Sketch of a painting. How to come up with an interesting composition

Fuss, haste and the lack of a built-in sequence will unbalance even the most balanced person. Therefore, it is important to know exactly where to start moving to another city, and try to build a detailed algorithm of actions. The correct trajectory of the planned fees will help save strength for the start of a new stage in life.

The first and most important stage is emotional preparation.

Regardless of the reasons for the move (job change, family circumstances, the desire to radically change your life), the decision has already been made and the point of the new place of residence.

At the thought of the volume of upcoming activities, light jitters and emotional panic begin. Therefore, it is important to take the time to resolve your condition and create a positive attitude.

Of course, everyone, even the most confident people, is frightened by the uncertainty of a new life (the social and climatic conditions of the city, the absence of acquaintances). Especially if all family members (children, parents, pets) move with us, it is important to take care of the emotional comfort of everyone.

So remember:

  • You should not expect an instant solution to all problems from the move;
  • Certain difficulties will arise at the first time of adaptation.

Set yourself up for all the upcoming changes with a positive perception of events. Set goals for yourself and your loved ones for a positive turn in life, for opening up prospects for new acquaintances, events, positive changes in fate. After all, all difficulties have a wonderful property to end.

In this video, Marina Fedorova will tell you the step-by-step preparation steps for this process:

What do you need to move to another city?

This point of preparation for the move should be paid special attention. Things, this is of course important, but there are a lot of documentary issues and formalities that must be settled before the final departure to a new address.

  1. The passport: if the period for changing the document is coming to an end, then it is better to immediately make an exchange in the “old” city, otherwise it will be impossible to do this at a new place of residence before obtaining permanent registration;
  2. Debts, loans, debts, fines, communal payments must be repaid before the change of registration and actual residence in order to avoid further documentary and judicial troubles;
  3. Collection of important documents: all passports (including foreign ones), certificates (of marriage, birth of children), diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates and characteristics from the place of work and study of children, medical cards, vaccination certificates, poles, SNILS, driver's and pension certificates, military tickets, (ideally make copies of documents as well);
  4. Upon arrival, try to register as soon as possible at the new address at the FMS office, re-register the car, register with the military registration and enlistment office, contact Pension Fund for re-issuance of documents, attach to the nearest clinic.

By preparing the folder with documents as much as possible and resolving formal issues before the move, we ensure that the likely difficulties in the new city are reduced.

And here is a list of what definitely not worth doing before moving to a new place of residence:

  1. Postpone picking up last days until departure;
  2. Buy large appliances, new furniture;
  3. Make large stocks of food (in order to avoid spoilage, it is better to shop at the place of arrival);
  4. Spend large amounts (it is desirable to have money in reserve, with the expectation of the first 2-month stay, especially when the situation with work is not clear).

In addition, try to study the future city (the Internet will always help) in terms of the availability and territorial location of social services, the transport system, medical care, and emergency services. Important phone numbers can now be written down on a piece of paper or scored in the phone's memory.

Algorithm of correct actions

To avoid turmoil, unnecessary fuss and fear of losing or forgetting something, let's approach the process of moving in a business style - we will draw up an algorithm of actions:

  • One month before moving: prepare contracts for the sale of new and current housing (or rent), document the contract with the carrier, throw out old things or put them up for sale (for example, pieces of furniture that will definitely not go with you to a new life);
  • During the week: we pack all the things that are not needed for the first time (do not spare too much, it is better to throw it away or give it to someone), buy disposable dishes, wash curtains, bedspreads, wash carpets;
  • Per day: we put the remaining small things, put the first aid kit, hygiene items.

What to pack for moving?

First you need to carefully stock up on packaging material and prepare tools (screwdrivers, screwdriver, scissors, stationery knife, markers, adhesive tape, ropes).

What kind of packaging do you need?

  • There are many boxes left in stores - feel free to ask for them, it's better than buying new ones or collecting them (30 pieces should be enough);
  • Stock up on stretch film, bubble wrap, thick fabric, greenhouse film, newspapers, paper, bags;
  • Prepare bags and suitcases, bags.

Notepad is an indispensable assistant

Make an inexpensive investment in the upcoming moving process - buy a notebook (or notebook). This homemade organizer will save not only time, but also nerves.

Record in it:

  1. action algorithm;
  2. list of important cases;
  3. a list of documents to be prepared;
  4. information about the new point of stay;
  5. spending amounts;
  6. list of packed items;
  7. important addresses in the new city and phone numbers of people who can be contacted for help at first.

How to carry things when moving?

Things that are securely and properly packed are much more likely to arrive unharmed.

Let's sort size and fragility:

  • Furniture: it is advisable to disassemble and wrap with a thick cloth or pimply film, carefully collecting all the small parts in a box or bag. Be sure to mark with numbers, or sign. Mirrors are removed and packed separately. If the furniture is not disassembled, then we fix the opening elements: doors, drawers. Wrap upholstered large furniture with dense cloth, film on top and wrap tightly with tape;
  • Books: in small piles and rewound with tape, put in boxes;
  • Clothes and shoes: in bags and suitcases (vacuum packaging will help well for spaciousness);
  • Crockery and breakable objects: wrap each item with cardboard, newspaper, paper, put it in a box and prevent voids (block items with cardboard or bubble wrap);
  • Linens and other things made of fabric in large bags or bags;
  • Technique: wrap with air film and into boxes (ideally put together instructions and neatly wound wires);
  • household chemicals should be packaged separately.
  • Oily, coloring substances must also be transported separately.

And most importantly - all things should be numbered and written down in a notebook full content according to each box number.

Thinking about the safety of things, do not forget the most important thing - finally arrange a meeting for friends. Them good wishes and sincere faith in your new bright future is the first item on the list of "how to start moving to another city."

Video: proper organization and planning of your move

In this video, Olga Denisova will tell you how to properly plan and where to start the whole process:

Moving is always associated with disorder, even chaos, the usual course of life is disrupted, and things from their legal shelves are sent to carton boxes, in which they will then stand in a new place for weeks, waiting for you to finally unpack them. Our simple tips help you move quickly, organized and stress-free.

Don't take with you what you don't need

Moving is a great chance to eventually get rid of a pile of junk. Throw something away, give something to friends, arrange a sale, but do not drag all this cargo with you.

Label boxes

Assign each room in the new apartment a different color, for example, the kitchen is red, the living room is green. Mark these colors on the plan.
When you collect things, stick a piece of colored paper on each box that matches the color of the room where the things from this box will stand. Everything is very simple: bring the box into the room where you need to unpack it, and nothing will be lost. By the way, if friends help you, it will also be very easy for them to explain the principle of action.

Order in everything

Instead of writing its contents on each box, make one big table in which you indicate the number of the box and write down what is in it. Be sure to write this number on each side of the box.
It all seems to be very difficult. In fact, you will be surprised how much easier this system will make your move. If you need something urgently in the middle of the packing process, you can easily find it and then you can put it back where you got it from. I'm not talking about how easy it will be to unpack things in a new place.

Mark the most important

Boxes with items that you will need in the very first days after the move (bathing accessories, dishes), additionally mark with bright tape. Now you will know what to unpack first. After all, there is simply not enough strength for everything at once.

Eating without difficulty

Do not bother with cooking during the move. Make very simple dishes that require at most one pot to cook. Use disposable tableware. So you don't have to be distracted by washing it and you avoid mess.

If you organize everything correctly, your move will be easy, without unnecessary worries and nerves. Good luck!

You will need

  • Cardboard boxes, adhesive tape, marker, notepad, packing ropes, polystyrene balls, wrapping paper, packing rags, screwdriver or screwdriver, clerical knife.


Decide whether you will use the services of a moving company and, if so, to what extent. Usually, it is reasonable to resort to the services of professionals if, in the presence of free funds, there is sorely not enough time for careful all the details. Managers of the moving company will control all stages: the process of preparing for the move, the transportation itself, and even the final stage of the move, which consists in installing furniture and bulky goods in a new place.

Get rid of those whose transportation to a new place does not make any sense. Having decided on the date of transportation, order the transport with which it is more convenient for you to move. You can download all the property at a time, down to the smallest detail, or you can move things in small parts. It all depends on the volume and dimensions of the transported belongings, as well as on the remoteness of the moving place. The largest, of course, are intercity transportation.

Pack your items. All of them, excluding household appliances and furniture, are more convenient to transport in cardboard boxes. For ease of orientation in a huge number of boxes in a new place, it is necessary to think over a system for labeling them. There are several ways to resolve this issue. You can complete the boxes and sign them in accordance with the purpose of the items they contain, for example, “books”, “papers”, “dishes”, “winter clothes”. And you can mark the boxes according to the principle of the room for which these things are intended, for example, “bathroom”, “kitchen”, etc. It is better to fold and label essential items separately so that these boxes are immediately conspicuous.

Prepare your furniture for the move. The most competent thing is to disassemble everything that can be disassembled. In this case, the furniture occupies a smaller volume, and in addition, it does not deform. This applies to most cabinet furniture, and if desired, you can also dismantle the built-in furniture. All fittings are carefully removed, assembled, packed and attached to the parts of the disassembled furniture or also marked. If cabinets, racks and chests of drawers are transported as a set, then remove protruding and removable parts from them - handles, shelves, etc. The boxes are usually taken out or tightly sealed with tape, the same is done with the doors. Special attention it is worth paying attention to the glass parts of furniture.

Pack household appliances and electronics according to the manufacturer's recommendations (they are usually listed in the instruction manual). If a moving company is engaged in transportation, demonstrate to its representative the working condition of the equipment.

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In order to avoid the troubles associated with the loss of cargo or its damage during transportation performed by a moving company, contact companies that have an excellent reputation and positive feedback.

Useful advice

Simultaneously with the labeling of the boxes, you can maintain a kind of pivot table, which will reflect all the contents of each of them. In this case, for the convenience of unpacking at the place of arrival, it is better to number the boxes.

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Many move to new apartment associated with natural disaster. Fuss, a lot of boxes, the inability to find the right utensils - few people will cheer up such things. However, if you plan carefully, relocation can be easy and painless for you.


It is better to start gathering right in the morning, because you need to leave time for cleaning and placing items in new places. It is advisable to choose a day off for this and enlist the support of friends in advance. Get enough sleep the night before to keep you fresh and full of energy on the day of the move.

Before moving things and furniture, make sure general cleaning in a new apartment. Of course, you can do this after the move, but numerous boxes and trunks will interfere with you.

Usually moving begins with packing things. And then you discover a lot of items of clothing, dishes and souvenirs, the existence of which you did not even suspect. This is a great reason to get rid of them and not to carry unnecessary things to a new apartment. After all, if you could do without them for so long, you are unlikely to need them in the future.

It's great if you have large cardboard boxes left over from buying household appliances. Otherwise, you can call on friends and even bypass the nearest stores. They will probably be able to help you. Sign each box: dishes, clothes, books and start putting things in the appropriate boxes. This will help you quickly unpack your belongings in a new apartment and find the item you need.

Cutlery can be stored in pots and pans to save space. And in order not to spoil small household appliances, it will be better if you wrap them in towels.

Wrap upholstered furniture in foil. Be sure to tie cabinets and bedside tables that you did not dismantle before moving so that the door does not suddenly open during the journey and the furniture does not break.

To transport things, you can ask friends and acquaintances who own cars for help. Or you can use the services of companies that will not only transport your belongings by truck, but also help bring heavy boxes to the floor.

In a new apartment, the first thing to do is to equip the bedroom. You will be tired, unpacking may take several days, and you need to rest. Set the bed, wipe the bedside tables with a damp cloth. Get out bed linen and pajamas (they should be prepared in advance). Open the windows and air out your new bedroom. Now you can live in the apartment.

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Yesterday I left the house, the door slammed shut, I missed the bus, my wallet was pulled out of my pocket. And today I won the lottery, they gave me a bonus at work, and turned it on at home hot water. Why does it happen?


Not every day is good for a change in life. The numbers have long been known. There are even special occult teachings that explain and list the meanings of various numbers. According to them, you need to move on the 2nd, 8th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 21st and 25th. It is strongly not recommended to go to the new house 5, 12, 13, 19, 22, 26 or 29.

Each person has his own lucky number. It is easy to calculate using certain formulas. If you already know this number, wait until it appears on the calendar, and feel free to hit the road. It neutralizes the negative from the previous paragraph.

In many flip and wall calendars, they now write in which sign the Moon is on each specific day of the month. If the night luminary is in Taurus, feel free to go beyond the threshold. Great prospects and a successful move await you. On the contrary, when the Earth's satellite passes through Leo, Capricorn or Scorpio, do not go anywhere, but sit quietly at home near the TV. No change in location at this time will bring anything good. The rest of the zodiac signs are indifferent to your housewarming party.

The Russian people have an interesting one. She claims that those who set off on a journey during the rain will have a good road and pleasant impressions upon arrival at the final destination of the trip. So, a little rain when moving should not scare you. It is enough just to cover the cardboard boxes with a film and do not leave upholstered furniture for a long time. open sky.

Time is divided into days, weeks and years. It is common knowledge that Monday is a hard day. Do not rush to start any business at this time. Also, moving on Wednesday or Friday will not bring anything good. These are the days when it is desirable not to start any new business.

Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday are great times to move. All problems are solved by themselves. Nothing beats, and if it beats, then at random. No injury or breakage. One big holiday. Especially on Thursday. Because on Friday you will recover a little from moving at work, and on Saturday you will put your new home in order. Believe me, on this day you will need not less, but much more strength and patience.

You can’t move on Sunday, because this day should be devoted to rest, self-knowledge and preparation for a new work day. Having discarded these arguments and nevertheless arrived at a new place on Sunday, you will not have time to arrange even the most necessary things, and on Monday morning you will have to leave for work from an uncleaned apartment.

To move into a new apartment, first make a move plan. Consider all important details. Pay special attention to packaging, this will avoid damage. Remember that there are some signs.