Vasilisa Leningrad biography. Who is Vasilisa Starshova, personal life, creative biography? Year on the podium

Fans of the Leningrad group are getting used to the new line-up - in the summer the bright and groovy Vasilisa Starshova left the team. And it's in the midst of a huge tour on the occasion of the 20th anniversary. First, the patient said, and then admitted on Instagram:

“Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. Everything is fine with me, I am happy, healthy, not tired, I have strength and energy in bulk. Thanks everyone for your kind words, excitement and support. Well, in the near future… wait.”

Vasilisa did not explain the reason for her departure. But now, with all his posts on Instagram, he is trying to prove to the fans that life after Leningrad does not stop.

Shnurov also kept silent for a long time, but when fans on social networks flooded with questions “Where is Vasya?”, He replied that the girl was tired.

Who will understand the motives of women? Tired, probably, - wrote Sergey.

Too bad, fans lamented.

To regret the past is the most unproductive occupation, - Shnurov put an end to the conversation.

Now Florida Chanturia is responsible for the female component in the group. Shnurov took her to Leningrad with Vasilisa.

In the group's latest video for the song "CHPKh", Florida played leading role. However, many Leningrad fans believe that she is far from Vasilisa's charisma:

"Without your energy, without your young enthusiasm and without your voice, the sound of the Leningrad group is rather poor." “Florida is boring. She has no fire! Clamped! And some too detached!

So why are the Leningrad soloists fleeing the group? Recall that the first girl in the team was the red-haired Julia Kogan. She joined the team in 2007 as a backing vocalist, but the project broke up a year later. In 2010, Leningrad was revived, and Kogan was taken to the team already in the place of the soloist. Julia performed until the fall of 2012, and then went on maternity leave. In 2013, Kogan finally left the team.

At first, Julia's departure was explained by the birth of her daughter. But later it turned out that Shnurov and Kogan stopped getting along with each other and the leader of Leningrad pointed the girl to the door.

A year later, Julia took up solo career, released an album, went to TV presenters. Now the popularity rating of Kogan is far from the time of working with Shnurov. She still tours, but she no longer collects stadiums, as before. And on the posters of Kogan there is always a postscript "ex-vocalist of the Leningrad group."

In November 2012, a new backing vocalist, Alisa Vox, appeared in the video for the Gulf of Finland, along with Kogan, who later took the place of Yulia.

Vox stayed at Leningrad for three years. During this time, she sang such hits as “37th”, “Prayer”, “Bag” and, of course, the legendary “Exhibit”, the video for which blew up the Internet. But suddenly, at the peak of her popularity, Alice leaves the team.

“I have decided to leave the Leningrad group and launch my solo project! she announced on Instagram. “Working with Sergey Shnurov gave me a huge experience of stage life, I am eternally grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve.”

For a year and a half in single swimming, Alice released solo album, shot several clips, none of which reached 500 thousand views.

Alice Vox's departure from Leningrad Shnurov explained simply: she became a star.

“At my own whim, I make stars out of average singers,” he wrote on Instagram. - I come up with an image, material, I promote it. I decide how to serve them so that they are loved. Well, not really them, the image, of course ... The audience loves the image we made, and really do not want the end. But he is inevitable. Invented by me and made by the team, the Heroines of the myth quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. And with the Goddesses, we do not know how. We are burning pots here ... "

Did not have much love for Alice and the wife of Sergei. Once, Vox posted a photo from the magazine award, where she was invited as a host. The girl thanked the publication for good evening and in the comments received a scolding from Matilda Shnurova. The rocker's wife accused the singer of ingratitude.

“Alice, it’s amazing that there was no thanks either for the Ice, where 12 thousand spectators looked at you, or for the Moscow concerts with a full house. You have most of your subscribers here - fans of the Leningrad group.

By the way, many fans believe that Matilda plays an important role in the fate of the soloists of the group. Not so long ago, Sergey posted a joint photo of his wife and Florida on Instagram. And judging by it, the current soloist of Leningrad has no problems with the wife of the boss yet.

However, Florida does not seem to be relaxing.

When can we expect a new female representative as a soloist? - Sergey was asked on Instagram.

Always,” Shnurov replied. - There are about 5 billion women in the world. We must see everyone.

No one from the Leningrad group leaves on his own! - Said a friend of Shnurov, as well as a former member of Leningrad, Stas Baretsky, in an interview with World of News. - The soloists messed up, and they were removed from the team. But they pretended to leave on their own with their heads held high.

Florida Chanturia - Russian singer, since 2016 - the soloist of the Leningrad musical group, who, together with Vasilisa Starshova, replaced Alice Vox.

Childhood and youth

Florida was born on March 30, 1990 in Bashkortostan, in the small town of Beloretsk.

Florida Chanturia is not a pseudonym, but the real name of the artist. Chanturia says that her mother liked this name from her youth - ever since she met a girl named Florida during a cruise on a ship.

Chanturia has been involved in music since childhood: in addition to secondary school, Florida also attended music, and after receiving a certificate, the girl moved to St. Petersburg, where she entered the jazz and pop department State University culture and arts.

Musical career

Florida began her career as a singer with performances in the Marmalade cover band and work in karaoke clubs, including the famous Gelsomino Cafe by Ginza Project.

In the spring of 2016, the soloist of the Leningrad group Alisa Voks, who at one time replaced Yulia Kogan, announced her departure from the team. Shortly thereafter, a friend called Florida and said that he had given her phone to one of the band members. A few days later, the girl auditioned and was accepted into the famous team. It is noteworthy that Florida is familiar with Alisa Vox, who left the group - many years ago the girls started together in the Plywood bar.

Chanturia says that in the karaoke party everyone knows each other, and calls about castings are not uncommon, while the chance to get into such a popular project is rare. After the casting, Florida introduced her mother to the work of "Leningrad" - at first the artist's mother did not understand their music, but then she was imbued with her daughter's new occupation.

For the first time in the 18-year history of Leningrad, two girls joined at once: together with Chanturia, Vasilisa Starshova was accepted into the group, with whom Florida was also already familiar. Before the first concert, which took place on March 24 at Stadium Life in Moscow, only three rehearsals took place. According to Florida, she and Vasilisa already knew the entire repertoire of the group, because guests of karaoke clubs very often sing Leningrad songs.

In the first months of work, Florida and Vasilisa had to endure many difficulties - many fans of the band did not want to accept new soloists, called them mediocre and reproached for the lack of a voice, but the girls managed to improve the situation for the better.

In the first two years of work in the updated line-up, the singles Kolshchik, Ecstasy, Ch.P.Kh., Candidate, Voyage and others were recorded, and Chanturia also took part in a large-scale tour in honor of the 20th anniversary "Leningrad" and anniversary concert at the Otkritie Arena stadium, which gathered a record number of spectators.

Vasilisa Starshova is known for joining the Leningrad group in 2016 to replace the previous soloist Alisa Voks-Burmistrova.


Vasilisa Starshova was born on August 22, 1994 in the city of Shlisselburg, in the Leningrad Region. Thus, through simple calculations, we find out that she will soon turn 23 years old.

In her hometown, she once completed, in addition to general education, also music school in piano, attended vocal classes, and after school she moved to the city of St. Petersburg to enter College of Music them. Rimsky-Korsakov, majoring in vocals. She entered college and even studied there for a bit, but did not finish it.

  • In 2011, Vasilisa quit her studies and moved to Moscow to start her career as a singer.
  • Further, in her biography, she had participation in several prestigious music competitions, and one of them is the competition " New wave"in 2013, and participation in the little-known Flash Mob group, from where she was invited to the Leningrad group.

And just recently, Vasilisa Starshova on her Instagram announced to her subscribers that she had left the Leningrad group of her own free will, but at the same time everyone thought that she did not work well with Sergei Shnurov.

About personal life

Vasilisa Starshova is not married and has no children yet, but judging by her VKontakte status, she is still dating someone.

Vasilisa Starshova (22), who replaced Alice Vox (30) last year, announced yesterday that she was leaving "" - she did not even perform at the anniversary concert on July 13th. Her partner Florida Chanturia (27) performed alone. On this occasion, we remember all the girls of the group.

Julia Kogan (2007-2012)

The same red-haired beast, Yulia (36) came to Leningrad in 2007 as a backing vocalist and performed with (44) and Co. for two years - until the group broke up due to creative differences. "Leningrad" did not give concerts and did not record songs. Then Julia joined the team of the St. Petersburg team St. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review. And in 2011, Leningrad got together again, and Yulia again came to Cord.

Together they released the album "Henna", and after that Julia left forever - she had to leave the project due to pregnancy. In early 2013, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lisa, from photographer Anton Bout.

Alice Vox (2012-2016)

Alice came to Leningrad to replace Kogan - the blonde auditioned without difficulty, her voice was hoo. The popularity of the singer was brought by the scandalous song "Exhibit" (the same one about Louboutins). But soon after the release of the track and video, Vox left the band. Alice said that she left voluntarily and on her own, but the sources claimed: Shnurov could no longer tolerate the behavior of the “starred” Vox and kicked her out of the group. And just a day after Alice left, he wrote on Instagram: “I didn’t promise anything to anyone. At my own whim, I make quite stars out of average singers. I come up with an image, material, I promote it. Invented by me and made by the team, the Heroines of the myth quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their own Divine nature. And with the Goddesses, we do not know how. We're burning pots here."

After Leningrad, Vox launched, which the audience did not like. After the release of Alisa's debut video for the song "Hold" Cord said "Properly kicked out", and recently Vox released a video for the song "Baby" (yes, this is where "there are four mistakes on the poster in a nutshell" and "learn from mistakes it’s never too late, since the heart wants change, then start with yourself”). They say (and not without reason) that the song and video are an order from the Kremlin. And the price was even announced - 35 thousand dollars. There are more dislikes on the video than likes, and Vox's reputation cannot be restored.

Vasilisa Starshova (2016 - 2017)

Vasilisa replaced Alice - for the first time, fans of the group saw her at a concert on March 24, 2017. Then Cord said: “Everyone asks me - where is Alice? In my opinion, a stupid question, since it is clear that she is not here. But we will answer with a song. And the group sang a very obscene song with a general message: "go to hell." Starshova did not stay long in Leningrad, and yesterday she announced her retirement on Instagram. "Child, healthy! Things are like that. Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. Everything is fine with me, I am happy, healthy, not tired, I have strength and energy in bulk. So we are waiting for solo work from Vasilisa!

Florida Chanturia (2016 - present)

Florida got into the group along with Vasilisa. She graduated from the University of Culture and Arts with a degree in pop-jazz vocals and after that she went to work as a singer in karaoke bars. One day, her friend called the girl and said that he had given the number to the guys from Leningrad. They called and invited her to audition. Florida, by the way, is her real name!

After the ex-soloist of "Leningrad" about her departure from the group, a question immediately arose on the Web related to the biography of the girl and her future plans. the site found out some information about the singer and shares it with readers.

Sergey Shnurov, as you know, is a connoisseur of not only high-quality music, he is also well versed in female beauty. So, Vasilisa was already dubbed a beauty when she joined the group, congratulating Cord on the right choice. Moreover, even before joining the team, the girl had already realized herself as a musician, but she clearly lacked popularity.

Who is Vasilisa Starshova

Vasilisa Starshova was born in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. At the age of five, she had already begun to master the piano, and also studied vocals. Then, having matured, the girl entered the well-known throughout Russia School of Music named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. From here, she decided to leave in 2011, as she realized that operatic performance was not for her.

In the same year, Vasilisa, having moved to the capital, became a member of the Flash Mob group. In 2013 she made it to the semi-finals. music competition"New wave".

In 2016, when Alice Vox left the Leningrad project with a scandal, Sergey Shnurov already looked after two new soloists, one of which turned out to be Starshova Vasilisa. It should be noted that Vasilisa and her stage colleague Florida Chanturia passed a two-day casting. The girls were personally chosen by Shnurov from three hundred applicants. The first concert in the new line-up of the group took place at Stadium Live at the end of March 2016.

“Hurricane and shebutnaya. Fire woman! After that first gig with the new girls right backstage, dropping our instruments, we all hugged and laughed and cried and jumped and yelled. It was a gamble that ended successfully - like a bank robbery, ”Shnur commented on the success of the group at the time.

Year on the podium

As you know, throughout the year, the Leningrad group was gaining popularity exponentially. The musicians managed to record many songs, among which there are “Sobchak Points” and “Monkey and Eagle”, which have become the most viewed on the YouTube channel, JoInfoMedia journalist Nastya Art notes.

In June, Starshova announced that she would not be able to go on the group's 20th anniversary tour due to illness. In any case, miss its beginning. After performances in Russian cities, the musicians will travel to Budapest, Nice, Berlin, Prague, New York, and on December 1 will complete their tour in Minsk.

As a result, today, July 16, Vasilisa Starshova announced her departure from the group. What will further actions remains unknown so far. Whether he will look for a partner for Florida or not, we will find out after a while.