Often I think that the world is nicer. kind soul

Hello my dear readers.

Once again I see that spam in the forehead will never lead to anything good.

And this article, perhaps, will plant some seed in the head of beginners and become an instruction "what NOT to do".

I will try to convey to you the main essence of our dialogue. And, of course, there will be no links to the profile and other details, as this is absolutely unethical.

So, let's begin!

The girl started by texting me “Hi” without any direct suggestions or anything, besides she had a nice business profile picture and there were interesting posts on the page.

You understand, I decided that she was an ordinary person and, perhaps, wants to ask some interest Ask on business. And what happened after that...

I answered the greeting, and then she just stunned me with her message. The text was something like this:

“Pavel, I see you are an active networker… What company do you have, what is your check in your company, how many people are in the first line?”

After that, our communication immediately went wrong, and at the end of it, I did a little analysis and realized that that was the worst question, which could only be set to the network manager! :).

  1. Beginning - he has no income at all and almost no one in the first line. A question of this type can only hurt, because there are no results yet, although it has only recently begun.
  2. Average - the same situation, the only difference is that the results are already there, but perhaps he is moving more slowly than he wants. Because of such a question, guilt will play in him, and he, you know, cannot stand it!
  3. Top MLM leader - it is unlikely that among the venerable networkers there are people who like to engage in bragging. When they see such a message, they will immediately understand that the person who sent it is not worth a minute of attention.
  4. Network MLM 2.0 is my case. Here it is generally difficult to explain to a person that an MLM company is not the most important thing in your business, that there are still multiple sources of income and an information business. Yes, and you immediately understand that there will be no sense from this.

For a couple of moments I thought about what to write in response, and after a second I decided that the conversation should be curtailed. Then everything was standard, after two attempts to extort my income from me, she sent a video about a well-known company :).

I decided not to dismiss the person and help her learn more advanced methods of business promotion: I suggested that she study my blog and free PDFs ...

And what was the result? She said that blogs and texts are the last century, and a serious entrepreneur MUST give educational materials only in video format!

“The patient is rather dead,” I decided and closed the dialogue.

After talking with this girl, I was once again convinced that a strategy in promoting through the Internet is worse than spam in in social networks, No.

SPAM does not work at all as there is absolutely no value!

The only possible option is to attract attention by leaving a like on the page of the person you like and a valuable comment that he wants to respond to. After that, you can already warm the relationship by talking "personally". If a person is in search now, and he liked you, then he himself will ask about your offer.

By the way, not so long ago I wrote several useful articles on this topic. Therefore, if you missed them, if you follow my blog recently, then click on the links below and implement the recommendations outlined there into your business:

I almost forgot! If you have any strategy for building trust in social networks that is different from mine, perhaps even with subsequent recruitment, then feel free to share in the comments below, we'll discuss it.

That's all for today.

Productivity for your business!


Pavel Vinogradov.

2. Network marketing is a business of communication.

Network marketing is a successful business,

because it is built on trust,

communicating and helping other people.

(Merlin Fergusen)

Success in business, as well as in personal life, directly depends on the ability to communicate with others. If you are an unsociable person, do not want and do not know how to communicate, then the network business is not for you. Of course, everyone communicates differently due to their temperament. But whatever it is, communication skills can be developed and improved.

Start your network marketing conversation by talking to your sponsor. Feel free to get acquainted, talk, ask questions - the more the better. This is not the case when it is appropriate to be shy or to assume that help is not needed, and you will figure it out on your own. Don't be afraid to show interest in your new activity and the people with whom you will now work closely. Network business is a business of trusting relationships. If open, friendly relations are established, then you will be more comfortable working. In a good environment conducive to work, business will develop faster.

The most successful salespeople, teachers and businessmen are sociable people who know how to win over people and communicate easily. You will not communicate with the client - sales will be low. If you don't learn from a sponsor, you won't teach your distributors anything either.

We must make it a rule to be in touch with the sponsor 7 days a week for at least the first two months. There is a good phrase: "The sponsor gets to the one who gets it!". When you yourself constantly call your mentor, ask questions, discuss possible solutions problems, then he sees what you want and are ready to work. Therefore, will pay more attention to you.

In the MLM business, they make money by communicating with people. No communication - no business. In the process of work, you will communicate with clients, with colleagues, with your wards - distributors - already as a sponsor.

There are many communication options. Forums, skype, phone, webinars and seminars. Get pages on social networks and start making friends, expanding contacts. Communication in social networks makes it possible to be in sight, work on yourself, be interested in everything and be yourself. interesting people, develop and not stand still.
Contact in networks not only with potential partners, but also with the leading figures of the network business - these are open people who are tuned in to contact. See how friendly and easy they communicate.

I really liked Brian Tracy's book "The Power of Charm" and I remember the phrase from it "Success in business and in personal life is 85% dependent on the ability to communicate effectively with others." Success is worth it to start working on yourself.

Chat, build a business, make friends and, of course, read books.

Books on this subject that I liked:

  • Leil Lowndes "How to talk to anyone and about anything. Successful communication skills and effective communication technologies"
  • Dale Carnegie "6 Ways to Win People"
  • Brian Tracy "The Power of Charm"

He has written several books on the subject. This article is an attempt to summarize the main essence of his strategy for inviting new participants to his business.

These tips and rules are intended for personal communication or by telephone. No need to use them in sms, emails, chats and so on. For verbal communication only.

Eric's formula works with both warm and cold applicants. Examples will be given for both groups.

There are 8 basic steps to a professional, proper network marketing invitation. Below we will look at each of them in detail, of course, with practical examples that will help you quickly understand and master them.

Step 1. Be in a hurry!

This is purely a psychological maneuver. People tend to trust more those who are always in business.

One is mine good friend, Ryan (Ryan Y), a very busy guy or he constantly pretends to be very busy. Every time I talk to him, he says he has a few minutes for me. After a while, he says that he needs to make some important calls and he is forced to say goodbye to me.

If, when you start a conversation, you give the impression of a person who is in a hurry on business, then you will be able to invite a potential applicant to your business in just a few phrases, with less resistance, and he will respect your time.

It always works. If a person is in a hurry, then we listen to him more carefully, try to quickly and briefly state our position and have more respect for him. Let's look at a few examples.

How to approach a warm potential partner: “I don’t have much time to talk, but I want to clarify one thing with you important point» . Or like this: "I'm on my way, but there's something I need to discuss with you quickly."

For the cold challenger: "Now not best time For this, I already have to go, but ... ", "It's time for me to run, but..."

Set the atmosphere in a hurry!

The exact words in these examples are not that important. The main thing is to focus on creating the impression that you are in a hurry.

Just make it clear to the person that you are in a hurry on business, but you want to quickly talk with him on an important topic. Do it with passion!

Step 2. Compliment!

This is a critical moment. A sincere compliment will open the doors of communication and make the other person more accommodating and willing to listen to you. Do not flatter or lie, make a sincere compliment!

"You work quite hard and I have a lot of respect for your success in business." Or like this: "Every time I am convinced that you are the best in your business."

For the cold challenger: "Are you so quick to figure out what you're doing?"

These simple steps can double the performance of your invitations, says Eric Worre.

When you start your conversation with a compliment and in some haste, it is already very difficult for a person to react negatively to the invitation. People don't actually get complimented very often, so this almost always works.

If you followed the work of experienced network marketing professionals, you would notice that they constantly improve people's mood with sincere, real compliments.

It always makes a person more open and friendly.

Step 3. Make an invitation!

AT this moment There are three main approaches among network business professionals.

Direct Approach

The direct approach is used when you invite a person to learn more about opportunities that can help him earn.

Examples for warm applicants: "I think I've found a way to significantly increase our income." Or like this: “May I ask you if you could start a business without giving up your current job, but the income from which would bring you more money would you be interested?"(one of the most effective options)

For cold applicants: “Would you be interested in doing an additional business if it didn’t distract you from your main job?” Or like this: “Are you considering any additional income options?”

Most take this direct approach. But there are other ways, but it depends more on the situation. If you always take the direct approach, then maybe it's time to expand your horizons a bit?

Indirect approach

The indirect approach is another very powerful tool to overcome some resistance and get the person to listen to what you have to offer. This method involves asking for help to figure something out. This approach allows you to play on the ego of a person.

Example for a warm challenger: “I found a business that seemed very interesting to me, but I haven’t figured it all out yet. You have a lot of trading experience. Can you look at some of the materials and suggest whether it is worth doing this?

Another option: “They say that one head is good, but two is better. I recently started a business. Are you looking at him? Your opinion is interesting.

For cold applicants: “My company is growing in your area. Would you do me a favor and watch some stuff? It's interesting to know what you think about it."

Or like this: “I started a business with a product that, in my opinion, has good prospects, but I want to get an outside opinion. Will you take a look?"

Super indirect approach

The 3rd approach is very effective because it uses several psychological aspects at once. In this method, you make it clear to the person that he is not an applicant and ask him about his acquaintances who could join your business.

An example use case for a warm challenger: “Don’t you have any acquaintances who want to do additional business from home?”

Or like this: "The business I'm in doesn't seem to suit you, but do you know someone who would like to make a nice extra income working from home?"

In most cases, a person will ask you to tell him about this business before he starts talking about his acquaintances. It's all about curiosity and some intrigue.

If your interlocutor began to ask additional questions and be interested in your business, then you can proceed to the 4th step.

Step 4. If me, then you?

This is one of the secret weapons of a professional network marketer. “Will you watch the presentation if I email it to you?” “Will you visit the site if I give you a link?” These are very powerful questions, for several reasons.

First, it is the principle of reciprocity. You are offered something in return for something else that you can do. People tend to react positively to such situations.

Second, you are in a position of power. You are in control. You do not beg, do not ask, but offer a favor for a favor.

Third, you are supposed to be offering something of value. You say that you will do something, but only if the other person agrees to do something in return.

People have more respect for your offer when they see that it is valuable to you.

Scheme "If I, then you" works like magic. Remember that your main task at this stage is to provide information. Only then can you move on to the fifth step.

If a person asks for more information, then you should act: “I understand that you can’t explain everything in a nutshell. You can find answers to all questions on the disk, website, and so on.” "The easiest way for you to understand what I'm talking about is if you watch this presentation, website, CD, and so on."

If a person refuses, then you simply thank him for his time and deal with other applicants. It is also useful to think later if it was possible to do something differently, perhaps you made a mistake somewhere.

So, in four steps, you have managed to convince a person to view your marketing materials in one form or another.

Does this mean that success has been achieved? Not! Eric Worre constantly reminds that only five percent of people will do what they promised if you used only 4 steps. Such a percentage cannot suit us. To increase the effectiveness of your invitations to 80%, you need to go through another 4 steps.

Step 5. Confirmation and setting the time frame

Immediately after the completion of the 4th step, you should ask the question: “When do you think you will be able to watch these materials?” or “When can you go to the site to watch the presentation?”

When you asked the person the questions from step 4, it was a task for your interlocutor that he will complete someday. Now, after the 5th step, everything becomes more real. The main thing is that he tells you when he looks at your materials.

In 90% of cases, a person will tell you quite accurately when they are ready to watch your presentation. In the remaining 10%, the answer will be vague. Try this in this case: “I don’t want to waste your, and even mine, time for nothing. Maybe just think about the deadline by which you can definitely watch the presentation?

Don't be afraid to push a little. The fact is that your interlocutor has already agreed to see your materials at the 4th step. Now he feels some duty.

Now you can go directly to the transfer of presentations, links and other materials? NO! It is too early!

Step 6. Confirmation 2. Check the time

If a person tells you that they will watch your presentation on Thursday evening, then you should ask: “If I call you on Friday morning, will you have seen everything by then?”

After such a question, the applicant usually either slightly corrects the previously indicated time, or immediately answers in the affirmative. Note that by this point, the person has already confirmed their intention to view your content three times. It is also important that it was not you who chose the time, but the interlocutor himself appointed it.

You asked questions, and the person confirmed his intentions and offered time on his own.

Step 7. Confirmation 3. Arrange a call

This step is very simple. You just need to ask: “What is the best number to call you and what time?” Your interlocutor will tell you a convenient time for him and a way to contact him. And now you have an ironclad arrangement.

Step 8. End the conversation!

Remember step number 1? You hurry! Just say: “Great, then agreed! It's time for me to run. Let's call! Goodbye!"

A lot of people make the mistake of agreeing on everything and keep talking and talking, which often backfires. Nothing more needs to be said. Your task is only to convince a person to familiarize themselves with your materials or presentations.

The roots of the "disease of beauty" (beauty cult) often lie in our low self-esteem (inferiority complex). It seems to a person that he is worse and lower than others, he worries because he is not perfect enough in appearance, that he does not dress well. Women with low self-esteem think: “I am imperfect, ugly, ugly and awkward, fat (thin), I am poorly dressed, I am getting old. excess weight, small breasts, overweight hips. I don’t have a waist, taste, elegance ... "Of course, often an inferiority complex leads to failures in personal life. This is a losing position.
But the "disease of beauty" is also found in people with high self-esteem. "I'm the best, no one and nothing can compare with me. How did she, this ugly woman, dare to cross my path? How dare he not pay attention to me? How can he talk to me like that, such a beauty? I'm so beautiful, and they don't appreciate it. That is, a person considers himself perfection, the ideal of beauty, and is very worried if someone does not understand, does not appreciate, does not respect, that is, destroys this illusion of his. This is where our pride comes into play. A person opposes himself in beauty to other people, considers himself higher, more beautiful, better than others, he is not only proud of his appearance, but also worries when others do not appreciate it (or do not see it). Opposing himself to the world, he pushes people away from him with his pride, arrogance, contempt and dooms himself to loneliness. He put himself on a pedestal, but on the pedestal he has to stand alone. Moreover, inflated self-esteem gives a person the feeling that he deserves better and more than they can give him. And this brings to life dissatisfaction with what is, both in personal life and in career. And this position is also losing.
In fact, inflated self-esteem always lies low self-esteem (this is the same inferiority complex), so such people always need confirmation from the outside that they are better and more beautiful than others. They seek confirmation of their thoughts about themselves in the eyes of others, and are upset if they do not find it. And in this case, they try to assert themselves at the expense of others, humiliating them.
In both cases (both with low and high self-esteem), it is important for us what others think about us and our appearance, whether they discuss, condemn, laugh, or envy. We are dependent on the opinions of others and evaluate ourselves through the eyes of others, based on their opinion.
A person with an objective self-assessment is neutral to public opinion because he knows that you won’t be nice to everyone, you won’t please everyone. He knows and appreciates his virtues, and finds a "zest" in his shortcomings.

Change your values

So, the cultivation of beauty, fixation on the outer shell, when outer beauty is a great value in life, leads to life failures. Change your values. Outer beauty- a good thing, but it's not worth our worries. You cannot condemn yourself for your dissimilarity with your own ideal of beauty or despise others, because it seems to you (and everything is relative) that their appearance is worse than yours. Not without reason, "they are greeted by clothes, but they are escorted by the mind."
What can you advise people with low self-esteem? Learn to enjoy life with your appearance, with what you have. Everything that happens to your appearance is not yet a reason for worry. Say thanks to the Higher Forces, Life, for the fact that you at least have legs, arms, a head! Say thank you for what you are, for your appearance!
It would be nice for people with high self-esteem to understand that their beauty is not a reason to consider themselves higher and cooler than others. Yes, you are lucky in this, but it is not your merit. Thank your parents, fate for this, enjoy your beauty, but do not make a cult out of it.
You shouldn't give it great importance beauty, youth, appearance, you should not constantly worry about this. Life is beautiful no matter how you look. Happiness is not in beauty and youth. "Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy." Feelings about beauty (your own or someone else's) deprive you of the opportunity to be happy. Maybe you should shift your attention from external to internal content? Spiritual beauty can make any face spiritual, beautiful. Beauty lies within us.

Where is the exit?

So, if you understand that you have a highly developed cult of beauty, then you probably have a question about how to get rid of it.
  1. You can consciously stop worrying about your own and other people's appearance. Sweep aside thoughts and feelings about this, stop controlling yourself and others.
  2. You can voluntarily create an educational process for yourself, without waiting for the Higher powers to do it by force. For example, women can start going out without makeup, dressed more simply than usual, men - unshaven (at the beginning to the nearest store, then to the nearest bus stop, to the beach, to training). Of course, it is difficult, but not as scary as it seems at first glance. Learn to feel comfortable with this (the result is achieved by numerous workouts).
  3. You can play dress up. For example, you put on some kind of image that is unusual for you (at the beginning you train at home, then you go to the people): the image of a blue stocking, a school teacher, a gray mouse, a Soviet official, a beggar, a gypsy, a poor relative, a shirt-guy, an alcoholic , do not care, gouging, shell-shocked, fool, jester, poor relative, hippie, punk, teenager.
  4. If you do not accept some part of your body (well, you don’t like it!), Then mentally talk to it, while stroking it, affectionately calling it.
    Learn to admire and show off, laugh at yourself ("Oh, my beloved tummy! Was it tasty for you?
    Did you eat, dear?")
  5. Change your image often.
    Allow yourself in appearance what you could not afford before. Smear your nails with blue varnish or wipe off the varnish completely, make a bouffant, stick a tattoo, walk without heels, without a tie, without a hairstyle, with an earring in one ear.
  6. Think about how often you have negative thoughts about your appearance, about the feeling of beauty in the world. How often and for what reason are you dissatisfied with your appearance and the appearance of others? Do you judge them and yourself for their appearance? Write down these thoughts.
  7. Formulate negative programs about your and other people's appearance and beauty, reprogram them into positive attitudes. For example, “I have a big belly, it makes me scary. No one will love me with such a belly” to “I have the best tummy in the world, soft and plump. This is my “zest” that attracts men to me. Men love me for my soft tummy, to which you can cuddle and feel bliss."
Good luck to you!!!