Shadow theater in the dhow. Project "Shadow theater in kindergarten" project (senior group) on the topic

shadow theater - a fascinating and interesting art that will not leave indifferent neither adults nor children. By using shadow theater You can act out a variety of fairy tales using various character templates, scenery.

I bring to your attention production of a screen and templates for a shadow theater.

For manufacturing will need the following materials:


Roulette, pencil;


White paint, brush;

Sheds (small);

Screws, screwdriver;

Fabric white (dense);


Flashlights 4 pcs.

Loops for wiring.

Black gouache

1. First of all, before you do do-it-yourself screen, it is necessary to draw a sheet of chipboard.

2. Difficulties can arise with windows, but this can be easily fixed with a drill, we drill holes in the corners of our future window and we can cut our window with a jigsaw.

3. The ends of the parts are lightly processed sandpaper and then attach the awnings.

4. All details are painted in White color, even those places that will be tightened with fabric, since it tends to shine through.

5. Now you can start sewing the screen for screens. It is better to make it removable so that you can take it off and wash it. To do this, I sewed a screen with Velcro around the perimeter.

6. According to reverse side screens Glue Velcro around the perimeter of the window with super glue and nail loops (for wiring, we will insert decorations into them, and paint the front side as whatever: But do not focus too much on this, so as not to distract the attention of the audience.

Our the screen is ready!

9. Then templates were laminated.

10. Cut and to all patterns pieces of cocktail tubes were glued with super glue (sticks will be inserted into them to fix them on screen scenery and holding characters).

Our the theater is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

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The principle of operation is very simple, for this you will need: - Moment glue; - ruler; - pencil (simple); - stationery knife; - scissors;.

Among the various forms of education and upbringing of children in preschool age a special place is occupied by the theater and theatrical games, because the game.

I suggest you make your own hands a simple, accessible to all desktop screen for theatrical performances preschool children.

Creativity in children needs constant nourishment. And sometimes the standard toys at home are no longer very pleasing. They want more - their own performances, invented stories that can be shown to parents in an unusual form. The game of shadows in this case becomes an excellent solution. Consider how to make a shadow theater with your own hands at home and what you need for this.

What can become a shadow theater

Of course, the main characters in any shadow theater plot will be the shadows themselves. However, there may be several options for how and on what they can be obtained.

Hand movements You can make a theater with your own hands in the literal sense of these words. Probably, many, at a convenient angle and occasion, create all kinds of figurines of birds, fish, animals from their hands on the wall. But you can turn improvisation into a real art if you learn how to correctly group your hands for a particular character.
Shadow theater on the wall If you have a large spotlight or lamp at home, as well as a lot of free space, you can direct the light at an angle to a wall that does not have unnecessary objects. Children stand under these rays and begin to act out scenes, I'm interested in poses. Figures cut from a stencil can also be reflected on the wall. You can cover the spotlight itself and the "screenwriters" with a screen made with your own hands from chairs and bedspreads.
Performance on stage The audience sits in the dark, and in front of them is a "screen". Manipulation with figures made of cardboard, wood or plain paper takes place between the front wall of the stage and the lamp.

How to make a shadow theater with your own hands at home

If with the first two options it’s quite simple to come up with everything, then with the third one you need to try. You can go the easy way and take as the basis for the scene a simple cardboard box. For example, from household appliances. A white sheet or thin white paper is stretched over the box. Suitable and special paper for patterns - it has an optimal density and does not shine through.

Figurines can be made with your own hands from different materials, but cardboard is best suited for this role, because it will be possible to cut out thin details from it (handles, legs, tails, smooth bends). You can come up with characters yourself or use stencils.

  1. Initially, cut out two identical parts from cardboard and, when gluing them, lay a part of the cane inside from below.
  2. Glue the cane to the back of the figurine with tape. You can take a tube, cut its tip into strips, arrange them to the sides and glue these strips to the back of the hero.
  3. Glue with glue.

The cane itself can be a wooden skewer, a toothpick, a plastic tube. The decorations are made in the same way as the characters and are attached to the foam or any other material suitable for this.

If you want to make shadow theater even more interesting for children with your own hands, you can make individual parts of the characters movable. They are cut out and attached to the main part with wire or thread. To do this, holes are made on both sides. The moving part also needs to be attached to a skewer, or even better - put on a thread, for which the child himself can pull up at the right time - the character’s arm or leg will magically rise, the bird will fly away.

light source in this case maybe an ordinary lamp that will shine at a right angle to the back of the stage, highlighting the figures of shadow theater characters. But it would still be safer to use a flashlight.

Interesting exciting games, can be used with great delight by children and in kindergarten, and on children's day birth. You can start by staging the simplest ordinary fairy tales, where only 3-4 characters are used (for example, “Ryaba the Hen”), and then do original performances with children for grandparents in several hands.

Good day to all! Today I want to tell you about one very exciting and simple activity that will not only amuse you and your children, but also help develop hand plasticity. Also, don't forget what's ahead. New Year))) You can prepare a whole scenario or just a short number and, together with your child, please relatives and friends!

As you may have guessed from the name, we will talk about the shadow theater for children. Shadows can be created both with the help of cardboard figures on sticks, and simply with your hands, without any special devices. It's easy to organize!

There are several options:

1. First of all, we make a screen that can be installed on the table.

2. Another version of the shadow theater for children looks like this:

Use hands instead of stick figures.

The main thing is that the light source is behind you.

The screen here can serve as an ordinary wall, and a large-format drawing paper, and even an ordinary sheet in the doorway. The number of actors is not limited!)))
Check out this mesmerizing video for inspiration, it's really impressive!

Or here's another option:

How to portray such wonderful characters for the shadow theater yourself?

Here I will help you! I throw up a couple of ideas. Train yourself, teach this to the kids and I'm sure they will be delighted!!!

To get started, take a look at the illustrations for the wonderfully cute book "Shadows" from 1942.

The authors of the book give the following recommendations: “On a sunny day or in the evening, with a lamp, clear shadows appear on a brightly lit wall. Fold your arms, as shown in one of the drawings, stand against the wall so that the shadow from your head and shoulders does not block the shadow from your hands, and the shadow of a goat, a dog, a hare will appear on the wall.

If you move one or the other finger, and the shadow of the animal opens its mouth, the dog will bark, the hare will wave its paws. You can put a paper cap on your finger to make the ears longer (donkey), a beak cut out of paper, and pinch the tail between your fingers.

If two shadows show, you can play whole scenes: the dog barks, and the goat threatens to gore her, etc. In order for the shadows to be clear, the light should fall directly, and not from the side, and the lamp should not be close, but two or three meters from the wall.

We only give 18 shadow pictures. But everyone can come up with just as much, if not more. Showing shadows is a lot of fun and kids love watching them so much.”

Shadow theater is a whole art that attracts crowds of spectators around the world! Chinese pictures:

And some more interesting ideas:

3. For the smallest, you can use an ordinary children's tent, which is covered with a white sheet. The sheet, so as not to fall off, can be attached with clothespins. A lamp is placed inside the tent and a child climbs in. Remember that it is best to use lamps that do not heat up - energy-saving ones so that the child does not get burned !!!

Finger shadow theater is not only a fun and exciting activity, but also a game that helps your child develop imaginative thinking and fine motor skills!

For older children, in the puppet theater of shadows, you can make complex performances based on fairy tales, fables, small plays. This requires quite a long preparation (especially a lot of time is spent on making dolls), but the result can be more than spectacular.

Here is an example of such a performance staged by adults:

And this is a performance staged by students in grade 4:

If you are interested in the idea of ​​shadow theater for children, then it's time to get the kids interested too!!! A cartoon about how cool and fun you can play with shadows!

All the best to you and success in your work!

Shadow theater is widely practiced in the system pedagogical education. Wherein this species art, as a rule, does not require sophisticated equipment and serious acting skills, which provides additional opportunities for its use both in educational institutions and at home.

History of occurrence

According to individual historical sources, shadow theater as an art originated in Ancient China, during the Han Dynasty. According to another version, the shadow theater was borrowed from the culture ancient egypt. The most common subject for performances in China was the historical epic. In other states that adopted this type of art, the plot also had its own specifics. So, for example, in India, shadows were more often focused on religious themes, and in Turkey - on comedy.

In our country, the shadow theater appears at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, during the reign of Anna Ioannovna. So, for example, its elements were used within the framework of school theaters in theological seminaries and academies.

The role of shadow theater in the development of children

Children's shadow theater is not just a kind of game for a child - it is an additional way of its development. Shadow games stimulate the baby's imagination, develop his imagination. Getting certain characters here is possible, for example, by folding fingers in a certain way. Accordingly, this provides additional opportunities for the development of dexterity of the child's hands, the consistency of his movements.

At the same time, if we are talking about O early age, then the performance can be arranged by the parents of the baby. Older children are already able to take part in the play themselves. For group lessons it is also possible to use the shadow theater. In kindergarten, these entertainments are often used as exercises for the development of the child's motor skills and speech. And text accompaniment, in turn, stimulates the speech culture of the baby.

Finger shadow theater

This type is the most common in working with babies. It allows you to create a shadow theater with your own hands. To create it, you need a flat one and a lamp. The lamp should be placed against the center of the screen, at a distance of several meters from the wall so that the light falls directly on it. It is better if the following proportion is observed: the width of the screen is equal to the distance from the lamp to the screen.

The material for the screen can be any translucent fabric or tracing paper stretched over a plywood frame.

A sheet fixed in the doorway is also suitable. Or you can install a simple screen, behind which the light source will be located. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right angle so that the leader's shadow does not overlap the shadows of the hands. In addition, to enhance the effect, the room should be as dark as possible. By folding your fingers into a certain combination, you get the image of a particular character. Then it all depends on your imagination. To make your performance more entertaining, you can organize reading by roles, include appropriate background music, etc.

Used images

You can choose the most diverse silhouettes for the shadow theater, depending on the plot of your performance. It is better to start with simpler images, gradually complicating the combinations. The most common are animal silhouettes; also with the help of hands it is possible to depict human figures, plants and various objects. At the same time, you can give the child the opportunity to name the characters or objects that he sees. It is also desirable to depict the interaction between the characters: how they react to each other, talk, move in space, etc. In addition, each created image can be accompanied by a small poem, for example: “A butterfly lives one day. The left wing of a butterfly is the dawn. Right - evening ”(S. Kozlov). Your performance will be more exciting if you tell a fairy tale or fable (in which there are a small number of heroes) with the help of characters. For example, the fables of I. A. Krylov are well suited.

Use of additional funds

If the performance is aimed at children of the older group of the kindergarten, it is possible that the finger shadow theater will captivate them less. Still, this activity is more suitable for kids. How to make the shadow theater more vivid and memorable? In this case, it is possible to use additional funds. So, for example, if we are talking about a performance in educational institution, and not about family home evening, it is better to use a real, professional screen.

The characters for the performance can be both ordinary dolls and silhouettes specially made from various materials. In this case, it is better to choose black material for cutting out characters. it is better to attach to sticks. You can complicate the action by using more mobile forms. So, for example, it can be moving with the help of special ropes.

Instructions for making dolls

A sketch is made on thin cardboard, according to which the head of the future character is cut out. Using glue or a paper clip (you can also use a needle and thread), a paper tube is attached to the head for index finger- together they form the body of the doll. In turn, the middle and puppeteer become the character's legs. At the same time, it is better to make the figures in such a way that their heads and limbs are moving - this will make the shadow theater for children more dynamic and emotional.

Then it is necessary to make punctures in the details and thread segments of wire into them, twisting in a spiral on both sides. In order to make eyes for the doll, punctures are also first made, the holes of which are subsequently expanded with some pointed object (awl, knife, etc.). A circle cut out of a colored transparent film is glued onto the hole. Then the details of the doll are covered with black paint.

Character Making Example: Baby Elephant

Buttons can also be used to give the figurines mobility. Here is an example of making an elephant figurine for a performance:

The legs and torso are cut out of cardboard according to the template;

Small holes are made at the place of attachment of the first and second pair of legs;

Pairs of legs are fastened with rubber bands and buttons (the elastic band is threaded through the holes of the buttons, and its ends are passed through the legs and body of the baby elephant);

On the reverse side, the design is also fixed with buttons or with a piece of a match.

Thus, the baby elephant acquires a movable joint, which allows him to depict the movement of his legs during the performance.

Stage and scenery

If you use puppets in the performance, then you should decide on the stage on which the performance will take place. For example, it can be made from a large rectangular box: a large hole is cut into it, which is then sealed with a white sheet of paper.

Also, the shadow theater looks more spectacular if you use the scenery. They can be cut out of paper and attached to the edge of the screen.

At the same time, it is important that, on the one hand, the scenery is clearly visible, and on the other hand, it leaves enough space for the characters of the performance in the center of the screen.

Thus, the shadow theater in kindergarten is not only an element but also an element of their own creativity, as well as a component of the system of education and development of the child. In addition, activities of this kind stimulate the emotional sphere of children - emotions accompany both the process of preparing a performance, making characters and scenery, and the plot of the play itself. An additional effect to the performance, of course, adds a curtain.

Under the shadow theater for children is usually understood not only the theater with puppets, but also the images of the shadows of animals with the help of hands. Parents can impress their child with animated pictures on the simplest wall.

History of shadow theater

Shadow theater is an art that originated many centuries ago. The richest and most eminent were fond of him, because the puppets were made by hand from fine, well-dressed camel skin. Openwork dolls, animals and birds, painted by masters in all colors of the rainbow, were expensive.

And only in the 17th century, the French realized that the mystery of the shadow theater, depicting unprecedented figures with their own hands, especially captures children, so this art has spread in just a couple of years in the form of a real role-playing game.

Do-it-yourself animal shadows

Organizing a shadow theater at home is as easy as shelling pears! There is nothing complicated in the shadows of animals, most often just two hands are enough to see a bunny, a dog or a bird.

So, how to make shadows with your own hands?

  1. You will need a light wall or any large object hung with a white sheet;
  2. Sunlight or light from a bright lamp should shine directly on the wall, and not from the side;
  3. Approach the wall in such a way that your own shadow does not fall directly on the wall;
  4. Fold your arms as shown in any of the drawings.

Do-it-yourself animal shadows can also be revived! Wiggle your fingers and your bunny will fold its ears and your bird will fly. Teach your child to draw the shadows of animals, this will develop the baby's motor skills and his spatial thinking.