Oblomov 4 part full content. The history of the creation of "Oblomov"

My God! How gloomy and boring everything looked in Oblomov's apartment a year and a half after the name day, when Stoltz accidentally came to dine with him. And Ilya Ilyich himself was flabby, boredom had eaten into his eyes and looked out from there like some kind of illness.

He walks around the room, then lies down and looks at the ceiling; takes a book from the bookcase, runs a few lines with his eyes, yawns and starts drumming his fingers on the table.

Zakhar became even more clumsy, more untidy; he had patches on his elbows; he looks so poor, hungry, as if he eats badly, sleeps little and works for three.

The dressing gown on Oblomov was worn out, and no matter how carefully the holes were sewn up on it, but it was spreading everywhere and not at the seams: a new one would have long been needed. The blanket on the bed was also worn, patched here and there; the curtains on the windows had faded a long time ago, and although they were washed, they looked like rags.

Zakhar brought an old tablecloth, spread it on half the table, next to Oblomov, then carefully, biting his tongue, brought a set with a decanter of vodka, put down the bread and left.

The door in the master's quarter opened, and Agafya Matveevna came in, carrying a deftly hissing frying pan with fried eggs.

And she changed terribly, not in her favor. She lost weight. There are no round, white, non-blushing and non-blanching cheeks; sparse eyebrows do not shine; her eyes were sunken.

She is dressed in an old cotton dress; her hands were either tanned or hardened from work, from fire or from water, or from both.

Akulina was no longer in the house. Anisya - and in the kitchen, and in the garden, and goes after the birds, and washes the floors, and washes; she can’t do it alone, and Agafya Matveevna, willy-nilly, works in the kitchen herself: she pushes, sows and rubs a little, because coffee, cinnamon and almonds do not come out much, and she forgot to think about lace. Now she often has to chop onions, rub horseradish and similar spices. There is deep sadness in her face.

But not about herself, not about her coffee, she sighs, she grieves not because she has no opportunity to fuss, run big, grind cinnamon, put vanilla in sauce or boil heavy cream, but because another year Ilya Ilyich does not eat anything of this, because he doesn't get coffee by the pood from the best store, but buys it for a dime in a shop; the cream is not brought by the little girl, but is supplied by the same shop, because instead of a juicy cutlet, she brings him for breakfast scrambled eggs, seasoned with hard ham, stale in the shop.

What does this mean? And the fact that another year the income from Oblomovka, regularly sent by Stolz, goes to satisfy the claim for a loan letter given by Oblomov to the hostess.

The brother's "legitimate business" succeeded beyond expectation. At the first hint of Tarantiev about the scandalous affair, Ilya Ilyich flared up and became embarrassed; then they went to the world, then all three drank, and Oblomov signed a loan letter for a period of four years; and a month later Agafya Matveevna signed the same letter addressed to her brother, not suspecting what it was and why she was signing it. The brother said that this was the necessary paper for the house, and ordered to write: “Such and such (rank, name and surname) had a hand in this loan letter.”

She was only embarrassed by the fact that it took a lot to write, and asked her brother to make Vanyusha better, that "he began to write smartly," and she, perhaps, would confuse something. But the brother strongly demanded, and she signed crookedly, obliquely and large. There was never any more talk of it.

Oblomov, signing, was partly consoled by the fact that this money would go to orphans, and then, the next day, when his head was fresh, he recalled this matter with shame and tried to forget, avoided meeting with his brother, and if Tarantiev spoke about That is, he threatened to immediately move out of the apartment and go to the village.

Then, when he received money from the village, the brother came to him and announced that it would be easier for him, Ilya Ilyich, to start paying immediately from the income; that in three years the claim will be covered, while with the onset of the deadline, when the document is filed for collection, the village will have to go on public sale, since Oblomov does not have and is not expected to have the amount in cash.

Oblomov realized what a vice he was in when everything that Stoltz sent began to come to pay off the debt, and he had only a small amount of money left for a living.

The brother was in a hurry to complete this voluntary deal with his debtor in two years, so that somehow and something would not interfere with the matter, and because of this Oblomov suddenly found himself in a difficult situation.

At first it was not very noticeable due to his habit of not knowing how much money he had in his pocket; but Ivan Matveyevich took it into his head to marry the daughter of some storekeeper, rented a special apartment and moved.

Agafya Matveevna's economic scope suddenly stopped: sturgeon, snow-white veal, turkeys began to appear in another kitchen, in Mukhoyarov's new apartment.

There, fires burned in the evenings, future relatives, brothers, colleagues and Tarantiev gathered; everything was there. Agafya Matveevna and Anisya were suddenly left with their mouths open and their hands dangling idly over empty pans and pots.

Agafya Matveyevna learned for the first time that she only had a house, a garden, and chickens, and that neither cinnamon nor vanilla grew in her garden; she saw that in the markets the shopkeepers gradually ceased to bow low to her with a smile, and that these bows and smiles began to go to her brother's new, fat, smart cook.

Oblomov gave the hostess all the money left to him by his brother for a living, and for three or four months, without memory, she still grinded pounds of coffee, crushed cinnamon, fried veal and turkeys, and did this until last day, in which she spent the last seven hryvnias and came to him to say that she had no money.

He rolled over on the couch three times at this news, then looked into the drawer towards him: and he had nothing. He began to remember where they had gone, and did not remember anything: he rummaged around on the table with his hand, whether there were any copper money, asked Zakhar, who had not even seen it in a dream. She went to her brother and naively said that there was no money in the house.

And where did you and the nobleman get the thousand rubles that I gave him to live on? - he asked. - Where can I get money? You know, I’m entering into a legal marriage: I can’t support two families, and you and the master stretch your legs according to your clothes.

What are you, brother, reproaching me with a master? - she said. - What is he doing to you? Nobody cares, he lives for himself. It was not I who lured him to the apartment: you and Mikhei Andreevich.

He gave her ten rubles and said no more. But then, having thought over the matter with the godfather in the institution, he decided that it was impossible to leave his sister and Oblomov like that, that, perhaps, it would come to Stolz, he would come down, sort it out and, what good, somehow redo it, you wouldn’t have time to collect the debt, for nothing what a "legitimate business": a German, therefore, a prankster!

He began to give another fifty rubles a month, suggesting that this money be collected from Oblomov's income of the third year, but at the same time he explained and even swore to his sister that he would not put a penny more, and calculated what kind of table they should keep, how to reduce costs, even decided what dishes to cook when, calculated how much she could get for chickens, for cabbage, and decided that all this could be lived in clover.

For the first time in her life, Agafya Matveevna thought not about the household, but about something else, for the first time she burst into tears, not from vexation at Akulina for breaking dishes, not from scolding her brother for undercooked fish; for the first time she faced a terrible need, but a terrible need not for her, for Ilya Ilyich.

“Suddenly this gentleman,” she analyzed, “would start eating turnips with butter instead of asparagus, lamb instead of hazel grouse, instead of Gatchina trout, amber sturgeon - salted pike perch, maybe jelly from a shop ...”

Horror! She didn’t think it through to the end, but hurriedly dressed, hired a cab and went to her husband’s relatives, not on Easter and Christmas, for a family dinner, but early in the morning, with care, with an unusual speech and the question of what to do, and to take money from them.

They have a lot: they will give it as soon as they know that it is for Ilya Ilyich. If it had been for her coffee, for tea, for her children for a dress, for shoes, or for other similar whims, she would not have hinted, otherwise she would be in dire need, to the point: buy asparagus for Ilya Ilyich, grouse for roast, he loves French polka dots…

But they were surprised there, they didn’t give her money, but said that if Ilya Ilyich has any things, gold or, perhaps, silver, even fur, it can be pawned and that there are such benefactors that a third of the requested amount will be given until then until he gets out of the village again.

This practical lesson at another time would have flown over the ingenious hostess without touching her head, and would not have taught it to her with any bullets, but here she understood with the mind of her heart, figured everything out and weighed ... her pearls received as a dowry.

Ilya Ilyich, not suspecting anything, drank currant vodka the next day, ate excellent salmon, ate his favorite giblets and fresh white hazel grouse. Agafya Matveevna and her children ate human cabbage soup and porridge, and only in company with Ilya Ilyich drank two cups of coffee.

Soon, for pearls, she took out a clasp from the coveted chest, then silver went, then a coat ... The time came for sending money from the village: Oblomov gave her everything. She bought the pearls and paid the interest on the clasp, the silver and the fur, and again cooked asparagus and hazel grouse for him, and only for show she drank coffee with him. The pearl has returned to its place.

From week to week, from day to day, she dragged herself to the limit, suffered, struggled, sold her shawl, sent to sell her ceremonial dress, and remained in a cotton daily dress, with bare elbows, and on Sundays she covered her neck with an old, worn-out scarf.

That's why she lost weight, why her eyes were sunken, and why she herself brought breakfast to Ilya Ilyich.

She even had the courage to make a cheerful face when Oblomov announced that Tarantyev, Alekseev or Ivan Gerasimovich would come to dine with him tomorrow. Dinner was delicious and cleanly served. She did not shame the owner. But how much excitement, running around, begging around the benches, then insomnia, even tears, these worries cost her!

How suddenly she plunged deeply into the troubles of life, and how she knew her happy and unhappy days! But she loved this life: despite all the bitterness of her tears and worries, she would not have exchanged it for the former, quiet flow, when she did not know Oblomov, when she dominated with dignity among the filled, crackling and hissing pots, pans and pots, commanded Akulina , janitor.

She will even tremble in horror when the thought of death suddenly appears to her, although death at once would put an end to her never-drying tears, her daily running around and the daily inseparability of her eyes.

Ilya Ilyich had breakfast, listened to Masha reading French, sat in Agafya Matveyevna's room, watched her mend Vanechka's jacket, turning it over ten times first to one side, then to the other, and at the same time incessantly ran into the kitchen to see how the lamb is roasted for dinner, is it time to brew the fish soup.

What are you all doing, right? - said Oblomov, - leave it!

Who will bother if not me? - she said. - I'll just put two patches here, and we'll cook the fish soup. What a wretched boy this Vanya is! That week I mended the jacket again - tore it apart again! Why laughing? - she turned to Vanya, who was sitting at the table, in trousers and a shirt, about one help. “I won’t fix it until morning, and it won’t be possible to run out of the gate.” The boys must have torn apart: fought - confess?

No, mama, it broke itself, - said Vanya.

That's it! I would sit at home and repeat lessons than run through the streets! That's when Ilya Ilyich says again that you don't study French well, I'll take off my boots too: you will inevitably sit down with a book!

I don't like learning French.

From what? - asked Oblomov.

Yes, there are a lot of bad words in French...

Agafya Matveevna flushed. Oblomov laughed. It is true, and before they already had a conversation about "bad words."

Shut up, you dirty boy, she said. - Wipe your nose better, don't you see?

Vanyusha snorted, but did not wipe his nose.

Just wait, I’ll get money from the village, I’ll sew two pairs for him, ”Oblomov intervened,“ a blue jacket, and next year a uniform: he will go to the gymnasium.

Well, it also looks like the old one, - said Agafya Matveevna, - but the money will be needed for the economy. We’ll stock up on corned beef, I’ll make jam for you ... Go see if Anisya brought sour cream ... - She got up.

What about today? - asked Oblomov.

Ear from ruffs, fried lamb and dumplings.

Oblomov was silent.

Suddenly a carriage drove up, there was a knock on the gate, a galloping on a chain and a dog barking began.

Oblomov went to his room, thinking that someone had come to the hostess: a butcher, a greengrocer, or some other similar person. Such a visit was usually accompanied by requests for money, a refusal from the hostess, then a threat from the seller, then requests to wait from the hostess, then scolding, slamming doors, gates and frantic galloping and barking of a dog - generally an unpleasant scene. But the carriage drove up - what would that mean? Butchers and greengrocers don't ride in carriages.

Suddenly the hostess, frightened, ran up to him.

You have a guest! - she said.

Who: Tarantiev or Alekseev?

No, no, the one that dined on Ilyin's day.

Stolz? - Oblomov said in alarm, looking around, where to go. - God! What will he say when he sees ... Tell me that I left! he added hurriedly, and went into the room with the hostess.

Anisya incidentally arrived in time to meet the guest. Agafya Matveevna managed to convey the order to her. Stolz believed, only surprised that Oblomov was not at home.

Well, tell me that I'll come in two hours, I'll have dinner! - he said and went nearby to the public garden.

There will be dinner! - Anisya conveyed with fear.

There will be dinner! Agafya Matveyevna repeated in fear to Oblomova.

We need to make another dinner, - he decided after a pause.

She looked at him with a look of horror. She had only fifty kopecks left, and there were still ten days left until the first day, when her brother gave out the money. Nobody lends money.

We won’t have time, Ilya Ilyich,” she remarked timidly, “let him eat what he has ...

He doesn't eat that, Agafya Matveevna: he can't stand soup, he doesn't even eat sturgeon; She also doesn't take lamb in her mouth.

You can take the language in the sausage! - suddenly, as if by inspiration, she said, - it's close here.

It’s good, it’s possible: yes, order some greens, fresh beans ...

Beans eight hryvnia pound! - moved in her throat, but the language did not come down.

Okay, I'll do it ... - she said, deciding to replace the beans with cabbage.

Swiss cheese, order a pound to take! - he commanded, not knowing about the means of Agafya Matveevna, - and nothing more! I’ll apologize, I’ll say that they didn’t wait ... Yes, if I could have some kind of broth.

She was gone.

What about guilt? he suddenly remembered.

She responded with a new look of horror.

We must send for the lafitte,” he concluded coolly.

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32-year-old landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lives in St. Petersburg on the funds that his estate brings him - the village of Oblomovka. He abandoned his service in the department a long time ago and lies in his dressing gown on the sofa all day.

That day he woke up unusually early - at 8 o'clock in the morning. The day before, he received a letter from Oblomovka, from the headman, who complained about crop failures, arrears, a decrease in income, and so on. It was necessary to take some measures, but the very thought of this brought Oblomov discomfort. And then the servant Zakhar once again reminds the master that the owner of the apartment building where they lodge demands to vacate the apartment he needed for some reason.


Volkov came for a visit - a fashionably dressed young man of about 25 years old. He is delighted with secular life and cannot understand how Oblomov has been sitting at home all his life. Oblomov's indistinct explanations (in one well-known house at receptions everyone talks about everything, in another everything is about one thing) Volkov is not convinced.

Volkov left, Sudbinsky came. Once he served with Oblomov, and now he has received a promotion and is going to marry.

The next guest is the writer Penkin, with whom Oblomov, perked up for a moment, is engaged in literary disputes.

Oblomov tries to tell each of the three guests about his two misfortunes, but no one wants to listen to him.

Finally Alekseev arrives, a small inconspicuous little man. He is in no hurry and listens to Oblomov, but he cannot help in any way.


Tarantiev breaks in - Oblomov's countryman and the complete opposite of Alekseev: huge and rude. But it turns out that only these two - Alekseev and Tarantiev - constantly and for a long time visit Oblomov, the rest of the acquaintances run in only for a minute. However, Oblomov does not like these two either, they annoy him. Looking at them, this is not the first time he remembers the only person dear to him - Stolz, who is about to return from distant wanderings.


After listening to Oblomov’s story about his two misfortunes, Tarantiev immediately proposes decisive measures: go to Oblomovka for the summer and deal with the “fraudster” elder himself, and then move to the outskirts to his house, Tarantiev, godfather, who takes one and a half times less for an apartment, what Oblomov pays now. However, Ilya Ilyich, apparently suspecting Tarantiev himself of some kind of fraud (and he gave rise to this more than once), does not accept his advice, continuing to lament about Stolz, whom, as it turns out, Tarantyev hates fiercely.


Discussions about how Oblomov came to such a life in the twelfth year of his non-stop stay in the capital.

A provincial, brought up in a warm domestic circle, he was never able to accept the strict discipline and soulless atmosphere of bureaucratic life. At the very first official mistake he made, frightened by the wrath of the boss, Oblomov said he was sick, and then completely refused to serve.


But even at home, Ilya does not find himself, because from childhood he had no interests, and in his youth he looked at studying at the university as a punishment. He never read anything in excess of what was given, he had no additional questions, even when he did not understand everything from what he was taught. For him, studies had nothing to do with life. Between science and life for him lay an abyss, which he did not try to cross. And the plan for the transformation of the estate, over which Oblomov had been thinking all these twelve years, had nothing to do with the field of knowledge and decisions, but with the field of dreams, freely flowing into the field of fantasies about how he, Oblomov, would become a famous commander or no less famous thinker.


Fifty-year-old Zakhar is a match for Oblomov. The unconditional devotion of the servant to the master - the only dignity of Zakhar - was combined in him with the same, like Oblomov himself, a fantastic view of the world, where there is nothing better than Oblomovka and where Oblomov dominates, whom, nevertheless, God himself ordered his servant to rob on trifles, and keep in eternal dirt.


Oblomov's skirmish with Zakhar about unpaid bills is interrupted by the appearance of Oblomov's attending physician, who was called to a neighbor and decided to visit another patient at the same time. Oblomov complains of stomach, heartburn, etc. The doctor predicts Oblomov's death in 2-3 years from a stroke if he continues to live in St. Petersburg and eat fatty foods. We must go abroad immediately! The doctor's advice terrifies Oblomov, and then Zakhar again pesters with a message about the manager's demand to immediately move out of the apartment. Reproaching Zakhar for insensitivity, Oblomov brings him up and goes into hysterics himself. Tired of an excess of thoughts and emotions, Oblomov falls asleep.

9: "Oblomov's Dream"

Ilya suddenly dreamed of all his childhood and all his youth in Oblomovka: loved ones and loving parents, their quiet, unhurried being; nanny with her terrible tales, which always ended well, not because the hero defeated evil, but because the good sorceress took him to her country, where there are no worries and sorrows. Ilya also dreams of the German neighbor Stolz, to whom he was sent "for training." And the son of Stolz, the same age as Ilya, who either suggested lessons to him, or made translations for him.


While Oblomov is sleeping, Zakhar tells the neighbor's servants stories about his master in the yard.


When Zakhar returns home at the beginning of the fifth, Oblomov is still sleeping. Zakhar unsuccessfully tries to wake him up. And then there is Stolz.

Part two


From a German father, Stoltz received a business-like German upbringing, from a Russian mother - a gentle Russian one. His mother died early, and his father forbade his son to live with him after graduation from the university and sent him to St. Petersburg.


After serving for a short time, Stoltz retired, went into commerce and became rich; tried to live simply, looked at life realistically, avoided fantasies. Being the complete opposite of Oblomov in everything, Stoltz sincerely loved him for his simplicity, kindness and gullibility, for those warm memories of childhood and youth that connected the two friends.


Stolz, outraged by Oblomov's recumbent life, forces him to go out into the world.


This was repeated all week, and finally Oblomov rebelled. He insists that the world is full of petty fuss, and Stolz unexpectedly agrees with him, but asks to formulate his ideal. In response, Oblomov actually retells his dream - everything that happened to both grandfathers and fathers. New - only Norma's cavatina from Bellini's opera, which must be played in the evenings in the living room. For Stolz, this is already a clue: he promises to introduce Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya, who perfectly performs this aria.


Having introduced Oblomov to Olga, Stolz went abroad. Ilya rented a dacha next to the dacha of Olga and her aunt. The prehistory of such a decision took only two evenings: on the first, Oblomov heard Olga singing, on the second, he confessed his love to her.


Ashamed of his involuntarily escaped confession, Ilya avoids meeting with Olga - and suddenly accidentally meets her in the park. There is a new explanation: trying to apologize for the "accidentally escaped" words of love, Ilya, to Olga's pleasure, only confirms the non-randomness of these words.


Ilya begins to guess that Olga is not indifferent to him. He both hopes and fears to be deceived in his hope.


A strange change is taking place with Olga: thanks to her feeling for Ilya, she suddenly immediately understood and accepted life in all its complexity. But the feeling itself lingered for a while. In bewilderment, Ilya stops visiting Olga. He clearly gravitates towards his former way of life and declares to Zakhar his desire to return to the city. By chance, Zakhar meets Olga and ingenuously informs her about the state and decision of Ilya. Olga, through Zakhar, appoints Ilya a date in the park, where she makes him understand the seriousness of her feelings for him.


Since then, there have been no sudden changes in Olga, and her daily meetings with Ilya consisted entirely of frank conversations about love, which both experienced deeply and passionately. “Love is a difficult school of life,” thought Ilya.


A wave of doubt again swept over Oblomov: Olga does not love him, they do not like such people! She was ready for love, waiting for her - and he just turned up under the arm, by mistake! He writes her a letter expressing these thoughts directly. A new date, a new explanation, an ever-increasing physical rapprochement again return everything to its place.


The feelings of both reach a dangerous stage; acquaintances are already looking at them strangely ... Finally, Ilya decides to make an official proposal.


Oblomov's decisive explanation again begins with the expression of doubts and fears. Olga withstood all this without losing her dignity for a moment, and already got up to leave. Only then Ilya said the words she had long expected. Both are extremely happy.

Part Three


That same morning, Tarantiev is impatiently waiting for the happy Oblomov at his dacha. It turns out that on the day of moving to the dacha, Ilya signed a contract for renting an apartment, which Tarantiev slipped him. To the threats of the surprised Tarantiev, Ilya responds calmly, but also, as it were, menacingly. With the support of Zakhar Oblomov, he manages to quickly get rid of the uninvited guest.


Returning to Olga, Ilya wants to go and announce to her aunt about the official proposal, but Olga does not let him. First, he must finish urgent matters and decide where they will live after the wedding: after all, there is still no apartment in the city, and the old house in Oblomovka needs repair. The next day, Ilya goes to the city, but does not manage to do anything of his plans, except for a visit to the widow Pshenitsyna (Godfather Tarantiev), whom he unsuccessfully tried to convince that he no longer needs her apartment.


At the end of August, Olga moved to the city. Ilya visits her, and she reproaches him for things that have not been done. Meanwhile, Oblomov nevertheless moves in with Pshenitsyna and manages to appreciate her pies. A conversation with her brother that soon he will not need an apartment only leads to the fact that he demands to pay the entire amount under the contract - 1354 rubles. 28 k. Oblomov does not have that kind of money.


Ilya looks at apartments in the center: for one they ask for 4 thousand, for another 6 thousand. Meanwhile, the position of Ilya and Olga in the world is becoming more and more ambiguous. And already even Zakhar brings Oblomov a rumor about his imminent wedding. Ilya refutes everything, tells everyone to be silent and no longer believes that he wants to get married: such expenses!


A letter arrives: Olga calls Ilya on a date in Summer garden. She comes alone, under a veil. They are boating on the Neva. “We have gone far,” Oblomov is frightened. Olga agrees: now she is convincing Ilya to officially talk with her aunt, and he, on the contrary, asks to postpone this conversation until all pressing issues are resolved.


Saying sick, Oblomov stopped going to Olga.


Without waiting for Ilya, Olga, despising secular decency, herself comes to him. Oblomov again perked up, that same evening he was with Olga at the theater and after the theater he drank tea with Olga and her aunt.


A letter came from Oblomov's neighbor on the estate, to whom he hoped to transfer control by proxy. This is a denial. Moreover, the neighbor confirms the words of the elder: Oblomov will face big losses. His hands drop: it is impossible to marry. It would be possible to borrow money, but he does not dare to do so.


For advice, Ilya turns to his brother Pshenitsyna. He recommends him a colleague who is ready to go to Oblomovka for a fee and arrange Oblomov's affairs.


Pshenitsyna's brother treats Tarantiev in a tavern, thanking him for the boobie tenant. “And staring at my sister! Do you understand what it smells like?


Oblomov shows Olga a letter from the village, “reassures”: in a year everything will be settled, and then ... Olga loses her senses, and when she comes to, she drives Oblomov away. Her last question is: “Who cursed you? What ruined you? And he replies: "Oblomovism!"


Oblomov returned home at night, not remembering where he wandered all day. Zakhar put on him a dressing gown repaired by Pshenitsyna, the same one that he wanted to throw away when he met Olga. The first snow came - "everything fell asleep." Oblomov fell ill with a fever.

Part Four


A year has passed, and this year most of all changed Agafya Pshenitsyna: she fell in love with Oblomov.


On Oblomov's name day, Stolz unexpectedly appears. Olga told him everything, and she now lives abroad, rejoicing that she did not make a mistake by marrying Ilya. Stolz undertakes to save Oblomov from his brother Pshenitsyna, who had robbed him, and his accomplice.


Brother Pshenitsyna and Tarantiev are acutely worried about their defeat: Stolz took Oblomovka on lease, now he will lead them to clean water. They conceived revenge - to take full power over Oblomov: "He often got into the habit of visiting his sister." Their plan is blackmail and Oblomov signing a loan letter addressed to Pshenitsyna.


Narration about what happened to Olga and Stolz even before his appearance at Oblomov's birthday party and what he kept silent about in a conversation with him. It turns out that having accidentally met Olga abroad, Stoltz was amazed at the change that had taken place in her, listened to her confession - and made her an offer.


Another year and a half passed after those name days - and Stolz again visited Oblomov. During this time, he completely impoverished, because Pshenitsyna's brother carried out his insidious plan, leaving no money to either Oblomov or his sister. Then Agafya began to pawn her own things in order to feed Oblomov.


Stolz is amazed at the poverty of his friend: after all, the estate began to generate income! Having learned about the mortgage letter, he tries to ask Agafya and quickly understands the essence of the matter.


Having received from Agafya a signature under the certificate that she had no monetary claims against Oblomov, Stolz suddenly appeared before his brother: “Your business will not end with this.” The next day, brother Pshenitsyna was summoned by the head of his department and demanded to resign in order to avoid a scandal, and Oblomov quarreled with Tarantiev forever.


Stolz and Olga live in a secluded estate in the Crimea, they have a daughter. That vague dream is coming true, for the sake of which Stoltz studied the laws of the heart and protected his own heart from everything accidental and superficial. And when Olga has "eternal" questions and doubts, he knows how to resolve them. Together they remember Oblomov: they will not leave him, unless an abyss opens between them and poor Ilya! Olga gets a promise from her husband: when they are in St. Petersburg, they will visit Ilya together.


Oblomov also realized his ideal by marrying Pshenitsyna: everything in his life now resembles the old Oblomovka. They had a boy, who was named Andryusha in honor of Stolz.

Oblomov's happy life is interrupted by an apoplexy, which the doctor once predicted to him. Agafya carefully nurses her husband.

Here is Stolz himself, who has not seen Ilya for five years. He is amazed; for him, this life of a friend is a swamp that has hopelessly engulfed him. Having learned that Olga is waiting at the gate for her husband in the carriage and also wants to enter, Ilya asks Andrey not to let her into the house. "Don't forget my Andrey!" - were Oblomov's last words addressed to Stolz.

Stolz goes to Olga and says that she cannot go there.

Has the abyss opened up? Yes, what is going on there?

Oblomovism! Andrey answered gloomily.


Another five years have passed, and Agafya has been widowed for three years. Ilya Ilyich, having survived a second apoplexy, soon died: without pain and torment, as if a clock had stopped, which they forgot to start. Seven years lived by Agafya with Ilya and flew by like a moment, shed quiet light for her whole life, and she had nothing more to wish for, nowhere to go. Her son from his first marriage graduated from the course of science and entered the service, her daughter got married, Andryusha was begged for upbringing by the Stoltsy.


Stolz and his literary friend, having nothing to do, are examining the beggars on the porch. Suddenly, in one old beggar, Stoltz recognizes Zakhar. In the house of Pshenitsyna, where her brother and his family again settled, Zakhar did not have a place, and he was quickly expelled from the new masters, to whom the stupid old footman tried to get a job. Inviting Zakhar to his place, Stoltz returned to a conversation with a literary friend who became interested in the cause of the death of Oblomov, a man whom Zakhar remembered so warmly. And for the umpteenth time, Stoltz called it in one word: Oblomovism. "What it is?" - asked the writer. And Stoltz told him everything that the writer (apparently, Goncharov himself) retold in his novel.

1859 Russia. Goncharov's novel Oblomov was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. The work is about Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and their life in St. Petersburg. Ilya Ilyich practically does not get up from the sofa and his main attributes are a Spacious bathrobe, soft slippers and a sofa. The author also introduces us to Stoltz - best friend Oblomov and his aptipod. There is also a love story ... The ending of the novel is tragic - Oblomov dies, but "Oblomovism" lives on.

The main idea of ​​the novel "Oblomov" is that Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for the first time in Russian literature draws the reader's attention to such a negative and destructive concept as "Oblomovism". It is this phenomenon that is the cause of degradation, both of an individual and of society as a whole. This can be seen in the ideological concept of the novel.

The reader gets acquainted with the main character of the story - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He is 32 years old. He lives with his servant Zakhar on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg. His days are like one another like twins. Usually Ilya Oblomov lies in bed. "Doing Nothing" is main feature Main character. His servant does not resist such a routine of life. Everything suits him.

A new day is coming and Volkov, Penkin, Sudbinsky come one after another to visit Ilya Ilyich. Their goal is to disrupt the measured course of a sloth's life. Oblomov, in turn, tells them about his problems, but the guests are not interested in these matters.
Oblomov has a friend - Andrei Stoltz. And only he alone can help Ilya Ilyich sort out his affairs.
In the meantime, the hero lies on the couch. He dreams of his native village - Oblomovka, where he is a small and curious boy, and life is carefree and calm. But the dream is interrupted by the arrival of Stolz.

Then the story begins about Andrei Stolz, his childhood and youth. It turns out that they are the same age as Oblomov, but they are antipodes in everything. Stolz has German roots, and because of this, he formed early as a person. He is active and constantly moving. Andrei even makes attempts to stir up Oblomov: take him to visit, introduce him to different people. Stoltz succeeds because Oblomov leaves the couch and tries to lead an active lifestyle.

One fine day, fate brings Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. He falls in love ... But, Olga is a very active person and she definitely does not like much in Oblomov's way of life.

Stolz needs to leave on business. It was during this period of time that Ilya Ilyich fell under the influence of Tarantiev and moved to the Vyborg side. Oblomov again plunges into a pool of problems. It is unbearably difficult for him to deal with things. And then one day he met Agafya Pshenitsyna. It is so comfortable that the hero feels as if he has returned to his native Oblomovka.

Unnoticed, Pshenitsyna takes all matters into her hands. Then Ilya Ilyich again returns to a state of slumber and bliss. Often he gets a shake-up - these are meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov hears talk about the upcoming wedding of Olga and Stolz. But ..., Oblomov is only indignant, but does not take decisive action against it.

Almost a year passes. Oblomov has been sick all this time. Pshenitsyna manages the household with a firm hand. Tender feelings even appeared between her and Oblomov. Their life enters into a calm channel. Finally, the wedding of Olga and Stolz is played.

A few more years pass. Stoltz visits his old friend and sees that nothing has changed in his life. Oblomov doesn't care. The only thing he asks Andrei is to take care of Oblomov's son. Some time later, Oblomov dies. Agafya Pshenitsyna devotes herself entirely to her son.

Romance ends meaningful words: “The reason… what a reason! Oblomovism!

Read a summary of Goncharov's novel Oblomov chapter by chapter

Part 1

1 chapter

In this chapter, the author tells the reader about the main character Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, his servant Zakhara and describes their life. Favourite hobby Oblomov is lying on the couch and thinking about life. On the described morning, the master and the servant discussed the issue of a possible exit from the apartment.

Chapter 2

Oblomov is visited by acquaintances - Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin. Oblomov tries to consult with them about exciting issues- what about the apartment and the estate (the headman told him that he would receive 2,000 less)? After their visits, Ilya Ilyich thought about how they thoughtlessly live their lives. Alekseev came next to him - a faceless person about whom there is nothing to say. He listened to Oblomov's problems, but could not advise anything.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev, a noisy, rude and cunning employee, comes to Oblomov for lunch. The reader is explained why Oblomov makes acquaintance with them and invites them to dinner: in Alekseev he will always find an agreeing interlocutor and an attentive listener, and the noisy Tarantiev brings Oblomov back to life for a short time. For the first time, Oblomov's friend Stolz is mentioned.

Chapter 4

Ilya Ilyich tells Tarantiev about his two misfortunes. Regarding the apartment, he advised him to move to an apartment with his godfather on the Vyborg side and promised to arrange everything. For advice on the account of the estate, he already demanded money and only then said that Oblomov should change the headman, he was deceiving him. Tarantiev and Alekseev leave, and the master remains to wait for Stolz.

Chapter 5

It tells about the life of Oblomov. Twelve years living in St. Petersburg, received the rank of collegiate secretary. After the death of his parents, he got the estate, and he lived in a big way. During the service, Oblomov mistakenly sent an important paper to the wrong place and, without waiting for the punishment of his superiors, left work. In his youth, Ilya Ilyich was more active, but over time he became apathetic and began to avoid society.

Chapter 6

As a young man, Oblomov received an education, but did not acquire any knowledge. Things on the estate went from bad to worse, the headman advised the master to come himself. But Oblomov did not want to go anywhere. Despite his apathetic nature, the desires of youth sometimes awakened in him, but then they invariably passed. Only the faithful Zakhar knew about his spiritual unrest.

Chapter 7

It tells about the life of Zakhar. Zakhar, like his master, is lazy, loves to grumble at the master, gossip about him. But he is also proud that he serves the master, loves their Oblomovka estate and puts his master above the rest.

Chapter 8

Oblomov makes attempts to write a letter to the governor, but to no avail. During this, he quarrels with Zakhar because the servant equated him with "others". Oblomov brings Zakhar to frustration with his "pathetic" words. After that, the owner, having drunk kvass, plunged into a daytime sleep.

Chapter 9 ()

Oblomov has an unusual dream. In this dream, he sees his childhood, his parents decided to educate him and sent him to a boarding school, where Oblomov met Stolz. He did not like to study, he was not indulged in the boarding school, and his parents, despite the awareness of the importance of education, often succumbed to the boy's whims and left him in Oblomovka.

Chapter 10

While the master was resting, Zakhar went out into the yard to other servants and began to scold him. But when they began to speak disrespectfully about Oblomov, pride leapt up in Zakhar and he began to praise him publicly.

Chapter 11

Zakhar returned home and began to wake up Ilya Ilyich, but he began to scold him, and the whole scene amused Stolz, who came to Oblomov.

Part 2

1 chapter

It tells about the childhood of Andrei Stolz. His father is a Russified German, his mother is Russian, she used to work as a governess. Stolz was a quick-witted, active boy, and at the end of his education, his father told him that he now had to achieve everything himself and gave him one hundred rubles. The farewell to my father was dry, but some woman decided to bless him.

Chapter 2

Stolz was a man of action. Everything he did was right, simple. He wanted to know as much as possible and apply the knowledge gained in practice. But dreams were alien strong feelings He tried to avoid them. He liked to visit his friend Oblomov, sit on his sofa and spend time in leisurely conversation.

Chapter 3

Oblomov consults with a friend. Stolz offers him to go to the estate himself and do its landscaping. Ilya Ilyich says that he will have time, there is no need to hurry. On the same day, Stolz still persuades Oblomov to go with him on business.

Chapter 4

Friends talk about how life should be. Oblomov philosophizes that people strive to live faster, they are in a hurry somewhere, and he does not like it. At the request of Stolz, he talks about his vision of life and family happiness. He describes the ideal of life as in his estate. Stolz calls this not life, but Oblomovism.

Chapter 5

Andrei Stolz introduces Ilya Oblomov to Olga Ilyinskaya. The young lady jokes about Oblomov's laziness and habits, which confuses him. Olga sings a song, and her singing excited Oblomov's soul. Stolz goes abroad, and his friend spends all his time with Ilyinskaya. During one of the walks, he accidentally confesses his love to her.

Chapter 6

Oblomov talks about what his wife should be like. Among female images, the image of Olga appears. The hero worries that he offended her with his involuntary confession. Oblomov apologizes. Olga, seeing his worries, finds confirmation of her guess about his feelings and forgives him.

Chapter 7

Oblomov tells Zakhar to clean up the dacha, which he rents not far from the Ilyinskys. Zakhar grumbles, Anisya offers to clean up the mess herself. It tells about the family life of Zakhar and Anisya. The master is brought an invitation to dinner with the Ilyinskys. Dear Oblomov doubts Olga's feelings.

Chapter 8

During dinner, Oblomov did not recognize his beloved - she did not feel that inner light that delighted him. He did not know that Olga was beginning to understand life better and faster, to become a woman. Oblomov decides to move to the Vyborg side. He tells Olga about this and she does not hide her annoyance. He is inspired by this discovery: he understands that the girl is not indifferent. Ilyinskaya, on the other hand, sees that thanks to her, a goal has appeared in his life.

Chapter 9

Olga understands that only after meeting with Oblomov does she begin to feel life more fully. Not a day goes by that Oblomov does not think about his beloved. He began to get out into society, to read books, because Olga demanded an answer from him for all questions. While walking on the mountain, she confesses her feelings to Oblomov. He considers the young lady the ideal of his beloved.

Chapter 10

Oblomov doubts whether Olga really loves him? Reflecting on this, he decides that the girl loves not him, but the image that she invented. He writes her a letter asking her to stop their meetings. Having handed over the letter, he becomes interested in how the young lady will react. Seeing how Ilyinskaya reads his message and cries, Oblomov tries to calm the girl. He says that they "love only once", and Olga, agreeing with him, says that she will not stop loving him and is not afraid of her feelings. After that, he realizes that the letter was unnecessary and asks to forget about it. Ilinskaya forgives him.

Chapter 11

Olga has nervous attacks. Oblomov worries about her health. They become more and more attached to each other every day. During a walk, they meet a friend of Ilinskaya with her husband. Oblomov realizes that they are behaving incorrectly and decides to propose to Olga.

Chapter 12

Oblomov makes an offer to Ilyinsky. She answers him with consent. Olga confesses to him that she never wants to part with him.

Part 3

1 chapter

Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and asks when he will move to an apartment with his godfather. Ilya Ilyich replies that he has changed his mind about renting an apartment, to which Tarantiev replies that an agreement has been signed under which Oblomov undertakes to pay a penalty of 800 rubles and that he needs to talk with the owner's brother. Oblomov in a dejected state.

Chapter 2

Olga asks her lover not to tell anyone about their engagement until he arranges his estate and finds new apartment. Oblomov arrives on the Vyborg side and meets the owner of the apartment, Pshenitsyna. To all his questions, she replies that she does not understand anything about this and it is better for him to talk to her brother. Oblomov, without waiting for her brother, leaves.

Chapter 3

At the end of the summer, Oblomov decides to live in Pshenitsyna's apartment until he finds another. They began to see Olga less often, and Ilyinskaya does not allow talking about the engagement until Oblomov does what he promised. After talking with the owner's brother, Mukhoyarov, it turns out that Oblomov must pay a penalty of 1,000 rubles. The master understands that he does not have that kind of money, and promises to try to transfer the apartment.

Chapter 4

Oblomov tries to find a new apartment, but they turn out to be too expensive. He looks closely at the mistress, he likes the way she runs the house. By chance, in the theater, he hears a conversation of young people about himself and Olga, at home Zakhar asks when the wedding is. Oblomov begins to fear that everyone has already guessed everything.

Chapter 5

Oblomov was afraid that Olga came to see him alone. He tries to explain to her that they need to be more careful. Ilyinskaya offers to tell everything to her aunt. Oblomov decides to postpone the explanation, as he is waiting for a letter from the village about how things are on his estate.

Chapter 6

Oblomov decides not to go to the Ilyinskys. By random phrase said by the hostess, it begins to seem to him that she knows about Olga. Oblomov decides to pretend to be sick and not see the young lady for some time. During his "illness" he becomes more and more close to Pshenitsyna.

Chapter 7

Oblomov does not come to dinner and Olga is worried. The girl comes to him on the Vyborg side. He tells her the whole truth about how he spent his days in idleness and is very repentant of this. After her departure, the desire to live returned to him again, and he is looking forward to a letter from Oblomovka.

Chapter 8

A letter arrives. In it, the neighbor says that the house is very bad and there will be no money in the near future. Oblomov is trying to find ways to solve this problem.

Chapter 9

Oblomov asks Mukhoyarov for help. He refuses to be the manager of his estate, but advises his friend. Oblomov agrees.

Chapter 10

Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev meet and discuss how cleverly they manage to deceive Oblomov. The landlady's brother is afraid of the tenant's marriage, Tarantiev reassures him. They decide, with the help of a friend, to manage Oblomov's affairs for as long as possible.

Chapter 11

Oblomov tells Olga about the letter and his decision. The young lady is disappointed in him: she understands that he will not change and decides to part with him. During a farewell conversation, she asks him why he ruins his mind, talent, his life for no reason? To which he replies that there is a reason - this is Oblomovism.

Chapter 12

Oblomov is having a hard time breaking up with Olga and falls ill with a fever.

Part 4

1 chapter

A year has passed since Oblomov's illness. The estate was managed by an acquaintance of Mukhoyarov and the owner did not see the need to go there himself. Gradually, Oblomov returned to his usual way of life, since the life of Pshenitsyna's house was like Oblomovka. Pshenitsyna develops feelings for Oblomov that neither she nor he is aware of. Oblomov just likes to watch "the work of her elbows."

Chapter 2

Stolz arrives at Oblomov's name day. He tells Oblomov that he saw Olga and she is happy. Stolz is interested in his affairs. Seeing reports from the village, he realizes that Oblomov was deceived. Offers him his help and receives consent. Stolz asks Oblomov not to forget that work is the goal of life.

Chapter 3

Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov are discussing how Stoltz ruined all their plans. Mukhoyarov notices the sympathy between his sister and Oblomov and decides to deceive him again. Together with Tarantiev, they want to force him to sign a paper that he undertakes to pay the debt to his sister for dishonorable behavior.

Chapter 4

Stolz meets the Ilinskys in Paris. He understands that Olga has changed a lot since their last meeting. Stolz gradually realizes that every day he falls more and more in love with her. Olga also understands that she has feelings for him, but is afraid to tell about Oblomov. Stoltz manages to find out the whole truth, and he calms Olga, asks for her hand. She agrees and realizes that she is very happy.

Chapter 5

Tarantiem and Mukhoyarov managed to turn their business around, and Oblomov was forced to give Ivan Matveevich most of his income. After the marriage of his brother, Pshenitsyna's household fell into decay: there was no plentiful table, everything became dirty, untidy, Oblomov himself became lazy, flabby. Pshenitsyna is worried and is trying with all her might to help him. Suddenly, Stoltz arrives.

Chapter 6

Oblomov invites Stolz to dinner. At dinner, a friend says that he is married to Olga. Oblomov is sincerely happy for him. Stolz is concerned about his life and finds out that he is forced to pay the owner a debt. Andrei, after talking with Pshenitsyna, understands that all this is the work of her brother. Pshenitsyna agrees to help Stoltz.

Chapter 7

Mukhoyarov tells Tarantiev how he was summoned by the general for the story with Oblomov, ordered to resign. Stolz warns his friend against close relations with the hostess and takes a promise from him that he will come to them. Tarantiev comes to Oblomov and begins to insult Stolz. Oblomov gives him a slap in the face. After that, Tarantiev and Oblomov no longer see each other.

Chapter 8

Olga and Stolz did not come to Petersburg for several years. family life was active, understanding and order reigned in everything. Olga delved into all the affairs of her husband, and he tried to remain worthy of his wife. A young woman worries about Oblomov. Stolz promises that he will try with all his might to help him, if he is not prevented by insurmountable circumstances.

Chapter 9

After the help of Stolz, wealth and abundance again settled in Pshenitsyna's house. From a sedentary lifestyle, Oblomov had an apoplectic stroke. Andrey and Olga come to see them. Oblomov says that he had a stroke. Stolz tries to explain to his friend that such a life as his is wrong and wants to take him to Oblomovka. Oblomov says that this is impossible and admits to him that he is married to the mistress and their son Andrei is growing up. Friends say goodbye, Stolz and Olga leave.

Chapter 10

Five years have passed. Oblomov had another blow that he suffered, but he never fully recovered. After some time, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov died. His wife mourned for her husband for a long time and only then realized that she loved him. Her brother moved to her with his family and Tarantiev. Her only joy is her son Andrei, whom she gave to the Stolts for education, so that a master would grow out of him.

Chapter 11

Stolz and his familiar writer were walking along the Vyborg side. The writer wondered where the beggars come from. At this time, one of them approaches them, in which Stoltz recognized Zakhar. Zakhar said that Anisya died during cholera, and he left home, he could not get a job anywhere and went into beggars. Stolz offers to move him to Oblomovka, it is very good there, life is in full swing, but Zakhar does not want to leave the grave of the master. Stolz tells the writer a story about his friend Oblomov.

Picture or drawing Oblomov

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

This is a novel about children, about their characters and customs. AT school age The kids are making their own fun. The main character is a mischievous and inventor, and is always looking for adventure on his own head.

  • Summary of Queen Margot Dumas

    XVI century, France, Paris. Bloody clashes between Catholics and Huguenots are in full swing. The hypocritical statements of the Catholic King of France, Charles IX, about the desire to reconcile the warring forces lead to new pogroms and murders.

  • A dispute between friends broke out at the moment when Stoltz once again calls Oblomov to go somewhere, to do something, and they travel for a whole week on all sorts of business. “Oblomov protested, complained, argued, but was carried away and accompanied his friend everywhere,” the author writes. But the next evening, “returning from somewhere late,” Oblomov exploded: “I don’t like this Petersburg life of yours!” After Stolz's question: "Which one do you like?" - Oblomov burst into a sharp, caustic and long monologue about the meaningless fuss, in which there is no "integrity" and there is no person who "exchanged for every little thing." Oblomov’s long satirical speeches expose both the world and society, and card games without the “task of life”, and the activities of youth, and the absence of a “clear, calm look”, and the “non-awakening dream”, in which the fussy and active, first glance, society. In this monologue, only occasionally interrupted by Andrey with short, sharp objections or questions, Oblomov's remarkable mind and satirical talent are revealed.

    Ilya Ilyich’s monologue ends with the key phrase: “No, this is not life, but a distortion of the norm, the ideal of life, which nature has indicated as the goal of man ...” To Andrei’s question, what is this ideal, Oblomov did not find an answer immediately, but only after a long dialogue with short remarks of both. Stolz in this dialogue ironically teases Oblomov's awkward attempts to explain at least something to a friend, but then, apparently irritated by this irony, Ilya Ilyich begins to describe in detail how he would "spend his days." This description is long, kind and poetic, even the rather dry Stolz remarks: “Yes, you are a poet, Ilya!” Inspired, Oblomov, who seized the initiative at this time of the conversation, exclaims: “Yes, a poet in life, because life is poetry. It is free for people to distort it.” Oblomov’s ideal is not in immobility, into which he seems to have plunged now, Ilya in this story, on the contrary, is very mobile and poetic, this ideal lies in the fact that everything should be “to your liking”, sincerely, honestly, freely, measuredly, “what’s in eyes, in words, then in the heart. And he, Oblomov, actively participates in this life: he makes and gives his wife a bouquet, talks with sincere friends, fishes, takes a gun, although, of course, Oblomov’s immobility and gluttony often slip through this story. "That's life!" - sums up Oblomov and immediately stumbles upon an alternative answer: “This is not life!” And it is at this moment that the word “Oblomovism” appears for the first time on the stage of the novel, which Stolz pronounces. Then, with each new objection by Oblomov, he repeats this word in various interpretations, while not finding more convincing arguments against Oblomov's logic that all Stoltsev's "running around" is the same "working out of peace", has the same goal: "Everything looking for rest and peace.

    Here, Stoltz still manages to seize the initiative by reminding him of the joint dreams of youth, after which Oblomov’s confidence disappears, he begins to speak unconvincingly, with numerous pauses (the author uses ellipses), hesitations. He still languidly resists: “So when to live? .. Why suffer all the time?” Stolz dryly and meaninglessly answers: "For the work itself." Here, too, the author is not on the side of Stolz, because labor as an end in itself is really meaningless. In fact, the heroes at this moment remain in their positions. And here Stolz again uses the only winning technique - once again reminds Ilya of childhood, dreams, hopes, ending these reminders with the key phrase: “Now or never!” Reception works flawlessly. Oblomov is touched and begins his sincere and pure confession about the lack of a lofty goal, about the fading of life, about the loss of pride. “Either I didn’t understand this life, or it’s no good, but I didn’t know anything better ...” Oblomov’s sincerity unnerved Andrei’s soul, he seemed to swear to a friend “I won’t leave you ...” At the end of the 4th chapter, it seems that victory in the duel was left to Stolz, but at the beginning of the 5th there is a comic decline and, in fact, the destruction of this “victory”.

    Stolz's alternative to "Now or never!" turns for Oblomov into the Hamlet question “To be or not to be?”, But at first Oblomov wants to write something (to start acting), he took a pen, but there was no ink in the inkwell, and paper in the table, and then, when it already seemed , decided to answer the Hamlet question in the affirmative, "he got up from his chair, but did not immediately hit his shoe with his foot, and sat down again." The lack of ink and paper and missing the shoe return Oblomov to his former life.

    The whole story with Olga will still be ahead, the internal struggle in Oblomov’s soul is far from over, but in the history of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz, and in Oblomov’s possible fate after this scene, the accents have already been placed. Even I. Goncharov himself, who believed in the possibility of combining Oblomov's soulfulness with Stoltsev's efficiency and practicality in a Russian person, seems to understand at this moment of his story that the heroes will remain the same: neither from Oblomov, nor from Stolz, as the author originally wanted , such an ideal does not work. One will be prevented by laziness, contemplation and poetry, which are not compatible with modern heroes everyday life, to another - winglessness and the rejection of all reflections on the meaning of life. The author and the reader painfully realize after this dispute that the true ideal, which would combine purity and efficiency, is unattainable. That is why, despite the fact that the heroes still face many trials, this argument about the ideal can be considered the key episode of the novel. This is what will happen later, when each of the heroes finds his “peace”: Oblomov is at first the cozy and satisfying, but devoid of poetry house of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, and then death, and Stolz is a safe haven with Olga, tormented by the loss of the meaning of life, who did not recognize in time for his possible happiness with Oblomov.

    In the episode of the dispute between friends, the main question is about the purpose and meaning of human life, and it is this question that is decisive for the entire novel. How true great artist, I. Goncharov poses this eternal question, and leaves the answer open. Therefore, it is worth recognizing that no one won the dispute between friends in the considered episode of the great novel.

    Peace and silence rest over the Vyborg side, over its unpaved streets, wooden sidewalks, over lean gardens, over ditches overgrown with nettles, where, under the fence, some goat, with a broken rope around its neck, diligently nibbles grass or dozes stupidly, but at noon they knock the smart, high heels of a clerk walking along the sidewalk; and also disappear, then the first will appear again and be replaced by the second; there is a squeal and laughter of girls swinging on a swing.

    Everything is quiet in Pshenitsyna's house. You enter the courtyard and you will be embraced by a living idyll: hens and roosters will fuss and run to hide in corners; the dog will begin to jump on the chain, bursting into barking; Akulina will stop milking the cow, and the janitor will stop chopping wood, and both will look at the visitor with curiosity.

    Who do you want? - he will ask and, having heard the name of Ilya Ilyich or the hostess of the house, he will silently indicate the porch and begin to chop wood again, and the visitor will go along the clean, sandy path to the porch, on the steps of which a simple, clean rug has been laid, pulls the copper, brightly cleaned handle the bell, and Anisya, the children, sometimes the hostess herself or Zakhar - Zakhar after all will open the door.

    Everything in Pshenitsyna's house breathed such abundance and fullness of the economy, which had never happened before, when Agafya Matveyevna lived in the same house with her brother.

    The kitchen, the closets, the sideboard - everything was set up with crockery, large and small, round and oval dishes, gravy boats, cups, piles of plates, cast-iron, copper and earthenware pots.

    In the cupboards were laid out both his silver, bought long ago and now never pawned, and Oblomov's silver.

    Whole rows of huge, pot-bellied and miniature teapots and several rows of porcelain cups, simple, with paintings, with gilding, with mottos, with flaming hearts, with Chinese. Large glass jars with coffee, cinnamon, vanilla, crystal caddies, oil troughs, vinegar.

    Then whole shelves were cluttered with packs, flasks, boxes with homemade medicines, with herbs, lotions, plasters, spirits, camphor, with powders, with incense; there was soap, drugs for cleaning lace, removing stains, and so on and so forth - everything that you will find in any house of any province, with any housewife.

    When Agafya Matveevna suddenly opens the door of a closet full of all these accessories, she herself will not resist the bouquet of all the narcotic smells and at first turns her face away for a minute.

    In the pantry, hams were hung from the ceiling so that mice, cheeses, sugar heads, loose fish, sacks of dried mushrooms, and nuts bought from the Finns would not spoil.

    There were tubs of butter on the floor, large covered tins of sour cream, baskets of eggs - and something was missing! It takes another Homer's pen to count with fullness and detail everything that was accumulated in all corners, on all the shelves of this small ark of home life.

    The kitchen was a true palladium of the activity of the great hostess and her worthy assistant, Anisya. Everything was in the house and everything was at hand, in its place, everything was in order and cleanliness, one could say, if there were not one corner in the whole house, where neither a ray of light, nor a stream of fresh air, nor the eyes of the hostess ever penetrated, nor the nimble, sweeping hand of Anisya. This is the corner or nest of Zakhara.

    His room was without a window, and eternal darkness contributed to the construction of a dark hole from human habitation. If Zakhar sometimes found the hostess there with some plans for improvements and cleansing, he firmly announced that it was not a woman’s business to figure out where and how brushes, wax and boots should be, that no one cares why his dress is in heap on the floor, and the bed in the corner behind the stove, covered in dust, that he wears a dress and sleeps on this bed, and not she. And as for the broom, boards, two bricks, the bottom of the barrel and two logs that he keeps in his room, he cannot do without them in the household, and why - he did not explain; further, that dust and spiders do not interfere with him and, in a word, that he does not stick his nose into them in the kitchen, therefore he does not want to be touched either.

    Anisya, whom he once found there, he showered with such contempt, shook his chest so seriously with his elbow, that she was afraid to look at him. When the matter was transferred to a higher authority, at the discretion of Ilya Ilyich, the master went to inspect and order properly, more strictly, but, sticking one head in the door to Zakhar and looking for a minute at everything that was there, he only spat and did not say not a word.

    What did they take? said Zakhar to Agafya Matveevna and Anisye, who had come with Ilya Ilyich, hoping that his participation would lead to some kind of change. Then he grinned in his own way, all over his face, so that his eyebrows and sideburns twitched to the sides.

    In other rooms everywhere was light, clean and fresh. The old faded curtains were gone, and the windows and doors of the living room and study were overshadowed by blue and green draperies and muslin curtains with red scallops—all the work of Agafya Matveyevna.

    The pillows were as white as snow and rose like a mountain almost to the ceiling; blankets are silk, quilted.

    For whole weeks the hostess's room was cluttered with several card tables spread out and placed one on top of the other, on which these blankets and Ilya Ilyich's dressing gown were spread.

    Agafya Matveyevna cut them with her own hands, lined them with cotton and quilted them, dropping to work with her strong chest, digging into it with her eyes, even with her mouth, when it was necessary to bite off the thread, and worked with love, with tireless diligence, modestly rewarding herself with the thought that the dressing gown and blankets will clothe, warm, undead and rest the magnificent Ilya Ilyich.

    He spent whole days lying on his sofa, admiring how her bare elbows moved back and forth, following the needle and thread. More than once he dozed off to the hiss of a thread being threaded and the crackle of a bitten off thread, as happened in Oblomovka.

    Full of work, get tired! he appeased her.

    God loves work! - she answered, without taking her eyes and hands away from her work.

    The coffee was served to him just as carefully, cleanly and tasty as at first, when he moved into this apartment a few years ago. Soup with giblets, pasta with Parmesan, kulebyaka, botvinya, own chickens - all this was replaced in a strict queue one by one and pleasantly diversified the monotonous days of a small house.

    A joyful ray of sunshine beat through the windows from morning to evening, half a day on one side, half a day on the other, not blocked by anything thanks to vegetable gardens on both sides.

    The canaries chirped merrily; rubbish and sometimes hyacinths brought by children from the count's garden poured out a strong smell in the small room, pleasantly mixed with the smoke of a clean Havana cigar and cinnamon or vanilla, which the hostess pounded, energetically moving her elbows.

    Ilya Ilyich lived as if in a golden frame of life, in which, as if in a diorama, only the usual phases of day and night and the seasons changed; there were no other changes, especially major accidents that stirred up the entire sediment from the bottom of life, often bitter and muddy.

    Ever since Stolz had rescued Oblomovka from his brother's thieves' debts, since the brother and Tarantiev had completely retired, everything hostile from the life of Ilya Ilyich had gone with them. He was now surrounded by such simple, kind, loving faces, who all agreed with their existence to support his life, to help him not to notice it, not to feel it.

    Agafya Matveevna was at the zenith of her life; she lived and felt that she lived fully, as she had never lived before, but only she could never express it, as before, or, better, it never entered her head. She only prayed to God that he would prolong the life of Ilya Ilyich and that he would deliver him from all "sorrow, anger and need", and she would betray herself, her children and the whole house to the will of God. On the other hand, her face constantly expressed the same happiness, complete, satisfied and without desires, therefore rare and impossible with any other nature.

    She grew stouter: her chest and shoulders shone with the same contentment and fullness, meekness and only economic solicitude shone in her eyes. She regained that dignity and calmness with which she had previously ruled over the house, among the submissive Anisya, Akulina and the janitor. She still does not walk, but seems to float from the closet to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the pantry, giving orders in a measured, unhurried manner, fully aware of what she is doing.

    Anisya has become even more alive than before, because there is more work: she keeps moving, fussing, running, working, everything at the word of the hostess. Her eyes are even brighter, and her nose, this talking nose, is put forward before her whole person, and it glows with care, thoughts, intentions, and says so, although her tongue is silent.

    Both of them are dressed each in accordance with the dignity of their rank and positions. The hostess had a large closet with a row of silk dresses, mantillas and overcoats; caps were ordered on the other side, almost on Liteiny, shoes not from Apraksin, but from Gostiny Dvor, and a hat - imagine, from the Sea! And Anisya, when she cooks, and especially on Sunday, puts on a woolen dress.

    Only Akulina always walks around with the hem tucked into her belt, and the janitor cannot, even during the summer holidays, part with a sheepskin coat.

    There is nothing to say about Zakhar: this one made himself a jacket from a gray tailcoat, and it is impossible to decide what color his pantaloons are, what his tie is made of. He cleans his boots, then sleeps, sits at the gate, staring blankly at the rare passers-by, or, finally, sits in a nearby petty shop and does everything the same and in the same way that he did before, first in Oblomovka, then in Gorokhovaya.

    And Oblomov himself? Oblomov himself was a complete and natural reflection and expression of that peace, contentment and serene silence. Peering, pondering his way of life and becoming more and more settled in it, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for, that the ideal of his life had come true, although without poetry, without those rays with which his imagination had once painted a noble, wide and the carefree course of life in his native village, among the peasants, the servants.

    He looked at his real life as a continuation of the same Oblomov existence, only with a different color of the area and, in part, of time. And here, as in Oblomovka, he managed to get rid of life cheaply, to bargain with her and insure himself unruffled peace.

    He triumphed inwardly that he had escaped from her irritating, painful demands and thunderstorms, from under that horizon, under which flashes of great joys flash and sudden blows of great sorrows are heard, where false hopes and magnificent ghosts of happiness play, where one's own thought gnaws and devours a person. and kills passion, where the mind falls and triumphs, where man fights in an unceasing battle and leaves the battlefield tormented and dissatisfied and insatiable. He, having not experienced the pleasures obtained in the struggle, mentally abandoned them and felt peace in his soul only in a forgotten corner, alien to movement, struggle and life.

    And if his imagination still boils, forgotten memories, unfulfilled dreams rise up, if reproaches for the life he lived this way and not otherwise stir in his conscience, he sleeps restlessly, wakes up, jumps out of bed, sometimes cries cold tears of hopelessness for a bright, forever extinguished ideal life, as one weeps for a dearly departed one, with a bitter sense of consciousness that they did not do enough for him during his lifetime.

    Then he will take a look at his surroundings, taste temporary blessings and calm down, pensively looking at how quietly and calmly the evening sun is buried in the fire of dawn, finally decide that his life has not only developed, but also created, even was intended so simply, no wonder that to express the possibility of an ideally calm side of human existence.

    It fell to others, he thought, to express its disturbing sides, to move the forces of creation and destruction: everyone has his own purpose!

    Such is the philosophy developed by Oblomov's Plato and lulled him to sleep amid the questions and strict demands of duty and appointment! And he was born and raised not as a gladiator for the arena, but as a peaceful spectator of the battle; his timid and lazy soul could not endure either the anxieties of happiness or the blows of life - therefore, he expressed himself one of its edges, and there is nothing to achieve, change anything in it or repent.

    Over the years, excitement and repentance appeared less often, and he quietly and gradually fit into the simple and wide coffin of the rest of his existence, made with his own hands, like desert elders who, turning away from life, dig their own grave.

    He had already ceased to dream of setting up an estate and of a trip there with the whole house. The manager appointed by Stolz carefully sent him a very decent income by Christmas, the peasants brought bread and livestock, and the house flourished with abundance and fun.

    Ilya Ilyich even started a couple of horses, but, out of his characteristic caution, such that they only moved off the porch after the third whip, and at the first and second blow one horse staggered and stepped aside, then the second horse staggered and stepped aside, then already, stretching out their neck, back and tail tensely, they will move at once and run, nodding their heads. They drove Vanya to the other side of the Neva, to the gymnasium, and the hostess went for various purchases.

    At Shrove Tuesday and at the holy day, the whole family, and Ilya Ilyich himself, went on walks, to ride and to booths; occasionally they took a box and visited, also with the whole house, the theater.

    In the summer they went out of town, on Ilyinsky Friday - to the Powder Factories, and life alternated with ordinary phenomena, without introducing destructive changes, one could say, if the blows of life did not at all reach small peaceful corners. But, unfortunately, a thunderclap, shaking the foundations of mountains and vast air spaces, is also heard in the mouse's mink, although weaker, more muffled, but noticeable to the mink.

    Ilya Ilyich ate appetizingly and a lot, as in Oblomovka, walked and worked lazily and little, also as in Oblomovka. Despite the growing summers, he nonchalantly drank wine, currant vodka and slept even more nonchalantly and for a long time after dinner.

    All of a sudden it all changed.

    Once, after a day's rest and nap, he wanted to get up from the sofa - and could not, he wanted to utter a word - and his tongue did not obey him. In fright, he waved only his hand, calling for help.

    Had he lived with Zakhar alone, he could have telegraphed by hand until morning and finally died, which they would have known the next day, but the hostess's eye shone over him like the eye of Providence: she did not need a mind, but only a guess from her heart that Ilya Ilyich something not in itself.

    And as soon as this conjecture dawned on her, Anisya was already flying in a cab for the doctor, and the hostess covered his head with ice and at once pulled out all the spirits, lotions from the cherished locker - everything that skill and hearsay told her to use in business. Even Zakhar managed to put on one boot at that time, and so, about one boot, he courted, together with the doctor, the hostess and Anisya, near the master.

    Ilya Ilyich was brought to his senses, bled and then announced that it was an apoplexy and that he needed to lead a different way of life.

    Vodka, beer and wine, coffee, with few and rare exceptions, then everything fatty, meaty, spicy was forbidden to him, and instead daily movement and moderate sleep only at night were prescribed.

    Without the eye of Agafya Matveevna, none of this would have taken place, but she knew how to introduce this system by subordinating the whole house to her and, now by cunning, now by caress, distracted Oblomov from tempting attempts on wine, on afternoon naps, on fat kulebyaks.

    As soon as he took a nap, a chair in the room would fall, just like that, by itself, or the old, worthless dishes in the next room would break noisily, otherwise the children would make a noise - at least run away! If this did not help, her meek voice was heard: she called him and asked about something.

    The garden path continued into the garden, and Ilya Ilyich made two hours of walking along it in the morning and in the evening. She went with him, but she couldn’t, so Masha, or Vanya, or an old acquaintance, unrequited, submissive to everything and agreeing to everything Alekseev.

    Here Ilya Ilyich walks slowly along the path, leaning on Vanya's shoulder. Vanya is almost a youth, in a gymnasium uniform, barely holding back his brisk, hurried step, adjusting to Ilya Ilyich's gait. Oblomov is not quite free to step with one foot - traces of a blow.

    Well, let's go, Vanyusha, to the room! - he said.

    They were heading for the door. Agafya Matveevna appeared to meet them.

    Where are you going so early? she asked, not letting him in.

    How early! We walked back and forth twenty times, and yet fifty sazhens from here to the fence - that means two versts.

    How many times have passed? she asked Vanyusha.

    He was hesitated.

    Don't lie, look at me! she threatened, looking into his eyes. - I'll see now. Remember Sunday, I won't let you visit.

    No, mother, really, we've gone through... twelve times.

    Oh, you rascal! Oblomov said. - You plucked all the acacia, and I counted every time ...

    No, look again: my ear is not ready! - decided the hostess and slammed the door in front of them.

    And Oblomov, willy-nilly, counted eight more times, then he came into the room.

    There, on a large round table, an ear was smoking. Oblomov sat down in his place, alone on the sofa, next to him, on a chair to the right, Agafya Matveevna, to the left, in a small children's chair with a latch, some child of three years old sat down. Masha, already a girl of thirteen, sat down beside him, then Vanya, and finally, on that day, Alekseev was sitting opposite Oblomov.

    Wait a minute, let me put you a brush: you got a fat one! - said Agafya Matveevna, putting a brush on Oblomov's plate.

    It would be nice to have this pie! Oblomov said.

    I forgot, I forgot! And I wanted it since the evening, but my memory seemed to be knocked out! - Agafya Matveevna cheated.

    And you, too, Ivan Alekseich, I forgot to cook cabbage for cutlets, ”she added, turning to Alekseev. - Do not demand.

    And she cheated again.

    Nothing, sir: I can eat everything, - said Alekseev.

    What is it, in fact, they will not cook him ham and peas or a steak? - asked Oblomov. - He likes…

    I myself went and looked, Ilya Ilyich, there was no good beef! .. But she ordered you to make kissel from cherry syrup: I know that you are a hunter, ”she added, turning to Alekseev.

    Kissel was harmless to Ilya Ilyich, and therefore Alekseev, who agreed to everything, should love him and eat him.

    After dinner, no one and nothing could deflect Oblomov from lying down. He usually lay down right there on the sofa on his back, but only to lie down for an hour. So that he would not sleep, the hostess poured coffee right there on the sofa, the children immediately played on the carpet, and Ilya Ilyich, willy-nilly, had to take part.

    It’s enough to tease Andryusha: he will cry now! he scolded Vanechka when he teased the child.

    Masha, look, Andryusha will hurt himself on a chair! - he warned carefully, when the child climbed under the chairs.

    And Masha rushed to get "brother", as she called him.

    Everything was silent for a minute, the hostess went into the kitchen to see if the coffee was ready. The children calmed down. Snoring was heard in the room, at first softly, as if under a mute, then louder, and when Agafya Matveyevna appeared with a steaming coffee pot, she was struck by snoring, as in a pit hut.

    She shook her head reproachfully at Alekseev.

    I woke up, but they do not listen! - Alekseev said in his defense.

    She quickly put the coffee pot on the table, grabbed Andryusha from the floor and quietly seated him on the sofa next to Ilya Ilyich. The child crawled over him, reached his face and grabbed his nose.

    BUT! What? Who is it? Ilya Ilyich, who had regained consciousness, spoke uneasily.

    You dozed off, and Andryusha climbed in and woke you up, - the hostess said affectionately.

    When did I doze off? - Oblomov justified himself, taking Andryusha in his arms. “Didn’t I hear how he climbed up to me with his little hands?” I hear everything! Ah, such a naughty one: he caught him by the nose! Here I am you! Here, wait, wait! - he said, tenderly and caressing the child. Then he lowered it to the floor and sighed throughout the room.

    Tell me something, Ivan Alekseich! - he said.

    Everyone talked, Ilya Ilyich; Nothing to say, he replied.

    Well, why not? You are in people: is there anything new? I think you are reading?

    Yes, sometimes I read, or others read, talk, and I listen. Yesterday Alexei Spiridonych's son, a student, was reading aloud...

    What did he read?

    About the British, that they brought guns and gunpowder to someone. Alexei Spiridonitch said that there would be war.

    Whom did they bring?

    To Spain or to India - I do not remember, only the envoy was very dissatisfied.

    What is the messenger? - asked Oblomov.

    That's what I forgot! - said Alekseev, raising his nose to the ceiling and trying to remember.

    Who is the war with?

    With a Turkish pasha, it seems.

    Well, what else is new in politics? asked Ilya Ilyich after a pause.

    Yes, they write that the globe is cooling all the time: someday the whole will freeze.

    Won! Is this politics? Oblomov said.

    Alekseev was taken aback.

    Dmitri Alekseich first mentioned politics, - he justified himself, - and then everyone read it in a row and did not say when it would end. I know that this literature has already gone.

    What did he read about literature? - asked Oblomov.

    Yes, I read that the best writers are Dmitriev, Karamzin, Batyushkov and Zhukovsky ...

    And Pushkin?

    Pushkin is not there. I also wondered why not! After all, he X enii, - said Alekseev, uttering G, how X.

    Silence followed. The hostess brought the work and began to scurry back and forth with a needle, looking from time to time at Ilya Ilyich, at Alekseev and listening with sensitive ears to see if there was any disorder, noise, whether Zakhar and Anisya were scolding in the kitchen, whether Akulina was washing the dishes, whether the gate creaked in the yard, that is, whether the janitor has gone to the "institution".

    Oblomov quietly sank into silence and thoughtfulness. This pensiveness was neither a dream nor a wakefulness: he carelessly let his thoughts wander at will, not concentrating them on anything, calmly listened to the measured beating of his heart, and from time to time blinked evenly, like a man who does not fix his eyes on anything. He fell into an indefinite, mysterious state, a kind of hallucination.

    Rare and brief thoughtful moments sometimes descend upon a person, when it seems to him that he is experiencing another time, once and somewhere, a moment lived. Did he see a phenomenon happening before him in a dream, did he ever live before, but he forgot, but he sees: the same faces are sitting near him that were sitting then, the same words have already been uttered once: imagination is powerless to transfer there again, memory does not resurrect the past and leads to reflection.

    The same thing happened with Oblomov now. He is overshadowed by some kind of silence that has already been somewhere, a familiar pendulum is swinging, a crackling of a bitten off thread is heard; familiar words and a whisper are repeated: “I just can’t get the thread into the needle: come on, Masha, your eyes are sharper!”

    He lazily, mechanically, as if in oblivion, looks into the face of the hostess, and from the depths of his memories arises a familiar image he has seen somewhere. He got when and where he heard it...

    And he sees a large dark living room in the parental house, lit by a tallow candle, the late mother and her guests sitting at a round table: they sew in silence; father walks silently. The present and the past merged and mixed.

    He dreams that he has reached that promised land, where rivers of honey and milk flow, where they eat unearned bread, walk in gold and silver...

    He hears the stories of dreams, accepts, the clatter of plates and the clatter of knives, huddles close to the nanny, listens to her senile, rattling voice: "Militrisa Kirbityevna!" - she says, pointing to the image of the hostess.

    It seems to him that the same cloud floats in the blue sky, as then, the same breeze blows through the window and plays with his hair, Oblomov's Indian rooster walks and bawls under the window.

    There the dog barked: the guest must have arrived. Surely Andrei came with his father from Verkhlev? It was a holiday for him. In fact, it must be him: steps closer, closer, the door opens ... "Andrey!" he says. In fact, Andrei is in front of him, but not a boy, but a mature man.

    Oblomov woke up: in front of him, in reality, not in a hallucination, stood the real, real Stolz.

    The hostess quickly grabbed the child, pulled her work off the table, took the children away; Alekseev also disappeared. Stolz and Oblomov were left alone, silently and motionlessly looking at each other. Stoltz pierced him with his eyes.

    Is that you, Andrew? - Oblomov asked barely audibly from excitement, as a lover asks his girlfriend only after a long separation.

    Me, - Andrey said quietly. - Are you alive, well?

    Oblomov hugged him, tightly clinging to him.

    Oh! - he said in response at length, pouring out in this Oh all the strength of the sadness and joy that has long lurked in the soul and never, perhaps, since the time of separation, has not poured out on anyone or anything.

    They sat down and looked at each other intently again.

    Are you healthy? - Andrey asked.

    Yes, now thank God.

    Was he sick?

    Yes, Andrei, I had a stroke ...

    Is it possible to? My God! - Andrey said with fear and participation. - But without consequences?

    Yes, but I’m not fluent with my left foot ... - answered Oblomov.

    Ah, Ilya, Ilya! What happened to you? After all, you have fallen completely! What were you doing this time? It's no joke, the fifth year has gone, as we have not seen each other!

    Oblomov sighed.

    Why didn't you go to Oblomovka? Why didn't you write?

    What can I tell you, Andrew? You know me and don't ask more! Oblomov said sadly.

    And everyone here, in this apartment? - said Stolz, looking around the room, - and did not move out?

    Yes, everyone is here ... Now I won’t leave!

    How, decidedly not?

    Yes, Andrey... definitely.

    Stolz looked at him intently, became thoughtful, and began to pace the room.

    And Olga Sergeevna? Are you healthy? Where's she? Do you remember?..

    He did not agree.

    I am healthy and remember you, as if we parted yesterday. I'll tell you where she is now.

    And the children are healthy ... But tell me, Ilya: are you kidding that you will stay here? And I came for you, in order to take you there, to us, to the village ...

    From what? What happened to you? Stoltz began. - You know me: I have set myself this task for a long time and will not back down. So far I have been distracted by various things, but now I am free. You must live with us, close to us: Olga and I decided so, and so it will be. Thank God that I found you the same, not worse. I did not hope ... Let's go! .. I'm ready to take you by force! You have to live differently, you know how.

    Oblomov listened impatiently to this tirade.

    Don't scream, please be quiet! he begged. - There…

    What's there?

    They will hear ... the hostess will think that I really want to leave ...

    Well, so what? Let her think!

    Oh, how can that be! - interrupted Oblomov. - Listen, Andrew! he suddenly added in a resolute, unprecedented tone, “do not make futile attempts, do not persuade me: I will stay here.

    Stolz looked at his friend in amazement. Oblomov calmly and resolutely looked at him.

    You are dead, Ilya! - he said. - This house, this woman ... all this life ... It can't be: we're going, we're going!

    He grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him to the door.

    Why do you want to take me away? Where? - said, resting, Oblomov.

    Get out of this hole, out of the swamp, into the light, into the open space, where there is a healthy, normal life! Stolz insisted sternly, almost imperatively. - Where are you? What have you become? Come to your senses! Have you prepared yourself for this life, to sleep like a mole in a hole? Do you remember everything...

    Do not remind, do not disturb the past: you will not turn back! - Oblomov said with a thought on his face, with full consciousness of reason and will. - What do you want to do with me? With the world where you drag me, I fell apart forever; you will not solder, you will not make two torn halves. I have grown to this pit with a sore spot: try to tear it off - there will be death.

    Yes, you look around, where and with whom are you?

    I know, I feel... Ah, Andrei, I feel everything, I understand everything: I have long been ashamed to live in the world! But I can't go your way with you, even if I wanted to... Maybe for the last time it was still possible. Now... (he lowered his eyes and was silent for a minute) now it's too late... Go and don't stop over me. I'm worth your friendship - God knows, but I'm not worth your trouble.

    No, Ilya, you are saying something, but not finishing it. And yet I will take you away, and I will take you away precisely because I suspect ... Listen, - he said, - put on something, and let's go to my place, spend the evening with me. I'll tell you a lot, a lot: you don't know what's boiling over with us now, haven't you heard? ..

    Oblomov looked at him questioningly.

    You don’t see people, I forgot: let’s go, I’ll tell you everything ... You know who is here at the gate, in the carriage, waiting for me ... I’ll call here!

    Olga! - suddenly escaped from the frightened Oblomov. He even changed his face. - For God's sake, don't let her in here, go away. Farewell, farewell, for God's sake!

    He almost pushed Stolz out; but he did not move.

    I can't go to her without you: I gave my word, do you hear, Ilya? If not today, then tomorrow ... you will only delay, but you will not drive me away ... Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, but still see you!

    Oblomov was silent, lowering his head and not daring to look at Stolz.

    When? Olga will ask me.

    Ah, Andrey, - he said in a gentle, pleading voice, embracing him and laying his head on his shoulder. - Leave me completely ... forget ...

    How, forever? - Stolz asked in amazement, moving away from his embrace and looking into his face.

    Yes! - whispered Oblomov.

    Stolz took a step back from him.

    Is that you, Ilya? he reproached. - You push me away, and for her, for this woman! .. My God! he almost screamed, as if in sudden pain. - This child that I just saw ... Ilya, Ilya! Get out of here, let's go, let's go quickly! How you fell! This woman... what is she to you...

    Wife! Oblomov said calmly.

    Stolz turned to stone.

    This child is my son! His name is Andrew, in memory of you! - Oblomov said at once and calmly took a breath, laying down the burden of frankness.

    Now Stolz's face had changed and his astonished, almost meaningless eyes rolled around him. Before him suddenly “the abyss opened”, a “stone wall” was erected, and Oblomov seemed to be gone, as if he had disappeared from his eyes, failed, and he only felt that burning longing that a person experiences when he hurries with excitement after separation to see friend and finds out that he has long been gone, that he has died.

    Dead! - mechanically, he said in a whisper. - What can I say to Olga?

    Oblomov heard the last words, wanted to say something, but could not. He stretched out both hands to Andrey, and they embraced silently, tightly, as they embrace before a fight, before death. This hug strangled their words, tears, feelings...

    Don't forget my Andrew! - were the last words of Oblomov, spoken in a faded voice.

    Andrei silently, slowly went out, slowly, thoughtfully he walked through the yard and got into the carriage, and Oblomov sat down on the sofa, leaned his elbows on the table and covered his face with his hands.

    “No, I won’t forget your Andrei,” Stolz thought sadly, walking through the yard. - You died, Ilya: there’s nothing to tell you that your Oblomovka is no longer in the wilderness, that the turn has come to her, that the rays of the sun have fallen on her! I won’t tell you that in four years it will be a road station, that your men will go to work on the embankment, and then your bread will roll along the iron to the pier ... And there ... schools, diploma, and then ... No, you will be frightened of the dawn of a new happiness, it will hurt unaccustomed eyes. But I will take your Andrei where you could not go ... and with him we will put our youthful dreams into action. - Farewell, old Oblomovka! he said, looking back for the last time at the windows of the little house. - You have outlived your life!

    What's there? Olga asked with a strong beating of her heart.

    Nothing! - dryly, Andrey answered abruptly.

    Is he alive, well?

    Yes, - reluctantly responded Andrew.

    Why are you back so soon? Why didn't he call me there and bring him? Let me in!

    What is being done there? - Olga asked with fear. - Has the abyss been opened? Will you tell me

    He was silent.

    Yes, what is going on there?

    Oblomovism! - Andrey answered gloomily and kept a gloomy silence to Olga's further questions until the house.

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