information stands.

How to check readiness on the State Services portal

This portal is generally very convenient when you need to receive any services from the state. In particular, online verification of the readiness of a new generation foreign passport is also available through it. True, in order to use the portal on it, you need to create and register an office, but later you can save a lot of time, solving issues not only of traveling abroad, but also others that are within the competence government agencies different levels.

It would be best if you also applied for a document on this portal. Then, during the registration process, you will specify the notification method that is convenient for you. You can choose between SMS and email. In the chosen way, you will receive information about the stage of the document execution process.

Immediately after submitting the application, you will receive a message that it has been accepted, indicating the date and time. You can find out about the readiness of the passport through the State Services through the same message. Naturally, this is very convenient.

If you applied for a passport in another way, then you can also find out about the readiness of the document through this portal. But you still have to register for it first.

Do not regret the spent - very small - efforts, because in addition to how to check the readiness of a passport at the State Services, you will be able to track the consideration of most of your applications submitted to government agencies.

Before you find out if your passport is ready via the Internet, you need to log in to the portal using the activation code received by mail (or an electronic signature purchased from Rostelecom) and the account number from the certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). Further, you will not have any problems with finding out at what stage the execution of your papers is.

Verification by calling the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If modern Computer techologies for some reason are not available to you or you simply adhere to the classical ways of doing things, then, of course, there are methods that allow you to resolve your issues “the old fashioned way”.

Is it possible to find out if the passport is ready by phone? Yes, you can. Call your regional department of the GUVM and ask. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of here, and there is no need to be afraid that you will be denied an answer. Are you in this case do not ask anyone for a favor, but exercise your legal right, enshrined in the order of the Federal Migration Service (the successor of this organization is the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs): the right of a citizen to find out at what stage his paperwork is, is enshrined in paragraph 13 of the order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation No. 211 dated March 26 2014.

Naturally, you will need the telephone number of the territorial division of the migration service, on which you can make inquiries. It is also desirable to know the name of the employee who will answer your questions. All this data is easiest to obtain when applying for a foreign passport, but if you have not done this, do not worry - get the data through the reference services. At most, you will have to make a few additional calls.

When checking the readiness of your documents, the employees of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have to check various lists and, possibly, they will need data from your internal passport of a Russian citizen. So prepare this document before calling.

How to check the readiness of a passport: Video


Getting a foreign passport is a rather troublesome business, despite the work of the State Services portal. You still have to go to the FMS to take the prepared package of documents. Then you will need to find out if the passport is ready, and stand in line to get a ready-made passport of the new or old generation. You will have to wait one month with the usual issuance of a biometric passport of a new sample. This is the standard production time for a passport with biometric parameters, if the documents are submitted at the place of residence. If the applicant has a temporary registration, that is, the application is submitted at the place of residence, then the wait will be delayed for four months. Applicant who is directly related to state secret, will have to go for ready document only three months later.

  • Urgent passport
  • Readiness check
  • Online readiness check

Urgent passport

Is it possible to ask the Federal Migration Service to make an urgent foreign document and how long will it take to prepare it? Urgent production of a passport is possible, the deadline is three days.

It must be remembered that the production of a passport according to such a scheme should have serious grounds. They recognize:

  • the need for urgent medical assistance to the applicant personally or to the one whom he must accompany;
  • death or serious illness of a close relative;
  • escort of the body outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Migration Service will not accept the purchase of last-minute vouchers, tickets, a work contract, etc. as a basis for urgency. But even with reasonable urgency, there are factors that slow down the process. The main one is the document type. For an old foreign passport, additional parameters are not needed; children can be entered there. For a biometric, additional information is collected and processed, so it is simply impossible to make it quickly.

Readiness check

How do I know if my passport is ready? How long will you have to wait? Information can only be obtained from the FMS. There are several options for determining the readiness of a passport:

  • a direct phone call, if FMS employees are ready to transfer such information and it was possible to agree on who specifically can help on this issue;
  • SMS message if this service is provided by the migration service at the place of residence;
  • online service of the Federal Migration Service or the State Services portal.

Online readiness check

The easiest way to check the readiness of a passport is through the Internet. If the application was submitted through the State Services portal, then the processing status can be seen in your personal account or you can connect an SMS mailing list. Information about a change in the status of a citizen's application is also sent to his e-mail or is communicated automatically via phone.

If the applicant submitted documents on a first-come, first-served basis, then he can track the readiness of the passport on the website of the Federal Migration Service. Information appears there regularly, as passports are made, the name of a citizen who can come for a finished document will appear in general list. Find out about the readiness of the passport in modern society where Internet services are available is very simple.

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