Complex text analysis. M

Author: Maksimova Lyubov Fedorovna
School: MBOU "Krasnoanuy basic comprehensive school"
Year and place of creation of the work: 2012
Complex text analysis. M. Prishvin. "Golden Meadow"
Purpose: to create conditions for teaching schoolchildren the rules, technology for constructing a text on the example of the classics by complex analysis text.
During the classes
Introductory speech of the teacher about the author:
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873 - 1954) - writer (prose writer, publicist).
Mikhail was born in the village of Khrushchevo-Levshino, Oryol province, into a merchant family. His father inherited a rich inheritance, which he spent.
The first education in the biography of Mikhail Prishvin was received at a village school. Then he began to study at the Yelets gymnasium. But after 6 years of study, he was expelled for impudence and conflict with the teacher, although Mikhail did not stand out for his knowledge either. Only 10 years later, in the biography of Prishvin, education was continued at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. AT student years The ideas of Marxism became close to Mikhail, for which he paid with arrest and imprisonment for a year.
From 1900 to 1902, in the biography of M. Prishvin, she studied at the University of Leipzig. There he received the specialty of an agronomist. Returning to his homeland, he married and began to raise three children. And in 1906 he began to write.
He began to wander through the forests, travel a lot, collect folklore. In 1906, in the biography of Mikhail Prishvin, his story "Sashok" was first published. Then his books with essays were published: “In the land of fearless birds” (1907), “Behind the magic bun” (1908), “At the walls of the invisible city” (1908). From 1912 to 1914 the first collected works of the writer were published. Prishvin's next books were: "The Calendar of Nature" (1935), "Kashcheev's Chain", "Dear Animals", the story "Ginseng" and many others. His diaries are also highly regarded.

Text analysis. M. Prishvin. "Golden Meadow"
Topic Signs of the well-known dandelion
Idea In nature, everything is not accidental, everything is reasonable, you just need to be attentive to it, observe it patiently and slowly reflect on what you managed to see.
Speech Type Description
Style It art style speech. Personal childhood impressions of flowers, children's emotions from a long-standing meeting with "these uninteresting flowers" are reported.
What signs are described? The order of signs is based on the chronology of acquaintance with the dandelion: here are the first impressions of the flower (suitable for fun), here are the subsequent ones that cause amazement and recognition in children.
How is the description structured? The whole description is built on the opposition of a superficial acquaintance with a flower and the subsequent self-acquired knowledge about the reasonable organization of the life of dandelions. The sense of opposition in the reader arises at the beginning of the first paragraph, when it was noted that the dandelion is just fun. And soon it takes shape, of course, when an opposing union appears: “But since I succeeded ...”
How is the attitude towards the flower changing? How is the beginning and end of the text connected? The attitude towards the flower is changing, and the former definition of an uninteresting flower is giving way to a completely different opinion “Dandelion has become for us one of the most interesting colors". Thus the beginning and the end of the story closed, and thus the text became complete.
How do you understand the expression go fishing; He is in front, I am in the heel? Why is it said blooming (“... from many blooming dandelions”)? Maybe this word is redundant? Did I have to say found a dandelion? After all, there were many dandelions in the meadow. Why does the author say open his palms? Do dandelions have palms? The author calls his observation a discovery. Is he right? Choice of homework:
Write an analysis of the text by M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow"
Create your thumbnail.
Nikitina E.I. Journal "Russian Language at School" No. 4 - 2001.

My brother and I, when dandelions ripen, had constant fun with them. We used to go somewhere to our trade - he was in front, I was in the heel.

"Seryozha!" - I will call him in a businesslike manner. He'll look back, and I'll blow a dandelion right in his face. For this, he begins to watch for me and, as you gape, he also fuknet. And so we plucked these uninteresting flowers just for fun. But once I managed to make a discovery.

We lived in the village, in front of the window we had a meadow, all golden from many blooming dandelions. It was very beautiful. Everyone said: “Very beautiful! The meadow is golden. One day I got up early to fish and noticed that the meadow was not golden, but green. When I returned home around noon, the meadow was again all golden. I began to observe. By evening the meadow turned green again. Then I went and found a dandelion, and it turned out that he squeezed his petals, as if our fingers were yellow on the side of the palm of our hand and, clenched into a fist, we would close the yellow. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw how dandelions open their palms, and from this the meadow becomes golden again.

Since then, the dandelion has become one of the most interesting flowers for us, because dandelions went to bed with us children and got up with us.

Olga Kulikova
Abstract of the lesson on communication activities in senior group kindergarten"Golden Meadow" M. Prishvin.

Abstract of a lesson on communicative activity in the senior group of kindergarten.

Topic « golden meadow» M. Prishvin.

Integration of educational regions: « Speech development» , "Social communication development» , "Cognitive Development", , "Physical development".


1) "Speech development": to form in children the skills of planning a coherent detailed statement;

activate vocabulary

enrich vocabulary (Fuck, fish, heel) ;

develop the ability to make common sentences;

to consolidate the ability to grammatically correctly formulate their own statements;

develop coherent dialogic and monologue speech.

2) "Social communication development» : promote the development of social skills and skills: ability to work in group, listen to others, respect the opinions of peers, defend their own opinion;

develop the ability to evaluate and analyze speech each other's activities giving reasoned answers;

develop voluntary attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking;

instill in children an interest in the environment

3)"Artistic and aesthetic development": looking at illustrations, listening to music.

4)"Physical development".physical minute, finger gymnastics

Methods and techniques::

- visual: viewing illustrations on slides, videos

verbal, reading, conversation,

Materials and equipmentPortrait of the writer M. Prishvin. Book M. Prishvin with a story« golden meadow» , video "How the Dandelion Blooms", slides with illustrations, paper flowers, book exhibition, cartoon "Dandelion fat cheeks"

Guys, we have a fabulous chest on the shelf.

Let's see what here:

O! flowers - dandelions

(bud opened yellow and ripened white)

Dandelion is one of the first to appear in spring, like a yellow sun. But dandelions are not always yellow, like the sun. Time passes, and yellow petals are replaced by white fluffs. White fluffs are seeds.


Do you want to see how the dandelion blooms?

(Video mp4 "How the Dandelion Blooms")

Guys, what should be done so that the flowers do not wither

There is something else in the box

It has a book

M. Prishvin« golden meadow» .

Today we are going to meet amazing person. M. Prishvin

He was in love with his homeland, its beauty, forests and fields, rivers and lakes, its birds and animals. Everything he wrote about was imbued with a great love for nature.

Take a look at his portrait (show). This is the writer Michael Prishvin.

Let's read the story « golden meadow» .

Will we be able to discover something new?

Slides for the work


What can be said about this work?

Is it a fairy tale, a story or a poem?

Why do you think this is a story?

What is this story about?

Why is the story called « golden meadow» ?

What fun did the brothers have with dandelions?

(Fuknu, fuknet - it means blow). - Let's try to fuk with the sound f-f-u-u

What discovery did the guys make?

What was the meadow like early in the morning? On midday? In the evening?


Do you want to see the flowers open?

Then we come to our reservoir.

Dropping paper flowers into a bowl of water

(petals folded) Petals spread in the water

Let's show a flower with our fingers

finger game:

Our yellow flowers

Straighten the petals.

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway.

Our yellow flowers

Close the petals.

shake their heads,

Quietly fall asleep

Why did the dandelion become an interesting flower for children?

Let's stand up and pretend we are flowers:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

I didn't want to sleep anymore

Moved, stretched

Soared up and flew away

To our library groups I will put the book with the story of M. Prishvin« golden meadow» , and you can look at the illustrations for the story or take home to read with your parents.

And in conclusion

Watching a cartoon "Dandelion fat cheeks"

Related publications:

Reading the story of M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow" in the preparatory group of the kindergarten Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction in preparatory group for children with OHP on the topic: "Reading the story of M. Prishvin.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson based on M. Prishvin's story "Golden Meadow" in the senior group Program content: To introduce children to the writer M. Prishvin and his story "Golden Meadow". Expand and clarify children's knowledge about dandelion.

Synopsis of a comprehensive lesson on visual activity in the first junior group of the kindergarten "Painted Spoons" Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type No. 116 "Solnechny" of the urban district of Togliatti.

Synopsis of the GCD on social and communicative activities in the senior group "May 9 - Victory Day" Types of children's activities: Cognitive, communicative, musical, motor, productive, reading fiction, game.

Summary of theatrical activities in the senior group of the kindergarten "Journey through fairy tales" Objectives: To develop a steady interest of children in theatrical activities. develop in children creative imagination, fantasy, initiative.

Abstract of a lesson on legal education in the senior group of the kindergarten "On rights, playing" Program content In an interesting and entertaining way to give children an overview of their rights. Develop the ability to analyze.

Literary reading.

M. Prishvin. "Golden Meadow"



improve reading technique, work on expressiveness,


develop creative thinking, emotional sphere, imagination, voluntary attention,

enrich and develop students' speech,

expand horizons;


cultivate love, careful attitude to nature, kindness, the ability to feel the beauty of the word, to experience pleasure from works of art.


illustrations for the studied work, multimedia presentation

exhibition of books by M. Prishvin with his portrait.

Good afternoon! Let's start our lesson. The motto of the lesson I propose the words: "Know how to make discoveries!". How do you understand them?

    Checking homework.

And with what amazing bird did we meet in the last lesson? (Warblet - cricket)

What is special about this bird?

We will now check our homework, who got a better riddle? (Children read their riddles)

    Actualization of knowledge, the emergence of the topic, the problem of the lesson.

And today at the lesson you will meet with a new author and his work. How, you will soon find out.

But first, let's listen to the conversation between Nastya and her dad.

Here, guys, we will interrupt Nastya for a minute. Let's see if there is such a work in our textbook. Who is its author

What will be the topic of our lesson? (M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow")

What associations do you have with the word meadow? Let's analyze the title of the story. According to Ozhegov's dictionary: meadow- an area covered with grassy vegetation. From the title of the story, we can guess that it will be about nature, namely about the meadow, but we do not yet know why the green meadow in the title is designated as golden. How do you understand the expression "Golden Meadow"? (Yellow) Why did the author use this definition of a meadow? (strengthen the quality of the subject, show your attitude so that the reader can better imagine the subject)

3. Work on the text of the story "Golden Meadow"

Preparing to Read

Consider the illustration for this work.

Why do you think the story is called Golden Meadow?

Let's read the story.

4. Working with text while reading.

    Primary reading of the text.

Were our assumptions about the content of the text confirmed?

Did you manage to imagine everything that the author was talking about?

What 3 parts are present in each text? (Introduction, main part and conclusion)

Let's try to find each part in M. Prishvin's story "Golden Meadow".

    Rereading the story.

Dividing the text into parts.


Where does part 1 end?

Who was the older of the brothers? Why? ("... He is ahead, I am in the heel")

How does it "go to the heel"? (Follow him, trail after trail. Look at your heels, you will step on it.)

What does "dandelions ripen" mean?

What is "fun"? (Game, entertainment). What does constant fun mean?

What craft could the boys have and what does this word mean?

The teacher explains the meaning of this word.

Fishing - getting something; hunting, prey of animals, birds, fish.

In the story of V. Bianchi, a quick-witted granddaughter invented a new name for the bird - "inaudible". Have you noticed children's verbal ingenuity in M. Prishvin's story? (Fuknu, FUCKNET)

What word did this word come from?

Are you familiar with this game with dandelions?

But what does the narrator call dandelions? Why? What does he mean?

(Uninteresting flowers - simple, ordinary, without any mystery, without much beauty)

What is the title of part 1?

"Flowers for Fun"


Where does part 2 end?

Reading part 2. Questions after reading. Selective reading.

Have you found confirmation of why the meadow is called "golden"? Read. What did people say when they saw the meadow?

Find in the text.

How can you say otherwise?

Unusually! Marvelous! Wonderful! Great! Wonderful! Fabulous! What made the boy take up observation?

So what was the boy like? (observant)

What did the boy do to find the answer? (started watching)

Why did the dandelion become an interesting flower for children?

- (Because the dandelion goes to bed with the children and gets up with them)

How does the boy feel about the dandelion, whether it is a living being or an inanimate one?

What words and expressions show this? Find in the text and read.

(“He squeezed his petals, as if our fingers were yellow on the side of the palm and clenched into a fist, we would close the yellow. The petals are fingers, they are closed not in a bud - but in a fist. Dandelions open their palms, like hands "")

Let's try to imagine that your palms are dandelion petals.

Children open their palms in the form of a flower

Children close their palms in the form of a bud.


"The Secret of the Golden Meadow"


- Let's read the last sentence again

which contains a conclusion, confirmation main idea the entire text.

What do you think it consists of? (Dandelions are not uninteresting flowers at all, they have their own mystery, their own secret, you just need to see it, take a closer look.)

What does the narrator call dandelions now?

Why did they become the most interesting for children?

(Because the dandelion goes to bed with the children and gets up with them)

Title part 3

"One of the most interesting flowers"

5. Work with text after reading.

Were our assumptions justified at the beginning of the lesson?

Does the title fit this text? How would you title this story?

What discovery did you make for yourself?

(Dandelions are not at all uninteresting flowers, they have their own mystery, their own secret, you just need to see it, take a closer look)

What "discovery" did the writer make for himself?

(The world is amazing and rich in miracles. But in order to understand this, one must not only look around, but also be able to see it).


Do you think the dandelion is a mysterious flower?

Dandelion is a mysterious flower. Because at the time of flowering and at the time of seed ripening, it is different, and it is difficult to guess that this is the same flower.

How many species of dandelion do you think are found in nature? It turns out that there are 203 species.

How many names does this species have? 27 folk names.

And how many fluffs are there in one basket? Imagine up to 200 seeds with a parachute. And for the season one plant gives up to 3000 seeds. Not all seeds germinate, otherwise there would be no place on Earth for other plants, only dandelions would grow everywhere.

Who cares to know what else people call dandelion in another way? Then take one "parachute" and read to the whole class. ( Dandelion, oduy-baldness, grandmother, milkman, bald patch, kulbaba, cotton grass, wasteland, puffballs, dandelion, clove, flyers, spinner).

What other secrets of dandelions do you know

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. Dandelion is popularly called the ELIXIR of life.

Why is dandelion called the elixir of life?

And here, in Bashkotostan, dandelion is a great success. Dandelion leaves and roots are used to treat coughs and improve appetite. And from dandelion flowers they cook very delicious jam, a salad is made from dandelion leaves, a coffee substitute is prepared from roasted roots, flower buds are marinated and added to vinaigrettes. And not only people use dandelions. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They eat dandelion sweet nectar. And then the bees make dandelion honey out of it - thick and fragrant. That's what great benefits dandelion brings!

Let's not pick dandelions and keep the beauty. And the bees will thank us for saving flowers for them. And we will admire the beauty of this flower, and of all nature, as the writer Mikhail Prishvin was able to do.

Guys, what do you think, M. Prishvin encourages his readers only to admire nature? (calls to protect her)

Why is the story called "The Golden Meadow?"

(Golden meadow - yellow from dandelions).

What does the word "golden" mean here?

(yellow, gold color)

What else is golden?

What is the meaning of the word "golden" in the following expressions?

Golden ring

gold autumn

Golden time

golden worker

skillful fingers

golden rye

Golden heart

You see how many meanings the same word can have.

The works of M. M. Prishvin teach to observe and love nature. The writer notices the slightest changes taking place around, knows how to tell about them in such a way that we can clearly imagine everything. From this story it is clear that even in the simplest, unsightly, at first glance, inconspicuous flower, amazing beauty is hidden. And in the story “Golden Meadow” there is only one thought: the ability to see beauty in the simple, in the most dear and close to the heart, in what is always next to us, and which, unfortunately, we do not always notice.
- I suggest that you complete the sentences with suitable words.
“I plucked a flower, and he ...
I caught a moth, and it ... in my palm.
And then I realized that to touch ... you can only ...
Reference words: heart, died, nature, withered)
- What conclusion can you draw?

V. Reflection of activity.

What struck you the most, made you think?

Have you made any discovery?

10. Homework. Preparation for expressive reading

Veselova Galina Svyatoslavovna
Job title: teacher primary school
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school No. 521
Locality: Saint Petersburg
Material name: methodical development lesson
Topic: M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow"
Publication date: 28.05.2018
Chapter: elementary education

Veselova Galina Svyatoslavovna,

primary school teacher GBOU secondary school No. 521,

Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg

The theme of the lesson is “M. Prishvin “Golden Meadow”.

Lesson type: Lesson of reading and comprehension of the work.

UMK: "Perspective".

Lesson Objectives: create conditions for the formation of the skill of correct, conscious reading, the activation of students and their involvement in

the process of analyzing a literary text, to learn to determine the nature of the story, the opinion of the author.

Subject UUD:

Form the right type of reading activity; to form the ability to divide the text into parts, to head the parts; make up

plan; learn to find and use in speech the means of linguistic artistic expression used by the author in the work;

highlight the main idea of ​​the piece.

Metasubject UUD:

-personal(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation): to cultivate an attentive attitude to the native

nature and language, culture of behavior in the process of group work, respect for each other; create a positive learning






to express

own attitude to the hero in the process of analyzing the text of the work;

cognitive(working with information, working with training models, performing logical operations): develop the ability to build

speech utterances, to search for the necessary information from various sources(text, illustrations, presentation); skill

formulate and solve problems;

-regulatory(management of their activities, control and correction, initiative and independence):

to form a skill

formulate the objectives of the lesson, the ability to work according to the plan, keeping the learning task, to form the ability to perform self- and mutual verification

completed task;

- communicative:

speech activity, cooperation skills

develop oral speech children, enriching it with an artistic word,

develop creative thinking, imagination; to form the ability to cooperate with classmates and teachers in solving educational problems,

formulate and defend their position.

Equipment: explanatory dictionaries, handout, presentation, audio recording of the work of M. Prishvin, video “Life of one


Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities



Hello guys. Check your readiness for the lesson

get ready for active work.

Remember the rule.

Self-assessment of readiness for the lesson, check

availability of sources of information, choice

efficient way to organize

study space, business spirit

for the upcoming job.

The one who does nothing makes no mistakes.

Knowledge update.

Topic message.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the Russian

a writer who was a little why as a child, and adults

did not always have the patience to answer his questions.

Therefore, having become a writer, in his works he did not

only tried to answer the children's "why", but also taught

them to make independent discoveries. (Portrait


The letters of the writer's first and last name are mixed up.

Decrypt: (Hint - key: FIFIF)


Mikhail Prishvin

What works of Prishvin do you know?

What did Mikhail Prishvin write about?

Open the "Contents" section of the tutorial and find

the name of the work of M. Prishvin, which we do not

Read the title of the piece. ("Golden Meadow").

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

Mikhail Prishvin "Golden Meadow".

Write the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

Mikhail Prishvin

Answer the teacher's questions.

Students think about answers

make assumptions:

Mikhail Prishvin "Golden Meadow".

Write the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

Sh. Analysis of the text of the story

M Prishvin "Golden Meadow".

Reading anticipation.

How do you understand the expression

"Golden Meadow"? - What is he?

What do you think this story will be about?

Answer the teacher's questions.

Strengthen the quality of the item, show your

attitude so that the reader can better

present the subject.

Why, why is the meadow golden?

Primary reading of the text.

Planning to work with


Open page 148, follow the textbook as he reads

Identification of primary perception.

Name the genre of the work?

Were your assumptions about the topic of the text confirmed?

How do you imagine a dandelion?

Suggest a plan for working with the text of the story:

3) Select questions according to the content of the text.

4) Formulate the main idea of ​​the story.

Follow reading.

This is a story.

Yes, a story about a meadow.

Yes, from many blooming dandelions.

Dandelion is a beautiful flower

yellow, small

sunshine, silver, white,

translucent ball.

Thinking about a plan for working with text

2) Break it down into parts, title them.

3) Select questions by content

4) Formulate the main idea




We start working according to the plan.

Dynamic visual pause.

carry out the task according to the plan.

Dividing the text into parts.

Complex analysis.

Group work.

Work in groups according to the plan you have drawn up,

points 1) - 3). (Memo on the table). Discuss how much

parts can be distinguished in this text? Where

does each part end? Come up with questions.

Pick your headings.

1 part

Commenting, vocabulary work in the course of reading.

Where does part 1 end?

Who is the narrator? (boy) Name the heroes

works. Those. The story is told from the perspective of the hero.

Who was the older of the brothers? Why? (“…He is ahead, I

in the heel")

How does it "go to the heel"? (Follow him, trail after trail. Look at that

step on your heels.)

What craft could the boys have and what does it mean

this word?

What does "dandelions ripen" mean? Video "Life

one dandelion" 23 sec.

What is "fun"? (Game, entertainment). What

was their entertainment? How do you understand "fuck him

dandelion in the face. Are you familiar with this game?

dandelions? (Breathing exercises)

What does the narrator call dandelions? Why? What he

Revise group rules

carry out the task according to the plan.

Answer questions about content 1

Children find the meaning of this word in

explanatory dictionary.

Fishing - getting something;

hunting, hunting for animals, birds,

Seeds appear in place of the flower.


What is the title of part 1?

For example, "Constant fun", "Uninteresting flowers"

"Flowers for Fun"

Quoted heading "...these uninteresting flowers

plucked just for fun."


The attitude of the hero

Flowers for


uninteresting flowers

part 2

Questions after reading. Selective reading.

Where does part 2 end?

Why is the meadow "golden"? Prove it. Read.

How did the villagers feel as they watched

meadow, blooming dandelions? Read.

How did the boy feel?

What was the surprise? (meadow changes). Confirm

the words of the text.

When did the meadow change color?

How did the meadow look in the evening?

Why does the meadow change its appearance? What explanation

what is happening found the narrator? Why does the meadow change

color? Read.

Uninteresting flowers are simple,

ordinary, no mystery, no special

Suggest options for the title of part 1,

fill out the table.

Answer questions from the teacher

supporting the answers with words from the text.

Admiration, admiration, delight.

Surprise, curiosity.

What does the hero of the story call the petals of a flower?

What means of artistic expression


Dandelions are starting to grow. start slow

get up.

Grow, grow - Stand up.

Wind started to blow,

Dandelions are swinging. Hands up, light swaying.

Evening came,

Dandelions close up. Squat, hands on head.

The sun came out

Dandelions woke up, again slowly get up, hands

They shake their heads. Rocking in place.

Rejoice in the sun. They smile.

Why does the meadow change color?

Did the boy know about this before? According to him that he

What is the title of part 2. On the desk. "Small


Heading part 2 (group discussion, choice

best title)

For example, "Little Discovery"

"The Secret of Dandelions"

"The Secret of the Golden Meadow"


The attitude of the hero to the flower

Flowers for

uninteresting flowers

Palms, fingers on the palm.


Personification - "He squeezed his petals,

how would it matter if we had fingers with

the sides of the palm were yellow and clenched in

fist, we would close the yellow",

"dandelions open their palms."


Suggest titles for part 2

fill out the table.




Surprise, interest

curiosity, attention

How many parts are in the text? What is missing in the structure

text? (The final part, which contains

the main idea of ​​the text).

Work in groups, come up with a final

part of this text on behalf of the hero.

Final part 3

Reading the final part, invented by the children.

that in M. Prishvin's story "Golden Meadow" there is

final part. Listen.



confirmation of the main idea of ​​the whole text.

What do you think it consists of?

How would you title this part?

For example, "One of the most interesting flowers"

"The flower of my childhood"

Complete the table.


The attitude of the hero to the flower

Flowers for


uninteresting flowers

Dandelions are not at all interesting flowers,

they have their own riddle, their own secret, you just need to

see her, take a look.

Suggest title options for 3 parts,

fill out the table.



Surprise, interest

curiosity, attention

flower of my


The most interesting flower

gentle, touching

The solution of educational




problematic issue

to text.

What "discovery" did

a writer for himself? Can i

What is the poetry of the story "Golden Meadow"?

What qualities should a person have in order to

to see the charm of "ugly flowers", to make a discovery?

How do you imagine it?

Students think about answers

make assumptions.

How do you understand these words of Paustovsky?

Would you like to know the biography of Mikhail Prishvin?

Students (3 people) tell

biography of M. Prishvin.

"If nature could feel

gratitude to the person for what he

penetrated into her life and sang it, then before

all this gratitude would fall to the lot

Mikhail Prishvin,” said Konstantin


Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was born on 4

February 1873 in the family estate

Khrushchevo-Levshino near Yelets at one time

bought by his grandfather, a prosperous Yelets

merchant Dmitry Ivanovich Prishvin. AT

the family had seven children. father of the future

writer Mikhail Dmitrievich Prishvin died

early, and the mother took care of the upbringing of the children.

From childhood, Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin was

very inquisitive and often asked



people who had the patience to answer them.





so it had to grow. And he grew up.

In 1882, M. M. Prishvin was sent to study at

elementary village school, in 1883 he was

transferred to the first class of Yeletskaya

classical gymnasium.

During the training, the main event was


first grader


comrades, and one September morning

they got into the boat and went to ... Asia

seek happiness. They were caught and brought home








polytechnic, then in 1900, having received

permission to leave for Germany, entered




Faculty of the University of Leipzig.

Returning to Russia, in 1902-1905

worked as an agronomist, then up to

October Revolution correspondent in

newspapers "Russian Vedomosti", "Rech", "Morning

Russia", "Day".

During World War I Michael

Prishvin went to the front as

nurse and war correspondent.

After the 1917 revolution, he returned to

village. Here, working as a teacher, he

tells children about his travels,

nature, wild and domestic animals. To be

maybe from these stories children were born

books so simple and interesting that,

Creative task.

Do any of you know what the word "dandelion" means?


several common names for dandelion.

air flower, oil flower, cow flower,

March bush, milky color, light, kulbaba, euphorbia,

wasteland, Jewish hat, tooth root, cotton grass, cannons,

puff, milkman, sump, baldhead, popova

baldness, doinik, yellow-faced, flyers, milk eater, duvan, flyers,

milk, soldiers, milkweed, buttermilk.





kind of flower





What an extraordinary flower. It is also called

"elixir of life".

Repeat the rules for working in pairs.

Each pair receives a set of word cards -

dandelion names.

Students choose the names of the dandelion

related to his appearance, with the presence

milky juice in stems and leaves, with

the presence of unusual seeds and attached to

board to the corresponding table cell.

Reflection. Grade



What was the topic of the lesson?

What was the plan for working with the text of the story?

Have we completed all sections of the plan?

Continue suggestions:

“Today in class I…..”

"Turns out……"

" I wanted…"



his learning activities and fix

their degree of conformity.






Students carefully study all types


"Golden Meadow".

get ready






"Golden Meadow".

Team up and complete the project "Secrets

common dandelion"

homework, choose and

write down in a diary.


Boykina M.V. Reading lessons. Grade 3: a manual for general education teachers. institutions / M. V. Boykina; Russian acad. Sciences, Ros. acad.

education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - M. : Education, 2010. - 143 p. - (Academic school textbook). - (Perspective).