Puppet shows for children 2 3 years old. Puppet theater for young children

Children of the age of the younger group of kindergarten are born researchers who study the world through sensory, emotional perception and the acquisition of practical experience. It is extremely important to support the natural curiosity and cognitive activity of the child with new exciting views. visual activity. The application will introduce the baby to the world of color and shape, introduce them to geometric shapes, give primary modeling skills, and develop an understanding of the rules of composition.

Application is the creation of plot or subject compositions from figured elements or patterns attached to the base (cardboard, wood, fabric), cut out of paper, dry leaves, fabric, leather. A multi-colored composition can be attached by gluing or sewing. This type of creative modeling has a beneficial effect on the development fine motor skills, figurative and spatial thinking, sensory perception and intellectual abilities child to synthesis and analysis.

Features of application classes for preschoolers

Application types:

  • subject - a mono-image of an object, for example, houses, rockets, cars, fairy tale hero, person, etc.
  • plot and landscape composition - a pictorial form of narration about some events;
  • decorative - stylized processing according to the laws of proportional placement of details, decorative transformation of real objects in the form of an ornament using bright color ornaments of a geometric, vegetative form, abstract figures of animals, birds, humans.

Large-scale compositions that are based on an extended plot and include many different details are usually created collectively. The preparatory stage, during which individual details are prepared, for example, balls are rolled from pieces of napkins, is carried out in small subgroups of 2-3 people, and then the children together make up a plot picture on whatman paper, gluing the elements they have prepared, simultaneously developing the ability of spatial thinking, and as well as coordination skills. When creating an application, children rely on both a given scheme and a predetermined condition or idea, and the process of collective modeling itself reinforces the desire for solidarity and mutual assistance. It is important that children learn to follow the correct sequence of work on creating a multilayer composition, i.e. the teacher must explain that you first need to prepare a background picture, then place the details of the second plan and only then glue the figures of the foreground.

Collective application in the younger groups of kindergarten - photo

"My house" " autumn tree» Application "Summer" in the palm technique "Bouquet of flowers" "Sheep" from cotton balls "Lights evening city» "Fish in the aquarium" "Chickens" from cotton balls " summer landscape» from paper balls
"Summer" "Chickens" in the breakaway technique "Duck with ducklings"

Technically, the application is more complex view artistic activity than drawing or modeling, since the motor skills of the hand do not yet allow the child to actively and freely use scissors, in addition, he does not have knowledge of shape and color. Therefore, children at this age work mainly with ready-made figures. A child of 2–4 years old is able to implement a simple idea of ​​combining simple forms in the appliqué genre, he is fascinated by the process of preparing details, for example, when he tears off pieces from a sheet of paper or places ready-made forms.

Application value

  • Intellectual development - enrichment of cognitive baggage with concepts about the properties and patterns of the surrounding world, expanding knowledge about the variety of shapes, sizes and color shades of objects, the spatial arrangement of objects according to the laws of proportionality. In addition, mental operations of comparison, generalization are formed, abstract and logical thinking, figurative, coherent speech is being improved.
  • Moral education - classes awaken a sense of camaraderie, contribute to the formation of such strong-willed qualities of character as initiative, self-organization, concentration, purposefulness, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Sensory development - the application is based on sensory perception and stimulates the knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development - the formation of a sense of taste for visual activity, due to which the perception of the rhythmic harmony of color and shape, the constructive integrity and beauty of the world around develops.
  • Labor education - technical skills of manual skills develop, diligence and everyday independence are formed.

The tasks of the application in primary preschool age:

  • the study of basic geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and colors (red, blue, yellow, green);
  • familiarity with the concepts of size (large, small) and quantity (count up to three, many);
  • mastering the mental operation of comparison (more, less, many, few);
  • development of compositional skills of location flat figures on a plane (in a row, along the edge, connection of parts of an object);
  • mastering the ability to stick parts or figures prepared by the educator.

Stages of development of design skills on a plane

  • To successfully complete their first appliqué work, the child will need to master the gluing process itself, i.e., learn how to hold the brush correctly, carefully pick up glue, lubricate parts with reverse side, do not forget to put the brush on a special delivery, apply the elements with the correct side, while holding and pressing with a cloth. The sticking technique itself is perceived by children as a game and completely absorbs their attention.
  • The creative debut of the kid (the first junior group) in the appliqué genre will be associated with the task of placing and gluing several blanks, parts obtained by tearing or crumpled paper balls onto a prepared template or sheet of paper in a free, chaotic manner.
  • The development of design skills on a plane for pupils of the second younger group will be associated with the ability to arrange and then paste several figures in a linear row on a narrow strip of paper, first round parts of the same color, since it will be easier for him to place equally symmetrical forms in a given horizontal plane.
  • The next stage - improving the skills of creating applications involves the inclusion of circles of other colors in the work. The task becomes more complicated, because the baby needs to understand the patterns of the rhythmic arrangement of figures in the order of alternation of color, due to which logical thinking also develops. Later there is an acquaintance with the geometric shape of the square.
  • The main difficulty that children will face in the process of creating compositions using a square is the even placement of this geometric figure on one of the sides. The compositional solution is gradually becoming more complicated - now you need to learn how to place smaller elements in the corner of a large square or decorate the circle decoratively along the edge, filling the center of the figure is still difficult.
  • Subject compositions (fungus, house, flag) are composed of 2–3 elements close in shape to geometric outlines. Children quite easily master such construction, since the well-known, and therefore understandable content of the image is perfectly perceived and causes a lively emotional response when they achieve a visual result of their own efforts. In such a specific task, the kid will notice the logic of the placement of elements much faster than in the rhythmic abstract patterns of a decorative geometric pattern. Therefore, it is more expedient to tie the first application tasks, which are an alternation of elements, to an understandable image, for example, imagine it as stringing beads on a thread, decorating a plate, “embroidering” a handkerchief, etc.

Program tasks

First junior group (2–3 years)

  • give an initial idea about the tools and equipment for application: scissors, glue, brush;
  • develop independence and initiative, the desire for creative creation artistic images from paper;
  • develop an aesthetic and emotional perception of the results of their work;
  • teach various techniques for working with paper (tear off, crumple, roll up), as well as how to attach them to the base (gluing);
  • learn to glue finished parts (items of clothing, fruits, vegetables) onto a template (silhouette of a doll, jar, tree) according to the model.

Second junior group (3–4 years)

  • teach placement geometric shapes on a narrow strip, square, circle, triangle;
  • learn to make simple objects from blanks (mushroom, house, tree, fruit, etc.) and familiar plot compositions(tea set, balloons, festive garland, etc.);
  • teach the techniques of working with paper: correctly operate with scissors, cut narrow strips along the fold line, then wider ones, smear paper elements with glue, pass with a brush along the edge of the part;
  • to teach understanding and observing the correct sequence of the task: first lay out the image on the base, then glue each detail in turn;
  • develop a sense of color and form.

Achievements of children by the end of education

  • creating an image from ready-made elements;
  • creative implementation of decorative decoration of the image on paper;
  • independent selection of the color embodiment of the composition;
  • the manifestation of an emotional reaction to the perception of collective or individual works;
  • careful use of materials.

Techniques used in the work

  • Break technique. This technique is great for conveying the illusion of volume, the mosaic decorative texture of the image, which adds visual effect and brightness to it (fur coat, clouds, snow, bird plumage, lush flowers, etc.). It is difficult for a younger preschooler to use scissors, so he can be asked to simply tear colored paper into small pieces. Children enthusiastically complete such a task, then joyfully roll small pieces into small balls, then stick multi-colored paper lumps on a pre-prepared template, so an original and rather nice three-dimensional picture is obtained.
  • Applications from napkins - children are happy to use them as a bright and colorful decorative decoration or an independent material for creating applications. In working with it, you can do without scissors, breaking off and rolling up the lumps from which the composition is constructed. This technique is great for developing fine motor skills.
  • Quilling - literally translated from English means a bird's feather. A planar or three-dimensional composition is folded or supplemented with decorative spiral-shaped details twisted from colored paper, which perfectly convey the texture of the plumage of a bird. One of the varieties of quilling is the trimming technique, which allows you to achieve the effect of “fluffiness” of paper parts in a rather uncomplicated and easy-to-perform way, when using a stick, paper squares are shaped into a funnel.
  • Mosaic application. The main details are geometric figures (circle, rectangle, square, triangle) of various sizes, which are laid out inside the drawn image scheme.
  • Geometric - it is easier for young children to master the design of simple geometric shapes and learn how to add figures of objects, animals, trees from a combination of triangles, squares, rectangles and circles.
  • Palm - the basis of such an application is the silhouette of the baby's hand outlined in pencil. A little effort and additional decorative elements decorating the appliqué will turn this a simple workpiece, for example, into a fabulous bizarre bird. The creativity and joint imagination of the teacher and the children will help to arrange the multi-colored handprints of all the children into a large bright butterfly or a wonderful flower, then such an application will become a symbolic emblem of the group.
  • Non-traditional - uses unusual materials, for example, plasticine, cotton wool, cereals, pasta, foam rubber, fabric, eggshell, threads, etc. Designing original compositions from unusual materials expands the boundaries of creative imagination, awakens a taste for artistic improvisation, develops and trains manual skills, and shows a sense of shape and color.
  • Inclusion in the composition of dry plants or leaves (floristry). Great material to complement the background. This type of work requires a preliminary stage of preparation, when, during a walk with the children, the educator collects the necessary natural material.

Stages and methodological methods of conducting a lesson

1. Preparation for the lesson (conducted twice a month for 15 minutes).

The informational and familiarization stage involves the awakening of children's interest in the depicted object, the study of its shape and color. Need to connect game moments stimulating curiosity, positive emotional reaction and activity. Motivating techniques can be the appearance of a toy character, reliance on a well-known fairy tale plot, demonstration of pictures, a musical pause, a surprise moment, acquaintance with new knowledge, personal artistry of the educator. It is important to develop the ability to concentrate attention and see an object, to produce its sensory (touch and vision) analysis.

2. The practical stage includes an explanation and demonstration by the educator step by step algorithm laying out and gluing blanks.

The working material, especially the details of colored paper, is bright and attractive, so it will scatter the attention of children and interfere with understanding the words of the teacher. It is advisable for younger preschoolers to distribute ready-made elements for gluing in closed paper bags after explaining the task. Use of common blanks in junior group prematurely, since children are not yet completely free to orient themselves in the color scheme and the variety of shapes of elements.

During the demonstration of the sequence of actions, the teacher clearly repeats the name of the color and shape several times, if necessary, emphasizes the features of the figure, then asks the children to repeat their words. Note that children can show freedom in choosing colors, choosing, for example, squares of the color that they like best. A demonstration is necessary to master and consolidate new techniques, so the teacher repeats and simultaneously pronounces the algorithm of actions until he is convinced that the children have understood everything and can independently perform the necessary operations. Explanations relate primarily to the sequence of use of parts and their location on a sheet of paper. A detailed demonstration and commenting on the actions are not needed if the children are already familiar with the performance technique, then the teacher uses the methods of demonstrating the sample and reminding the main points of the task. Children who experience difficulties in work, the teacher helps individually.

3. Independent work of children.

After carefully listening to the teacher's explanations, the children arrange the blanks on a sheet of paper (base) in accordance with the task. The teacher controls the correctness of the task and only after that glue appears on the tables, that is, before the process of attaching the forms to the base. In the future, everything necessary equipment, except for blanks, you can prepare on the desktops in advance.

4. Analysis and summing up.

The final stage of the lesson takes place in the form of an exhibition of children's works, the teacher teaches to accept their own and other people's successes with joy, conducts an analysis, accompanying him with praise for diligence and diligence, but from the second half school year(second junior group) it is necessary to draw the attention of children to the mistakes made, to focus on their correction.

Practical tasks

Summary of the lesson on the application on the topic "Mimosa Bouquet" - collective work in the first younger group

Purpose: to teach various techniques for working with paper (crumpling, rolling), as well as the method of attaching paper lumps to the base.

  • educate interest in the application;
  • to acquaint pupils with the process of making a collective application;
  • develop the ability to work in a team;
  • improve fine motor skills and imaginative thinking;
  • develop attention, memory, speech;
  • to consolidate the skills of working with a brush and glue;
  • develop an aesthetic and emotional perception of the results of their work and the work of their comrades.

Material: whatman paper, paints, yellow and blue napkins, tools and equipment.

1. Organizational part: a motivating conversation with children about the spring women's holiday and the desire to surprise and please mothers with a beautiful and an unusual gift, which will be a huge bouquet of flowers on paper.

2. Practical part: the educator explains and shows the technique of rolling lumps from colored paper squares that will make up the composition, recalls and demonstrates the correct handling of the brush, the method of gluing and spreading parts.


3. Independent work of children. The teacher works with the children, helps and prompts if necessary.

4. Summing up. The teacher praises the children for their efforts and rejoices with them at the created beauty of the paper bouquet.

Topics for classes on applications in the first junior group

« Ladybug»
(application using plasticine)
To teach children to tear off small lumps of plasticine from a large piece, roll them between their fingers, then gently stick them onto the finished form.
(collective application)
Creation collective composition from scraps of crumpled paper.
"Kolobok rolled along the forest path"
(application with drawing elements)
Creating an image of a kolobok from a cotton pad and sticking it on a track drawn with a felt-tip pen; development of perception; comparison of volumetric form and planar pattern.
"Patchwork Quilt"
(application of candy wrappers)
Creating an image of a patchwork quilt from beautiful candy wrappers: sticking candy wrappers on the base and drawing up a collective composition from individual works; mastering the concepts of "part" and "whole".
"Vase with Flowers"
(pasta appliqué with drawing elements, collective composition)
(application, laying out ready-made forms)
Compilation of a linear composition of flags, alternating in color or shape.
"Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan ..."
(break application)
Creation expressive images meadow flowers (yellow and white dandelions) in the technique of tear-off application, development of fine motor skills, synchronization of the movement of both hands.
"It's time to space" (3D application)Skill Improvement manual labor means of twisting paper into a tube, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
"Hedgehog" (application from threads)Encourage the development of fine motor skills. Strengthen the skills of working with glue.
"Leaves are falling" (application of leaves)Creation of a collective work in the genre of floristry, sticking dry leaves on the base.
"Christmas tree toy" (application from paper lumps)Improving the tear-off technique for creating applications, developing manual skills.
"Snowdrifts" (consignment note application using cotton pads)Creating a composition by sticking cotton pads on the base.
"Tablecloth for the table" (breaking application)Creating an image of a decorative tablecloth from pieces of colored paper: gluing parts onto the base; consolidation of the concept of "part" and "whole".
"Icicles" ( voluminous application from plasticine)To develop the ability of children to tear off small lumps of plasticine from a large piece, roll them between their fingers, then gently stick them onto the finished form.
The sun "(collective application)Creation of a collective application in palm technique.
"Balls" (3D appliqué using buttons)Development of fine motor skills, synchronization of the work of both hands, learning to distinguish between primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green). Materials: base sheet with drawn threads for balls, buttons of different colors and shapes.
A more complicated option involves the task of combining a thread and a ball of the same color.

Video: lesson on the application "Decorate the ladybug" in the first junior group

Applications made by pupils of the first junior group

Application "Mushroom" in bulk technique (buckwheat and rice) "Trucks" (gluing blanks) Application "Squirrel" (gluing the finished silhouette) Application from pasta "Basket with berries" "Goby" in the clipping technique "Buckets", decorated with a geometric ornament " Snowman" from paper balls "Teremok" "Bunny" from paper balls "Baskets with vegetables and fruits" "Santa Claus" using cotton "Ball" in the torn technique "Butterfly" "Mountains" in the torn technique Trees in the torn technique "Ladybug" » from crumpled paper "Daisies" from seeds and plasticine "Tumblers" Applications from poplar fluff "Balloons" from buttons "Rain" from torn paper "Engine" "Tea set" with a decorative pattern "Kolobok rolls along the path" - appliqué from crumpled paper "Vegetables on a plate" "Lamb" from cotton wool " Dymkovo toy” with a decorative pattern “Decorate the Christmas tree with toys” “Elegant ties” “Flag of Russia” from paper balls “Small mittens” “Mushroom” from threads “Blanket of candy wrappers”

Variants of practical tasks in the first junior group

"Autumn tree" - a collective application of dry maple leaves.


Draw the outlines of a tree on whatman paper; children in a drawing class can paint over it with paints. In the appliqué lesson, each child will glue their own leaflet with glue and stick it on the silhouette of a tree.

"A flower for mom" - a postcard from napkins.

Material: a quarter of cardboard, yellow and pink napkins, a pencil, appliqué tools.

  1. The teacher cuts the napkins into small squares.
  2. Children roll balls from pieces of napkins.
  3. The teacher circles with a simple pencil flower template.
  4. Children glue pink lumps on the silhouette of a flower.
  5. Glue the middle of the flower with yellow balls. Then the children glue the stem and leaf prepared by the teacher. The application is ready.

"Handkerchief with flowers"

Material: silhouettes of flowers from red and yellow paper, a sheet of paper.

Instruction: children decorate the base (standard sheet) with flowers, gluing silhouettes one at a time.

These are such beautiful handkerchiefs.

"Mushroom" - teamwork from grains

Developing conversation with riddles and poems about berries, the seeds of which will be used in the work (watermelon and melon), about useful and poisonous mushrooms.

Material: a sheet of colored paper with an outline white fungus, watermelon and melon seeds, woolen thread Green colour, glue, brush.


Video: "Flower for Mom" ​​(first junior group)

Practical tasks for the second junior group

Abstract of the lesson on the application "Flower-seven-flower" (second junior group)

Purpose: mastering the technical skills of gluing, placing and fixing individual elements of the material of the composition against the background.


  • Develop the ability to distinguish colors.
  • Learn to distinguish between images of the surrounding reality and fairy world fantasy.
  • With the help of a fascinating story, reading poems, original musical accompaniment, demonstrating interesting illustrations on the topic, awaken the imagination, stimulate the creative initiative of children and invite them to embody the image of a magical flower in the form of an application using bright details.


  • To continue acquaintance of pupils with the art of making a subject application.
  • To develop such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to confidently use a glue brush, carefully coat the parts and glue, following the correct sequence of actions.


  • Create a comfortable emotional atmosphere, cultivate goodwill and a desire to help comrades.
  • To form a reverent and caring attitude towards nature, to teach to notice and appreciate the beauty and originality of the world around.

Materials and equipment: illustrations for the book by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower", landscape sheet for the base, prepared elements for application (multi-colored petals), glue, brush, rag, oilcloth, tray.

1. Introductory conversation.

The teacher asks the children about what season it is (spring) and asks them to answer questions related to the signs of the spring awakening of nature (the sun is shining, birds are flying, flowers are blooming, etc.).

There is a magical flower in the world that lives in the world of the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" and can fulfill any desire, one has only to cast a spell, tearing off one of the petals.

Followed by short story about the kind girl Zhenya, in whose hands this mysterious flower turned out to be and how she disposed of the last petal, about her desire associated with friendship and the desire to save her new friend from trouble.

The teacher invites the children to construct an image of a wonderful flower from multi-colored paper parts.

Finger gymnastics.

2. Practical part.

The teacher shows the petals and names the colors, explains the sequence of work and the technique of gluing parts (how to hold the brush correctly, brush the edges of the part with a brush, blot it with a cloth when attaching to the base).

3. The work of children, during which the teacher recalls the sequence of gluing, praises and encourages pupils and helps children who still find it difficult to cope with the task on their own.

4. Summing up.

Exhibition gallery for parents and guests of the group.

Guys, we got a beautiful bouquet, let's enjoy this beauty and thank each other. Children look at the work and enjoy the result.

Topics for applique classes in the second junior group

Theme and materialTasks
"Preparations for the winter" (vegetables and fruits)The child learns to glue blanks (circles are noticeably 4–5 cm in diameter and ovals 3x7 cm in size of red, green, yellow color) on the basis, imitating the sample.
Game plot: to help mom put vegetables or fruits into jars, you can complicate the task by offering to sort by shape, color or fruit-vegetable principle.
"Pyramid", "Tumbler"Development of color perception and skills of sequential placement of figures of different diameters in the logic of spatial thinking ( big circle- the base of the pyramid, decreasing - alternately line up on top).
Material: half a standard sheet, five circles of different colors with a diameter of 5 to 1 cm.
For the "Tumbler", respectively, two circles with a diameter of 6 and 4 cm, two circles with a diameter of 2 cm of the same color and a white circle with a diameter of 3 cm.
"Caterpillar"The content of the lesson: glue sequentially in a row, without overlapping each other, on a narrow strip, circles of the same size and color with a diameter of 2 cm. Game plot: watch the movements of the caterpillar with the children on a walk, and in the lesson offer to design caterpillars girlfriends.
« Circus show» Learning to combine contours based on (half of a standard sheet) and blanks (circles of different sizes) by color. Motivational moment: watch an excerpt of a circus performance in video format or visit a circus, show a toy (elephant, bear), which will be the main character of the scenario idea of ​​the lesson.
"Herringbone", "Snowman"Learn to observe proportionality (from larger to smaller) and develop spatial thinking (top-bottom).
Materials: the fourth part of a standard sheet, triangles with a base-to-height ratio of 6x2, 5x2.5, 4x2 cm, blue and red circles.
Preparatory stage: on a walk, consider a live Christmas tree, touch, smell, recite a poem in class, listen to a song, fold a Christmas tree from geometric elements of the designer.
"Christmas garland"Development of skills of rhythmic alternation of blanks in shape and color.
Material: half of a standard sheet (A4) with a traced outline of the thread on which the figures (red and blue circles) for the garland will be strung.
"Gift for Winnie the Pooh"
(rug with geometric patterns and fringes)
Teaching the ability to alternate circles and triangles of different colors in the center of a wide base (15x25 cm) with prepared incisions in the form of a fringe 3 cm deep.
Game episode: Piglet is going to Winnie the Pooh's birthday, and asks the guys to prepare a gift. Can use toys fairy tale characters for dramatization, watch an excerpt from a cartoon or tell an imaginary dialogue between the main characters.
"Giraffe Scarf"Train the skills of alternating geometric shapes (a circle and a square of different colors or shapes of the same color but different shapes) along the edges of the base. Plot legend: Mother giraffe (show a toy or a picture) is worried about the health of her son, who goes to visit a familiar penguin on North Pole. So that he does not freeze, does not catch a cold, remains cheerful and cheerful and has fun in winter fun, skiing and skating, she asks the guys to make a scarf for her son.
"Painted Plates"Decoration of the base with a decorative pattern of circles of different colors and diameters, arranged in a certain rhythmic sequence in the form of a mosaic along the edge and in the center.
"Decorative napkin" (handkerchief)Making a napkin (base) with a decorative mosaic ornament of geometric shapes, which are located around the perimeter and in the center.
"Birdhouse", "House"Introductory part: talk about bird houses, feeders, show photos, slide shows.
Purpose: to learn to combine from separate parts, details (square, triangle, circle a solid object (house), while following the correct gluing sequence, to consolidate knowledge of basic geometric shapes.
Materials: half of a standard sheet with a painted tree silhouette, blank parts, tools.
"Bus", "Trailer"To consolidate the concept of geometric shapes (square and circle), train the skills of placing and gluing parts. Material: the fourth part of a standard sheet, a large square 5x9 cm, three small squares 2x2 cm, two circles with a diameter of 2 cm.
Motivational moments: playing with cars, showing illustrations, observing while walking.

Video: NOD "Birds Have Arrived" (second junior group)

Applications made by pupils of the second junior group

"Bunny" and "Bear" made of geometric shapes "Kolobok" A car with windows and wheels glued to the finished silhouette " gold fish» using pasta Mushrooms from circles "Rocket flies into space" "Starling house" "Pyramid" "Rhythmic gymnastics" in the geometric technique "Figure skating" "Christmas tree" in the geometric style "Bouquet for mom" "Balloons"
"Chicken" from napkins using the trimming technique Easter eggs from napkins "Hedgehog with an apple" from threads Teddy bear and a cat Man from geometric shapes "House under the snow" Fish from paper rosettes for cookies "Chicken" flower composition"Snowman" from cotton balls "Clock Tower" "Chicken" Eternal flame» “Clothing store” “Circus performance” “Preparations for the winter” “Fruits on a plate” “Caterpillar” “Hat for a doll” “Vegetables in a saucepan” “Ship” from geometric shapes and balls from napkins “Tree” in the torn technique “Bird” » in bulk technique from cereals “Duckling” “Bus” with overhead windows and wheels “Sailboat” “Rainbow” in mosaic technique “Flower from triangles” “Rocket” from triangles and squares “Bunny with a carrot” from cotton wool “Service” with geometric pattern "Handkerchief" with a geometric pattern "Snail" from circles "Traffic light" "Pedestrian crossing" from paper balls "Flag of Russia" from stripes "Dandelion" from a napkin

Natalia Konovalova
Synopsis of GCD on art activities (application) in the second junior group "Autumn Carpet"

Topic: « autumn carpet» .


Target: creation autumn carpets of leaves of different colors (red, yellow, green) and different sizes (big and small) in class on applications.

educational: to consolidate the skills of carefully spreading leaves with glue and gluing finished forms.

Educational: develop imagination, orientation on a sheet of paper; the ability to select, distinguish and name objects of yellow, green and red color.

Educational: to evoke in children an emotional attitude to natural phenomena.

Methods and techniques: listening piece of music, conversation, surprise moment, examination of demonstration material, remind about the rules of working with glue.

preliminary work: viewing illustrations on the topic « Autumn» , monitoring autumn nature, viewing and drawing autumn leaves , reading the story of M. Prishvin "Leaf fall", learning nursery rhymes "Rain, more rain!", lyrics by A. Pleshcheev « Autumn has come...» , V. Orlov "Yellow mice", K. Balmont « Autumn» , riddles about autumn and conversations on topics: "Hello autumn golden, What was the leaf thinking about when it flew from the tree?.

Materials and equipment.

For the educator: audio recording of a work by P. I. Tchaikovsky "October" from the cycle "Seasons", musical phonograms, demonstration material "Seasons", baskets, leaves, drawing paper.

For kids: leaves, glue, brush, oilcloth, napkin.

GCD progress.

Paper leaves of three colors are scattered on the floor (green, red, yellow).

caregiver: Guys, look how many leaves and how different they are. What happened? Why do you think they started to fall off?

Children's answers. (It has come autumn) .

caregiver: Guys, look, how many of them are here?

Children's answers. (A lot of).

caregiver: It turned out to be a real leaf fall.

That's autumn, leaf fall.

Yellow leaves are flying.

Red leaves are flying

Right under the feet of the guys.

What are we going to do with them? What do you think?

Children's answers.

caregiver: The wind scattered the leaves. Maybe we can collect them?

Children's answers.

caregiver: How are we going to do it?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Guys, look what I have.

Puts baskets of three colors in front of the children, specifying their color with the children (yellow, red, green) and invites the children to arrange the leaves in baskets by color.

The children lay out the leaves.

The game "Find the same color".

What do we have in the group is red? Yellow? Green?

The teacher asks:

What do we have in group do you have the same color? (shows a red card).

The children move along group looking for red items.

What do we have in group is green? (shows a green leaf).

What do we have in yellow? (shows a yellow card).

The game "Time Machine Journey".

The teacher shows pictures with the seasons and reads quatrains, and the children call them.

It's very hot at this time

The sun shines brightly in the sky

Butterflies fly

When does it happen? (Summer).

Guys, how do we dress in the summer?

What color are the leaves on the trees?

What do we like to do in summer?

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

When does it happen? (autumn) .

How nature is changing autumn?

Guys, what are the signs autumn you know?

Children's answers. (There are clouds in the sky, it is raining, the wind is blowing, it is cold, the leaves on the trees are yellow and red, leaf fall, birds fly away to warm lands).

caregiver: But how with the help of music conveys the arrival autumn composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Listening to a work by P. I. Tchaikovsky "October" from the cycle "Seasons".

Guys, what did you hear in this music?

Children's answers.

Phonogram "Cry of Cranes Flying South".

caregiver: Guys, listen, what is this?

Children: Calls of birds.

caregiver: Why are they screaming?

Children: They fly to warmer climes.

caregiver: Let's say goodbye to them until spring and wave after them.

Phonogram "Wind started to blow".

caregiver: Let's close our eyes and listen to the wind. The wind blew, lifted the leaves and swirled.

mobile game "We are leaves".

We are leaves autumn, sat on the branches Children squat

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And quietly sat down on the ground Children squat

The wind came up again

And lifted all the leaves. Children get up

Turned them around, circled them Children are spinning in place

And dropped to the ground. Children squat

caregiver: Do you hear someone rustling? Let's go and see.

Children find a pile of leaves.

caregiver: Who can hide under the leaves? Let's see.

In the dense forest under the trees,

strewn with leaves,

Lies a ball with needles,

Spiny and alive.

Children find a hedgehog under a pile of leaves.

The teacher, together with the children, examines the hedgehog, offers to touch it, stroke it, only carefully.

caregiver: Guys, why do you think he turned out to be with us?

Children's answers.

- The hedgehog is very sad and sad.

Or maybe he got lost?

Or maybe he doesn’t have beautiful leaves in the forest, and he came to us to admire them?

So what could have happened?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Yes, a strong wind came up, tore off all the leaves from the trees, swirled them and carried them away. And the hedgehog really likes gold autumn. So he came to visit us.

Let's please him and read poems about autumn.

Autumn golden yellow leaves

Sunny days Cheerfully rustle.

Birds fly away In bright clothes

south until spring. The garden is dressed up.

caregiver: Well done boys! The hedgehog really liked the poems.

Guys, do you think we can help the hedgehog?

Let's make a gift for the hedgehog?

And what will we give him as a gift?

Let's do it for the hedgehog « Carpet of autumn leaves» , colorful and beautiful.

Will we succeed?

Children's answers.

But how do we attach the leaves to our carpet?

That's right, we'll stick them.

Collective applique.

Children sit around autumn carpet.

The teacher shows how to spread the leaf with glue and stick it.

caregiver: We take the leaves, spread them with glue, find a place on the carpet for our leaflet, glue it and press it down with a napkin.

Leaves in children of different colors (red, yellow, green) and different sizes (big and small).

1 high level - 6 leaves (2 red, 2 yellow, 2 green,

2 middle level - 5 leaves (2 red, 2 yellow, 1 green,

3 low level- 4 leaves (1 red, 2 yellow, 1 green).

The children glue the papers.

Sounds like a background music.

At the end of the work, the children wipe their hands with a cloth.

Lesson results: the teacher at the end of the lesson individually notes each child (carefully glued the leaves, quickly completed the work, did better than last time, correctly collected the leaves by color, pasted a lot of leaves, read poetry very well, remembered various signs autumn, circled like a real leaflet, etc.).

caregiver: It turned out very beautiful carpet. Let's our we will give a carpet to a hedgehog and let him also admire autumn beauty.

The guys show the hedgehog carpet of leaves.

caregiver: Hedgehog liked the carpet, and he decided to thank us and also prepared a gift.

Full basket, guess what: Very fragrant,

Fluffy, smooth.

Juicy, big.

What it is? (Apple).

That's right, guys, the hedgehog brought a full basket of ripe, juicy, healthy apples. Let's thank him and invite him to stay with us today.

And now, we will wash our hands and try the treat.

Puppet show"At the Gnome" for children early age(from 1 year to 3 years)

Repina Vera Andreevna, music director, MBDOU No. 22 "Eaglet", the city of Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region.

Material Description: The shortest way to emotional liberation of a child, removal of tightness, teaching sensuality and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity.
Theatrical activities in kindergarten allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil.

Target: develop a steady interest in theatrical gaming activities.

Tasks: To form interest in theatrical games, which develops in the process of watching real puppet shows.

Host - music director

Bunny with carrots;
Hedgehog with a basket and apples;
Bear with a barrel of candy;
yellow leaves;
Screen for theatrical performance.

Entertainment progress:

I got up in the morning, went out into the forest
All the forest people have disappeared.
Don't play, don't sing
The Gnome is not invited to visit.
What happened? Why?
I don't understand anything.

(Bunny runs out)
Hello Bunny, how are you?
And where are you coming from?
Why in your forest
Can't I find anyone?

Autumn, Gnome, has come to us
She took everyone with her
To the fields, to the gardens
There's a lot of work out there
Minks need to be insulated
And stock up on groceries
Eat a CARROT, I treat you
Goodbye, I'm running away.

Bunny said right:
Autumn has come
Decorated the foliage
Washed everyone with rain
I need to call the hedgehog
I want to know from him:
What is he doing, how does he live?
Let him come to us now
(includes a Hedgehog with a basket of apples or cones)

Hello Gnome! And the guests too
Congratulate everyone Hedgehog is happy
And with a good harvest
And with a ruddy loaf
Take a treat
Feed all the kids

Well done my old friend!
Get out in the circle
We will dance for the guests
Beat your hands more cheerfully.
(Everyone clap, Dwarf and Hedgehog dance to the r.n. melody)

I'll call Toptyzhka now,
Fidget, rascal.
Let him enter this garden
And look at the guys.
(Bear enters with a barrel of candy)

Hello Misha! Don't be shy.
Come forward be bold
What's in the barrel? Do you carry honey?
Well you live.

There is no honey. No need to be sad
I will treat everyone with chocolate.
Accept my gift
Well, I'm in a hurry to go home.

Treats are all for you.
Goodbye, I'm leaving.
I will visit you in winter.

It is difficult for kids in a regular theater to sit still. A dark room, a deep armchair, from where you can't see anything, and your favorite characters are high on the stage - you can't reach out, you can't talk ... How about an interactive theater? One where you can freely move around the hall, get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We have compiled our list of interactive theaters for kids from 1 to 3 years old.

"The First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and child psychologists, the creators of the First Theater came up with their own principle of performances for young spectators. There is no stage or auditorium, actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space for performance and play, where you can enter, crawl in and run in, and, if you wish, look from the side. The scenes of the First Theater are short and capacious. Simple plots are taken as a basis - the change of seasons and weather, the sea, snow and others - "Water", "First Snow", "Snail", "Nutcracker". Toddlers observe the phenomena of the world around them and participate in them. The First Theater also has puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because it is important for kids to see something familiar. By the way, performances are played almost without words, because not all kids still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts for each spectator at the end of the performances. A piece of ice, a starlight or a shell with a song of the sea.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price: from 1500 r. adult+child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Bell House"

This is a family chamber theater in a bright and modern space, which is open near the playground in the Garden. Bauman. Almost every performance at the Fanny Bell House provides an opportunity for children and parents to become part of it. Plots at the heart of the performances classical literature and unique ideas that arose from the directors of the directing team. Auditorium designed for only 50 people. Plays during performances live music and the actors are on the same level as the audience. Toddlers don't have to lift their heads to see their favorite characters on stage. The play "Port", for example, will tell about the incredible adventures of a white Tiger cub in a Mediterranean port. There will be a revived port, and giraffe cranes, and magic tricks with shadows accompanied by live music. And in the play "The Caterpillar", sitting on a soft green carpet, the kids get to know and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of turning a nondescript worm into one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age: from 2.5 years
Address: st. Staraya Basmannaya, 15
Price: from 750 rubles

"Together with Mom"

Together with mom, this is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Jazz and classical music, English lessons, tours of Moscow museums and children's interactive performances. At the performances of the Theater for Kids, you can touch the characters and talk to them, sit quietly on the floor or actively participate. In every performance there is an opportunity for tactile impressions, such as sand or water. The roles are played by professional actors, and live music helps children immerse themselves in a fairy tale. The names of the performances speak for themselves - "How the worms saved the spring", "How the parrot learned to be friends" and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 r. adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and + 300 rubles. another adult or child
Schedule and ticket booking


This is not just a theater, but a whole program for the development of the baby. All performances line up in a unique line of development. Directors, actors and child psychologists take part in the creation of performances. At the beginning of the puppet show (which lasts 30-40 minutes), the actors play for fifteen minutes so that the kids can get used to it. During the performance, there will also be a lot of opportunities to interact with the characters, answering questions, connecting to interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in "Poteshki" are familiar to almost every kid - "Three Little Pigs", "Teremok", "Geese Swans". That's why they are good.

Age: from 1 year
Address: Kedrova st., 14 building 3, Children's cinema "Salyut", st. Zemlyanoy Val, 27str.3, recreation center "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 r.

"Living fairy tale"

All spectators who came to the performance, from young to old, take an active part in what is happening. Professional theater actors Living fairy tale” are trying to convey all the kindest and fairest, accumulated over the centuries in the folklore of different peoples. Now there are two fairy tales for kids in the repertoire - "The Three Little Pigs", "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances “Like a kitten was looking for a mother” and “Nikanor the duckling”.

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: SEC RIO (2nd km of MKAD) 4th floor, SEC Vegas (24th km of MKAD) -1 floor
Price: 600 r.

"Theatre in the palm of your hand"

The Baby Theater at the Moscow Puppet Theater on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the little ones based on different seasons. Shows are 45 minutes long. “In spring” children launch boats in the stream, in “Winter” they touch snowflakes and ice floes, in “Summer” they play carrot pipes, and in “Autumn” they pick mushrooms in the forest.

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theatre, Spartakovskaya street, 26/30
Price: 800 r.
Poster and other information


In that interactive theater children become the main participants in all performances and help the heroes unravel the most tangled stories. For the smallest in the repertoire, there are performances “Toy Bureau” (spectators enter the toy workshop and repair all broken toys together with the wizard), “Visiting the Wizard” (you have to cast a spell on your favorite characters), “Paints” about how to reconcile between all colors. And many others. Children sit separately from adults, and at the end they arrange a pillow fight.
Age: from 2-3 years

Address: st. Zemlyanoy Val, 33 SEC ATRIUM -1 floor
Price: from 600 rubles