Scarlet sails description assol the ability to admire the little things. Characteristic of Assol from the work "Scarlet Sails

In our time, the name of the girl Assol has become a household name. It is associated with romance, openness, true, real feelings. This name and faith in love are considered synonymous concepts. Using the characteristics of Assol from the work "Scarlet Sails" by Alexander Green, we explore the features of the heroine of this wonderful book. " Scarlet Sails"is a fairy tale with the most romantic heroine of Russian literature of the 20th century. Any modern reader will be interested to learn more about the appearance of the heroine, her character traits, upbringing, fate. Some girls can take note of the actions and behavior of a dreamy beauty.

Before characterizing Assol ("Scarlet Sails" by A. Green), it is worth introducing you to the main storylines. From the extravaganza we learn the story of the girl Assol, who lost her mother at the age of 8 months. Together with her father, the sailor Longren, she lives in the village of Kaperna. Her father was reclusive and reclusive, making and selling toys in the form of sailboats and steamboats. So he earned a living for his little daughter.

When Assol was 8 years old, the song collector Egl gave her a small sailboat and said that someday the prince would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to a distant country. Since then, she had a dream of an overseas prince. Because of this, everyone considered the girl crazy.

On the other hand, the author shows us Gray. He was the offspring of a noble and rich family, had living soul, aspired to exploits. Once he went fishing on a boat and stopped for the night near Kaperna. In the morning, in the thicket, he came across a sleeping Assol. He really liked this extraordinary girl.

Being a little "out of this world", Gray goes to the shop for scarlet silk and makes sails out of it. Gray on his sailboat sailed to the shore, where Assol was, and music sounded on the ship. All the inhabitants of the village ran to the sea. Gray on a boat swam up to the girl and took her with him, as the storyteller foretold her.

Heroine Charm

At the beginning of the extravaganza, the writer shows Assol as an eight-month-old baby left without a mother, who is cared for by a kind old neighbor for three months while her father was swimming. At the end of the story, we see a seventeen-year-old girl whose dream came true after meeting Gray.

At the age of five, Assol was distinguished by a kind, nervous face, which her father really liked. At 12, she was a thin, tanned girl. She had thick dark hair, expressive eyes, a small mouth with a gentle smile. The girl was so pure and expressive that she is compared to a swallow in flight.

At the age of 17, all her features had an amazing appeal: dark blond, short in stature. From her long eyelashes, shadows fell on her cheeks, anyone passing by tried to examine her most delicate outlines of her face.

Assol's characterization proves that she was charming at any age (despite poor and cheap clothes). Assol was noticed even in such outfits. Green uses a very subtle detail to describe the girl - a scarf, under which the girl's thick strands and her eyes are hidden.

In Kaperna, the appearance of a charming modest woman was not very admired, the inhabitants were frightened by her wildness and intelligence, hiding in deep dark eyes. This is not at all the girl from the market, who has rough hands and cheeky speech.

Assol's childhood

The girl's father was a sailor. Assol quickly learned everything, helped her parent, obeyed, showed kindness and affection. The girl suffered from the attitude of other children towards her, whom her parents frightened by her evil father, called him a murderer. Assol cried a lot, was offended, and then she began to play herself and not pay attention to anyone.

The young heroine lived in her dreams and fantasies. Her world was completely different from the real one. The girl continued to love life and enjoy it. She especially loved the nature around her, with kindness she treated the person in the village who understood her - the coal miner Philip. kind soul the heroine never accumulated resentment and anger (unlike other inhabitants of Caperna). Smart and hardworking, Assol really knew how to dream and never despaired. Over time, she began to go to the city to exhibit her father's crafts for sale. Her childhood, although spent in poverty, but in love.

Character traits of the heroine

The character of the girl developed in solitude. When she was bored, she went to her only friend - nature. From longing, she turned into a timid and suffering girl, only occasionally her face revived. But the heroine found a deep soul, which subtly felt everything around. She extends a helping hand to anyone she meets. Her most important character traits are as follows:

  1. Very economic. Knows how to sew, cook, clean, save money.
  2. individual personality. Others, however, call her touched or crazy.
  3. Loves nature. Faithful friend everything living was for her: trees, birds, the sea.
  4. Educated girl. She read many books and worried about their characters.

dream come true

Through all her childhood and adolescence, Assol carried the tale of a ship with red sails, which the storyteller Egl told her. The girl believes in her, does not give up her dream. Often she looked at the sea and looked out in the depths of the cherished ship. And one day her dream came true! Gray came into her life. The book ends so optimistically that one wants to believe in a joyful later life young beauty.

The main idea of ​​the work

The "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza is a beautiful example of a dream that comes true thanks to the faith and hope of the charming Assol. Green teaches people to believe in dreams and miracles. Life is completely empty without cherished dreams. You need to strive for them, then they will certainly come true. Towards your future you need to go boldly!

Comparative characteristics of Assol and Gray

Assol was the daughter of a poor toy maker, a sailor in the past. Gray was born into a wealthy family, he was given an excellent education and upbringing. He experienced love and respect from childhood. Mother and father tried to give the boy all the best. The girl had a difficult childhood, all the children refused to be friends with her, her only friends were her father and God. She turned to him with requests very often, talked to him. The heroine did not receive an education, but she read a lot of books.

Gray had a good inheritance, thanks to which he could not work. But he persists, studies the sea business and runs away from home. Father Assol makes toys and catches fish. This is how they live, barely making ends meet.

What Assol and Gray have in common is that they were both romantics and dreamers. Gray brings his dreams of the sea to life himself, and Assol lives in a world of dreams and fairy tales. The young man became an excellent captain, and the girl waited for her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. Both heroes are honest and decent, they believe in love.

In addition to romance and determination, Gray has nobility, courage and determination. He became good magician for dreamy Assol. The girl charmed the young man with her pure and sincere beauty. Having given the dream to Assol, Gray himself became bright and sincere. He simply and really did a miracle to another person.

The image of Assol in cinema and art

Imbued with the spirit of the romantic time, "Scarlet Sails" is liked by our contemporaries. The story is very reminiscent of good fairy tale. In 1961, director Alexander Ptushko made the film Scarlet Sails. The role of Assol in the fairy tale film was played by the magnificent Anastasia Vertinskaya, and the role of Gray was played by the famous Vasily Lanovoy. You can see some shots from this wonderful film in the photo.

Dozens of productions, musical performances based on the "Scarlet Sails" extravaganza have been staged in many theaters. Composers also did not stand aside and composed many songs on this topic. Contemporaries especially like the song of Tatyana Snezhina, the rock group "Marshal", Alexei Sviridov - "Assol". Many people know the musical of the same name by Maxim Dunayevsky. The main character has also erected monuments in several Russian cities: in Kirov, Gelendzhik, Khanty-Mansiysk, Cherepovets.

Presentation of the heroine. My own composition, including, of course, quotes from the one and only work of A. Green "Scarlet Sails". I apologize for speech, spelling and punctuation errors and inaccuracies, this is an unedited text ...
Assol is the main character in Alexander Grin's story Scarlet Sails. We know the whole story of her life. Assol's mother died when she was still a baby, so the girl lived with her father Longren in Kapern. He tried in every possible way to protect the sensitive, impressionable girl from the influence of the rude inhabitants of this city. They did not love either father or daughter, remembering how Longren left the drowning Menners to die when he could help him. But he had his own reasons for that, which the inhabitants of Caperna could not understand.
Well, the girl had no friends. “One after another, her naive attempts to get closer ended in bitter crying, bruises, scratches and other manifestations public opinion».
But the father, who was always reserved and taciturn, loved his little Assol very much. Therefore, in the evenings, she climbed into his lap and listened to the stories and fables of the old sailor. “All this was listened to by the girl more attentively than, perhaps, the story of Columbus about the new continent was listened to for the first time.” What wonderful pictures, probably, Assol painted her childish imagination!
Once, on the way to Liss (a city adjacent to Kaperna), the girl met Egle / I / - a traveling "collector of songs, legends, traditions and fairy tales." He, fascinated by a cute girl, told Assol that a wonderful future awaits her, that one day, when she grows up, a ship with Scarlet sails will sail for her, a prince will meet her on board, who will take her to his kingdom. Of course, Aigle was telling a lie. He hoped that Assol would soon forget his words. But this fairy tale settled so deeply in her imagination that the girl believed and never forgot that someday this would happen.

Assol grew up. Now it was
"Short little girl. The half-childish face, in a light tan, was mobile and expressive; beautiful eyes, somewhat serious for her age, looked with the timid concentration of deep souls. Her irregular face could touch with the subtle purity of its outlines; every curve, every bulge of this face, of course, would have found a place in a multitude of female appearances, but their totality, style was completely original - originally cute; this is where we will stop. The rest is not subject to words, except for the word "charm".
Even seven years after Egl told Assol amazing story She continued to believe in her. She knew for sure that the ship would come for her and take her away from these evil people who insulted her, called her "touched", "out of her mind." Assol was sure that the prince whom she had so often imagined would still come.
“More than once, worried and shy, she went to the seashore at night, where, after waiting for the dawn, she seriously examined the ship with Scarlet sails. These moments were happiness for her; it is difficult for us to go into a fairy tale like that, it would be no less difficult for her to get out of her power and charm.
Assol believed that the fairy tale would certainly happen. And when one day she found a ring on her finger that Gray put on her in a dream, she was not at all surprised, she felt that the dream was beginning to come true. “There were no explanations for what happened, but without words and thoughts she found them in her strange feeling, and the ring became close to her.”
Her fairy tale came true. And when Assol boarded the long-awaited ship,
she was happy. The same prince Aigle had told her about was waiting for her. Everything was so magical that she was afraid that everything would disappear like a dream. But it wasn't a dream, it was the truth.

Assol always dreamed, despite the ridicule and insults of her neighbors. Believing in magic as a child, she did not doubt its existence. She lived a dream and believed in the inevitability of what would happen to her someday. And the ship with Scarlet sails found her, because Assol believed in a dream, and dreams, as you know, come true.

The main character of Alexander Grin's story is the dreamy and sincere girl Assol. This girl is one of the most romantic characters in Russian literature of the 20th century.

Assol's mother died early, and she was raised by her father, a sailor and craftsman Longren. The villagers didn't like them. Girl with early years accustomed to loneliness. Those around her rejected her, she had to endure ridicule and insults. Assol was even considered crazy. She told her fellow villagers a story about a meeting with a sorcerer who prophesied that a noble prince would come for her at the appointed hour on a ship with scarlet sails. After that, she was nicknamed the ship's Assol.

In her warehouse, the heroine is distinguished by a vivid imagination and a sincere heart. Assol looks at the world with wide eyes, she believes in her ideal and will never give up her dream. She has rich inner world and she can see deep meaning in simple things.

Assol is educated and loves to read. She is characterized by diligence and love for nature. She communicates with plants, as with living beings, takes care of them. When Assol grows up, she becomes truly beautiful. She suits any outfit. She is a sweet and charming girl. Her face is clear and bright, like a child's.

In her heart, Assol always cherished her innermost dream of a ship with scarlet sails. Even the girl's father hoped that after a while she would forget the prediction of the magician Egle. But the ability to selflessly dream and ignore the evil attacks of fellow villagers strengthened the spirit of the girl. It was time for a miracle in her life. She met someone who understood her sensitive young soul and realized her innermost dream. On its shores native village a ship with scarlet sails appeared. It was built for Assol by Captain Gray, a noble sailor who learned Assol's story and made it a reality.

The heroine of the extravaganza story is a real symbol of such an eternal and worthy feeling as faith. Her soul is overwhelmed with emotions and experiences, she is sensual and open, but at the same time she has a strong and unbending spirit. Assol did not let go of her dreams. And so they came true.

Option 2

So I want to believe in miracles. The world of fairy tales and dreams is close to every person. While a person lives, he dreams. The theme of love and dreams has repeatedly become the main one in the work of writers of different times and eras. Suffice it to recall W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", A. Green "Scarlet Sails".

Assol at A. Green is a symbol of faith, purity and devotion to one's dream. The author embodies the ideal of naivety and romanticism in the image of the heroine. He loves his heroine very much, and so that the reader would love her, the writer begins the story about her from infancy.

When the little girl was less than a year old, her mother died, her father disappeared into the sea, an old neighbor helped with the upbringing of the girl. In order to somehow feed the family, the father began to make toys and sell them, he was not a sociable and gloomy person. The girl could not afford exquisite outfits, there was only enough money for the most necessary, but she does not complain because she and her father love each other. Green throughout the work traces the transformation of a little girl into a charming girl.

At the age of five, Assol evokes a smile with her kind face, as a teenager at twelve she is like a “swallow in flight” - expressive and pure, as a girl she captivates the eyes of passers-by: she is short, long eyelashes, dark blond hair tone.

The meeting with the storyteller and collector of songs Egle became fateful for the girl. With their prediction about the handsome prince, who will definitely come for her under scarlet sails, they forever settled a dream in the girl. The people around did not understand the heroine, considering her "strange".

The formation of the character of the heroine was influenced by the environment and the village society. The villagers were wary of the Assoli family, trying not to communicate with them. The girl had no friends, nature brightened up her loneliness.

Seeing the sleeping Assol and learning her secret from people, Gray could not help but realize a fabulous dream. He sails for the girl under scarlet sails and takes her away. Both romantic natures they should be together. A happy ending beautiful fairy tale, Assol found her prince.

A. Green, a romantic writer, showed with his work that if you believe and hope for a miracle, it will definitely come, you should not despair and you should strive to fulfill your desires.

Composition Obraz Assol

In "Scarlet Sails", readers really fell in love with the image of Assol, who embodies the belief in kindness and the fulfillment of the dream that the fairy tale will come true and everything will come true.

Assol had a difficult childhood. Mother died when Assol was not even a year old. The owner of the tavern was guilty of the death of his mother. Therefore, the girl remained to live alone with her father. The father, the sailor Longren, raised and took care of his daughter himself, and she helped him in everything and obeyed. In Kaperna, where they lived, filth and poverty reigned, people were evil. Many considered her father a murderer and would not allow their children to play with her. Assol felt lonely, she had no friends, but this did not harden her soul, she was very kind. The girl grew up in her own, closed world, known only to her alone. She played herself, living in her own mysterious world.

She turned out to be a good housewife: she would wash the floor and sweep, and change clothes, from old to new.

She took me to the market to sell toys in order to get at least some money. When she walked home along the path, she often talked to the trees, stroking each leaf.

And in Kaperna they laughed at her and considered her crazy, but she silently endured these insults. No one in the village believed her story about a meeting in the forest with a wizard, they considered it a fiction. One day the girl was returning from the city and walking through the forest. In the forest, Assol met the kind Egle, the collector of legends. He told her that one day a ship with scarlet sails would sail to Caperna and a handsome prince would come out to her. The prince will stretch out his hands to Assol and take her forever with him. The wizard gave her a dream so that she could rise to the sun. The name Assol is also sunny! The girl believed Egl and told her father about it. Longren did not disappoint Assol, deciding that in time everything would be forgotten.

When Assol grew up, she became a real beauty and everyone envied her. All the clothes on her seemed like new and the girl was simply charming. For her, a gloomy day turned into a sunny downpour. His face, as before, was radiant with a childlike smile. A young man appeared in her life, who in a dream put a ring on her finger. After that, Assol became even more confident that her dreams would soon come true.

Assol never kept a grudge against her offenders. She always treated animals with affection and care, only besides her father she had another friend Philip, a coal miner.

Assol is completely different from the inhabitants of the town, they are like from another world and they do not belong there. The girl has not lost the ability to enjoy and love the world around her.

Essay 4

Alexander Grin is a famous romantic writer who became famous for his work Scarlet Sails. Here, dreams are on the verge of reality, so this work has become a symbol of love and faith for many generations of women. The beauty of the soul and body makes us believe in Assol and make her our ideal to follow.

The main character of this novel is the girl Assol, who is in her dreams. She is a symbol of purity and innocence. But her life was not as joyful as it seems at first glance. The girl lost her mother early, and her father, a craftsman and sailor, raised her along with an old man in the neighborhood. She found an outlet in reading and in education. She loves nature and feels with all the notes of the soul. It helps all living beings in one situation or another. If the birds are hungry, then she will feed them bread crumbs, if someone has injured their paw, then she will definitely cure them. All this is superimposed on her not only inner world, but also on external beauty.

Assol is truly beautiful, so any outfit suits her. Green is very sincere towards the girl, showing her with a bright and clean face and with a clean good soul like a child, therefore, he traces in this novel her whole life from infancy to the transformation into a beautiful and charming swan. All her life she was followed by loneliness, as the inhabitants of her village for some reason did not like them. Regardless of the state of the surrounding society, Assol remained with a kind heart and sparkling eyes. The main thing in her life is to believe in a dream and wait for the fulfillment of her desires.

Throughout her life, she had a dream to meet her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. But the desire to be happy does not make it possible to stop dreaming about this moment, so when the dream ship stops off the coast of the village, Assol cannot believe his happiness. this fate beautiful girl becomes Captain Gray, who understood her and fulfilled her hidden desires and dreams. In fact, there were few such noble men at that time, since not everyone could put the desires of their beloved above their own.

Sample 5

The story - extravaganza "Scarlet Sails" was written by Alexander Grin at the beginning of the 19th century. She talks about a good dream that was destined to become a reality, and that everyone is able to do a miracle for a loved one.

The main character of the story is Assol. When Assol was barely 5 months old, her mother died. The daughter was raised by her father, a former sailor Longren. To make a living, he made children's toys, which Assol helped make and sell. In Kapern, many considered Longren a murderer, fellow villagers shunned the former sailor, and children were forbidden to play with his daughter. The evil ridicule of the neighbors did not affect the good heart of young Assol. She grew up in her mysterious world filled with dreams and hopes.

Assol has a former rich vivid imagination. One day she met the old storyteller Egle, who gave the girl a wonderful dream. The storyteller said that when Assol grows up, the prince will sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. Egle's words pleased the young Assol so much that long years became her dream, helping to survive the difficulties of life. Returning home after meeting with Egle, the girl told Longren about the wizard's prediction. The retired sailor did not disappoint his daughter, he thought that over time everything would be forgotten by itself.

Her father taught Asol to read and write, and she spent time reading with pleasure. It is noteworthy that Assol read books between the lines, “as she lived,” the writer reports. Assol also loved nature, treated all living things with tenderness and kindness.

Years passed, Assol became a beautiful girl who kept good sensitive heart. Every day she met with a smile, found joy in the little things. Possessing a love of life and sensitivity, she took care of our smaller brothers, spoke to the trees. Assol looked at the world as a mystery, looking for a deep meaning in everyday things. She did not pay attention to the ridicule of her fellow villagers, who considered the girl crazy. Assol silently endured their caustic remarks and never held a grudge against them. The girl believed in her dream and, of course, this helped her come true. After someone put a ring on the sleeping Assol's finger, faith in the storyteller's words flared up in her soul with renewed vigor.

Assol's dream was realized by the young captain Grey. After hearing the girl's story, Gray made the storyteller's words come true. Thus, Assol really met her prince.

The story of Alexander Grin teaches not only to dream, but also to embody the dreams of loved ones. She also teaches to always believe in the best.

Each of us has made promises in our lives. Everyone knows this. But some do not know about the existence of such a saying as: Strengthen the word with deed.

Russia is the strongest power in the world! - so we are inspired from childhood. However, recent events in the international political arena suggest otherwise. But we must admit that now Russia is in a difficult position

  • Heroes of the work Old Woman Izergil (characteristic)

    The narrator in the work is one of actors although he gives little information about himself. According to the plot, he is a young Russian guy, handsome, strong, working at the grape harvest in Bessarabia

  • The story for real romantics "Scarlet Sails" was originally called "The Fairy Tale". Outline to literary work began to do in 1916, working on "Running on the Waves". The book was published in 1923 with a dedication to the writer's wife. In the center of the story is the story of a young girl Assol, whose life is filled with dreams and fantasies. Living in the real world, the heroine dreams of a fairy tale that one day is destined to come true.

    Young Assol is a lyrical and poetic image. This is a sophisticated girl, persistent and strong in spirit, like the main characters of Russian dramatic works. Working on any work, the author puts a particle of himself into the characters described. The image of Assol is woven from the features characteristic of Green. Grinevsky ( real name writer) dreamed of becoming a sailor and going on a long voyage. Romanticism in his soul collided with harsh everyday life, so instead of getting on a ship, Alexander became a coaster worker.

    Faced with the rudeness of professional sailors, Green gained skepticism, which connects him with the sailor Longren, Assol's father. The talented writer was not handsome, his maritime career did not work out, and fate did not favor him. "Scarlet Sails" combines the symbolism of Alexander Grin's life vicissitudes, his hopes and dreams, coupled with the hardships of reality.

    History of creation

    Assol's characterization resonates with the worldview and ideals of the author. It was difficult for him, like a lovely girl, to exist in a world where there is no place for a fairy tale. Grinevsky describes the main character of the story just enough to give the reader an idea about her. Hope is main feature symbolizing her mentality. The character is described vaguely, and readers tend to ennoble the girl themselves through imagination.

    The heroine lives in the coastal town of Caperna. As a child, Assol was not the soul of the company; her peers did not accept her because of her father's bad reputation. Having survived this, she learned to be self-sufficient and not pay attention to resentment. Having invented his own world, where dreams come true, Assol is waiting for the instructions of fate in order to enjoy life and love someone other than his father and the surrounding nature.

    The characterization of the heroine's appearance has become a secondary nuance of the story, but the description is present in the narrative. The heroine removes her thick dark blond hair with a scarf and wears a simple dress in a pink flower. The girl has a pleasant meek smile and a sad look. A thin fragile figure does not interfere with Assol's work.

    The modest dreamer was left without a mother early. She lives with her father, a former sailor, and they sell wooden toys to support themselves. Despite the crazy love of a parent, Assol is lonely. One day, she learns about a prediction that said that a prince would come to her on a beautiful ship and take the girl with him. The stranger's words were trusting Assol enough to believe in the legend. Her faith was based not on frivolity, but on the desire to change lives. Steadfastly withstanding the ridicule of others, the dreamer was true to her dream, and it came true.


    The main line in the work is the story of Assol. She lives in a small village with an unsociable and withdrawn father. The villagers do not like their family because of the accident in which Longren is involved. In a storm, he witnessed the death of the innkeeper Menners, but did not save his fellow countryman, remembering that no one came to the rescue of his wife in a similar situation.

    Assol - illustration for the book "Scarlet Sails"

    In fact, the wife of the former sailor died because of his callousness and stinginess, which became the reason for hatred of the family by ill-wishers. Once the girl went to the city to sell crafts, among which was a boat with scarlet sails. Assol let him go along the stream, and the toy was lost. The ship was found by the storyteller Aigle. He predicted to the girl that when she grows up, Assol will be taken from her native land by a prince who sailed on a ship with scarlet sails.

    Arthur Gray, from a wealthy family, had a passion for adventure and sailing. One day, after setting sail on a ship, he went out on a boat to go fishing. Having spent the night on the shore, in the morning Gray saw Assol sleeping. Struck by her beauty, he left his ring on the girl's hand. In a nearby tavern, Arthur learned the girl's story, embellished local legends. Not listening to gossip, convinced of the nobility of Assol's dreams, Gray bought scarlet silk in a shop and ordered sails to be sewn. The next day, the ship that Assol saw in her dreams approached the pier of Caperna. Gray took her to a distant country, as the storyteller's prediction foretold.

    • Alexander Grinevsky, dreaming of the sea, made not the girl's faith in the arrival of the prince, but the ship a symbol of hope and the realization of a dream. An allusion to the author's unfulfilled hopes, the scarlet sails became a sign that if dreams did not come true, this does not mean that they were impossible. Assol did not wait for Gray. She was waiting for the ship, in which she invested the faith accumulated by years of loneliness and misunderstanding.

    • Perhaps the hidden symbolism of the work made it a favorite book of the communists, who firmly believe in the dream and are confident in achieving it. The romantic background in the perception of readers and the presentation of the author fades into the background.
    • It is noteworthy that even the magical name Assol appeared by accident. According to rumors, Green bought tomato juice in the store and in the question: “And the salt?” - heard a combination of sounds that inspired the writer to create a name for main character works.

    • Based on the story, musicals and performances were staged more than once. It was filmed by director Alexander Ptushko in 1961. The actress became the creator of the main female image. Young embodied Arthur Gray in the frame.
    • Pictures based on the book "Scarlet Sails" still inspire artists to create graphic images, mosaics, sculptures and other objects in various techniques execution. The main character, embodied by the artists, is the girl Assol, and the subject is a ship with scarlet sails.


    The work of Alexander Grin is full of morality contained in the monologues and replicas of the main characters. Remarkable quotes from the story "Scarlet Sails" have become catchphrases.

    “Now children do not play, but study. They all learn and learn and never start living.”

    These words do not lose their relevance today. They characterize not children, but adults who begin to live as it is inherent in their age, and forget about their dreams.

    "Miracles are made by hand."

    The remark hints that it is not worth living in anticipation, while decisive action will quickly lead to the desired result. Perhaps Green was guided by these words when he hired to work on the ship and dreamed of managing the ship.

    "We love fairy tales, but we don't believe in them."

    Assol was a dreamer, and her fantasies came true. This happened thanks to unchanging faith and fortitude of spirit. Sometimes faith allows circumstances to develop in the right way.

    "The sea and love do not like pedants"

    So wrote the romantic Green, comparing two wayward elements. In a collision with them, the little things that pedants appreciate are not important. Dreamers and people who feel the ability to create their own destiny according to dreams get what they are looking for.

    "Scarlet Sails" by Alexander Grin captivate the reader not only with its romantic and fabulous plot, but also with the main characters. The image of Assol in the story embodies a bright faith in a dream and a fairy tale, kindness and tenderness, meekness and love.

    Childhood Assol

    Assol was born in the family of a sailor Longren. The girl's mother died when she was not even a year old. Assol was raised by his father. The girl helped him in everything, was obedient and kind, quickly learned everything. Characterization of Assol from the work "Scarlet Sails" is impossible without mentioning some moments of her life in Kapern.

    In his early childhood the heroine suffered from the fact that other children, on the instructions of their parents, were afraid of her and did not play with her, because they considered the girl's father a murderer. Soon, after crying out a sea of ​​tears and resentment, the girl learned to play herself, living in her mysterious world of fantasy and dreams. In her own world, completely different from reality, Assol has not lost the ability to rejoice and love. Her love and kindness extend to nature and the only person in Kapern who understands her, besides her father, is the coal miner Philip.

    A kind girl, she does not remember the insults and anger that the inhabitants of Kaperna pour over her, she is smart and hardworking, she never despairs, and she also knows how to dream for real - such is the characteristic of Assol from Scarlet Sails.

    Meeting with the storyteller

    Assol often helped her father, she took toys to the city for sale and bought the necessary products. Somehow, while walking through the forest, the girl met with the old collector of legends Egle, who told her about how a ship under scarlet sails would sail to Caperna and take her away from here forever.

    “One morning, a scarlet sail will sparkle in the sea distance ... Then you will see a brave and handsome prince; he will stand and stretch out his hands to you.” So the old storyteller spoke, and Assol began to wait for the scarlet sails, believing the prediction with all her heart. Old Longren decided not to deprive the girl of such a gift, thinking that she would grow up and forget herself about this strange meeting in the forest.

    Dream and Caperna

    Unfortunately, Assol lives in a very mundane place. It is very difficult for her here, because both she and the environment are aware of her alienation and peculiarity.

    “But you don’t tell fairy tales ... they don’t sing songs. And if they tell and sing, then these are stories about cunning peasants and soldiers, dirty like unwashed feet ... quatrains. - this is what Aigl says about Kaperna.

    It would seem that in such a place it is impossible for Assol's fragile dream to survive, but the girl carefully carries it through dirty ridicule and resentment. And nothing that she is considered crazy and evilly called "ship Assol", Gray only needs one look at her to understand that all the stories are a vile fiction.

    The characteristics of Assol and Gray are completely different from the characteristics of the inhabitants of the town, both of them are from a completely different world. They have no place in Kapern.

    Scarlet Sails

    Little Assol, as if insanely expensive toy, stores the prediction of the old collector of legends. And although they laugh at her, and consider her insane, the girl does not despair.

    When one day Assol wakes up with Gray's ring on her finger, she realizes that her Scarlet Sails are on their way.

    The main idea of ​​the work is that you need to be able to dream, not to forget and not betray your dream, and then it will definitely come true. Assol's description from the story "Scarlet Sails" confirms this.

    Artwork test