Penalties for an expired passport. Penalty for an expired passport: cost and terms of payment

As soon as a young citizen Russian Federation turns 14, from that moment on, the birth certificate can no longer serve as confirmation of his identity: it becomes invalid, and a passport must be issued to replace it. A passport is the main document of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation. Basic personal data is entered into it, as well as notes are made about the place of residence, about military duty, about marriage, its termination and registration, about children who have not reached the age of obtaining a passport. And if the owner of this document expresses a corresponding wish, they can also make a note about the blood type and Rh factor (in authorized medical institutions), as well as about the identification number.

If a citizen does not have a passport, he is severely curtailed in terms of the possibility of exercising his rights. This is one of the main reasons to keep this document as the apple of one's eye. Another reason is that a person will be forced to pay an administrative fine for any long delay in the passport.

What is a delay

Absolutely everyone heard about the fact that a penalty must be paid for an expired passport. But does everyone know in which specific cases a passport is considered expired? Most likely, you are hardly aware of all the cases in which the procedure for exchanging a passport is carried out. That is why we will try to describe to you in as much detail as possible what, in principle, there are passport delays.

  • According to the age. If you are fourteen, twenty or forty-five years old, be prepared for the fact that the day after your birthday, the document that previously confirmed your identity for several years becomes invalid. At the age of fourteen, you need to change your birth certificate for a passport, at 20 years old - the first passport for a second one, at 45 years old - get your last document, which you will have for the rest of your life. Usually this is the main point that serves as the reason for the delay in the passport: many people so emotionally comprehend the date that marked them, that they forget about everything in the world, and even about the passport, which for several years did not let them down, and even more so;
  • change of personal data. This is also a fairly common reason for replacing a passport. Perhaps you didn’t like your last name or your first name for a long time, you got married or moved to a new place of residence - in any case, the data on this identity indicated in the identity document does not correspond to reality. In such a situation, this document, of course, is considered expired, and if you continue to use it, you are misleading people working in various structures, which can lead to aggravating circumstances. Most often, a similar situation occurs when changing a surname after marriage: the young people celebrated their wedding and rushed on their honeymoon, while the wife's identity document is no longer valid;
  • deterioration or damage to the document. Your passport will be completely safe if you do not pull it out of your desk drawer or secretary at all. Yes, and there it may come to an end in the form of any insects that destroy paper. Basically, this document often suffers from everyday situations, because it is constantly needed. Often it can be inadvertently stretched in a trouser pocket, accidentally filled with ink from a leaking pen in a briefcase, and so on. What damage must be done to this document in order to consider it corrupted? Check all stamps, seals and marks. If at least one of them is erased, the passport must be urgently replaced, it is damaged and non-functional;
  • errors and inaccuracies. Did you carefully review your passport when you received it? Are there any mistakes in writing your personal data and marks required in the passport? Are all abbreviations spelled correctly? public institutions? Have all the seals been set, and have those seals been affixed? If there are any inaccuracies, errors or typographical errors, then this is solely the fault of the authorities that issued this document to you. But if you start using it, then this will be a violation on your part;
  • change in appearance or gender. Despite the common anecdote that as soon as you look like your passport photo, you need to urgently go on vacation, the photo pasted there must be true. Such a reason may seem quite rare, especially if you focus on the gender reassignment clause: after all, this operation has not yet reached the required perfection, and in our area only very rare units decide on it. But if we consider the item on changing appearance, then a huge number of women who decide to do plastic surgery faces. Another more sad and unpleasant moment: a badly damaged appearance as a result of an accident, catastrophe or natural disaster. In this case, it is also necessary to change the passport;
  • replacing the USSR passport with a Russian passport. This point may seem ridiculous and untimely, but it is still relevant! And we are not even talking about remote settlements in Siberia, where you hardly believe in the existence of a modern civilization. Those who follow the news closely will probably know the funny story of a Crimean pensioner who turned out to have a Soviet-style passport. More than twenty years - this is not some delay for a year.

300 price

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Lawyers Answers (3)

    fee 33%

    Lawyer, Serpukhov

    • 9.3 rating

    What documents do I need to submit to the FMS so that they accept everything from me the first time?
    Order of the FMS of Russia dated November 30, 2012 N 391 (as amended on February 2, 2015) “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal migration service for the provision of public services for the issuance and replacement of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation"
    21. Passports are issued to citizens:
    within 10 days from the date of receipt by the departments of all necessary documents(or applications for the issuance (replacement) of a passport and a personal photograph in the form of electronic documents) in case of issuing a passport at the place of residence, as well as in connection with the loss (theft) of a passport, if the lost (stolen) passport was previously issued by the same department;
    An exhaustive list of documents
    necessary in accordance with the regulations legal acts
    to provide a public service

    23. Application for the issuance (replacement) of a passport in the form N 1P(Appendix No. 1 to the Administrative Regulations), completed by hand or typewritten by a citizen who personally applied for a passport.
    24. Birth certificate.
    25. Two personal photos(identical and corresponding to the age of the applicant at the time of filing an application for the issuance (replacement) of a passport) in black and white or color, 35 x 45 mm in size with a clear image of the face strictly from the front without a headdress. The image size of the face oval in the photograph should occupy at least 70 - 80 percent of the vertical size of the image. The size of the image of the head in the photograph should be from 30 to 32 mm in height, from 18 to 22 mm in width. The image in the photo is placed in such a way that the free upper margin above the head is 5 ( 1) mm.
    26. Documents required for affixing mandatory marks in passport:
    26.1. military registration documents (if there is an appropriate basis);
    26.2. marriage certificate, divorce certificate (if there is a specified fact);
    26.3. birth certificates of children under the age of 14 (if any).
    27. Details of the receipt of payment of the state fee.

    30. When applying for a replacement passport in all cases established by paragraph 2.2 of the Administrative Regulations, a citizen, in addition to the documents provided for by paragraphs 23 - 27 of the Administrative Regulations, presents a passport to be replaced, and the following documents (if applicable):

    I am especially interested in the fine, can I immediately pay it and provide a receipt with documents?

    The amount of the fine will be set by the FMS officer, payment of course will need to be made immediately and on the basis of a receipt for payment of the fine you will be given new passport

    Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 19.15. Residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation without an identity document of a citizen (passport)
    1. Living at the place of stay or at the place of residence in a dwelling of a citizen of the Russian Federation who is obliged to have an identity document of a citizen (passport), without a document proving the identity of a citizen (passport), or an invalid identity document of a citizen (passport), - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand to three thousand roubles.

    Good luck

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    fee 33%

    Lawyer, Barnaul

    • 9.6 rating

    Hello Olga.

    You cannot pay the fine in advance, you need a decision.

    The algorithm is the following.

    Situation: How to replace the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

    (“Electronic magazine “Azbuka Law”, 2016)
    Step 1. Determine if you have grounds for a replacement passport.
    The grounds for replacing the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation are (clause 12 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/08/1997 N 828; clause 2.2 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the FMS of Russia of 11/30/2012 N 391):
    - attainment by a citizen of 20 or 45 years of age;
    - change by a citizen in the prescribed manner of the last name, first name, patronymic, change of information about the date (day, month, year) and (or) place of birth;
    - sex change;
    - the unsuitability of the passport for further use due to wear, damage or other reasons (including the absence of the possibility of affixing mandatory stamps or marks on the pages of the passport);
    - detection of inaccuracies or erroneous entries made in the passport;
    - a significant change in appearance;
    - other cases provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
    Step 2. Prepare the documents required to replace your passport.
    The documents required to replace a passport are (clause 13 of the Regulations):
    - statement;
    - passport to be replaced;
    - two personal photographs sized 35 x 45 mm;
    - documents confirming the grounds for replacing the passport;
    - receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 300 rubles. (if the passport is unsuitable - 1500 rubles) (clauses 17, 18 clause 1 of article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
    Note. To issue a temporary identity card, you will need one more photo (clause 28 of the Administrative Regulations, approved by Order of the FMS of Russia dated November 30, 2012 N 391).
    To affix mandatory marks in the passport, it is also necessary to submit (clause 26 of the Administrative Regulations):
    - documents of military registration (if there is an appropriate basis);
    - marriage certificate, divorce certificate (if there is a specified fact);
    - birth certificates of children under the age of 14 (if any).
    Reference. Photo Requirements
    Photographs must be black and white or color, 35 x 45 mm in size with a clear image of the face strictly in full face without a headdress. Citizens whose religious beliefs do not allow showing without headgear may submit photographs in headwear that does not hide the oval of the face. Citizens wearing glasses must be photographed in glasses without tinted glasses (clause 25 of the Administrative Regulations).
    A citizen is obliged to hand over documents and personal photographs to replace a passport no later than 30 days after the onset of grounds for replacing a passport (clause 15 of the Regulations).
    For violation of the deadlines for submitting documents to replace a passport, namely for living without an identity document of a citizen (passport), or with an invalid passport, a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles is provided, for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 3,000 to 5,000 rub. (Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).
    Step 3. Submit documents to the competent authorities.
    An application with attached documents can be submitted (clause 14 of the Regulations):
    - to the territorial bodies of the FMS of Russia;
    - through the Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions) in in electronic format;
    - at the MFC;
    - officials of social service organizations (for citizens who are in these organizations).
    Officials of the MFC and social service organizations within three days submit documents submitted by citizens, an application and personal photographs to the territorial bodies of the FMS for issuing a passport (clause 14 of the Regulations).
    Acceptance of documents, applications and personal photographs may be refused if they do not meet the established requirements or if not all of them are submitted. Required documents(clause 14 of the Regulations).
    At the request of a citizen, before issuing a passport, he is issued a temporary identity card (clause 28, paragraph 2, clause 68 of the Administrative Regulations).
    Step 4. Get a new passport.
    The term for preparing a passport is 10 days from the date of submission of documents at the place of residence and 30 days from the date of submission of documents not at the place of residence, as well as in connection with its loss (theft) (clause 16 of the Regulations).

    Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

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    fee 33%

    Lawyer, Rubtsovsk

    Hello. To replace your passport, you will need the following documents:

    an application for a replacement passport, made in accordance with form No. 1 P; 2 personal black and white or color photographs. Photo size 35 x 45 mm. The image of the face must be clear, strictly in full face and without a headdress. If a citizen has religious beliefs that do not allow appearing without a headdress in front of strangers, it is allowed to use photographs in a headdress that does not hide the entire oval of the face. As for citizens who need to constantly wear glasses, then photographing must necessarily take place in glasses. Spectacle lenses must not be tinted.

    The Code of Administrative Offenses itself (Article 4.2) provides for circumstances that can mitigate your guilt, or even get rid of the fine:
    the offense was committed by a pregnant woman (or having a young child);
    the offense was committed by a minor;
    the administrative offense was committed as a result of difficult life circumstances or strong mental agitation;
    if the person who committed the offense voluntarily complied with all the requirements of the law;
    offender's remorse;
    assistance of the offender to the internal affairs bodies in establishing the circumstances of the case, etc.

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    According to Russian law, a Russian passport must be changed at the age of 20 and 45. The replacement of the passport is carried out within a certain period of time. Documents must be submitted within 30 days from the date of occurrence of 20 or 45 years, untimely replacement treated as a crime. Accordingly, if the document is not changed in time, a person is entitled to a fine for an expired passport.

    When is a passport considered invalid and when is it expired?

    Do not confuse the concepts of an expired and invalid passport. A document is considered expired when a person has not changed his passport within the established time frame. Such circumstances include mandatory replacement upon reaching 20 and 45 years.

    In other cases we are talking that the document, due to any changes, is no longer your identity card. If a person changed his surname or found an error in the document, it needs to be changed, it will just be invalid.

    An expired document is considered invalid, the bottom line is that in this case it is very simple to determine when a person should apply for a change of document. It is enough to count how many days have passed since the birth of a person. In the case of intentional damage and careless storage of the document, it is impossible to determine exactly when the document became unusable. You can change documents in both cases, but the amount of the fine for an expired passport is different.

    Important! The law obliges to change an invalid document within 30 days from the date of damage or after the person is 20 or 45 years old.

    At 14, you need to make the first passport, at 20 the second, and at 45 already the third. Old documents are handed over before receiving new ones.

    Deadlines for obtaining a new passport

    As already mentioned, according to the administrative regulations of the FMS, citizens are given 30 days to collect and submit documents. If it does not meet within 30 days, with a delay of at least one day, sanctions are applied. The fact of delay is detected when checking documents by an FMS inspector or other official.

    Important! The FMS officer has the right not to fine the offender, but to limit himself to a warning (Article 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

    You can get a new passport by contacting the FMS office or the MFC at the place of registration. It is believed that appeals directly to the FMS are more effective.

    Replacing an expired passport is carried out in the following terms:

    • 10 days are allotted to replace the passport at the place of registration.
    • 60 days are allotted to replace the passport at the place of temporary registration.

    Despite the deadlines recommended by law, a passport can be issued earlier. Unilaterally, the FMS has the right, for good reasons, to increase the period of issuance, but this must be agreed with the applicant. For example, when there are no special forms in the FMS or technical work is being carried out, you must be told how long you have to wait additionally.

    It is not necessary to make documents in advance before the age of 20 or 45. For example: a citizen in a few weeks before the age of 20 changes his passport for a new one. As soon as it turns 20, the document will still have to be changed, these are the requirements of the law.

    Penalties for delay

    You still have to change your passport after a certain age.

    Penalties for an expired passport (according to Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) are:

    • Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg are subject to the largest fine - from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.
    • For residents of Russian regions - from 2 to 3 thousand rubles.
    • In case of intentional damage to the passport or loss - a fine of 100 to 300 rubles. Intentional damage includes careless storage, inaccurate use, etc.
    Important! Sanctions must be paid no later than 60 days from the date of drawing up the decision on the offense.

    The amount of the fine will be determined by the FMS inspector, depending on the prerequisites and reasons for the delay (Article 4.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). There are situations when a citizen can be exempted from paying a fine, these include: pregnancy in women, a serious illness, psychological disorder, remorse and assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. The minimum amount of a fine can be assigned if there are extenuating circumstances. In order for the inspector to choose the minimum penalty, evidence must be provided indicating the reason for the delay (for example, a certificate from the hospital).

    You can also submit an application and scanned copies of documents through the State Services portal, but at any time you can be called for an interview to clarify the details. Making a passport through the state portal is convenient. How long will the processing time take? Applications submitted online are processed for how long and with the usual appeal to the FMS, i.e. either 10 days (application at the place of registration) or 2 months (application at the place of temporary registration).

    There are circumstances under which the penalty is maximum. For example, a person is inadequate, drunk or rude, his application will not be accepted, in addition, he may receive a fine.

    If a person does not pay a fine for an expired passport, after 60 days the following types of punishment will be applied to the citizen:

    • double the amount of sanctions;
    • forced labor;
    • temporary arrest for 15 days.

    The replacement of the document is carried out according to the standard scheme, regardless of the reason for the damage to the document. A fine for an expired passport is a punishment for missing the deadline, but you are required to accept new documents for registration.

    Where and how to pay the fine

    Today, you can pay for sanctions in several ways:

    • pay through the terminal;
    • pay through the bank.
    Important! Before sending funds, you need to carefully check the details for payment. You must keep the check. In the FMS, to obtain a document, you will need to pay sanctions and a copy of the receipt.

    Documents required for registration

    Replacing an ID is quite difficult. First you need to contact the passport office to get a list of required papers, then you need to contact an authorized employee with the documents. After the acceptance of the papers, the date of issue is specified. The last step will be obtaining a passport, by the way, a state duty in the amount of 300 rubles is paid for issuing a new passport, and 1,500 rubles for issuing a lost one (Article 333.33 of the Tax Code).

    In addition to the old passport, you need to prepare:

    • An application filled out according to the sample (the sample is provided at the FMS itself).
    • Two ID photos.
    • Receipt for payment of duty.
    • Additional documents required for marks ( home Book, birth certificate, military ID, etc.).

    If a person does not have the opportunity to submit papers in person, then you can call an employee at home, for this you need medical certificates confirming the incapacity of the applicant.