Play sportloto 6 out of 45 now. Secrets of luck or a step-by-step algorithm for winning the lottery


My name is Ivan Melnikov! I am a graduate of the NTU "KhPI", Faculty of Engineering and Physics, specialty "Applied Mathematics", a happy family man and just a fan of games of chance. Since childhood, I have been fond of lotteries. I've always been interested in what laws fall out certain balls. Since the age of 10, I have been recording lottery results and then analyzing the data.


Ivan Melnikov.

  1. Mathematical odds of winning

    • Simple calculation with factorials

The most common lotteries in the world are luck games like "5 out of 36" and "6 out of 45". Calculate the chance of winning the lottery trite according to probability theory.

An example of calculating the possibility of obtaining a jackpot in the 5 out of 36 lottery:

It is necessary to divide the number of free cells by the number of possible combinations. That is, the first digit can be chosen from 36, the second from 35, the third from 34, and so on.

Therefore, here is the formula:

Number of possible combinations in a 5 out of 36 lottery = (36*35*34*33*32) / (1*2*3*4*5) = 376,992

The chance of winning is 1 in almost 400,000.

Let's do the same for the 6 to 45 lottery.

Number of possible combinations = "6 out of 45" = (45*44*43*42*41*40) / (1*2*3*4*5*6) = 9,774,072.

Accordingly, the chance of winning is almost 1 in 10 million.

  • A bit about probability theory

According to the long-known theory, each ball in each next search has an absolutely equal chance of falling out compared to others.

But not everything is so simple, even according to the theory of probability. Let's take a closer look at the example of tossing a coin. The first time we hit heads, then the next time the probability of tails falling out is much higher. If the eagle fell out again, then next time we expect tails with even greater probability.

With the balls coming out of the lottery machines, the story is approximately the same, but somewhat more complicated and with a more significant number of variables. If one ball fell out 3 times, and the other - 10, then the probability of the first ball falling out will be higher than that of the second. It is worth noting that this law diligently violate the organizers of some lotteries, which change the lottery drums from time to time. In each new lottery drum, a new sequence appears.

Some other organizers use a separate lottery drum for each ball. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the probability of falling out of each ball in each individual lottery machine. On the one hand, this makes the task a little easier, on the other hand, it complicates it.

But this is just a theory of probability, which, as it turned out, does not really work. Let's see what are the secrets based on dry science and statistics accumulated over decades.

  1. Why doesn't probability theory work?

    • Non-ideal conditions

The first thing worth talking about is the calibration of loto drums. None of the lottery drums are perfectly calibrated.

The second caveat is that the diameters of the lottery balls are also not the same. Even the slightest difference of millimeters plays a role in the frequency of falling out of one or another ball.

The third detail is the different weight of the balls. Again, the difference may not seem significant at all, but it also affects the statistics, moreover, significantly.

  • Sum of winning numbers

If we consider the statistics of the numbers that won the lottery like "6 out of 45", we can see interesting fact: The sum of the numbers that players have bet on varies between 126 and 167.

The sum of winning lottery numbers for "5 out of 36" is a slightly different story. Here the winning numbers add up to 83-106.

  • Even or odd?

What do you think are the most common numbers in winning tickets? Even? Odd? I will tell you with full confidence that in the lotteries "6 out of 45" these numbers are equally divided.

But what about "5 out of 36"? After all, you need to choose only 5 balls, even and odd cannot be an equal number. So. After analyzing the results of lotteries of this type over the past four decades, I can say that odd numbers appear in winning combinations slightly, but still more often. Especially those that contain the number 6 or 9. For example, 19, 29, 39, 69 and so on.

  • Popular number groups

For a lottery like "6 to 45", we conditionally divide the numbers into 2 groups - from 1 to 22 and from 23 to 45. It should be noted that in the winning tickets the ratio of numbers belonging to the group is 2 to 4. That is, either the ticket will have 2 numbers from the group from 1 to 22 and 4 numbers from the group from 23 to 45 or vice versa (4 numbers from the first group and 2 from the second).

I came to a similar conclusion when analyzing lottery statistics like "5 out of 36". Only in this case groups are broken up a little differently. Let's designate the first group, which includes numbers from 1 to 17, and the second - the one where the remaining numbers from 18 to 35 are placed. The ratio of numbers from the first group to the second in winning combinations in 48% of cases is 3 to 2, and in 52 % of cases - on the contrary, 2 to 3.

  • Should I bet on numbers from past draws?

It has been proven that in 86% of cases, the number that was already in previous draws is repeated in the new draw. Therefore, it is simply necessary to follow the draws of the lottery you are interested in.

  • consecutive numbers. To choose or not to choose?

The chance of getting 3 consecutive numbers at once is very low, less than 0.09%. And if you want to bet on 5 or 6 consecutive numbers at once, there is practically no chance. So choose different numbers.

  • Numbers with a single step: win or lose?

You should not bet on numbers that go in the same sequence. For example, it is definitely not necessary to choose step 2 and make a bet with this step. 10, 13, 16, 19, 22 is definitely a losing hand.

  • More than one ticket: yes or no?

It is better to play once every 10 weeks for 10 tickets than once a week for one. Also play in groups. You can win a big cash prize and share it among several people.

  1. World Lottery Statistics

    • Mega millions

One of the most popular lotteries in the world was carried out according to the following principle: you must choose 5 numbers out of 56, as well as 1 out of 46 for the so-called golden ball.

For 5 guessed balls and 1 correctly named golden lucky one gets the jackpot.

Other dependencies are shown in the table:

Statistics of dropped regular balls for the entire time of the draws of the above lottery.

Statistics of dropped golden balls for the entire duration of the Mega Millions draws.

The most frequently drawn combinations in the lottery are shown in the table below:

  • Powerball Lottery, where more than a dozen lucky ones have managed to hit the jackpot. It is necessary to choose 7 main game numbers and two Powerballs.

  1. Winner stories

    • Lucky compatriots

Evgeny Sidorov from Moscow received 35 million in 2009, before that Nadezhda Mekhametzyanova from Ufa hit the jackpot of 30 million. " Russian loto” sent another 29.5 million to Omsk to the winner, who did not want to name himself. In general, hitting jackpots is a good habit of Russian people

  • 390 million US dollars in one hand

In the Mega Millions lottery, which we have already talked about, a lucky winner, who wished to remain anonymous, won 390 million US dollars. And this is far from rare. In the same lottery in 2011, two people managed to hit the jackpot at once, which at that time consisted of an amount of 380 million. The cash prize was divided into two parts and awarded to people who guessed the winning numbers.

A retiree from South Carolina decided to participate in the Powerball lottery and won 260 million, which he decided to spend on the education of his children, and also bought a house, several cars for the family, and then went on a trip.

  1. conclusions

So, here is a summary of the most effective rules, following which you will definitely win:

  1. The sum of all the numbers you bet on in a lottery ticket must be calculated using the following formula:

Sum = ((1 + n)/2)*z + 2 +/- 12%

n is the maximum bet number, for example, 36 in a 5 out of 36 lottery

z is the number of balls you are betting on, e.g. 5 for the 5 out of 36 lottery

That is, for "5 out of 36" the sum will be:

((1+36)/2)*5 + 2 +/-12% = 18,5*5+2 +/-12% = 94,5 +/-12%

In this case, from 94.5 + 12% to 94.5 - 12%, that is, from 83 to 106.

  1. Bet equally on even and odd numbers.
  2. Divide all numbers by two large groups in half. The ratio of the number of hit numbers in winning ticket equals 1 to 2 or 2 to 1.
  3. Follow the statistics and bet on those numbers that fell out in previous draws.
  4. Don't bet on numbers with one step.
  5. It is better to play less often, but buy several tickets at once, and also get together with friends and relatives.

In general, bolder! Follow my rules, bet, analyze statistics and win!

Millions of players play lotteries using random numbers, numbers that are significant for them (dates of birth, etc.), as well as numbers that astrologers, psychics, etc. advise them. But, annoyingly, it almost never brings them any income. And to be more precise, such numbers bring winnings very, very rarely and by a lucky chance. A small part of all players play differently, using any lottery systems compiled without much analysis and developed strategy. They, like random numbers, do not bring the desired results, such as frequent winnings that exceed the cost of tickets (investment in the lottery) or receiving a super prize - the Jackpot.

I have been playing gosloto for many draws. During this time, I have collected a huge amount of information, after careful analysis and processing of which I managed to create an excellent system that increases the chances of winning the state lotto or any other lottery 6 out of 45. If you are interested, then spend 15 minutes of your time studying this article on House of Knowledge. After that, you will be able to develop your personal combinations of winning numbers, which will bring excellent income from the lottery.

As I said, I worked on the creation of this system for a very long time and painstakingly, but the result turned out to be gorgeous. These are not some shamanistic predictions of numbers, putting numbers down by a computer, or ordinary guessing. This is a real working system, built on real numbers and many years of testing, thanks to which I win in almost 90% of all state lotto draws (6 out of 45).

Advantages of the 6 out of 45 system for winnings in the state lotto:

  • This system greatly increases the chances of winning the state lotto or any lottery 6 out of 45.
  • Drawing up winning lottery combinations is a fairly simple process that does not require skills.
  • All that is needed after creating your personal combinations is to mark them in the lottery tickets of the State Lottery or another 6 out of 45 lottery.

For victories in the state lotto and lottery 6 out of 45, it is recommended:

  • Do not change your personal set numbers for a long time.
  • Play only according to the given combinations and the planned budget.
  • Do not throw away previously filled tickets, as they may still be needed.
  • Do not use the numbers from the example given in this article, but create your own personal combinations. Otherwise, in case of a win, this will lead to a decrease in the payout, because. these same figures can be used by many other people who are too lazy to create their own tables.

How to make combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

For the correct compilation of winning combinations, consider the following factors:

  1. There should not be more than two digits in a row.
  2. Each combination must include 3 even numbers and 3 odd numbers.
  3. Each combination must include three numbers from 1 to 24 and three from 25 to 45.
  4. Any patterns in the compilation of combinations are optional.
  5. The listed requirements for compiling combinations for the state lotto or other lottery 6 out of 45 are only advisory in nature and are optional.

Recommendations for creating combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

To make winning combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45, you will need 3 tables, each of which consists of 6 columns and 45 rows.

Then, according to the example given in this article on the Knowledge House, you will create sets of numbers - combinations that will then need to be transferred to lottery tickets.

Table I (T1).

Draw a 6x45 table on a sheet, and then proceed to fill in the cells of the 1st line.

The first line of T1.

  • Cell I. Put odd a number from 1 to 8. I'll enter 3.
  • Cell II. Enter even a number from 8 to 17. I have it 12.
  • Cell III. Put here odd a number that is greater than the previous one (12), but not greater than 26. For example, 23.
  • Cell IV. It should be here even number. It should be located close to the previous number 23. It is better if their difference does not exceed 3. In this example, I will put 26.
  • Cell V. This cage should contain odd the number from the last (26) to 40. For example, I will put 29.
  • Cell VI. Write here even a number greater than the previous 29, but less than or equal to 45. Let me have 38.

This completes the filling of the first line of T1.

Table II (T2).

When filling out the first line of T2, you must constantly check the numbers from the first line of T1. If duplication is found, change the numbers in T2.

The first line of T2.

  • Cell I. Any number from 9 to 17. I'll write down 10. Then check that the number does not match the one written in T1.
  • Cell II. Any number between 18 and 26. I use 20. And of course, make sure it doesn't repeat in T1.
  • Cell III. Any digit between the previous number (20) and 34. I'll write down 21. Make sure 21 is not duplicated in T1.
  • Cell IV. The number is greater than the previous number (21), but less than 36. In this example, let it be 31. Check with T1.
  • Cell V. Enter even a number that is greater than the previous one (31), but less than 43. In our case, it is 36. Check that there is no duplicate of this number in T1.
  • Cell VI. odd a number that is greater than the previous 36, but not greater than 43. In this example, I will put 41.

Table III (T3).

Entering numbers in the first line of this table, you must compare them with the numbers from the first lines of T1 and T2. If you notice matches, then change the numbers in T3.

The first line of T3.

  • Cell I. Enter even a number from 1 to 8. We have this number 6. Make sure that this number does not match the numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell II. Select odd a number that is greater than the previous one (6), but less than 26. I will write down 13. Make sure that 13 is not duplicated in T1 and T2.
  • Cell III. odd the number is greater than the last (13) and up to 36. Let it be, for example, 19. Make sure that it does not duplicate numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell IV. Enter even a number close to the last one (19), and with a difference not exceeding 3. In our version, this number will be 22. Make sure that 22 does not repeat with the numbers from T1 and T2.
  • Cell V. Even a number that is greater than the previous one (22), but not more than 42. Let it be 40. Check that the number 40 is not duplicated in T1 and T2.
  • Cell VI. odd a number that is greater than the previous one (40), but less than 45. I will write down 43. And again check this figure with T1 and T2.

On this we have finished filling the first rows of all tables with numbers that fully correspond to the conditions of the system. These three lines are three combinations for filling in lottery tickets. Now it remains to increase their number for a productive game in the state lotto and other lotteries 6 out of 45.

We increase the number of winning combinations for the state lotto or lottery 6 out of 45.

The most difficult part of the work has already been completed. Next, you need to fill in the empty cells in the tables. This is done vertically from top to bottom, each time adding 1 to the new number. In this case, the maximum possible number is 45. If, when you reach the maximum number 45, you have empty cells below, then write 1 in the next empty one, then, as usual, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.

I think you understand how to correctly fill in the remaining empty cells of the tables. For an example, you can take a look at the one I got.

As you can see, everything is very simple here, and as a result we got 135 combinations that need to be entered into the lottery tickets of the State Lottery or other lotteries 6 out of 45.

How to fill lottery tickets.

Decide on your budget before buying tickets. Of course, you can complete 3 or 6 combinations per draw, but the best result can only be achieved by completing 60-90-120 combinations per draw. If you do not have money for such a volume of tickets, then it is better to pick them up, and only then start the game. Also invest not in 1 circulation, but make a schedule for 1-2-3-6-12 months and stick to it exactly. Read more about lottery investing and budgeting.

Let's look at an example of filling out gosloto tickets.

An example of filling out state lotto or lottery tickets 6 out of 45.

First, figure out how to label numbers correctly. It can be different characters.

In each field (A, B, C, D, E and F), it is necessary to enter combinations from the tables in turn.

The sequence of combinations should be as follows:

  1. Field A– T1 line 1
  2. Field B– T2 line 1
  3. Field B– T3 line 1

Fill in the next three fields of the ticket in the same sequence of tables, but number combinations take from the second line:

  1. Field D– T1 line 2
  2. Field D– T2 line 2
  3. Field E– T3 line 2

The first ticket is full. To fill in all subsequent lottery tickets, use the same order of tables, but each time go down 1 line.

When playing in the state lotto or lottery "6 out of 36" according to this system, strictly observe:

  • sequence of filling lottery tickets;
  • number of planned circulations;
  • investing in the purchase of lottery tickets in each draw. You don’t need to buy more than planned, otherwise you will simply lose money.

Big and frequent wins!!!

Search by: years :
When you click on this selection, a list of the years of draws will appear. We click on the year of interest to us and in the table of results below we will see all the runs for this year:

Search by: dates :
When you click on this selection, two boxes will appear for specifying the date interval for the draws.
In the first box - "From:" enter or insert the date from which you would like to view the draws, in the second - "To:" enter or insert the date through which the runs will be shown in the results table below.
In the first window we indicate an earlier date, and in the second - a later date for the draws of the state lotto Stoloto.

Search by: circulations :
When you click on this selection, two windows will appear for specifying the interval of runs.
In the first box - "From:" enter the circulation, starting from which you would like to see the results, in the second - "To:" enter the circulation, up to which, inclusive, the search results will be shown in the table of circulations below.
In the first window, we indicate the earlier draw, and in the second - the later draw of the Stoloto state lotto game.
If the windows remain empty, then the entire archive of draws for the entire duration of the game is displayed.

To distribute the numbers of combinations not in the order of the numbers during the draw, but in ascending order, you need to check the box next to the phrase - Numbers - ascending.

To highlight the numbers that you want to see and track their movement from circulation to circulation, enter or paste them into the boxes next to the phrase - Highlight numbers.

If you want to insert the numbers of the combination of the last drawn draw into the highlight boxes, then click on the button - Last Draw,
you can also generate and insert a combination by clicking on the button - Generate.

Description of additional columns in the circulation archive table.

Column Even shows the number of even numbers drawn in a certain combination.
Column odd shows the number of, respectively, odd numbers dropped out in a certain combination.
In column Sum of numbers the sum of all numbers of a certain combination is calculated and displayed.
For example, archive 5 out of 36, circulation No. 7240, numbers: 34, 09, 12, 21, 30. We add up and get the sum of the numbers 34+9+12+21+30 = 106.
And finally the last columns 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-36 for archive 5 of 36,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-45 for archive 6 of 45,
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-49 for archive 7 of 49
show how many numbers fell into a certain ten numbers.
Let's consider this on the example of the numbers of the same circulation No. 7240, the combination: 34 09 12 21 30.
Column 1-10 gets 1 number - 9,
column 11-20 also gets 1 number - 12,
there are already 2 numbers in column 21-30 - 21 and 30
column 31-36 gets 1 number - 34.

When a coin is tossed, the probability of getting heads or tails is 50/50. Of course, it does not follow from this that after an eagle, a tails will necessarily fall out. However, it is absolutely certain that the more attempts are made, the closer the average will be to 50%. If, for example, a coin is tossed a hundred thousand times, then the loss of "heads" and "tails" will be distributed approximately equally.

The same applies to lotteries. The chances of guessing one or another prize category are known, it is quite possible to see how much they coincide with mathematically expected ones.

Take, lottery 6 out of 45 from Gosloto
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:7
3 numbers - 1:45
4 numbers - 1:733
5th - 1:34 808
6 numbers - 1:8 145 060

More than 1800 draws have already taken place in the lottery 6 out of 45, the base is quite sufficient for a correct comparison. So, from the 1st to the 1826th draw, the players bet 479 million combinations

68.4 million "twos" (479,000,000 / 7)
10.6 million triples (479,000,000 / 45)
653 thousand "fours" (479,000,000 / 733)
13,761 "five" (479,000,000 / 34,808)
And finally - 58 "sixes" (479,000,000 / 8,145,060)

Did it really happen?
Compare; for the same period, that is, from the 1st to 1826, the circulation fell out:
77.7 million "twos" - 113%
11.5 million triples - 108%
701 thousand "fours" - 107%
15,177 fives - 110%

But! This is not the most interesting!
The most interesting thing is that the prize of the main category in number lotteries from Gosloto was not always so unattainable. For example, in the first few years, the six fell out regularly, within the statistically expected limits.

A few years ago, the six was more common:

During 2008-2011, players placed 6 out of 45 bets in the lottery - 115.5 million bets. "Six", for the same period, was guessed 12 times, that is, 9,625,000 combinations turned out on average for each win. Or 118% of the statistically expected (8,145,060) result

What happened after 2011?
For 2012 - 2016 (through 1827 draws inclusive) players placed 364 million bets. According to the laws of statistics, 44 "sixes" should have fallen out during this time. And there were only 17 of them during the same period. Almost three times (!!) less than it should be

Such a serious deviation, moreover, only in one category, means only one thing - the organizers are dishonest and manage the winning combination in their favor. Simply put - jackpots are artificially grown and brought to the side

Number of bets (in millions) it took to guess the six

(the last jack has not yet been guessed. There are already 40 million bets...)

As you can see in this diagram, for some time now there have been jackless series, when instead of an average value of 8.1 million bets, it takes 30-40 million bets to guess the “six”. Which is several times (!!) higher than the calculated value. I'll tell you - unbelievable, a hell of a lot.

If we return to the comparison of tossing a coin, then perhaps 80 thousand "eagles" when tossing 100 thousand times - will, I think, be a phenomenon of the same order. Since this simply cannot be, there are only two explanations here: either, something is wrong with the coin. Or, the thrower can control its flight and land accordingly, on the right side ...

So in the numerical lotteries from Gosloto, the organizers violate the laws of statistics, as they simply control the loss of a “winning” combination. The discrepancy only and exclusively in the prizes of the main category shows this quite clearly. It remains to be added that all this began in 2011, after the cancellation of the live broadcast. And finally fixed in December 2013, after switching to RNG

Exactly the same fantastic discrepancies with statistics occur in the lottery 6 out of 36
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:8
3 numbers - 1:81
4 numbers - 1:432
5 numbers - 1:376 992

More than 4,000 draws have already taken place in the 5 out of 36 lottery, so it’s more interesting to look at the results
Players placed 313 million bets from 1st to 4184th draw

It can be expected that during this time it was guessed:
39.1 million "twos" (313,000,000 / 8)
3.8 million triples (313,000,000 / 81)
128 thousand "fours" (479,000,000 / 2,432)
And finally - 830 "fives" (479,000,000 / 376,992)

What do we really have?
37.2 million "twos" - 95%
3.8 million triples - 100%
125.8 thousand "fours" - 98%

And - what do you think, how many "fives" turned out - 100%, 90% or maybe 95%?
Ah, here we go, dear friends!

Fives for the entire period were guessed in total - 421
That is, again - two times less than the calculated ...

once "fives guessed much more often than now

By the way. If you look at the number of bets on one "five" for another period, for example, from the same 2012, you can see that:
- the number of bets for this period amounted to 246 million
- on such a volume of bets, you should get 652 "fives"

In reality, during this time only 198 fives turned out. Yet again - three times less than it should be.

P.s. Lottery 6 out of 45 is now luring players with another record jackpot - 242 million rubles. To all those who want to try their luck, I can only say one thing - this money is not prepared for you guys! Organizers most likely simply assign record super prizes. And what is the point of participating in the lottery where it is already clear who will take the main prize?

P.p.s. Anyone who wants to can compare the results on their own, I post the data file to the public.

Is there a "universal system" for guessing the numbers "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45", with the help of which it would be possible to win regularly? Most sources are categorical in their opinion - no, it does not exist.

As in any lottery, success in GOSLOTO is determined by one of the elements of probability theory - the random factor. The result of the draw depends entirely on the actions of the lottery machine. Randomly mixing the balls without any human influence, the lottery drum produces such incredible combinations that it is simply impossible to come up with. Sometimes the lottery machine will throw out several numbers in a row, and sometimes, on the contrary, it will scatter the numbers all over the place. playing field ticket. Therefore, winning is possible both in the game according to the system, and in the unsystematic game.

However, only constant participation in the lottery from circulation to circulation with at least a small number of tickets allows you to become the owner of the prize.

What are the advantages of playing according to the system over the unsystematic game?

In order to guess 6 numbers for sure in the GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 lottery, you need to fill in 8,145,060 combinations, which is almost impossible to do not only for one lottery participant, but for the whole team, because. the cost of this rate will be 8,145,060 x 20 rubles = 162,901,200 rubles. The game according to the system makes it possible to cover, within reasonable limits, a certain number of combinations made up of a group of numbers.

The system brings the possibility of winning closer: than more rooms covered by the system, the more likely the chance of winning.

And finally, in case of guessing, the system gives a large amount of winnings, since, as a rule, several combinations win.

How is the system played?

Let's show this on the example of the "7 numbers - 7 combinations" system for the "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45" lottery.

7 numbers in this system are arranged in 7 combinations so that none of them repeats:

1 K. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
2 k. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
3 k. - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
4 k. - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
5 k. - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7
6 k. - 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
7 k. - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Of the 45 lottery numbers, choose any 7 numbers you like. To do this, you can use the generators mentioned here random numbers. For example, 4, 11, 21, 33, 37, 40 and 45. And substitute their numbers instead of system numbers:

1 set - 4, 11, 21, 33, 37, 40
2 k. - 4, 11, 21, 33, 37, 45
3 sets - 4, 11, 21, 33, 40, 45
4 k. - 4, 11, 21, 37, 40, 45
5 k. - 4, 11, 33, 37, 40, 45
6 k. - 4, 21, 33, 37, 40, 45
7 k. - 11, 21, 33, 37, 40, 45

Now we check. Any 6 numbers from among the selected 7 numbers are necessarily among the combinations of the system.

The advantage of the system is that when guessing 6 numbers, it is possible to win not only these 6 numbers, but also six wins of 5 numbers. Therefore, your winnings are increased.

For example:
Imagine that if you chose the following 7 numbers in the 17th GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 draw:

2, 7, 11, 15, 31, 33, 43

And guessed 5 numbers!

2, 7 , 11 , 15, 31 , 33 , 43

For 5 numbers in the 17th GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 draw, the winnings are 177,876 rubles - Not bad!

But wait, it's not that simple, because you played with the full "7 numbers - 7 combinations" system.

According to this system, 7 combinations participated in the game:

1 k. 2, 7 , 11 , 15, 31 , 33 - 4 guessed numbers.
2 k. 2, 7 , 11 , 15, 31 , 43 - 4 guessed numbers.
3 k. 2, 7 , 11 , 15, 33 , 43 - 4 guessed numbers.
4 k. 2, 7 , 11 , 31 , 33 , 43 - 5 guessed numbers.
5 k. 2, 7 , 15, 31 , 33 , 43 - 4 guessed numbers.
6 k. 2, 11 , 15, 31 , 33 , 43 - 4 guessed numbers.
7 k. 7 , 11 , 15, 31 , 33 , 43 - 5 guessed numbers.

And all combinations are winning!

Those. playing according to the system, your winnings amounted to:

5 winnings for 4 guessed numbers of 883 rubles each = 4,415 rubles.
whole 2 wins! for 5 guessed numbers for 177,876 rubles = 355,752 rubles.

TOTAL TOTAL WINNING:360 167 rubles! (By the way, it's a new car!)

The system "7 numbers - 7 combinations" given in the example is called the complete system, since it contains all possible combinations with the given seven numbers and provides the highest performance - six with six guessed numbers. A feature of complete systems is that the payoffs of each winning group are precisely determined and calculated according to the appropriate formulas.

It is easiest to play GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 in full systems, because. there is no need to calculate combinations on your own - "GOSLOTO 6 out of 45" allows you to cross out more than 6 numbers in the playing field. In this case, all combinations that can be made from the marked numbers will participate in the game.

That is why, when you cross out 7 numbers in one coupon playing field, the cost lottery ticket is 140 rubles.

In a complete system of 8 numbers, you can already make 28 combinations and the ticket price is already 560 rubles.

For a complete list of possible complete systems in GOSLOTO 6 out of 45, see the table:

Number of received combinationsCost, rubles Number of marked numbers in one fieldNumber of received combinationsCost, rubles
6 1 20 19 27 132 542 640
7 7 140 20 38 760 775 200
8 28 560 21 54 264 1 085 280
9 84 1 680 22 74 613 1 492 260
10 210 4 200 23 100 947 2 018 940
11 462 9 240 24 134 596 2 691 920
12 924 18 480 25 177 100 3 542 000
13 1 716 34 320 26 230 230 4 604 600
14 3 003 60 060 27 296 010 5 920 200
15 5 005 100 100 28 376 740 7 534 800
16 8 008 160 160 29 475 020 9 500 400
17 12 376 247 520 30 593 775 11 875 500
18 18 564 371 280

In addition to complete systems, there are also incomplete or reduced systems. They are based on the principle of the possibility of winning in the lower winning groups (for 3 and 4 numbers) when guessing a certain number of numbers, they are more economical and require fewer combinations.

For example, not complete system"7 numbers - 5 combinations" for the GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 lottery gives winnings for 4 guessed numbers, but no longer gives winnings for 6 numbers, like the full "7 numbers - 7 combinations" system:

1 k. - 1,2,3,4,6,7
2 k. - 1,2,3,5,6,7
3 k. - 1,2,4,5,6,7
4 k. - 1,3,4,5,6,7
5 k. - 2,3,4,5,6,7

There are a large number of incomplete systems in the GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 lottery. It is advisable to use them for individual participation in the lottery, as they make it possible to combine a large number of numbers with a small number of combinations.

A variety of incomplete systems are systems with hard numbers. They are made up of a certain number of hard (permanent) numbers. Usually, 1,2 or 3 solid numbers are taken for such systems, since the efficiency of the system decreases with a higher content of solid numbers.

For example, the system "7 numbers - 4 combinations" with three solid numbers looks like this:

1 k. - 1,2,3,4,5,6
2 k. - 1,2,3,4,5,7
3 k. - 1,2,3,4,6,7
4 k. - 1,2,3,5,6,7