Weekly plan for a boarding school teacher


Educator: 6 group (8 A , 9 A class)

07.30. Receiving children from the assistant teacher. Getting up, airing the bedroom, making beds, washing.

Tasks: improving fueling skills; development of independence skills; nurturing accuracy. Raise the children, pay attention to their well-being. Making beds.

07.30-07.55. Morning exercises, cleaning bedrooms, morning toilet.

Carry out a complex of morning exercises, control its progress. Make sure that all the children wash their faces, brush their teeth, put on their school uniforms, and the attendants wipe the dust on the windowsills and bedside tables.

8.00-08.30. Breakfast:

Tasks: development of independence when cleaning the table; behavior correction; nurturing accuracy.

Org. dining room entrance. Pay attention to the appetite of children. Remind children about good posture.

8.30-8.50. Walk in the fresh air.

Purpose: to organize a walk in the school yard.

Tasks: improvement of the child's body; upbringing healthy lifestyle life.

08.55. Handing over the children to the teacher.

14.30. Receiving children from the teacher, talking about their behavior, success.

14.30-14.50. Dinner:

Tasks: development of independence when cleaning the table; correction of correct posture at the table; education of cultural behavior in the dining room and respect for the work of other people.

Organized entrance to the dining room. Personal hygiene (wash hands before and after eating). Remind children about proper posture, behavior in the dining room.

15.00-16.00. Interest classes (checkers games, table hockey, sewing on labels).

Purpose: to organize Board games, sewing labels.

Tasks: to create conditions for the formation of moral behavior; to promote the development and correction of attention, coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands through games, sewing; cultivate kindness, mutual assistance.

16.00 -16.30. Hour of life. Sort clothes by season. We put hygiene items in order.

16.30. afternoon tea

Tasks: development of skills of independence and accuracy when cleaning the table; behavior correction; fostering respect for the work of others.

Organized entrance to the dining room. Food intake control. Remind children about good posture.

17.00-17.40. Extracurricular activity. Topic: "Safety rules"

Target:consolidate and expand students' knowledge of general rules security.

Tasks: to clarify the knowledge of pupils about the basic safety rules;

To promote the development and correction of oral coherent speech, attention, thinking based on watching video information about safety rules with strangers, about warning dangers on the road; develop a sense of responsibility for one's own life and the lives of others.

17.50-19.10. Self-training.

Objectives: consolidation of knowledge gained in the lessons; promote the development and correction of memory, thinking, speech based on the repetition of rules, multiplication tables; education of perseverance and the desire for knowledge.

1. Organizing time. 2. Instructing in subjects. 3. Himself. children's work (in writing), ind. work with Regina, with Milena. 4. Physical minutes 5. Self-work of children (orally). 6. Bottom line.

19.10-19.30. Walk around the territory of the boarding school

Purpose: to organize a walk around the territory of the boarding school.

Tasks: to develop and correct observation, memory and thinking; cultivate interest in the environment.

19.30. Dinner

Objectives: to continue to inculcate the skills of consistent eating; reinforce hygiene skills before and after meals; posture correction at the table; bring up respectful attitude to working people.

Organize the children in the dining room, repeat the rules of behavior at the table. Check the portions and distribute to the children.

20.00. Evening procedures. Getting ready for bed, washing, wet cleaning the bedroom.

Objectives: to continue to instill personal hygiene skills; correction of self-service skills; cultivate frugality. Overseeing the reception of procedures, the preparation of school uniforms and beds, changing into pajamas. Control of attendants.


Educator: group 6 (8 a, 9 a class)

07.30. Receiving children from the assistant teacher. Getting up, airing the bedroom, making beds, washing.

Tasks: improving fueling skills; development of independence skills; nurturing accuracy. Raise the children, pay attention to their well-being. Making beds.

07.30-07.55. Morning exercises, cleaning bedrooms, morning toilet.

Carry out a complex of morning exercises, control its progress. Make sure that all the children wash their faces, brush their teeth, put on their school uniforms, and the attendants wipe the dust on the windowsills and bedside tables.

8.00-08.30. Breakfast:

Tasks: development of independence when cleaning the table; behavior correction; nurturing accuracy.

Org. dining room entrance. Pay attention to the appetite of children. Remind children about good posture.

8.30-8.50. Walk in the fresh air.

Purpose: to organize a walk in the school yard.

Tasks: improvement of the child's body; education of a healthy lifestyle.

08.55. Handing over the children to the teacher.

14.30. Receiving children from the teacher, talking about their behavior, success.

14.30-14.50. Dinner:

Tasks: development of independence when cleaning the table; correction of correct posture at the table; education of cultural behavior in the dining room and respect for the work of other people.

Organized entrance to the dining room. Personal hygiene (wash hands before and after eating). Remind children about proper posture, behavior in the dining room.

15.00-16.00. Interest classes (checkers games, table hockey, sewing on labels).

Purpose: to organize board games, sewing labels.

Tasks: to create conditions for the formation of moral behavior; to promote the development and correction of attention, coherent speech, fine motor skills of hands through games, sewing; cultivate kindness, mutual assistance.

16.00 -16.30. Hour of life. Sort clothes by season. We put hygiene items in order.

16.30. afternoon tea

Tasks: development of skills of independence and accuracy when cleaning the table; behavior correction; fostering respect for the work of others.

Organized entrance to the dining room. Food intake control. Remind children about good posture.

17.00-17.40. Extracurricular activity. Topic: "Safety rules"

Purpose: to consolidate and expand the knowledge of pupils about general safety rules.

Tasks: to clarify the knowledge of pupils about the basic safety rules;

To promote the development and correction of oral coherent speech, attention, thinking based on watching video information about safety rules with strangers, about warning dangers on the road; develop a sense of responsibility for one's own life and the lives of others.

17.50-19.10. Self-preparation.

Objectives: consolidation of knowledge gained in the lessons; promote the development and correction of memory, thinking, speech based on the repetition of rules, multiplication tables; education of perseverance and the desire for knowledge.

1. Organizational moment. 2. Instructing in subjects. 3. Himself. children's work (in writing), ind. work with Regina, with Milena. 4. Physical minutes 5. Self-work of children (orally). 6. Bottom line.

19.10-19.30. Walk around the territory of the boarding school

Purpose: to organize a walk around the territory of the boarding school.

Tasks: to develop and correct observation, memory and thinking; cultivate interest in the environment.

Objectives: to continue to inculcate the skills of consistent eating; reinforce hygiene skills before and after meals; posture correction at the table; develop a respectful attitude towards working people.

Organize the children in the dining room, repeat the rules of behavior at the table. Check the portions and distribute to the children.

20.00. Evening procedures. Getting ready for bed, washing, wet cleaning the bedroom.

Objectives: to continue to instill personal hygiene skills; correction of self-service skills; cultivate frugality. Overseeing the reception of procedures, the preparation of school uniforms and beds, changing into pajamas. Control of attendants.

The summary of the daily plan of the teacher of the correctional school contains short description regime moments which the educator encounters when working with children (self-training, a walk, an educational event ...), the teacher can only fill out an individual work, briefly describe his work plan.




13.20 - Reception of pupils. Conversation with the teacher about health, behavior and academic performance; homework advice ____________________________________________________________________________

13.30 - Changing into home clothes. To draw the attention of pupils to the state of the school uniform; order in the closet and bedside tables. To consolidate the ability to independently dress and undress in a certain sequence; correctly and neatly put clothes in the closet, put shoes in place ___________________________________________


14.00 - Preparation for dinner. Dinner. Remind students to wash their hands with soap and water before eating. Continue to teach how to properly set the table for dinner. ___________________________________________________________

During lunch, consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table, silently drink and chew food.

14.30 - Walk. observation. To deepen children's ideas about the surrounding reality. To teach to observe seasonal changes in nature and the work of people. _____________________________________________________________

Work. In progress labor activity to continue to cultivate industriousness and the desire to work for the common good. To form the ability to work in a team, plan work, exercise self-control


A game. To continue to develop the children's independence in the organization of all types of games. To develop interest in a variety of outdoor games. To teach how to fairly evaluate the results of your own and your comrades in the game. Cultivate a sense of collectivism.______________________________________________________________________________________________


16.00 - Afternoon snack. To teach independently and conscientiously to fulfill the duties of a dining room attendant: clean the dishes after eating, wipe the table. A conversation about the benefits of fruits and dairy products for a child's body._____________________


16.15 - Educational event.


Goals and objectives_______________________________________________________________________________________________

16.45 - Self-preparation. Continue building student skills learning activities: listen carefully to the teacher, act according to the proposed plan, independently do homework.

Organizing time:____________________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completion of written assignments.Make sure that all pupils maintain the correct posture at the table while writing. Remind me to keep accurate records in notebooks. _________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dynamic pause.________________________________________________________________________________________


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Completion of oral tasks. Continue to teach pupils to use both short and common forms of answer, to supplement the statements of comrades. Improve dialogical and monologue forms of speech. ___________


Correction-developing tasks and exercises______________________________________________________________

Outcome of the lesson ________________________________________________________________________________________________

18.00 transfer of pupils to the educator. ____________________________________________________________



Game hour outdoors. Removing physical and mental fatigue, improving the health of pupils. Remind pupils of the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of the leader and other participants in the game. Develop initiative, organizational and creative skills. ___________________________________________________________


19.00 - Dinner. Remind to comply elementary rules behavior in the dining room.__________________________________


19.30 - Household work.

Class cleaning. Continue to teach pupils to keep order and cleanliness in the room, to carry out the instructions of the teacher to maintain order in the classroom. ________________________________________________________________


Preparing a school uniform. Learn to notice problems in clothes and fix them with a little help from the teacher. Cultivate neatness.____________________________________________________________________________________________


Evening toilet. Instilling sanitary and hygienic standards. ______________________________________________________


20.30 - Minute of communication. Summing up the day, discussing plans for the next day. Individual work _________

20.45 - Transfer of children to the assistant teacher. Conversation about health, behavior._________________________________

Regional state budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students with handicapped health "Pavlovskaya special (correctional) comprehensive school– boarding schoolVIII kind"

Daily planning educational work

in the first semester of 1st grade

Compiled by Simakhina Lyudmila Vasilievna,



Daily planning of educational work in the 1st grade of a special correctional boarding school VIII kind


Reception of children from the teacher.

Learn about the well-being, behavior, academic performance of children.Find out the mood. Set the "Mood Dictionary", determine the mood in a word, color. Compare in the evening.

Dressing up.

Attention to Ira, Anya. Provide assistance if necessary.

Check clothes brought from home.Ask the children to carefully arrange all the things on the shelf. Praise for the neatness of those children who keep things in order.

Listen to stories about weekends spent at home.

Tell the children the plan for the day.

Organized access to the dining room. (Lunch, afternoon tea, dinner)

Make sure every child has soap and towels.

Supervision of handwashing, observe each child. Special attention to Zhenya (does not like to wash his hands with soap).

Remind the rules of conduct in the dining room.

Compliance with the rules of conduct in the dining room.

Pay attention to the table setting, ask the attendants to correct the shortcomings.Depending on the menu, you can specify the names of some dishes and products used for cooking.

Control over behavior - Zhenya, Ilya, Artyom.

To educate cultural and hygienic eating habits - all children. Individually - Ira, Ilya.

Make sure that the children eat the first and second courses. Try to convince Zhenya of the need to eat the first course.

After dinner, leave the tables clean.

Carrying out the duties of a canteen attendant. Praise Yulia for helping the duty officers.

Preparing for a walk.

Individual work with Ira, Anya - they cannot dress properly on their own. Offer Lera and Zhenya to help the girls.

Make sure you have warm clothes and mittens. Emphasize on appearance every child.

Leaving the class in order is the duty officer's job.

Walk on the theme "Sorceress Winter" (outline of the walk is written separately).

Target:expand children's knowledge about changes in living and inanimate nature in winter;develop attention, thinking;instill a love for nature native land the ability to admire the beauty of nature;
improve children's health.

Outdoor games organized by the educator.

"Trace to trace"

For the competition, a path with untrodden snow is selected. Participants take turns walking down the path. The task of each of them is to step exactly in the footsteps of the previous participant. The one who stumbles is out of the game. The last remaining player is declared the winner and receives a prize.

"Treasure Hunt" The competition requires a platform (approximately 2x2 in size) with untrodden snow. The leader throws several small objects into the snow. The task of the players is to find these treasures.

Stand alone games organized by more active children. If the child could not choose an activity on his own, help him connect to the playing children (Ilya, Sasha). The educator (Anya, Ira) plays with sedentary children.

Monitoring compliance with the rules of the game.

Monitor the well-being and behavior of children.

Correction of the behavior of Vanya, Petya (may quarrel).

Summarizing. Why do you love winter?

Clear snow from clothes and shoes, helping each other. Create conditions for nurturing the desire to help each other.

Oversee the return of children to school

Quiet time

Compliance with the rules of behavior in the bedroom. Attention to Artyom, Ilya, Sasha - they hardly fall asleep.

Making beds -independence and accuracy are brought up.

Help Elijah. Check Ira's bed is made (girls' bedroom).

Are brought up - careful attitude to things, accuracy, a positive attitude to daytime sleep.

Physical culture and health-improving lesson (conducted by a physical education teacher).

Make sure all children are wearing running shoes.

Educational hour.

Subject: " Glade of cheerful mood " (the abstract of the lesson is written separately)


training joyful emotions;

development of the ability to understand one's inner state by association with color;

expanding children's ideas about actions that bring joy;

In the evening

Preparation for the New Year.

Drawing - Snowman, Christmas tree.

Show the children sample drawings. Pay attention to the children's statements about the drawings. Leray and Zhenya offer to circle the stencils of the drawings.

Children prepare pencils and paper. Explain how it works. To teach to bring the work to the end, to cultivate diligence, accuracy, to develop fine motor skills hands, the ability to select colors. After completing the work, tidy up the workplace.

Evening toilet. Fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic requirements. Watching Zhenya and Danilam (they don't like to wash themselves with soap).

Make sure all children brush their teeth properly.

Watching Leroy.

Summing up the day. Game "Compliment" - ... I love myself because ...

All together: "We love each other and care for each other." What has changed in the mood? Listen to all children.

Before going to the bedroom - reading a fairy tale at the request of the children.

Organized care in the bedrooms.

Pay attention to the appearance of children.

The girls go into the bedroom first.

Have a conversation with the boys about the rules of behavior in the bedroom. Individual conversation with Sasha.

During the day, control over the cleanliness and order in the classroom, the orderliness of the life of the group, observation and correction of the behavior of Ilya, Zhenya, Artyom.

Special attention to Sasha (cannot communicate with children).

In a calm state, hand over the children to the night caregiver.