Questions to the story of Vitya Maleev at school and at home. Literary game based on the book by Nikolai Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" methodological development for reading (Grade 3) on the topic

Creation. Turns. Satire. Jumping. Guys, read books. Vocabulary work. Mood. 103 years since the birth of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Tasks for groups. Satire and humor. Works by N. Nosov. Tilts. Smile. Task. Excerpts for illustrations. Funny steps. Best Job. Proverbs and sayings. Fizminutka for the eyes.

"Nosov Quiz" - Find out the character by the name of the shorty. "Guess the story by guessing the riddle." Works by N. Nosov. What story are these dialogues from? What Znayka made a balloon from. Who does it belong to. Learn a profession. Competition for the most attentive reader. What work of N. Nosov begins with words. Crossword "Dunno and his friends." How tall were the little ones. What was the water supply in the Green City made of.

"Nosov's Creativity" - The story "Steps". AT school years the boy dreamed of becoming a musician, then a chemist. Books by Nikolai Nosov. Visiting the Dunno. Granddaughters are pens. Restore the title of the stories. Fizminutka. In literature, as Nosov said and wrote, he came by chance. Murzilki. Quiz. Pyotr Nosov. "Karasik". Fruit. Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. "Patch". Nikolay Nosov. The title of the story. Igor Petrovich Nosov. Mailbox on the gate.

"Quiz on the works of N. Nosov" - Explainers. A story in which Mishutka and Stasik composed fables. Lost and found. Journey to Book City. Who was who. Competition "Erudite". Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Huge path. Heroes of Nikolai Nosov. Entertainers. What the boys picked in the collective farm garden. Field of Dreams. What Vintik and Shpuntik made. Questions. The missing. Students' knowledge about the life and work of N.N. Nosov. Love a book. Patience gives skill.

"Quiz on the works of Nosov" - Test trip on the "Adventures of Dunno". KVN based on the works of N. N. Nosov. "Fedina hat". And I used to know how to fly! Well, fly! Now I can't, I've forgotten how. What was the water supply in the Green City made of. "Bengal lights". Aquarium. Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz. The beetle runs down the street. The story "Gardeners". Without wings, but flying. Automobile. Suddenly I hear through a dream: knock-knock-knock!. "Mysterious Message"

"Nosov" Cucumbers "" - Dunno. Mum. The main characters of Nosov's books. The versatility of his talents manifested itself at school. Nosov's stories. Why N. Nosov called his story "Cucumbers". The Story of the Entertainers. little son. I got into amateur radio. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Ukraine. The stories are written with good humor. Labor makes a man skillful. Cucumbers became a test for Kotka. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. Children should be treated with the greatest and warmest respect.

Literary quiz based on the book by N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Goals: - mastery of conscious, correct and fluent reading as a basic skill in the education system of younger students; development of interest in reading and books; the formation of the reader's horizons.

Development of emotional responsiveness when reading books by N. Nosov

Enrichment of the moral experience of younger students by means fiction; the formation of moral feelings and ideas about good. friendship, truth, responsibility.

Personal results:

Development of the ability to compare the actions of heroes from the works of N. Nosov with their own actions, to comprehend the actions of heroes.


Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts in accordance with the goals and objectives


Awareness of the importance of reading for personal development, the formation of concepts of good and evil, friendship, honesty

Formation of the need for systematic reading.

Course progress.

1 Org moment. Reading on the writing board

2. The topic of the lesson and setting goals by students.

I want to test myself and evaluate my results myself

Correctly answer questions on the content of N. Nosov's work "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Express your attitude to the events and characters of this work.

3. Quiz. (students answer questions and complete a self-assessment sheet)

question number

answered correctly

Answered incorrectly


2. What subject did Vitya need to study in the summer? (mathematics)

3. In what class did you study and what was the name of Vitya's teacher? (at 4)

4. Where did Gleb Skameykin rest in the summer? (in Crimea)

5. What city did the new student Kostya Shishkin come from? (from Nalchik)

6. What was the name of Viti's sister? (Lika)

7. Who didn't the guys want to be in the game of football? (goalkeeper)

8. Who was painted on the wall in the classroom and who did it? (sailor. Igor Grachev)

9. What animals lived near the bone at home? (mice, hedgehogs, dog)

10. What was the job of Kostya's mother? (driver)

11. How was Vitya painted in the wall newspaper? (with big ears)

12. What promise did all the guys in the class make after the meeting? (study without triples)

13. What was missing in the character of Vitya Maleev in order to start learning lessons in time? (willpower)

14. What did Vitya refuse to eat for 2 days, cultivating character? (cake)

15. Who taught Vitya to play chess? (Alik Sorokin)

16. What did the teacher not allow Kostya and Vitya to participate in because of twos? (in amateur art)

17. What was the head in the play made of? (from plywood)

18. What animal skin was sewn by Vitya, Kostya, Lika? (horses)

19. In which sports club were Vitya and Kostya not enrolled because of twos? (basketball)

20. What was the problem that Vitya himself solved for his sister? (about nuts)

21. For what class did Vitya solve all the problems? (for grade 3)

22. How did Kostya name the dog he found? (jigsaw)

23. Where did Kostya hide the dog? (to the attic)

24. Where did the guys buy tickets and go with the whole class? (to the circus)

25. What was the name of the ball that cyclists and motorcyclists rode during the performance? (ball of courage)

26. How did the boys break the window at Kostya's house? (basin)

27. What did Kostya begin to teach the dog? (account)

28. What disease did Kostya invent for himself? (appendicox)

29. Why did Lobzik incorrectly bark the answer to the problem about bottles and corks at the school performance? (Vitya counted incorrectly)

30. Who was Vitya and Kostya chosen in the class? (librarians)

31. What did Kostya run into when he was reading a book on the way? (on a lamp post)

32. What helped all the guys in the class to succeed? (friendship)

33 With what marks did Vitya and Kostya pass to the 5th grade? (with fives)

34. How do you feel about the main characters?

35. What actions of the heroes do you condemn and what do you approve of?

4. Self-esteem. Based on the results of the completed worksheet, students evaluate their results.

5. Reflection.

Students come to the blackboard and put "+"

I will continue reading the works of N. Nosov

I will try to write a sequel to this book and share my results with my classmates.


1.N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home": M., "Children's literature 1980

2. "School of Russia" Collection of work programs for grades 1-4 Manual for teachers of educational institutions: M., "Prosveshchenie" 2011. 528s.

Literary quiz based on the book by N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Goals: - mastery of conscious, correct and fluent reading as a basic skill in the education system of younger students; development of interest in reading and books; the formation of the reader's horizons.

Development of emotional responsiveness when reading books by N. Nosov

Enrichment of the moral experience of younger students by means of fiction; the formation of moral feelings and ideas about good. friendship, truth, responsibility.

Personal results:

Development of the ability to compare the actions of heroes from the works of N. Nosov with their own actions, to comprehend the actions of heroes.


Mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts in accordance with the goals and objectives


Awareness of the importance of reading for personal development, the formation of concepts of good and evil, friendship, honesty

Formation of the need for systematic reading.

Course progress.

1 Org moment. Reading on the writing board

2. The topic of the lesson and setting goals by students.

I want to test myself and evaluate my results myself

Correctly answer questions on the content of N. Nosov's work "Vitya Maleev at school and at home"

Express your attitude to the events and characters of this work.

3. Quiz. (students answer questions and complete a self-assessment sheet)

question number

answered correctly

Answered incorrectly


2. What subject did Vitya need to study in the summer? (mathematics)

3. In what class did you study and what was the name of Vitya's teacher? (at 4)

4. Where did Gleb Skameykin rest in the summer? (in Crimea)

5. What city did the new student Kostya Shishkin come from? (from Nalchik)

6. What was the name of Viti's sister? (Lika)

7. Who didn't the guys want to be in the game of football? (goalkeeper)

8. Who was painted on the wall in the classroom and who did it? (sailor. Igor Grachev)

9. What animals lived near the bone at home? (mice, hedgehogs, dog)

10. What was the job of Kostya's mother? (driver)

11. How was Vitya painted in the wall newspaper? (with big ears)

12. What promise did all the guys in the class make after the meeting? (study without triples)

13. What was missing in the character of Vitya Maleev in order to start learning lessons in time? (willpower)

14. What did Vitya refuse to eat for 2 days, cultivating character? (cake)

15. Who taught Vitya to play chess? (Alik Sorokin)

16. What did the teacher not allow Kostya and Vitya to participate in because of twos? (in amateur art)

17. What was the head in the play made of? (from plywood)

18. What animal skin was sewn by Vitya, Kostya, Lika? (horses)

19. In which sports club were Vitya and Kostya not enrolled because of twos? (basketball)

20. What was the problem that Vitya himself solved for his sister? (about nuts)

21. For what class did Vitya solve all the problems? (for grade 3)

22. How did Kostya name the dog he found? (jigsaw)

23. Where did Kostya hide the dog? (to the attic)

24. Where did the guys buy tickets and go with the whole class? (to the circus)

25. What was the name of the ball that cyclists and motorcyclists rode during the performance? (ball of courage)

26. How did the boys break the window at Kostya's house? (basin)

27. What did Kostya begin to teach the dog? (account)

28. What disease did Kostya invent for himself? (appendicox)

29. Why did Lobzik incorrectly bark the answer to the problem about bottles and corks at the school performance? (Vitya counted incorrectly)

30. Who was Vitya and Kostya chosen in the class? (librarians)

31. What did Kostya run into when he was reading a book on the way? (on a lamp post)

32. What helped all the guys in the class to succeed? (friendship)

33 With what marks did Vitya and Kostya pass to the 5th grade? (with fives)

34. How do you feel about the main characters?

35. What actions of the heroes do you condemn and what do you approve of?

4. Self-esteem. Based on the results of the completed worksheet, students evaluate their results.

5. Reflection.

Students come to the blackboard and put "+"

I will continue reading the works of N. Nosov

I will try to write a sequel to this book and share my results with my classmates.


1.N. Nosov "Vitya Maleev at school and at home": M., "Children's literature 1980

2. "School of Russia" Collection of work programs for grades 1-4 Manual for teachers of educational institutions: M., "Prosveshchenie" 2011. 528s.

Quiz According to the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" N. Nosov Question and answer Question and answer options Crossword Answers to the crossword

Why did Kostya Shishkin get into his class only by the last lesson? He was late for school and, seeing the guys running to the class, he went not to his class, but to the 5th class, where he spent 3 lessons until he cleared everything up

Who elected Gleb Skameikin? A Assistant B Warden C Librarian D Artist E All of the above

What grade was Viti's sister in? What kind of student was she? In the 3rd grade, she was diligent and executive, neat and well-mannered

Why were Vita and Kostya not allowed to participate in school amateur performances and how did they get out of this situation? They did not study well, but they really wanted to play on stage and decided to make a horse for staging the fight “Ruslan with his head”

How was the sailor painted on the wall? A Charcoal B Chalk C Gouache D Pen E What kind of sailor is he?

How did Olga Nikolaevna advise the children to distribute their day in order to study successfully? After school, rest for 2 hours, then do difficult, then easier lessons and go to bed on time

What was the problem that Vitya was able to solve for his sister? A About acorns B About cones C About mushrooms D About nuts E All options are wrong

Why did Kostya have so many animals? He had no brother or sister, he had no one to look after. So he took the animals and took care of them

What was the name of the children's teacher? A Olga Igorevna B Natalya Petrovna C Olga Nikolaevna D Natalya Vladimirovna D Gleb Zakharovich

What did Kostya teach his dog?

How was the artist chosen for the wall newspaper in the 4th grade? Olga Nikolaevna invited the children to bring their drawings. Leafing through the album, the teacher saw exactly the same sailor as the one painted on the wall. Thus, it turned out who spoiled the school property. He was offered: it is better to be an artist in a wall newspaper than to draw on the walls with charcoal

What was the name of Kostya's dog? A Donut B Screwdriver C File D Planer D Jigsaw

What city did the Shishkin family move from A Omsk B Moscow C Nalchik D Yekaterinburg E Prostokvashino village

What was the head in the play made of? A From glass B From cardboard C From paper D From plywood E From plastic

"Reading Pushkin..."
Literary quiz.
Purpose: development of interest in the study of literature, education of love for reading, formation of a close-knit team of students.
4. Cards with tasks, musical arrangement.
5. Posters, dedicated to creativity A.S. Pushkin; drawings of students based on works; conditional scheme-route with indication of stations, portrait of the poet.
6. Assembly hall.
Description of the event.
The leader takes the stage.
- Hello, lovers of A.S. Pushkin. We dedicate today's journey through the pages of his brilliant works to this great Russian writer and poet. Two teams are invited to the stage.
Introducing the members of the jury.
(Teams come up with a name, the presenter announces the name of the stations. The name of the stations can be recorded on a disk. For each correct answer, the jury awards a point. At the end of each competition, the number of points scored is announced by the jury members.) STATION "FAIRY PUSHKINOGORYE".
Quite for how many years was Balda supposed to collect from the devils? (for three)
How many years did the old man from The Tale of the Goldfish fish? (33 years)
What dowry did the king prepare for his daughter from the Tale of dead princess"? (seven trading cities and one hundred and forty towers)
What bird did the seven heroes hunt? (they go for a walk, shoot gray ducks)
In what month was Prince Gvidon born? (and give birth to a hero to me by the end of September)
To whom did Elisha turn to ask for help in finding a bride? (to the sun, moon and wind)
What was the name of the dog that lived in the forest with the princess from The Tale of the Seven Bogatyrs? SokolkoWhere did the pop meet Balda? At the farmer's market
what song did the squirrel sing from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? Whether in the garden, in the garden ...
What job did the pop hire Balda to do? Cook, groom and carpenter
For what salary did Balda agree to work for the priest? For three clicks on the forehead.
Poems, sweetness, his, centuries, distance, captivating, will pass, envious
“He built a house according to his own plan, started a cloth factory, tripled his income and began to honor himself smartest person in the whole neighborhood" Ivan Petrovich Berestov
“She was 17 years old. Black eyes enlivened her swarthy and very pleasant face. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father. Liza Muromskaya.
“he lost his mother from childhood and, almost not knowing his father, was brought to Petersburg in the eighth year of his age, with all that he was romantically attached to him and the more he loved family life, the less he had time to enjoy her quiet joys.” Vladimir Dubrovsky.
“He was really great. Watching how the hunt always galloped first, not sorting out the road, the neighbors agreed that he would never make a good head clerk. Alexey Berestov.
Correct the mistakes.
“Until then, gracious sovereign, I have no intention of going to Pokrovskoye until you send me the kennel Paramoshka with a confession, but it will be my will to punish him or pardon him, but I don’t intend to endure jokes from your lackeys, and I won’t endure them from you because I’m not a jester I am an old nobleman. For this, I remain submissive at the service of Andrey Dubrovsky.
Determine what is in the box.
With this item evil stepmother tried to ruin beautiful princess. (bullseye)
The animal, which the hero of one fairy tale called his own little brother. (bunny, "overtake my little brother")
What wonderful gifts did Tsar Gvidon receive from the Swan Princess? (A wonderful city, a squirrel with golden nuts, 33 heroes with uncle Chernomor, the princess agreed to become his wife)
What was the last wish of the old woman? (to become the mistress of the sea)
What words did the old woman scold her husband with? (you are a fool, a simpleton)
What is the name of the island where a barrel with a young queen and her son washed ashore? (Buyan Island)
Who did Prince Gvidon turn into when he flew to the kingdom of Saltan? In a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee.
What craft did the old woman do while living in her dugout? Spinning.
What were the names of Ruslan's rivals? Ragdai, Farlaf, Ratmir.
Name the Dubrovsky estate. Kistenevka.
What is the name of Masha, the heroine of the novel "Dubrovsky". Troekurov.
What is the name of Liza from the story "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman"? Akulina.
CONTINUE. (Teams are offered cards with tasks, perform them on their own, then the jury members check, sum up).
Khazar Khan...
brave warrior...
Haughty screamer...
Marrying grandmother...
Ivan Petrovich...
Natalia Nikolaevna...