Interactive museum theater on Taganka. Opening of an interactive museum in the Taganka Theater

An interactive museum dedicated to Yuri Lyubimov has been opened at the Taganka Theater. He dreamed of making a memorial zone out of his office, and the theater fulfilled the wish of the founding father.

There is no need to tell theater-goers about what Lyubimov's office is like. All walls from floor to ceiling are covered with autographs of famous contemporaries. Vladimir Vysotsky, Tonino Guerra, Robert Redford, Arthur Miller, Anna Magnani, Laurence Olivier, Andrei Tarkovsky, Yuri Trifonov, Mikhail Gorbachev...


When Yuri Petrovich first came to Taganka, he was offered a bright, cheerful room. But, as the director himself recalled, he preferred another - gloomy, dark, where the sun never looked. The roof constantly leaked, repairs were needed ... Now Lyubimov's office has been restored. The ceiling was painted, the parquet was cycled, the rest remained the same. A sofa with pillows, a piano with dolls resembling Lyubimov, Vysotsky, Filatov, Zolotukhin, made by prop artist Vitaly Prusakov. One of the most valuable items - Vysotsky's guitar - still hangs from the ceiling. It's hard to reach her.

But it is not forbidden to touch the touch-panels installed in the foyer of the first floor. With their help, the audience can get behind the scenes, visit the props and stylization workshops, decoration workshops, dressing rooms, dressing rooms, as well as look through the pages of the history of the theater and its inhabitants. Taganka has nothing to hide.

True, access to Lyubimov’s office will be limited, but in order for all viewers to feel its extraordinary atmosphere without exception, the management decided to resort to help modern technologies. In the foyer of the second floor, autographs will be played using video projection. And the authors of the wall inscriptions themselves will share their memories of Taganka, its artists and creator.

“I have repeatedly been in the office of Yuri Petrovich and knew those who signed there,” said Yury Smirnov, an old-timer of Taganka, to Izvestia. - Only the great and brilliant could write on the walls. Even Raul Castro was noted there.

For 15 minutes that lasts virtual tour around the office, the main milestones in the history of the theater will flash before the audience. The first sightseers were fans of Yuri Petrovich, who came to the theater on the day of the 100th anniversary of the master. They stood in a long line for tickets.

According to theater director Irina Apeksimova, both in Soviet and post-Soviet commercial times, Taganka Lyubimova was famous for low prices. And now he is not going to change this tradition. This ticket also cost a symbolic ruble.

Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov, main director, Master, who will forever remain the founder and soul of Taganka. He gave birth to the character of the Theatre. He was able to piece performances together like puzzle pieces, creating great productions, many of which can still be seen on the legendary stage. A lot of things on Taganka were formed by Lyubimov for a long time, carrying the historical value of the formation of the Theater, preserving which today the Taganka Theater is an Interactive Museum.

central link interactive museum will become the office of the famous director. Even during his lifetime, Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov dreamed that his office would become "that very memorial zone." “At first they offered me another, more cheerful, bright room for an office. And I chose this one: gloomy, dark, where the sun never looks, ”the director repeatedly liked to repeat.

The exposition of the office presents memorial exhibits - furniture, piano, table lamps, Vladimir Vysotsky's guitar, Lyubimov's books and, of course, its walls, covered from floor to ceiling with autographs of famous people. The beginning of this tradition was laid by Andrei Voznesensky, writing on the wall: "All goddesses are like toadstools in front of women from Taganka." The tradition was continued by Andrei Tarkovsky, Arthur Miller, Laurence Olivier, Vladimir Putin, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Mikhail Shemyakin, Ernst Neizvestny, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Sergei Parajanov, Georgy Daneliya and many others. Almost the entire history of Taganka is recorded on the walls of Lyubimov's office. But there is too little space in the cozy office of the Master, and it will not be enough to show it to everyone. Therefore, the legendary office was transferred to the spacious foyer of the second floor, where, before the eyes of the audience, the famous autographs will “come to life” with the help of modern technologies, telling the history of the Theatre.

The main attention of the exposition is given to its interactive component. With the help of touch-panels, visitors will be able to access virtual tour, looking into all the shops of the Theater. In addition to the virtual overview, interactive content will be filled with information about the history of the Theatre, about legendary performances, as well as about the actors of the famous troupe. To get acquainted, it will be enough to touch the image of the actor or the poster of the performance of interest.

At the end of the festive program, Taganka will show the play “ kind person from Sezuan", from which the history of the famous Theater began.

The theater will open its doors to the Interactive Zone at 17:00.

At 19:00 on the Main Stage of the Theater there will be a performance of the play "The Good Man from Sezuan".

At the end of September there was Grand opening Theater on Taganka. The theater reopened after restoration work was carried out. Before the restoration began, according to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the building was in very poor condition, almost in disrepair: the roof was leaking in several places, the installation of water pipes was difficult, there was a failure in the foyer, etc. Restoration work famous theater started in 2015.

The opening of the theater after repairs to the anniversary of Lyubimov

September 30, 2017 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous director Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov. The Taganka Theater, which has been repaired and opened to visitors for a little more than a century by this time. Serious work was carried out to restore the entrance group, roof and facade. In the foyer of the theater there is an interactive composition in memory of the famous Soviet and Russian director.

Experts noted that a lot of effort was spent on restoring the technical equipment of the small and large stages of the Taganka Theater. At the same time, all engineering and mechanical elements were replaced, and in auditorium craftsmen have worked on the restoration of wood paneling. The theater building now fully complies with fire safety requirements. In addition, the installation of water purification has been completed.

interactive museum

By the centenary of Lyubimov, they decided to open an interactive museum. He was fully dedicated to the theater director, recognized as the most outstanding in the history of the Taganka Theater. It was decided to make the office of the famous director the central element of such an interactive exhibition.

Each visitor of this exhibition will be able to look at books, table lamps, piano furniture, which are witnesses of Lyubimov's creativity. Here in the office there is Vladimir Vysotsky's guitar. The walls of the office of the great theater director covered with a huge number of autographs of famous personalities.

In the foyer of the Taganka Theater on the second floor, it was also decided to revive the walls of the office. When arranging such virtual museum experts decided to use special touch panels. With their help, visitors will have access to a virtual journey not only through the building of the famous theater itself, but also a journey into its history in order to get to know the actors and performances better. It was decided to make such an interactive exposition permanent, and therefore it is available to visitors at any time.

Thanks to Young Actors

During the opening of the theater after restoration work, Sobyanin talked with young actors. They thanked the mayor for the restoration of the theater and for the increased attention that is now being paid to the cultural sector by the Moscow authorities.

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General information about the project

Initial data

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of director Yuri Lyubimov, Polymedia created an interactive museum at the Moscow Taganka Theater. The museum combines a circular projection on the walls of the foyer and a virtual interactive tour of the theater. September 30, birthday Yuri Petrovich Lyubimov, the Taganka Theater hosted a festive opening of the interactive museum, and on September 29 the theater was attended Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

Project implementation

The central exposition of the museum was a complex of 12 projectors, transmitting a solid image to the walls of the foyer - a specially created circular video dedicated to the founder of the Taganka Theater - Yuri Lyubimov. A unique place in the theater is the office Lyubimova. It was visited during the life of the director Andrei Tarkovsky, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vladimir Putin, Arthur Miller, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Bella Akhmadulina, Evgeny Yevtushenko and many others famous people. All of them left paintings on the walls of the office. This tradition was started Andrei Voznesensky from the entry:

All goddesses are like toadstools in front of women from Taganka

To make the murals available to the public, Polymedia engineers proposed to digitize and transfer all the recordings to the theater lobby. On the walls of the foyer, the murals come to life, and their author tells his story of meeting Yuri Lyubimov and his theatre. This formed the basis for the concept of a documentary 10-minute video installation, the main action of which takes place in the legendary office Yuri Lyubimov. At the beginning of the video, the director's room is enlarged to the size of a foyer, and the viewer is given the illusion that he is in the same office. Underway story line light from a flashlight. Lanterns were the main tool Yuri Lyubimov. With the help of them, he interacted with his artists even during performances. "Green" light meant that everything is fine, "red" - there will be a rehearsal, and "white" was the color of all sorts of mysterious signs that only the director and his actors could understand.

The second element of the opened museum is interactive kiosks located in different parts of the theatre. With their help, guests of the Taganka Theater can go on a virtual panoramic tour of the building with access to rooms closed to ordinary visitors: dressing rooms, dressing rooms, workshops, various workshops and other parts of the theater. This is the peculiarity of the exposition and its value for the viewer. Theater visitors can take a virtual look into the office Yuri Lyubimov or dressing room Vladimir Vysotsky, get information about the history of the theater, its troupe and repertoire, as well as listen to an audio performance in 5 languages.