Where is the Green Museum in Crimea. Virtual Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Grin

Memorial House-Museum of A. S. Grin

The house-museum of A. S. Green in Stary Krym is included, this is the house in which he spent recent months Alexander Stepanovich Grin (1880–1932), a wonderful prose writer, mystic and romantic, lived his life, and after that his widow Nina Nikolaevna lived, who preserved for us the touching atmosphere of modest rooms - witnesses of tragic events.

The Greens moved to Stary Krym from Feodosia in November 1930. They lived in rented apartments. Once Alexander Stepanovich said: "Ninusha, we should change our apartment. I'm tired of this dark corner, I want space for my eyes ...".

In June 1932, Nina Nikolaevna exchanged her gold watch for a house, which the writer bought and presented to her beloved in 1927, having received an advance payment for the collected works sold to Wolfson. Later, Green's widow recalled: "And the watch gave me the opportunity to make the last gift to Alexander Stepanovich - to let him die in his house, which he dreamed about for so long and fruitlessly and enjoyed so briefly."

In Stary Krym, Green completed his autobiographical essays and began writing the novel "Touchless". But the novel was not completed - the writer was seriously ill and soon died. On his grave, in the city cemetery, next to the tombstone - as a monument to a dream - there is a figure of a woman running on the waves (sculptor T. Gagarina).

Through the efforts of Nina Nikolaevna in 1934, a memorial room for A. S. Green was opened in this house, but she dreamed of state museum. In 1940, a letter came from the People's Commissariat of Education, in which consent was given to the creation of the museum and the date of its opening was set - on the 10th anniversary of the writer's death.

In the autumn of 1941, the German army entered Stary Krym, and in 1945 Grin's widow was arrested and exiled. The house was left unattended. In 1956, Nina Nikolaevna returned to Stary Krym, finding other people's tenants in the house and terrible devastation.

The struggle began to return home and create in it memorial museum. The widow was supported by the writers of Russia and Ukraine. In March 1960, Nina Nikolaevna wrote in a letter to M. Novikova: "... The key and the warrant for the house are in my hands ... Now I will make Alexander Stepanovich's corner for myself, for people, for the future."

In May 1960, the memorial room of the writer was opened, in 1964 the house became a branch of Feodosia local history museum, in 1971 it was transferred to the Feodosia Literary and Memorial Museum of A. S. Grin, then included in the Stary Krym reserve. Later it becomes a branch of the Historical and Literary Museum, and since 2001 it has been part of the Cimmeria M.A. Voloshin Reserve.

To save the last shelter of the beloved writer, K. G. Paustovsky, whose museum is now located on the same street as Grinovsky, did a lot in his time. "Green's romance was simple, cheerful, brilliant. It aroused in people the desire for a varied life, full of risk and a sense of high, a life characteristic of explorers, sailors and travelers," he wrote in the story "The Black Sea".

– memorial house-museum famous writer Alexander Sergeevich Green (Grinevsky), where the writer lived in 1924-1929 in,. It opened in 1970, 4 years after the decision to create it was made. Worked on it famous artist and architect Savva Brodsky.

In part, the museum is a restored life of the writer, on the other hand, the entourage largely refers to the works. Anchor at oak doors, rooms stylized as ship cabins and holds from stories Alexandra Green. Each room has its own name.

In the "Country of Greenland" there is a relief map-panel on the wall, which is recreated according to the writer's work with the greatest accuracy. "Hold Frigate" helps to feel more fully maritime theme: woven shrouds soaked in the sea, silhouettes of ships on the walls, lanterns near the ceiling, and a portrait of the writer hangs above the door. The “Cabin of Wanderings” will tell about the youth of Alexander, about what most influenced his life and mind in the language of the exhibits. The "clipper" room is so named because of the beautiful layout of the sailing clipper "Aurora" from "Reno Island" hanging on the wall, the author of the model is Igor Rodionov. This has its significance, because this ship was the first that Green described in his works. The "Rostral Room" can be very surprising - the bow of the ship floats right through the wall at the visitors - a rostrum, from the bowsprit of which hangs a model of the ship "Secret" with scarlet sails. The last room - "Captain's Cabin" - as if recreated from the novel "Running on the Waves".

This is a very popular place in the artistic environment, not only writers, but also painters, musicians hold their meetings in the rooms of the museum, temporary exhibitions and expositions are created, there are also permanent ones, for example, “Green and Modernity”.

Address: Galereinaya street, 10. You can walk from the School No. 2 stop or from Kuibyshev street, where minibuses 1, 14, 15, 2, 2A run and stop on demand. From the railway station along Aivazovsky Avenue to the north to Galereinaya.

Attraction photo: Alexander Grin Museum

Taurida is not only a wonderful place for resort and educational tours. She has preserved traces of the stay of many great or very famous people, because Russians have been resting here for several centuries. Thanks to this, in addition to historical tourism, event travel is also practiced here. It is designed to acquaint vacationers with the places of life and activities of once popular people. Stores such places and Stary Krym. The Green House Museum is the clearest confirmation of this.

Where is the museum located in Stary Krym?

The point for a rather curious excursion is located in the geographical center of the Old Crimea - on the street. Karl Liebknecht. More precisely - between and the Old Bulgarian cemetery.

House Museum on the map of Crimea

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The history of the attraction

The biography of the institution is rooted in the building itself, where it is located. The fact is that this house is the only one that was owned by Alexander Grinevsky, who signed his works with the pseudonym “A. Green."

The building was purchased from the villagers in May 1932 by Alexander Stepanovich's wife. became too expensive for the Grinevskys, who at that time were starving and sick. This address was already the fourth - finally, the house was not rented, but purchased - for an expensive wrist watch.

The building has retained its "spirit" and decoration through the efforts of the same N.N. Grinevskaya, she was able to defend the rights to him even in harsh years Hitler's occupation. In 1970, after the death of the mistress, the state inherits the household according to her will. The status of a writer's museum, into which, in fact, it was turned back by Grinevskaya, the house received the very next year.

And in the “new Russian” period of the peninsula, this address became known as the A. S. Grin Memorial House-Museum. Officially, it is part of the Koktebel Reserve of Ecology, History and Culture "Cimmeria Voloshin".

Features of visiting the Alexander Grin Museum

Green's house-museum in Stary Krym is a whitewashed house with a tiled roof. He hid in the shade of a spacious and picturesque garden. "Drowned" in the thickets of grapes and surrounded on all sides by flowers, the last abode of the "marine romance" finally gave him peace and long-awaited peace: he missed them so much in his long wanderings, creative and political searches. The exposition consists of two small rooms.

The first is the writer's study, which is also the bedroom. By the window, the visitor sees an iron bed, lovingly dressed with white linen, which served as a hospital couch for Green during the most tragic stage of his illness. There is also a card table with everything you need - the workspace of a prose writer, where more than fifty literary plots. bedside rug long years badger skin served,
and as a chronometer - a small table clock. In this room, Green got acquainted with his published "Autobiographical Tale" and died quietly on July 8, 1932.

The second “hall” is the bedroom of the wife of the great writer, which over time has been turned into an exhibition of old photographs, copies and originals of some manuscripts, books and publications. All this is dedicated to Grin's life and work in the Crimea in the period 1928-1929, as well as meetings with friends, for example, Paustovsky, in 1930. It turns out that Alexander Stepanovich loved the sea and the mushroom forest on Mount Agarmysh.

Green's House Museum is an institution where literary evenings, creative meetings, exhibitions of local artists. Group tours are often held here for local schoolchildren, because at the end of his life Alexander Grin became their famous fellow countryman. Sometimes in the premises of this landmark of the Old Crimea, you can become a participant or spectator of an interesting concert program. In them, every year, the informal holiday of Raising the Scarlet Sails "noises".

How to get to the house-museum?

Getting to the museum is not difficult. The R-23 road leads from Feodosia to Stary Krym. In the city itself, it turns into Chapaev Street. Before reaching the gas station "South-Oil", you should turn onto the street. Crimean. Turn right at the sixth turn.

If you are better guided by the map, then we offer a route on how to get to the House-Museum of Green in Stary Krym from Feodosia:

Open map

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Karl Liebknecht street, 52, Stary Krym, Kirovsky district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.025644, 35.082705.
  • Phone: +7-36555-5-11-19.
  • Official website: http://grinworld.org/
  • Working hours: from 9:00 to 17:00, Monday is a day off.
  • Prices for visiting: for adults - 200, for students - 75, for pensioners - 90 rubles.

The Green's House Museum in Stary Krym is an attraction, which is devoted to a lot of reviews on various tourist sites, including on the resource of the institution itself. Of particular delight is the gallery of original manuscripts of Alexander Stepanovich. Several rooms of the rural house are saturated with an unusual atmosphere that everyone who has associative-figurative thinking could feel. It remains to be added that in addition to holding various events, they also teach gifted children! A video is attached to the material written above.



Virtual Literary and Memorial Museum of Alexander Grin

The sound is great-
Green's name
a world of fiction and truth,
shining world, world
cradle and necropolis
quiet house, old
Nikolay Tarasenko

In 2018, it will be 138 years since the birth of Alexander Grin, the writer who created "a world of fiction and truth, a shining world, good world". "Alexander Grin is a sunny writer and, despite a difficult fate, happy, because through all his works a deep and bright faith in a person, in good beginnings triumphantly passes human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of a dream, wrote Vera Ketlinskaya. I love watching very young people reading for the first time " Scarlet Sails or stories like "Life of Gnor". When a young reader breaks away from the last line, it is nice to see a special expression of bright shock on his face, a glint of eyes that have just looked deep, deep into the world of human feelings. "And indeed, Alexander Green's popularity is great, especially among young people. almost hopeless. She, it would seem, did everything to kill in him romantic ideals, harden and embitter his soul. But until the end of his days, Green remained an obsessed dreamer who retained purity of feelings, kind eyes and a childish smile, Konstantin Paustovsky wrote in his article "The Life of Alexander Green": "... Green created in his books a world of cheerful and courageous people, a beautiful land, full of fragrant thickets and sun, an uncharted land, and amazing events head spinning like a sip of wine. The world in which Green's heroes live may seem unreal only to a person who is poor in spirit. Anyone who has experienced a slight dizziness from the very first breath of the salty and warm air of the sea coasts will immediately feel the authenticity of Green's landscape, the wide breathing of Green's countries. "The quiet sunny Feodosia, which he called" the city of gentle watercolor tones, became such a promised country for Alexander Grin. The writer forever fell in love with the bizarre outlines of the surrounding mountains, the azure sea off the coast. This love nourished his work, gave birth to original Green stories. He moved to the Crimea in May 1924. "He wanted to live in silence, closer to his beloved sea," Paustovsky wrote. This act of Green reflected the true instinct of the writer - seaside life was that real breeding ground that gave him the opportunity to invent his stories. The best were held in Feodosia creative years Alexander Green. In house number 10 on Galereinaya Street, where the Literary and Memorial Museum of the writer is now located, he created most of the works of the Crimean period. This small one-story house invariably attracts attention guests of Feodosia appearance, maritime exotics - a ship's anchor with a stem lying at the entrance, an oak door upholstered with copper, a part of the foremast, a hanging lantern ... The museum exposition dedicated to the life and work of Green is decorated in an unusual way. This is an antique style. sailing ship. Small rooms-cabins have peculiar names: " Wandering cabin", "Clipper saloon", "Rostral", "Captain Gez's cabin", "ship library". The author of the design project for the museum is the honored worker of arts of the RSFSR and the Karelian ASSR, artist S. G. Brodsky. The museum was opened on July 9, 1970.

The romantic design of the museum helps many visitors to better understand Green's immortal images, the inner, spiritual life of his heroes. The guests stop for a long time at a large relief map-panel of the fictitious country of Greenland with the names of cities, islands and straits known to us -

Liss, Gel-Gyu, Reno Island, Storm Strait ... Through the corridor " Frigate hold"Visitors find themselves in Green's office, preserved in the form it was during the life of the writer. It was here, at the card table, that his wonderful novels and short stories were created.

The next room of the museum is originally decorated - " Green's Wandering Cabin". In its center there is a panel depicting a ship sailing across the ocean towards the sun, next to it is a globe, a colorful barrel organ, kerosene lamps ... photographs, portraits, books, lithographs tell about the writer's childhood and youth, about the years of difficult wanderings. IN " Clipper saloons", decorated with original illustrations by S. G. Brodsky for the works of Alexander Grin and a large model of the sailing clipper "Aurora", visitors get acquainted with the life and work of the writer in the pre-revolutionary years.

Rooms look exotic Rostral" And " Captain Gez's cabin"dedicated to the period of Green's life from 1917 to 1932. " Rostral"decorates the rostra - the bow of an ancient vessel with the head of a sea maiden carved from wood, bronze bollards, rynda, barrels. ropes, a lantern hangs from the bowsprit ... The lifetime editions of A. S. Green, numerous photographs, a galliot model attract attention" Secret"Under scarlet sails. The well-known words of Konstantin Paustovsky are recalled:" If Green died, leaving us only one of his poems in prose "Scarlet Sails" , then this would be enough to put him in the ranks of remarkable writers, disturbing the human heart with a call to perfection. Captain Gez's cabin"furnished with nautical accessories, half of its walls are covered with rope mats. The exposition includes the first editions of books " gold chain", "Running on the waves", "Road to nowhere", "White fire", "Jessie and Morgiana", "Desert Heart". IN " ship library" collected books by Alexander Stepanovich Green, translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR and many languages ​​of the world.

Old Crimea... This ancient town is located 30 kilometers from Feodosia. The surrounding walnut groves and the surrounding mountains, covered with forests, gushing from the ground, charmed Alexander Grin, whose health was undermined by a serious incurable disease. The writer moves to this "city of flowers, silence and ruins" in 1930. Here he continues what he started in Feodosia " autobiographical story", about which one of the researchers of Green's work, V. Vikhrov, wrote: "When you read this confession of a suffering soul, with difficulty, only under the pressure of facts, you believe that the same hand wrote stories about sailors and travelers that infect with their love of life, " Scarlet Sails", "shining world"...".

November 1931 marked the 25th anniversary of literary activity writer. In his work, Alexander Grin was sincere, true to himself. “When I realized, realized that I was a writer, I want and I can be one,” he said, “when Magic power art touched me, then all my subsequent life I never betrayed art, creativity; neither money, nor career, nor vanity pushed me off the true path: I was a writer, and I will die with it; I never forgot Bryusov's words to the poet: "Let your virtue be your readiness to go to the stake" (From a letter to N. N. Green).

In the memorial room of Green's house-museum in Stary Krym, the original modest furnishings of its owner are carefully preserved: a simple iron bed with a badger skin on the floor instead of a carpet, a narrow couch and a card table with green worn cloth, on the wall is a portrait of the beloved writer Edgar Allan Poe. In another room - photographs. telling about the life of Alexander Grin in Stary Krym, documents, autographs, lifetime editions.

The last unfinished work of the writer was the novel " touchy"- a novel about delicate, vulnerable and sympathetic natures, incapable of lies, hypocrisy and hypocrisy, about people who assert goodness on earth. "Until the end of my days," wrote Green, "I would like to wander through the bright countries of my imagination." Writer died on July 8, 1932 in Stary Krym.

The works of Alexander Green are immortal. They are loved by everyone, because they make us dream of beauty, teach courage and joy of life.

"Writing has always been my outer profession, and the real, inner life was the world of the gradually revealed mystery of the imagination."

Reviews about A. Green.

This writer is wonderful, getting younger with age. It will be read by many generations after us, and its pages will always breathe on the reader with the same freshness as fairy tales breathe.

M. Shahinyan

Alexander Grin is a sunny writer and, despite a difficult fate, happy, because deep and bright faith in a person, in the good beginnings of the human soul, faith in love, friendship, fidelity and the feasibility of a dream triumphantly passes through all his works.

V. Ketlinskaya.

He taught me courage and the joy of life.

E. Bagritsky.

When the days start gathering dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. So in the spring wipe the windows in the house. Everything becomes light, bright, everything mysteriously excites again, as in childhood.

D. Granin.

In Stary Krym we were at Green's house. It was white in a dense garden overgrown with grass with fluffy rims... The little house was tidied up and silent... We did not talk, in spite of many thoughts, and with the greatest excitement looked around the harsh shelter of a man who had the gift of powerful and pure imagination.

K. Paustovsky

On this topic, you can visit the site about the work of the writer Alexander Grin: works, illustrations, photographs, articles, poems, a virtual museum.
As well as

Museum of Alexander Grin (Feodosiya, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Feodosia was one of Alexander Grin's favorite cities. The writer moved to this part of the Crimea in 1924, where he created "Golden Chain", "Running on the Waves", "Road to Nowhere", famous stories.

The Romantic lived in the house at 10 Gallery Street until 1929. Now a literary and memorial museum is open in this ancient building. The decision to establish it was made in 1966. The museum was founded in 1970.

The Green Museum is decorated with a fabulous relief panel - a real "Brigantine" flaunts on the side wall of the house.

An oak door leads to the premises, and the rooms themselves are holds, ship cabins. exposition unusual museum will tell not only about the life of Alexander Grin, but also the world in which the heroes of his works exist.

You can visit the Alexander Green Museum in Feodosia on any day of the week, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00. It is worthwhile to clarify the visit program on the website in advance: the writer's house often becomes a platform for meetings with musicians, poets and artists.

Address: st. Russian, 2, Feodosia