Welcome to the world of new possibilities.

“There are many plans!
Enough time and effort!”

Sapozhnikova Olga Borisovna -

Lecturer, methodologist at the Pedagogical College No. 6, speech therapist of the highest category of the Umka CRR, holder of the Moscow Grant in the field of education

Dear Olga Borisovna, please tell us a little about yourself.

In 1982 I graduated from the Faculty of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology, and in 1992 I graduated from the Faculty of Defectology (Department of Speech Therapy) of the Moscow State Correspondence Pedagogical Institute.
Started my labor activity educator kindergarten, later went to work at Pedagogical School No. 6, where she was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization. Here she began to try herself as a teacher in the subject "Workshop on speech therapy." In parallel with work, I decided to enroll in distance learning to receive a second higher education. At that time, this university was the strongest team of professionals who focused on the training of practical specialists. The main thing is that I learned from the best teachers and specialists. This and T.A. Kulikov, and N.F. Prokina, incomparable V.K. Vorobyov, and energetic and completely unchanged over the years T.B. Filichev, and many others whom I remember with warmth and gratitude. Along with obtaining a theoretical justification, we have always analyzed real pedagogical situations from the experience of both teachers and students.

Why do you think the profession of a speech therapist is in demand?

In the upbringing and development of a person, a special place is occupied by his speech development, the level of which has recently decreased. There are enough reasons for this. Adults, and most importantly - parents, often brush aside persistent children's questions, ask the child not to interfere or be silent. There is a lack of communication among modern preschoolers.
Considering economic realities modern society(working grandmothers and parents), it is the institutions of public education that should be engaged in the development of the child, and his speech development - a speech therapist, and a kindergarten speech therapist. After all, it is very important to save children time for playing, walking and socializing.
From my point of view, today's children need the development of phonemic hearing. Successful and timely development of speech, of course, will create the prerequisites for the normal education of the child at school. With the increase in the number of children with various speech disorders, there is a large load on the speech therapist both at school and in preschools, so it is hardly reasonable to reduce the work of specialists. On the contrary, it seems right to expand the network of institutions and specialists capable of helping the child and his parents in this difficult matter. speech development.

What, in your opinion, personal and professional qualities should a modern speech therapist have?

As you know, the word "speech therapist" consists of two Greek roots "logos" and "paideo", which means, respectively, "word" and "I educate, teach." Based on this initial value, it is necessary to determine the professional and personal qualities of a specialist, which, I think, have not changed much since Ancient Greece. A modern speech therapist should be distinguished by excellent command of speech, a high level of erudition, empathy for both children and adults, kindness, perseverance, and even some perseverance. To get the result, you need to form a dynamic stereotype in the child, and this requires effort and repeated training! I don’t know to which category of qualities - professional or personal - the possession of interactive techniques of development and interaction with the child (sand techniques, fairy tale and art therapy techniques) should be attributed, knowledge of the modern information space is very different from the previous one. Now there are completely different heroes, different values! I don't rate them, but just notice that mentioning, for example, Pokemon or Cinderella will be less effective compared to Bakugan and Luntik.

Please describe the practical scientific activity your college.

I consider myself lucky in life: I can implement my professional skills in almost all possible forms. Back in 1991, in our then Pedagogical College, a specialization was opened for the training of educators for children with speech development disorders. I began to teach my favorite speech therapy, work methods, correctional pedagogy. The codes of specialties, the names of subjects, educational plans and programs and appeared new item"Special pre-school education". For our college, this was a natural decision. Therefore, we decided to reach a higher level of training for a competitive graduate who owns innovative techniques for raising a child, is proactive and motivated.
The methodological basis for teaching the new specialty was improved, classrooms were transformed into practical laboratories. The classrooms turned out to be especially bright and practice-oriented early childhood, theatrical activities, intellectual development and sensory room.
Now it is already difficult to count how many of our graduates, having graduated from higher educational establishments, work in educational organizations as speech therapists! Over the course of a number of years, after analyzing the state of speech of first-year students, the college administration found it possible to open a speech center for students, where I was a speech therapist. Some of our students after the academic year of classes were able to make significant progress in the development of speech, while others had very modest success. However, I believe that such education is necessary in any educational organization. You have probably noticed the differences in the educational systems of Russia and other countries. When familiarizing teachers with the experience of Israel, it seemed to us interesting creation in this country, their speech center and kindergarten on the basis of the largest college named after. David Elin. We got excited about this idea, and after a large-scale renovation, having transformed the classroom into a group room, on September 17, 2012, we opened the Umka Center for Recreation.
The opening of a group with real children in the college building exceeded the wildest expectations. We can now discuss pedagogical situations (and sometimes create them) with students on real children, organize workshops, to learn to look for and find solutions out of difficult pedagogical situations. For example, the course "Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics" was conducted on the basis of the CRR, where I now work as a speech therapist. Implementing an individual approach to children, creating a personal development route, we arrange consultations and discuss plans, prospects and successes in the development of each child. Among the current pupils there are children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech, motor alalia, poorly socialized. From foreign experience, the considerable role of the father in the upbringing of the child is visible, which cannot be overestimated. It was on the basis of the CRR "Umka" that we organized the "Club of Responsible Fatherhood". Often, fathers simply do not know how to deal with a child. Together with a group of teachers, training was organized in simple methods of interaction with children: they showed physical exercises, taught to develop speech and mental processes in the game. It was gratifying to see the interest not only of the fathers, but also of our students, who are just about to become dads!
Our college is actively working on additional education, including in such a new direction in Russia as psychoreflexology, or coaching. The community with the pre-school educational institution in St. Petersburg taught our teachers how to work with the use of biological feedback(BOS) in various areas. In addition, it was in St. Petersburg that we found specialists in the use of sand, art and fairy tale therapy techniques in working with children. I was very attracted to work with sand, so I am happy to conduct courses and seminars on the use of the sandbox in work (including speech) with children. The possibilities of this interactive technique have been repeatedly and successfully tested in Umka. According to the results of his practical work, as well as interaction with college students, a manual is being prepared with notes of the developed classes. At the beginning of each year, we draw up a schedule of seminars, courses and conferences and post it on the college website - www.mpc6.ru
It so happened that my former students attracted me to work in universities where they teach themselves. This makes it possible to meet new people, to learn the peculiarities of the work of specialists away from the center. I never cease to be amazed at the inquisitiveness of our teachers, their ability to devote themselves to their work, literally serve it! They are ready to learn new things, apply, develop! These are real professionals in their field, conducting scientific research, writing articles speaking with experience of their work at conferences. As long as there are such teachers, our education is alive, despite all the changes prepared for it!

What difficulties does education experience, in your opinion, in teaching children with disabilities?

The profession of a speech therapist is associated with the category of children with disabilities of varying degrees, and requires great patience and understanding. The focus on the result is not always expressed materially and there is such a thing as “personal achievement”, therefore speech therapists can just bring to society an understanding of the practical inclusion of our coexistence: children and adults, children with normative development and disabilities, different nationalities.

What future projects are needed and why?

It seems to me promising to retrain working teachers in the skills of working in conditions of inclusion of children with disabilities in the environment of their peers. In past academic year we started this project and hopefully will continue.
Our children are preparing for school all the time and not preparing for life at all. It is impossible to protect a child from all dangers, so it seems promising to teach children practical skills of behavior in extreme situations. I am sure that our joint work with firefighters will continue and we will be able to create a manual for teaching children how to behave in case of fire. I would also like to create a children's coaching program. Lots of plans! Enough time and effort!

Interviewed by S.Yu. Dance

In 2012, the Umka Center for children with disabilities was opened at the Pedagogical College No. 6, where practical training sessions are held with students. (Editor's note)

O. B. Sapozhnikova, E. V. Garnova

Sand therapy in the development of preschoolers


Grabenko T. M.– Cand. ped. Sci., Director of the Center for Training in Creative Technologies and Methods of Humanization of Business and Education, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Special Pedagogy of ISPiP, psychologist-consultant UNICEF, St. Petersburg;

Vorobieva N. A.– Cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Pedagogical College No. 6, Moscow.

© TC Sphere LLC, 2014

© Sapozhnikova O. B., Garnova E. V., 2014


Special children, talented, learning Computer techologies simultaneously with the development of speech and upright posture - it is they who set tasks for modern pedagogy that have not yet been seen and not yet solved. Families and educational organizations are also at a loss. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the issue of improving didactic techniques, methods of educational and information work with the modern younger generation is quite urgent. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the family, i.e., to create technologies that are applicable and accessible in family education and upbringing.

A pedagogical view of the psychotherapeutic sandbox is a rather bright and effective solution to this issue.

It is noteworthy that in 2013 the world psychological community is tacitly celebrating the centenary of the sand therapy method, since in 1913 Dora Kalf and Margaret Lowenfeld first described the use of a sandbox with a set of figures in the process of non-directive play therapy. Since then, sand therapy has become quite popular and effective method corrections. However, in educational process the sandbox “penetrates” very timidly. Although there are positive examples of the work of corrective and general education schools gg. Kaliningrad, Yoshkar-Ola, Moscow, Orenburg, St. Petersburg.

The presented material allows:

- to expand the possibilities of the pedagogical sandbox;

- equip teachers, speech therapists, parents with excellent technology of co-creation with children;

- to instill in children the desire to solve cognitive problems;

- to transfer the “gaze” of the child from the plane of the electronic tablet to the volumetric space of the sandbox;

– to solve many correctional and educational tasks in the learning process;

– to inspire the child to give birth to the Creator in himself.


Often the hands know how to unravel what the mind struggles in vain.

The sand therapy technique arose within the framework of the Jungian analytical approach and is largely based on working with the symbolic content of the unconscious as a source of internal growth and development. The Swiss Jungian analyst Dora Kalf is considered the author of this method, which arose in the 1950s.

There is an opinion that the origins of sand therapy are reflected in the book of the famous science fiction writer G. Wells "Games on the floor" (1911). In it, he describes how his sons' play with miniature figurines alleviates difficulties in relationships with family members and with each other. It was this book that inspired child psychiatrist Margaret Lowenfeld, who founded the London Institute of Child Psychology, to put miniature figurines on the shelves of her office. The first child to see them took the figurines to a nearby sandbox and began to play with them. This is what laid the foundation for the "technology of building the world" - a diagnostic and therapeutic technique, developed and described in detail by M. Lowenfeld ( M. Lowenfeld, 1979; K. Bradway). D. Kalf, trained by M. Lowenfeld, saw in this technique not only an opportunity to help children express and respond to their exciting feelings, but also to develop the mental and speech functions of the child and help the process of individualization and the interaction of reality and imagination, which she studied in C. G. Jung.

What is sand therapy

You probably noticed that not only children, but also adults, once on the beach, suddenly begin to enthusiastically build sand castles? And it is no coincidence.

Remember how pleasant it is to walk barefoot on the sand, immerse your hands in it and pass grains of sand through your fingers. These tiny particles activate sensitive nerve endings in the fingertips and palms.

Sand is a natural material with its own energy. Compared with other materials for creativity - clay, plasticine, paints - it has a number of advantages.

Creating sand compositions, unlike, for example, drawing, does not require special skills. Doing something not so impossible is especially important for those who are accustomed to strictly assess themselves. Sand games are suitable for those who find it difficult to put their experiences (very sharp and painful) into words, or simply because a person does not have the gift of eloquence.

Sand is a mysterious material that has the ability to fascinate a person - with its pliability, the ability to take any form: to be dry, light and elusive or wet, dense and plastic.

Sand therapy is an opportunity to express what is difficult to find words for, to get in touch with what is difficult to address directly, to see in oneself what usually eludes conscious perception.

Sand games are able to interest, distract, relax the child, and therefore ensure the most successful completion of the task or effective method supply of material.

Taking into account the peculiarities of visual perception, it is proposed to use a wooden box measuring 50 × 70 × 10 cm (for individual or subgroup work). These dimensions reflect the area of ​​visual perception and give an idea of ​​"the world at a glance." The board height of 10 cm makes it possible to work with sand, but does not create the feeling of a bottomless pit. Naturally, the manufacturing technology of the box does not involve the use of nails, as this can injure children. Having made a lid for the box, you solve the problem of extra space, because you can use it as a table, stand, shelf. Based on experience, we recommend that you make a second bottom. The bottom of the box, painted in blue, azure, heavenly color, means water, sea; blue sides - air and sky (pleasant shades of green can also be used). The second bottom can be painted in primary colors for solving sensory problems or painted in any other color depending on your desire or tasks to be solved. Fine sand is poured on the bottom with a layer of approximately 5-7 cm. Following the sanitary and hygienic requirements, the sand used must be certified (see picture).

A mandatory component for working in the sandbox is figures or their images. Their variety is limited only by your capabilities. There is a list of required items.

People must be different ages and gender. It is also necessary to have several figures of babies, children, mothers, fathers, grandparents. Must be presented different professions, fantastic characters of legends and fairy tales, including witches and sorcerers. Match people with different skin colors, as well as in different emotional states. Currently, Lego sets provide these matching options.

Animals it would be nice to present in all its diversity: animals of the Far North, hot countries, etc.; wild and domestic; birds (predatory, domestic, wild, etc.), fish, insects. By the way, enlarged insect figures can be used as monsters. Figurines of extinct animals, such as dinosaurs, can also be attributed to their category. The category of monsters must be present, even if we are conducting educational rather than psychotherapeutic activities. They tend to indicate childhood fears.

Zoo sets perfectly solve the problem of saturating this group.

Symbols of socialization. This group will include houses, buildings, different kinds transport (cars, boats, boats, planes, helicopters), fences and other types of restrictions.

Various children's sets (Lego, Barbie, kinder surprises, etc.) will help in the selection of material for this group.

Vegetable world. A rather conditional group, the figures of trees, shrubs, flowers from the Zoo sets are quite suitable here. They can also be made by hand.

symbolic items. Finally, a use has been found for scattered beads, single buttons, crystals, broken jewelry, small bottles and shells brought from the sea.

To carry out psychotherapeutic work, it is recommended to arrange a “supervision” - put all the figures and objects on display. To carry out pedagogical or corrective influence, it is quite enough to confine ourselves to a set of figures necessary for solving pedagogical, developmental and corrective tasks for a given lesson.


The book dedicated to Savva Yamshchikova could not have had another name. He deserved this title throughout his life, full of accomplishments.

Savva Yamshchikov did not give himself a break, "serving in Russia", although anyone in his place could lay down his hands and calmly live out his life, considering his illnesses a sufficient basis for summing up. But Savva Vasilievich thanked God for every new day, for every new person, like-minded person with whom fate brought him together. As Valentin Kurbatov writes, these people were "children of one country and one culture, and then they passed on his name as a password of unity."

Therefore, it is not surprising that the table of contents of the book of memoirs about Savva Yamshchikov mostly reproduces the list of his interlocutors in the cycle of conversations "Creators" ("Tomorrow", 2004-2008). These are Igor Ostretsov, Nikita Goleizovsky, Vladimir Sarabyanov, Elena Romanova, Pavel Anosov, Nikolai Burlyaev, Tamara Yufa, Vyacheslav Starshinov, Vladimir Vasilyev, Valentina Ganibalova, Valentin Kurbatov, Viktor Pravdyuk, Igor Zolotussky, Vasily Livanov, Viktor Linnik, Valentin Falin, Georgy Vasilevich, Igor Naivalt, Lev Nikolaev, Valentin Lazutkin...

But Guzel Agisheva, editor-compiler, did not set herself the task of creating formal portrait art critic, restorer, publicist, educator Savva Yamshchikov, - she wanted the reader to see the image of a living, multifaceted person between the lines. Not only a loud, impetuous and categorical, not looking for an easy way in search of justice, a "violent righteous man", as Igor Gavryushkin described him, but also a "big child ... with a sincere, vulnerable, pure soul", as Pavel Pozhigailo saw Savva Yamshchikov.

She quite succeeded in this - especially since here, for the sake of completeness, they talk about Yamshchikov and those people with whom he was friends, but whom, for one reason or another, he deleted from his life. What unites these storytellers is gratitude for the years of friendship, a sense of loss and an awareness of how transient resentment is, how fragile and expensive human relationships are.

When people like Yamshchikov leave, you understand that this departure is rather a new birth, a distancing from the hustle and bustle. Saying goodbye to him, we see how all the husks are gradually leaving, our memory isolates the main thing and discards the insignificant, drawing a legend with a sensitive brush.

Someday, having opened this - the very first - book about Savva Vasilyevich, the new reader will not believe that he was like that. There is still too much pain, resentment, tears - here Savva is earthly, not always fair, harsh and uncomfortable.

It seems that he has not yet said everything - and therefore his yesterday's interlocutors continue the conversation, addressing him as if he were alive, waiting for an answer or advice, a guide to action. And it is not at all surprising that the answer comes ...

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What do we do? - Activate the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity, images and creativity, through drawing.

During the day of the training, you will learn how to draw, even if you have never picked up a brush before.

However, this is not a painting course! This is a group psychological training creativity, removal of stereotypes of vision and thinking, fine synchronization of the central nervous system and motor skills and, of course, finding inspiration. Working with paints has a very beneficial effect on the emotional sphere, relieves tension, the level of anxiety and aggression, and increases the energy tone of the body.

The main goal of the project is the controlled reproduction of the state of creative activity, the removal of stereotypes of vision and thinking, and the expansion of consciousness.

However, this is not all, about ten paintings made in various techniques, here is the result that will delight you and your loved ones, will be a wonderful gift or a wonderful interior design


  • Raise the overall energy tone of the body. In this mode, the ability to set unexpected questions and find non-trivial answers to them in ANY area of ​​your activity. The gap between WANTED-DONE is shrinking.
  • Exercises with color, paints are directly related to the emotional sphere and affect the deep layers of the subconscious, reduce tension, the level of anxiety, aggression.
  • Get a unique opportunity to expand your psychological and pedagogical activity, to open your author's studio to work with children.
  • Art lovers will get the key to creating their own paintings, discovering and realizing themselves in a new exciting business!
  • And just be able to decorate your life in the broadest sense of the word!


The training is conducted by an art therapist with many years of experience.

The seminar will take place April 18, 2015, 15.00 - 19.00. THE GROUP IS BOOKING!

Place: metro Universitet, Profsoyuznaya, st. Vavilova, 65a, workshop 603.

Cost of the lesson (4 hours): 2500 rub. (all materials included). Owners get a 20% discount.