Gymnastics for babies: purpose, basic rules, sets of exercises. Therapeutic exercise for infants.

According to the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky in the CIS, whose recommendations have long become the ultimate truth for many, infants need physical education from the very first days of their lives.

In his opinion, literally immediately after leaving the maternity hospital, the child should be given small loads. Active movements in such early age will stimulate the development of the baby, both physically and spiritually.

It is for this reason that gymnastics for all newborns, both in their 1st month of life and in subsequent ones, is extremely important. Physically developed children continue to more actively strive to learn about the world around them, which distinguishes them from their peers.

General ideas about gymnastics

According to the above-mentioned specialist, dynamic loads are, first of all, the strongest preventive measure against many diseases that are very dangerous for a child, including, in particular:

  • flu;
  • dysplasia;
  • SARS;
  • rickets.
  • from the 15th day of life, the child begins to do a light massage, consisting of stroking his body, limbs, feet and hands, intercostal space;
  • the baby is regularly laid on the stomach;
  • consistently develop grasping reflexes in him, offering him to hold on to his mother's finger;
  • in the presence of hypertonicity, it is necessary to relieve tension with a light stroking massage.

In general, the main task of gymnastic exercises is to teach the baby to control his own limbs and other parts of the body.

Physical exercises

First of all, it should be noted that no two children are the same. That is why experts call the main requirement for gymnastics an individual approach. It is necessary to take into account:

  • the general well-being of the child;
  • age;
  • the presence of congenital pathologies.

The easiest exercise is crawling. First of all, the child is placed on his stomach and his legs are bent with his knees outward. Then a palm is pressed to the feet of the child and a little pressure is applied. As a result, reflexively, the baby will straighten its legs and crawl a few centimeters. It is important to remember that at first it will be enough for the child to do only one or two repetitions. In general, the child demonstrates his readiness to study further with his good mood.

Mr. Komarovsky is sure that the Embryo exercise is very effective. You need to do it like this:

  • the newborn should be laid on his back;
  • arms and legs are crossed for him;
  • lower the head a little.

The task of such an exercise is one - training of the vestibular and nervous systems.

It is important to note that before starting physical education, the child must be shown to the pediatrician. He must make sure that no contraindications exist.

Exercise "Walking". The child is put on its feet, supporting the armpits. When leaning forward, the baby will begin to walk. It is necessary that he only lightly touches the surface with his feet.

Thus, reflexes develop in the first month of life. In the next one, it will be necessary to increase the duration and intensity of the loads.

Exercises for 3 month old babies

During this period, a few more are added to the above loads. These exercises in the complex will increase the control of the newborn over parts of his own body.

In particular, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  • alternately reduce and spread the hands of the newborn to the sides, crossing them on the stomach;
  • bend the legs at the hips and unbend;
  • lift the baby from a supine position by the arms.

Exercises on a fitness ball will also be useful. For this child, it is necessary to lay his back on the projectile and, holding his hands, roll him back and forth a little.

Then he is laid on the ball with his stomach and they begin to roll the ball around him a little. The child, afraid to fall, will stretch his arms forward, which is actually required.

What you need to know when doing gymnastics with a baby

The first classes are best done under the supervision of a pediatrician, in a room specially adapted for this. As a rule, children with dysplasia really need such classes.

Nevertheless, physical education will be useful and completely healthy newborn. In this situation, gymnastics will become preventive measure to raise a strong and healthy child. A baby accustomed to physical activity will become more balanced and calm in the future.

Meanwhile, exercises also have a serious hardening effect. In addition, this will allow the baby to acquire the necessary skills earlier than their peers.

It is only important to practice regularly and in compliance with a clear schedule. The latter circumstance will allow the child to be accustomed to stress. It is best to exercise about an hour before meals.

It is also necessary to do everything possible so that the newborn does not have unpleasant associations with gymnastics. In the process, you need to talk with the baby, sing songs and read poetry. In this situation, charging will turn into entertainment for him.

In order to avoid muscle hypertonicity and develop motor skills without the presence of motor awkwardness, clumsiness, posture and gait disorders, along with massage, gymnastics for babies is performed.

  1. Exercise therapy begins in the second month of the child, alternating with massage. After six months, exercise therapy is first performed, then massage as a rest.
  2. A child with poor health is not carried out exercise therapy, treatment is first used.
  3. Children enjoy massage and exercise. When displeasure is shown, he is distracted by a toy, calmed down or picked up and the cause of the crumbs' anxiety is found out. The rhythm of classes is gradually accustomed to, and the unloved exercise is performed at the very end of the procedure with a minimum number of repetitions.
  4. Do not be overly zealous, because the baby will remember discomfort and pain for a long time, will cry even before the start of exercise therapy and massage. During massage, hyperemia should be uniform, red spots and bruises should be absent.
  5. A complex exercise therapy and massage procedure is carried out 0.5-2 hours after bathing and eating, in a bright and ventilated room with no drafts and at a temperature of 20-22 ° C, on a changing table with a free approach from three sides.
  6. Before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed and warmed up, all metal objects (bracelets, rings, watches) are removed to prevent damage to the baby's skin. There should be no abrasions and wounds on the hands, nails on the fingers. Rough hands are liberally lubricated with baby oil.
  7. Try not to use ointments and creams for massage. Although this issue remains controversial to date.
  8. During the massage, only those parts of the body that are being massaged are opened to a child up to a month old, after a month the child is left naked. For exercise therapy, the baby is put on a short-sleeved T-shirt, T-shirt, panties with diapers.

A set of exercises on the ball

You will need an assistant to carry out the exercises. All exercises are repeated 10 times.

  • 1. The child is laid on an inflatable ball covered with a diaper, belly, bending the legs like a “frog” and pressing them to the ball. The assistant needs to hold the child's legs, the instructor - to pull the baby by the hands (or put the index fingers into the fists) towards himself and return to the starting position.
  • 2. The child lies on the ball with his stomach, the assistant presses the baby's straight fingers to the ball. The instructor pulls him by the shins and returns him back.
  • 3. The assistant holds the baby in the same starting position with fingers pressed to the ball, the instructor tries to turn the child on the ball and put his feet in the center of the table, spreading his fingers. It is necessary to fix the position for 1-3 seconds and return the ball back.
  • 4. The assistant holds the child as in exercise 1, the instructor pulls the ball up by the hands and stands with open palms in the center of the table surface. You need to make sure that the baby does not hit his forehead on the table!
  • 5. Lay the child on the ball with his back and, holding the sides, swing in the direction of 4 sides to relax the muscles.
  • 6. This exercise is performed with arching (increased muscle tone) of the child to the right or left in a position on the stomach or back. The child is laid on the ball sideways: with the right - when arching to the right, with the left - when arching to the left. Perform smooth swings of the ball along the axis of the body. The baby will relax, which will facilitate the subsequent massage.

Breathing exercises

The child is laid on his back, the arms are crossed on the chest, they are alternately placed on top, holding the hands. Next, both handles are lifted up and straight and parallel handles are brought behind the head, then lowered and pulled along the hips. All manipulations are repeated 4-5 times.

Exercise therapy for the legs of the baby

The child is laid on his back and the exercises are repeated 10 times.

Exercise 1. The baby's legs are bent at the joints: knee and hip, close them, bringing the knees together. The knee is held with the thumb, the rest is wrapped around its pelvis, and the pelvis is rotated to the sides.

Exercise 2. The baby's legs are unbent and bent alternately, then the right arm and left leg, the left arm and right leg.

Exercise 3. Raise the legs in the hip joint. Do not forget that efforts to overcome the resistance of the baby should be minimal, because children do not like this exercise. In the presence of hip dysplasia, only the attending orthopedic doctor can allow this exercise to be performed.

How to perform turns of the child from the back to the stomach

With the child in the supine position, the assistant should raise the right handle up and hold until the instructor fixes the right thigh. Next, the assistant presses the outstretched right handle to the table with an outstretched palm. The instructor throws the left leg over the right leg, helping the baby turn on the tummy. Repeat 10 times.

Learn to crawl on your stomach

The child is laid on his stomach, the instructor holds him by the legs, the assistant holds his hands, pulling them forward alternately and pressing his outstretched palm to the surface of the table. At the same time, the instructor bends the legs alternately and pulls them up to the stomach. When stretching the right arm, press the left leg and vice versa. If the baby still cannot hold his head on his own, then another assistant is needed to hold his head straight with his palms.

Teaching a child to sit down

After 4 months of age, the child is taught to master sitting down, squatting and bending over, holding on to a stick, standing on all fours. Repeat exercises 10 times.

Sitting down. The baby lies on its back with arms extended along the body. The assistant needs to press the right palm to the table next to the body. The instructor - to hold the baby by the straight legs, with the other hand - lift the back and force him to sit down, leaning on the right, slightly bent at the elbow, handle and a slight tilt of the torso to the right. Then the handles are changed and everything starts anew.

Sitting down with a stick. In the supine position, the child is given a stick with a diameter of 2-3 cm in the handles and his fists are held so that he cannot let it go, at the same time they are forced to tear his back off the surface and sit down. The assistant needs to fix the straight legs and make sure that the child does not hit the back of the head on the table.

Stick squat. The stick is placed on the surface of the table under the folded diaper. The baby is held under the armpits and the legs are set shoulder-width apart on a stick of the middle sole. When doing squats, make sure that the feet do not move.

Tilts on a stick. Fixing the feet, as in the previous exercise. With the left hand, the straight legs of the child are held in front, with the right hand they are fixed under the chest and abdomen, then the torso of the baby is tilted.

Stand on all fours. The kid lies on his stomach, the instructor's hand is under his chest, with the other hand he bends the legs in the hip and knee joints. At this time, the assistant needs to press straightened palms to the surface at the width of the baby's shoulders. He is given to fix the position for 1 minute, which is not the first time.

Crawling on all fours. Performed at 6 months or with the ability to stand on all fours. It is performed according to the above method of training crawling on the stomach.

Strengthening the vestibular apparatus by rotation

Exercise strengthens the autonomic nervous system and vestibular apparatus. A folded diaper is placed on the “Grace” or “Health” disk and a metal basin is placed on it. The size of the basin is selected so as to lay out a blanket, and place the child there in a reclining position. Slowly and smoothly, without jerks, rotate the basin for half a minute. When you stop, the baby's eyeballs should oscillate horizontally. Such nystagmus occurs when looking at stationary objects or the surroundings from a rotating or moving cockpit. As soon as the eyeballs stop moving, the basin is rotated in the other direction. Gradually, the movement time increases to 5 minutes.

Benefits of reflex exercises

Reflex exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the neck and trunk and are used for movements that occur as unconditioned motor reflexes. When the receptors of the muscles, nervous apparatus and skin are irritated, congenital motor reflex reactions appear: the deviation of the head back in a position on weight, the bending of the whole body and the formation of an arc open upwards. This movement is an energetic stimulus that strengthens the vestibular apparatus. Therefore, from the age of 4 months, you need to keep the baby on weight more often in the position on the back or on the stomach to strengthen the muscles of the neck and torso. In the future, you can use signal stimuli in the form of sound signals, sipping legs, grasping, etc., to create conditioned connections based on innate reflexes.

Benefits of passive-active exercise

The child can perform some movements independently, but with the help of parents. He sits down while pulling up by the handles or hands, stands while holding under the armpits, etc.

Exercises performed by the child voluntarily and independently are called active, so it is recommended to facilitate their implementation with voice instructions and games.

Exercise complexes

1. Children 1.5-3 months

The complex consists of massage (stroking the arms, legs, back and abdomen) alternating with active movements based on innate unconditioned reflexes: foot exercises, reflex extension of the spine and crawling.

2. Babies 3-4 months

The complex consists of:

  • from kneading the back, abduction to the sides and crossing the arms on the chest;
  • reflex turn on the tummy;
  • deviations back of the head on weight in the position on the stomach;
  • flexion and extension of the handles;
  • imitation of bicycle movements.

3. Babies 4-6 months

The complex includes simple active movements: grasping, holding objects, waving. Therefore, the act of grasping is stimulated. For example, first the child holds on to the mother's finger, then to the ring, while changing the position of the body as a preparation for crawling.

The complex consists of:

  • from "floating" in the position on the stomach;
  • in the position on the stomach - lifting the upper body with support for the handles set aside;
  • crawling (see above exercise to stimulate crawling);
  • alternate and joint flexion and extension of the legs.

4. Children 6-12 months

The complex includes conditioned connections developed on the basis of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes: visual signals (rings, sticks), light sipping on the legs and speech signals (sit down, stomp, take a ring, give a stick, etc.). The child learns to stand without support and walk, squat.

The complex consists of:

  • sitting down with arms laid aside, support for the handles and exercises for arm flexors;
  • tilt and straighten the body;
  • squats;
  • tense arching in a sitting position on the mother's lap;
  • walking on all fours.

Parents should remember that the exercises are performed at the same time and only if the child has positive emotions. Do not insist on continuing if the child is crying. It is necessary to reckon with his mood and reactions to massage and exercise therapy, do not overwork. The load is increased gradually, exercise therapy begins and ends with rubbing fingers and hands. It is useful to put a small toy with an uneven surface in the palm of your hand and take it away. And also: turn on quiet and melodious music, surround calm children with bright and contrasting colors, and restless and whiny children with salad and blue tones of curtains, toys, clothes, bed linen, etc. Extraneous loud noises and people in the room should not be.

Babies under one year old are called babies. It is at this age that the formation of all musculoskeletal functions of the body occurs. Congenital primary reflexes fade away, others appear, more permanent and meaningful. Massage and gymnastics of the baby, like nothing else, will help the baby to form correctly and on time. As well as improve mood, maintain contact with the mother and improve health.

For different stages of development and specific goals, it is possible various options gymnastics, including therapeutic, they are conducted by an experienced specialist. But there are exercises suitable for home use and any age.

Dynamic gymnastics for babies - a set of mobile exercises with tossing, swinging, twisting and hanging the baby. During classes, the position of the body of the newborn quickly changes in space, there are many exercises where the baby is upside down.

There is no definite opinion about dynamic gymnastics for babies. Some parents and doctors consider it useful for an infant, some - dangerous. The only thing in which opinions coincide is that it is impossible to start doing dynamic gymnastics before one and a half to two months old.

Massage and gymnastics of the upper limbs of the baby

Before performing the exercise, you need to lay the baby on his back with his feet towards you. The grasping reflex, which is especially strongly developed in the first months of life, will help here. The child is allowed to grab the thumb of the left hand and the right hand is made, and vice versa. After that, 6-8 massage strokes are performed in the direction from the hand to the armpit and shoulder.


The position of the child is on his back with his feet to himself. The grasp reflex comes in handy again. This time, the baby is allowed to grab both thumbs at the same time. When he holds on to his fingers tightly enough, they begin to slightly pull the baby towards himself. At the same time, his hands should be held with the rest of the fingers. Repeat movements 7-8 times, within 60 seconds.

At an early age, this exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the neck, as the baby tries to keep the head in this position. At a later age, you should raise it higher and higher, along with the muscles of the neck, the shoulder girdle and back will be trained.

You need to lift the child only if he enjoys such a movement. If the facial expression has become preoccupied, whiny, it is necessary to raise the baby lower. Each exercise should bring only positive emotions.

Massage and gymnastics of the lower limbs of the baby

The exercise is performed in the same position, lying on your back, with your feet towards you. The right leg is held by the right hand, the left, respectively, by the left hand. Massage movements stroke the legs in the direction from the foot to the thigh of the baby along the back and outer surface of the leg, ending in the inguinal fold. At the same time, the knees and the area of ​​the anterior surface of the lower leg are not touched. Requires 6 - 8 repetitions. It is desirable to encourage each movement with the words "clever", "well done" and any others.

Reflex exercise

The baby is laid out on the tummy, so that there is support on the hands. The legs at this time should be spread apart. Obeying the innate protective reflex, the child raises and turns his head. At an older age, the baby will independently hold the head in this position, and even later, independently lean on the elbows, then on the hands.

This exercise can be done each time before feeding for 5 seconds - 20 minutes, depending on the mood and development of the baby. Thus, the muscles of the collar zone are strengthened.

Infant back massage

To perform the exercise, the child is placed on the tummy, the hand is located under the chest. Massage is carried out by stroking the back of the baby with the back of the hand, in the direction from the waist to the neck and in reverse side. Repeat this movement 4-5 times.

A baby under 2 months old is massaged with one hand, while the other gently fixes the position of the child's body. For children older than 2 months, stroking is carried out with both hands, as the position on the stomach becomes more stable.

Back gymnastics

The chest is placed on its side, the position of his body is gently fixed by the legs with the help of one hand. After that, any two fingers are drawn along the spine along from the sacrum to the neck, then in the opposite direction. The back of the child should straighten up reflexively, the talent reflex of the skin of the back is triggered. Similar movements are repeated on the other side. The result of this massage technique is the development and strengthening of the muscles involved in the extension of the spine.

Massage of the abdomen

To perform a massage of the abdomen, the baby is laid out on his back, with his feet towards him or slightly sideways.

First, stroking 5 - 6 times, slightly pressing on the stomach, in a circle, clockwise. The right hypochondrium is the projection area of ​​the liver, massage of this part of the abdomen should be avoided.

Then apply the counter-type massage technique. The left hand is placed with the back on the child's stomach on the lower right square, and the right hand on the upper left square. With weak pressure move the brushes towards each other. Repeat 5-6 times without changing the position of the hands at the beginning of the movement. Thus, the peristaltic movement in the intestine is repeated. This exercise is especially valuable for constipation, bloating, sometimes it reduces the pain associated with improper digestion.

The oblique muscles of the baby's press are strengthened by the following massage technique. With movements covering the child's stomach, stroke the sides with palms in the direction from the lower back to the area above the navel. To put it simply, it is carried out from behind along an oblique line forward and up. Requires 5 - 6 repetitions.

At the very end, the massage is repeated 2-3 times clockwise.

In some cases, the stomach is gently massaged separately and longer for colic, constipation. Often this helps to avoid enemas, laxatives.

Gymnastics to strengthen the abdominal muscles

The position of the baby during the exercise is on the back, legs towards you. Hands lead under the back, and support the head, focus on the child's feet in your stomach. During the exercise, gently raise the baby's arms to an almost vertical position and just as gently lower them back. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of support and do all movements very slowly. This gymnastic exercise will help the baby prepare for sitting.

Foot massage

According to acupuncture, it is on the foot that the points of influence on all organs and systems in the human body are located. The delicate skin of the baby makes this effect even more effective.

The child lies on his back, legs towards him. Raising his leg low, with the palm of his left hand under the shin, gently fix the position of the leg. And the other hand is in the following way: middle and forefinger are located on the back of the foot, and the large one is located on the sole. The massage movements themselves are provided thumb. They draw the number 8 on the foot, stroke from the base of the fingers to the heel. Repeat movements 5-6 times on each leg. For an even greater positive impact, the toes on the child's toes themselves are vigorously massaged.

Foot reflex exercise

The child is still lying on his back, legs towards him. The exercise consists in quickly pressing on the sole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, as a result, the fingers of the baby will reflexively bend. After that, they quickly press on the outer edge of the foot, after which the fingers reflexively straighten. Do 3-4 repetitions. These reflexes are most pronounced in the first months of life, and later fade somewhat.

reflex crawl

The baby is laid out on the stomach in a frog pose. Namely, the feet are connected, the knees are bent and divorced. The child's body is very fragile and unformed, and when performing this exercise, it is necessary to monitor safety: do not injure the child and provide a safe space for crawling. The fingers are brought under the back of the sole, without touching the foot itself. Then with your thumbs you need to touch both soles at the same time. The crawling reflex will work, the baby will sharply straighten the legs and move forward. At the same time, the hands should be directly on the surface of the table, otherwise the child will not be able to budge. The reflex movement is repeated 3-4 times.

Massage of the chest area

The position of the child is on the back. The massage process begins with stroking the fingers of both hands at the same time. The right arm moves clockwise from the bottom of the sternum through the armpits and returns to the starting position. The left hand does the same in mirror image. The massage method is stroking, carried out in a circle. Then you should carefully grasp the chest and not hard, but sharply and quickly press on it. This movement activates the respiratory center. The exercise is repeated in its entirety 5-6 times.


Another exciting exercise for the baby is to induce reflex walking. When performing the exercise, the child is practically on his hands, you need to hold him carefully by the armpits. The position is vertical, facing away from you. The legs should touch a solid support, a slight forward lean activates the walking reflex. Children often prefer this exercise to all others; you can perform it separately from general gymnastics. When walking, the foot should rest completely on the surface, but the child should not stand on his own if he does not yet stand up on his own. The chest should not be squeezed by the hands of an adult.

Hand relaxation

The gymnastics complex is coming to an end and the child is already tired. To relax the muscles of the hands, gently shake them lightly. They take the hands, as during a massage, and slightly parting to the sides, shake them slightly. If the tone of the child is still high, you need to wait until the baby is ready for such an exercise. In this case, you can simply iron the handles. Massage of the fingers and palms is considered useful at any age.

Rocking the baby in the fetal position

For this exercise, you need to give the child's body an embryonic position. From the supine position, the adult takes the baby's feet and hands in his hand. The feet should be connected and the knees separated. With one hand they continue to hold the limbs, and with the other they press the baby's head to the chest. The resulting embryo is swayed in various directions. Each direction is repeated 2-3 times. Rocking helps develop the vestibular apparatus and nervous system in the right direction. To achieve a greater effect, the exercise is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Gymnastics on the ball

For the exercise you need a special big ball. The baby is placed on the ball with the stomach, while the legs should be as wide apart as possible. Then the ball is shaken in different directions. Do not swing the ball hard, the child may fall off it. And for the development of the vestibular apparatus, a small amplitude is sufficient.

Later, when the child learns to crawl, you can use the ball to teach him to transfer body weight to his hands. To do this, the child lies with his stomach down on the ball, and rests his hands on a hard surface. The duration of such an exercise depends on the well-being of the child.

Gymnastic exercises with babies are carried out for about 15 minutes. But all children are different, and if the child gets tired before the end of the complex, there is no need to torment him and continue. The rest of the gymnastics complex can always be completed later, when the baby is properly rested and gains strength.

The most important thing is to keep the child in a positive attitude during all the exercises. This will only give him even more desire to engage later. Movements should be smooth, unhurried, affectionate. And the attitude of an adult is friendly and kind. In this case, the lessons will be more useful.

Video: Gymnastics for babies

Therapeutic exercises for babies


Dynamic gymnastics for babies (video)

A newborn baby is limited in movement due to the characteristics of his body. The not fully formed motor apparatus of the crumbs does not allow him to perform those movements that, for example, are available to babies of one year of age. To physical activity the baby developed and improved, physiotherapy exercises for babies are useful. Such gymnastics is very useful for newborns, and can be performed not only in cases of developmental disabilities or any congenital pathologies. Physical education for babies is as compulsory as physical education classes in kindergarten or school.

What gives babies gymnastics?

Exercise therapy (therapeutic physical culture) can be applied even if the baby is absolutely healthy. After all, there is no guarantee that the pathology will not show up a little later. Therefore, the child must move from birth, of course, with the help of parents and exercise therapy.

But how does therapeutic gymnastics affect the children's body?

  1. During exercise, blood flow to muscles and tissues increases.
  2. Exchange processes are activated.
  3. Improves the functionality of the adrenal glands.
  4. General physical development is normalized.
  5. Strengthens the body's defense system.
  6. The musculoskeletal and skeletal system is properly formed.
  7. Promotes the development of important reflexes.
  8. The functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  9. Stimulates brain development and mental development generally.
  10. Strengthens the nervous system.
  11. Classes on the ball (fitball) improves the vestibular apparatus.
  12. Strong adhesion of muscles and bones is provided.
  13. Helps improve sleep and appetite.

Since the baby is happy to play with his arms and legs during periods of wakefulness, therapeutic massage will give him even more pleasure. Gymnastics activates other parts of the baby's body, as a result of which the baby will quickly learn to sit, crawl, walk. In addition, regular exercise therapy is an excellent prevention of muscle hypertonicity and posture disorders. Exercise therapy can be prescribed for hip dysplasia, congenital hip dislocation, muscular torticollis, cerebral palsy, flat feet and clubfoot, congenital scoliosis.

Rules for exercise therapy

Before you start doing therapeutic exercises for your child, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation.

  1. The best time to start exercise therapy is a month old. In this case, gymnastics should alternate with massage. From the age of six months medical complex classes begin to be done with exercise therapy, and end with a massage, allowing the child to relax and unwind.
  2. If a infant feels unwell, physical education should be canceled. It will be possible to continue doing therapeutic massage only after the baby has fully recovered.
  3. A baby may be naughty during a massage. At such moments, you need to distract him with a toy or calm him down by picking him up. It is better to accustom to classes gradually, and the unloved exercise is performed at the very end of the complex.
  4. Watch your movements - do not overdo it, otherwise the next time the baby will refuse the massage by screaming and hysteria, remembering the pain and discomfort that he felt last time. Remember: after the procedure, there should be no red spots on the baby's body, and even more bruises.
  5. Before you start doing gymnastics, you need to ventilate the room, eliminate drafts. Optimum temperature air - 20-22 0 C. Perform gymnastics 0.5-2 hours after eating and bathing.
  6. The table where you will massage the child should be free on three sides so that it is possible to freely approach the baby.
  7. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure, warm them up, remove all metal objects (bracelets, watches, rings), cut off your nails. On the skin of the hands of an adult there should be no abrasions and wounds.
  8. A baby aged after a month can be naked during the procedure, a newborn baby is partially exposed - they open those places on the body that are massaged.
  9. If physiotherapy exercises are carried out, the crumbs are put on a T-shirt or short-sleeved T-shirt, panties with a diaper.

An infant during exercise therapy should lie on a flat surface (for example, on a changing table). Total time classes - 15 minutes. Each exercise is recommended to be repeated three times. All movements should be accompanied by affectionate words, a smile - gymnastics should evoke positive emotions in the child.

It is very important to follow the order of exercise therapy correctly: first, start the complex with gentle and light stroking movements, without pressing hard on the child's body. It is customary to stroke the handles from the fingers to the shoulders, the legs - from the feet up, the tummy - from the sides to the navel. Stroking the tummy should be done exclusively clockwise and around the navel.

General exercises for therapeutic exercises

If the infant is ready to learn what exercise therapy is, start doing the following exercises.

  1. We develop proper breathing. Lay the baby on his back, cross his arms over his chest. Raise the handles in turn, hold them slightly in this position. Then lift both handles up, wind them up behind the head, and then lower them down, placing them along the body.
  2. Gymnastics for legs. Bend the baby's legs at the knee and hip joints, close them, bringing the knees together. Holding the knee with your thumb, grasp the pelvis of the baby with the rest and rotate the pelvis to the sides. Another exercise is to bend the baby's legs in turn, and then alternate their bending with bending the arms. The third exercise is to spread the legs in the hip joint. At the same time, efforts should not be made - everything should happen slowly and carefully.
  3. Twists from back to tummy. In order for the baby to learn to roll over, this exercise must be performed. It is important to have an assistant nearby. The baby should lie on his back. The assistant pulls his right arm up and holds it in this position, and the instructor at this time fixes the right thigh of the crumbs. Then the assistant should fix the right palm of the baby on the table, spreading the palm. The instructor should shift the left leg of the crumbs through the right, helping him roll over on his tummy.
  4. How to teach a child to crawl? It is easier to perform the action together: one adult holds the baby by the legs, the second by the hands. The first alternately pulls the legs to the tummy, and the second - in turn rearranges the baby's arms. If the infant does not yet hold his head on his own, another adult should be involved in the exercise.

4 months after birth, the baby will begin to make the first attempts to sit down. During this period, it is important for him to help, and therapeutic exercises will help in this.

  1. From the “lying on the back” position, the baby is lifted behind the back, focusing on the right arm, bent at the elbow. The same is repeated with the left handle.
  2. The child lies on his back, they give him a stick 2-3 cm thick in his hands. Holding the fists of the crumbs, they lift the baby from the surface of the table, forcing him to sit down. You need to make sure that the legs of the baby remain straight.
  3. The stick is placed under the diaper, folded several times, the child is placed on it with the legs, holding it under the armpits. The location of the legs is shoulder width apart. During squats, you need to make sure that the legs do not mix.
  4. Tilts on a stick. Put the child, as in the previous exercise. Right hand hold the baby by the stomach and chest, and fix the knees with the left. After that, slopes are performed.
  5. Stand on all fours. Adults lift the child by the tummy, fix the handles on the surface of the table, and bend the legs at the knee and hip joints. In this position, the child should be about 1 minute.

When the baby can already stand on all fours, he is taught to crawl by analogy with crawling on his stomach.

Exercises with the ball (fitball)

It turns out that you can not only play with the ball, but also strengthen the body of a small child. For babies, the following fitball exercises are useful:

  • rocking forward-backward, left-right, clockwise, with shaking. In this case, the child should lie on his back;
  • we bend the legs of the baby at the knees to the tummy, while lowering the ball towards us, unbend the legs, lowering the ball away from us;
  • we train the child’s tummy with the same movements as in the first exercise, only the baby needs to be laid not on the back, but on the tummy.

During exercises on the fitball, you need to cover it with a diaper, and also make sure that breast baby I didn't hit my head in the process. At first, the exercises should be simple and easy, over time they can be complicated.

A set of exercise therapy exercises for babies

As a rule, physiotherapy exercises for children with pathologies are prescribed by a specialist, who also determines which exercises will be most effective for the child. If the child has no abnormalities in physical development no, parents can take the following set of exercises as the basis for gymnastics:

  1. Stroking the body, limbs.
  2. “Mahi” with handles to the sides from the “lying on the back” position.
  3. “Cross swings”: cross the arms of the crumbs on the chest, spread apart, cross again, etc.
  4. Alternate flexion / extension of the legs at the knee.
  5. Light tapping on the baby's chest (exercise helps strengthen the pectoral muscles).
  6. Strokes on the back: we draw with the index and middle fingers along the spine in the direction from the bottom up, with the palms from the spine to the ribs, in a circular motion from the lower back to the head (perform with the thumb) and along the lower back from the spine to the ribs.
  7. Massage the scalp with your fingers, performing light circular movements, or with a soft brush.

All movements should be accurate, performed without pressure. The complex can be supplemented with new exercises as the child grows up.

Contraindications to exercise therapy

There are cases when therapeutic exercises are categorically contraindicated for infants:

  • infectious diseases, fever body;
  • heart, pulmonary insufficiency;
  • skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, fungus, infectious rash, burns, injuries, etc.;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea;
  • bleeding and blood diseases;
  • tumors of different etymology;
  • changes in urinalysis;
  • acute inflammatory and purulent processes.

Also, do not do therapeutic exercises to the child if he has undergone vaccination. You can resume classes 3 days after receiving the vaccine. If the baby's well-being has not improved during this time, gymnastics is postponed for at least a week.

After the first classes, the baby will fall asleep better and sleep soundly. This is a normal reaction when additional physical activity is introduced into the habitual mode of the newborn. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that if the baby becomes capricious and falls asleep badly, you should reduce the load of exercise therapy and completely abandon classes for a couple of days, observing the child's condition all this time. If the child is weakened, give him time to rest - arrange classes in a day or two, but if the baby is in a good mood - do gymnastics daily.

The need for a child to move is capable of:

  1. Increase blood flow to muscles and tissues;
  2. Boost metabolism;
  3. Improve the functioning of the adrenal cortex;
  4. Provide a stronger bond between muscles and bones.

Physical exercises should be such that they bring joy to both the baby and the mother. For a child, his body is the object of the game. He plays with his hands, then with his feet. Gymnastics should help to ensure that in the form fun game engage and activate the rest of the body of the newborn. During such a game, the baby grabs himself by different parts of the body, thereby receiving information about them. The ideal time for such gymnastics is the time when changing diapers, since the baby remains naked at this moment and nothing prevents him from actively moving. It is best to do the exercises on a flat surface, for example, on a changing table or just on a table, making a substrate of thin foam rubber.

It should be remembered that any exercises for babies must meet a number of specific requirements:

  1. Physical exercise should be included in the daily routine of the baby throughout the first year of life.
  2. Classes should be carried out no earlier than one hour after feeding and no later than 30 minutes before it.
  3. The air temperature in the room where the gymnastics will take place should not exceed 21 ° C. The room itself should be well ventilated.
  4. You need to do the exercises at least three times.
  5. The duration of the gymnastic complex should be at least 15 minutes.
  6. Each of the exercises must be accompanied by a smile and affectionate words. This will help develop a positive reaction in the baby to these procedures.
  7. There is no need to force the child to perform exercises to which he simply has not yet grown physically: sit, stand, roll over from his back to his stomach or crawl. Everything has its time!
  8. All procedures begin and end with gentle strokes with the palms and fingers, without pressure, so that the baby's skin does not gather into folds.
  9. The baby's hands should be stroked in the direction from the hand to the shoulder, the legs - from the feet to the inguinal region, the tummy - from the sides to the navel, and then clockwise around the navel.
  10. Do not force your child to do gymnastics if he is sick or just tired.

All the physical exercises that parents will perform with their children are not only aimed at consolidating and improving skills. First of all, they provoke the emergence of these skills, which contribute to the rapid development of the baby.

Gymnastics for children video:

Exercises that can be performed in the first month of a baby's life.

  1. Starting position (hereinafter ip) - the baby lies first on the back, and then on the tummy. Parents gently stroke the child on the chest, tummy, back, buttocks and limbs.
  2. I.P. - the baby is on the back. You need to press a little with your thumb in the middle of the child's palm. At the same time, the baby can open his mouth, pull his lips forward a little, raise his head and strain the muscles of his shoulders and arms.
  3. I.P. - too. You need to put your index fingers in the child's palms. At the same time, he should grasp them well, hold them firmly, and then make an attempt to raise his head and shoulders.
  4. I.P. - put the baby on the tummy. Substitute your palm to the feet of the crumbs, creating, as it were, an obstacle from which he will push off, trying to crawl, actively helping himself with his hands.
  5. I.P. - on the back. It is necessary to bend and unbend the limbs of the baby, first alternately, and then together.

  1. I.P. - baby on the back. It is necessary to spread his arms to the sides, followed by crossing them in the chest area, supposedly clasping his torso.
  2. I.P. - too. Make boxing movements with the baby's arms, wrapping them around the forearms, closer to the hands. Don't just make sudden jerks. Everything should be smooth.
  3. I.P. - turn the baby on his stomach. Hold the baby under the breast with one hand, put the other close to the half-bent legs so that he can lean on it. Put a bright toy in front. The kid will reflexively try to reach the object, thereby trying to crawl.
  4. I.P. - a child on the back. Mom should grab the baby’s shins with her left hand, and hold her left forearm with her right hand. Thus, you kind of help the baby turn slightly on its side. On the side where the turn will be, place a bright object to attract the attention of the baby. Make alternate turns to the right and left.
  5. I.P. - too. Put your index fingers in your baby's hands. After grabbing him, pull him slightly towards you if you feel that the child is trying to pull himself up. After - return it to its original position.
  6. I.P. - can be performed both on the back and on the stomach. It is necessary to place a bright toy in front of the baby, so that he focuses his attention on it. Then move the toy slowly sideways and up and down, allowing the child to follow the object. Perform the exercise on your back and on your stomach.
  7. Gently stretch your fingers, as if trying to stretch them out. No jerks!
  8. Perform circular movements with each finger in both directions.

Additional exercises that can be performed from four to six months:

  1. I.P. - the child is in the supine position. You need to grab both shins of the baby with one hand, then straighten his legs and carefully try to turn him first on his side, then on his tummy, and then back on his back again. Such turns from the back to the stomach and back must be performed alternately in both directions. Any bright toy located on the side where you need to make a turn will help increase the child's interest in such actions.
  2. I.P. - too. It is necessary to perform circular movements with the baby's legs in the area of ​​​​the hip joints. To do this, take the child's shins in your hands, bend them at the knees, then bring the hips to the tummy and spread the bent legs in different sides. At the end, you need to straighten the legs and connect them together.
  3. I.P. - turn the baby on the tummy. In front of the baby, you need to put some bright object that attracts attention, for example, a musical toy. Let the child try to crawl towards it. Slowly move the toy further away so that the baby actively reaches for it. But after that, give him the opportunity to reach the goal, hold your trophy in his hands, and take a closer look at it. Don't forget to praise your child.

Exercises that can be added to gymnastics at 6-8 months.

  1. Help the baby get on all fours. Later he will start doing it on his own.
  2. I.P. - the child lies on the back. Place your index finger on the baby right palm, put the other hand on the thigh or on the lower leg. Next, you need to pull the right handle to the left leg, as if to seat the baby.
  3. When he rises, he will first have to lean on his elbow, and then on his palm. 3. I.P. - the baby is standing on the table, an adult supports him under the armpits. Imitate translational movements, holding the child first under the handles, then by the hands of both hands, and later by one handle. You need to do these exercises only if the child already knows how to stand independently, holding on to a support. These actions prepare the baby for walking.
  4. I.P. - the child stands on all fours, rests on the handles. Hold the hips of the baby and help him stand on his open palms, slightly lifting him above the support.

A set of exercises for a baby 9 - 12 months.

  1. At the request of an adult, the child must rise to its feet from any position. You can only support it slightly by correcting the movements.
  2. The baby can reach bright object from a standing position, bending over and then straightening up.
  3. I.P. - the child is in a standing position. The kid squats down. You can help him by personal example, as if playing "become small."
  4. I.P. - too. The baby stands on tiptoes, playing "get big."
  5. The kid, at the request of adults, performs a series of movements: walks, crouches, brings a toy, a ball. He can also throw an object, dismantle a pyramid and play with large dice.
  6. With the help of an adult, a child can stand on a low surface (a box, for example) and get off it.
  7. The exercise is the same, but complicated by greater height, less support.
  8. Active gymnastics.

Done with the help of an adult. He can take the baby either by both arms, or by both legs, or by one arm and one leg at the same time, or by one of some limbs and then perform a series of exercises:

  1. simple hang;
  2. rocking the child back and forth;
  3. rocking the baby to the left - to the right;
  4. lifting with springy movements of the baby up and down, imitation of jumps;
  5. crumb rotation.

The main thing to keep in mind is - The child should enjoy these activities.. Do not make sudden jerks, because this can lead to injury to the child!