Analysis of internal threats to the economic security of Russia. Analysis of external threats to the economic security of Russia


By discipline: Political science

Topic: The main threats to Russia's security





The security of the Russian Federation is the state of protection of the vital interests of its citizens, society and the state from internal and external threats.

By security threats we mean potential threats to political, social, economic, military, environmental and other, including spiritual and intellectual values ​​of the nation and the State. Security threats are closely linked to the national interests of the country, including outside its territory. In each specific case, their elimination requires special forms and methods of the State's activity: the use of appropriate special bodies, forces and means of the state.

The main security objects are:

personality - its rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values;

state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity

The threat to the security of the Russian Federation is a combination of conditions and factors that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state.

The real and potential threat to security objects, emanating from internal and external sources, determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security, depending on the spheres of life of society and the state, which are targeted by security threats. they can be conditionally divided into political (threats to the existing constitutional order), economic, military, informational, man-made, environmental and others.

threat security economic russia

1. Threats to security: external, internal, cross-border

Today, there are several types of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation: external, internal and cross-border. External threats include the deployment of groupings of armed forces and assets near the borders of the Russian Federation and its allies, territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of secession of certain territories from the Russian Federation; interference in the internal affairs of R.F. from foreign countries; buildup of troop groupings leading to disruption of the existing balance of forces near the borders of the Russian Federation; armed provocations, including attacks on Russian military installations located on the territory of foreign states, as well as on objects and structures on the State Border of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies; actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications; discrimination, non-observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in some foreign states

The main external threats to national security are:

.a decrease in the role of Russia in the world economy due to the targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, such as the UN, the OSCE;

2.reduction of economic and political influence on the processes taking place in the world economy;

.strengthening the scope and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;

.emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces of foreign states near the borders of Russia;

.the worldwide proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;

.the weakening of the processes of integration and the establishment of economic ties between Russia and the CIS countries;

.creation of conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;

.territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;

.international terrorism;

.weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in the reduction of Russia's influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;

.a sharp decrease in the military and defense potential of the country, which does not allow it, if necessary, to repel a military attack, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.

.the activation of the activities of foreign organizations engaged in intelligence and the collection of strategic information on the territory of Russia;

Experts refer to internal threats as follows: attempts to forcibly change the constitutional order and violate the territorial integrity of Russia; planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disrupt the functioning of public authorities and administration, attacks on state, economic and military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure; creation, equipping, training and activities of illegal armed groups; illegal distribution of weapons, ammunition and explosives on the territory of the Russian Federation; large-scale organized crime activities that threaten political stability in some regions of the Russian Federation. Activities of separatist and radical religious national movements.

The main internal threats to national economic security are:

1.strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. The formation of a small group of the wealthy population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks;

2.deformation of the sectoral structure of the national economy. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of minerals creates serious structural shifts;

.strengthening the uneven economic development of the regions. A sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of the regions destroys the existing ties between them and hinders inter-regional integration;

.criminalization of Russian society. In society, the tendencies to receive unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property have sharply increased, which negatively affects the overall stability and stability of the national economy. Of great importance is the total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and the emerging trend of merging between them;

.a sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth - the scientific and technological potential - has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical research and development, the mass exodus of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of science-intensive industries, and the strengthening of scientific and technical dependence;

.strengthening isolation and striving for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure;

.increased interethnic and interethnic tension, which creates real conditions for the emergence of internal conflicts on ethnic grounds;

.widespread violation of the single legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with the law;

.decline in the physical health of the population, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the health care system;

.demographic crisis associated with a steady trend of prevalence of general mortality of the population over the birth rate.

Taken together, internal threats to national security are closely intertwined and interrelated.

The environmental situation in the world is characterized by negative trends. Its characteristic features are the depletion of natural resources, the periodic occurrence of extensive zones of environmental disasters and catastrophes, and the degradation of renewable natural resources. Most countries are characterized by the use of environmentally imperfect technologies in industry, agriculture, energy, and transport. A real threat to Russia's interests is the tendency to use its territory for the disposal of hazardous waste from the chemical and nuclear industries of the developed countries of Europe.

There are growing negative trends in the global social sphere. There is an increase in the proportion of patients, the disabled, people suffering from hunger and malnutrition, the use of poor-quality water. The proportion of illiterate and unemployed remains high (according to the official unemployment rate, Russia is still among the most prosperous countries, ranking approximately 7th in the world). However, according to the classification of the International Labor Organization in Russia, there are more than 5 million unemployed. Approximately the same number work part-time or are on forced leave, the level of material support of the population is declining. Migration processes are expanding to alarming proportions. Indicators of physical and mental development of people are deteriorating.

The threat to the physical health of the nation is manifested in the crisis state of health care systems and social protection of the population. There is widespread alcoholization of the population. The consumption of recorded and unrecorded alcohol per capita in terms of pure alcohol is from 11 to 14 liters, while the situation is assessed as dangerous at an indicator of 8 liters

Cross-border threats are manifested in the following:

Creation, equipment and training on the territory of other states of armed formations and groups for the purpose of their transfer for operations on the territory of Russia;

The activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional order of Russia, creating a threat to its territorial integrity and the security of its citizens. Cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on an alarming scale;

Drug trafficking activities that create a threat of drug penetration into the territory of Russia or the use of its territory for the transit of drugs to other countries;

Activities of international terrorist organizations.

Terrorism, having a very complex content, affects the national security of the country at all its levels - interstate, state, international, national, class and group. In addition, domestic and international terrorism violates the nation's ability to self-preservation, self-reproduction and self-development.

Domestic and international terrorism carry a similar threat. In general, the boundary between these types of terrorism is so shaky (according to most scientists, terrorist acts committed in Russia are manifestations of precisely international terrorism) that, as the author sees it, it is very difficult to clearly separate the threats from them.

Terrorism poses a threat to the country's interests in the social sphere, which are to ensure a high standard of living for the people. By destroying the economic and political systems of society, terrorism impedes the achievement of society's highest value, which is its own well-being.

Terrorism violates the main inalienable right of every person - the right to life. The result of the two Chechen wars and the activities of all the pro- and anti-Russian administrations is a full-scale humanitarian catastrophe. Over the 12 years of the anti-terrorist war in the Chechen Republic, the total losses amounted to about 45 thousand people. Over half a million residents of Chechnya and adjacent territories were forced to leave their homes

The process of identifying sources of dangers and threats requires a clear understanding of their general and specific features. Sources of danger to the security of the state are in various spheres of society. It seems that the most significant of them are hidden in the spheres of political relations of the state, classes, social groups of society; economic relations; spiritual and ideological, ethno-national and religious, as well as in the environmental and information security spheres, etc.

2. Threats to national economic security

Economic threats are contained in economic relations, in economic categories - changes in exchange rates, interest rates, prices, violations of obligations under contracts, etc. The objects of economic threats are the economies of entire countries, regions, industries, individual economic systems, enterprises, population groups, families, more precisely, family budgets (households - in Western terminology) as economic systems of the lower hierarchical level. Thus, economic threats are threats to economic systems generated by economic relations and phenomena. However, the root causes of economic threats usually lie not in the economy itself, but in other areas.

In the economic sphere, the threats are complex and are primarily due to a significant reduction in the gross domestic product, a decrease in investment, innovation activity and scientific and technical potential, the stagnation of the agricultural sector, an imbalance in the banking system, an increase in public debt, a trend towards the predominance of fuel and raw materials and energy components in export deliveries, and food and consumer goods, including basic necessities, in import deliveries. The weakening of the country's scientific, technical and technological potential, the reduction of research in strategically important areas of scientific and technological development, the outflow of specialists and intellectual property abroad threaten Russia with the loss of leading positions in the world, the degradation of high-tech industries, increased external technological dependence and undermining Russia's defense capability

Disorganization of the national economy - up to its bankruptcy (as a result of targeted and large-scale speculation in the securities market or a massive presentation of payment requirements that the Russian Federation, as a debtor country, will not be able to fulfill, followed by the seizure of foreign property and freezing of bank accounts and other negative consequences).

Economic blockade, or "soft embargo" (in the form of intense, targeted competition).

food vulnerability. Russia runs the risk of crossing the "red" line in food imports: the critical level for the country's food independence is about 30%, while in a number of industrial areas the share of foreign food is up to 60%. Adjacent to this scenario is the problem of biological degradation of the population due to the consistent deterioration in the structure of nutrition and the quality of consumer products.

There is not only the possibility of the Russian economy degrading to the level of a natural resource enclave of the world economy, but also the possible prospect of a phased withdrawal of the country from the world resource trade.

The threat of criminalization of society is the loss by the state of control over economic and financial activities.

According to some estimates, criminal groups in one form or another control 20-30% of commercial and banking structures. A manifestation of this threat is large-scale corruption in all echelons of power.

3. Principles for ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

The main principles of security are:


maintaining a balance of vital interests of the individual, society and the state;

mutual responsibility of the individual, society and the state to ensure security;

integration with international security systems.

Observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens while ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

When ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens are not allowed, except in cases expressly provided for by law.

Citizens, public and other organizations and associations have the right to receive clarifications regarding the restriction of their rights and freedoms from security agencies. At their request, such explanations are given in writing within the time limits established by law.

Officials who have exceeded their powers in the process of ensuring security are liable in accordance with the law

4. Basic functions of the security system

The security system is formed by legislative, executive and judicial authorities, state, public and other organizations and associations, citizens participating in ensuring security in accordance with the law, as well as legislation regulating relations in the field of security.

The main functions of the security system are:

identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security facilities, implementation of a set of operational and long-term measures to prevent and neutralize them;

creation and maintenance in readiness of forces and means of ensuring security;

management of forces and means of ensuring security in everyday conditions and in emergency situations;

implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of facilities without

dangers in the regions affected by the emergency;

participation in security measures outside the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties and agreements concluded or recognized by the Russian Federation

Forces and means of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation

Forces and means of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation are created and developed in accordance with the decisions of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of Russia, short-term and long-term federal security programs.

The security forces include:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal security agencies, internal affairs agencies, foreign intelligence, security of legislative, executive, judicial authorities and their senior officials, tax service;

services for liquidation of consequences of emergencies, the formation of civil defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;

border troops of the FPS, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

bodies ensuring the safe conduct of work in industry, energy, transport and agriculture;

communications and information security services, customs, environmental authorities, public health authorities and other government security authorities


Ensuring national security at a sufficient level makes it necessary to constantly monitor external and internal threats, and therefore their list is constantly changing depending on specific political, social, legal and economic conditions.

In modern conditions, both domestic and foreign policy successes of countries are determined not only by their military and economic power, but also by successes in establishing actual control over the main information and cultural processes. The information technology gap is turning into a serious global security threat. because it creates real opportunities to exploit the intellectual potential of other countries for their own purposes, to spread and implement their ideological values, their culture and language, to hinder the spiritual and cultural development of the rest of the world, to transform and even undermine its spiritual and moral foundations. Instead of "hot" wars, methods of information warfare have been increasingly used to achieve their political goals.

The system of international security created after the end of World War II did not initially provide for measures to counter such threats, therefore one of the main tasks facing humanity is to erect a strong barrier to such dangerous phenomena.


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National Economy: Lecture Notes Koshelev Anton Nikolaevich

5. Internal and external threats to national economic security

In the process of creating and maintaining national economic security, key causes arise that can violate it, threats. The main threats are defined in the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24). In accordance with it, threats are divided into internal and external in relation to the location of the causes of their occurrence - outside the national economy and inside it.

The main internal threats to national economic security are:

1) strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. The formation of a small group of the wealthy population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks. This creates a number of problems in society - the total uncertainty of the population, its psychological discomfort, the formation of large criminal structures, drug addiction, alcoholism, organized crime, prostitution;

2) deformation of the sectoral structure of the national economy. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of minerals creates serious structural shifts. The decline in competitiveness and the total curtailment of production stimulates an increase in unemployment and reduces the quality of life of the population. The resource orientation of the national economy makes it possible to receive high income, but in no way ensures sustainable economic growth;

3) strengthening the uneven economic development of the regions. This kind of situation lays the problem of breaking the single economic space. A sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of the regions destroys the existing ties between them and hinders inter-regional integration;

4) criminalization of Russian society. In society, the tendencies to receive unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property have sharply increased, which negatively affects the overall stability and stability of the national economy. Of great importance is the total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and the emerging trend of merging between them. Many entrepreneurs refuse legal methods of resolving disputes among themselves, avoiding free competition, and increasingly resorting to the help of criminal structures. All this has a negative impact on the general economic situation and prevents the national economy from recovering from the crisis;

5) a sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth - the scientific and technological potential - has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical research and development, the mass exodus of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of science-intensive industries, and the strengthening of scientific and technical dependence. The future development of the economy belongs to science-intensive industries, for the creation of which Russia today does not have sufficient scientific potential. Accordingly, it is questioned whether Russia's place in the world economy;

7) strengthening isolation and striving for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure. The manifestation of separatist aspirations by the subjects of the Federation is a real threat to the territorial integrity of Russia and the existence of a single legal, political and economic space;

8) increased interethnic and interethnic tension, which creates real conditions for the emergence of internal conflicts on ethnic grounds. It is broadcast by a number of public associations whose interests do not include the preservation of the cultural and national integrity of Russia;

9) widespread violation of the single legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with the law;

10) decline in the physical health of the population, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the health care system. As a result, there is a steady trend towards a reduction in the birth rate and life expectancy of the population. The decline in human potential makes economic growth and industrial development impossible;

11) demographic crisis, associated with a steady trend of the predominance of the general mortality of the population over the birth rate. The catastrophic decline in the number of population poses the problem of the population of the territory of Russia and the retention of its existing borders.

Taken together, internal threats to national security are closely intertwined and interrelated. Their elimination is necessary not only to create the proper level of national security, but also to preserve Russian statehood. Along with internal, there are also external threats to national security.

The main external threats to national security are:

1) a decrease in the role of Russia in the world economy due to the targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, such as the UN, the OSCE;

2) reduction of economic and political influence on the processes taking place in the world economy;

3) strengthening the scope and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;

4) emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces of foreign states near the borders of Russia;

5) ubiquitous distribution of weapons of mass destruction in the world;

6) the weakening of the processes of integration and the establishment of economic ties between Russia and the CIS countries;

7) creating conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;

8) territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;

9) international terrorism;

10) weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in the reduction of Russia's influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;

11) revitalization on the territory of Russia of the activities of foreign organizations engaged in intelligence and collection of strategic information;

12) a sharp decrease in the military and defense potential of the country, which does not allow it, if necessary, to repel a military attack, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.

Ensuring national security at a sufficient level makes it necessary to constantly monitor external and internal threats, and therefore their list is constantly changing depending on specific political, social, legal and economic conditions.

Adopted in 1997 and amended in 2000, the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation is not a simple declaration. It is an effective legal document that regulates the priority area of ​​the state's activity - national security. Only starting from 2003, it began to be implemented after the necessary potential had been accumulated. The introduction of a system for appointing senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation minimized the threat to the territorial integrity of Russia. The recent ban on the activities of foundations with foreign capital in Russia has reduced the degree of its political and economic dependence. Now we are witnessing a process when the accumulated potential of state power has begun to implement the National Security Concept adopted in 1997, albeit not in all areas effective and efficient.

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Satisfaction of national interests takes place within the framework of the processes of interaction between states in the international arena, as well as various social forces within them. These processes are in the nature of confrontation and cooperation, which in general allows us to consider them as a kind of struggle for existence. The latter causes direct and indirect competition between states and forces them to take into account each other's interests in one way or another. In the economic sphere, this competition is in the nature of competition, and in non-economic spheres, it is in the nature of a military-political and cultural-informational confrontation. The forms and direction of such confrontation and cooperation are determined by national interests. Since the resources allocated for development differ only partially for states, the clash of their interests is permanent.

It is these clashes in the course of satisfying national interests that give rise to threats to national security. Threat to national security is a danger determined by activities that impede the satisfaction of national interests.

On the one hand, the threat to national security is inextricably linked with this or that. If there is no national interest, there is no threat. Outside the system of national interests, a threat is just a danger. The threat to national security is considered in the context of various dangers, the ability to cause any harm, misfortune, accompanying human activity in general. Hazards, unlike threats, can be generated not only by social forces, but also by natural phenomena, natural disasters and man-made disasters.

On the other hand, a threat as an encroachment on the national interest and the intention to cause harm is always associated with the purposeful activity of some opposing social force - specific subjects pursuing their own interests, which act as a source of threat.

  • affected national interests of the country, which reflects its importance;
  • circumstances (own vulnerability - the degree of protection of the given threat), which determines the potential damage when the threat is realized;
  • place and time of manifestation of negative factors and conditions;
  • capabilities, intentions and will of the subject of the threat (potential adversary or competitor).

The last two points determine the likelihood of a threat being realized.

Thus, national security threat- direct or indirect possibility of damaging constitutional rights, freedoms, decent quality and standard of living of citizens, sovereignty and territorial integrity, sustainable development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the state.

The nature of the threat determined by the nature of the interest that the threat counteracts. Therefore, they distinguish threats of an economic, military, informational, environmental and other nature(Fig. 1).

By type distinguish:

Direct threat. This is a threat posed by the targeted, deliberate activity of an entity that is viewed as a competitor, adversary, or enemy.

indirect threat. This is a threat caused by destructive changes in market conditions, or unpredictable political events that destroy the existing systems of economic and political interaction, or their inability to respond to a crisis.

Depending on where the threat comes from. those. where in relation to the state border there is a source of threat, there are also external, internal and transnational(not country-specific) threats.

From the point of view of the "broad" interpretation of security, threats are divided into the following types: actor-centric and trend-centric. What these threats have in common is that the former are often, and the latter almost always, transnational in nature.

In the strategic planning systems of states, threats are usually divided into potential And immediate. The first ones are usually considered those that have the following features:

  • pose an immediate danger to the national interest within the relevant planning period;
  • expressed as a certain trend in the development of the situation (for example, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the world or the deterioration of the economic situation);
  • do not require immediate response.

Signs of immediate threats are as follows:

  • represent a clear danger to national interests at the current moment;
  • are expressed as a specific event (for example, an attack on an ally country, hostage-taking, etc.);
  • require immediate protective action.

Rice. 1. Classification of national security threats

Potential threats are usually taken into account when developing various plans and programs. Immediate threats require the immediate activation of the operational planning system in crisis situations for specific response measures. As a rule, sources of immediate threats are potential.

The manifestation of threat sources can be cumulative both in various areas of achieving national goals and in geographical areas (regions), this involves considering threats not only by their sources, both external and internal, but also by the forms and likelihood of implementation, as well as the expected damage. This makes it possible to identify risks for the tasks of national development to be solved in order to take proactive measures to neutralize threats. In this case, the spectrum of threats is formed by the following forms.

Traditional forms of threat implementation associated mainly with the use of the armed forces of states in well-studied forms of hostilities or conflicts. In addition, these threats are also associated with the use of various kinds of economic instruments. At the same time, the economic possibilities of the source of the threat are realized not so much to improve their own economic position in the world economy, but to inflict damage on their competitors by economic methods. The manifestation of such threats is expressed in the violation of the existing balances of power in various areas of activity or geographic (strategic) areas. which constrains the freedom of action of the state in a particular region of the world, increasing the risks of achieving national goals.

Non-traditional forms of implementation of threats associated with the use by states and non-state actors of unconventional methods against adversaries who are superior in their capabilities. These include terrorism, insurgency, civil wars. These approaches can be combined with information campaigns and actions, as well as attempts to deliberately disrupt the financial and credit sphere of the country through speculative attacks. Sometimes non-traditional forms of threat implementation are called asymmetric.

Forms of implementation of catastrophic threats associated with the use of weapons of mass destruction. This category of threats should also include activities to destroy key national infrastructure facilities that can cause catastrophic environmental and/or social consequences. The sources of such threats can be both individual states seeking to ensure their security or raising their international status in this way, as well as various non-state actors seeking to acquire international attention or achieve other goals through the acquisition of WMD and even its use (by analogy with the use of chemical weapons by the Aum-Shinrikyo sect in the Tokyo subway in 1995).

Disruptive forms of implementation of threats come from opponents who develop, possess and use breakthrough technologies that make it possible to neutralize the advantages of the enemy in the relevant areas. Of key importance in this context are information methods of disrupting the activities of state and military control systems and correcting the political activity of the masses in the necessary direction.

It should be noted that, just like interests, threats are recognized and "felt" by specific carriers of interests. There is always a difference between reality and awareness. That's why threats can also be overestimated, underestimated and even imaginary, i.e. far-fetched.

Internal and external threats to national economic security

In the process of creation and maintenance, key causes arise that can violate it, threats. The main threats are defined in the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 No. 1300 (as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2000 No. 24). In accordance with it, threats are divided into internal and external in relation to the location of the causes of their occurrence - outside the national economy and inside it.

Internal threats to Russia's national security

The main internal threats to national economic security are:

Strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. The formation of a small group of the wealthy population (oligarchs) and a large part of the poor population creates a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks. This creates a number of problems in society - the total uncertainty of the population, its psychological discomfort, the formation of large criminal structures, drug addiction, alcoholism, organized crime, prostitution;

Deformation. The orientation of the economy towards the extraction of minerals creates serious structural shifts. The decline in competitiveness and the total curtailment of production stimulates an increase in unemployment and reduces the quality of life of the population. The resource orientation of the national economy makes it possible to receive high income, but in no way ensures sustainable economic growth;

Strengthening uneven economic development of regions. This kind of situation lays the problem of breaking the single economic space. A sharp difference in the level of socio-economic development of the regions destroys the existing ties between them and hinders inter-regional integration;

Criminalization of Russian society. In society, the tendencies to receive unearned income through direct robbery and seizure of property have sharply increased, which negatively affects the overall stability and stability of the national economy. Of great importance is the total penetration of criminal structures into the state apparatus and industry and the emerging trend of merging between them. Many entrepreneurs refuse legal methods of resolving disputes among themselves, avoiding free competition, and increasingly resorting to the help of criminal structures. All this has a negative impact on the general economic situation and prevents the national economy from recovering from the crisis;

A sharp decline in the scientific and technical potential of Russia. The basis of economic growth - the scientific and technological potential - has been practically lost over the past decade, due to a reduction in investment in priority scientific and technical research and development, the mass exodus of leading scientists from the country, the destruction of science-intensive industries, and the strengthening of scientific and technical dependence. The future development of the economy belongs to science-intensive industries, for the creation of which Russia today does not have sufficient scientific potential. Accordingly, it is questioned whether Russia's place in the world economy;

Strengthening isolation and striving for independence of the subjects of the Federation. Russia has significant territories that function within the framework of a federal structure. The manifestation of separatist aspirations by the subjects of the Federation is a real threat to the territorial integrity of Russia and the existence of a single legal, political and economic space;

Strengthening interethnic and interethnic tensions, which creates real conditions for the emergence of internal conflicts on ethnic grounds. It is broadcast by a number of public associations whose interests do not include the preservation of the cultural and national integrity of Russia;

Widespread violation of the single legal space, leading to legal nihilism and non-compliance with the law;

Decreased physical health of the population, leading to degradation due to the crisis of the health care system. As a result, there is a steady trend towards a reduction in the birth rate and life expectancy of the population. The decline in human potential makes economic growth and industrial development impossible;

demographic crisis, associated with a steady trend of the predominance of the general mortality of the population over the birth rate. The catastrophic decline in the number of population poses the problem of the population of the territory of Russia and the retention of its existing borders.

Taken together, internal threats to national security are closely intertwined and interrelated. Their elimination is necessary not only to create the proper level of national security, but also to preserve Russian statehood. Along with internal, there are also external threats to national security.

External Threats to Russia's National Security

Main external threats to national security are:

  • a decrease in the role of Russia in the world economy due to the targeted actions of individual states and interstate associations, such as the UN, the OSCE;
  • reduction of economic and political influence on the processes taking place in the world economy;
  • strengthening the scope and influence of international military and political associations, including NATO;
  • emerging trends towards the deployment of military forces of foreign states near the borders of Russia;
  • the worldwide proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
  • the weakening of the processes of integration and the establishment of economic ties between Russia and the CIS countries;
  • creation of conditions for the formation and emergence of military armed conflicts near the state borders of Russia and the CIS countries;
  • territorial expansion in relation to Russia, for example, from Japan and China;
  • international terrorism;
  • weakening of Russia's position in the field of information and telecommunications. This is manifested in the reduction of Russia's influence on international information flows and the development by a number of states of information expansion technologies that can be applied to Russia;
  • the activation of the activities of foreign organizations engaged in intelligence and the collection of strategic information on the territory of Russia;
  • a sharp decrease in the military and defense potential of the country, which does not allow it, if necessary, to repel a military attack, which is associated with a systemic crisis in the country's defense complex.

Ensuring national security at a sufficient level makes it necessary to constantly monitor external and internal threats, and therefore their list is constantly changing depending on specific political, social, legal and economic conditions.

Adopted in 1997 and amended in 2000, the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation is not a simple declaration. It is an effective legal document that regulates the priority area of ​​the state's activity - national security. Only starting from 2003, it began to be implemented after the necessary potential had been accumulated. The introduction of a system for appointing senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation minimized the threat to the territorial integrity of Russia. The recent ban on the activities of foundations with foreign capital in Russia has reduced the degree of its political and economic dependence. Now we are witnessing a process when the accumulated potential of state power has begun to implement the National Security Concept adopted in 1997, albeit not in all areas effective and efficient.

Stages of national security threat

Threats to national security in the public mind and, in particular, in the minds of the political leadership of the country, go through several stages: awareness of the threat - reaction to a perceived threat - response to the threat.

Threat Awareness

Firstly, the property of an object or phenomenon "to pose a threat", obviously, does not have its inherent character, but is very conditional. What, from the point of view of one scale of values, is considered a “threat”, from the standpoint of a different assessment, may turn out to be, on the contrary, an “opportunity”. It is difficult to talk about “threats” without reference to a certain system of values. Secondly, a threat is perceived as such only as long as it looks sufficiently probable. In general, any threat is perceived by the human consciousness "integrally" - as a certain sum of the subjectively assessed probability of the threat and the degree of possible damage. Moreover, the perception of the threat is purely individual and is reflected in the concept of “degree of threat”. The degree of threat is the integral perception of the threat in the individual or public consciousness. Even a deadly but unlikely threat can be perceived as "low" and of little concern to those who should be concerned. At the same time, a threat that is quite probable, but not serious in nature, can completely divert attention to itself. Therefore, the response to threats to national interests may differ significantly from what a person's subconscious suggests. However, even if the threats are almost improbable, in practice the political leadership has to proceed from their possibility in order to ensure that what should not happen does not really happen.

In this regard, the main problem of preventing and countering any threat is the gap between the principles of rational perception and combating threats and the "innate", often irrational, reaction of society to threats (or lack thereof). Influencing the sphere of politics, "general human" and purely national features of the perception of threats lead to the deviation of politicians' actions from the model of "rational behavior". In these cases, the effectiveness of the national security system is reduced.

In practice, a threat can be recognized by society only if it is “real” in the eyes of society, i.e. society estimates the probability of its implementation quite high. As the degree of probability of a threat decreases, the task of preventing it falls off the public agenda. A low degree of expectation of a threat, weakening the natural defenses of society, obviously contributes to the realization of the threat. The society that least expects a threat is the one most exposed to it. So, for example, a war for which the country is “well prepared” usually does not happen. But others happen.

Response to a perceived threat

In the political sphere, it is generally impossible to assess the likelihood of a particular threat “objectively” (here the events are extremely heterogeneous). Therefore, any assessment of the likelihood of a threat can have an exclusively practical, pragmatic meaning. In fact, even when they talk about probability, they mean the integral assessment of the “degree of threat”. In the realm of politics, a “high degree” of threat means a high possible harm, given the practical means and the possibility of allocating funds to prevent it. Deviation from this principle of assessment will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the fight against threats, either due to an incorrect assessment of damage, or due to an incorrect assessment of one's capabilities. At the same time, the assessment of "damage" from the threat directly depends on the system of values ​​(national traditions, strategic culture). The latter is able to answer the questions: “What is good and what is bad?”, “What is “acquisition” and what is “loss?”. Without a certain system of values, it is incorrect to speak of an effective fight against threats.

Response to the threat

It is mediated by national and cultural characteristics. Thus, a close assessment of the degree of threat in different countries does not yet mean the same response to it and, in general, any active action. Different nations have a completely different degree of "tolerance" of threats (threshold of perception). The higher the degree of tolerance, the higher the danger must be in order for the society/state to react to it. For example, there is a strong opinion that Russians are distinguished by a high degree of tolerance for dangers and threats. Compared to Russians, Americans, on the contrary, are distinguished by an unusually low tolerance for threats: even a small threat to their well-being can cause a hysterical, often disproportionate reaction to the degree of threat.

Thus, the threat to national security limits the freedom of choice for each individual, and for the country - the freedom of action in one area or another. This is manifested in the fact that when achieving national goals, the threat violates the chosen ratio of means (resources) and methods, exerts negative, primarily psychological, pressure on the decision-making system, the system of public administration. This increases the risks of achieving national goals. That is, a threat is what requires the activation of the national security system.

External threats have a fairly significant impact on the state of the state economy. As a rule, if the country's economy is sovereign and independent, then the influence of external threats is less than the influence of internal ones.

Today, external threats to the economic security of Russia have a significant impact on the state of our economy. The main external threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation include:

1) The dependence of our economy on external factors;

2) Pressure from foreign states;

3) External debt of the Russian Federation.

As noted earlier, the main causes of external threats to the economic security of the state are globalization and the development of methods of competition between states. Globalization contributes to the emergence of such a threat as the dependence of our economy on external factors. Speaking about the dependence of our economy on external factors, it should be understood that this threat includes technological dependence, financial dependence, etc. When we talk about technological dependence, we mean that our economy is mainly based on raw materials. Due to the fact that domestic scientists do not have sufficient opportunities to finance their activities through domestic investment, they have to look for them in foreign countries. In this regard, there is a significant amount of emigration of our scientists to foreign countries. Accordingly, we do not have enough personnel who could ensure sustainable scientific and technological development. The same specialists who remain in Russia are deprived of the opportunity to develop their developments due to lack of financial resources.

Also, due to the fact that there are periodic cuts in the field of healthcare, many dismissed qualified medical workers are forced to look for a new job in foreign countries.

At the same time, we are seeing technological breakthroughs in the field of the military-industrial complex. This circumstance is possible due to the participation of the state in this industry.

Accordingly, since the bulk of promising scientists are forced to leave for foreign countries, we have to acquire the bulk of the technologies and discoveries that they create from a foreign state.

This dependence is created largely due to our financial dependence. It is known that our financial system is based on the fact that the Bank of Russia mainly prints its own money only on the condition that the necessary amount of dollars is stored in the gold and foreign exchange reserves. This system is called "currency board". This system assumes that foreign exchange reserves held by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation must fully cover the money in circulation. A scheme is used in which, in order for rubles to enter the Russian economy, it is necessary to sell abroad goods or services valued in US dollars. They go to the Moscow Exchange, where they are redeemed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which, having printed rubles, exchanged them for dollars. Dollars go to the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Bank of Russia, and the Central Bank issues cash, which are used in the daily lives of our citizens.

In addition, the dependence of our financial system on external factors is explained by the policy of maximum openness of the Russian financial market, which results in a significant export of capital abroad. This circumstance, along with the lack of competitive domestic sources of credit, leads to the fact that a significant part of the money supply in the country is formed under foreign obligations. As a result, every year we are forced to make deductions in favor of the global financial system in the amount of 120-150 billion dollars.

The scheme of deductions in favor of the global financial system is shown in Appendix 4.

We have already noted earlier that credit resources in our country have a very high price. In addition to the fact that our loans have high interest rates, they are not designed for a long period of time. This lending condition is very different from the practice of developed countries.

The difference between our interest rates and the rates of central banks of foreign countries is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Main rates of central banks, expressed as a percentage, as of 01.01.2017 (in %)

Unlike Russian loans, developed countries actively use the method of "long and cheap loans" for the development of the country to develop the economy. Accordingly, many of our "offshore" businessmen go to these zones largely because of high interest rates. Also, taking loans in the West, businessmen are forced to register their enterprise in the territory indicated by the lender. Above, we found out why it is almost impossible to develop real production in the country under modern monetary policy.

But in 2014, economic sanctions were imposed on our country. Accordingly, domestic entrepreneurs have lost access to available credit resources. As a result, many enterprises went bankrupt, which led to an increase in unemployment and a drop in demand from the population.

As we can see, the imposition of sanctions on our country was the result of pressure from foreign states, primarily the United States and the EU countries. Since the position of Russia and the United States began to diverge on many issues, it was decided to exert economic pressure on the Russian Federation. They began to introduce a ban on visiting the territories of certain countries for a certain circle of people, as well as restrictions on financial transactions for our companies in a foreign market.

The main goal of introducing these measures against Russia is the desire to stop the acquisition of economic sovereignty by the Russian Federation, as well as to change the political power in the country, as US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew spoke frankly in 2016. This position of the United States is quite logical, since in the unipolar world that was established after the collapse of the USSR, the dominant will always try to maintain a leading position. These are the principles of competition between states. Since Russia and China in recent years began to threaten the destruction of the existing world order with the sole dominant in the person of the United States, efforts were made to stop this process. The economic restrictions imposed on the Russian Federation were chosen as the main method.

It should be noted that these sanctions imposed against Russia by Western countries are contrary to the norms of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Officially, this organization is intended to ensure free trade conditions, sustainable development, progress, justice, equal opportunities between countries. By imposing sanctions, WTO rules were grossly violated, and it is all the more surprising that the EU countries and the United States were dissatisfied with the retaliatory measures from the Russian side, which include an embargo on food imports from the EU countries.

Another significant threat to the economic security of our country is the presence of external debt. Under the external debt of the Russian Federation, it is customary to consider liabilities arising in foreign currency, with the exception of obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities to the Russian Federation arising in foreign currency as part of the use of targeted foreign loans (borrowings) .

According to the data of the Bank of Russia, as of January 1, 2017, the volume of the external debt of the Russian Federation, according to preliminary estimates, amounted to 518.7 billion US dollars. This indicator is not as large as that of the developed countries of the world, but the solution of this issue also occupies an important place in neutralizing threats to economic security. This debt did not decrease compared to the previous year, but on the contrary, there was an increase of $200 million. It should be noted that most of Russia's external debt is occupied by the share of the private sector of the economy, followed by the share of the banking sector, and the share of the state in the structure has the smallest value, along with the share of the Central Bank of Russia.

Figure 3 shows the structure of external debt, as well as the share of the banking, public, private sectors in it, as well as the debt of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, according to the Bank of Russia as of 01.01.2017.

Figure 3. External debt of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2017, according to the Bank of Russia. Compiled by the author based on data from the Central Bank

The largest indicator of external debt was reached in 2013, which was equal to about 730 billion dollars. This was followed by a significant reduction in external debt, by about 18%, to 599 billion. In 2015, there was also a rather tangible decrease, approximately 14%, bringing the debt to $515.254 billion. These results became possible largely due to the closure of external financing markets, which ultimately forced a decrease in the volume of external borrowings.

The dominant part in the external debt is occupied by the private sector, both banking and the real sector of the economy. It accounts for approximately 90% of the total debt, while the public sector has a share of 10%. This circumstance is due to the fact that most of the state debt was repaid at the expense of the Stabilization Fund, created on the initiative of Vladimir Putin in 2004. The problem of a significant debt of the private sector to external creditors is associated with the inability to use internal sources of lending on acceptable terms.

Thus, speaking about external threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation, we should note, first of all, such threats as the dependence of our economy on external factors, pressure from foreign states, as well as the presence of a significant external debt, a large share of which is occupied by private business.

In the chapter "Analysis of internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia" an assessment was made of the current state of the economic security of the Russian Federation. We found out that today, the economic security of Russia is subject to the influence of internal and external threats. An analysis of these threats was made and, based on this analysis, it was concluded that the internal threats to the economic security of Russia should include the property stratification of the population; monetary policy pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the economic bloc of the Government of the Russian Federation; decline in the real sector of the economy; offshore nature of modern business in Russia; raw material bias of the domestic economy. External threats include the dependence of our economy on external factors; pressure from foreign states; external debt of the Russian Federation.

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Accredited educational private institution

higher education

"Moscow Finance and Law University MFLA"

Department of Economics and Finance

Specialty 38.05.01 "Economic security"

Specialization "Economic and legal support of economic security"


On the topic of:

studentBabakhanov Gennady Kurbanovich

INS student 29131422

Group No. 31EBd1210

Moscow 2017

Task to be executedfinal qualifying work

economic security threat neutralization

studentBabakhanov Gennady Kurbanovich

(Full Name)

Subject:"Internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia"

Initial data for work: legal sources of the Russian Federation; statistical data; scientific and periodicals; educational, reference and methodical literature; Internet resources.

The object of research is the economic security of Russia.

The subject of the study is internal and external threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.

The purpose of the study is to develop a set of measures to neutralize internal and external threats to Russia's economic security.

Research objectives:

1. To study the theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state.

2. Analyze the impact of internal and external threats on the economic security of Russia.

3. Develop a set of measures aimed at neutralizing threats in order to strengthen the economic security of Russia.

Deadline for submission of the completed work to the department: 15.05.2017

Supervisor __________________ Ph.D., Associate Professor Yurchenko A.V.

(signature) (academic degree, title, full name)

The task was accepted for execution by ________________ Babakhanov G.K.

(signature) (full name)


scientific adviser for the final qualifying work

student Babakhanov Gennady Kurbanovich

On the topic"Internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia"

The final qualifying work of the student Babakhanov Gennady Kurbanovich is made in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines for the preparation and defense of final qualifying works, at a sufficient scientific, theoretical, methodological and practical level, in an accessible, economically literate language.

The paper deals with issues of monitoring, determining the degree of influence and forming an effective system to counter internal and external threats to the economic security of the state, which are very relevant at the present stage of development of economic relations in Russia and the political situation in the external and internal spheres. The relevance and practical significance of the study of these issues is due to the fact that in the presence of crisis phenomena in the economy, sanctions pressure on our country, economic security is the foundation for ensuring all types of national security in Russia.

The author was able to adequately reveal the topic chosen for research in the final qualification work, to demonstrate, in the course of working on research materials, the ability to effectively study and apply legislative, subordinate regulatory legal acts, special literature, as well as materials that characterize the modern practice of assessing the impact of internal and external threats on the economic security of the state.

The theoretical significance of the final qualification work is that the study systematizes the knowledge of a future specialist in the field of economic security in assessing and analyzing the impact of a complex of external and internal factors on the economic security of Russia.

The structure of the final qualification work is determined by the logic of the study, formulated by the purpose and objectives of its implementation.

In the course of the work, the author used a sufficient number of normative legal acts, sources of educational, methodological and practical literature, publications of specialists in the periodical economic press on issues related to the subject area of ​​the study. The most important provisions of the work are illustrated by him in tables, figures and applications.

Conclusion: the competencies assessed during the work on the final qualifying work are fully formed, the final qualifying work is recommended for defense.

Scientific adviser:

cand. military Sciences, Associate Professor Yurchenko Alexander Viktorovich


"___" ______________ 2017


for graduate work

Student Babakhanov Gennady Kurbanovich______________________________

(last name, first name and patronymic)

Subject " Internal and external threats to Russia's economic security"_

Reviewer Kolesov Roman Vladimirovich ______________________________

(last name, first name and patronymic)

cond. economy in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Yaroslavl Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial Institute under the Government of the Russian Federation"_______

(academic degree and title, position, place of work)

To date, the problem of ensuring economic security is very relevant for any state. As never before, this problem is relevant for Russia in modern conditions, characterized by the illegal application of economic and political sanctions against our country. At present, it is necessary to carry out constant work aimed at improving the monitoring system of internal and external threats, developing effective mechanisms to counter these threats at various levels of national economic management.

The topic and issues of the final qualification work are disclosed by the author in full and in detail, according to the assignment issued by the supervisor.

The content and structure of the final qualified work is agreed with the supervisor and fully corresponds to the chosen topic. The material in the work is presented, argued, consistently and competently. The provisions used in the work are confirmed in the established order by references to normative and statistical sources, scientific and educational literature. The author has demonstrated the ability to carry out the necessary analytical calculations.

The topic is applied. The goals and objectives of the study were achieved by the author.

The performed work confirms the author's ability to independently form, generalize, analyze statistical data and predictive and planned information of public authorities. The author is able to use the results of his analysis in the subject area of ​​identifying internal and external threats and ensuring the economic security of the state.

Almost all the material of the final qualification work testifies to the author's independent understanding of the key problems related to ensuring the country's economic security in the face of the negative influence of internal and external factors. The author forms practical proposals and ways to implement them to ensure effective counteraction to internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia.

The style of presentation of the material, the reliability and validity of the author's judgments, demonstrated in the work, allow us to conclude that the author has worked out all the issues related to the topic under study.

A positive aspect of the work is the ability of the author to work with scientific and educational materials, regulatory legal acts related to ensuring the economic security of the state, in practice to use the tools of economic analysis.

In general, the final qualifying work was completed in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for final qualifying works. The work deserves an "excellent" rating. The author deserves the qualification "Specialist" in the specialty 38.05.01 "Economic security".


cand. economy in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Yaroslavl Branch of the FGOBU HE “Financial Institute under the Government of the Russian Federation”

Kolesov R.V.

"____" ______________ 2017


1. Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state

1.1 The essence of the economic security of the state and its content

1.2 The history of the emergence and development of approaches to ensuring the economic security of the state: domestic and international experience

1.3 Characteristics of threats in the field of economic security of the state in modern conditions

2. Analysis of internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia

2.1 Assessment of the current state of economic security in Russia

2.2 Analysis of internal threats to economic security in Russia

2.3 Analysis of external threats to economic security in Russia

3. Improving measures aimed at neutralizing threats in order to strengthen the economic security of Russia

3.1 Measures to neutralize internal threats to Russia's economic security

3.2 Measures to neutralize external threats to Russia's economic security

3.3 Evaluation of the economic effect and effectiveness of the proposed measures to ensure the economic security of Russia


List of sources used



Economic security is the most important element in the system of ensuring the national security of the state. As practice shows, without an independent, sovereign economic system of the country, it is impossible to develop the state in the right direction. The economy ensures the satisfaction of human needs: both material (food, housing, etc.) and spiritual (education, culture, sports, etc.). The economy should contribute to the development of society and a decent life for the citizens of a given country.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin at a meeting of the Security Council, which was devoted to the discussion of the document "Economic Security Strategy", which was held on December 7, 2016, indicated that the economic security of the state ensures economic independence, economic stability, sustainability and contributes to improving the quality of life of people and increasing the prestige of the Russian Federation in the world.

Today, the economic security of the state plays a key role in protecting the country's economy from possible and already occurring threats.

It should be noted that there are a large number of threats to the economic security of Russia. According to the source of education, they are divided into internal and external. To protect the state's economy from threats, a well-defined set of measures is needed to ensure the economic security of the state.

Unfortunately, it is worth recognizing that the current economic crisis, which began in 2014 and continues to this day, makes it possible to understand how vulnerable the Russian economic system is from internal and external threats to economic security. At the same time, I would like to note that the current economic model shows that the economic reforms that have been carried out over the past 25 years, after the collapse of the USSR, have not led to the modernization of the economy. The raw material sector plays a huge role in the income of our country, while the scientific industry and heavy industry are in a much worse state than before 1991.

The work will assess what, today, threatens the economic system of Russia and will try to develop measures to eliminate existing internal and external threats to the economic security of Russia.

The object of the final qualifying work is the economic security of the Russian Federation

The subject of research in the work is internal and external threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation in modern conditions.

The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the economic security of Russia under the influence of internal and external threats to economic security.

Work tasks:

1. To study the theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state;

2. Analyze the impact of internal and external threats on the economic security of Russia;

3. Develop a set of measures aimed at neutralizing threats in order to strengthen the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The work uses the general scientific method of research. The historical approach will help to study the origin of the concept of "economic security" in world and national history. The analysis will give us the opportunity to study the impact of threats on the economy of our country. The synthesis will allow us to determine the relationship between economic security and national security. We will determine what measures need to be taken to protect our economy.

To study the issues, we will use legal acts, textbooks related to economic security, the works and writings of economic figures, as well as electronic resources that explore economic issues and news. Structurally, the final qualifying work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and applications used.

1. Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state

1.1 The essence of the economic security of the state and its content

Economic security plays a key role in the national security strategy of the state.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 683 of December 31, 2015 “On the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation”, the national security of the Russian Federation is the state of protection of the individual, society and state from internal and external threats, which ensures the implementation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, a decent quality and standard of living, sovereignty, independence, state and territorial integrity, sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. National security includes the defense of the country and all types of security provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, primarily state, public, information, environmental, economic, transport, energy security, personal security.

As we can see, economic security at the legislative level is the most important element of the national security of the Russian Federation. Let's try to find out what is the economic security of the state.

There are several definitions of the concept of "economic security". For example, in the textbook "Economic Security", created under the general editorship of L.P. Goncharenko and F.V. Akulinin, several definitions are given. It is worth noting that Goncharenko Lyudmila Petrovna is a Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation Management of the Educational and Scientific Center "Management" of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov, and Akulinin Fedor Vladimirovich - Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovation Management of the Educational and Scientific Center "Management" of the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov.

“Economic security is the state of the economy that ensures a sufficient level of social, political and defense existence and progressive development of the Russian Federation, the invulnerability and independence of its economic interests in relation to possible external and internal threats and influences. This is the state of economic, legal, organizational ties, material and intellectual resources of the enterprise, which guarantees the stability of its functioning, financial and commercial success, progressive scientific, technical and social development.

"Economic security is not only the protection of national interests, but also the willingness and ability of government institutions to create mechanisms for the implementation and protection of national interests in the development of the domestic economy, maintaining the socio-political stability of society" .

"Economic security is a state in which the people (through the state) can sovereignly, without interference and pressure from outside, determine the ways and forms of their economic development" .

"National economic security is such a state of the economy and government institutions, which ensures the guaranteed protection of national interests, the harmonious, socially oriented development of the country as a whole, and sufficient economic and defense potential" .

As we can see, the concept of "economic security" is complex. The economic security of the state includes the state of several types of activities in the economic sphere, as well as spheres of public life of the state.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2017 No. 208 “On the Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030”, the term “economic security of the Russian Federation” should be understood as the state of protection of the national economy from external and internal threats, which ensures the economic sovereignty of the country, the unity of its economic space, conditions for the implementation of the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation. The term "economic sovereignty" in this decree means the objectively existing independence of the state in conducting domestic and foreign economic policy, taking into account international obligations.

Thus, the economic security of the state is an element of the national security of the state, ensuring the existence of a sovereign economic system of the country. The sovereign and independent economic system of the state has the following features:

Security from internal and external threats to economic security. This means that the country's economy is able to function even under adverse external conditions, as well as quickly respond to deteriorating internal conditions;

Development of the state economy. The development of the state's economy should be understood as the possibility of a qualitative increase in scientific and technological progress, which is necessary for the modernization of production and the creation of competitive products;

Ensuring the national interests of the state. This means the ability to control national resources, as well as participate on an equal footing in world trade;

Development of society and citizens of the country. Creating favorable conditions for investment, creating new jobs, improving the living standards of citizens;

Stability of the economic system of the state. It implies strong and reliable ties within the economic system, capable of adequately responding to changes in internal and external conditions.

If we consider economic security in terms of content, then it is customary to represent it as a state of the economy, an economic process and a system.

Economic security as a state of the economy implies that favorable conditions have been created for the economic environment, allowing for a constant reproduction cycle.

Economic security as a process indicates that conditions are being created that allow the state economy to develop.

Economic security as a system that includes the elements necessary for the sustainable development of the economy. These elements include:

a) skilled labor force;

b) production assets;

c) non-productive funds;

d) scientific and technological progress;

e) product sales markets;

f) purchasing power.

Also, economic security, as a complex structure involved in ensuring the independence of the economy, includes the following types of security:

Technological safety;

Technical and industrial safety;

financial security;

Raw material security;

Energy security;

Environmental Safety;

Information Security.

Technological safety contributes to the development of new technologies, which is an integral part of scientific and technological progress, which allows for the modernization of production in important industries.

Technical and production safety allows in case of violation of foreign economic relations or internal shocks to compensate them as quickly as possible, with the help of independent production.

Financial security is engaged in ensuring the stable operation of the banking system and the national currency, tries to ensure the possibility of repaying the internal and external debts of the state, etc.

Raw material security involves providing the national economy with raw materials that are necessary for the production of general consumption products, as well as special products intended for scientific, military and industrial sectors.

Energy security is concerned with ensuring the stability of energy supplies for domestic use and the ability to adequately respond to changes in prices on the world market for them. Energy security tries to prevent those threats that can harm the development of the fuel and energy complex.

Environmental safety contributes to the resolution of contradictions between the economy and ecology, since it is known that today the issue of environmental pollution is very painful. Environmental safety deals with the issue of modernizing production with minimal damage to nature.

Information security protects the secret of production technology in the exchange of scientific, technical and production information both within the country and with foreign partners. This type of security occupies one of the key positions in the overall structure of the economic security of the state, as it allows the state to provide leadership in the global competition with other states due to the fact that there is a priority right to use the latest technologies, especially in the field of military production, which ensures the country's defense capability. In addition to military production, information security is important in creating a powerful scientific potential of the country, since advanced technologies give a competitive advantage over foreign powers.

Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the elements of the economic security of the state.

Figure 1. Elements of the economic security of the state

Thus, the economic security of the state is an integral element of the national security system, which is designed to ensure the sovereignty of the state in the field of the economy. Since economic security is part of the overall system of national security, its provision is fully possible only if other types of security are ensured. Ensuring economic security is one of the key factors in protecting the sovereignty of the state, developing society and maintaining a quality standard of living and income of the population.

1.2 History duringemergence and development of approachesToprovidingyu economic security of the state:otehonest and international experience

If we consider economic security from the point of view of the history of the emergence of this concept, then it should be immediately noted that until the 17th century, the term “security” meant only the protection of the state from the invasion of foreign armed forces. However, in the 17th century, in capitalist countries, such as England, the term "security" of the state began to be associated not only with the physical protection of the territory from aggressors, but also with economic well-being. Especially, security was considered necessary in the field of trade, since in connection with the new opportunities that were obtained thanks to the era of great geographical discoveries, mainly due to the receipt of a large amount of resources that were exported from the plundered territories of Africa, Asia, America and Oceania, merchants considered it necessary to help the state in protecting domestic economic interests.

This position of European merchants and industrialists was expressed in the theory of mercantilism. The emergence of mercantilism is associated with England, later this theory received great interest in France, Italy and other European countries. Mercantilism assumed that the state should create conditions under which less foreign goods should be bought into the country and more sold. For this, bans were introduced on the export of money. A little later, with the development of industry, export premiums were established, which were paid to merchants selling goods on the foreign market. Import duties were also used. Taxation of imported goods became the most common form of protection for domestic producers from foreign competitors.

For example, in the British Empire, the role of protectionist duties grew in the 16th and 17th centuries when it was threatened by the Netherlands, which began to develop an industry that made the Netherlands one of the main competitors of the British. In 1650, the Parliament of England passed a law forbidding foreigners to engage in trade without permission from England. In 1651, the "Navigation Act" was created, which supplemented this prohibition. Since the 18th century, the British Empire has been steadily gaining a leading role in industry, and in this regard, the promotion of free trade ideas has begun in England.

The situation was different for the European competitors of the British. In France, in the 17th century, the Minister of Louis XIV created such a system of state support for industry, which included a ban on the export of raw materials, the planting of a number of new industries, and the creation of companies for foreign trade.

If we consider the economic security of the state as an integral part of national security, then the first to use the term "national security" in the United States of America. In 1904, the 26th US President Theodore Roosevelt in his message to Congress used the term "national security", which was understood as the security of citizens, society and the state.

However, the importance of economic security as an integral part of national security was first noted by the 32nd US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The history of the formation of the concept of "national economic security" usually begins with the United States during the Great Depression - the most severe economic crisis in the history of America. It lasted from 1929 to 1939. This period is characterized by mass unemployment and a deep decline in production. hunger, as well as the bankruptcy of enterprises and banks. It is believed that the acute phase of the crisis occurred in 1929-1933.

Having come to power in 1933, Franklin Roosevelt launched the New Deal, a set of measures to bring the US economy out of crisis. Thanks to the reforms carried out under his leadership, the banking system was restored. A law was passed on the refinancing of farm debt, as well as a law on the restoration of agriculture, which provided for state control over the volume of agricultural production.

Realizing that the US economic system needed to be protected, in 1934, by decree of President Roosevelt, the Federal Committee on Economic Security and the Advisory Council under it were created. This committee was chaired by US Secretary of Labor Francis Perkins. Also, the committee included the Ministers of Commerce, Justice and Emergency Services.

Thus, the Committee on Economic Security of the United States of America became the first organizational form of activity aimed at ensuring the economic security of the state.

The role of economic security increased especially strongly during the Cold War, which began in 1946, when Winston Churchill delivered his famous speech in Fulton, and ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. During this period, economic security was primarily concerned with the economic support of the global confrontation between the superpowers, especially the economic aspects of the arms race. The concept of "security" was understood as something that requires the participation of law enforcement agencies (armed forces, intelligence, special services). Research in this area received a new development after the end of the war of the superpowers, when the economic component of national power began to acquire independent significance. Interest in "national economic security" has awakened both in the West and in Russia.

Western scientists understand the very term "security" of the state, seeing in it, first of all, protection from external threats, especially from the malicious actions of any opponents or rivals. In the context of the bipolar confrontation of the superpowers, the main theoretical problem, from the point of view of the economic aspects of security, was to find the optimal balance between the volume and structure of defense spending and the economic efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy.

The British researcher W. Cable did not associate the concept of "economic security" with the use of military force. This approach, according to Cable, was characteristic of such a specific direction in the theory of international relations as "geoeconomics" and "globalization". His followers described international economic relations as a "cold war", in which the main competitors are the United States, the European Union and Japan. The American scientist J. Kirshner from Cornell University, analyzing theoretical works on international relations, considered “national vitality” as an important aspect of the state, which was interpreted as the ability of society to solve existing problems, primarily socio-economic ones. In official US documents, the expression "economic security" in relation to the state as a whole is almost never used. But certain economic issues are regularly considered from the point of view of security. The most important documentary source in this sense is the periodically updated US National Security Strategy. In all its latest editions, three main goals of US domestic and foreign policy are distinguished:

Strengthening the military security of the state;

economic prosperity,

Promoting democracy in other countries.

The US national security strategy for the new time, adopted in 1997, reflects a modern approach to understanding the essence of the country's security. The document reflected future trends in world development, outlined national interests, assessed economic power, including potential, etc. The structure of the document shows that economic security is becoming a significant component of national security. In the last strategy of the George W. Bush administration in 2006, the priority was seen to promote democracy in the countries of the world, which was supposed to contribute to the security of the United States itself. America's economic prosperity was linked to a new era of global economic growth through free markets and free trade. In the Obama administration's National Security Strategy (2010), the country's military activities abroad are given much less attention in the document. The main idea of ​​the document in the framework of ensuring economic security is the need for US cooperation with foreign partners, as well as overcoming the crisis. Restrictive measures in the economy are directly related to US national security, namely, to limiting foreign investment in strategically important sectors of the American economy. To regulate foreign investment in the United States, in 1975 President George Ford established an interdepartmental Committee on Foreign Investment, which was supposed to monitor the economic activity of foreign companies in the United States and report on it to the President. However, the work of this Committee was not effective, so in 1988 the Congress adopted the "Exxon-Florio Regulation". Under this provision, the president was empowered to ban any merger or acquisition of American companies if it seemed to him to threaten "national security." But the "Exxon-Florio position" did not provide a clear definition of "national security."

The new President of the United States, Donald Trump, considers the return of American business to the territory of the United States of America as one of the key measures to ensure economic security. He plans to achieve this by reducing taxes for industrialists from 35% to 15%. This measure is called "economic protectionism". This should help boost U.S. jobs and win back companies that have sizable billions of dollars of their profits overseas. As for foreign economic activity, in this direction, Trump is going to withdraw from global economic unions that simplify trade and deprive the United States of industry and jobs. It is worth noting that the current US president has already signed a decree on withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which includes 40% of the world economy, and some large industries, for example, one of the largest Ford automobile plants, are starting to invest in factories in the United States.

The experience of other foreign countries is also interesting. In 1982, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry of the country issued a report on the economic security of the state, according to which "economic security is a state of the economy in which it is protected, primarily by economic means, from serious threats to its security arising under the influence of international factors." The most important of the Asian powers of the modern world is China. At the heart of the Chinese interpretation of economic security is "economic sovereignty", especially independence in decision-making. Chinese scholar Jang Yong gave the following definition of economic security: “For developing countries such as China, economic security is best defined as the ability to gradually increase the living standards of the entire population through national economic development while maintaining economic independence.

As can be seen, there is no common understanding of economic security or economic aspects of national security in foreign science. The main goal of states in this area is usually stable economic growth, independence and the preservation of the sovereignty of the state.

In Russian history, the concept of economic security, with rare exceptions, developed absolutely independently of the opinions of Western researchers. In Russia, the term "security" was first used as early as 1881 in the Regulations "On Measures to Protect State Order and Public Peace". Later, this term in Russia was associated with the protection of public safety, with the fight against counter-revolution and the establishment of order in society. The modern interpretation of the concept of security originates in the seventeenth century, when in almost all countries there is a point of view that the main goal of the state is the general welfare and security. Therefore, the term "security" at this time receives the following interpretation: "a state, a situation of calm that appears as a result of the absence of a real danger (both physical and moral), as well as material, economic, political conditions, relevant bodies and organizations that contribute to the creation of this situation" . Most Russian scientists consider security to be ideally possible in the future, but unrealistic in the past and present concrete historical conditions, since in the exact sense it means the absence of dangers and threats. It can also be noted that some Russian scientists do not consider the concept of "economic security" to belong to the economic sciences and scientific in general.

In the USSR, since 1937, there was a Department for Combating theft of Socialist Property, which fought economic crimes related to theft of socialist property in organizations and institutions of state trade, consumer, industrial and individual cooperation, savings banks, as well as the fight against speculation. In 1937-1946. was a member of the People's Commissariat of the USSR, and from 1946 to 1991. - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

The USSR, along with the United States, after the end of the Second World War, remained the only superpowers on the planet. After the beginning of the Cold War, in the USSR, as in the United States, they understood the role of economic security in ensuring the national security of the state. Economic security in the Soviet period was understood as the conditions that ensure the preservation and development of the economy of the USSR, as well as the countries of the socialist camp that were members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, created in 1949. This council was created by the decision of the country's leadership, for settlements between the participating countries, which excluded the use of dollar settlement. The economic security of the USSR assumed the presence of a powerful military-industrial complex, the provision of jobs with minimal unemployment, and the development of science.

However, due to the priority of state ownership over private ownership, as well as significant funding for the military industry, there was a shortage of consumer goods for the mass population in the Soviet Union. At the same time, it should be noted right away that funding for the military industry was necessary due to the presence of a serious competitor in the face of the United States, but the lack of the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activities did not allow to satisfy the requirements of the population as much as possible. The "perestroika" of 1985-1991, which was carried out under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev, aimed at economic transformations in the country and the development of entrepreneurship. But in the end, "Perestroika" led to the collapse of the USSR.

Since a market economy was declared in the legal successor of the USSR - the Russian Federation, the concepts of the economic security of the state were revised.

The key point for most definitions of economic security is the term "security". Many authors consider the security of economic activity as a state of security of the life of society and its structures. An important feature of the discussions on the topic of economic security in post-Soviet Russia was that almost from the very beginning, the term "economic security" began to be classified. Food, medicinal, fuel, raw materials, technological, financial, environmental and security issues have come into being, claiming, if not their own scientific status, then at least their place in socio-political and economic discussions. In general, the concept of security began to be applied to almost all types of economic activity.

In 1996, the "State Strategy for the Economic Security of the Russian Federation" was published, which developed a set of measures to protect the country's economy from threats. It is worth noting that in this period of time there was weak economic security in Russia, which eventually led to the default of 1998.

Russia's national security strategy, approved by presidential decree on May 12, 2009, is dedicated to economic growth. It sets the task of joining Russia, in the medium term, among the five leading countries in terms of gross domestic product, as well as achieving the necessary level of national security in the economic and technological spheres. For this, it seemed appropriate to strengthen economic security through the implementation of an active state anti-inflationary, foreign exchange, exchange rate, monetary and fiscal policy focused on import substitution and support for the real sector of the economy.

The Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 pays special attention to economic growth. The strategic goals of ensuring national security are the development of the country's economy, ensuring economic security and creating conditions for the development of the individual, the transition of the economy to a new level of technological development, Russia's entry into the ranks of the countries - leaders in terms of gross domestic product and successfully countering the influence of internal and external threats.

In connection with the gradual return of Russia's sovereignty after the arrival of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which resulted in an improvement in the indicators of the military industry and agriculture, there was an awareness that without economic sovereignty the further development of the state would be impossible. At a meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, held on December 7, 2016, the President noted the need for sovereignty in the technological and financial spheres. It was decided to develop a new strategy for the economic security of the Russian Federation, the document should be developed before March 1, 2017.

Today, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation plays an important role in ensuring the economic security of the state. It ensures the security of defense complex facilities, nuclear energy, transport and communications, life support for cities and industrial centers, other strategic facilities and priority scientific developments. Threats to economic security are largely related to the attempts of foreign intelligence services to gain access to information constituting state secrets, to use front companies to exert beneficial influence on the development of the Russian economy for foreign states, to carry out unequal exchanges, to push outdated technologies, etc.

Also, the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption is responsible for ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The table "History of the development of the economic security of the state" can be studied in Appendix 1.

Thus, economic security as a branch of national security has been formed over a long period of time. An attempt to define the concept of economic security of the state began in the 16th century. The first state in which the definition of the economic security of the state was given is the United States of America. Today, there are clear criteria for determining the economic security of the state.

1.3 Characteristics of threats in the field of economicstate securityimpact in modern conditions

At the present stage of human development, there is a great need to ensure economic security. Reasons for this need include:

The process of globalization;

Development of methods of competitive struggle between states.

Globalization is the process of unification into one system of economic, political, social and cultural aspects of all states on the planet. Economic globalization plays a more important role in ensuring economic security. Economic globalization is a process of economic integration between states, which leads to the merger of the national markets of countries into a single world economic system.

Economic globalization implies that each specific part of the planet should be assigned a role in the formation of a product for the world economy. This phenomenon leads to a significant loss of the sovereignty of states, since in the course of the distribution of industries between countries, the opportunity to be economically independent from foreign states is lost.

The development of methods of competition between states lies in a different approach to the manifestation of this competition. If in the past, the main method of struggle between states was wars, which were expressed in open physical aggression, today the so-called "cold" or "hybrid" wars have become a more used method of struggle.

The term "cold" or "hybrid" war is understood as a confrontation between states, in which the main components of this struggle are economic, ideological and informational. This type of war is caused by the development of the armed forces of the countries of the world. Today, when the ideology of many countries has a similar capitalist orientation, economic and informational components come to the fore. From this point of view, undermining the normal functioning of the competitor's economy is one of the ways to be a leader among other states. Special services of countries play a special role in this type of confrontation.

It is for these reasons that ensuring the economic security of the state is the most important task of the state.

The economic security of the state is affected by threats to the country's economy. Globalization and the development of methods of competitive struggle between states are the causes of threats to economic security.

The threat to the economic security of the state is a phenomenon and processes that have a negative impact on the economic system of the country, which infringe on the interests of the state, society and the individual.

Threats to the economic security of the state are usually divided according to the source of their formation into internal and external. In modern conditions, the main internal threats to the economic security of the state are considered to be:

1) loss of domestic and international sales markets;

2) strengthening of interethnic and interethnic tension. This problem arises as a result of the problems of excessive migration of people from the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America to the developed countries of Europe and America;

3) outflow of financial resources abroad. The main place where resources flow is offshore. In our opinion, an offshore company is a company registered by foreign citizens in a state with a favorable tax climate, which is not active in this country;

4) the presence of a significant amount of public debt, mainly in developed countries. The United States, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, etc. are subject to this threat. . Table 1 shows the countries with the largest public debts as of 01/01/2017.

Table 1. - Countries with large public debt as of 01.01.2017

As we can see, the national debt of developed countries reaches a significant amount, which threatens the economy of these states;

5) corruption within the state. This problem hinders the development of the economy, due to the theft of funds that were intended to improve the country's economy;

6) strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of the population. There is a formation of a group of the rich population, which is significantly inferior in quantitative terms to the part of the poor population. At the same time, the gap in living standards and incomes of the population, the rich population far exceeds the poor. This situation leads to the creation of a situation of social tension in society, which can ultimately lead to serious socio-economic shocks. This creates a number of problems in society - the total uncertainty of the population, its psychological discomfort, the formation of large criminal structures, drug addiction, alcoholism, organized crime, prostitution.

The main external threats to the economic security of the state include:

1) the outflow of human resources and intellectual property abroad. Due to the significant difference in living standards and incomes of the population of the countries of the world, young scientists tend to go to a place where they can carry out their intellectual activities, which will be adequately paid;

2) the development of international terrorism. This threat undermines the security of most countries of the world. Damage is caused to the infrastructure where terrorist attacks occur and active hostilities take place;

3) strengthening the degree of differentiation of living standards and incomes of all countries of the world. At the international forum in Davos, in January 2017, specialists from the international association of anti-poverty organizations Oxfam made a report, according to which the eight richest people on the planet own a fortune of more than three billion six hundred million people of the world's population;

4) dependence on international economic organizations and imports. For developed countries, there is a strong dependence on natural resources, and for developing countries, on technology. If we take the example of dependence on international economic organizations, then the most obvious example would be when the Russian Federation, taking a loan from the IMF, was forced to comply with the conditions that the IMF offered to our country. These events took place in the 1990s and became one of the reasons for the 1998 default.

5) the threat to local producers and the domestic market from foreign producers who receive unhindered access to the local market as a result of globalization;

6) weakening of competitiveness. Transnational corporations try to monopolize the market and smaller companies do not have the opportunity to compete with them.

Thus, we can say that the main characteristic feature of threats to economic security is that they have arisen as a result of the globalization of the planet (including the economic system) and the development of methods of competitive struggle between states. Also, it is necessary to separate threats according to the source of their occurrence. This criterion divides threats into internal and external.

The chapter “Theoretical and legal aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state” helped us to define the concept of “economic security of the state”. We found out that economic security is the most important factor in ensuring national security. Attempts to determine what constitutes the economic security of the state began to be made in the 18th century, but the term "economic security" was first used in the United States, during the reign of President F. Roosevelt.

2. Analysis of internal and external threatseconomicwithoutRussia's dangers

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